
Easy Step-By-Step Video Tutorials From An iPad Expert

Easy Step-By-Step Video Tutorials From An iPad Expert Download mrpadman-ipad-video-lessons.pdf

Easy Step-By-Step Video Tutorials From An iPad Expert

Are You Ready To MAXIMIZE Your iPad To Its FULL Potential?

Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013
From: James Brown aka "MrPadMan"

Have You Just Bought An iPad, But You're Not Sure How To Get The Most Out of It? Then You've Come To The Right Place...

Dear iPad Owner,

As you have probably realized, iPad doesn't come with an instruction manual. I was quite surprised myself when I couldn't find any user guide in the box, so I thought maybe something wasn't right and I didn't get the "full package"?

Apparently, the guys from Apple say that the iPad is so simple to use that you don't even need a manual. Well, look at it this way...If you're going to use your iPad just for checking emails and Facebook, then I doubt you'll need any help with that. However, I'm pretty sure you want to get the most out of your iPad and discover its true colors.

The problem is, unless someone who knows the iPad inside-out, shows you how to do "the advanced stuff", you'll most likely never explore the full potential of your iPad...

Introducing MrPadMan

Imagine if there was an iPad guru who would know literally everything about it, and he would be willing to teach you how to do just about anything on your iPad? It's like if you had someone to sit next to you and guide you step-by-step ALL the way...

Well, you guessed it...I'm that guy! I've recorded 22 in-depth video tutorials, from iPad basics to the advanced stuff. Being super-obsessed with an iPad, I've covered all kinds of tips and tricks in my video lessons that any iPad user should know about. So now it's the perfect time to stop wondering "how do you do that?" and start learning!

One Step At A Time

I've divided the video lessons into 7 separate sections to make it easier for you to learn whatever you want. This means that you can simply jump into the part that interests you the most and learn something specific from that particular section. This will save you a lot of time and you'll quickly gain a better understanding of the iPad features.

It took me several months of research, testing and experimenting to figure it all out. I have to admit, it wasn't the most pleasant experience, as sometimes I just wanted to give up and move onto something else. Luckily, you don't have to go through the same frustration, because after watching MrPadMan video tutorials, you'll know everything about your iPad!

Take Action - Get Started NOW!

"To be honest, when I purchased your iPad training course, I didn't expect to learn much from it, but to my amazement I was wrong. I really enjoyed watching the videos and picked up many useful tricks that I didn't know about before. Thanks again for the course!"

Ben Lewis - London, UK

Watch iPad Video Lessons Whenever You Want

I know you have a busy schedule, so that's why my videos are available for you to watch online 24/7/365. You can pause/replay them as many times as you like and skip to whatever bit you want to learn about. Simply watch the videos on your PC or Mac and have the iPad on your hands, so you can easily follow the step-by-step instructions.

By the time you have completed my course, you'll definitely have a lot of fun and discover the true colors of your iPad. You will be able to do so much more than what you thought was possible and realize how much time you have saved by following my tutorials, instead of doing random guesswork.

"I absolutely love these iPad video lessons. They are so well put together that I wouldn't change anything in them. Thanks to this course, I finally managed to push myself and learn everything about my iPad. I appreciate you taking your time to develop these training videos."

Jessica Lee - Los Angeles CA, USA

22 Professionally Recorded Videos - I know how important video/sound quality is, when you're watching something online, so be reassured, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Complete Training Package - I will teach you literally everything about an iPad in my video lessons - that means from learning how to switch it ON to turning it into a digital multi-media station.
Easy Step-by-Step Instructions - The course is designed for ANYONE who owns an iPad. Whether you have just purchased one today or you've been using one for a while, I can guarantee you'll learn something new.
Max-Out Your iPad - Discover awesome tips and techniques that will help you to get the most out of your iPad on day-to-day basis.
Enjoy The Learning Curve - Take it easy and have fun while you're learning - you can pause/replay videos as many times as you like, so relax!
24/7/365 Availability - All the videos are available online 24 hours a day, so you can watch them at any time you want, even if it's 3am in the morning.
Life-time Access - Once you become a member, you get unlimited access to the membership area with NO hidden monthly fees.

"The videos were definitely fun to watch and I can't believe how much I've learned in a matter of days. I'm really getting the hang of my iPad now and going to finish the course soon. Would recommend, without doubt."

Alex - Melbourne, Australia

"I've only watched couples of videos so far, but I can surely say that they are very detailed and straight to the point. Can't imagine how many hours I would've spent trying to figure it all out on my own. Thanks a lot!"

Maria Fernandez - Toronto, Canada

Get Ready To Max Out Your iPad

Once you have finished the course, you'll notice that using your iPad will be like a walk in the park. You'll be able complete all the tasks much quicker and easier. Then when the work is done, you'll know how to use your iPad to relax and have fun, because I'll show you how to do that too!

Waste no more time and discover how to use your iPad to its fullest potential every day.

A Sample Video From MrPadMan's Tutorials

This is just one video (out of 22) that I want to show you as a sample. Here I will be teaching how to Secure Your iPad with a Passcode.

MrPadMan Full List of Contents

 Part 1 - iPad Basics (powering up, multi-touch screen, homescreen layout, contacts/calendar, security)

 Part 2 - Using The Internet (setting-up Wi-Fi, using Safari browser)

 Part 3 - Sending Emails (email accounts, writing/receiving emails, attachments)

 Part 4 - Applications Fun (the App Store, getting set-up, downloading apps to your iPad)

 Part 5 - Listening To Music (iTunes store, transferring songs, iPod app)

 Part 6 - Organizing Photos (photo albums, wallpapers, photo management)

 Part 7 - Watching Videos (movies, YouTube, transferring videos)

Ok, I'm Ready To Learn - How Much Is The Course?

It was really difficult for me to come up with a price tag, because there aren't many iPad courses available today. You could enroll onto a Computer Basics course in your local College, which would cost anywhere between $1500 to $3000, BUT that wouldn't teach you how to get the most out of your iPad anyway...

I realize that the iPad wasn't the cheapest thing to buy, and in the times of the current recession, it would be inappropriate for me to charge you $1500 for a course on top of what you've already paid for your iPad. Therefore, this course is available for a much lower price of just *PRICE UPDATED* - please see below for more details.

Limited Time Offer Expiring Soon

Don't miss this opportunity to experience your iPad's potential to its fullest! I really want you to discover how much MORE you can do with it, so I'm going to make it very simple for you...

For a limited time only, you can get all 22 MrPadMan's video tutorials for a one-time payment of just $47. You will get instant access to the membership area right after the checkout.

That means you could be watching your first video in the next few minutes! Not to mention that you also get life-time unlimited updates of any future iPad changes.

However, this price won't be available for too long, so give MrPadMan a try for 60 days and order now!

Try MrPadMan Video Tutorials for 60 Days!

I'm so confident that you're going to like my course that I'm willing to give you a FULL refund within 60 days of your purchase, if for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied - NO questions asked!

You have nothing to lose, so why not give it a try? Take action NOW and secure your MrPadMan membership for a limited price of $47!

Get Instant Access NOW!

After clicking the "Add to Cart" button, you will be re-directed to our encrypted 128bit SSL secure order form, where your payment will be processed by Clickbank, who is Internet's leading retailer of digital products. You can also pay with Paypal, if it's more convenient for you.

ORDER NOW to secure your copy of MrPadMan's iPad video lessons for an amazingly low price of $47!

And I hope to see you on the other side,

P.S. Please note, $47 is a LIMITED price only and expiring soon. I'm planning to raise the price to $147, so if you would like to get your life-time membership for just $47, then ORDER NOW! Once this offer expires, please do NOT contact me asking for a discount, as I won't be able to give you one.

P.P.S. If you're not sure whether this is for you or not, go ahead and place an order, because you will still have 60 days to try out my iPad video tutorials and if you are not happy with anything, I'll refund your money in FULL.

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