
I will show you how to build a SUCCESFUL Internet Business with real step-by-step HELP - Not Hype.

Maximum Success University - Internet Business Training Download maximum-success-university.pdf

I will show you how to build a SUCCESFUL Internet Business with real step-by-step HELP - Not Hype.

Highly Acclaimed Internet Business Trainer Gives Away the Farm!

"I am so sick to death of people out there ripping people off selling over-rated over-priced products, that I'm Giving Away the Farm - literally!"

Every damn product I've ever created; every training seminar I've ever given, every workshop... they're ALL yours! I will show you how to build a SUCCESFUL Internet Business with real step-by-step HELP - Not Hype.

From Paul Barrs,

Tuesday, 3.15 p.m.

Dear Friend,

You don't need hyped up marketing ploys, you need EDUCATION, A PLAN & PRODUCTS THAT ARE READY TO MAKE MONEY.

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"When I was just getting started out in Internet marketing, I was earning less than $300 a week packing shelves in a supermarket. I struggled for two and half years until someone handed me a step by step guide to making money online. Within less than 12-months I'd turned my dreams into a 6-figure Business.

I know you can do the same! All you need is a good coach, a step by step guide and the right program.

I want to help you with that!

- Paul Barrs

For Every Minute You Ignore My Help, You're Probably Losing Money!

I happen to know that you could be losing up to ten times
of the sales and profits that you rightfully deserve, especially if your current website sales system is based on anything less than a "10-Point Automated" marketing plan and strategy. (yes, "ten times"!)

Especially with today's customers being way more 'sales-savvy' than they were even a few years ago. They're no longer in the dark when it comes to the world of I.M. They *know* when we're trying to 'sell them'... and they 100% hate it. They are also aware of quality and value and just one mistake in this area means it's over and your potential customers are left with a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to your brand.

This is TOTALLY UNNECESSARY & (Avoidable).

It doesn't have to go wrong. You can do it right starting now, with the right tools, the right plan and the right education. Which means that in order to be more successful online these days you have to do a whole lot more than just offer them one or two different marketing strategies through some sub-par plug-and-play automated program!

"Online Marketing Programs Only Give You 50-70% Of What You Must Know To Truly Succeed."

You know, I'm starting to wonder if the online gurus who have made their millions ,,,, really wanted you to copy their success and become rich and prominent online.

Because if they did, they wouldn't leave out vital pieces of information and expect you to take over from where they left off!

If they cared about you, you'd expect them to take you step-by-step, giving you real-life achievable ways to get richer online and showing you how to make money fast whilst covering every gap in learning specific to you personally.

Unfortunately, they don't bother. Which means most of the best internet marketing programs online today will only teach one tiny piece of an overall HUGE PUZZLE, which leaves you to try to 'piece it all together'!

This then demotivates you, frustrates you and inevitably makes you give up!!

There are no bad students, just bad teachers.

Don't get me wrong, there are many wonderful teachers out there that can teach you very specific information about any number of very specific areas.

But do they really deliver the complete truth about website marketing? No, afraid not.

And if you're one of those people that has purchased program after program, product after product, system upon system and not yet seen the results you wanted to... then something is clearly missing.

You get that don't you?!

I mean, with these systems and strategies and graphics packages and tips...has your website income *really changed* all that much in the past year?

Did it go up for a while and then down again or stay roughly the same?


"I'm Offering You Something Different than All Other Marketing Programs Out There. How? Because It's Down to Earth & IT MAKES MONEY."

You are about to witness one of the first programs in existence to reveal the whole truth on creating website sales systems that actually sell product on the Internet... something that has the ability to explode web sales massively in a very short space of time .

In fact, this resource is so popular that it's being endorsed by some of the biggest names in internet marketing (as well as total newbies) ... and I know that it's something people will continue to talk about for years to come because

  • It's easy to learn and apply
  • It leaves no gaps or room for error
  • It teaches you only what you need to know specifically
  • It's realistic and grounded
  • It's highly acclaimed
  • It's devastatingly profitable
  • It works fast and dramatically

But don't just rely on my word alone - take a moment to read this story as told by Internet Marketing Master Tim Gross. This is what he uses when introducing my program to some of his very high-end business clients....

"How A Single Father With Three Children and Zero Computer Skills Came To Discover The Truth About Internet Marketing!"

When Paul Barrs first came on the Internet mid 2000 he started with a beat up old computer and a "Computers for Dummies" Book. Although he'd had already been involved with top level sales and management in the corporate world he found that this PC stuff was way out of his league.

So what did he do? He went out and and did what most people did. He got hold of everything he possibly could on website business and Internet marketing.

He spent thousands of hours on research (and far too much money)... from low priced ebooks to high priced seminars, tapes and manuals. He studied the programs of some of the biggest names in Internet Marketing!

Yet despite his efforts, some of the critical pieces were still missing.

He quickly discovered that only a few people in the world really knew, or were prepared to share the whole truth about Website Marketing on the Internet.

But that didn't stop him. So he continued to read the books, he attended the $2,000 + seminars, he even phoned people up!

Until FINALLY! he found those missing pieces.

But his relief quickly turned to anger!

You see, he was damn angry that he had to go to the ends of the Earth to get the whole story! And he was even angrier that people were still getting ripped off with half baked, over priced products that simply didn't deliver the full story....

Tim Gross

And Tim's right, I was "damn angry". It took me nearly three years of struggling to finally put all the pieces of the Internet Business Puzzle together.... Something I don't want you to have to deal with again because it doesn't feel great. Especially when you're watching other businesses sail ahead of you and you can't understand why!! Or what you should be doing that will make you like them!

I've experienced up to 250% growth per annum in my business - up 6 figures the same year!

And to be honest I've since been simply happy and content with my life; I never thought about starting up any learning facility or area for growth and success where people could come and solve their IM issues whilst making money (like I needed to back when I was confused, lost, struggling and angry.)

But I had a change of purpose after attending yet another $2,000+ Internet Marketing Seminar, I saw with my own eyes that hundreds of other people were still struggling just like I was a few years back and I was filled with empathy.

I decided to end the lies and the BS that is thrown so readily about on the net and instead began to put it all on paper. And here it is....

Introducing -

"Maximum Success University"

The First Ever 'Complete' (step by step) Guide to Creating Online Business Sales Systems That Sell Product Like Nothing You've Seen Before!

'Maximum Success University' is a totally unique, one-of-a-kind Online education program which covers all the critical pieces of the online sales puzzle that the other programs leave out; A - Z no exceptions!

"An Exceptional World Class Program..."

"That is exactly what Paul offers here. This is a program where you can learn every aspect of Internet marketing... you won't need anything else!"That is exactly what Paul offers here. This is a program where you can learn every aspect of Internet marketing... you won
- Bob Silber

"The Information In This Course Is So COMPLETE & INCLUSIVE, it is not being revealed or taught as a whole by anyone else in the market for under $500! GUARANTEED!"

I'm sure you've been promised the world before so I want to quickly tell you why Maximum Success University will stand out in your head from other programs out there now.

Most other programs are selling you a myth that's why. The myth that you can jump onto the online money-machine today, create a few pages, press a few buttons, turn around a few subscribers and then you can hire out a James Bond suit and sip tequilas on your yacht while chatting happily to a mermaid.


"You're set, you're made - the money will start flying in." How many times have you seen this crazy promise? While the principle is mostly true in my program, there are some critical differences that could cost you up to Ten Times in lost sales and profits if you don't follow them.

'Maximum Success University' doesn't hold back the full story. It saves you from mistakes. It shows you the realest ways to make big money, not some five minute flight of fancy. It doesn't tell you lies and then abandon you to figure out the rest.

It reveals every single step of the way on the path to internet business success. From Traffic to Conversion, from Product to Cash Creation. Every essential strategy, tip and technique is based on hard market research and has been proven to be incredibly profitable in an online environment.... And it's all in one place for the first time ever.

This is not "pie-in-the-sky" and there are no bullshit income statements I don't have the energy and you don't have the time. This is hard-core REAL LIFE workable information.

And yes, in this case, what works for me WILL work for you, because it HAS DONE ALREADY for thousands of other people.

"Stand out from the crowd and get noticed!"

"I've known Paul Barrs since he published his first audio eBook way back in 2002. Since that time his online audio training seminars have literally gone global helping countless thousands of people start their own website businesses.

Yes, it's true that there is an avalanche of stuff these days to help people make money online. But it's also true that Paul's passionate training style is what will help you create your own avalanche and get ahead of the pack mentality - Paul will show you how to stand out from the crowd and get noticed!

If you're serious about working online and building a long-term sustainable business then listen up, Paul Barrs is the man to get you there.

- Willie Crawford

In fact, here are 5 powerful reasons why this program is so much more complete than anything else you've seen before:

Reason #1

Maximum Success University Shows You A Complete System For Creating Websites That Sell... and It's So Incredibly Simple, Anyone Can Follow It!

There are lots of Internet Marketing programs being sold today. Some good, some completely useless. What makes 'Maximum Success University' different is this:

Instead of just explaining one or two of the pieces of the Website Success Puzzle, 'Maximum Success University' covers every single piece of the puzzle. You see, most people can tell you how to do one thing, or another - in fact you're probably very good at some specific areas of your business. But not many people will be willing to sit you down when it comes to making your business more profitable and say -

Here is step one, this is what it is, and this is how it works. Now here is step two ... and so on.

Reason #2

Maximum Success University will Make Everything So Easy for You, That if You Can Count to Ten... you can follow this program!

I am not going to tell you just how long it has taken me to put this program together, but it's taken a LONG time. The reason I took so long and painstakingly crafted this program from scratch was because I wanted to make it so darn easy - ANYBODY could follow it. Even your granny.

Instead of just getting a grogram that says "Here's the thing you gotta do, now go do it", you get a step by step, number by number, hand-holding-hand guide to follow along with. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to do it for you... but it's going to almost be like having me at your desk saying "This is what we do next, and this is what we do after that."

It's the only way to ensure success and trust me it's the only way that really works.

Reason #3

Maximum Success University is Designed for the Newbie AND Intermediate Marketer in Equal Measure; Nothing is Left Out.

How many times have you (or someone you know) bought something only to find that there was still "something" that had been left out? I've seen it happen hundreds of times!

Just last week I saw a forum post from a newbie marketer who had forked out $197 on some 'paint-by-numbers' web design program... only to learn that it didn't include any information about FTP! Now if you know what FTP is and how to do it, that's fine - but if you don't... then game over; you're going to have to spend another few hours, or more money figuring out how to FTP your files from your computer to the Internet.

Let me say it again...Maximum Success University' covers every single piece of the puzzle. Here in Australia I am a certified and qualified trainer to the latest Australian Government Educational Standards (TAE 2011); and I've been training people online for over a decade. I KNOW to help people LEARN.

And I know I can help you learn too.

Reason #4

Maximum Success University Shows You Not Just One Online Business Model, But All Four of the Top Online Business Models.

You may be thinking that when it comes to "making money on the internet" that you don't need to be concerned with things like 'business models', 'sales data' and so on. But you couldn't be more wrong. Have you ever looked at your website statistics? Have you ever look at your conversion ratios, sales figures or affiliate stats? If yes - great but STILL it's only the tip of the iceberg.

So instead of just telling you to go follow "my business plan" and "go do what I'm doing," in the very first week 'Maximum Success University' instead gets straight to it - revealing the four most profitable online business plans and why people fail at them - as well as how you can succeed.

This is vital information that gives you the choice and gives you the power to succeed online in ANY WAY YOU WANT TO. You don't just have to "do what I'm doing", because that may not be the best fit for you! Right?!

On the members home page - one of the very first you'll see - is a step by step guide to show you what works, what doesn't and how you can choose between the different options to suit YOU ONLY.

Like I said earlier... I want this to be EASY & FUN for you!

Reason #5

I Didn't Create this Program JUST Because *I* Thought it Was a Good Idea... I Built This Site Because my CUSTOMERS Thought it Was a Good Idea!

Here's the simple TRUTH... most people come up with a good idea, they package it up, they presell it, promote it, JV launch it and cash in on it... well, OK, only about 3% "cash in" on it - the other 97% fail. That's because they -

(1) Didn't have a prebuilt list of customers to sell it to, and

(2) Didn't go to that prebuilt list of customers in the first place to see what they wanted to buy.

I did.

With all the different Internet Marketing programs being sold today, it can be hard to decide which one is going to be best for you; especially since guru after guru is telling you that their "thing" is the latest great "best thing". They each have their own agenda.

Me? I did something different. I FIRST went to my customers and ASKED THEM what THEY WANTED TO SEE. I asked them what THEY WANTED TO BUY. I asked them what it was they weren't getting elsewhere and how I might be able to give it to them. Simple huh?

It's the first rule in the 21 Rules of Business Success.

The thing is this... overwhelmingly they wanted this: "Everything they needed all in one place without having to keep going elsewhere" (basically they wanted to be able to stop spending money on sh*t).

And so here you are: Enter 'Maximum Success University'; covering every single piece of the puzzle, step-by-step, A - Z, nothing left out.

All together, all here for you today.

Remember (and this is the key to success)... I ask my customers what they want, and then give it to them!

"I'm Awestruck!"

"Paul, stand up and take a bow. I've just spent four hours devouring the the traffic generation videos... I'm awestruck... the most comprehensive training site I've seen in my 8 yrs online."
- Sal V.

"Take A Look At EXACTLY What You'll Get Access To When You Join Today" -

It All Begins with the Website Success Blueprint...

  • Traffic Generation Strategies - Including - Why no one single traffic strategy is enough * The 3 main areas of SEO traffic * The 2 BEST ways to use other people to bring you free traffic!
  • Lead Capture Strategies - The 3 key elements to making your lead capture pages work * What to do when they say "Yes", what to do when they say "No".
  • Sales Process Strategies - The 6 key factors to writing good sales copy * Understanding how people read your web pages * Hw to create the Sales Funnel to your bank account * The #1 way to increase your sales volume by 30% each day.
  • Customer Retention Strategies - How to create a profitable eMail follow up system * Why it's essential you automate this process from day one * When & how often to contact your people * What comes next (and more)!

"Anyone who is serious... needs this NOW!"

"By far the most information we've ever seen all in one place.... Anybody who is serious about 'making money online' but hasn't turned that cash-flow corner needs this NOW!"
- Bronwyn and Keith.

But the thing is, it's not just knowing how to "do a thing" that brings about success, it's "knowing where that thing fits in with all the others" that achieves success. When you can understand and see the "Complete Picture" you'll suddenly understand how you can make it work for you; and you'll also understand how you yourself can create your very own highly profitable websites.

With the information provided inside "Maximum Success University", you'll be able to create a solid foundation from which you can build your business, and you don't have to be a 'techno-geek' to do it.

The step-by-step processes are so simple and incredibly easy to follow, that anyone can learn them.

And that's what makes this program so different, so much more immediately useful than most of the e-marketing stuff around. Because in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king! And so there is no misunderstanding, I want you to know that what I've shown you on this page is EXACTLY what you'll get - all in complete and an Easy to Follow Step by Step Program.

"Now is the time to listen carefully...."

"If you want to make a living online with internet marketing, then Paul Barrs is the coach you want standing alongside you. His down to earth approach and straight to the gun style will help you see the truth like no one else can. And from there - the sky is the limit!

Paul has been training people online now for nearly ten years and in that time has helped tens of thousands of people learn how to work from home and run their own online business. So if that is what you want to do, then now is the time to listen carefully.

- John Delavera

Having access to 'Maximum Success University' is like having access to the goose that laid the golden egg. You'll have all the information you need to create your very own automatic cash machine that can generate thousands of dollars for you while you sleep - right at your fingertips.

As this is both a Video and Audio program, you should know that I could easily charge $1,000+ for access to this information. How do I know? Because when it was first released I DID!

Now however, with the release of this updated version and inclusion in the membership site model - I've slashed the price! In fact, if we took the individual value of each product alone it would be selling for nearly $1,800. However, leaving it at that price or even a $97 monthly price would too severely limit the number of people who could take advantage of it. Many of the people who need it most, simply wouldn't be able to afford it.

Frankly, I am dead-set determined to help stop the 'little guy' from being ripped off by all the 'Internet Marketing Crap' being passed around these days that doesn't even work for the average guy or girl. And I want to PROVE MY WORTH TO YOU as an Internet Business Trainer.

Which is why I'm offering complete access to Maximum Success University to you right now... special offer $27/m $17/month!


Remember - This is the same program that many top guns have endorsed (and since copied) - and dozens of Newbies have fallen in love with... completely updated and ready to go.

It shows you the same closely guarded secret processes that many Internet Marketing Courses being sold online today still don't tell you... and which cost you up to Ten Times in lost sales and profits by not knowing them!

Plus, licensed versions of some of these EXACT PROGRAMS are still being sold elsewhere on the net for as much as $200 a pop (not the whole thing, just individual courses - OMG!).

"But Paul, I don't understand... why give this away for next to nothing?"

Simply put, I was given a massive helping hand to build my business by one of the legends in the game. Without him, I would have never got off the ground.

It goes without saying that you can never learn too much - in fact you may realise that you still have *some* things to learn once you've completed all the material inside "MSU" - but that doesn't mean I want you to go out and spend a whole ton of cash on things you don't need -

"Step by Step Instruction... Amazing!"

"This is one of the most comprehensive sites I've seen to date. Step by step instruction to sky-rocket the users income and knowledge... are you kidding me? You're giving this away in one place? Talk about a no-brainer!"
- WD Mino.

Inside the members area at Maximum Success University I have made available (and am still doing so) each and every product that I've ever created.

I spend my days evaluating new products and deciding if they really are worth their 'salt' so to speak. Then I compare them to others. Then I take the best ideas from all related materials and put them to the test. Then if the results pass my standard and can be duplicated... I go break them down and compile a newbie friendly coaching program that EVERYONE can understand.

That's what it's all about.

As for the individual programs inside here, each aspect of each program has been crafted to enhance your knowledge and creativity.

This knowledge will only add to your success once you've mastered it. Not only that - you will save at least $1,800 in direct cash outlay simply because you don't have to go elsewhere to learn what's in it - AND IT'S YOURS NOW - as a Maximum Success University member. That is reason enough alone for you to join with us!

Register as a Maximum Success University Member NOW!

- Just $27/m $17 / Month -

Get inside and take a look around. Try out 'MSU' and play with the whole bunch of unannounced bonuses that I also give you - with no risk whatsoever. The risk is completely mine, because I know that if you don't make money from it then you'll tell people and that will look bad for me.

I want you to give this program at least 2-months and test-drive every strategy and every technique and see for yourself that they will make a real difference to your internet business' sales and profits. If you aren't completely satisfied, then just delete your membership, keep the files that you've downloaded, and move off in some other direction.

'Plus of course, your payment is backed by a 100% 60-day Money Back Guarantee.'

When you register as a Maximum Success University member, I am the one who takes all of the risk. I pay the hosting fees. I invest the product creation time. If my programs don't deliver, I'm the one who eats his shirt - - not you.

That's how confident I am that my breakthrough training programs will deliver profitability for your websites.

The truth is, once you start using these proven strategies and techniques and see the immediate increase in sales and profits, I'm betting it will be impossible to get you to part with your membership to this powerful program

"This site takes it to a whole new level!"

I've just been the members area of Paul's site and want to say one thing:

I've known Paul for years, I know he always delivers great content (and) this site takes it to a whole new level!

All I can say is "Run, don't walk" - get inside Paul's membership site - get inside his head - understand his internet mindset - you'll profit exponentially from the implementation of his vast knowledge.

This is "awesomeness at it's best".

- David Cavanagh.

"What's Your Business Worth To You?"

Picture this: Three months from now... without too much extra effort or extra money spent, your website is generating double the sales it is today. And even better, you know that this is just the tip of the iceberg...

Now look back to this point in time and ask yourself "what this increase in sales is worth to you?"

I think you'll agree that Maximum Success University is worth far more than whatever time you invest in learning from it, which will be about an hour per day.

I guess you just need to ask yourself which one you'd rather have... The same mass marketed books that are only rehashed worn out internet marketing techniques that don't work on their own... Or a genuine competitive advantage?

Don't gamble with the success of your business. Take action now. Click on the image below to access one of the most profitable internet marketing programs online today, 'Maximum Success University!'

Register NOW and Get Your Exclusive Access pass TODAY!

This Incredible Offer Won't Last Forever!

"An easy-to-follow point-and-click system..."

The biggest problem I see is analysis paralysis with so much information available that people don't have a clue where to go.

You provide an easy-to-follow point-and-click system for anyone starting out with an internet marketing program. The use of audios and videos is outstanding, as not everyone learns strictly from the written word.

And, I've gotta tell you, a hidden bonus is simply the ability to study the layout of your program. The flow charts and graphics which lead to your audios and videos made it very clear. If anyone wants to create information products, it's worth the cost for this alone!

- Debbi Bressler.

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