
Laptop Repair Video Course - 11 Hours Of Hd Video - Best On Web!

Laptop Repair Video Course: Learn How to Fix Laptops Download laptop-repair-video-course-11-hours-of-hd-video-best-on-web.pdf

Laptop Repair Video Course-11 Hours Of Hd Video-Best On Web!


If you want to learn how to fix laptops, you've come to the right place. Thousands of happy people have taken this easy-to-learn video course prior to you, and are successfully replacing notebook parts and restoring the life and their laptop once and for all.

Best of all, most of our students (laptop-fixing-gurus) had little to no experience when they started. This means anyone can learn how to do this. All you need is the right instructors demonstrating how to do everything in hands-on, instructional HD videos... aren't you glad you stopped by?! :)

The Laptop Repair Course is an online video training program for people who...

  • Want to upgrade their current laptop rather than spending tons of money on a new one
  • Desperately need to fix a broken part/component
  • Know how to fix desktop computers, but are too intimidated to crack open a laptop enclosure and work inside
  • Want to make some extra money buying, fixing, and selling laptops
  • Want to start their own computer repair business
  • Don't want to shell out hundreds of dollars at a repair shop for one single, little repair
* Remember, opening your laptop will void your warranty. If it's still under warranty you should contact the place your bought it from, or speak to the manufacturer. They should attempt to fix the problem or replace the laptop. These physical repair methods should only be performed when your manufacturers warranty and any warranty you purchased from a retailer has expired. In most cases, if your laptop is at least a few years old, your warranty is expired and you'll either have to pay a repair shop to fix your laptop or do it yourself. We're going to show you how to do it yourself.


Since 2008 laptops have been outselling desktop computers. They've become more powerful, battery life has gotten longer, and more people are on-the-go with their devices. If you fix computers and want a larger piece of the pie, you've got to learn how to repair laptops!


It doesn't matter if you want to make money offering your laptop repair services to people, or if you want to save money repairing your laptop yourself. This course is for everyone. Life happens and things break. You're going to spill soda on your laptop, a key is going to break off the keyboard, the trackpad is going stop working, it's going to overheat, the hard drive is going to be corrupted, it's going to move at a snail's pace compared to the newest laptops coming out... wouldn't you like to replace components in your laptop rather than paying someone else $200-300 for a single repair, or $500-2000 for a brand new laptop? This course empowers you to do just that.


This is great news for you! First, because we'll teach you how to carefully open and replace laptop components. And second, since fixing a laptop is intimidating to the average person, it's a great paid service you can offer. People will be happy to pay you for a repair rather than forking over truckloads of cash for a new laptop.

Laptop Repair Video Course

Laptop Repair Course

The Laptop course is all about laptop hardware. There are 48 videos - a total of 11 hours of high quality, HD video, that you can watch anywhere with an internet connection. You'll have lifetime access to the videos. Your membership will never expire.

1080p Video
Day Money Back Guarantee
Hours of Hands-On Video
Lifetime Email Support

Learn How to Diagnose Problems

  • Display Problems
  • Power Problems
  • System Problems
  • Operating System Problems
  • Performance Problems

Learn How to Replace...

CD/DVD/Blu-ray Drives
Hard Drives
Screen Inverter
BIOS Batteries
Power Jack Connectors
WiFi Cards
Complete Teardowns
Clean After Spill

Just a one-time payment of $67


Dear Support, I LOVE THIS COURSE!, I have already begun the viewing and I am starting disk 3, I have already diagnoses and repaired 2 laptops, that were previously JUNKED, now are working like new. I'm excited, about what I've learned, I just keep stopping and running back to the bench to try it out, and it worked! I will keep you posted on my results, but so far in less than a week I have made enough off the sale of the 2 laptops to cover the cost of my course and my tool kit! GREAT Course, Keep it up!
Rick M., North Carolina, USA

I like the course. Not too much in one bite. Easy to understand. I'm repairing several laptops and the course has helped. I'm working on getting up to speed in starting my own business-looking for ways to get an edge as there are quite a few competitors around.
Greg O., Iowa, USA

I purchased both the Computer and Laptop repair course and I am enjoying myself immensely. Who said that you cannot teach an 'Old Dog' new tricks?
Doug S., South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Hi Ty, Thanks for the email and also the Laptop Course. I have started watching the Laptop video lessons, it is so amazing. I am in lesson 20 disc 2 Replace Optical Drive MacBook. Today, to my happiness i have been able to know the secret of how to replace HP Laptop Key Board and i did it just after the lesson... Credit to you Guys. THANKS
Samuel O., Dubai, United Arab Emirates

I was just watching the Laptop Repair Course last night. Everything is perfect, most especially to the students I am training. The videoes are a big help to me and to the students. The best hands-on we ever had.
Weon P., New York, USA

Hi yes im still togging along doing the course i think its brilliant really good well happy with it,also yes ive fixed 5 laptops so far with differant problems and without this course it would be alot harder to do,im taking my time with the course so i can get everything on board deep in my mind, i will keep u informed on all progress thanks all! take care
Dave A., Worcestershire, United Kingdom

Hello Sirs, I have gone through about half of the lessons. Yes I plan on starting my own business very soon as I am about to crack at my regular job as a waiter. The lessons are quite good. Ran into an old friend recently who is certified at fixing xbox's and cellphones. He also knows a great deal about computers. We are going to start slow with repairing computers as a business. So far I have replace the keyboard on my old Toshiba laptop and also added memory to it and an old desktop that my friend gave me. I have worked on 5 computers total so far. They were all real slow. Three of them had wicked malware etc. on them which I successfully removed. Thank you so much for your site and program.
Howard W., New York, USA

My main reason for my purchase was to get some additional information on laptop repair with which to bolster my knowledge and expand my repair capabilities. These lessons turned out to be more beneficial for my needs, and I am satisfied with the product that you provided, and think that it is a good value. I have been repairing desktop computers for about a dozen years, so I wasn't expecting to learn very much on that subject, but I found the Laptop Repair Course to be quite thorough in the information that is covered. I would also like to add that it is nice to be able to log in from any location and watch the videos provided in the courses.
Mark A., Texas, USA

Hi there Ty, My wife bought me the Master Computer Repair DVD set and the Laptop Repair DVD set last year and I have been viewing them since I first received them. I have to say, I am so delighted indeed to be viewing all these videos as this is exactly what I have been looking for for a while now until I came across your website by chance and my wife decided to buy me both packs. In my free time I tweak and fix computers and its sort of a hobby for me. Thank you very much for providing this product and I am about to start a computer repair company here and make use of the added skills learnt in the videos. Thanks once again and I look forward to many more training materials from your company.
Mellie M., Papua New Guinea

Hello, Thank you for checking on me. I've almost watched all of the videos for the computer repair and laptop repair but I have just been taking my time and going back and re-watching some and will re-watch others. I really like them so far. Actually, I enjoy seeing things when they don't work out right. Like if something breaks or screws don't come out. I appreciate that you all didn't edit those sceens out because it shows what could happen in the real world. I've been able to help 3 people with their computers thanks to the videos. One day I'd like to start my own little business, so I'm trying to get some old computers and some broken laptops to work on so that way if I do mess something up it won't be crucial.
Corey M., Virginia, USA

Hi, I have gone through all the lessons. I find them easy to understand. The videos are great. I plan to use this course to fix my computer when needed. I also have a laptop that needs work. I would highly recommend this to family and friends. Thank you for offering this course. It is much cheaper than most courses and it is easy to understand. The videos help a lot, it's better to be able to see how things are done. Thank you.
Lucy H., New York, USA

I want to take this time to say thank you very much for the course you have prepared. It has help me so much. I have fixed alot of computers and laptop so far. Iam now going into Business and Iam seeking further lessons with your organisations should there be any. Thanks once again for the impact program you have designed.
Francis K., Victoria, Australia

Just a one-time payment of $67


Will I learn how to do software repair with these videos as well, like removing viruses?
No, we created this video series specific to replacing laptop hardware components. However, we do have a really great Computer Repair Mastery Course that teaches software repair for desktops and laptops, and also touches on desktop hardware replacement. To be honest, most of our students buy both courses because they are complimentary and the lessons do not intersect - meaning the videos in each course are completely different.
Will I get immediate access to the videos?
Yes, you will receive an email with your login credentials shortly after your order has processed. You'll be able to login and watch the videos right away.
How do I watch these videos online?
Just like you watch any other videos on the web. You'll have a username and password so that you can login to your members area, and then from there you can watch all of the individual videos. Just like you were watching the videos on YouTube, only better.
Where can I watch these videos?
Anywhere you have an internet connection... your PC, Mac, desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
What countries is this course available in?
Pretty much everywhere! Our video servers are a part of a CDN (Content Delivery Network) with Points of Presence in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Russia, Middle East, Asia Pacific, China, and India.
You'll honestly refund my money within 60 days if I'm not happy with the course?
You betcha! Of course we'll be sad if you choose to return the videos, and we'll do anything we can to help you with specific computer-related problems you have. But at the end of the day we want you to be satisfied with your purchase. We'd obviously love to provide superior customer service and help you in any way that we can, if possible, but if the videos don't live up to your expectations we'll honor a refund request within 60 days from the purchase date.

Just a one-time payment of $67


Are you getting the most out of your iPad Mini

Mike's Mini Lessons - iPad Mini Video Classes and Tutorials | Plus Manual & Guide Download mikes-mini-lessons-ipad-mini-video-classes.pdf

Are you getting the most out of your iPad Mini


Are You Ready to Get the Most Out of Your iPad Mini?

Get Started Right Now

From iPad Mini Mike

You've made an intelligent choice investing your well-earned cash in your iPad Mini. Though, wouldn't it be a waste if you never used it to its full potential?

Did Apple Forget Your Manual?!

What was the very first thing you searched for when you opened the box of your brand new iPad Mini? Were you just like me...shocked and frustrated that there wasn't an instructional manual included with everything? I assumed it was an error and that Apple store had forgot to package my glossy high quality instructional guidebook along with my iPad Mini. Boy, was I wrong!

Apple's mantra is "simplicity" and about being "easy to use". The justification they attempted to make was that we don't even need an instruction book for the iPad Mini! That may be true if you're just going to be using your iPad Mini as a high priced email sender! But it's more than just an oversized iPhone 5. You want to get the most from your iPad Mini. You want to maximize its full potential.

The unfortunate truth is, if you don't have anyone to show some of the iPad Mini's hidden tips and tricks, you will most likely never uncover them by yourself. That is one of the iPad Mini's BIGGEST flaws.

Let This Tech-Genius Show You What To Do!

Don't you just wish you had some super tech-genius friend who got his iPad Mini the day of the release and knew it better than anyone else? He could pop over to your home and demonstrate how to do all the amazing stuff step-by-step. Well, I'm that guy! I have created video lessons for you which cover each and every feature and use of your iPad Mini!

Stop saying to yourself that you haven't learned some of the features of your iPad Mini yet, but you will one day. Today is the day that day!

iPad Mini Nerd

Only 10 Minutes a Day

You can take your iPad Mini Video Lessons whenever it fits your schedule. If you just watch 10 minutes each day during your morning cup of coffee, you'll rapidly and effortlessly gain a strong comprehension of your iPad Mini.

Not only that, but I'll show you hidden features you would have never dreamed of searching for on Google!

Accept the fact that, by yourself, you're stuggling to figure everything out about your iPad Mini. I know I did too at the start. I spent month after month reading, researching, testing, and talking with other iPad Mini users. I almost gave up a few times out of frustration! Now, I am able to save you all that time and effort by showing you how to do ANYTHING you want to do on your iPad Mini.

Get Started

"I've got to say, I didn't sign up to these iPad Mini Lessons thinking I'd discover much, but I was soon proven very wrong. I joined Mike's Mini Lessons just on a spur of the moment, and I was fairly reluctant when I started the first lessons. Imagine how shocked I was after I went back to my iPad Mini and suddenly saw all the valuable skills I'd developed. Thank you so much!"

- Peter L. Mills

Convenient, User-friendly Videos That Suit Your Schedule

And, the greatest benefit is that you can rewind and replay again anything I show you, as many times you like!

Watch my lessons on your PC, and copy each step on your iPad Mini. Or, just view them on your iPad Mini and take-in the step-by-step, press-by-press, easy-to-follow directions.

At the completion of your whole iPad Mini video course, you'll be able to get so much more done on your iPad Mini, and kick back and have fun with it. You will find these video lessons are a big return on investment through time saved and frustration ended.
iPad Mini Video

"The whole concept of these iPad Mini Video Lessons is brilliant. Everything from the topics covered, the implementation, and the presentation - it is all flawless and I wouldn't change a thing! More importantly, the lessons pushed me further than I ever thought possible. I am truly thankful that I can look back and say that the marvelllous training from Mike's Mini Lessons is what got me up to speed with my iPad Mini and the latest technology."

- Layla Garcia

Learn at Your Own Speed - Pause, rewind, and replay. Missed something? Play it as many times as you like until you've got it. Watch it the first time without your iPad Mini, then skip back and follow the steps with your device in hand.

Discover The Latest Productivity Techniques and Innovations - Uncover the latest ways to be super productive and manage your day with the iPad Mini's hidden features.

Lifetime Access - Lifetime access to these video lessons allows you to be up to date with every change to the iPad Mini and new lessons.

24/7 Availability - It doesn't matter if it is the middle of the night or during your lunch break. If you need an answer to ANY question regarding your iPad Mini, just login to my iPad Mini course center and watch the video lesson on that topic.

Your iPad Mini Manual - Who needs an instruction manual from Apple to help you with the iPad Mini when you have over 100 videos to guide you through every feature and function of the device? My course covers everything!

Simple and Easy-to-Understand coaching - I will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step every single feature of your iPad Mini. I have an appetite for teaching, and want to share my iPad Mini knowledge with you in a forthright, open way.

Have a Fun Time - I created this course to assist you in better understanding your iPad Mini and so you can use it to its full potential. But, we'll also have some chuckles throughout the course as well.

Covers every iPad Mini Model - These iPad Mini Video lessons cover every model of iPad Mini released by Apple including both Retina and Original Models, plus Wi-fi Only, and Wi-fi + Cellular. The course also covers both iOS 6 and the latest iOS 7 operating systems.

More Than 100 Videos - I've created over 100 videos showing you EVERYTHING you can do with your iPad Mini and you'll get access to all of them FOR LIFE!

"Entertaining and straight-forward is how I would describe this iPad Mini course. If someone had asked me a few weeks ago if I thought it was possible to get to the position I'm at now, I would've said no. Now, I'm progressing further and further, and it's all thanks to Mike's Mini Lessons. I couldn't be happier."

- Karen F. Fisher

"It has only been 1 day since I bought your iPad Mini Video Lessons, and I'm still getting the hang of everything I have learnt so far. I honestly believe that this course has allowed me to get results a lot sooner than if I had tried to figure it all out by myself. I am eagerly looking forward to viewing the rest of the lessons, and discovering so much more about my iPad Mini."

- Shelley Schultz

So, Are You Ready to Get Started with Your iPad Mini?

Upon the completion of the entire iPad Mini Video Lessons course, you'll be using your iPad Mini like it's your own personal assistant. It will become second nature. Each day, you will find yourself using iPad Mini to complete any task you want done. And, once your work day is finished, you can sit back, relax, and use your iPad Mini as a cool entertainment device.

Don't allow another day to pass without grabbing your iPad Mini and discovering how to totally use it to its greatest potential.

Sample iPad Mini Video

Check out this 1 video (out of more than 100) you can view as an example of what is in the course. This covers Using Multitasking Gestures on the Mini. Press the 'Play' button in the center to watch.

Alright iPad Mini Mike, What's the Price of All This?

The iPad Mini is so cutting edge that it was very difficult to put a price on this entire course.

The average fee for just a simple, basic, personal computing course at your local community college is $1455. And, the iPad Mini is so state-of-the art and new that there aren't even any courses for it yet! So, even if you wanted to pay $1455 to learn how to use your iPad Mini - you couldn't!

I understand that you have already bankrolled plenty of your well-earned cash into purchasing your iPad Mini. Not to mention the current economic situation around the world. So, I'm not going to ask for anything near $1455. This iPad Mini video course will be a fraction of that at the very small price of (UPDATE: See Limited Time Special Offer Below...).

New Limited Time Special Offer!

I was being sincere when I said that this is the greatest chance for you to get the most out of your iPad Mini...so I'm going to make this a "piece of cake" decision for you.

For a short limited time, you can get your hands on the complete iPad Mini course for a small one-time only payment of just $49.95. You'll have instant access immediately after purchasing.

You will also get lifetime access to the course, so if I make future videos covering updates to the iPad Mini and additional features, they'll be yours FREE of charge.

The bad news is, if you delay this, the price could go up as soon as tomorrow. So, at the very least, try it all for 60 days by placing your order now.

Just Give Me a Maybe!

I don't even want you to give me a definite "yes". All I want is a "maybe".

Give the iPad Mini Video Lessons a try for an entire 60 days. If you're not happy for ANY REASON whatsoever, I'll give you a FULL REFUND! No catches and no questions asked! You'll just have my sincere thanks for at least giving the course a shot!

You literally have nothing to lose!

Get Started

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I'm so confident you'll find my iPad Mini Video Lessons and the entire course invaluable that I guarantee your full satisfaction.

Try it up for up to 60 days. If, at any time during that period you're not convinced that it's for you, I'll give you your money back with No Questions Asked, No Catches, and No Fineprint.

Let me be clear, either you're completely happy with the iPad Mini Lessons or you'll get a FULL REFUND.

My Course Program

Section 1 - Your iPad Mini Explored
Section 2 - Internet Tips and Tricks
Section 3 - Getting the Most out of Email
Section 4 - Reading eBooks and Magazines
Section 5 - Apps, Games, and Productivity
Section 6 - Music, Radio, and Podcasts
Section 7 - Taking Photos and Managing Albums
Section 8 - Watching Movies and TV Shows
Section 9 - Using Maps and GPS
Section 10 - The Cloud and Backing Up Your Data


- Beginner's Class 101
- Using your iPad Mini for Business
- iOS7 coaching
- Updating Your iPad Mini

- Linking Your Mini to Your Other Apple Devices
- Using Facebook and Social Media on the Mini
- Video Chatting With Friends & Family

Small One Time Payment - Only $127 $49.95

You can secure your copy right now by clicking the button below…

Click To Purchase

See You In Class,

iPad Mini Mike

P.S. As long as you can see the $49.95 price listed on this website, you can secure your lifetime access at that discounted price. However, I DO plan on increasing the price sometime soon. So, lock in your order now before the special offer expires! Once I bump the price up to $127, I don't want to get messages pleading with me to make an special exemption. I'll be too busy teaching my first group of iPad Mini students. And to be fair to them, I've given plenty of warning.

P.P.S. Keep in mind, even if you're just simply open to the idea of undertaking iPad Mini Video lessons, go right ahead and order them today. You've got 60 days to learn a whole lot about your iPad Mini and pick up plenty of new skills. If you're not 100% happy with your new magical iPad Mini talents at any time, then I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked. You can't get more fair than that!

Get Started Right Now

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