
Can a Simple Guy Win The Lottery ?

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Can a Simple Guy Win The Lottery ?

Can a Simple Guy Win The Lottery ?

34 Years Old "Average Joe" Guy Sets The Big Lotteries On Fire After Discovering A Dirty Secret (But Completely Legal) To Skyrocket His Lottery Odds Almost Overnight...

He swears under oath that anyone could do it in 45 minutes or less without any math knowledge, without hundreds of dollars to invest and without applying
sophisticated lottery schemes.

A jobless guy like him managed to transform his life in 58 days ...from a broke guy who couldn't hit 2 numbers on his lottery ticket...to an almost-rich guy who has won 4 times over this period...earning hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Checks like these

"Dear lottery player,

My name is Brian D. and to be honest with you I don't give a damn if you believe me or not. I know it sounds very hard to believe...and that what you read above sounds like it is impossible ...but I'm the living proof that I did it.

The next 10 minutes might shock you because I'm going to reveal you how I did it. It was not rocket science, it was not complex mathematics... it was something very simple that I managed to figure out after poverty scared me to death.

In order to understand how everything works
let me tell you briefly a few things about me...

I don't consider myself a genius although I discovered something that can make thousands of people happy by giving them the chance to win the lottery as they have never done before.

I know my limits and I'm going to talk to you plainly. As you can see, not even my English is perfect. But we're not here for a grammar lesson. We're here to tell you how I managed to discover the little lottery code that can make you a winner.

Before winning the lottery I worked like 10 years as a welder. Back in 2009 I found myself jobless due the bankruptcy of my company. For me it was probably the best moment that could have ever happen to me...although I didn't realize it at that time.

I was put in the desperate situation to find a way to make good money for me and my family. I was jobless and poor. I could barely afford to buy food for my kids...and that was a very unpleasant situation.

Anyway, as probably many of you...winning the lottery was the only thing that could get me out of that miserable situation.

You need to know that I wasn't even a lottery player before. By that moment I think I only had played 3 or 4 times ...on special occasions ...and only after my wife insisted to try my luck. Obviously, I didn't win anything.

The Moment I'll Never Forget...

I was very committed to winning the lottery because I knew it was my only chance. The problem was that I didn't have any money to invest in tickets ...or to purchase books for learning how to increase my odds.

I started to read all the free information available on the internet...but it didn't help me at all. The good thing was that I understood how everything worked. Now it was the time to jump into the pool and play my chance. But I didn't have any money...

I asked (almost begged) a good friend of mine Jason to lend me $1,000 without telling him that I was going to throw it on lottery tickets. Not even my wife knew the truth...

After I got the money, I started to play some methods that I had developed myself from using the free books and resources I found online.

 In the first week I "invested" $370 ...No Winnings

 In the second week I "invested" $200...still no winnings...not even 2 numbers on a ticket ..although I purchased like 25 tickets.

 The third week same results: $300 and still no winnings

 The fourth week got my first winner ...
it was $10 winning on $170 investment on tickets...
and had nothing to do with a scheme.It was pure luck...

Believe it or not that $10 I won with pure luck was the thing that kept me going. I was at the point where I wanted to quit but that little winning told me "C'mon, give it one more try".

The problem was now that I had lost all $1000 and it was almost impossible to ask Jason to lend me more money.

Somehow in the next week I managed to find $40 (my financial situation was that bad) and decided to give it one more shot. Meanwhile, I studied even more about the lotteries...and especially an old book found at my local library.

I bought 4 tickets of $10 dollars each. On 3 of them I played my usual schemes. In the forth I played a new counter-intuitive method I discovered in that old book.


To be honest, I didn't expect to win...but to my surprise the last ticket hit 5 numbers on my ticket. I won $19,434. It was not a very big check ...but for me it was gold.

I yelled at the top of my lungs "I wonnn" and I scared my wife to death. Anyway, it was the best moment of my life. I knew that I was sitting on something big ...because the winner was not by chance. It had to do with the formula I played.

After I gave the money back to Jason and spent another $5,000 to pay all my debts ..and another $3,000 on shopping for my family....I was still had a few grand to test the thing that I discovered.

What was the secret...

The next week I started to perform reverse engineering to see what got me the winner...and I could see that everything was connected with the method that I discovered in the old book.

I decided to use the same approach for the next withdraw to see if it still works. I didn't won but I felt that I was close. I knew that it is impossible to win each time you play....and I didn't lose my hope.

The next 58 days brought me 4 winners :
1 winner: $19,434
2nd winner: $67,322
3rd winner: $47,002
4rd winner: $112,322

In total :$246,080

That was amazing. Of course I didn't win each time I play...but considering that I had all these winners in 58 days...I really think it is a big acoomplishement.

IT IS TRUE. I HAVE NEVER WON THE JACKPOT. ..but I don't give a damn. I have made more money than I can spend...and I'm pretty sure that I might win the jackpot, too.

What was even more important is the fact that I had a system that was bringing me fast results.

It's so nice to see checks like these so often:

Once again, I know that it might sound to believe..and I understand you. I won't judge you if you say "It's impossible. I don't believe you" ...because I'd have probably said the same at the time when I was not winning at all.

I am only telling you what happened to me. It's your call if you want to discover my system or not. It's free will ...you can choose if you want to believe me or not.

The analysis...

Looking back now I honestly think that I managed to win the lottery because I found a way to increase my odds. That secret system I discovered in the old book I studied...combined with my madness and desperation made me create a system that increases the odds each time you play.

It's not rocket science...

It's not mathematics...

It's not illegal...

It's not guaranteed (although it proved to be guaranteed for me) ... but IT WORKS.

I don't know if it will bring you the jackpot...but I know for sure that has brought me hundreds of thousands of dollars.

All I can say is this...

 If I could do it, you can do it too.. I'm positive that you can apply the system I've developed in 45 minutes and create a ticket that has real chance of winning big time.

 You don't need math skills to apply what I'm doing ( I was a welder...so you can imagine my skills with mathematics)

 you don't need to rely on luck here...

What I also realized is that my system doesn't compete with other players. I mean, the only thing I'm competing with is the lotteries....and I felt this way to my core. I took a lot of heat from them after winning 4 times in 58 days. They even tried to convince me that the system I'm using is not legal....which is utter and complete non sense. It is 100% legal...and they cannot do anything about it.
Therefore, I decided to make my system available to all the lottery players that are interested in increasing their chance of success...because I know how tough it is these days to get enough money for you and your family.

I'm not going to say that you'll get filthy rich using my system, although it can happen for sure. All I'm saying is that I discovered a lottery system that generates winners more often than you have ever dreamed and it can solve all your financial problems.

Would you refuse $40,000 winnings?

Would you refuse $100,000 winnings?

I don't think so...

After gathering all my research and the methods I've used in this period ...
I combined everything into a system called:

"Lottery Variant System"

Inside you'll discover everything you need to know about how I won and what you have to do to increase your chances of winning overnight.

I have estimated that once you have my "Lottery Variant System" you'll need only 45 minutes to discover exactly how to do it.

Again, it is not hard to do. I have combined all the information into a super book that will teach you everything....

Even more important is that you don't need thousands of dollars to start ...as I started. You only need a few bucks and the system itself for reference.

How Does Everything Work?

  1. You need to put your hands on my system "Lotto Variant System".
  2. Spare a few hours and read it entirely. Somehow 45 minutes should be enough but I said hours because you might want to re-read some parts.
  3. Invest no more than $20 and create your first ticket.
  4. Wait the withdraw
  5. If you win...continue the same process...If you don't win...don't get nervous because it is a matter of time until you win
  6. Help others and do some good with the money you win.


This is not a system that guarantees you that you're going to a win the jackpot. If you dream of winning hundreds of millions of dollars overnight, I don't think this system is for you.

"Lotto Variant System" is for those who want to start with small winnings like tens of thousands of dollars and even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you think you can live with that ... this system is for you.

You also need to remember:

  • this is a legal system ...you are not breaking the law playing it and when you'll win ...the lotteries cannot do anything about i
  • it works on 95% of the games out there. Since most of the lotteries are using the same principles...it's all about the strategy and approach. So you don't need to worry if you play different games. It will still be very efficient in enhancing your odds.
  • tens of people have already used my system with success. They have changed their lives.
  • "Lotto Variant System" is very easy to understand and use. It has been developed by me ... a former welder ..who has no clue about mathematics or sophisticated lottery schemes. I'm sure that 99% of people out there can understand and apply this system perfectly.

How Much Does It Cost ?

Well, I don't know if you can put price on something that brings you tens of thousands of dollars in such a short period of time. Initially, I didn't want to share it with anybody...but after a second thought and because we're not competing each other ... I decided to help other people in need.

If you consider all the efforts I made...and the work involved in creating this system I'd say that $500 is a fair price.

But I don't want to be greedy since I make enough money with my lottery system. I also don't want you to think that my system is not valuable and for you to get it for free...Therefore, so you can afford it I'd say the best price for it right now is $100. You can afford that because you'll know for sure it will change your life.


I want to do a crazy thing and drop the price even more to only $67 ...for a very limited period of time. I don't know for how long ... but the price can increase anytime at $100 or even $500.

So if you act right now you'll get the best deal ever. ONLY $67 for "Lottery Variant

...And you don't risk a dime.

How is that? Simple! You're fully protected by my:
60 Days Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee!

Not only that I'm giving you the best lottery system out there ...for just $67. You are also protected by my money back guarantee.

Here's how it works:

You invest just $67 in "Lotto Variant System" today ... you get the book and everything in less than 10 minutes (you'll be able to download it once your payment is approved) ...and then you put it to test.

You have 60 full days to decide if the system is for you or not. Enough time to get yourself a lot of winners. If in this period you're not happy with my system or you just feel that you want your money back ... you just email me and we'll refund you all the money invested. No question asked whatsoever.

This is guaranteed by our merchant: Clickbank.com - one of the biggest online retailers. You're transaction is 100% safe and you can download the book even if it is 2 AM in the morning.

It can't get any better than that. That's a promise.

Let's do a short recap of what you're going to get:

  • You get the system that has generated me $246,080 in just 58 days.
  • you get the system that has helped tens of people to change their lives
  • You invest only $67 (limited offer) ..instead of $100 or even $500.
  • You're fully protect 60 days...while you can ask for all your money back: no question asked!
  • you get the best system that it is so easy to apply and understand.

As I said earlier, I really don't give a damn if you believe me or not. I talked to you as I would talk to my best friend. If you are smart and see this opportunity you'll act right not.

If you are skeptical ...you'll refuse to believe it ...and some of your friends who had the power to see the opportunity will laugh in your face. Remember that my website won't be here forever.

The best time to act is right now, especially since you don't have anything to lose.

Brian D.

P.S - are you sick and tired of living in debt and need for money? If the answer is YES...investing in "Lottery Variant System" is the best thing you can do today.

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