
How do you build credibility FAST

Offline Webinar Autopilot | Webinar Mastery for Local Offline Marketers Download offline-webinar-autopilot.pdf

How do you build credibility FAST

Dear Offline Marketer,

Everyone in this industry knows that the local/offline opportunity is HUGE. That has a lot of benefits, but it also makes for a market crowded with "overnight experts" that are confusing your prospects with false promises and hype-filled sales pitches.

And as they say in marketing, "a confused mind doesn't buy."

If you want to accelerate your sales and be able to charge a premium, you must separate yourself from the pack and make your prospects clear that you are the "obvious choice" to work with.

How do you build enough authority in the marketplace so that potential clients know you're a legitimate player and not some pajamas-wearing WANNABE?

And how do you build credibility FAST?

You position yourself as the go-to EXPERT in your niche by providing compelling presentations that educate your prospects and signal to them that YOU are a trustworthy and valuable source of information.

EVERY major marketer or expert you can think of uses webinars to establish their authority by educating you with their knowledge and experience.


Because it works!

If you want to have any sway with potential clients, you've got to show them that you're legit by demonstrating your expertise BEFORE you ask them to buy something from you. You must channel your inner professor (pipe and tweed jacket are optional) and DEMONSTRATE that you are the REAL DEAL...

That you have authority.

That you have substance.

That you should be listened to above all of the other noise.

Webinars are your shortcut for boosting your authority. When done right, they are a surefire formula for establishing yourself as an expert and using that credibility to:

 Win new business AND (wait for it...)


I know because I have relied upon them to build my last TWO businesses.

My first venture (selling IT services to small businesses) began as a two-man startup in Boston and in a few short years grew to three cities (Boston, Denver and LA). Along the way we earned THREE consecutive spots on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in the nation.

My current business is providing offline services to small businesses around the country and has grown fast, growing to over $300K in recurring revenue each MONTH in just 18 months time! We're selling the same stuff you are selling-SEO, websites, local directory submission, etc.

And guess what?

We use webinars as our primary marketing tool. Our results speak to the crazy power and effectiveness of online presentations.

Educational webinars provide you with an absurdly efficient way to accumulate goodwill and grow your authority with your prospects and customers. With that authority you can:

Generate more demand for your services
Charge higher prices without losing business
Get existing clients to buy more frequently
Snag new clients before the other guy does
Increase customer loyalty and retention
Generally CRUSH your competitors

Sound good?

Until now, creating educational presentations was a tedious and time-consuming ordeal requiring hours of effort spent on research, writing, editing, proofing and design.

Who wants to do all that? Who has the time?

With this offer, we've done virtually all of the heavy lifting for you, including:

Researching and writing the content that appeals to your audience
Designing PowerPoint slides for maximum impact (with emphasis on powerful imagery)
Writing compelling scripts for you to effortlessly follow
US we've included proven email sequences to help you promote your webinar for maximum attendance

Yep, we've done the research, the content creation, AND the graphic design for SIX totally dialed-in presentations that will highlight YOUR expertise in the local/offline marketing industry and prime prospects to say, "We want you".

Think about it:

No need to pick up a pen or boot up a word processor
No need to comb through the web looking for stats and proof points
No need to scour stock photography sites for images
No need to sweat over the design and organization of your slides

You can now market yourself in a very professional way without having to develop your own content!

You'll receive professional, polished, ready-to-present webinars on all of the topics you need to sell the most common offline marketing services:

Search engine optimization
Mobile marketing
Social media marketing
YouTube/video marketing
Email marketing
Facebook Timeline
And a general webinar on "Three Strategies Every Small Business Can Use to Ignite Growth"

(Delivery details: Product images above are for demonstration purposes only, all materials will be delivered electronically via the Local Income Lab membership website. Slides are in .pptx format, email sequences and scripts are in .doc format. Once you've purchased, you will be directed to create a Local Income Lab account, once you have registered you will have immediate access to the documents.)

Along with these "Webinars in a Box", you'll also receive our complete self-guided educational course:

How to Use Webinars to Fill Your Funnel and Position Yourself as the Obvious Choice to Work With

This course-a new favorite among offliners-will help you better understand:

Why you should use webinars (HINT: $$$)
What kind of content to present to increase (and sustain) interest among your prospects
How to structure/design your webinars for maximum impact
How to efficiently promote your webinars and boost attendance
Webinar planning and logistics for a stress-free event (includes checklist)
How to follow up effectively after your event and keep prospects moving down your funnel
Webinar delivery services you should consider using (includes a run-down of the most popular platforms)
How to SELL from the webinar and maximize your return on investment
What to do when things go wrong (how to minimize and move past game day mishaps)
Showtime tips: strategies for keeping your audience engaged and hungry for more
AND how to automate the entire process

We give you all of the tools, templates, and processes you need to crush it with webinars!

Nearly everything is done for you. All you have to do is stand up and deliver.

There is no easier, no simpler way to distinguish yourself from the competition and win new clients than this!

You may be thinking:

"But Mike, with your product I have to actually DELIVER the webinars, right? It's just TOO MUCH WORK!"

Ohhhhh the agony!

I feel your pain, Warrior.

That's right.

For those of you looking for the ultimate in outsourced automation so you can focus on other things, our One-Time-Offer (OTO) on this WSO is a completely automated, done-for-you webinar service where I will deliver all of your webinars for you!!

All you need to do is get people to register, and I'll take care of the rest.

AND, it's all done at a price cheaper than you can do it on your own!!

If that sounds interesting to you, you can get all the details right after you buy Offline Webinar Autopilot...

It REALLY doesn't get any easier than this.

Get our proven Offline Webinar Autopilot Webinars and the complete Offline Webinar Mastery Course at this ridiculously low price of $17 NOW while it still lasts, and have everything you need to run your own webinars.

How can you create webinars about my services? You don't even know me...

The webinars aren't about your services, they are educational webinars about the common topics small business owners have questions about that will position you to sell your services. Big difference. It's better to educate your prospects and position yourself as an expert and earn their reciprocity. Then follow up with them to start the sales process.

Do you teach how to get people to the webinars?

Yes, we have a proven system that we have used for years. We give you our full promotional sequence and strategies for finding your audience.

What if I don't have a list?

Start building one, today! We teach you our favorite list-building strategy, as well as some resources for buying lists. But the reality is that list-building needs to be something YOU do every day to build a good, organic list.

Which tools should I use to run my webinars?

We cover all of our favorites and their pros and cons in the Offline Webinar Mastery course you get as a bonus when you purchase our webinars.

I like the idea of webinars - understand their power - but I don't think I'm good at delivering them/I'm too shy/I can't make the time to do them.

That's why we created our one-time-offer (OTO) - a service where we run the entire webinar process for you. It's awesome, if we do say so ourselves.

I'm not located in the United States, can I still use the webinars?

Yes! Just know that all of the webinars are written in the english language and spelling is US english. Also many of the facts and figures that are used in the presentations are United States statistics, but you are free to modify the presentations a bit for your country.

Is there a guarantee?

Of course. This sales is happening through Clickbank, which ensures a 60-day guarantee.

Regarding your One-Time-Offer...

What does it mean exactly, when you say that you will put our webinars on auto-pilot?

It means that we will run the webinar and the webinar registration process for you in an environment that has been set up for your business, with your branding, address, phone number, email address, etc. All you need to do is drive people to the webinar, and follow up to sell them after they've attended!

Are you running the same webinars that I just purchased?

Yes, we will have all six webinars available in the auto-pilot system. We will also be adding some additional webinars to the mix roughly each month to make sure you have good, current topic to teach your audience.

You don't know anything about my services or my company, how can you run a webinar for me?

The webinars are designed to be educational webinars on a variety of the key topics that small businesses need help with - SEO, mobile, email marketing, etc. They do not mention any specific service offerings, nor will they mention your company specifically (although the webinar page will have your branding and contact information all over it). They are solid educational content designed to position you as a trustworthy expert.

Are you selling our services from the webinar?

No. We will deliver solid educational content, it's then up to you to follow up with people to introduce your services. This has been the approach we have found to be most successful when selling offline services. That being said, you will have a "special offer" button below your webinar that you can use to take webinar attendees to any page you want - so you can make them a specific offer on the page you take them to.

How will I know who attends the webinar?

Our system will send you an email when someone registers, when someone attends, or when someone asks a question. You'll be in the loop the whole time!

Is this a one-time charge, or a monthly service?

This is a monthly service. You will be charged $47 each month. This is far less than the cost of running webinars yourself, and you no longer have to take the time out of your schedule to plan, create, and run webinars anymore - it's all done for you!

Why should I pay someone else to do this?

Because you can spend your time on other things. Because you won't get webinars done consistently on your own (be honest with yourself!). Because you don't like performing in front of big audiences. Because you stink at making pretty presentations. Or if your like me, because you'd rather have a business that works for you on auto-pilot so you can take off when you want to and still have your business grow!

Have questions? Email us at help@localincomelab.com.

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