
Help Parents Say Goodbye To Diaper Bags

Painless Potty Training Download painless-potty-training.pdf

Help Parents Say Goodbye To Diaper Bags

Is changing nappies becoming a chore? Learn What Really Works...

"Give Me 7.5 Minutes & You'll Discover Effective Potty Training Methods That Help Other Parents Say Goodbye To Diaper Bags - Guaranteed."

Leave the diapers behind - the best methods for potty training are at your fingertips!

Dear Potty Training Parent,

I'm so glad you found me!

Why? Because, like so many parents you’ve reached that next milestone in your baby’s development. The changes have come faster... and been more amazing... than you ever could have imagined on the day you brought your son or daughter home. Suddenly it’s time to chart that great unknown... “potty training”.

You've heard horror stories-  maybe even seen the battle of wills between children and parents- and worried how you would handle it when your turn came. And now, it's here.

It seems that everyone, from your mother-in-law to your neighbor has a theory- and feels compelled to share it with you. You so badly want to be a good parent that you listen politely- while on the inside you're wondering how in the world you are going to get through this.

What surprised me most was how this phase of my baby's life snuck up on me. I wasn't ready. Without even realizing it, my daughter was giving me all kinds of signals that she was ready for potty training. In fact, you're probably seeing some of these from your own little one. Does your child-

  • Give visible clues that he or she is peeing or having a bowel movement? Some kids go to a special place in the house or hide behind a chair.
  • Seem uncomfortable in a soiled diaper or even ask to be changed?
  • Have a somewhat regular pattern - they pee and poop at almost the same time each day?
  • Wake dry from a nap and no longer have bowel movements during the night?
  • Take interest in big kid activities and imitate the behavior of the bigger kids?
  • Have the ability to pull his or her pants up and down without help, and get up and down off the potty unassisted?
  • Follow instructions that have multiple steps?
  • Pee a lot at once, rather than dribbling a bit at a time, showing necessary muscle control has developed?
  • Pick up toys after playtime, showing that he or she understands that things have a place?
  • Have the ability to say some variation of poop, pee and potty so that he or she can signal a need to go when the time is right?

If you're nodding yes to more than a few of these, chances are your child is ready to start the passage from diapers and changing tables to pull ups and big kid underwear. Potty training- that oh-so-important, often messy, always challenging test of your patience that takes your child from babyhood into the toddler years and beyond.

As you've probably noticed, there is no shortage of advice out there. But that can be part of the problem- you're trying to balance your newly developed instincts and what you know about your child against what experts and well-meaning friends are telling you. The truth is, potty training is as natural a step for your baby as sitting without support and saying those magical first words. It's a passage- one that you and your child will go through together.

As I approached this time I had lots of people who were ready to offer advice- but I was still so confused - so unsure.

Painless Potty Training: Practical Advice Written By A Parent, For Parents

Like you, I was getting a lot of advice, and not much else. Everyone had a theory and an ideal age to start- but I wasn't so sure. Was my daughter ready? How would I know for sure? More importantly, what was I actually supposed to do to train her?

When you read Painless Potty Training, you'll get answers to these questions and many more. You'll find a frank, open discussion about the many different methods you can use to potty train your child - and the pros and cons of each. Luckily there are more options than ever before- and you're sure to find one that suits both your son or daughter and your lifestyle and schedule.

My favorite tips for dealing with potty training (and its mishaps) I got from other parents- many who had been through the challenges of this experience already, others who were dealing with it just as I was. It's these practical, real-world coping strategies that you'll find at the heart of Painless Potty Training.

When it comes to potty training, preparation is everything. Inside Painless Potty Training you'll learn what you need to buy and see how to get yourself and your child ready. What's more, you'll find tips on dressing for training success, how to handle resistance and deal with accidents. There's even a wonderful list of bathroom readingfor your child.

You should know I'm not a pediatrician or a nurse. In fact, I'm not a medical professional at all. I'm a writer who also happens to be the mother of a beautiful two and a half year old. The trouble was, until Painless Potty Training, there was no source of up-to-the-minute potty training information that was simply written and easy to understand, packed with proven techniques to help manage the challenges we face during the transition from diapers to big kidstatus.

I wrote Painless Potty Training for all of us - moms and dads (grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers too) everywhere who need the latest information, and practical, hands-on advice to help them cope with this completely natural, absolutely unavoidable part of childhood.

Facts About Potty Training You Must Know

Understanding what you're dealing with is the first, and most important, step toward making diapers (along with their mess and expense) part of your past for good.

In Painless Potty Training, you'll learn that potty training is a transition that can only happen when your child is physically ready. While we've all heard of the nine month old who was fully trained, most kids don't reach this milestone until 3 years old, or later. The fact is, there is no set age to begin potty training - no matter what your mother-in-law says. Whether you wait to train or train early, your choice depends more on your child's individual temperament and readiness than reaching a certain age.

And, if you look at things from your child's point of view - this is a major life change- a trek into unfamiliar (maybe even a bit scary) territory. With this in mind, it's easy to see why it is far better to introduce such a big change slowly- so your little one has time to get used to the idea. The key is to warm them up first- plant the seed, back off and watch as it takes root and grows.

As you're deciding whether your child is ready, you can also be thinking about the method of training you want to use. While they can all bring you to the same place- a life without messy diapers or fussing during changes, each one arrives there by different means. You'll need to think about your child's personality as well as your own lifestyle and schedule as you make your choice. Whichever of the popular methods you use, it has to work for all three.

And once you do decide to go ahead, you'll need to stay calm, consistent and positive as you and your child make this new adjustment. If you push- even a little bit, your child will sense it, and this will make your job all the harder. Plan for accidents. Reward attempts and successes, and before long you (and your child) will be on your way to a freedom you never knew existed.

"Painless Potty Training Gives You The Most Current Information And So Much More"

For now though, you're trying to gear up for this big change- you're hearing advice from everywhere-  the news brings conflicting studies and theories. It's hard to know what to do.

While the ultimate decision about how you train your child is yours alone, Painless Potty Training is ready with all the details (pros and cons, too) on the most current, most up to date methods in use today. You'll learn how to spot readiness signals from your child, what you should have on hand before you start, and what you'll need to know to train boys and girls. Written by a parent- for parents, it's a quick read (we're all busy!) that helps you get a thorough understanding of the facts- straight talk, no hype.

What's more, Painless Potty Training brings you tried-and-true tips and tricks that will make it easier for your child master this new skill, and help you keep a hold on your sanity (and your patience) as they do. You'll find a list of bathroom readingthat's kid approved, tips on dressing for success and staying dry at night. There's straight talk about setbacks and regression, the child who resists the whole idea, as well as a section on traveling while training.

In fact, Painless Potty Training is based on a careful, thorough review of the latest pediatric research and medical thinking. Beyond a discussion of the most popular methods of potty training, there's a section of frequently asked questions that address some real world concerns about this often challenging, but completely natural, transition in your child's life.
Using the proven tips and techniques in this book, you'll be able to-

  • Say good-bye (and good riddance) to costly diapers, baby wipes, sticky ointments and creams- not to mention the mess, smell and hassle of changing time.
  • Go to the store- to the playground- for a car ride or a visit, without lugging a diaper bag.
  • Make a quick stop in the restroom rather than dragging a fully loaded diaper bag and struggling toddler in to be changed.
  • Feel real pride that your little one has mastered a new skill, the first of many achievements to come in childhood.
  • Enjoy a special, stronger bond with your child now that you've worked together to reach this very important milestone.
  • Share what you've learned with other parents- assuring them how easy (and painless) potty training really is.

Who Can Succeed At Potty Training With Painless Potty Training - You Can

If you're wondering if your child is ready for training, now is the perfect time to find out. Or, if you've started training and run into a roadblock the resources in Painless Potty Training can help you find the answers you need.

In fact, there are already a lot of other mothers and fathers, people from every walk of life and all places on the globe who have found the right potty training method, coping tips and more in Painless Potty Training.

Are you next? What's holding you back?

Painless Potty Training has been reviewed by thousands of parents, just like you, who were unsure about which method to use- who were struggling to train an uncooperative child- or who simply didn't know where to start. Using the practical tips and techniques of this information-packed e-book, parents everywhere were able to understand the process and work with their children to meet the challenges of potty training head on.

If it worked all of us, it will work for you too - guaranteed.

8 Weeks, No Questions Asked, 100% Guarantee!

"Your Satisfaction With Painless Potty Training
Is 100% Guaranteed!"

I will personally guarantee that Painless Potty Training will give you more up-to-date information, more real-world tips, more reading materials ideally suited to your child than you'll find anywhere else. Once you take a look, you'll be able to assess your child's readiness to train, and choose the best method for his of her personality and temperament- as well as for you and your lifestyle.

But, if you aren't completely satisfied with this information packed e-book, contact me anytime (up to 8 whole weeks from the date of purchase) and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. No hassles. No fine print. No hard feelings.

You can't beat that! Order Painless Potty Training today- look it over and decide for yourself if the clear, unbiased information, the proven training tips and tricks, and the bathroom reading list alone aren't just what you need. If they aren't, you can get every penny of your money back - no questions asked!

You see, ordering Painless Potty Training is completely risk-free!

"So, Are You Ready to Get Started?"

I know by now if you're really serious about being rid of those disgusting diapers (and all that goes along with them) you want to read Painless Potty Training now, this minute.

And you can! A few clicks and you'll be safely downloading Painless Potty Training onto your own computer where you can print it or read it right on the screen. Using ClickBank, a trusted, completely reliable and secure online order processor, you can be sure your payment information will stay secure, and your order will be processed quickly and correctly.

And, I'm so sure you'll find some great potty training methods, and a whole lot more inside Painless Potty Training, that I've talked the publisher into making a very special offer. Be one of the first 100 to download Painless Potty Training now - today - for only $37.77.

Don't wait-here's what you need to do..

Click here to order and download Painless Potty Training

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Painless Potty Training, is an ebook that comes as an Adobe PDF file.
To read it, you'll need to have the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

What is an Instant Download?

Even if you have never downloaded something from the Internet before, it’s incredibly easy to do. Just follow the simple instructions.

And by taking advantage of instant download, you will also enjoy these benefits:

  • No shipping costs.
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It doesn't matter if it's
2:00 a.m. in the morning!

You will be downloading and reading the Painless Potty Training within just a few minutes ... and taking action to make your child's transition from diapers to pants a smooth one!

Happy potty training!

P.S. Purchase today and take advantage of my Personal Money Back Guarantee. I am completely confident that Painless Potty Training will provide all the tools you and your child need for a smooth, easy, step-by-step potty training experience, however for whatever reason if it is not be all you hoped for you can request an immediate refund up to 8 weeks after your purchase. No questions, no fuss and you can keep Painless Potty Training with my compliments.

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How To DeClutter And Organize Your Home

How To DeClutter Your Home Download new-the-decarlo-declutter-system.pdf

How To DeClutter And Organize Your Home

Discover A Simple "Formula" That Will Transform Your Cluttered Home Into An Organized, Stress-Free Paradise, FAST!

Especially if you're feeling overwhelmed and
have no idea *how* to get started...

If you have a clutter problem, take a good look at these here pictures:

Did you do it? Did you take a good look at those amazing (and frightening) pictures? What they show is MY home, which was once a nightmare to live in. Few people reading this will have had a house this messy but I'm sure you can understand what I went through.

I'm going to tell you the story behind the above pictures and then reveal to you the formula I created to get my place DeCluttered fast and for good...

I'm sure you already know that...

"I Was Too Embarrassed To
Have Friends Over!"

*knock* *knock* *knock* goes the door and my heart skips a beat. The first thing that races through my mind is "my place is a mess!"

One day my wife sat me down and told me she could no longer live with my clutter. She told me she loved me and wanted to build a remarkable life together, but all my "stuff" was getting in the way.

The clutter was causing us to fight. We couldn't relax when we were home and when we were out we felt anxious about the chaos waiting for us when we returned. And of course, we both wanted to let people into our home without feeling self-conscious. We knew people were silently judging us based on our clutter.

She told me she wanted a home with happy memories, not a place to sleep packed with useless junk.

And I knew she was right. I needed to change the way I lived. What I didn't tell her was the question that immediately came to my mind...

"How The Heck Do I Get Started?"

I couldn't remember the last time I had parked in my garage or even what my basement floor looked like. The clutter had become so overwhelming, I couldn't imagine where to begin.

I can remember looking around at all the clutter and feeling paralyzed. I couldn't take action and didn't really know why.

And even if I somehow managed to start, I couldn't finish and the clutter would pile back up in a week or two. It was unbelievably frustrating.

I couldn't stop thinking and praying that...

"I Wanted My Energy Back"

Clutter sucks the life out of you.

It drained me and my family of our energy and was always nagging at the back of my mind, screaming: "clean me, organize me, throw me away!" But I would just put it off until "later", which of course never came.

It didn't take me long to realize that all this clutter lead to my clinical depression. And the more depressed I became over my out-of-control clutter, the more clutter seemed to pile up around me.

Maybe it was me trying to fill a void in my life and the fact that buying "new stuff" gave me a jolt of exhilaration.

I lay in bed one night and cried out...

"God, I Want To Change!"

I knew there was an organized person somewhere within me. I just couldn't figure out what was really holding me back. Why I couldn't get started and why my short bursts at organization faded away fast.

I was spending hours hunting around my house for things that should have been easy to find. I was leaving mountains of clutter pile up in my office, bedroom, kitchen and my living room.

I could barely even use my kitchen or find a decent outfit amongst my monstrous (and outdated) wardrobe.

And you know what made it so much worse? I knew most everything in my house was junk, but I still couldn't bring myself to throw any of it away. It made me sick!

"Oh God, help me!" I prayed. "Help me transform this mess into a home once again."

And Get This!

That very night at around 2 A.M. on a Friday, it hit me! A lightbulb went off in my head. I thought about all the articles I had read online and all the books I had purchased over the past eight months. I thought about all the time I had wasted with no lasting results. And I realized...

I was doing everything backwards. I was approaching clutter in the wrong order. There was a "missing ingredient". Something I hadn't considered until just then.

It was a thought so powerful...

"It Woke Me Right Out Of My Sleep!"

So what was this crazy idea?

Simple: I spent loads of time learning different methods and techniques that would help simplify and organize my life but never actually used any of them. Or if I did, I stopped shortly after. This is the wrong way to approach clutter!

You see, none of that stuff really mattered because I was not addressing the root of my clutter problem.

So from that day on I decided to start with curing the root problem and then work my way up to using all the best methods and techniques I had learned.

And guess what? It worked like crazy!

I had my entire home DeCluttered in 7 days and it's still clutter free two years later.

I broke it all down into a simple to follow formula that allowed me to finally start organizing and maintaining my home (and for good this time). I had cured the root problem. The real issue that was holding me back.

And Here It Is:


Don't let its simplicity fool you.

Remove any one of the above variables and (like me) you'll fail at your DeClutter attempts.

You can have all the methods and DeClutter techniques in the world but they won't put you in the right mindset so you won't procrastinate and they certainly don't get you into an organizational habit so you never go back to your old cluttered ways again.

Methods and techniques alone won't do a thing for you in the long run. You'll slowly drift back to the way things were, like so many times before.

Consider this:

  • In 4 days my home was completely clutter free and organized.

  • There was peace and calm with my family.

  • I had let go of all the useless junk holding me back in life.

  • I felt like a giant 5 ton brick had been lifted from my shoulders.

  • I wanted to have people over and throw a party for the first time ever!

And guess what?

I did throw a party to celebrate, and to my surprise everybody was amazed. They could see how much happier my family was, how clean my home was, how much simpler our life had suddenly become. And best of all, I wasn't so stressed out anymore.

And they all wanted to know my secret.

You see, many of my friends (while not as bad as me) wanted to get their homes in order too, but didn't know where or how to get started. So I helped them. I helped every last one of them and they all had the same life changing results as me.

Seeing my friends and family suddenly become happier, less stressed, less irritable, friendlier and more at peace with themselves was enough to convince me I was onto something. I had cracked the "clutter code" and I needed to...

"Create A Step-By-Step Program So
Anyone Could Learn My Secrets"

I immediately got to work. I slaved away for months, and out of the ashes came "The DeCarlo DeClutter System". A revolutionary, step-by-step guide designed from the ground up to take you form where you are now to where I am currently. In as little time as possible.

Two specific techniques to plow through your clutter in days. Yes, it can be done!

How to never have to deal with paper again!

A weird little trick to perminetly change your clutter habits so you don't drift back to your old messy ways.

Method for setting up a stress-free routine that will almost magically keep your household in order.

The easiest way to organize your clothing and keep it organized and under control.

Why the "four-box-method" isn't for everybody and a great alternative you'll LOVE!

An introduction to my mindset + methods + habits formula and how it's going to change your life in more ways than just clutter.

A whole system revealing how to mentally prepair yourself so you get started, finish and permanently stay organized.

How to quickly get your kids rooms in order and get them in the habit of staying clutter free.

How to easily identify and destroy your "clutter zones" and keep the clutter away for good.

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"Yesterday I was a mess, today I feel empowered."

Dylan, I don't know if you are the one who actually receives this email...but I hope so. I am not contacting you for one on one advice, but rather to let you know that just yesterday I bought and downloaded your book online. I must say that I was skeptical, with all the scams and junk out there on the web...but I printed it out, sat down and read it completely through without stopping. It was absolutely fabulous. Yesterday I was a mess, today I feel empowered. The information in your book is very well put together and easy to understand... I now feel very strong and confident with the knowledge I gained from reading this. Using the XXXXXXXXXX technique, I already got all the clutter out of my kitchen! It looks fantastic and I'm super excited to get a start on the bathroom tomorrow!

Best regards,

"I am now clutter free!"

I would like to add that it worked! I am now clutter free! It took me a few weeks but that was mainy due to my very busy life. It is champagne all the way at the moment :-).

Thanks again, Dylan. I am glad I purchased the course.


"u really helped me thru a real tough time in my life"

Hey Dylan,

How are you? hope u had a great xmas and u also have a great 2012, i would like to thanx you on all your amazing support throughout 2011, u really helped me thru a real tough time in my life and got me out of the moutains of clutter I was buried under.

i would love to deliver you the great news that as of november my home is free of mess.

thanx so much again


And One More Thing...

If you order before June 20th, you'll get this entire set of free bonuses:

($27 Value)


Feng Shui can guide you to use Interior Design in a way that would enhance harmony, health, prosperity within your home and to enhance it's "energy".

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Feng Shui can bring wealth and power. Using the elements properly a master can determine the areas in a home or office that can be financially beneficial to those living there.

($19.95 Value)


The "Just Do It" approach of taking action and getting things done.

How everything starts with the mind first. Before you "get" you must "do" and "feel".

How to set a schedule for your projects and work so you can manage your time more effectively and of course, spend more time doing the things you love!

How to get rid of poisonous distraction. Most people are distracted from all the non-sense going around. Here's how to have a clear path to a distraction-free life.

How to prioritize your work so you can choose which tasks are important.

How to maximize your time so you can get the most important done, first.

($19.95 VALUE)


A little "mind trick" you can start using immediately to "turn off" any bad habit.

Exactly how to turn bad habits into good ones.

Permanently STOP your bad habits and begin making good ones!

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Make DeCluttering Simple:
Take MY Shortcut

Listen: You can waste loads of your precious time and frustration trying to piece together a system of your own or you can have instant access to an already made, tested, proven SYSTEM that not only can DeClutter your home in days but also keep it that way forever.

And it's so incredibly simple!

Mindset + Methods + Habits = Clutter Free Home

Like you, I spent years spinning my wheels trying to come up with something that just worked for me.

  • Something simple.

  • Something I would stick to.

  • Something that was FAST.

And as you've probably already found out on your own, it's not easy. So take MY shortcut. It's worked for thousands before you and it will work for thousands in the future.

You Need A System

Enough with the chaos.

Enough with the embarrassment and fear of having people over.

Enough with disgusting clutter.

Make the choice, right now on this very day, to put clutter behind you and change. It's not even half as hard as you think when you've got an already "tried, tested and true" system to a clutter free, happy life.

All you have to do is follow my simple "formula". I've been where you are, I've gone through it all and I worked hard to come up with a solution that would work for every "clutter bug" out there.

I've done the heavy lifting so you don't have to.

You need a system that holds you by the hand and takes you, step-by-step, from start to finish and then makes sure you stay clutter free for good. If you keep doing the same thing you've always been doing, you'll keep getting the same results. And we both know what those are.

You don't even have to take my word that this system will transform your life because I offer an...

8 Week Money Back Guarantee

That means that after following my formula, you are not completely satisfied, I will give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked. However, I bet you won't do that. If you're like most people who give my system an honest try, you will experience such a dramatic change in your quality of life, you won't ever consider doing that.

I am so confident The DeCarlo DeClutter System™ will work for the vast majority of people out there, I am giving you 8 full weeks to read and decide whether the methods and techniques you have discovered are worth it.

If for any reason my system does not completely transform your cluttered home into a stress free, blissful paradise, I will give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked, on the spot.

Imagine This...

No more stress. If you're anything like me, just looking at my clutter stressed me out. I immediately felt anxiety and my mood would drop. Once my home was organized and clutter free, it was like I could breathe again. It wasn't until all the clutter was gone that I realized how much stress and anxiety it caused me.

"Mindset + Methods + Habits" = Less Stress!

No fear of judgments by others. Even though I tried to keep friends and family away, sometimes they would stop by or something would come up and I had to let them into our home. Even a plumber or repair man... I don't think I have to tell you how much embarrassment and fear of being judged this caused both me and my wife. Not having that fear of judgment in my back of my mind is absolute paradise.

"Mindset + Methods + Habits" = Have People Over!

(In fact, throw a party!)

No more baggage. When you're done using my system to transform your home (and your whole life!), you'll feel like ton of bricks has just been lifted from your chest. You'll finally be able to breathe for the first time and experience what it's like to live a normal, chaos-free life!

"Mindset + Methods + Habits" = Feeling Like You Can Breathe Again

More free time. How much time do you think you've wasted looking for random stuff around your house? How much stuff have you "lost" over the years? Is it in the living room? The bathroom? Bedroom? Basement? It doesn't always have to be in the last place you look... My "mindset + methods + habits" formula will give you so much more free time you'll be telling all your friends and family... Unless you want to keep it your little secret.

"Mindset + Methods + Habits" = Lots More Free Time!

More financial savings. Living a cluttered lifestyle actually costs you way more money than you think! How many times have you "lost" something, gone out and bought it again and then found the original a month or two later? How many times have you impulsively bought useless junk you didn't even need? Ok, maybe you're not as bad as I was but I know I definitely saved a small fortune after I started doing things my new way:

"Mindset + Methods + Habits" = More Money In Your Bank!

Time to relax. Clutter creates chaos, both in your home and in your mind. Believe it or not, the chaos it creates in your mind is actually much worse. Imagine how nice it'll be to kick back on your couch, turn the TV on, look around and smile. You're smiling because your home is the peaceful, calm, relaxing place it should be.

"Mindset + Methods + Habits" = Calm, Peaceful, Relaxing Home!

No smelly house odors. Did you know that the more you're around an odor, the less you can smell it? Eventually you can't even smell it at all. Well, clutter actually creates some disgusting odors you're probably not even aware of. Having a home free from clutter will keep it smelling great. So when you have people over, don't worry about how your place smells!

I back my DeCarlo DeClutter System™ with a no risk, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. Your satisfaction is important to me, and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

If for any reason you aren't completely satisfied with my revelutionary system, just contact me within 8 weeks and I'll refund 100% of the purchase price. No need for explanations or excuses, just let me know and I'll refund your full purchase price on the spot.

How To Order

  1. Click the big yellow "ADD TO CART" button below.

  2. A new window or tab will open, explaining exactly what it is you are buying. Read the page and click the big yellow "CONTINUE TO CHECKOUT" button.

  3. You will be taken to a secure online order form where you will privately enter your credit card information or you can use PayPal. Our order form is 100% safe and secure.

  4. Upon successful payment you will immediately be granted instant access to your purchase, no matter what time of day or night it is and no matter where you are in the world.

Now Only $37

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Every Day Spent Procrastinating
Is Another Day Spent Buried
In Your Disgusting Clutter

It's time to say goodbye to all your stressful, anxiety inducing, relationship destroying mess.

It's time you don't get embarrassed when somebody sees your home.

It's time to throw a party and be happy to have others over.

You simply can't afford to put off dealing with your clutter problem any longer. You've already let it build up to a point where you can't take it any longer (if you've read this far it's true). You've admitted to yourself you have a problem, and that's a very important first step.

Now it's time to take the next step and download the step-by-step system I never had. Take my short cut and (if you're motivated enough) have your house looking... like an actual house... days from now.


Don't DeClutter the hard way, take MY shortcut and discover how to start DeCluttering NOW, finish in less time than you ever thought possible and exactly how to keep yourself from drifting back to your old "clutter habits".


And with my 100% money back guarantee, you don't risk a penny! If my mindset + methods + habits formula doesn't completely transform your home into the paradise I know it WILL be, you get your money back, no questions asked, no hard feelings.

Enough, Let Me Order >>

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Hydroponics For Beginners – Grow and Eat High Quality Food

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Hydroponics For Beginners - Grow and Eat High Quality Food

If you want an alternative to gene-manipulated, pesticide filled vegetables read this now:

"Hydroponics For Beginners - Grow and Eat High Quality Food"

Use the same method as NASA to grow high quality food in your very home supported with decades of research and solid science.

Do you read a lot of food labels but never really trust what you get?
Have you wasted lots of time in grocery stores going through vegetables with spots, marks, and bruises just looking for a few tomatoes you can have for dinner?
Would you like to avoid food that has been genetically manipulated?
Are you worried about food prices going up every time you get to the checkout and don’t see any other alternative?
Is there a little dream inside you to be self-sustainable, not having to rely on commercially grown food to feed yourself?

This is the solution for you:

Have you ever heard of Hydroponics? It is a is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. It might surprise you, but plants actually don’t soil to grow. All they need are nutrients, some sunlight and water.

And it is so easy!

Specifically the benefits of growing hydroponically are:

The water stays in the system and can be reused, so you save on water

It is possible to control the nutrition levels so you spend less

No nutrition pollution is released into the environment
More return on the space you use than growing with soil since the plants get the nutrients directly
Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil
It is easier to harvest
No pesticide damage

For you all that means better, more nutritious food to enjoy every single day.

Hydroponics 101 is simply everything you need to create the perfect hydroponic system that never gets it wrong and gives you vegetables that wow your friends every single time.  Have you heard stories of people producing amazing plants using hydroponic gardening methods but can’t seem to get it right yourself?  Or have you always wanted to give hydroponic gardening a go but no clues on how to start?   Then this eBook will transform how you grow vegetables and give you fresh, tasty vegetables at a much lower cost than the supermarkets.

Hydroponics 101 is not just about growing hydroponically; it is about growing hydroponically perfect. You are about to learn:

How  to achieve huge, delicious vegetables and herbs every single time

The common mistakes that cause crops to be a disappointing failure

Why hydroponics is the best method on the planet for growing when you have the right system

Why you don’t need tons of indoor space

Every step you need to take to set up the perfect hydroponic garden

How to save your plants even when things look lost AND still produce the best vegetables you have ever seen

Tons more information that will make sure you CANNOT FAIL in your quest to produce delicious vegetables

Over the course of this year I have read many books on hydroponics, but this one is definitely the finest I have read. It is very detailed yet is written in a simple manner that anyone can understand. And as a person who has been using hydroponics for a few years now I am coming away from this book with valuable information about hydroponics systems I never knew about.Cheryl McDaniel - Bangor, ME

This book takes every problem ever encountered by hydroponic growers and gives you a simple, straight forward solution. You will not spend years, months or even weeks trying to perfect your technique because everything you need is included in:

Best Hydroponics 101

 There is nothing more satisfying than growing the perfect vegetable - and nothing more devastating than when it does not meet your expectations or is a complete failure.

I should know - I spent years trying to perfect a system that would give me the awesome results I craved and KNEW were possible.  All I wanted were juicy, fresh vegetables that did not cost me a fortune.

But, the perfect, tasty veggies I craved proved elusive and it drove me crazy!

Even though hydroponics is scientifically proven to be the best way ever found for producing awesome herbs and vegetables - it can be a little daunting to start with. Unless you have the right guidance.

If you are just getting into hydroponic gardening, you may be experiencing a few problems. Even if you have been experimenting for awhile, some of these problems may still haunt you.

Things like choosing the right growing medium, which light to choose, pH problems, algae, fungi, pests, mould. At first it can be overwhelming. You may even be thinking that this is all too much trouble! Don’t worry - I have been there and experienced every problem in the book.  The frustration was enormous.  I so badly wanted to do this right but I could not get my hands on the right advice to make it possible.

 Grow Your Own Food For Only $47

Where were my great tasting, monster vegetables?

general hydroponicsEven once I started getting things mostly right, most of the time, I still wanted more.  I wanted the perfect vegetables, something to give me a taste explosion, nothing else would do.  Does that sound familiar? I was extremely close to giving up.  I am so glad I didn’t. Because now I routinely produce fantastic vegetables which taste amazing and blow all my friends and family away with their quality. You know what I discovered?  Hydroponics really is very simple.

I created a system that completely eliminated every road block and hurdle to growing hydroponically.

So what changed?  Two things really.  Firstly I consulted an expert in plant cultivation and disease.  This may seem a little extreme but when I do something, I make sure I do it well. This guy came to my house and in five minutes flat had identified 6 small mistakes I was making.  These tiny errors were costing me the fantastic, juicy crops I craved.  He then took me through a few of the other common errors people make just in case I encountered them.  Trust me, it was money well spent. The second thing I did was to put his advice into practice. I systematically weeded out all the little mistakes I was making - things that would not even be noticeable to a novice.  The results made me so happy that I started wanting to help others to achieve the full potential of this amazing growing method. I wanted to give others the guidance I needed when I first started out.

The most comprehensive guide to growing hydroponically that has ever been written.

So I put together the most comprehensive guide to growing hydroponically that has ever been written. You don’t have to take my word for that. In a minute I will share with you some of the amazing feedback I have had from people who have used my system to grow their own juicy vegetables. First let’s look at what you will be getting in this eBook. Here is a rundown of the comprehensive information you will receive with Hydroponics 101.




Section One - Starting at the beginning

Everything you need to know if this is your first attempt at hydroponics

 Choosing the right location in your environment.

 The correct method to match YOUR circumstances.

 All you need to know about lighting and equipment for a great indoor garden.

 Building your grow box.

 The importance of ventilation and how to get it just right.


Section Two - Hydroponics & Aeroponics fully explained

 What is a hydroponics system and why do they work so well.

 The Pro’s and Cons

 Vital nutritional and environmental tips and hints

Section Three - Hydroponics systems in detail

 Each hydroponic system fully explained to the last detail, moving from beginner to expert.

 Step by step guide to building your own hydroponic or aeroponic system

 Maintaining your system at its optimum health levels.

 All the errors you need to look out for and eradicate


Section Four - Which vegetables for super success?

 A list of the vegetables most suited to an indoor garden

 Selecting the perfect seeds and making sure they germinate correctly

 Perfect plant combinations. Vital information for making the most of your space.


Section Five - Growing herbs and vegetables organically

 Everything you ever needed to know about the drip feed system - from building to maintaining

 Growing herbs in an indoor garden.

 Tips and hints on growing herbs commercially.


Section Six - Troubleshooting: ALL your problems solved


pH levels Positioning light sources
Water Algae
Pests Mould
Overuse of nutrients Fungus

Section Seven - Thinking of going commercial?

All you need to know to set up a successful commercial enterprise that will take your hydroponic gardening to a new level

So does it work?

Just take a look at what my deeply satisfied customers are saying.


Hello, my name is Dave.

I consider myself a novice in the world of gardening and hydroponics. My journey began in March 2012 when my 9 year old daughter said she would like to grow a garden outside this summer. So we went to the garden store and I let her pick out some seeds; I grabbed some as well.

We started our plants indoors and in June 2012, we transplanted our starters. I quickly became engrossed with the project and fascinated by the growth we had. I watched many YouTube videos to learn more about gardening and came across some videos about hydroponics and was intrigued.


My Drip System

Peppers & Basil



I built a deep water culture system and tried to grow peppers and tomatoes. Most of my plants died or barely grew at all. Frustrated with my progress, I started looking for help. I found a local store who sold hydroponic supplies and he told me that my problem was my water temperature. I found him to be helpful but I was growing fruits and vegetables and he specialized in only one crop which was very different from mine.

If you recall we had a very hot summer in 2012. I tried many things to keep my basin below 82 degrees; unfortunately there was nothing I could do. I searched for help on the internet and found www.besthydroponics101.com who has given me a great deal of information. I purchased their eBook and read through it right away. I sent an email for help because I had decided to move my setup in to my basement and wanted to do things right the first time


Chadwick Tomatoes

Como Di Toro Pepper



I received an email back from Bjarne who is very knowledgable about hydroponics and many types of fruits and vegetables. I explained to Bjarne what I was growing and asked for help with lighting and nutrients. Bjarne has helped me to become a successful gardener.

Below I have provided some pictures of my journey. I still ask Bjarne for help to this day and he has been great. I am about to start a second crop made up of 4 different kinds of lettuce and some different types of peppers. Because each plant is different and has different needs, Bjarne has helped me with my lighting type, times and nutrients.

Pepper Roots

Chadwick Tomatoes




If you are new or experienced, I believe there is still plenty you can learn from www.besthydroponics101.com; I am glad I contacted them when I did. Bjarne has saved me a lot of trial and error, time and expense. Now, understanding the details of what I must control properly with my hydroponics system, I don’t believe I would have been able to figure it out on my own. It’s simple once you know what to do and have been given help by someone like Bjarne.


My Drip System

Peppers & Basil


It is deeply gratifying to know that I have helped so many people to achieve their dream of a functioning, productive indoor garden. And I am even happier to know that the information I gave them made the process a simple pain free experience.

Why take the time to make your own mistakes when I have already made and solved them for you?

It is worth you knowing that after I wrote the book for the first time. I trawled it past countless experts for their opinions. Each one contributed invaluable information and helped to make this eBook the huge success it is.

The Bonuses That Make This eBook an Astounding Value

At just $47, the eBook - by itself - represents an amazing bargain but I have been where you are and I genuinely want to make sure you cannot fail to produce huge, chemical-free, juicy tasty vegetables.  So I am going to include a few bonuses that I know will guarantee your success.

Bonuses - To Make Sure Of Your Success

Bonus 1: Growing Bigger

Ready to expand but not sure you have enough space? This comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to make the most out of your space under any circumstances. Once you read this, you will be producing more out of your indoor garden than you ever dreamed possible.

Independent value? $40

Bonus 2: Growing Flowers Indoors

If you have always wanted to produce beautiful flowers in your indoor garden, then this guide is everything you need. This comprehensive report does not miss a trick. Whether you want them for personal use or even want to go commercial, this guide will give you all the stunning flowers you need.

Independent Value $45

Bonus 3: Indoor Gardens In Town

Part of the fun of hydroponic gardening is having bragging rights over everyone you know. This report gives you chapter and verse on the ten most interesting things you can grow with your hydroponic system. Plus all the hints and tips you need to make sure they thrive. Be the envy of all your friends.

Independent Value $42.99

Bonus 4: Hydroponics Consultant

The low down on perfecting your indoor garden so you can help other perfect theirs.

Independent Value $50

Bonus 5: 25 Delicious Recipes

Once you have gone to all the trouble to grow the best herbs and veggies on the planet it will be time to get cooking.You will need awesome recipes to do justice to your amazing produce. These recipes will blow your taste buds.

Independent Value $20

Bonus 6: Free Phone Consultation

As a part of this offer you also get a free 60 minute consultation with the largest supplier of Hydroponic equipment in North America, Dealzer.com.By taking advantage of offer you get a chance to learn which nutrients and equipment are essential for you use early to grow high quality vegetables in your particular situation.For those that chooses to take advantage of this offer Dealzer also offer 24/7 full lifetime technical support on any purchase and a 5% money back discount exclusive to readers of Hydroponics 101.

Independent Value $100

All in all, these bonuses alone would cost you at least $300 if you wanted to buy them separately. Today, they are included FREE when you purchase Hydroponics 101 for just $47. In other words, you save $300 and get hold of the best hydroponic growing information on the market!

Super Bonus

12 Months FREE, unlimited email support!

Boy, do I wish someone had offered this to me when I was first starting out. In addition to the book you also get 12 months personal support from Bjarne Viken who is in the executive committee of the Hydroponic Society of Victoria. Bjarne specialize in growing basil, but also grow his own salad and tomates which he picks from his garden several times a week.

This bonus allows you to contact him as many times as you like within twelve months of purchasing of Hydroponics 101. He will then give you a comprehensive and complete solution to any problems you may have encountered - usually within 24 hours! How is that for peace of mind?  Not only do you get this fantastic eBook and all of the amazing bonuses for the tiny purchase price of $47 - you also get complete access for 12 months! It is hard to put a price on this kind of invaluable support but I think $200 is pretty conservative.  This brings your savings on this purchase to well over $400. How often does that happen in life?

Your Success is Guaranteed

I am so confident that my eBook will revolutionize your approach to growing hydroponically that I want to offer you a jaw dropping guarantee. I have no time for guarantees that make vague promises so mine is rock solid and very specific.

Hydroponics, done right, is the perfect method for growing the most genetically perfect herbs and vegetables possible.

So here is my promise to you. If you read my book and employ my methods and do not get the best quality, tasty, juicy vegetables you have ever come across, within 60 days of planting - I will refund your money. All I ask is that you fill in a feedback form that I will provide you with.

There is no problem you can encounter that my book cannot solve so I have full confidence in offering you this guarantee.

Also this guarantee is backed by a third party:

This book is sold through the secure industry leading payment systems offered by ClickBank. Through them we are offering you a full 60 day money-back guarantee

Get The Book With Full 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee - Only $47

If you are eager to start producing fantastic vegetables but fear that you do not have the expertise or the patience, then my book is about to make things very simple for you.

Skip the trial and error stage and start producing amazing crops immediately.

Let me tell you from experience, the trial-and-error stage of indoor gardening can get expensive.  For the small price of $47 you can avoid all that unnecessary expense and get it right the first time. Don’t take the chance on failures and disappointment, I wrote this book to help you avoid that. Go straight to the good stuff with my foolproof hydroponic growing plan.

Happy indoor growing.  

PS. The sooner you purchase my eBook the sooner you can start producing the fresh tasty vegetables you dream of. Why wait?

PPS. The bonuses included with this offer really are amazing value. Over $400 worth of information given to you for FREE. The consulting service alone has to be worth hundreds. Imagine having your own hydroponics expert at your beck and call when-ever you want for a whole 12 months!

PPPS. I am not sure how long Bjarne will be able to provide 12 months support, so I might have to take that out of the offer soon, or increase prices. So if you can, take me up on this offer today.

Grow Your Own Food For Only $47

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