
New Management Job?

Fast Start for New Managers Download new-management-job-hit-the-ground-running-with-fast-start.pdf

New Management Job?

Attention New Managers: Bob Bradley has been consulting with Fortune 500 companies for over 15 years and has seen hundreds of managers succeed and fail in their new jobs. Now he asks you ...

"How Many of These
8 Fatal New Manager Mistakes
Are You Making in Your New Position?"

From 38% to Over 50% of New Leaders FAIL Within Their First 18 Months Because of One or More of These Common Mistakes

"Estimates of outright failure in the first 18 months range from 38% to over half, and many more executives fail to be as successful as was predicted in the hiring or promotion phase."

(Center for Creative Leadership 2009 Study 'Executive Integration: Equipping Transitioning Leaders for Success')

What you do (and how you do it) during your first few months in a new leadership position will have a huge impact on your long term success.

You can't afford to be casual about your transition; there's just too much at stake. Success or failure during the transition period is a strong predictor of overall success or failure in the job.

Few leaders can be truly effective in making transitions if they are left entirely on their own. Too many organizations are now adopting a 'sink or swim' approach which puts their new managers at risk...

8 Fatal New Manager Mistakes:

  1. Planning - You don't take a proactive and organized approach to ensuring success in your new position
  2. Self Management - You don't recognize gaps in your knowledge, skills, and abilities that are requirements for the new job
  3. Environment - You apply the incorrect approach to the business situation
  4. Team Development - You fail to build a high performing team that can deliver results fast enough
  5. A-Item Priorities - You fail to focus on key priorities (it's foolish to think you can achieve results in more than a few areas)
  6. Stakeholder Alignment - You fail to align expectations, resources, and support of key stakeholders
  7. Influence - You fail to establish and maintain key relationships
  8. Early Wins - You fail to establish early wins that are important to your boss and are aligned with your A-Item Priorities

Learn how to avoid the 8 Fatal New Manager Mistakes (click 'Play')

I've Seen It Too Many Times Before...

Let me tell you about Sue, a brilliant engineer with a bright future. She had been out of school for 6 or 7 years, and she was given increasingly challenging assignments.

Then the call came - she was asked to lead a team of 10 in a multi-disciplinary team. At first, she was incredibly excited to take on the next challenge in her ascent. Reality set in.

She had to manage a $50 million budget. She had 10 people whose performance she was responsible for. Half those people were older than her, and a couple of them had been in the business since before she was born. She had a clear idea technically of what she needed to do. The problem was, she wasn't being asked to perform the technical work anymore. Now she had to achieve success through others.

It was a rocky start. Sue typically got along with people, and she didn't want to ruffle any feathers in her new job. The previous month these people were all peers, and now she was the boss. Some people tested her by treating her like a doormat. Sue stepped in and worked harder, doing much of the technical work herself.

When people missed deadlines, or otherwise failed to deliver, Joanne would work even harder to make up for the lost productivity. She wondered if she had made the right decision - she was much less happy, and even though she was making more money, the ridiculous hours she had to work negated any net benefit.

Luckily, her boss knew she was struggling and got her some help. He had been a regular listener of the Wily Manager podcast, and asked for help for his struggling new manager. Bob arrived on site, and found Sue had almost given up. She was not only questioning having taken on this role, but her place in the company in general.

Very quickly, Sue was led through the Wily Manager Fast Start process to quickly assess herself and her situation, and then make tangible changes in her leadership behavior. She was able to set clear expectations, and hold people accountable for those expectations. Most importantly, she gained control of her professional life, so she could begin to enjoy her work once again.

Overcoming her challenges not only made her successful in her first leadership role, but paved the way for her to take the next step on her career ladder only two years later. Is she nervous about the most recent promotion? "No, I'll just put to work the tools I learned in the Fast Start Program, and I know I'll be able to overcome any challenges I may face."

Have You Been Left to Sink Or Swim?

This is a very typical situation we see regularly in our client companies. While we work with organizations to improve their onboarding process for new managers, sadly, many companies don't give their new managers onboarding support and instead adopt the risky 'sink or swim' approach.

And it's the sad truth that it's very difficult for new leaders to effectively make the transition if they are left entirely on their own. So we created Fast Start for new managers so they can help themselves to be successful in their new role, even if they aren't getting much support from their employer.

There is a huge difference between the leader who has a plan and the leader who figures it out as they go along (learns by trial and error). Those with a plan will deliver better results faster and will dramatically improve their chance of long term success in the role.

With a little planning, you can start delivering results faster than anyone (including you) thought possible.

Fast Start is a 90-Day Onboarding Plan for the Transitioning Leader

Fast Start leads and supports you through the critical first 90 days in your new management position. You won't have to figure it out as you go along - you'll have a plan, right from the beginning.

The First 30 Days - Your first 30 days is devoted to learning and building personal credibility, through planned discussions, interviews, and meetings.

The Second 30 Days - The second 30 days is spent fleshing out more detailed plans for accomplishing your key priorities.

The Third 30 Days - During the third 30 days you will deliver on some key early wins. You will also start creating a sense of urgency for the larger scale changes you have been planning, building your team, and communicating for buy-in.

Rely on the Fast Start - we'll be right there beside you, with the exact steps, training and tools you need to be successful.

Thanks for developing a true 90 day onboarding plan for dummies, your program has been extremely easy to follow and has made it possible for me to track my actual progress against where I should be at any given time... Most books/programs on the subject provide high-level theory and guidance related to achieving onboarding success however; your program provides a clear step-by-step process which I have found to be easy to understand and follow thereby exponentially increasing my chances of succeeding.

G. Jackson (Maryland, USA)

Fast Start is presented in six sequential modules, guiding you through your first 12 weeks on the job. The Modules are specifically designed to help you accomplish the critical things you need to do to be successful in your new job:

Module 1 - Before Day 1

Do the groundwork that allows you to hit the ground running, starting your very first day on the job

Module 2 - Your First Weeks

Develop key relationships with the people who can help you succeed in your new role.

Module 3 - A-Item Priorities

Identify the most important things you need to accomplish in the short term, in order to start delivering results quickly.

Module 4 - Early Wins

Build momentum and get a couple of 'early wins' under your belt.

Module 5 - Assess Your Team

Figure out who's who: the good performers, the average ones, and the ones who simply aren't up to the job. Leverage this knowledge to build a high performance team.

Module 6 - Sustainment Planning

Solidify your early achievements and take actions that ensure your future success.

Fast Start allows you to learn at your own pace, on your own terms. Each Module contains:

Training video - A 20-30 minute video overview of the Module. The material in the video is also provided in written format, in case this is your preferred learning style. You can even download the audio separately and listen to it in the car, making better use of your commuting time.
Fast Start Learning Plan - A step by step description of this week's activities. It feels good to have a plan of attack.
Fast Start Toolkit - Printable worksheets and other time-saving tools you need for the activities in your Fast Start Learning Plan

You'll also receive an invitation to join the Fast Start discussion group on LinkedIn, where you'll become part of a community of managers who are going through exactly the same thing you are. Here, you can:

 Ask questions
 Get advice
 Share your experiences
 Learn from others

"I am enjoying this program immensely and I am finding it very helpful. I am starting a new management job next Monday. I have been doing my line of work for 30 years, but the course is outlining an approach that I think will help me hit a home run in my new job...GREAT PROGRAM!!!!"

Bruce Stickney (Burnsville, Minnesota)

Free Bonus Gift

Get our New Leaders Handbook (55 page PDF guide - value $47) for no extra charge when you sign up for Fast Start.

The New Leaders Handbook will help you achieve your potential - it's a practical how-to guide for new managers, covering all the basics of great leadership.

In the New Leaders Handbook, you'll find out the answers to common new manager questions, including:

What should be my first priority as a new leader? (found on page 11)
How can I motivate my people? (found on page 14)
How should I take corrective action when an employee is not performing adequately? (found on page 23)
How do I deal with difficult behavior? (found on page 25)
How can I decide which work to delegate? (found on page 28)
How can I make better decisions? (found on page 32)
How can I better manage my limited time given my multiple priorities? (found on page 36)

... and these are just a handful of examples of answers you'll receive when you read the New Leaders Handbook. It's a compilation of all the questions new managers ask us about when we're training them directly...and it's designed to get you comfortable in your new role.

Please note the New Leaders Handbook is ONLY included in this package for a limited time as a price test.

You're getting a two-for-one deal (a course AND an eBook for the price of one) as long as this lasts...and we reserve the right to remove this extra free gift at any time. If you come back later and it's been removed, then you missed out.

Both For Less Than a Nice Dinner for 2 Out On the Town

The price is only $47. Yes, this is includes the New Leaders Handbook (value $47 on its own).

You get BOTH of these valuable management tools and advice for only $47.

60-Day 'No Hassle' 100% Refund Policy

We know that you will be thrilled with Fast Start, but you should be aware that we offer a 60-day 'no-hassle' 100% refund policy. Think of it as a free trial. Sign up and work through the program for a few weeks. If you feel that Fast Start is not helping you to hit the ground running in your new leadership position, just let us know and we will cheerfully refund your money. You can even keep the Fast Start materials, as well as the bonus New Leaders Handbook, so there is absolutely no risk.

Click here to get started with Fast Start. You'll be re-directed to a secure Clickbank page that looks like this:

You can pay using Debit Card, Credit Card, or PayPal.

Immediately after payment you will receive instructions to get started with Fast Start, including creating a username and password that you will use for instant access to the course materials.

It's fast, it's easy, and you can get started right now, even if it's the middle of the night!

Warm regards,

Bob Bradley and Jed Teigen

P.S. Don't forget, the free bonus New Leaders Handbook ($47 value) is included for a limited time only as part of this special package offer. Yes, I'm ready to get started right away!

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