
Finally - brand NEW strategies and shortcuts that save you time and double, triple or quadruple your CTR...

Adwords Copycat adwords-copycat-easy-copy-paste-system-for-ppc-profits.pdf

Finally - brand NEW strategies and shortcuts that save you time and double, triple or quadruple your CTR...

Finally - brand NEW strategies and shortcuts that save you time and
double, triple or quadruple your CTR...

"Adwords Expert Buys 4.1 Million Google Clicks and Reveals Secret To Getting Click-Through Rates Up To 40.91% For High Volume Keywords In Competitive Markets"

These insider techniques, strategies and shortcuts are PROVEN to ...

Increase your click-through rates
Reduce your per-click costs
Get rid of Quality Score problems

Dramatically increase your profitability

Save you hours every day

If you spend at least $100 a month on Google AdWords (or any kind of PPC advertising), this may be the most profitable site you've stumbled across in a very long time. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it.

Lean in closer. What I'm about to share with you here is so simple and obvious... it amazes me that so many people marketing online get it so wrong.

Look, you've got competition in your business, right? And you're all battling ferociously on the front page of Google for "eyeballs."

And you want - no, need - to do everything possible to make sure your prospects SEE and CLICK on your Google ad.

Because the MOST important thing about making money online with Adwords is your ad. After all, your ad is the FIRST and ONLY THING people see.

If your PPC ads don't out-pull your competitors' and nobody ever clicks on them...

ARE SELLING... Let Alone Buy It!

No clicks. No traffic. No visitors. No customers. No sales.


Your ability to make money with Adwords starts (and maybe ends) with your Google ads. PERIOD.

I guess it's time to introduce myself... my name is Markus Roman.

I'm not a "guru" or part of the "inside internet marketing" circles. But I have been making a very, very good living ONLINE for the last eleven years, since June 12, 2001.

I've also been doing AdWords professionally for clients and multi-million dollar companies since early 2003.

I write Google ads all the time. And boy, oh boy, do they ever work!

In the last 11 years I've written HUNDREDS of ads that generated responses like crazy. Not three ads. Not a dozen... but hundreds!

In the last 18 months alone I generated 4.1 MILLION Google clicks (4,078,955 clicks to be exact)... almost half a BILLION Impressions... and Hundreds of Thousands of dollars in revenue for my clients.

Here's An Inside Look At Over One $Million
Dollars Worth of Google Clicks

And even though Google reveals that the average CTR is only 1.69% to 2.81% in most markets and a high end average of 4.54% with leading advertisers...

"I Consistently Get Simply Amazing
Click-Through Rates Up To 40.91% - Month After Month After Month"

And let me point out... this is for high volume competitive search terms that everyone else is struggling with.

How Am I Able to Get
These Kinds of Results?

Because in the last eleven years I've discovered, tested and perfected PPC techniques and strategies that are almost unbelievably powerful in getting sky high Click-Through rates and conversions.

After 429 Million impressions (that's almost half a BILLION) and buying 4.1 Million actual clicks, I KNOW what works and what doesn't.

I'm not telling you this to brag.

While other self-proclaimed "experts" claim to know how to create powerful little PPC ads, I'm telling you this to prove that I've actually done what I said I've done.

The Fact Is... If You're Still Creating
All Your Own Google Ads, You're Probably
Wasting Time AND Money!

It takes lots of skill and experience to create a PPC ad that gets the clicks. It's not always easy. Even for professional copywriters. I know. I've been doing it for over eleven years.

Another thing. Choosing the right words that skyrocket your response takes a lot of time and work. Your ad is often battling against DOZENS of other ads. It's got to beat most of them to generate you solid profits.

Most marketers just don't have the time or patience to do them right.

Plus you're probably up to your ears with dozen of campaigns and "to do" lists. Managing all that sucks even more time out of your already overloaded day.

So while you're taking time trying to develop your own skills at writing Google ads, along with EVERYTHING ELSE you have going on in your online business...

...you're wasting precious time and losing thousands of
dollars worth of business.


Now You Can Learn the Shortcuts From Someone Who Has Spent Over A Million Dollars Buying Clicks From Google and Get Instant Access To His Secret Adwords Strategies

Now instead of wasting time trying to create the perfect PPC ad on your own - praying it'll work - I've put together a complete how-to-do-it System.

This system saves you dozens of hours slaving over your Google Ads - and reveals the insider strategies that can boost your CTRs immediately - almost like magic!

For the first time ever...

You can lay your hot little hands on my 'plug and play' system for crafting almost magical PPC ads that reach out and get the clicks.

Best part: this works fast... no nonsense. Stop wasting your time. You can put this system to work in just minutes.

Plus, it works for any market... any product, or service.

You'll want to keep this on your desk, right at your fingertips at all times. I call it...

"Adwords Copycat™: The Hard Hitting Emotional Adwords System That Helps You Write Profitable PPC Ads in 9 Minutes Or Less!"

In it, I reveal all the secrets, strategies and shortcuts I've been using for over 11 years now for creating compelling PPC ads that drive qualified traffic to your site.

Doesn't matter how your CTRs look right now.

You can boost your ad's success up to 467% (perhaps a whole lot more) when you properly apply my specific, simple techniques to your ads.

The good news is, it's quicker and easier than you'd ever imagine it could be.

In fact, it can happen in nine minutes or less!

Here's what you get inside the Adwords Copycat™ System:

Module 1:
Ultimate Adwords Swipe File - The Greatest Collection of Google Ads In The World!

Let's start with my biggest secret for writing...

Instant World-Class PPC Ads!

Over the years, I've stumbled across HUNDREDS of "insider" PPC ads you have never seen, that are making people thousands and tens of thousands of dollars online.

Every time I see a great Google ad (or on Bing), I add it to my "swipe file".

After 11 years, I now have the World's Largest Collection of the best moneymaking PPC ads online.

You've probably heard of a Swipe File before. It's when you 'borrow' ideas and strategies from other TESTED, PROVEN sales letters and use them to supercharge your own sales and marketing materials.

I never intended to disclose this publicly, but for years, my personal, "collected-by-hand" Adwords Swipe File has been a closely guarded secret weapon of mine.

Whenever I sit down to write a Google ad, or any PPC ad... all I do is pop open the Ultimate Adwords Swipe File - and voila! I have dozens of grand slam ads ready to go, literally within minutes!

Important... I'm NOT talking about using copy word for word.

But you can certainly borrow the basic concepts and ideas and adapt them for your own use.

Simply "model" and modify these tested, proven, money-making Ads, plug in your product or service and easily create a blockbuster PPC ad of your own at warp speed. It's a time saver and a half!

One of my FAVORITE techniques is not to swipe ideas WITHIN the same market, but to borrow a technique from a completely DIFFERENT market.

For example, let's say you have a product that helps people with arthritis.

First, you want to look at all the other Google ads in that market to research the phrases and hot buttons. But THEN you want to borrow ad structure from a completely different market.

Here's how you do it... look at this ad from the Swipe File for a Hangover cure:

Hangover Cure
Developed by The Univ of Georgia
Removes Alcohol 300% Faster

With less than 45 seconds work, that ad becomes:

Arthritis Cure
Developed by leading US Doctor
Stops Pain 300% Faster

Here's another example. This Swipe File ad:

Don't Pay for Weight Loss
Secret Diet Discovered By A Mom Who
Lost 42lbs In 3 Months With $10

becomes THIS:

Arthritis Cure?
Secret Discovered By 77yr Grandma
Cures Her Arthritis In 3 Months.

There's hardly any thinking or writing needed - All the "heavy lifting" has already been done for you!

When you have this swipe file of over 1001 blockbuster ads at your fingertips - you'll see it's a priceless resource into what ALREADY works in Adwords... and gets high quality prospects to click on your ads.

It's shamefully fun (and profitable!) once you learn how... I should know, my Ultimate Adwords Swipe File has made me and my clients hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can potentially do the same for you too.

Module 2:
Rare Video Reveals The Three Best Places To Find PRE-TESTED and PROVEN Adwords Copy Guaranteed To Work and Skyrocket Your Response

This video reveals the three most powerful resources ANYWHERE online to find great headlines, email subject lines, and PPC ad copy you can "legally steal" and use as your own.

The best part is... these have ALREADY been split-tested for you so you know immediately which are the PROVEN winners.

It's like having a crystal ball that shows you EXACTLY how to write your ads so Google viewers will simply HAVE to click on them or go CRAZY.

I'll show you step-by-step with real examples how this works and you'll see right before your eyes how I create blockbuster PPC ads in less than two minutes.

Module 3:
Secrets Of The Swipe File Revealed

This 38 minute video reveals the secrets behind some of the top ads from the Ultimate Adwords Swipe File... why they work so well... and how you can use the exact same strategies to drastically increase the Click Thru Rates and Conversions of your own PPC ads.

You get my personal comments on what makes certain ads so effective, and exactly what you should be 'swiping' for maximum effect.

You'll get behind-the-scenes insight, revealing both the mechanical techniques as well as the psychology you can use to maximize your results.

And most importantly, I'll give you practical suggestions on how to actually USE these CTR-boosting, wallet fattening secrets to trigger more clicks and sales in less time than you ever thought possible.

Module 4:
Emotional Adwords: The "Ninja" Mindtrick That Gets The Clicks

Emotional Adwords - this 45 minute audio recording with top Adwords Expert Dr. Glenn Livingston reveals the REAL REASONS why certain PPC Ads work and others fall flat on their face...

...and how to use this breakthrough secret to sneak inside the emotional minds of your customers and explode your own Adwords results.

Put it on your mp3 player or burn it to CD. It makes it easy to listen, learn and implement no matter where you are or what you're doing.

I Also Want To Give You
These FREE Bonuses...

FREE Bonus #1:
37 Money Making Ads From One Of The
Toughest Direct Mail Markets

I want to give you a collection of classic direct mail ads which have been TESTED and PROVEN in one of the most competitive offline markets around.

Comic book ads.

I don't mean modern comic books. I mean the classics from the 60s and 70s.

They were STUFFED with some of the best direct response ads in the world.

Listen... some of these ads ran for years and years and years. It's no understatement to say they were responsible for millions of dollars worth of sales.

This material is unbelievable. Seriously.

All have made money - many to the tune of millions of dollars.

So what does this have to do with Google Adwords???


These ads are BURSTING with money-making you can use TODAY in your Google ads!

Let me give you some quick examples. Each of the following ads took me less than 60 seconds to write and all of them are based on TESTED, PROVEN copy from comic book ads!

Secrets Of Ninjutsu
Learn The Secret Powers Of The
Deadliest Masters Of The Orient!
Magic Secrets Revealed
These Are The Same Tricks You See
On TV. Now You Can Do Them Too!
Secrets Of Karate
Become More Powerful Than Any Man!
Self Defense Mastery In 24 Hours.
Secrets of Hypnotism!
New Technique Hypnotizes in Minutes
Must Work For You Or Money Back.
Want To Draw Like A Pro?
Draw Any Person In 1 Minute or Less
Even If You Don't Have Any Talent.
Play Piano Instantly
No Scales! No Boring Exercises!
Easy As ABC - You Play Instantly

Point is... Don't re-invent the wheel! Start with proven, moneymaking copy -- so your Google ads get clicked on more... by qualified prospects... supercharging your sales.

FREE Bonus #2:
The $768,909.22 Email Subject Line Swipe File

This took me over five years to collect and put together, and has help make me hundreds of thousands of dollars for my online marketing businesses.

All of the subject lines for my email promotions and product launches are taken either word for word from this collection, or are based on the psychological structures of these emails.

In fact, the last fourteen months alone, these subject lines made $768,909.22 just from email promotions alone.

Now they can do the same for you.

How To Save Thousands of Dollars
and Regain Hundreds of Hours In Lost Time!

For less than the cost of your daily coffee, you can get immediate access to the insider tips, secrets and strategies that produced 4.1 million clicks at Click-Through rates up to 40.91% - and can drive your own CTRs through the roof.

That's right. You can have hard-hitting PPC ads less than 5 minutes from now for just $68.

That's less than a cup of coffee a day at Starbucks for a month.

Keep in mind I got 4,078,955 super targeted visitors to websites in less than 18 short months with these exact strategies.

That means the way has already been paved for your direct shortcut to success. You can use it to leapfrog over your competition and make money in the process, or you can continue doing it the slow way. Your choice.

But if you actually have to "think" before investing in your business LESS than what an unemployed teenager spends on a new Sony PlayStation, then this may not be for you.

What's The Cost Of
Not Taking Action?

If you don't have a high CTR - chances are you could be paying DOUBLE, TRIPLE or QUADRUPLE more than what you should be paying.

Even if you have a small account spending $50 a day on Adwords, how much would you save if you could get the same amount of clicks for just $20?

That's $930 in savings every single month or $11,160 every year!

That type of extra money helps pay your mortgage each month. Maybe buys you a new car. Or an all-inclusive family vacation.

Question is... do YOU want that money? Or do you want to keep stuffing it into Google's "do no evil" pockets?

The choice is obvious, isn't it?

And wait... I'll make it even better:

Prove it Entirely at My Risk -
Guaranteed To Improve Your CTR...
Or You Pay Nothing!

Your 2-Month Ironclad Guarantee:

100% Money Back

No Questions Asked | And I mean it!

Here's my promise to you.

Use every tip, trick and CTR boosting strategy I show you. If for any reason in the next two months you're not 100% thrilled with your results, just email me for an immediate and courteous refund.

No questions asked. This refund is unconditional...

You don't even have to prove you tried or used any of the information. Just email me at any time during the next two months... tell me you're unhappy and YOU'll IMMEDIATELY GET A 100% REFUND!

It's simple. You'll be delighted, or your money back. Guaranteed!

Get It Now For Only $67

This is a NO BRAINER! You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

You get a full TWO MONTHS to put the Adwords Copycat™ System to the test.

If during any time during that two months you are not completely satisfied you will get an immediate refund 100 PERCENT.

That's important: You either increase your CTR and performance of your Google ads or you pay me nothing, it's as simple as that!

How can I offer such a great guarantee?

Because these are the EXACT same ads and strategies I've used to buy 4.1 Million clicks in Google with CTRs up to 40.91%.

I KNOW this works and works really, really well.

Honestly, what do you have to lose? NOTHING!

I take all the risk and let you try the system for two months and GUARANTEE your results or your money back.

Listen, here's your opportunity to see eight years worth of powerful PPC ads that have actually worked and - more importantly - made money. Real ads you can use for your own business. Don't pass this up.

Here Are 3 Very Good Reasons To
Get Started NOW...

Very Good Reason Number 1:

Having problems with your Google Adwords Quality Scores?

Low quality score not only INCREASES your Cost Per Click, it also dramatically REDUCES your traffic and ultimately pushes you out of the game.

Everyone scrambles to make sure their landing pages are Google friendly.


Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google, reveals that... "there are three components to the Quality Score and the BIGGEST ONE BY FAR is Click-Through rate".

Your landing page is actually the LEAST important. But almost no one knows about this!

It's Straight From Google... Here's One Way To Stay Ahead of The "Slap"

If you want to increase your Quality Scores (and stay ahead of the Google Slap) - you MUST have high Click-Through Rates!

Very Good Reason Number 2:

Because if you don't take action today, your competitors may beat you to the punch and STEAL your sales!

Call it a friendly "word to the wise". Your competitors may have ALREADY gotten their sticky little hands on a copy of the Adwords Copycat™ System - and may be kicking your butt on the front page of Google right this very minute.

Don't let 'em do it!

Get the winning edge that pulls clicks and sales away from your competitors, like a ten-ton magnet!

Very Good Reason Number 3:

Do you really want to keep spending hours and hours writing your Google Ads? You don't have time for it.

Especially when there is a far easier and lazier way to get even better results.

I have personally spent thousands of dollars and invested hundreds of man hours in collecting these ads and resources... all so you don't have to. Why would you wait?

Spending 8 hours a day in your Adwords account is not the highest and best use of your time for your business. And we both know it.

So Here's What
To Do Next

It all boils down to one of two choices.

The first choice is to continue writing Ads the old way...

...the one where you don't have the best PPC ads ever written at your fingertips to swipe from....

...the tedious way where you waste your time and actually have to think long and hard to get your ads done. If you want to continue running your business like that, then don't get this.

However, if you want to shortcut your path to higher CTRs, better Quality Scores and faster and easier profits, then the choice is simple: you need to click here now and get instant access to the Adwords Copycat™ System.

It Only Takes ONE...


Just ONE hard-pulling, traffic generating Google ad can potentially change your financial future forever, and all it takes is one simple click here for you to get started right away.

If you want to have the world's greatest collection of PPC ads at your fingertips, paving the way for your success before you write a single word, take action now.

Because these PROVEN winning ad strategies work.

To get results you can bank on, just...

Click here now

Listen, if you relish the idea of your PPC ads attracting more eyeballs... getting the clicks... relentlessly pulling in new customers over and over and over... boosting your income... saving you time... then

Best regards,

Markus Roman

My Adwords Copycat™ System has allowed me to find the quickest, easiest and simplest way to write Google ads that pull up to 40.91% click-through rates (or more). It's made my online business a LOT more smoother and profitable. Now it can do the same for you. So get it today.

Remember, This Is GUARANTEED To
Increase Your CTR Or You Don't Pay

In case you're STILL on the fence about this, remember this is a Risk-Free offer. Because you're backed by a Two-Month 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you don't get 20 time more value from this course that what you paid, I'll gladly refund your money - no questions asked! That's how confident I am this package will take your Adwords Marketing to the next level... just like it has mine.

When you get started today, you can expect more clicks and more business. Guaranteed, or your money back. Which means you have nothing to lose.

So what are you waiting for... just grab your copy TODAY!

You'll be pleased. I promise.

One last thing... sort of obvious maybe, but sometimes we forget there's a human being on the other side of a website. Just so you know, I'm a real person and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch... just click this Contact Markus link to email me.

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Learn how to build niche income generating blogs from a full time internet entrepreneur in this extensive video training course

Niche Profit Course | Niche Profit Course Download niche-profit-course-by-chris-guthrie.pdf

Learn how to build niche income generating blogs from a full time internet entrepreneur in this extensive video training course

Get An Insider’s Sneak-Peak Into How I OWNED Amazon’s Affiliate Program, Earning $94,325.70 In Commissions…

This total excludes the money I got from selling my top-earning Amazon site in a deal worth over $100,000.

Inside Niche Profit Course v2 I reveal exactly how I build both small niche Amazon websites as well as larger authority style websites…


Many courses out there promise the world and seem to deliver the goods – until you actually test them out! You see, all these ‘guru’s’ are well aware that only 1% of buyers will actually put the product into action and less than 1% of those action-takers will complain if it doesn’t work. They rely on this and you can believe they bank on it too. Not only that but these so-called ‘strategies’ are mostly just a hodge-podge of loopholes they exploited for a while and then decided to base a product around. In fact, by the time these products are released, those loopholes have usually been closed already.

That’s how fast the internet is moving today!

So my question to you is, do you want to spend your whole life chasing loopholes, hoping to get lucky some day and then milk it for a month or two? Or…

Do you want to learn real skills that will teach you to create a solid, consistent and legit income stream from a real business that you own?

I ask you, what’s a better strategy to make money?

  • Buying lottery tickets.
  • Selling a proven product that people want.

We all know the answer to this but for some reason when it comes to the internet, many people just want the lottery ticket.

I use all the tactics and strategies in this course constantly and have complete confidence they will set you down the right path to success if you take action with the information. Sure, you probably won’t make $5,000 in your first or second month, but believe me when I tell you that making money with Amazon is not that hard! This is by far the easiest way to make money online I’ve found and in the past few years a huge chunk of my business income has come from Amazon affiliate commissions…

Some of you already know me: My name is Chris Guthrie, I’m an internet marketer and I do all kinds of things online ranging from running a podcast, building websites and developing out software projects. However, nothing has made me more money than the income I’ve generated as a result of my focus on Amazon. Nothing! And believe me when I say I’ve tried it all. Sure they all made me money here and there but Amazon is why I was able to leave my job at the end of 2009 and do this full time.

Why Amazon?

Amazon is one of the biggest and oldest affiliate programs in the world and shoppers spent $32 billion at Amazon.com last year!

Need more reasons? No problemo…

They’re HIGHLY Optimized

It’s been well-publicized that Amazon has spent untold millions optimizing their website and product pages for massive performance and conversions. Their site has been polished to a fine diamond – you really just need a trickle of traffic to make money with them. I have had sites which were receiving less than 100 visitors per day, that still sent me 1 or 2 sales per week. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.

Not only that but as soon as people land on their pages, they start window-shopping in a big way. They check out the related products, browse the bestsellers, add things to their cart for fun and generally just go buckwild! Amazon is designed to do exactly that, make people BUY! Just like those sneaky shelves of candy at the checkout aisle, Amazon brainwashes you into buying things. Things you need, but also things you just want as well. This works out just great for us affiliates because…

Amazon Gives Commissions For EVERYTHING You Sell.

So if you have a site on lawn mowers and a visitor that you send to Amazon happens to buy a TV, you get a commission for that too. A good 20% – 30% of my sales every month are for products that I am not even promoting. This is a great boost to my income and will be for yours too.

Here’s a diamond engagement ring I happened to randomly sell one month. This little beauty netted me a $125.93 commission and I DO NOT own a single wedding or jewelry-related site:


People trust Amazon like no other website. The average person will gladly whip out their credit card on Amazon without so much as a hesitation. A site they are unfamiliar like Clickbank they might not be so willing. People know when they buy an eBook that it might be crap, but when people want to buy a digital camera, it’s normal to buy it online. It’s part of our culture now and that’s a huge reason why it’s so easy to sell things on Amazon.

Low Commissions You Say?

Lots of people criticize Amazon’s Affiliate program for their low commissions. This is totally true – their commissions range between 4% and 8.5%, HOWEVER, this is totally irrelevant if you sell a product that costs $300. That’s a $12 to $25.50 commission right there and what happens if you sell a $1000 product? Well the math is simple: you get a fat $40 to $85 commission.

Low Competition:

This course is all about free traffic with no expensive PPC campaigns, ad buys or social media shenanigans. It’s simply not necessary as the competition in Google for these physical products is insanely low.

Here’s What You Get Inside:

10 Step By Step Video Training Modules
2 Extra Bonus Video Modules
Case studies on live income generating websites I still run today
Free Premium Azon WordPress Theme: Cost me well over $2,000 to develop and improve over time

The 10 video modules cover everything:

Module 1: The Basics
Module 2: How To Find A Good Niche
Module 3: How To Set Up An Income Generating Blog
Module 3b: How To Customize Azon Theme (Free Theme!)
Module 4: How To Write Content For Your Blog
Module 5: How To Make Money
Module 6: How To Build Links And Get Traffic
Module 7: Live Mini Site Case Studies
Module 8: Live Authority Site Case Study
Module 9: More Live Website Case Studies
Module 10: Niche Profit Course Wrap Up
Bonus Module: How To Outsource Amazon Sites
Bonus Module: Buying Domain Names After Market

Get it right now to secure your membership.

** “Iron-Clad, 100%, Guaranteed Guarantee” **

I personally guarantee that if you make an effort to use just a few of the strategies in Niche Profit Course and honestly feel that it failed to deliver on anything I promised within the next 60 days, I will give you a complete refund.

WARNING: I will never, ever say there is no work involved in making money with Amazon, because there definitely is. You need to put in a consistent effort in building the best website for your niche before you start seeing results that get you excited, but I’ll never forget when I made my first dollar with Amazon. That was back in early 2009 and before the year was out I had left my full time job and have been building and running websites full time ever since. Motivation comes naturally when you see your commissions getting higher and higher each month. But, if you don’t take action right now you may just drown in a sea of eBooks and misinformation that will rob you of your dreams. What you need to do is take action and follow the exact steps I laid out in this course. It totally works! But only if you use it…

PS: I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that Amazon is the easiest way to make money that exists in the world today. Just go for it

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This is my feed2 Headline Animator

This is my feed Headline Animator
