
12 Month Internet Millionaire

12 Month Internet Millionaire

"The Amazing Money-Making Secret of a 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs of FedEx... eBay... Amazon.com... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear COMBINED!

Important Update: After reading the headline above, I emailed the "28-year-old convicted felon" and gave him a million dollar challenge...

He responded and told me,

Russell, I've made as much as $400,000 in pay per week. I wrote my own copy that sucked in $8 MILLION a month- every month. I've done it all. I'm one of the guys who "knows what they're talking about." And since I'm unofficially "retired" for at least the next couple of years... I don't feel "threatened" releasing my priceless trade secrets. I want to show you how absolutely USELESS most "experts" are.

I will show you exactly HOW someone can apply these techniques to an online business!"

- Vince

The following 6 hours (yes, I couldn't stop after just 3) gave me a paradigm shift that has earned me millions of dollars in the past 2 years alone!

Keep reading below to find out HOW you get can access to this behind the scenes consultation.

Recordings Of The 12 Month INTERNET Millionaire


"I urge you to lock the door... take the phone off the hook...shut down your email and instant messenger...grab your favorite beverage and study every single word of this message - because it's just that important!"

From: Russell Brunson
Date: Wednesday, June 02, 2010

This letter isn't for everyone.  In fact, I know there will be people who unsubscribe from our list and get angry at us for even mentioning this. 

I wish I could say sorry - but I can't.  I'll explain exactly why in one minute.

Here is my story about working with Vince...

You see about 4 years ago, my wife and I went on a cruise to celebrate my college graduation and also the news that we are having twin boys.  About a week before we set sail, I heard a rumor about a very controversial marketing book.

I figured it would be great reading on the plane so I ordered it and made sure it would be shipped to me before I left.  I got it the day we were flying out, and put it into my backpack. 

We had a 4 hour flight, so while my wife watched "Madagascar" on the plane, I started reading the book.  After reading just the introduction I saw exactly what the hype and controversy was about.

Four hours later I was annoyed that we had to get off the plane because I wasn't finished reading the book.  Over the next 7 days of our cruise I read and re-read the book 3 times! 

What I read in this book blew me away.  You see, the book was written by a 28 year old guy who made over $100 million dollars (yes ONE HUNDRED MILLION) in 23 months marketing a product that sold for just $60.

Do you think that someone who knows how to sell that much product could teach you something about selling whatever it is that you are selling? 

Now I'm not going to bore you with my version of what this book is about. So I decided to let the book speak for itself by sharing part of the Introduction: 

I was born in northern New Jersey on January 23rd, 1974.

I grew-up poor- single parent household. I think I had some sort of learning disability, because as a child, I could not retain anything I learned in school. I'd study like hell for an upcoming test... but as soon as I finished reading a chapter in my school book... I couldn't remember what I just read. It would not penetrate into my brain. It was extremely discouraging, so I gave up. I failed everything... even P.E. class.

I finally dropped out in the 10th grade. Nobody seemed to mind.

No matter how hard I tried, it always seemed like I wasn't going to amount to anything real important in life. And this really sucked because I had a passion for the finer things. I wanted the gold Rolex, the sporty Mercedes, and the Million-Dollar Mega Mansion!

But when I looked in the mirror, I didn't like what I saw. I was convinced the good life I wanted was just a dream.

But that was all about to change. Seriously- by the time I was 19, I had a brand-new Corvette. At 20, I had 2 brand-new Mercedes Benz automobiles. And at 21, I was the proud owner of a Rolls Royce Silver Spur!

By the time I turned 28... I made over $100 Million in gross sales. I profited over $50 Million. I owned two homes- one of them was 14,000 square feet and had a seven-car garage, a billiards room and a resort-style pool with an underwater bar! And I paid cash for the home!

In my garage, I had a red Lamborghini Diablo, a yellow Ferrari 360 Spider, a white Bentley Arnage Red Label, about 4 Mercedes, and a 12-passenger Lincoln Town Car Limo!

My checking account had over $10 Million in it. I was earning $400,000 in pay each and every week. That breaks down to $80,000 a day... or $10,000 an hour! And those figures were if I worked 5 days a week for eight hours a day, which I didn't!

In the year 2002, I made more money than the CEOs of Federal Express... eBay... Amazon.com... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear Tire- COMBINED!


In the May 12th, 2003 issue, Forbes Magazine listed their top paid 500 CEOs in America. Of their prominent and prestigious list of the 500 CEOs, I made more money than 483 of them.

$17,549,000 MORE than the CEO of Starbucks.

$13,030,000 MORE than the CEO of Target.

$17,225,000 MORE than the CEO of Motorola.

Now, this may all seem like I'm some rich idiot bragging about how rich I am... and you're partly correct. I am bragging! But more importantly, the reason why I'm telling you about all this is that this course is about getting rich very quickly. If the talk of obscene money makes you feel uncomfortable, or even angers you, maybe you do not really want to be rich.

The reason why I'm telling you about all the toys I had when I was just 28, is to prove to you that if an guy like me... with a learning disability... a bad childhood... and no formal education can get filthy rich by the time I was 28... you can absolutely follow in my footsteps and build yourself your very own empire of wealth!

The book was called the "12 Month Millionaire," and the authors name is Vince James.

Now don't worry, I'm not going to try to sell you Vince's book.  In fact, you can't get a copy now if you wanted to. Vince stopped printing the book and selling it almost a year ago.

The only way you can get a copy of it, is if some sap is dumb enough to post his copy on eBay... (and between you and me, the only way that could ever happen is if he was about to lose his house, because the book is THAT good!)

I have seen a few people selling a watered-down version of the book that Vince sold resale rights to, but the ORIGINAL book is gone until Vince decides to bring it back.

Now, I had experienced decent success online up to that point. But it wasn't even CLOSE to what this guy achieved in only 23 months!

Now before I tell you more about how I caught up with Vince, let me call a "time-out" here and explain what I thought when I first heard of this book.

You see, I've bought a lot of "dud" products that weren't worth the paper they were printed on. So when I heard all the hoopla about this book, I was skeptical...thinking:

"Is This So-Called 'Holy Grail'
Of Marketing Books The Real Deal
Or Just A Bunch Of Overblown Hype?"

But get this: The sales letter for the book had the following testimonial from none other than the late copywriting icon and marketing genius: Gary Halbert...  

"...The Most Important Marketing Product Ever Put Together...!"

"I believe this is by far the most important marketing product ever put together. In it, he reveals a lot of secrets that even I have never before revealed to anyone (except a few clients and my closest friends).

If you dare say the information you get from this product was already known to you or it wasn't worth the money, you are much more than a $#%@%. You are a stone-cold, unethical liar.

Believe it or not, much of this information is so electrifying; it was unknown even to me. And I am now using these secrets when I create advertising for myself or for my clients."

Gary Halbert
"The Prince of Print"

I'm a HUGE Gary Halbert fan. I know he didn't endorse a product unless it was the real deal. So, I bought a copy and spend almost 90% of my Caribbean cruise reading this book. My wife kept nagging me but I simply couldn't put it down!

Then something astonishing occurred to me..

"If This Guy Knows How To Rake In 77
Million In A Year, He's Gotta Know Something
About Making The Big Bucks Online!"

You see, offline and online marketing serve the same purpose. To get a product/service out there as aggressively and persuasively as possible.

I figured that if this guy knew how to move that much product via direct mail, magazines, radio, and the TV, then he's BOUND to know a thing or two that'll help me expand my online business!

So I spend weeks trying to find him, sent him the email you saw above, and when I got his phone number:

"I Called Vince On The Phone
And Hired Him On The Spot!"

For those who have hired Vince before, you know that he charges up to $5,000 an hour for his time.  For me to get on the call with him for 3 hours was NOT cheap. 

And after the first 3 hours, I was only through half of my questions, so I decided to go for 3 more hours the next weekend. 

Here's just a sliver of what he taught me on that call---most of which I kept under wraps for almost two years now (more on that later):  

The ONLY type of Information Products that can make you a millionaire (If your info product is NOT on his list… you’re never going to make the BIG BUCKS!)

How to “OWN” the formula to any dietary supplement in 10 minutes or less...regardless of the supplement (It's the dirty little secrets of dietary supplement manufacturers. Most people people think it's downright stealing...but it ain't!)

How he shipped over $7 Million worth of car stereo- (for free) without touching one speaker…amplifier…or CD Changer.

A proven, no brainer way to add automatic shipments to any product (Believe me, autoship is the easiest way to make MILLIONS!)

The only 2 ways to gauge Lifetime Customer Value--(most "newbies" screw this one up big time!)

His secret “3-S” formula to come up with KILLER sales letters on demand… and how even a novice can steal his secrets and create million-dollar winners- at will!

The ONLY 4 reasons why your prospects WILL NOT buy from your ads, sales letters, or websites (overcome these 4 objections… and it’s IMPOSSIBLE not to make the sale!)

...And a Whole LOT More!

Now, I have invested over $180,000 now on my marketing education in the past 2 years.

In fact, if you'd walk into my office today, you'd see my walls are swamped with marketing seminars, tapes, CDs, books, and courses.

But during that coaching session (which I luckily recorded), I realized:

The Marketing Secrets This Guy Revealed
Filled In ALL The Information Gaps In
My $180,000 Marketing Library... And More!!!

I did some math, and because of things that I learned directly from this interview series, I have pocketed literally millions of dollars. 

Just take a look at one of my merchant accounts:

Now, that would be really impressive if that was my only account, but it isn't.  I have 5 others that look just like this, but I showed this one, because it is directly hooked up to the account where I process my offline orders.

The orders taken from the things that I learned from Vince during his 6 hour consultation with me!

So, do you think I was going to reveal these recordings when I spent time and thousands of dollars to contact this guy?

Forget about it!

I have kept the recordings of this coaching session secret for a full 1 1/2 years. And during that time I exploited Vince's secrets to accomplish the following:

My company has grown from a 3-man operation in my duplex to 12 full-time employees in an office building!  (Not to mention the 7 guys upstairs in our call center, and half a dozen other full time employees overseas)

My customer (buyer) lists have skyrocketed ten times...and they all are trained to spend like a sailor on leave

Attendance of my $5000-per head workshops quadrupled in three months!

I turned into one of the most sought-after internet marketers on the planet! I get asked to speak at seminars and workshops all over the world (but turn most of them down to be with my family).

I became one of the few internet marketers to start using offline promotions (and become a multi-millionaire as a result!)

Now I don't mean to toot my own horn. I'm saying this because this stuff works. Pure and simple.  I've kept it a secret for the past 1 1/2 years so I could personally test the techniques and prove once and for all that they work!

But after 18 months of silence, today's your lucky day! Because you're only minutes away from getting access to every second of my exclusive six-hour coaching session with marketing wizard Vincent James when you get a hold of:

"The 12-Month Internet Millionaire"

Six Content-Packed Hours Of "Insider" Marketing Tips
From A Guy Whose Made Over $77 Million In A Single Year!

Now before I tell you more about these audios, let me tell you one thing:

Some People Are Going To Be
Offended At This Candid Interview...
And Find This Guy Downright Repulsive!


Because Vince made some mistakes in his business. He spent time in jail and lost almost $48 million dollars because of the mistakes he made.

But what was impressive to me was the fact that he didn't try to cover up these mistakes, but instead shows you exactly

What these mistakes were

How and why he made them

How YOU can protect yourself from making the same mistakes (and keep you out of jail!)

If it offends you to learn from someone who did spend time in jail and make mistakes, then please don't buy these audios (and also please don't watch Lindsey Lohan's new movie either).

But if you want to discover the hardcore techniques of direct marketing from a man who made 100 Million dollars in 23 months (and SWEARS you can make at least a million in a year with your online business) then you need to order the "12 Month Internet Millionaire."

Here's What You'll Get:

1) My entire 6-hour coaching session with Vincent James that allowed me to catapult my offline business into the stratosphere. They are in mp3 format so you can put them on your Ipod and listen to them while driving, exercising or relaxing at home.

2) Transcripts of the entire coaching session
in PDF format. You can print out and read, take notes, and do whatever you need to tap into the atomic power of these marketing secrets and explode your income higher!

Here's the deal: I've actually experienced firsthand the massive success as a result of this coaching session... time and time again. This guy held nothing back. All the "inside secrets" have been spilled...

Believe me, this stuff is going to make you question everything you learned about online marketing-no matter what "expert" you got it from!

Here are some more "insider" Vince shared that could allow you to annihilate your competition:

  • The one and ONLY time to use call centers to answer calls (the top-flight internet marketers are the ones who use the phone to extract cash from customers!)
  • 5 ways to set-up your business so you’ll NEVER get into trouble!
  • The ONLY place to get a merchant account from when you need to be up and running within 24 hours!
  • How he sold 65,000 stereo club memberships in 24 months- without advertising in one single stereo magazine
  • The TOP 7 “types” of products he's made millions selling
  • Gary Halbert vs. Vincent James: The 2 different methods for testing...which one is better?
  • The ONLY way to PROPERLY assemble a swipe file (only a handful of copywriters know this secret!)
  • Why you should NEVER meet your heroes!
  • When you should or SHOULD NOT hire a copywriter
  • How to EFFECTIVELY test your sales copy online- before you spend a dime mailing letters or running magazine ads
  • How his friend makes $10 Million a year online with 3 employees!
  • How his other friend makes $20 Million a year on the Internet!
  • EXACTLY how much you should pay your call center
  • How to get a tested and proven inbound order-taking and up-sell script for your product...free of charge!
  • What he did when he had 200+ people calling him at the same time to buy his product
  • How to keep from getting discouraged when things do not work for you. (He uses this trick to keep himself going- ALWAYS)
  • What’s selling SELLS- His secret for finding new products to make millions of dollars from!
  • How he built a $100 Million per year business with just $5400!
  • How he kept credit card charge backs under 1%- even with 160,000 people on automatic shipments every month!
  • The 2 very excellent merchant account companies he used to process $8,000,000 per month in sales--all without a hitch!
  • How to get a merchant account when you have bad credit…no tax returns…and even when you’re on the TMF (terminated merchant file)!
  • The best online transcription service that can take MP3 files and turn them into typed words in 24 to 48 hours!
  • A SECRET website that tells you the most popular searched items on eBay. (Find out what people are looking for instantly!)
  • Discover what search terms your competitors are bidding on with this secret website!
  • How he made $80,000 a month- 100% online WITHOUT a website… WITHOUT advertising… and without eBay!
  • The ONLY way for a male copywriter to sell a female...
  • The TRUTH about his $60 Million paragraph- how he discovered it… and how you can use it with almost ANY product!
  • The ONLY way to create dietary supplements without getting into hot water… and the wrong way that’ll get you screwed every time!
  • How to become an INSTANT MILLIONAIRE with just 4 sheets or paper! (he did it … and so can you!)
  • How to make millions giving away a FREE website!
  • Why he HATES writing copy for clients even when they pay him $15,000 and more!
  • The EXACT database program he used to run my $100 Million business with 500,000 customers a year! (It’s NOT what you think!)
  • The FOOLPROOF way to track your ads and sales letters with 100% accuracy!
  • How he ran a $100,000,000 a year enterprise "working" just 30-minutes a day! (Ah- the easy life!)
  • 4 things that would have prevented Vince from losing $48 Million in one single day! (That day sucked big time!)
  • Jay Abraham’s headline that always DOUBLES the sales of every ad… every sales letter… and every website- every time!
  • ...and a Whole More!!!

Here's How You Can
Turn Your Passion Or Hobby Into
A 6-To-7 Figure Income!

How groundbreaking are Vince James' marketing tips? Well even marketing legend Gary Halbert said this about his secrets: "Believe it or not, much of this information is so electrifying; it was unknown even to me."

Listen, if you're still having a hard time thinking of a product or service- don't worry... Vince will teach you how to create the perfect product people will actually want to buy...seriously!

Now understand- this is NOT information you'll find in the 100's of ad writing and marketing books out there in the "mainstream"... And you definitely will NOT find this level of information in the curriculum of the top universities in the country!

You can only learn this from someone who's done it before- like this guy!

Over the past year and a half, I have used these secrets to almost-magically force people from all over the country to fill my accounts with thousands of orders.

NOBODY teaches like this guy because NOBODY, (except a handful of multi-millionaire moguls) know all of these secrets. And the people that do keep them locked up in a Fort Knox vault...out of the reach of competitors.

Now for the first time ever--I'm releasing this exclusive coaching session with Vince James to a few lucky people looking to accomplish the American Dream.

The Cost To Master The Skill That
Never Stops Rewarding You:

Since I purposely kept this recorded coaching session and transcripts under wraps for the past 18 months, I thought that if I ever did release them, I was going to charge at LEAST $997 for these exclusive audios.

But let's face it, my aim is not to make you spend money, but to help you make money. I personally think that even $997 is too low a price for this stuff, because you're not "paying" for it, but investing in it.

But I know that $997 is probably too much for any 'normal' person to pay, and the price might keep you from using this information to change your life and your business forever (especially if you feel like you're just an internet newbie).

To me the 12 Month Internet Millionaire has been worth millions so far.  But the only person who can prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that this information works, is yourself.

So I have a proposition for you.  If you will take this information, and NOT sit on it, but immediately apply it, then I'll only make you invest a tenth of the $997 that this course is worth.

Yes, that's right, because price could be an issue to you when you're just starting out, I'll bring the price down to a tenth of the original $997 price point so you'll only have to invest $97.00!

That said, I reserve the right to boost the price of the "12 Month Internet Millionaire" to the price where it belongs. In fact, I will soon take this page down and re-package these audios and transcripts in an expensive home-study course where I'll charge at least $997.

So, If You're Seeing This Website,
The Deal is ON...Right Now!

I want to ask you a question: "Are you interested in discovering proven "step-by-step" techniques for dramatically exploding your bank balance?"

Since you're still reading this, we assume the answer is a resounding "Yes!"

Well, now that I've shown you that "The 12-Month Internet Millionaire" can give you the same marketing ammunition that allowed Vince James to earn enough riches to live the good life (and make me one of the internet marketing elite)--it's time for you to take action.

To get your very own copy of "The 12-Month Internet Millionaire" audios, you can order right now by having your credit card handy and clicking on the order link below. We promise this will be the best, smartest and most productive purchase you'll make the entire year of 2007!

Yes Russell, I'm Ready To Discover "Insider" Marketing Secrets That Could Potentially Get Me Stoned By My Peers If They Discovered How I Did It!

I'd have to be crazy to miss this offer! And I understand how much of a tremendous value this "insider" information is for only $97, considering the thousands of dollars of money-making information I'll get that'll enable me to count the days until I can quit my job!

I also know that the $97  I am paying today will save me thousands of dollars in time and income over the long run. I'll be shortcutting years of trial and error by taking you up on this one-time-offer.

I know that I will receive the following:

The entire 6-hour coaching session with Vincent James that will catapult my online business into the stratosphere. They are in mp3 format so I can put them on my Ipod and listen to them while I'm driving, exercising or relaxing at home.

Transcripts of the entire session I can print out and read, take notes, and do whatever I need to tap into the atomic power of these marketing secrets and explode my income higher.

Access to the "members only" affiliate program where I have a chance to win a direct mailing to Russell's customer buyer list (and Russell pays the cost to mail them)

Any of the other bonuses that I qualify for during this launch week!

I also know that I have nothing to lose, considering that you are generous enough to give me a FULL REFUND if I am not satisfied in 8 weeks.

Russell Brunson's
12 Month Internet Millionaire"

Get It Here for $97.00

Pay Now And Get
Immediate Access To The
"12 Month Internet Millionaire"
Instantly Online

Click Here To Grab Your Copy of The 12 Month Internet Millionaire NOW!

Order with confidence on 100% secure servers.

What will you do with the extra $500, $5,000, even $50,000 per month you'll earn when you implement Vince James' marketing secrets into your online business? I'm living proof that his secrets work, and they can for you too!

You see, I may not have the best GPA, the best book-smarts, or the highest IQ (heck, I only had a 2.1 GPA in college).

But if there's one thing I can rattle off in my deepest REM sleep...and that's how to magically force people from all over the world to flood a merchant account full of thousands of orders.

So now that you understand how much you can throttle your competitors with just ONE of the tips Vince shared in this 6-hour coaching session, now's the time to take action and order the "12 Month Internet Millionaire" today!

Thanks For Your Time!

Russell Brunson

PS: This is a Cinderella opportunity to discover how to take any product or idea from raw concept to breathtaking success- virtually overnight. These are the exact time-tested techniques I exploited to gross over $3 million (see verifiable proof above) in a single year with my own crazy ideas. If I can do it, so can you!

PPS: Fair warning: I am planning on taking this 'insider' coaching session and creating a full-blown course that'll run at least $497. So here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance to discover how Vince James earned over 100 million in 23 months for a dirt-cheap price before I take this site down. So if you have to give plasma, donate a kidney, mow lawns, or work at the local burger shack to afford this coaching session, do it...because this site can go down in a second. Order Now!



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