
These Two Words Just Made Us 37% In 3 Months

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These Two Words Just Made Us 37% In 3 Months

"These Two Words

Just Made Us 37% In 3 Months"

Using these "two words" in your 401k, IRA or any other investment account can make you very wealthy...

What are they?

Market Timing. Market timing is the action of calling tops and bottoms in the market. They say the market is a random walk, that it's chaos and that no one can time the market, but if you look at these signals over the past several months, you'd have to say otherwise:

Readers of Jay DeVincentis' Daily Stock Barometer got these Buy and Sell Signals delivered to their email every morning, before the market opens.

Who is Jay DeVincentis and why should you listen to him?

Well, for more than a decade now, Jay has been quietly building a name for himself as one of the top stock market timers. A mechanical engineer by education, he's captured data on the stock market and created a formula he calls "The Stock Barometer". More on what it is later. But each day, Jay sends out an email to his clients advising them whether they should buy the market or sell the market. The above chart is an example of his signals over a several month period.

What else do I get with my membership to the Daily Stock Barometer?

  • Explosive Stock Alert - The Daily Stock Barometer is a system that tells you when to buy and sell. Apply that strategy to stocks along with a sound trading strategy and you can amplify the benefits of Jay's signals.
  • Stock Options Speculator - Apply the same buy and sell signals to stock options, and with less capital, you can participate in the same gains as stork traders.
  • Retirement Advice - Amp the returns in your Roth IRA and 401k accounts by knowing 1) when to rebalance between stocks and bonds and 2) when to put long term cash to work in the markets.
  • IRG's Market Timing And Sentiment Indicators - last but not least, you will get access to all 12 years of our research, close to 200 indicators that tell you when to buy and sell and predict future prices of certain assets. Not only can you review many popular indicators, you can use it to set up your own trades in the market, including dollar, bonds, oil, gold, etc...

What Types of Returns Can I expect?

The more money you start with, the more money you can make. But you can start with very small amounts of money and still do very well! The key to market timing is that the market can move up and down over the course of several weeks and months and end up now where - but market timers rake in the bucks!

And while no one can guarantee any specific returns in the stock market, here's an example of his past performance as verified by the highly respected, third pary industry standard in confirming the performance of market timer financial newsletters, TimerTrac. (There'll be more examples below.)

How Can You Use This Information?

You can use this information in 401k and IRA accounts. Imagine these types of returns in your accounts. Most people are satisfied with 10 to 20% returns for the year. Check out this return:

You can Easily Follow Along With Our System

Each day we send out an email telling you whether we're in buy mode, or sell mode. It's so easy a 10 year old can do it! The direction of the market tends to change in 5, 8 and 13 day cycles. So our signals often align with those time frames. There will be periods when the market simply doesn't do much. Then we'll just have to grin and bare it. However, there will be periods like March 10, 2009 when we issued a buy signal. Here's what happened:

Granted, I'm much more proud of returns when the market doesn't go up, like in 2005 to 2006. But you never know what you're going to get in the market. And that's the key to my system. You play the highest liklihood of movement. And when the market chops around month after month and frustrates investors, we'll be raking it in!

This System Has The Potential Of 100% Returns Or More!

What's even better?

  • You don't have to spend hours looking through charts.
  • You don't have to study and try to understand technical analysis
  • You simply wait for our emails
  • Call your broker - or place your trade online
  • And you're done.

The More Money You Begin With, The More Money You Can Make

And you won't be alone. There are many people out there who are already subscribers and are making these trades right along side of you. Again, we've designed it so that a 10-year old can follow our signals. And you will always know our view on the market. I'm not one to sit out of a market. From my perspective, it's either going to go up or down. There's no sideways - because that just doesn't make us money.

How I Invented The Stock Barometer And Why It's So Profitable

It all started when I got into investing. I was frustrated when I didn't time the market or the stock perfectly (yes, I'm a perfectionist) so I delved into the world of trading very deeply. I found that there are several indicators that professional traders look at every day, even every second of every day.

So I started recording that data on a daily basis in my data base. And that's when I went to work. I worked night and day studying the data. Graphing it. Trying to determine the natural harmonic cycles of each data series. I did. Then I normalized all the data and stuck it into a huge formula that, well, is what I called the stock barometer.

It works so well because it takes the characteristics of trends and reimages them into a profit curve. We use that curve every day to position us on the right side of the market. That's 90% of the battle when you're trading. So many people get caught up in the day to day swings of the market and lose sight of the big picture. Start today with a 4 week trial for only $4.95. After the trial you will be billed the $50/month subscription rate. If you want to cancel or if you have any questions contact us at customersupport@stockbarometer.com.

I Started Just Like You

I actually started as an investor in mutual funds. When I saw my friends making huge money in stocks, I through I'd join them. So I started dabling in trading stocks. Frustrated with the whole timing of entry and exit, I took it to the next level. Then I moved into leverage and leveraged mutual funds. I eventually became a day trader. The cool thing is that now, I can put all this knowledge together and advise my clients what's best.

Sure I give some credit to my engineering background. But I'm just an analytical sort who saw the stock market as a mathmatical problem and tried to solve it. I'm not going to say I have some very fancy computer program that does all this for me. I'm old fashioned. It's in 2 excel spreadsheets (it is too much data for 1) and I input the data by hand, every night. That way I can see if there's any irregularities in the data. And there are some data events that are so unique, that I can predict the following day's activity with a 99% accuracy.

So what I eventually discovered was...

...Yes, You Can Time The Stock Market...

Over the years (I've been advising readers for over 10 years now) I've modified things a bit and worked the formula into a very useable system. Again, it's a simple system of always being in the market and it's just a matter of being in Buy or Sell Mode. And when we issue a signal - you take action!

I've actually taken it a bit further. Now I also advise buy and sell modes daily on several key ETFs. These ETFs are key to understanding the overall health of the stock market. So when you sign up, you not only will get some great advice, you'll learn something as well. And that was another key discovery - these ETFs that could predict the future of the stock market.

And periodically, these ETFs can present some great potential profits when their cycles align for big moves. You have to follow things daily in these markets, because a day can make a world of difference and mean getting in or missing a big move.

How Much Can You Make In A Trade?

This depends on two things. First is how much money you start with and second is what type of move the market gives us. You see, we don't try to tell the market what it's going to do, we let the market do it's thing, and just join it for the ride. The key is not to get greedy. Take what the market has to offer. It's a marathon, not a sprint. There's always another trade.

Things That Hurt Your Ability To Make Money In The Stock Market:

  • CNBC - I tell all my clients to turn it off - unless they can mentally shut out the bias it gives you
  • Any News Service - They'll have you believing that any new story drives the market. That can't be further from the truth.
  • Friends and Family - The more people you listen to, the less you'll know. It's very important to tune yourself into the market and not listen to anything or anyone else.

Please Accept Our No Risk - 60 Day - Money Back Guarantee

What Do You Need To Start Trading?

  1. You need a brokerage account
  2. You need around $1,000
  3. And you need our signals - so you can grow your money.

What Do You Get?

You get specific instructions on whether you should be long or short the stock market

You get daily emails advising you of our current position, so you're never left guessing. You always know our position.

And you get daily advice on several key ETFs that you can also profit greatly from.

I walk you through what the markets are doing now, and more importantly, what our outlook is going forward and when we expect the market to turn DOWN TO THE DAY! Allowing you maximum profit potential.

In addition, I show you the indicators we use to time the market. These are worth the education alone.

Our advice can be used in your 401k, Roth IRA
and basically any type of investment account you have.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. There is NO magic pill. And if you expect to make mountains of money in your first couple of weeks, then this service isn't for you.

You can try other services that tout ridiculous gains, but you will be delaying your financial future. These services are more geared towards getting people to sign up, not keeping you as long term clients. I have had clients remain subscribed to my newsletter services for over 10 years! Making real money in the stock markets, life changing wealth is a marathon, not a sprint.

But for it to work, you need to start now. You never know when the next great run in the stock market will be. And you don't want to miss the next great one. I didn't generate my wealth over night. I started with small increases and now I make leaps and bounds.

I believe all good things come from wealth. You ability to give to your church and organizations in need. Your ability to provide for your family. Your ability to enjoy the finer things in life. Money can't buy you happiness, but it can sure make the ride there more fun!

Is This Working For Other People?

Thousands of people have profited from my advice over the years. Here are just a few emails I recieved:

I Don't Live In The USA - Can I Still Use Your Strategy?

Absolutely! While our service covers the US market and indices in the US Markets, it also covers gold, oil, bonds, and the dollar. We have clients in over 40 countries.

Newbie Or Experienced, It Really Doesn't Matter

Unconditional Money Back Guarantee:

Try our system for a full 60 days - that will give you more than 40 days to paper trade our system and prove to yourself in realtime that our system really does work! Start today with a 4 week trial for only $4.95. After the trial you will be billed the $50/month subscription rate. If you want to cancel or if you have any questions contact us at customersupport@stockbarometer.com.

Do the Calculations, monitor the trades, if we have not delivered everything we promised, then I insist you email us and we will refund you 100% of the purchase price. Yes, you read it right - 100%!

Why would I make such a one sided guarantee? You see, I'm not worried about refunds. 60 Day's will cost you less than 50-cents a day. And I believe in 60 days, you'll be convinced that we can help your investment decisions over the course of the next several years, then you'll become a long term client, like so many others.

If You're Serious About Making Money In The Stock Market
Then Our Advisory Will Help You

I bet you're asking what's the downside? There isn't any. You have zero risk. Why would we offer this type of guarantee if our system didn't work.

The stock market presents opportunities week after week, month after month, year after year, and not all of those opportunities are created equal. No one knows when the next one will come, but YOU will know if you subscribe.

These are the types of opportunities where life changing money can be made. It could be tomorrow, it could be months from now, but the great thing about the stock market is that there will always be more great opportunities. We will show you how to find and profit from them.

More Proof of the Amazing Results That Jay DeVincentis Achieved For His Members Over The Years:

Sign up today. You will also have direct access to me. I am not a stock trading robot. I am a real person who is here to answer your questions. I look forward to your joining our service. Start today with a 4 week trial for only $4.95. After the trial you will be billed the $50/month subscription rate. If you want to cancel or if you have any questions contact us at customersupport@stockbarometer.com.

What else do I get with my membership to the Daily Stock Barometer?

  • Explosive Stock Alert - The Daily Stock Barometer is a system that tells you when to buy and sell. Apply that strategy to stocks along with a sound trading strategy and you can amplify the benefits of Jay's signals.
  • Stock Options Speculator - Apply the same buy and sell signals to stock options, and with less capital, you can participate in the same gains as stork traders.
  • Retirement Advice - Amp the returns in your Roth IRA and 401k accounts by knowing 1) when to rebalance between stocks and bonds and 2) when to put long term cash to work in the markets.
  • IRG's Market Timing And Sentiment Indicators - last but not least, you will get access to all 12 years of our research, close to 200 indicators that tell you when to buy and sell and predict future prices of certain assets. Not only can you review many popular indicators, you can use it to set up your own trades in the market, including dollar, bonds, oil, gold, etc..
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