
Documenting Your Needs and Dreams

Sales Letter: E-Book ClickBank | Better Booster Clubs Download e-book-how-to-build-abetter-high-school-boosters-club.pdf

Documenting Your Needs and Dreams

Attention: Coaches, Arts and Athletic Directors and Booster Club Board Members

"How to Build a Better Boosters Club and the Secrets to Raising More Money and Achieving Greater Success for Your High School Arts or Athletics Program."

From: Michael Walsh, President, Better Booster Clubs

Dear Friend,

Click to Purchase E-Book

We may have never personally met, but I do know these two things about you:

  1. You want to build or contribute to a winning arts or athletics program at your high school and...
  2. You don't want to worry about funds or fundraising and would like to put these and other important program building activities on autopilot so you can focus your efforts on other things you have and need to do.

Hi, I'm Michael Walsh, President of Better Boosters Clubs.

As many of you have probably experienced, budget cuts have forced many schools to curtail or even eliminate funding for extracurricular activities in schools today.

To make up the difference, a lot of schools have had to drop certain activities or entire programs altogether. Others have gone to charging ever-increasing participation fees that prevent at least some people from participating or participating in multiple activities.

That's a shame...

...because these activities are often once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that, in my own experience, build self-esteem, discipline and character and contribute tremendously to the well-roundedness of a young person's education.

They also teach life-long lessons that will benefit these students and make them better, forever.

I know first-hand the value of high school arts and athletics activities - and the values they teach.

When I was in high school, I was fortunate to have done it all. Well almost anyway.

I played football and basketball, ran track and played golf.

I sang in the boy's chorus, participated in musicals and was the president of my class.

In fact, in my high school, it was equally as cool to be in the boy's chorus as it was to play football.

And we were really good in both.

In chorus, which involved 120 guys...half the male population of our school...we recorded albums, went on an annual tour, sang for the Vice President in the White House and opened the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC my senior year.

In football, WE NEVER LOST a game and won state championships in all of my four years. We were so good in fact, that my high school coach was named National High School Coach of the Year my senior year.

I learned and benefited from these experiences tremendously.

In fact, I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person and success I am today without them.

So, I can speak to the value of these activities - and the values they teach - firsthand.

I also learned what it takes to build and sustain a winning program... and how to raise a lot more funds with a lot less effort.

I also witnessed and can share with you what it takes to develop and sustain a winning program.

Like many of you, I've also had to do my share of fundraising.

I knocked on many doors. But instead of selling restaurant cards, coupon books, plants, mulch and water softener like kids do today, we sold boxes of candy and did a variety of other, more familiar, fundraising activities.

When I was a junior, I was the top salesperson in my high school for one of the activities I participated in. I sold over 2,000 boxes of candy that year.

But in my senior year, I didn't want to work that hard. I wasn't lazy ... I just got smart like kids are supposed to do from year to year!

So, instead of going door-to-door in the dead of winter like I had the year before, I devised a new - and what turned out to be a much better - fundraising strategy.

And it worked wonderfully!

In fact, I netted more than double the funds I'd raised just a year before. And rather than knocking on over 3,000 doors, I called on just 6 people and all told, it took me less than a day.

When I was in college, I was a successful middle school and high school coach. In fact, the football teams I worked with in the two years I coached never lost a game. During that time, I also raised money and was able to provide my team with all new equipment and uniforms, which was accomplished with just 2 calls.

So I learned very early on how to raise a lot of funds with very little effort and how to build and sustain winning programs too.

Now ... and for the past 30 years ... I've been helping non-profit groups professionally.

From coach to professional fundraiser

When I finished college, I was recruited to become a Development Director - or chief fundraising officer - of a high school.

I was tasked with all fundraising, public relations and student recruitment activities. And, like most high school staff, I was also given the opportunity to coach too!

It was a lot of work. But it was also a blast and we had a lot of success.

Three years later, I started my own consulting firm helping schools and other non-profit groups reach their full and financial potential.

Since that time, I've worked with and helped over 400 groups and have helped them raise over 500 million dollars.

How I got immersed in helping high school booster clubs

Several years ago, I was asked by my son's high school football coach to help out with their boosters' club, which had ACTUALLY LOST $3,000 the year before.

I suggested we do things a little differently than in years past ... that we cut back our efforts in some areas and expand our efforts in others which would result in raising more funds and having more freshman (participants) and fans, all with a lot less work.

I met with some early resistance. But fortunately, much of what I suggested was actually implemented.

What we did led to immediate and substantial benefits

And the results were remarkable!

In the first year alone, we raised almost $53,000 more than the year before! That was pretty incredible for a program that hadn't had a tradition of winning and is located in a mostly low to middle income neighborhood.

Today, that same program is raising so much more money each year that they literally can't spend it all. In fact, they've started saving to help pay for a new field they're hoping for some day!

Program numbers have also increased dramatically. So have the number of fans in the stands.

Booster Club success can also translate into on-field (court, ice, stage, etc.) success!

But perhaps the most rewarding thing for me was to see the program begin winning...in fact we went to state for the first time since 1989 in both 2005 and 2006...we went to the state quarterfinals in both 2007 and 2009... and we were state runners up in 2010.

And I'd like to think - in fact I know - that we were significant contributors to this new-found success.

That's the kind of impact that a better booster club can have on the arts or athletic activity that you're in charge or a part of at your high school.

It goes beyond providing the additional funding your program or activity may need. It can also continually raise forever your programs' performance and prestige and transform your program and participants into sustained winners.

For many years now, I've been asked to share my expertise, but until now, I've resisted...

Since that time and actually well before, I've been constantly asked and urged by many to share my unique expertise with others. I've always wanted and have been willing to give back and to teach people what I know, so they can have the kind of winning and rewarding experience that my son and I did.

But, I'd always resisted these requests because, quite frankly, I've always been too busy.

Yet when I started reading about the severity of school budget cuts and how high schools are having to cut or curtail funding and even drop various arts and athletics activities, I knew that I had to make time and act.

So, for the past two years, I've been developing some dynamite informational products, a special database just for booster clubs use and even an entire business that is solely devoted to helping high school boosters clubs like yours and the important activities you support to reach your potential.

Introducing an e-Book like No Other

One of the products I've developed and am very proud of is a comprehensive e-book, entitled:

"How to Build a Better Boosters Club And the Secrets to Raising More Money And Achieving Greater Success For Your High School Arts or Athletics Program"

It's not only the most comprehensive - it's also the ONLY book available of its kind!

This special e-book contains 13 incredible chapters and 200+ pages that teach the timeless principles I've learned and developed that will help you to raise more money and achieve even greater success for your high school arts or athletics program - starting today.

You'll learn the most effective and reliable tactics that have always worked and still do today (the how of building a more effective boosters, arts or athletics program).

You'll also learn the principles that make these tactics work so well (the why).

It's exciting and meaty stuff without the fluff. And, you'll be able to take what you learn, implement and start to benefit from it immediately.

Here's an overview of what you'll learn in the book...

Chapter 1:


In the introductory chapter you'll:

  • Learn a little more about my story and how I've come to know about and build more successful arts and athletics programs from actual examples of programs I've been a part of, helped or observed.
  • We'll also review what we're going to be covering in the book and the many ways your booster club and the arts or athletic program you seek to support will benefit.

Chapter 2:

Changing Your Attitude and Approach

In this chapter you'll discover how modest changes in your attitude and approach can make major differences in your program results. We'll cover:

  • The key things that you need to do to assure that your booster club and the important arts or athletics activity that you support will reach its potential.
  • An overview of what you'll learn in the rest of the book.

Chapter 3:

Organizing or Reorganizing Your Booster Club For Great or Greater Success

In this chapter you'll learn how to structure or restructure your booster club for greater success. We'll share:

  • Whether you should have individual booster clubs or booster clubs for all athletics and activities.
  • Important committees and positions you must have and how to organize and formalize them for great or greater effectiveness and continuity.

Chapter 4:

Buying and Building Your Prospect Database

In this chapter you'll discover the importance of a good database and how to buy and/or build one for your booster club. We'll cover:

  • The problems with and limitations of most high school booster club databases today.
  • The benefits of a professionally developed database.
  • A list of recommended software programs and the pros and cons of each.
  • How to research and build your prospect or constituent list quickly and inexpensively.

Chapter 5:

Documenting Your Needs and Dreams

In this chapter you'll learn about how to develop and prioritize a list of your program needs and dreams and how to use this information in your various fundraising efforts to raise substantially more money for your cause.

We'll share:

  • How to distinguish between, itemize, prioritize, define or ascertain cost estimates for your program needs and dreams.
  • How to set reaching but realistic annual fundraising goals.
  • How to develop and use an annual "case for support."
  • How to prepare a catalog or list of gift opportunities and how to use this catalog or list in your various fundraising activities to attract many more major gifts.

Chapter 6:

Recruiting Volunteers

In this chapter you'll discover the importance of seeking and securing a large quantity of quality and qualified volunteers to aid you in your various booster club activities. We'll cover:

  • How to identify and structure needed volunteer positions and committees.
  • The importance of developing detailed and summary job descriptions.
  • How to identify and recruit the right leaders and workers for each position and committee.
  • Ways to recruit people quickly and easily - even electronically.

Chapter 7:

Conducting an Annual Membership Drive

In this chapter you'll learn about one of the easiest and most effective ways to raise a significant sum annually and on an ongoing basis for your booster club - with an annual membership drive. In this chapter, we'll share:

  • Who you should reach out to and ask to be members.
  • What levels of giving work best and attract maximum gifts.
  • How to name each level of membership giving appropriately.
  • What motivating no and low cost benefits you can and should offer to attract maximum gifts.
  • How to effectively address any initial pushback that you might get.
  • How to organize and conduct your appeal quickly, easily and effectively.
  • A recommended timeline for your appeal.
  • Some simple, additional no or low cost tips to boost your appeals effectiveness.

Chapter 8:

Conducting an Annual Advertising Appeal

In this chapter you'll discover another of the easiest and most effective - yet underutilized ways to raise a significant sum annually and on an ongoing basis for your booster club - an annual advertising sponsorship appeal.

We'll cover:

  • How to get ready for your appeal and research potential sources of support.
  • How to identify and price various sponsorship and advertising opportunities in order to maximize sales and support.
  • The importance of putting together a quality proposal packet or media kit and how to assemble all of its contents.
  • A step-by step guide and timeline for how to organize and implement your appeal for maximum effectiveness.
  • A simple end of appeal tactic that can net you thousands of dollars more.

Chapter 9:

Promoting Special Gifts

In this chapter you'll learn how to get some extra and extraordinary gifts for your cause. We'll share:

  • How to generate many additional gifts throughout the year from people's gifts to others.
  • A simple way to generate major gifts for ordinary and extraordinary needs.
  • How to stimulate long term gifts that will perpetuate a person's giving, long after they're no longer here.

Chapter 10:

Developing a Highly Profitable Booster Club Store

Starting and operating a quality booster club store can also be a very profitable booster club endeavor if done correctly. It can also enhance the image and visibility of the program or activity within and beyond your local community considerably. This chapter provides some solid tips that will help you to accomplish all of this, including:

  • How to find a temporary and/or permanent booster club store location.
  • How to pick, purchase, price and promote booster club merchandise.

Chapter 11:

Developing a Quality Booster Club Website

As a booster organization, you'll want to develop a quality website that reflective of the program you are or want to be. Your website should also inform and invite people to support your program and efforts through volunteerism; membership, advertising and sponsorship support; special and substantial gifts; and the purchase of fan merchandise. This chapter provides you with the secrets and steps to accomplish and assure this. We'll cover:

  • How to plan, design and maximize profit from your site.
  • How to select the right host and domain name at the best package price.
  • How to develop on-line sign-up for volunteer opportunities, promote and procure membership and advertising commitments and sell fan merchandise.

Chapter 12:

Critical Communications and Cultivation Activities

Regular communications with and organizing various cultivation events for your various constituencies is key to attaining and retaining a steady stream of freshmen, funds and fans to your high school arts and athletics programs. This chapter will explore important communication vehicles and critical cultivation activities that every booster club must have to enhance interest, support, growth and the success of your program. We'll share:

  • Two groups of prospects rarely cultivated, communicated with or asked that hold the key to reaching your potential.
  • Four essential communications tools you absolutely must have and use.
  • Six super special events that will help cultivate lifelong relationships and allegiance to your cause.

Chapter 13:


This is the chapter that pulls the whole e-book together, summarizes the key concepts we'll have covered and shows you how they can all work for the betterment of your program now and forever.

What's a resource like this worth?

Hiring me to advise you or having someone do all this research would normally cost at least $50,000 or more (I should know. That's my standard fee for helping other non-profit groups and the cost of my time in putting this valuable resource together for you!). Comprehensive, step-by-step instructions designed SPECIFICALLY to help high school booster clubs and the important arts or athletic activities to realize their potential.

Everything is explained in PLAIN English. Which means it's super-easy to read and understand. And it's logically laid out.

Which is why "How To Build A Better Boosters Club" is such a bargain at just $97.

That's right. It's just a fraction of what it's really worth, the additional sums you'll raise as a result and what it cost me to put together this terrific resource for you. Why would I make a totally unique and comprehensive resource like this so affordable?

Because I want to help you and my costs to deliver it to you are so low.

This is an electronic book (e-Book) that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash. Which means you can be reading it and discovering all these amazing secrets in as little as 5 minutes from now.

So, I figure I'll be able to offer this fantastic resource of information (which if you follow the tips contained in its pages could really give you some amazing benefits) to more people. And make my investment back over time.

No matter what however, it's a bargain for you. And yes, I plan on raising the price from $97 to at least double that very soon. It's just too valuable in relation to what you'll get out of it to charge this little for it.

$97 is a drop in the bucket compared to what you learn with these secrets.

How to Build a Better Boosters Club And the Secrets to Raising More Money and Achieving Greater Success for Your High School Arts or Athletics Program

Order Today for ONLY $97.00

And don't worry, if for any reason you're not happy with the content, you have a complete guarantee to protect your investment.


Invest now in this special e-Book and take the 60 days to go through every nook and cranny of what's provided and taught. And if you don't agree that this book delivers the strategies, tools and tips that will boost your high school booster club and the important arts or athletic activity that you support tremendously, please let me know by contacting me personally within 60 days so I can issue you a prompt refund of your entire investment.

Special bonuses for you

To help you maximize what you learn during the "How to Build a Better Boosters Club" book and implement the lessons learned as quickly as possible, I've also put together the following very special bonus gifts for you.

"Organization/Reorganization Templates"
(An $3,500 Value)

This amazing bonus will help you organize or reorganize your booster club both quickly and correctly so that you'll be focused on doing all of the right things in the best ways possible year after year.

You'll get:

  • A focused, yet all-encompassing, "Mission Statement" template for your use.
  • A fill-in-the-blank template for your "Articles of Incorporation" - a legal document that you have to have and will need to have on file in every state.
  • Sample "Booster Club Bylaws" that will assure your organization is structured properly and is doing all of the right things that will assure your optimal results and success.

Not bad, right? But that's not all you get! Because I'm also throwing in:

"Volunteer Appeal Templates"
(A $18,000 Value)

With this bonus you'll get ready to use tools and templates that will help you to recruit more and better booster-club volunteers, people with the time and skills that you'll need to take your program to a higher level.

Here's what this incredible bonus package includes:

  • A fill-in-the-blank template for job descriptions for your boards, committees and the various individual positions within.
  • A pre-designed catalog of volunteer opportunities booklet that you can use to list and describe all of the various ways that people can get involved and volunteer their time and talents in support of your program and cause. This booklet also has a template form that people can use to list their aptitudes, availability, interests and to make their commitment(s) to volunteer for your cause.
  • A volunteer appeal letter template.

Imagine how you'd feel if you had these successfully tested materials at your fingertips, ready to tailor for your use! YOURS FREE when you order the "How To Build A Better Boosters Club" e-book.

And the good news is - that's still not all! I have another and even more awesomely valuable gift for you.

"Membership Appeal Pack"
Your MAP to Success
(A $15,000 Value)

This bonus is worth its weight in gold... literally! With our membership Appeal Pack you'll get everything you'll need to run a highly effective booster club membership appeal that will literally bring in tens-if not hundreds-of thousands of dollars for your cause.

You'll get:

  • A sample agenda, together with a letter and follow-up email template, inviting parents of program participants to a special "parent-participant orientation meeting" where you'll make the case and ask for their membership gifts.
  • A fill-in-the blank template for a membership flyer/brochure that explains the levels and benefits of booster club membership.
  • A template follow-up letter to be sent to parents and others to make the case for and ask for their annual support.
  • Sample follow-up phone scripts that you can use in the special follow-up phone-a-thon designed to thank and/or ask people for their annual membership gifts.
  • A final follow-up, acknowledgement letter and templates for a simple, but super effective, adjunct appeal that will result in many additional booster club members and gifts.

"Wow," did I hear you say? Well, if you didn't almost fall on the floor with this last bonus offer you really should have, because this bonus alone will get you off the streets... literally!

Read on.

That means your kids won't have to do any more door-to-door sales! It'll save you hundreds of hours of time, work and weeks where you'd normally be nickel and diming people to death, doing the multitude of fundraisers that most booster groups and high school kids do today. And it will help to double, triple-even quadruple-your income (or more!) with a fraction of the effort and in a fraction of the time.

What's that? I think I just heard you hit the floor! But pick yourself up. I'm not quite done yet. Here's a final bonus gift that's also literally worth its weight in gold...

"Advertising Sponsorship Appeal Pack"
(An $18,000 Value)

I'm also going to give you all of the materials you'll need to run an awesomely successful advertising sponsorship appeal, where you'll approach businesses to ask them for gifts in a way that is win-win for everyone - for you and for them. These materials will also help you to literally raise tens-if not hundreds-of thousands of additional dollars each year, which can do even more wonders for your cause.

With this bonus gift you'll get:

  • A template appeal letter to send to past and prospective sponsors.
  • A pre-designed template of a catalogued list of potential advertising and sponsorship opportunities and an order/commitment sheet.
  • Appropriate follow-up and acknowledgement letters to send, and
  • A system that includes super simple ways for getting many more gifts and dollars of sponsorship support.

Phew...that's some list of FREE gifts, right?
A total of at least $54,500 or more in bonuses

They're each worth every cent. But hey, they're yours FREE. Congratulations!

But again, you have to act fast because this e-book and these bonuses will very quickly go away. So, if you want in, act fast.

And hey, don't take my word for it on how great this package is. Listen to what people just like you have to say:

"I have known Michael Walsh for over 30 years as a professional fundraiser, a coach and a friend. When he was in high school I was his Principal and the Director of the Boys Chorus he was in. He knows and is appreciative of the very positive impact that participation in various extra-curricular activities can have on a young person and he can help assure your program's success. Follow his advice. I know that it works".

Michael Collins
President, De LaSalle High School
Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Michael Walsh helped us to reorganize our booster club and booster club efforts over four years ago now. And the ideas and ideals he shared and the programs he set up for us continue to benefit our booster club and football program today. Not only has he helped us to raise substantially more money, but we also have a stronger feeder program and fan base than we've ever had before. These efforts also undoubtedly helped our on-field performance too. In fact, our kids now feel that they are special and are part of something special, which they are. They have developed a "winners attitude," which is due in no small measure to what the boosters club has done for us and enabled us to do. Listen to and learn from Michael Walsh. He can, without question, help your program and booster organization, too".

Jeff Erdmann
Head Football Coach
Rosemount High School

"I served as President of the Boosters Club and asked Michael Walsh to help us with our fundraising efforts. His wisdom and work literally transformed us from losers to winners in every respect. In fact, I've seen and believe in Michael's work so much that I recently joined his company and am happily helping others to achieve their potential as well."

Scott Schoaf
Rosemount, MN

As they say, the proof is in the pudding. And these people are super happy. Just like you'll be.

There's absolutely no reason to delay. So you should act now and order right away.

For an extremely valuable and worthwhile investment of just $97 - which is a fraction of what you'll get out of it - you're getting all the information and answers you need... PLUS MORE.

Remember too, you can only get this product and information from me. It's not available anywhere else.

But you can get access to this incredible information and can be reviewing and benefiting from it immediately - if you act today.

So just do it! Click the "order now" button below and grab you copy today - right away. You'll be elated you did.

To your success,

Michael Walsh
President, Better Booster Clubs, LLC

P.S. Don't forget, you're also getting more than $54,500 worth of bonuses just for signing up for the e-book. In short, you'll get everything you need to start building a better boosters program immediately. So, if that's what you want, this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. And again, it won't be available for long. In fact, we're taking this off the market in just days. So act fast and grab your copy today - right away!

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