
Super Manifesting Program - Magnetize your Dream Life in 90 Days or Less with Our Proven Manifestation Technology

Super Manifesting Program - Magnetize your Dream Life in 90 Days or Less with Our Proven Manifestation Technology Download the-super-manifesting-package.pdf

Super Manifesting Program - Magnetize your Dream Life in 90 Days or Less with Our Proven Manifestation Technology

Play the inspiring video below to begin...

What Would You Manifest
If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

I am inviting you to open your mind... and explore what your world would be like without its apparent limitations and boundaries. Whatever it is that you want in life, can and will be yours. Perhaps you want to discover your life mission, become financially free, make love with your soul mate, live in your dream home, travel to exotic destinations, have a fun enjoyable career, or just experience an enlightened state of consciousness all day long!

Whatever dream you have, it is possible! With our proven Manifesting Technology you'll discover for yourself how powerful you truly are at manifesting anything you want. We have the most effective manifesting techniques, tools, and technology in the world! You are guaranteed to dramatically increase your natural ability to manifest every desire you have with joy and effortless ease!

Today may just be the most fortunate day of your life! You have just discovered the most effective and comprehensive Online Manifesting Program on the planet! Since its birth in 2004, Super Manifestor has brought inner peace, profound financial abundance, enlightened relationships, radical healing, peak states of health for tens of thousands of people in over 60+ countries around the WORLD!

It's Time to Stop Struggling and Start Living the
Abundant Magical Life You Deserve to Have!

Instantly Download The Super Manifesting Program and Experience...

  • The 8 Secret Manifesting Habits that allow EVERYONE to effortlessly attract ANYTHING their heart desires.
  • 12 Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio that will turn you into a Manifesting Magnet!
  • How to remove the critical blocks stopping you from creating your dream life.
  • The 6 secrets to creating a more enlightened relationship with anyone.
  • The golden secret to establishing a state of unwavering self-confidence.
  • A healing meditation that will naturally increase your energy and the regeneration of new cells in your body.
  • The 1500 year old manifesting secret which is 100% guaranteed to turn you into a Manifesting Master!

I did exactly what chapter 9 of the Manifesting Manual said...I got tremendous results that really amazed me! I gained $500,000 from a TV show, bought my dream car and I am engaged to the person that I feel is my soul mate! We are in love and he is just like I imagined him to be! Believe it or not, everything that I write here is TRUE! Thank you for helping me! q2

~ Bayan Rahal

There is sooo much enlightening information you're about to experience in this transformational program! Inside the Super Manifestor Package you'll receive over 350+ pages of Enlightening Material about Manifesting, and over 250 minutes of Guided Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio!

This program contains every tool you will ever need to dramatically shift EVERY area of your life, no matter how old your are OR what major life challenges you're facing. This highly educational experience is interactive and will jumpstart your life in the most empowering ways...

With the Super Manifesting Program you will also experience...

  • An enlightening process that will help you reveal your life mission and purpose on Earth.
  • The World Famous Blue Room Manifesting Meditation! This is a highly effective guided visualization that allows you to manifest specific physical results on Earth. (People rant and rave about the things they have manifested using just this one meditation... anything from new homes to unbelievable monetary success with just this one manifesting meditation!)
  • Manifesting Meditations which will help attract your Soul Mate and create an enlightened loving relationship.
  • The top 10 most common blocks to manifesting and exactly how to transcend them.
  • Spiritually enlightening messages that will dramatically shift you into a higher state of consciousness and attract positive outcomes to you!

What's even more amazing is that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The end result for me was $127,000.00 in one month, and I paid off $80,000 of debt. Now I'm averaging over $50,000 a month! These manifesting techniques are delightful and easy to accomplish.q2

~Sunny W., Atlanta, Georgia


From the Cyber Desk of Jafree Ozwald

Date: September 9, 2013



I've created the Super Manifesting Program so that you can experience how divine and powerful you truly are! I want you to experience how easy and effortless it is to create the life of your dreams! I've tested this manifesting technology on myself for 15 years and it truly works! I've made it easy to use that even teenagers have used my techniques and manifested phenomenal results! This program shows you step-by-step exactly how to tap into your own innate power, awaken the Super Manifestor inside you and to create anything that you want! It's my goal that everyone on Earth knows exactly how to create their greatest life possible life...

I've spent the majority of my life researching the science of manifesting from the past 1500 years, and have finely tuned this special manifesting technology so that it truly works with everyone... every time!

I have been a life coach for thousands of people from all over the world, teaching them the most effective manifesting techniques, principles and habits in history. I've seen my clients dramatically shift their lives in a matter of weeks, and manifest all kinds of outrageous and amazing things. The Super Manifesting Package contains everything that I've taught them, and I've packaged this information in a way that you can easily access online now! The Super Manifesting Program is soooooo amazing because it actually works!


Click Here to See ALL of Our Testimonials!

I believe the reason it is so effective is that it was born out of a spiritual awakening experience I had in India in 1995, so its roots are deep and profound. Just follow what the program tells you to do for 90 days in a row, and you WILL SEE, FEEL and EXPERIENCE massive results! I guarantee it! These are the most powerful manifesting exercises that create a life overflowing with abundance, joy, success and love.

Life doesn't have to be complicated, and I want to make it easier for you. Simply download this program, follow my 8 secret habits for 90 days, and you will start magnetizing the life of your dreams. The manifesting tools are easy to do and are guaranteed to awaken this "sleeping power" within you! You'll effortlessly start attracting whatever it is your heart desires and have FUN doing it! Perhaps you're needing to manifest a new passive income that effortlessly pays all the bills each month, or maybe you want a new relationship, or to fall deeply in love with your partner. Whatever it is that you want, will start coming your way!

Yes! It's time to get excited about your future! You're about to embark upon a field of enlightening information that will totally transform your entire life! Get ready to receive the most powerful manifesting habits from some of the greatest enlightened manifestors on this planet. The Super Manifesting Program has worked miraculously for thousands of people, and I know it will work for you too! Whatever it is you want in your future, these ancient manifesting tools will enlighten you and allow you to create it! Yes! You're about to experience the most empowering and effective manifesting formulas that will enlighten your consciousness and dramatically transform your life!

How Does The Super Manifesting Technology Actually Work?

It is all based on an ancient science of accessing an Unlimited Source of Creative Energy and manifesting power hidden inside of everyone and everything... including you!  The only reason that you're not already creating everything you want in your life is that you are not consciously implementing and applying this empowering knowledge. Once you do the program for 90 days, you'll shift your consciousness, energy and vibration to such a deep degree that you'll see your desires effortlessly show up in your life.

Super Manifesting ProgramYou see, your body and mind act like a radio tower which is constantly broadcasting your particular energy and frequency. Your thoughts and feelings are always sending out an "energetic blueprint" that is directly communicating to the Universe what you are FEELING and focusing your attention on.  When you apply these manifesting techniques for 90 days and dramatically raise your "Manifesting Vibration", you will be sending out the HIGHEST manifesting signals into the Universe!!  Like attracts like, and so you will start receiving actual results into your world.

What makes our Super Manifesting Program sooooo effective is that it shows you exactly how to become the master of your mind. Once you learn how to master you mind, you will master your life. The program will show you precisely HOW to overcome blocks in your mind, release negative emotions, and find those hidden belief systems that are stopping you. The manifesting techniques you'll receive are EASY to do and they work EVERY time because they are using your body and accessing it's UNLIMITED RESOURCES!!

By simply doing these 8 Secret Habits and listening to all 12 Manifesting Meditations in this program you'll flood your subconscious mind with this enlightening manifesting mindset. This ancient information will resurface each day, allowing you to become the unlimited abundant being that you truly are! By simply raising your Manifesting Vibration you will naturally attract what you want to you. As this information is digested within every fiber of your being you will start SEEING abundance show up in the form of more love, money, gifts, new clients, a better job, etc... It's really that simple!

What people are saying about

the Super Manifestor Program...

"I've been using the "BLUE ROOM" meditation for a while now....as well as purchasing and faithfully listening to your 3 money making meditations... the financial guru, manifesting abundance, and the money mantra.  I must admit that I have not been following it everyday consecutively, but have made a good effort to really FEEL the mantras on the days that I listen.  Well, today I decided to put these mantras to the test and I was compelled to write you and share my success with you! I was able to manifest $10,020 today!! 

You can't imagine how I am feeling today!!! Or can you??!!  I can't describe the joy, the sense of peace and knowing, the affirmation that everything turned out EXACTLY as I negotiated and meditated upon....Seriously, this is mind blowing stuff! I WAS probably ONE OF THE BIGGEST SKEPTICS EVER....but so far thanks to your guidance, my life is turning out to be UNBELIEVABLE!  My skepticism has been destroyed, and my FAITH IS COMPLETELY RESTORED!!!  To anyone out there doubting this...DON'T...this is real, it works, and its FANTASTIC!!  Best Regards, ~TZ

"I've been on the 90 day course for a few months now and am really noticing some amazing changes in myself. I feel healthier, I got a promotion at work,  I've started developing my online business plans that I've had for years... and so much more! Thanks Jafree. Please keep the inspiration coming. Best regards.   ~Jeremy Gard, Brisbane, Australia

"The most unusual thing is that when I pick up a chapter in your manifesting manual, every part of my being begins to vibrate as if I just plugged into the Universe!" ~Morgan, Boston, MA.

"Within 2 weeks of going to the blue room, using the tools that he taught me, I manifested something in such a short time, that I never thought would've taken place.... these guys are incredible!! ~Scott A.  Boulder, CO

"Your way of expressing these concepts always attracts me, and nothing, but nothing compares with it-- the tone, the depth of spirituality, I can't put it into words. Your Manifesting Manual is something I can read over and over and soak up. I am in process of making the routine a solid part of my life, and it has made a difference! I LOVE your 12 meditations too! I know I am a different person after 9 months with Super Manifestor, and in process of continued positive change! You deserve accolades every day of the year! Keep on with everything, and as we say in Spanish, "ANIMO!" Lots of love and every blessing to you both." ~Diane Abbott, Spain

arrowJust click on any of these Testimonials...

 Click Here to Read ALL of Our Testimonials!

If you have a skeptical voice inside you that is trying to protect you from being conned... this is a good sign. It means that the pendulum is going to swing the other direction and you're soon going to become a true believer in the Science of Manifesting! The fact of the matter is that my life is living proof that the Super Manifesting Program truly works! Here is my story of how I discovered how the power of manifestation truly worked for me...

At one point in my life's journey, I felt that each day was a perpetual struggle to survive...

  • I was deeply depressed due to a divorce, my father's suicide, and was in a habitual fight with everybody I knew.
  • I spent most of my days lying around, doing nothing, hoping that my life would change.
  • I was completely broke, overwhelmed with bills, and had no way of paying them.
  • And then to top it all off, I had borrowed $20,000 from credit cards which was all lost in the stock market crash.
  • I was living a very unhealthy diet and lifestyle that gave me very low energy and made me constantly grumpy and tired. I was in a dark deep rut...

Then, one day in the deepest pit of my despair, I had an experience that changed my life forever. I remember lying flat on the floor in a deep depressed and pathetic state....feeling so overwhelmed with bills and no job to pay them with. In that very moment I could do nothing but completely surrender to my life and my soul's existence. I received an enormous download of information that felt like it came from the highest loving intelligence in the entire Universe.

A huge surge of energy rushed through my body and I started to write everything down. I wrote for many hours everyday for the next 3 weeks! What followed was the complete set of 8 daily manifesting practices (or habits) that has changed my life forever. I soon learned that each day I followed these simple manifesting habits, my energy and consciousness would instantly shift and I would find myself attracting the people, situations and results my heart desired! This was the beginning of what would soon become the Manifesting Manual.

I started applying these 8 habits on a daily basis and the results were staggering!!

After about 90 days into the experience I noticed that everything in my life had drastically changed in the most positive ways!

Yes, I'm celebrating life
playing in a pile of $20,000!
Yes, those are $100 bills!

  • I was literally gifted $20,000 from a mysterious source.
  • My monthly income had tripled as TONS of new coaching clients started showing up.
  • I took an exotic 4 week vacation to Costa Rica.
  • I was having multiple peak states of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual highs in a single day.
  • I woke up every morning in great appreciation for my life and all the wonderful people in it.
  • For the first time in many years, I felt genuinely happy, excited about everything in my life and truly unstoppable!

I feel that this enlightening information I've been given is meant to transform everyone's life on this planet. Even if you're in the bottomless pit of deep despair, I know that once you apply this information to your life you'll experience the same shift in energy, enthusiasm and consciousness that I did! You'll have increased feelings of energy, joy, self-worth, inner peace, motivation, and realize that anything is possible!

I believe these secrets are what saved me from remaining penniless and in debt, to living in Hawaii, meeting my soul mate and having a thriving abundant life that I love! The super manifesting techniques, principles, and exercises that I'm going to share with you are the exact same ones that created this profound transformation in my life.

When you simply follow this program for
90 days in a row you will start magnetizing...

  • A deeply loving enlightened "soul mate" relationship.
  • A super fit body that has it tapped into an abundance of energy.
  • Loads of motivation, appreciation and enthusiasm for your life.
  • Plenty of money in your bank account.
  • A job or career that you absolutely love.
  • Your ideal dream home!

You were born with the natural power to manifest anything you desire! However, the main reason why you're not manifesting everything you want is because your mind is distracted, always busy, deeply scattered and chronically unfocused. It's as if your mind is still asleep and needing to wake up from this struggling dream. When you follow our Super Manifesting Program, you will AWAKEN the clarity and true power of your mind and radically ignite your life! It's amazing yet once this manifesting knowledge is integrated into your life, you will NATURALLY begin attracting your heart's desires to you. Your life will never be the same again. This material is going to awaken The Enlightened Manifestor within you and allow you to have an effortless journey into unstoppable success!!

Let's do a little experiment to see how powerful or chaotic your mind actually is. As you're reading this, I want you to imagine that I'm standing behind you, waving a magic golden wand of light over your head right now. This energy is going into the top of your head, and it will allow you to manifest anything you dream of! What is the first thing you MOST want to manifest? What do you want to be, do and have show up in your life? Dream big because whatever it is that you desire is already on its way.

The secrets of manifestation are based in knowing how to consistently increase your consciousness, energy and vibration everyday. When you start practicing the 8 Secret Manifesting Habits, you will without a doubt KNOW and FEEL that you are a powerful, magical manifesting being! You'll know ANYTHING is possible and whatever you want can be manifested in 90 days or less!

Did you know that tens of thousands of people around the world right now are already applying these simple manifesting principles and right now they are manifesting outrageous success!! Yes, you could be one of these of tens of thousands of people! These people are living out their greatest dreams, not because they were lucky, more educated, or smarter than you, but because they did one simple thing. They applied this 8 habit manifesting formula, practiced it everyday, and started seeing results instantly!

This manifesting technology truly works, and when you follow the manifesting program you will experience unbelievable results very quickly! What’s more amazing is that they are sharing it with their families and everyone is becoming a manifesting magnet full of joy and ease in their hearts! The key is that they are using the 8 habits manifesting formula and are applying them daily...

I'm going to let you in on a sweet little secret and share with you something you may not know! No matter what your age, energy level, religious background or current financial situation is, you can learn and apply the greatest secrets of manifestation. That's right, even teenagers have used these manifesting techniques and manifested their wildest dreams in just a few weeks! In a short amount of time, you'll be amazed at what a natural you are at manifesting! Very soon you'll be materializing your desires faster and easier than what you dreamed was possible...

You know that whatever excuses you've had in the past are not working for you anymore. Once you give up these limiting beliefs you'll give yourself permission to start creating the life you deserve!! In a very short time on this program you will have awakened that dormant manifesting energy and turned yourself into a super powerful MANIFESTING MAGNET!

Discover the secret of bliss within you!

The Super Manifesting Program is by far the most effective, comprehensive and practical manifesting program on the planet, and the only one you'll ever need. Yes, it's crazy but true... within 90 days of doing this manifestation routine each day you'll naturally become a money magnet, experience profound energy, have unstoppable confidence, deep inner healing, create enlightened loving relationships and even tap into the experience of a divine spiritual state of bliss!!

I invite you to do your research. You'll discover there's many superficial products out there that don't actually work. The best proof I can give you is actual RESULTS and that's what this program is all about! The Super Manifesting Package is a 3 month life-transforming experience that will alter your consciousness, changing the way you think and feel about life even in the first 24 hours! The Manifesting Mindset you'll receive has instant positive effects, and it works the same with ALL types of people from any country around the world!

This is 21st Century Manifesting Technology that truly works! And best of all, you will be surprised to discover how FUN it is! The pleasure you'll receive from doing your Morning Manifesting Routine will alone cause you to jump for joy every day! You'll find this routine inside chapter 9 of our Manifesting Manual. The 257 page Manifesting Manual alone will enlighten your mind in more ways than you can imagine. You can start reading the first 19 pages of this e-book which will teach you the 3 steps to overcoming blocks and begin transforming your life from the inside out!

Many people who did the Manifesting Routine for even a few weeks soon realized that more money began flowing into their life. It just seemed to be MAGNETIZED to them! Now this is something to get excited about!

Check out this testimonial I received below...

For many months I had only one real estate deal... I purchased the Super Manifesting Package and within a week of listening to money manifestation meditations I received a new construction listing at $3,995,000 in Bedford, NY!

Believe it or not, after only 6 days, we have received an offer very close to the list price! In addition, I obtained a listing for $1,850,000 in Greenwich CT and presented an offer of $950,000 on another Greenwich property. I also closed on two properties one for $837,500 in Norwalk CT and another for $420,000 in Stamford, CT.

I am manifesting money all over...the investment was definitely worth the price based on my 10,000% return! Thank you!q2

~D. P., Greenwich, CT

Are you ready to stop working sooooo hard to pay your bills each month and learn how to tap into the infinite Universal supply of abundance hidden inside you? This unlimited power is ready to burst forth and help you manifest the life you've been dreaming of! Just imagine how you'll feel when you can purchase whatever your heart desires and FEEL financially abundant the following day!

Here's another example of how effective this manifesting program truly is. In 2003, one of my clients was $90,000 in debt, struggling with his business, self-esteem, energy and his personal relationship for many years. He started applying just a few of the 8 secret habits to his life, yet truly stuck solid to his commitment to follow them daily for several weeks.

What happened in this next 6 months was an absolute miracle. Super ManifestorHe became soooo inspired and on target with his life mission that he invented and marketed an invention that helped heal thousands of people around the world, got to meet Oprah on an island and became a multi-millionaire in the process! Talk about a manifesting gold mine!

As I've mentioned before, there are tens of thousands of people from 60+ countries around the world who have already experienced extraordinary REAL LIFE results from using this powerful Manifesting Technology. It's soul purpose is to give people direction, clarity, confidence and hope in this painfully challenging world. This enlightening material is here to empower you with the knowledge you need to create ANYTHING you can dream!

The moment you instantly download this program, a 10,000 watt light bulb is going to turn on in your life! The manifestation exercises you'll be doing tomorrow morning when you wake up are going to cause you to attract the most extraordinary people, energy and circumstances that you can imagine!! By this time next week, the biggest question you'll be asking yourself is... "Now that I know how to attract ANYTHING my heart desires, what do I really want to do with my life?" Click Here to Listen to Pat's fun and magical story about what he experienced when he started using our manifesting program.

Click Here for ALL of Our Testimonials!

After doing Jafree's manifesting meditation techniques the first morning I felt an ever growing ability to manifest my hearts desires. Other meditations were bleak and superficial in comparison to Jafree's techniques. His induction methods to relaxation are strong, powerful, and effective. My visualizations were 3-dimensional and seemed to be forming right in front of my eyes. I have never experienced this before in any other of my meditations. Thank you Jafree for sharing the Universal wisdom to those of us who are ready to take on the responsibility to transform one's life.q2

~Ernie Rohrbacher MASC (NLP)

Visualize this...

You've decided to step off of the sidelines and onto the playing field of your life

and you just purchased the Super Manifesting Package!

It's now 3 months later and you feel unstoppable! You have an unlimited supply of energy and you can easily afford your dream home. You're enjoying all your relationships, living the peaceful harmonious life that you LOVE, and I just heard that you're headed for a 3 week island vacation! Congratulations! You are living the life of your dreams!

I am so excited to share my unbelievable manifesting experience after just three weeks on your manifesting program... the deal was worth a $50,000 commission check! What a gift of wisdom and knowledge that you have given all of us!q2

~Laura. W. Dana Point, CA (August 31st, 2006)

Perhaps you're wondering...

what's inside The Super Manifestor Package?

The Manifesting Manual has been described by many as the most comprehensive and complete manifesting guidebook on the planet. Within this 257 page e-book you'll receive 21 powerful manifesting meditations, 13 proven visualization exercises, 200 inspirational quotes, and the world's greatest secrets to attracting anything you desire by raising your Manifesting Vibration! With this program you'll attract your desires with effortless joy and ease! Instantly download the first chapter and view the entire table of contents by Clicking Here! The Manifesting Manual will dramatically assist you in creating everything from total financial freedom, to enlightened loving relationships, to having a peak state of energy for the rest of your life! With hundreds of pages and 14 mind blowing Chapters in this one e-book, it alone can transform all your problems into opportunities and pave a path to freedom in your future ahead! Value $29.95
The 90 Day Manifesting Routine! This is perhaps the most FUN, sought after and effective manifesting routine that produces RESULTS! The simple actions are the essential backbone to raising your manifesting vibration and transforming your life! By following this routine for 90 days in a row we guarantee that you will manifest massive results in your life! Your mornings will be so exciting you'll be jumping for joy and shifting your vibration shifting immediately! Value $19.95
Affirmations to Manifest an Awakened, Empowered and Abundant Life! This amazing e-book is a 90 day program in itself and contains 300+ enlightening affirmations that will reprogram your mind, body and your life for instant success! We have a special unique secret technique we'll teach you so that each affirmation goes directly and deeply into reprogramming your subconscious mind. You'll manifest successful relationships, an abundant financial situation, incredible job satisfaction, peak health and best of all the empowerment to manifest ANYTHING you desire! Value $17.95
101 Thoughts to Experience a Spiritual Awakening! This mini e-book contains 101 enlightening thoughts and actions that will spark a spiritual awakening in your life! By reading one of these thoughts everyday you'll open your mind to tap into an unlimited source of divine power within YOU! Value $15.95
The 8-day Manifesting E-course. This powerful e-course will "jumpstart" your manifesting engines with the essential secrets to manifesting your heart's desires. You will receive 8 powerful manifesting lessons via EMAIL over 8 consecutive days. Each email contains an ancient manifesting secret as well as the practical knowledge on how to apply and implement this empowering information. These manifesting "homework assignments" will inspire you and get you into action! You'll find yourself easily manifesting amazing relationships, financial freedom, unstoppable confidence and much much more! Value $15.95

arrow ALL 12 Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio!

Guided Meditation to Become a Manifesting Magnet (20 minutes) This meditation will skyrocket your body's manifesting vibration so that you can quickly and effortlessly attract whatever you desire into your life. You'll deepen your ability to trust yourself and the Universe, and connect with your natural ability to manifest! In this meditation you'll be sending out so many positively charged vibrations that your every desire will be miraculously magnetized to you! Value $17.95
The Million Dollar Manifesting Meditation (23 minutes) This super FEEL GOOD experience will help you relax about your current financial issues, as well as increase your financial frequency so that you can become financially free! Increase your Financial Frequency and Attract Divine Abundance into ALL areas of your Life! Experience yourself as the divinely rich and abundant being you truly are. You'll connect with an UNLIMITED SOURCE of ENERGY AND RICHES and shower Divine Abundance all over your life! Value $19.95
Guided Meditation for Manifesting an Abundance of Money (18 minutes) This meditation will dramatically heal and empower your relationship with money! It will take you on a journey to release any negative limiting beliefs holding you back from manifesting abundance into your life, and submerge your mind-body with a powerful NEW state of abundance consciousness! You will literally FEEL like a million dollars after you're done with this meditation! Value $15.95
The Guided Meditation to Meeting your Inner Financial Guru (19 minutes) This audio meditation will dramatically increase your ability to tap into abundance consciousness. It will support you in uncovering your natural financial wisdom and show you how to receive direct guidance on manifesting prosperity in your life. Your inner financial guru will be able to answer your toughest questions about mastering your current financial situation, and give you a step-by-step plan on HOW to make more money this week! Value $15.95
The Money Mantra Manifesting Meditation! (25 minutes) This powerful audio meditation will dramatically boost your ability to attract a consist flow of financial abundance to you. Thanks to this meditation, you'll reprogram your mind with a powerful set of 38 money mantras that are proven to dramatically boost your ability to attract wealth into your bank account! Each time you use this meditation, your mind, body and spirit will feel reborn with a new feeling of abundance consciousness. Value $15.95
The Blue Room Manifesting Meditation (23 minutes) This revolutionary visualization takes you into a conscious dream-like state where you actually step into the most powerful place in the Universe...The Blue Room! The power you'll receive from this manifested vortex is unbelievable. You will create real life agreements that manifest themselves back on Earth! Perhaps you would like to physically meet your life partner, create a new financial contract or deal, or improve your business or personal relationships. By meeting them in the Blue Room you'll soon see how the manifested magic effortlessly starts unfolding in your life! Value $19.95
The Guided Meditation for Healing your Body, Mind and Soul! (23 minutes) This guided meditation is designed to support you in manifesting a full physical mind body healing. It will initiate a deep healing transformation of every cell in your body. Other benefits from listening to this meditation daily can include relief from physical pain, deeper levels of inner peace, an increased amount of energy, and the quieting of mind chatter. Value $15.95
The Self Love Meditation - Merging with your Divine Essence (25 minutes) This life transformational self-loving meditation will increase your ability to naturally RECEIVE those desires you did not feel worthy of in the physical world. You will heal the deepest parts of yourself and discover how to experience the greatest secret in the Universe inside YOU! By merging with your Divine Essence and finding unconditional love for yourself, you will shatter any self-sabotaging patterns and start attracting the relationships, abundance and happiness you deserve in life. Value $19.95
The Guided Meditation for Manifesting Your Enlightened Loving Soul Mate!(17 minutes) This enlightening guided meditation will help you to physically attract your soul mate to you. Or if you are already in a relationship, you'll begin creating a deeper loving soul connection with the person you are currently in partnership with. Even just listening to this deeply healing meditation one time will reprogram your heart and soul with the profound ability to experience deeper levels of intimacy in any relationship. Value $17.95
The Guided Meditation to Experiencing Samadhi! (30 minutes) This enlightening meditation takes you directly into experiencing the highest states of consciousness. You'll go on a journey that takes you beyond the mind and ego into the Divine Presence within you. When you arrive at this deep place of inner peace, you'll connect with your divine all-powerful spiritual essence which will create a dramatic shift in your ability to manifest more of what you desire. By tapping into this higher vibrational state you will experience total freedom from all suffering and see your entire life with amazing crystal clarity. Value $18.95
The Guided Meditation for Awakening Your Kundalini! (25 minutes) This guided meditation gently opens up your chakras (energy centers) so that one day you will experience a joyful Kundalini awakening! The exploration and opening of these chakras will help you to know the divine all-powerful spiritual being you truly are. This meditation gently awakens the most powerful healing and manifesting energy on the planet that has been dormant within you. When the amazing power of Kundalini is fully awake, you will experience the Divine within everyone and everything. The more you practice this meditation, the more magical your life becomes. Value $17.95
The Guided Meditation Journey into The Akashic Records! (30 minutes). This guided spiritual journey provides a new perspective and paradigm shift for a deeper understanding of yourself and your life. This is a journey of self discovery where you'll get to view past lives and receive valuable life changing information stored in your soul's Akashic Records. You'll ignite a deeper awareness within you that will eliminate any painful illusions that have been previously running the show. Value $19.95.



The 12 Day Manifesting Magnet E-Course!

Dramatically Increase your Financial Frequency with 12 Powerful Secrets that will turn you into a Manifesting Money Magnet! Everyday you'll receive an enlightening secret which will empower and liberate your relationship with money. This online experience will enlighten and expand your relationship with money so that you are effortlessly attracting financial abundance to you! Value: Priceless!

The Enlightened Manifestor E-book!

Perhaps the most enlightening aspect of the Super Manifesting Package is a compilation of the most inspiring and empowering articles on enlightenment and conscious manifesting. This powerful e-book contains the most inspiring articles we have sent out to thousands of our readers from 2003. These enlightening articles will inspire and educate you on how to embrace your natural manifesting powers so you can EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY attract your heart's desires into your life! Value $29.95

The Magic Mantra Manifesting Meditation!

Simply by repeating this magic mantra, you'll bring an energetic alignment through your head, heart and belly which will help you to manifest and receive your desires faster and easier. Just listening to this manifesting meditation one time can ignite powerful manifesting abilities which are "sleeping" within you. This enlightening experience will awaken the manifesting mindset that you need to effortlessly attract your dream life to you. This life changing download comes with a Magic Mantra PDF printout for you to meditate upon, which will take you into a deeper level of peace, life clarity and connection to your higher self. (14 minutes) Value $17

The Love Mantra Manifesting Meditation!

Reprogram your body and mind to become a "Love Magnet"! This 25 minute manifesting meditation will reconnect you with the greatest loving source of energy inside of you! You'll experience 31 unique heart transformational Love Mantras that will deeply reprogram your body and mind with the healing vibration of Love! In the world of manifesting, like attracts like. By increasing the "love vibration" inside your body, you'll automatically start attracting more loving relationships, situations and positive outcomes in life your life! Value $17

The Quiet Mind Meditation

This Guided Meditation on MP3 audio journey will dramatically improve your consciousness. In just 12 minutes you'll quiet your mind chatter, open your heart chakra and take you into a potent relaxation enhancing your Magical Manifesting potential energy! The best part is you'll shift your vibration and become extremely receptive to manifesting whatever it is that you desire. Learn how to quiet your mind and you'll master your mind. Once you master your mind you will master your life! Value: Priceless!

Guided Healing Animal Journey for Children

The Healing Animal Journey is a special guided meditation for children ages 7-12 who need to empower themselves and find a solid emotional and mental state of being. This short guided visual journey will relax your child and re-connect them with their own personal power animal. This experience brings great relief to any child who needs more self esteem and confidence! Your child will tap into feelings of deep inner peace on this short healing adventure! Kids LOVE this journey as it teaches them a fun way to empower themselves and how to heal their body, empower their mind and manifest a confident life! Value $Priceless!

Enlightened Messages for your Soul!

Receive 30 Days enlightening emails that will expand your consciousness and empower your life! As a special treat after you have devoured your 8 Day Manifesting E-course, you will receive the treat of 2 MORE WEEKS of personalized Enlightened Messages for your Soul! Your true life's mission and purpose will be drawn out of you each morning you receive one of these enlightening emails. Now this is something worth leaping out of bed for every morning!!

So perhaps you might be thinking...

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If you added up each individual product separately of...

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  • 12 Manifesting Meditations (250+ minutes on MP3 Audio)
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Now we realize $355 may be a sizable investment for some of you, yet we want everyone to be able to experience first hand how FUN and EASY it is to manifest ANYTHING your heart desires! Which is exactly why we are giving you a special One Day Discount!!

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After your purchase is complete, you'll be instantly redirected to our easy-to-download page where you can electronically download ALL your Super Manifestor products in Adobe PDF and MP3 Audio files. You can use your MP3 manifesting meditations on your phone, ipod, mp3 player, or burn them onto a CD for personal use. And you can start reading the Manifesting Manual right now, and even print a personal copy on your printer if you wish!

Again...here's a list of everything you will get to Instantly Download!

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  • The Enlightened Manifestor E-book
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  • The Love Mantra Manifesting Meditation
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All together you'll receive over 250 minutes of MP3
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The Super Manifesting Program is

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I guarantee you won't be disappointed. This enlightening material will inspire you in the most wonderful ways... enjoy! The Super Manifesting Program has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people from over 60+ countries around the world, and so we know it will work for you!!

You have nothing to lose and a magical new life to gain.  It's a spiritually advanced online course that will skyrocket your manifesting abilities where you'll see actual results!!

No matter how large or crazy of an investment you may think this is, you are going to receive ancient proven manifesting techniques that have been researched, proven by TONS of people to be HIGHLY effective, and these tools will allow you to make any amount of money you desire! This is a small investment compared to how much you'll get in return!

This program has worked miracles for thousands of people's lives all around the world. In a few days from now, you could be stepping into your most ultimate experience of life in your future! When you put the manifesting routine into action you'll suddenly realize there's no price you could put on learning this material.

Even by applying this manifesting technology for one day, you'll notice how confident, excited and unstoppable you truly feel. If you still need more proof, please view all our Testimonials!

If you think you just cannot afford to purchase the Super Manifesting Program you can start with the 1st Chapter of the Manifesting Manual for FREE below!

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Jafree Ozwald

Get ready to enlighten your life with super powerful Manifestation Technology! This is a tremendous opportunity to jump on and start manifesting your dream life tonight! Enjoy!

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