
Discover How You Can Take Control Over Your Life AND Your Own Future When You Become A Master Mentalist!

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Discover How You Can Take Control Over Your Life AND Your Own Future When You Become A Master Mentalist!

QUESTION: Are You Tired Of Sitting On the Sidelines Of Your Own Life?

Discover How You Can Take Control Over Your Life AND Your Own Future When You Become A Master Mentalist!

You Are About To Uncover The Simple Steps That Will Have You Reading Minds, Persuading Complete Strangers And Winning Over New Friends In A Few Short DAYS!

From The Desk Of
Christopher Lam
Tuesday, 10:17 A.M.

  • Are you ready to entertain, amaze and even persuade everyone you know (and even complete strangers?
  • Are you ready to become the center of attention with a few, powerful tricks?
  • Are you ready to become a Mentalist and master the art of mind reading, psycho kinesis, fortune telling, and persuasion with ease?

Well, if you answer yes to any of these questions then you are in the right place.


Because after years of struggling with card tricks, magic and hypnosis I FINALLY discovered how to really entertain, impress and even persuade everyone from my close friends and family to complete strangers.

And now I can show you how YOU can discover the secrets and the steps to become a Master Mentalist too... but there is one thing that you MUST understand before we get started...

The Secrets I Will Reveal To You Today Are Powerful, Intoxicating, And LIFE-CHANGING!

With the right information, the right steps and the right advice from a master mentalist you are going to be able to change your life!

You are going to:

  • Command the attention of everyone in the room with amazing tricks that go WAY BEYOND simple magic!
  • Dominate every conversation you have... and ensure that it goes your way!
  • Seduce the attention of the opposite sex with a few little steps that work EVERYTIME!
  • Win Over new friends, new clients and new business partners with ease!
  • Persuade everyone from your friend to your boss to eagerly follow your advice!
  • Captivate the people you meet (and the ones you already know) by reading their mind and knowing exactly what they want!

Your confidence is going to skyrocket! Your popularity is going to go through the roof!

But for me, the best part about becoming a Master Mentalist was how it allowed me to change my life from ordinary to exciting.

Hello, my name is Christopher Lam and if you give me a few minutes of your time I am going to tell you EXACTLY how you can uncover the exact steps and the exact secrets that will allow you to become a mentalist and change your life too!

I Went From Sitting On The Sidelines In My Own Life - To The Star Quarterback!

When I look back on my life I realize that I wasted YEARS just sitting on the sidelines - riding the bench - of my OWN LIFE!

No one ever really paid me much attention (especially not women) and I never got ANY attention.

Of course, I wanted to be the guy that got all the attention... I wanted to be the guy that called all the shots... I wanted to be the guy that talked to women with ease... I wanted to be the guy that could impress the entire room and win-over people with just a few words...

But I just didn't know how!

And I probably would have spent the rest of my life sitting in the corner and hoping for a change - if I hadn't become a Master Mentalist.

How I Became a Master Mentalist, Skyrocketed My Confidence and Took My Life to a Whole New Level

One night I was out at a bar and I met a guy who could command the attention of the ENTIRE ROOM!

He had a group of people around him, he was doing a few little tricks, he seemed to persuade everyone to do exactly what he wanted AND every woman was trying to get his attention.

I wanted to be JUST LIKE THIS GUY!

I begged this guy for his secret, and I guess he felt sorry for me because he ended up taking me under his wing and teaching me all his secrets.

Over a few months he taught me the basics of becoming a Mentalist.

  • I discovered the art of mind reading, psycho kinesis, fortune telling and even how to communicate just with my thoughts.
  • I learned the simple little tricks that get so much attention and impress everyone - like spoon bending and card tricks.
  • But the most important part was that I started uncovering how I could control the behaviors of others and persuade almost anyone to do almost anything I wanted!

And as much as I appreciated my mentor for teaching me his secrets, I wanted to know more!

I spent years searching for easier ways to become a Master Mentalist. I spent years searching for the secrets, the simple steps and the expert information that I am going to share with you today.

Are you ready to start controlling minds? Are you ready to grab the attention of an entire room - whenever you want? Are you ready to win-over anyone - at anytime?

Are you ready to STOP living your life on the sidelines and START taking control over your future?

Mentalism Secrets Revealed!

I spent years reading, researching and experimenting - just to uncover the simple steps and powerful secrets that can turn ANYONE into a Master Mentalist easily, quickly and without fail.

And I have compiled all this knowledge into 1 straight-forward eBook that you can use to give yourself an edge in life.

In fact, there is NO OTHER book on the market today that reveals this level of expert secrets - or allows you to master these powerful steps so quickly.

With my eBook, Mentalism Secrets Revealed, you are going to finally:

  • Grab anyone's attention and make them want to know YOU!
  • Discover how to read people's emotions, feelings and their minds!
  • Get people to say “YES” to all your ideas and all your suggestions!
  • Uncover the secrets to persuade even the most difficult client or the most demanding friend!
  • Make friends with ease - and even have the opposite sex begging for your attention!
  • Impress everyone with simple party tricks that will AMAZE!
  • Take the lead of any group with your new, powerful influence!

All my secrets, all my guidance and all my information is right here in this ground-breaking eBook. All you have to do is follow the simple steps and you are going to finally understand how easy it can be to control minds - and control your life!

You are going to be able to take control over your life, get the attention that you deserve, and finally be in charge of your own future.

Aren't you ready to make more friends? Aren't you ready to make more sales? Aren't you ready to make your life your own?

Claim Your Copy of Mentalism Secrets Revealed by Clicking Here

How My Mentalism Secrets Are Going To Work For You and Your Life

I have already told you the story about how the secrets of mind control, persuasion, influence and thought communication and behavior control allowed me to change my life...

  • I went from a dead-end job that barely paid the bills to my dream career where I am raking in money hand over fist... all because I had the power to persuade and win over people.
  • I went from begging women for a date to being very successful at playing the field... all because I discovered how to influence and impress.
  • I went from sitting on the sidelines of my own life to the center of attention... all because of the skills that I learned the confidence that I gained when I became a Master Mentalist.

And with my book, Mentalism Secrets Revealed, you are going to have the opportunity to do the exact same thing!

You are going to discover the exact steps that you need to take in order to master the art of Mentalism. You are going to discover the expert advice that are going to make learning Mentalism a breeze.

You are going to uncover the ground-breaking secrets that NO ONE ELSE will dare expose to you.

You are going to discover everything you need to know about Mentalism and how you can put it to use in your own life - easier than you ever thought possible!

Claim Your Copy of Mentalism Secrets Revealed by Clicking Here

Just Imagine Becoming A Master Mentalist In Only A Few WEEKS!

With Mentalism Secrets Revealed you are going to have the chance to uncover all the little tricks, all the secret steps and all the techniques - and you are going to be able to do it all in a matter of WEEKS instead of months or years!

If you are ready to discover a new skill, change your life and impress everyone you know... then you really don't have any more excuses.

Just imagine being able to walk into any bar and command the attention of anyone around you - with a few simple tricks that is going to make everyone notice YOU!

Just imagine being able to strike up a conversation - with ANYONE - and win them over to your way of thinking... in MINUTES!

Just imagine being able to persuade clients, your boss, or even your friends to follow YOUR advice!

Well, now it's time for you to STOP imagining and start making all this your REALITY!

Claim Your Copy of Mentalism Secrets Revealed by Clicking Here

Are You Ready To Start Controlling Minds, Having More Influence Than You Ever Have and Seducing Everyone's Attention?

When you become a Master Mentalist you are going to open the doors to a whole new world!

You are going to stop living on the sidelines and start taking control ... not just over your own life, but start controlling everyone around you!

And you are going to be able to do all of this with Mentalism Secrets Revealed.
With this revolutionary new eBook we are going to go cover:

  • How you can use stooges for your magic and for your tricks (and how to ensure that these stooges are NEVER discovered).
  • How you will use your environment for complete control over your targeted person and your surroundings.
  • How you will uncover the psychological techniques to gain a complete grip over your targeted person and to always stay one step ahead.
  • How you will use a skilled approach to divert attention, convince and persuade... and how you will use this approach to draw in people's attention and compel them to trust you (even if they just met you)!
  • How you will use persuasion to convince your target person or your audience in any way that you choose.
  • How you will use concealment to expose what you want - and hide what you don't want seen. You will discover how to suppress certain ideas or thoughts - and draw attention to the feelings and beliefs what you want to expose.
  • How you will master the unique technique of mind reading (and it's easier than you might think)!
  • How you will sharpen and use your sixth-sense to read minds, control emotions and grab attention.

And you are going to discover all of this with Mentalism Secrets Revealed.

I am so sure that these secrets and these powerful steps will work for you that I am going to GUARANTEE your success.

Claim Your Copy of Mentalism Secrets Revealed by Clicking Here

The Rock-Solid Guarantee

This guarantee is simple and easy.

I am going to give you everything that you need - all the steps, all the secrets and all the life-changing information that you need to become a Master Mentalist.

I know that if you put JUST 1 OF MY SECERTS TO WORK FOR YOU that you are going to see an amazing difference in your life.

I know that with a few weeks and a little dedication you are going to be able to:

  • See a complete change in the way people treat you and the attention that you get!
  • See a complete change in the amount of respect that you get from your family, your friends and your boss!
  • See a complete change in the power that you have and of the interest people have in you!

And to prove that to you I am offering you a no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

You read that correctly... Your success is guaranteed for a FULL 60 days. There is no fine print, and there isn't any red tape, just a simple and honest guarantee.

I want you to download your copy of Mentalism Secrets Revealed today. I want you to get everything you need to become a Master Mentalist, and I want you to be confident doing it.

That is why you have a FULL 60 days to try Mentalism Secrets Revealed before you ever have to make up your mind!

And if, for any reason, you aren't 100% satisfied with Mentalism Secrets Revealed- even if it's on the 60th day - all you have to do is send an email and your entire purchase price will be instantly refunded.

I don't think I could make a more honest guarantee than that!

Claim Your Copy of Mentalism Secrets Revealed by Clicking Here

Are You Ready To Get Started?

If you are tired of searching for a way to get your opinions heard... to get people to give you the respect that you deserve... to have the life that you crave... then you have come to the right place.

All you need to do is place your order for Mentalism Secrets Revealed and follow the simple steps that are going to make you a Master Mentalist in just a few short weeks.

I can tell you what a difference it made in my life... and if you give it a chance I KNOW that it will make a difference in your life too.

You really don't have any excuses... don't wait another second... order RIGHT NOW!

Get Mentalism Secrets Revealed TODAY!

YES Christopher, I am ready to try Mentalism Secrets Revealed for 60 FULL days for just $24.97!

Have your credit card handy and click the orange button below.

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I Wish You Success and NOTHING less,

Christopher Lam

Are You Running Your Life... Or Is Your Life Running You?

P.S. Do you have everything in life that you want... that you DESERVE? Are you tired of sitting on the sidelines while everyone else runs the show?

Well now is your time to discover the simple steps and the expert secrets that will have you the center of everyone's attention - making all the calls and influencing everyone!

It's all up to you.... Take control NOW!


P.P.S. This is your chance to become a Master Mentalist and discover how simple mind control, persuasion and mental communication can be!

This is your opportunity to uncover the simplest, fastest way to impress and persuade everyone you know. And all you have to do is hit the order button right now!


You Have NOTHING To Lose Because Your Success Is Guaranteed!

P.P.P.S. You have nothing to lose because Mentalism Secrets Revealed is 100% GUARANTEED! You have a FULL 60 DAYS to try and test Mentalism Secrets Revealed before you have to decide if it's right for you...

Quit Procrastinating And Order RIGHT NOW!

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The Darkside Hypnosis Training Course

Control Of Mind - Darkside Hypnosis Download the-darkside-hypnosis-training-course.pdf

The Darkside Hypnosis Training Course

WARNING: These are the secrets the "Covert Persuaders" don't want you to know!

"Who Else Wants To Discover
The Most Controversial...
...And The Most Effective
Mind Control Secrets
Ever Invented?"

I know you can here looking for answers, so let's keep this simple!

This site is NOT like all those other hypnosis sites out there.

This site will teach you something different...

This site will teach you the INSANELY controversial and the most EFFECTIVE hypnosis and mind control techniques that have turned the heads of hundreds...

And guess what. People are talking for a reason.

But before we go any further, I must give you this warning:

This is advanced mental technology. If you're looking for "A Beginners Guide To Hypnosis" you won't find it here.

On this site you'll find exactly how to mind control anyone you want, any time, any place, and all without them knowing.

But if I reveal this information, please promise me you will use it responsibly and you will only use it for good.

Ok, so let's get to it...

My name is Cameron Crawford, and I'm about to take you on a journey into one of the most intense and one of the most influential underground secret societies that has ever existed.

Here's the story:

Mind Control was never just something was interested in... It was always something I was obsessed with.

For years I was looking for the real "secrets" of mind control but they just didn't seem to be out there...

I wanted to learn the secrets of mind control that hardly ANYONE knew about... the secrets that would let me do stuff like:

  • Mind Control someone into finding me instantly attractive.
  • Make someone instantly forget ever meeting me.
  • Mind Control someone into being so fascinated by me they can't get me out of their mind.

I wanted to have that knowledge, the kind of power that would let me do anything.

But every course, every book, every audio I could get my hands on was all the same old, outdated and rehashed information that never really taught me anything.

Every single piece of information I ever found was useless.

And by now you probably know what I mean, you've seen all those "learn hypnosis sites" out there selling those crappy hypnosis eBooks that are all based on the same information that was written 20 years ago.

Hell, I even bought most of them...

Then after going through them all and finding nothing new, I started to lose hope... and then it happened.

The Phone Call That Changed My Life

The phone call was from a friend of mine (NONE of the people in this story will let me publish their REAL names), this friend owned and operated two auctions.

And in one of his auctions someone was selling a box of old books.

One of the books was an old, hand written journal of about 80 pages of intensely powerful information that was the collected wisdom of an underground subculture that absolutely no one knew existed.

This group had been secretly exchanging their knowledge for nearly a decade.

Secretly working to turn hypnosis and mind control into a something new, something a lot more powerful.

This small subculture revolved around one man who was only known as "The Professor".

He was the most worshipped persuader in this secret community.

Inside the pages of the journal he spit out LONG detailed descriptions of techniques that read like algorithms of how to manipulate social situations and how to control anyone's mind.

A lot of the techniques in the journal, he had come up with and they were all chronicled in intimate detail right there inside those pages.

The writing was filled with jargon of his own invention like:

Sliders, Shells, Claws, Sniper Inducer's, String Theory... and a whole lot more and they'd all become an integral part of this hypnosis secret society.

Now I know this all sounds a bit crazy, and believe me when I first read about it I thought it was strange too.

But apparently, The Professor along with around a dozen others had constantly tested insane new ideas and perfected them for years.

Inside these pages they had documented a new kind of mental technology that they called "Darkside Hypnosis".

Now I have to admit, when I first started reading I was pretty sceptical...

I mean after reading so many books and finding so much rehashed junk on the internet I had become a bit of a sceptic.

But the deeper I got dug into the information and the more I read the more I started to see how this stuff could really work.

I finished reading the whole thing in less than a couple of hours, and by the time I was finished my heart was pounding and I was sweating...

I honestly felt like my head was spinning after finally finding that this kind of hypnosis was real and it really did exist.

As soon as I'd had a taste of this "Darkside" Mind Control I needed to learn more.

So there was no question about it, I had to meet the faces behind the names, watch them, find out who they were and what made them tick.

So I made it my mission and my obsession to hunt down these faceless names from this "secret society" and beg them to share with their secrets with me.

But There Was A HUGE Problem

These people had NO CLUE who I was so why would they want to tell me anything?

...And it's not like I could just pick up the phone and call them, you know?

After all ...I didn't even have a clue who any of them were.

So why would they even want to talk to me?

So after a few weeks of searching the internet, trying to find anything that might help me find them I told myself there was no way I could get in touch with these people ... so I should just forget about it.

Fortunately, I Didn't Forget About It

I read those same 80 pages over and over again every night... I was so obsessed with it, even my wife started to think I was crazy.

After weeks of reading the same thing over and over again my focus started to change to the three blank pages at the back of the journal, and what appeared to be a few pages that had been ripped out...

It was then that I notice one of the blank pages had a few words of text imprinted on it so deeply into the paper they were almost embossed on the other side.

The imprinted words were from what was written on the page that was ripped out.

I could just about make out the details of what The Professor was calling "The Dark Shadow Technique".

The first thing that came to my mind was "why had someone ripped this page out?"

But the craziest thing was... right there at the bottom of the page, imprinted into the paper was an email address.

I couldn't believe it.

This whole time, I had an email address for The Professor right there in my hands and I just didn't see it.

I grabbed my laptop and sent what was probably the longest email I've ever written... to this guy I've never even met.

This Is Where It Gets Strange...

I got a reply back from him in about 2 minutes.

And the weirdest part was he told me he'd been expecting me and he actually hypnotized me by email!

It was completely insane, and when I finally got to meet him he explained how it works. (NOBODY knows how to do this, but I'll show you how in the course!)

It's crazy... I mean, just think for a second what you'll be able to do once you know how to hypnotize someone just by sending an email.

It makes your life a hell of a lot easier, believe me.

And before I had it done to me I NEVER would have said it was possible.

But it happened. And hypnotizing someone by email isn't even one of the more advanced techniques!

This group of insanely focussed individuals had the most powerful knowledge you can ever imagine - all broken down and backwards engineered into a step by step process.

Here's What This Means For YOU

It took months before The Professor fully trusted me and excepted me as one of his own, but it was all worth it and my determination paid off for both you and me.

Here's what I mean.

I was so obsessed with learning this stuff and mastering these powerful techniques.

I mean think about it.

The Professor literally WROTE THE BOOK on Darkside Hypnosis and Mind Control.

He was LITERALLY the one who invented it.

I knew if I could just get close to him and beg him to teach me my life would never be the same again.

So after months of persistence and begging him to let me under his wings he finally agreed to meet me.

The ONLY reason he met me was because I told him I found the Journal, and he wanted to figure out how I got my hands on this advanced mental technology in the first place.

And so began the strangest two years of my life.

After meeting The Professor and practically begging him for weeks, he offered to let me in on every secret, every technique, and every method of hypnotic mind control that he had developed over the last ten years.

I felt like a mad scientist or something ...scribbling down pages of notes about how this one guy had single handedly reinvented hypnosis.

I spent the next year and a half digging deeper and deeper into this secret society with a man who thought about new ways to manipulate social situations non stop.

You wouldn't believe some of the things I had to do if I told you.

But all of the gruelling suffering and pain was worth it...

After my training with The Professor I felt like my life was just starting...

I even met a friend I hadn't seen for a few years and he DID NOT recognise me...

Not because I looked any different, but he told me that the only way he could describe it was that I have "some kind of insane confidence boost and everywhere I go people just seem to love me."

And that's not even the craziest part...

The Girl Who Bit Off More
Than She Could Chew

Here's what happened.

So a few months after I had finished my training with The Professor I had to go on a business trip to Florida.

One night after having a few drinks in the bar I ended up being a little too lose lipped about my training with this hypnosis secret society and how it was the most insane stuff I had ever seen.

And there was this woman who was MEGA HOT that WOULDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE.

But it wasn't like the "good" kind of not leave you alone.

It wasn't like she was flirting with me or anything cool like that.

It was just the opposite.

See all she wanted to do was hassle me about Darkside Hypnosis.

But it wasn't like the guys who asked me about it... she was sort of accusatory about it.

She basically followed me up to my hotel room and kept saying it didn't exist, and that I was just trying to impress everyone.

So after a while I decided to teach her a lesson.

Warning! What Happened Next Was An Accident

As you know, I'm married... and my wife is cool and everything, but she's not THAT cool ;-)

So I haven't used Darkside Hypnosis to seduce anybody in ages. And this is my "defense" for what happened.

I thought I would use a little bit of Darkside Mind Control on her just to sort of teach her a lesson.

All I wanted to do is get her to give me her number or something harmless so I could say, "SEE! I just used Mind Control on you and you just gave me your number. So quit bugging me."

Anyway - that was my plan.

But That's Not What Happened

First of all I used a slider to trigger the "Empire Man" technique on myself to instantly infuse my core with rock solid, unshakeable confidence. (you'll see exactly how to do this in the course)

(This one belief altering technique will instantly let you build massively powerful core confidence. Your life will be transformed by this one technique alone.)

Then I used something called The Dark Shadow Technique, which in hindsight, was too powerful.

I know you've never heard of The Dark Shadow Technique.

This is because it's part of Darkside Hypnosis and only a few other people in the world know it, besides The Professor and myself.

Anyway, here's what happened.

I started playing around using The Dark Shadow Technique and next thing I know...SHE'S NAKED.

I'm not kidding.

She "miraculously" has a total change of heart about me and asks to come in to see my hotel room.

When I let her in, she starts doing a strip tease to the music of... wait for it... ABBA.



Anyway, I want you to know I had no intentions of getting her to come up to my room and strip to ABBA songs.

Like I said, I accidentally took it too far.

That's How Powerful These Techniques Are!

Frankly, I'm getting a little worried because I think this type of mind control is a little too powerful.


Very bad news if it gets into the wrong hands... and that's why I've been so hush-hush about it.

The bottom line is this:

You CAN Mind Control Anyone You Want Instantly

But only if you take advantage of this opportunity today.

The reason why is... I can't share this information with everyone, and I'll probably be forced to take this site down some time soon.

The hypnosis and mind control community is already in an uproar about my site, and I'm banned from all the forums so I can't be sure how much longer this offer will last.

In fact, the only way The Professor would agree to let me make this knowledge public was if I:

  1. Paid him a small fortune (which I did, but it was definitely worth it and I'd do it again).
  2. Promised to NEVER reveal any of the "Darkside Inner Circle" members true
  3. Only disclose this information to a VERY small, select few individuals

Unfortunately those "select few individuals" are piling up quicker than I thought humanly possible...

Ever since I first posted about my discoveries on this website on August 7th of 2011...

17,477 people just like you have contacted me begging for this jealously guarded information.

So I've decided to cave under the pressure A LITTLE BIT and share some of this stuff.

But there's no way I will be sharing this powerful technology with everybody who's been in contact with me.

For now I'm going to let just a handful of people get a glimpse of it.

Here's How You Can Get
Your Hands On It!

Whilst learning under the wings of The Professor I must have written at least 1,000 pages of notes all about this powerful in depth methods of mind control.

Since my training, which was over 5 years ago I've been working with The Professor and we've taken this whole Darkside Hypnosis thing to a whole new level, the techniques we've developed in recent years are ten times more powerful that the stuff I was taught way back when I was first let in on this knowledge.

So what I've done is I've gone through every insanely powerful mind control technique that I was either taught or that I developed myself with a fine-tooth comb and with this wealth of knowledge, I've created The Darkside Hypnosis Training System that can be easily learnt and implemented.

I wanted other people to experience what it's like to possess this knowledge and this power.

Against my better judgment, I've decided to release this training for a VERY limited time.

But there's a catch...

You Cannot Use This Secret System Unless You
Swear Never To Reveal It To Anyone Else.

Please, whatever you do ...DO NOT share these techniques with anyone.

And yes, I'm being completely serious.

Two reasons:

  1. This is powerful stuff that nobody's ever seen before. If it was in the wrong hands or used in the wrong way, things could get ugly.
  2. Because this is so hard-core, and it's something that NOBODY knows, it's like dynamite.

Once you get you hands on "Darkside Hypnosis" you can put someone into a trance INSTANTLY.

And they won't even know you're doing anything.


Here's What You're Getting

You're about to get your hands on the EXCLUSIVE training audios that explains Darkside Hypnosis and Mind Control in BRUTAL detail.

I recorded these audios after my two years of training with the MASTER of persuasion... "The Professor".

I've become publicly known in the Darkside Inner Circle as being the Professor's only protégé, and people are calling me "The most dangerous mind control expert in the world."

It's truly insane... and as well as that, this is the first time in history anything like this has ever been available.

And for good reason, Darkside Hypnosis has been proven to be the most effective and the most powerful collection of hypnosis and mind control techniques to be invented.

Myself and the professor are the only one's who can teach you this stuff because we are the one's who developed these devastatingly powerful techniques.

You're Getting Your Hands On Over 8
Of Insanely Powerful Techniques

Darkside Hypnosis REVEALED (27 minutes). If you want to know exactly how these advanced tactics are work and exactly what Darkside Hypnosis is then this is the section for you.

The Godfather Method (46 minutes). In this audio we go into intense detail about the EXTREMELY RARE and COVETED Godfather Method that let's you become someone of value who people naturally want to be controlled by.

The Authority Hijack (50 minutes). Ever wonder how to enter any social situation or any group of people and instantly command attention, and all without setting off alarm bells? In this section I go over Covert tactics that will let you fly in under the radar and control any social dynamic!
The Powerful EMPIRE MAN Technique (55 minutes). In this section I reveal to you the secret "EMPIRE MAN" technique to give you more ROCK SOLID, unshakeable core confidence then you ever thought possible. Your life will be literally transformed by this one powerful, belief altering technique alone.
The Dangerously Effective Dark Shadow Technique (37 minutes). For the first time I'm going to reveal this advanced tactic that will give you a window into any ones soul so you can reflect it back to them and demonstrate a powerful understanding of their reality and pull them into your world which will let you persuade anyone to do almost anything!
The Hidden Persuaders: Part 1 (1 hour, 15 minutes). This section which teach you advanced techniques of hypnosis that will let you get inside anyone's mind and literally control their every thought.
The Hidden Persuaders: Part 2 (1 hour, 19 minutes). This section teaches you the skills for covert, conversational hypnosis so that you can bend someone's mind around to your way of thinking by just having normal conversation.
The Forbidden OCTOBER MAN Sequence (40 minutes). Saying these magic words will instantly get anyone so attracted to you they'll want to tear your clothes off and take you home right away. This one amazing technique will let you create a powerful "love at first sight" connection with anyone you meet instantly.

The Lie Detector (1 hour, 10 minutes). This section reveals the secrets to detecting deceit so you will never be lied to again and you can protect yourself from anyone trying to manipulate you.

We take you step by step into exactly what you need to do and we give you a word for word scripts that you can use RIGHT NOW.

When you get the "Darkside Hypnosis Course" you will finally be able to get your hands on the same covert hypnosis techniques that have been used in the Darkside Inner Circle for years...

Here's Just Taste Of What You'll
Discover In This Course:

  • How to get free meals and free drinks in expensive bars and restaurants... by hypnotizing staff into thinking you're a famous celebrity.
  • You'll discover the weird (but devastatingly powerful) "Authority Hijack Method" for literally stealing someone's position as the top dog in the office, or your social circle or anywhere else you choose!
  • The #1 reason why that people aren't attracted to you and how you can change that in as little as a few hours.
  • How to use mind control without people ever knowing.
  • A secret way to use mind control on hundreds - even thousands - of people at the same time without them having a clue what you're doing.
  • The fastest known way to quickly "position" yourself as a person who is in control and attract people to you - even if you're a beginner and know nothing about hypnosis right now.
  • A brand new breakthrough (recently discovered by the Darkside Inner Circle) that makes even total Darkside "novices" irresistibly attractive to anyone you meet. (This incredible little secret is how some average looking people are able to attract even beautiful models. Here's how they do it.)
  • A "can't miss" way to instantly gain the respect and admiration of every single person in your workplace - even if you haven't hypnotised anyone yet!
  • How to use an ordinary piece of lint to even make successful people, celebrities or anyone famous try to get your approval. This technique is easy, requires no effort whatsoever, and you will be astonished by how well it works on people used to being "in control" of conversations.)
  • What to do with your eyes to command respect from almost everyone you talk to. (You can actually see this secret "in action" in most James Bond 007 movies.)
  • How to a "snap induction" and put anyone into a trance instantly just by shaking their hand.
  • The secret to walking into any bar, restaurant or club and instantly having all eyes on you by using the notion of social proof.
  • The secret technique that's often used by cult leaders and other persuasion masters - that lets you instantly tap into the "mental triggers" of everyone you talk to.
  • Four words that will destroy your chances of hypnotizing anyone (When I stopped saying these four words - that 99% of new hypnotists say - I became unstoppable.)
  • Nine words that let you instantly control ANY person you want. (These nine words are like magic. Use them on anyone to instantly get them eating out of the palm of your hands.)
  • How to instantly "de-fang" loud and obnoxious people using mind control - and actually have them apologizing and pleading with you... instantly (This secret works even if your normally a shy and timid kind of person!)

Plus a lot more, like...

The little talked about fear every human being has... and how to use it to influence and persuade anyone you want. (This tactic is often used by car salesmen, jewelers and other people who try and sell you stuff. And it works even better in everyday life.)

You can even set triggers to give anyone instant amnesia so they forget any piece of information you want... Once you know how to do this you can do anything you want and get away with it.

In The Wrong Hands, This Is Dangerous

And that's exactly why I don't want just anyone getting their hands on this information.

There are some people out there who might abuse these techniques.

Before today I've had over 17,477 people get in touch with me begging me for this information.

This is already WAY too many people and because of that I can't make this course available for too long.

I'm watching the numbers very closely and, and when I feel the time has come... this website will be taken down and this Darkside Hypnosis course will absolutely NEVER be available again.

If you want to get your hands on these powerful techniques then don't waste another second.
But before I let you have it, let me show you this:

Here's How You Can Join The Real
Darkside Inner Circle

You can get your hands on this course RIGHT NOW, today for just $297.00 $97.77.

As soon as you place your secure order, you'll be given access to The Darkside Hypnosis Training System instantly via the secret download page.

The reason I've decided to give you access to this information via the secret download page as opposed to something you get in the mail is three fold:

1. It keeps costs down so you won't have to pay as much. This saves you money.

2. Nobody (including me) ever sees your address so your identity and contact info is kept strictly confidential.

3. You can start using this information right now, TODAY.

It Gets Even Better

I've just added a new feature to make it even EASIER to access this intense Mind Control information...

You Can Be Absorbing These Amazing Training Techniques In The Next 30 Seconds!

You can order this amazing system right now and actually start discovering these "Darkside" Training Secrets within 30 seconds... yes, that is right... WITHIN 30 SECONDS you can be mastering these rare tactics that can transform you into an advanced persuasion machine.

Here's the deal:

I've taken the entire Darkside Hypnosis system and made it so that all you have to do is click the "play" button and the video will start playing instantly ...

What's even better is there's nothing to download or install if you don't want to ...and you don't need any fancy programs to play it.

You can listen to the audios even if you're new to computers. It's easy.

And, you can listen to them as many times as you like ...from any computer in the world!

Or if you'd prefer, you can even download the entire course so you can listen to it on your computer, your mp3 player and even your mobile phone.

And if you're still unsure of whether this course is right for you then I completely understand.

I've been where you are and I was never satisfied with what was given to me.

The truth is, 99% of the stuff you'll find on the internet is pure crap.

It's either played-out or never really worked that well in the first place.

But this course is different... this is the real stuff... the real mind control techniques and I've designed it in a way that you can actually use it.

It's not like those other courses out there that you get and they're just full of so much technical jargon you don't know where to start.

This is designed to be easy for you.

In fact, I'm so certain you're going to love this course. I'm so sure of it that I'm offering you the following guarantee.

You won't have to answer any questions, fill out any forms, or send anything back. Just let me know if you're not happy and I'll immediately give back every single penny you spent... NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Period.

This means you have zero risk.

So grab your copy now, before it slips your mind.

Here's how to order:

To order with your credit card on ClickBanks 100% secure server, simply click on the big yellow button below that says: "Add To Cart".

Remember, you risk nothing.

In fact, with this super-generous guarantee...

There's Simply No Way
You Can Lose!

This website could be taken down at any minute, and I'm even letting you "test drive" the course risk free.

There are 17,477 people desperate to get their hands on this course...

But only a handful of people will ever get access to this information.

Make sure you're one of them.

Talk Soon,

Cameron Crawford

P.S. I'm also offering a special bonus to anyone who purchases the course today.

If you buy today, I will also include (free of charge) The "Looking Glass Technique" Manual.

This is EXTREMELY underground and advanced Darkside Hypnosis knowledge is rare and you won't find it anywhere else.

It's insanely powerful stuff...

It's one of the some of the most powerful hypnosis tactics the you've ever seen.

I had to pay an INSANE amount of money to get my hands on this information...

You honestly would not believe it if I told you how much.


Now, there's a chance this is going to end up being one of the worst judgment calls of my life, but I've decided to release this information for one day.

Here's why:

As I've already told you, I've had over 17,477 desperate to get their hands on these powerful techniques.

So instead what I've decided to do is make it available for a VERY short time...

That way, only the people who are the most dedicated and the most determined will be able to get it.

Click HERE To access It Now

I'm currently planning to pull these CD's at midnight 31 October, 2011.

P.P.S. One more thing... Please don't tell anybody about the information on this page.

The more people that find out about it the more likely it will be taken offline. Because of this I'm giving you the chance to get your hands on all of my Darkside Hypnosis knowledge before it's too late.

For a Very limited time, here's what you'll be getting in the Darkside Hypnosis course:

The Darkside Hypnosis

Audio Course


  • Darkside Hypnosis Revealed
    • Secret Knowledge Of Darkside Hypnosis
    • Advanced Hypnosis Transcript
  • The Godfather Method
    • Advanced Social Circle Control
    • Advanced Tactics Guide
  • The Authority Hijack: Becoming The Alpha
    • Step By Step Tactical Takeover
    • Advanced Tactics Guide
  • The Empire Man Technique
    • Secrets of Instant Rock-Solid Confdence
    • Instant Confidence Trigger System
  • The Dark Shadow Technique
    • Powerful Knowledge of Advanced Rapport
    • Advanced Tactics Guide
  • The Hidden Persuaders: Part 1
    • Secret Knowledge of Advanced Hypnosis
    • Advanced Tactics Guide
  • The Hidden Persuaders: Part 2
    • Covert Conversational Hypnosis
    • Advanced Hypnosis Transcript
  • The October Man Sequence
    • "Forbidden" 15 Minute Seduction
    • Step By Step Guide
  • The Lie Detector
    • Learn To Detect Lies Instantly
    • Full Lie Detection Transcript


(a $353 value!)

Please Note: I Reserve The Right to TAKE THE ENTIRE course offline and NEVER REVEAL IT AGAIN.

This is the only place you will find this information. Since it's very limited, I urge you not to put it off as you're destined to regret it later.

Click Here And Order Now

Remember, all the risk is on me.

If you don't think this is the most amazing hypnosis course of its kind, then you get every single penny back.

If you decide these techniques aren't for you, then I will INSTANTLY refund you.

If you don't think this is the most amazing hypnosis course of it's kind, then you get every single penny back.

It doesn't matter. I am offering you a 100% NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE

because I believe in this course THAT much.

Honestly, this is a no brainer. This will absolutely NEVER be available again, and you can even 'test drive' it risk free.

There's no time to waste...

Click Here To Place Your Secure And Confidential Order Now!

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The 2012 Companion is a collection of three books and five hours of audio material by renowned spiritual teacher Carolyn Cobelo.

The 2012 Companion - Raise Your Vibration & Heal for the Shift of the Ages - By Carolyn E. Cobelo Download the-2012-companion-a-creative-guide-to-personal-and-planetary-change.pdf

The 2012 Companion is a collection of three books and five hours of audio material by renowned spiritual teacher Carolyn Cobelo.

Helping you to Heal in a time of transformation.....

The 2012 Companion

Raise Your Vibration & Prepare for the Shift of the Ages

A complete package of books, CDs, chants and prayers by Carolyn Cobelo to help you raise your vibration, contact your Spiritual Guides, and help heal the Earth.

"I bought the 2012 Companion from hearing Carolyn on Awakening with the Masters. It is amazing! The "Angels" CD in particular got me closer to meeting my angels more than any other program I've tried ever has (and believe me, I've listened to quite a few!).
- Autumn C.,

Carolyn Cobelo interview on the 2012 Shift

Hello friends, my name is Carolyn E. Cobelo. As a hands-on-healer, psychic, and spiritual teacher, I have been channeling and working with the energy around the global shifts that are taking place now for over 25 years.

As many of you may know, these energies are intensifying rapidly, bringing major inner and outer changes in all of our lives.

I have channeled messages for humanity at sacred places around the world with my spiritual guides, Mother Mary (mother of Jesus) and Zarathustra (founder of the Zoroastrian religion). These voyages are documented in the documentary film "Sacred Space: Searching for the Source). These guides have taught me about the nature of healing and spiritual psychology, which I gladly now pass along to you.

As a result, I am offering all of my materials in one place, to help raise the vibration of the planet as we pass through this shift.

I am offering THE 2012 COMPANION to provide you with a complete library of tools, tips and techniques to guide, inspire, uplift and assist you in your own personal spiritual evolution. Whether we like it nor not, we are all moving toward this worldwide shift. It is our choice as whether we willingly and consciously do the hard ,and sometimes painful, personal transformational work or proceed as ostriches with our heads in the sand, pretending everything will return to the "normal" state of being.

The acceleration of improvement of the health of our planet is taking place on all levels of society. New inventions, scientific discoveries and the expansion of higher frequency healing methods, such as this one, will all support the Earth's ability to pass through this portal in time and with grace.

THE books and audios that comprise THE 2012 COMPANION all carry a high frequency vibration. Many of the tools involve the healing power of sound, which facilitates our capacity to raise our vibrational level to meet this frequency. Reading the messages in the 2012 Companion, and especially if you read it out-loud, will jump start your journey.

I am happy to share this wisdom with you. It is my hope that you will pass it on to others so that we can all move as a global force into this vibration frequency and beyond. The changes will continue after 2012 so this kit can serve as a valuable support in many years to come.

THREE EBOOKS: Read them out-loud, if possible, in a relaxed state. Feel the love of your Spirit Guides wash over you.

FIVE AUDIO Mp3's: Listen with your heart. Let go of your mind. Let the wisdom transmitted here awaken your own inner knowledge and self-awareness.

And Several more delightful bonuses. Also, I look forward to inviting you to a Spring 2012 teleseminar in which I will offer a channeled chant in the Language of Light...just for you.

Stay focused and grounded. Many blessings to you! We Can Do It!
Love, Carolyn Cobelo

The 2012 Companion:
Raise Your Vibration & Prepare for the Shift of the Ages

Three Full Length eBooks
Five 1-hour Audiobooks

of techniques, tools, tips, and exclusive content.

Visionary spiritual teacher Carolyn Cobelo has helped thousands of people all over the world connect to Spirit. In the 1980's, she worked closely with renowned healers Barbara Ann Brennan and Caroline Myss and eventually established her own schools of healing with locations in New York and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

She has led sacred pilgrimages to Mayan Temples and holy sites worldwide for over 20 years; and has written the book "The Power of Sacred Space: Exploring Ancient Ceremonial Sites." She is the producer and director of the award-winning documentary film "Sacred Space: Searching for the Source."

Now located in Carmel, CA, Carolyn is the Founder and Director of Akasha Entertainment, LLC, a company devoted to uplifting consciousness through films, CDs, DVDs, and the annual Akasha Metaphysical Film Festival.

Carolyn is offering the 2012 Companion for one reason: to help us pass easily through the transformation of the planet during the 2012 shift.

From left to right: 1) Carolyn with her friend, acclaimed medium Kevin Ryerson; 2) with Lopan, revered Buddhist teacher, and 3) leading a sacred 2012 pilgrimage to Mayan temples in Palenque, Mexico.

Transform your fears.

Uplift your life.

"Deep inside the Earth there are shifts taking place with the purpose of moving the Earth to a new place of balance in the form of a pole shift.

This shift does not have to be cataclysmic, as some have predicted. I believe that the work each of us does to clear out self-destructive karmic patterns and heal deeply on the heart and soul level will help the Earth itself to move more easily and gently through these changes.

This can be a relatively smooth journey if we take immediate action to open and heal ourselves." |
- Carolyn Cobelo

Here's what's covered in the 2012 Companion:

- How to cope and manage your "ascension symptoms" that go unnoticed.
- How to achieve a divine love relationship for spiritual growth through a process known as "soul bonding"
- What it's like on the "other side"
- How to promote forgiveness of loved ones who have already crossed.
- Exercises designed to help you hear the "voice" of Spirit & communicate with your Guides & loved ones.
- How to overcome the "Shadow" & fear of death.
- How to use the elements of fire, Earth, air for spiritual protection & ascension
- How to overcome addictions using angelic alliances.
- Help to heal the body of cancer, arthritis, and other chronic illnesses by absorbing the channeled vibration of "Akasha Chants"
- How to tap the hidden power of DREAMS
- How to Shift and permanently altar DNA - for yourself & the generations to follow
- How to overcome personal Karma
- How to enhance your ability to communicate telepathically
- How to call on the energy of Mother Mary & learn about her various forms and ways she appears.
- How to clear the chakras using galactic energy of Orion, Arcturus, & Sirius.
- How to harness kundalini energy to dramatically improve physical health.
- How to survive and thrive with the coming Earth changes.
- Learn about the power of sacred space, holy temples throughout the world, and how you can create a personal "altar" to manifest more easily.

Packed with guided meditations, visualizations, powerful exercises, information and activities that will help you prepare for the spiritual shift that is occurring RIGHT NOW....

Carolyn Cobelo with her friend, fellow healing practitioner & actress Lindsay Wagner at Carolyn's 2011 Akasha Metaphysical Film Festival

"If I read a book that cost me $20 and I get one good idea, I've gotten one of the greatest bargains of all time." ~ Tom Peters

Order the "2012 Companion" Package
for $57.00 now

(These products are sold separately for over $180).


Every order will receive Carolyn Cobelo's three popular audio seminars on Mp3 (Top 10 on Amazon).

Crossing Over:
A Journey to the Light
50 Minute Mp3

With her knowledge grounded in her own experience of the death of her husband, Esteban, in a car accident, this CD will help you overcome the natural fears that we humans have surrounding death.

This CD is especially appropriate for those who may personally be experiencing a terminal illness or sickness and those who are dealing with that of a loved one or family member.

In this audiobook you will learn:

* What it what it is to cross over to the other side

* How you can communicate directly with loved ones who have already crossed

* How to enter the land of the Angels, Goddesses and the collective unconscious

* How to help yourself and others overcome fear of death

* How to overcome the natural fear of loneliness

* How to complete tasks and eliminate unfinished business before crossing over

* How to release attachments and promote forgiveness of loved ones

* Several in-depth guided meditations to help you eliminate all fears of crossing over

In this CD of Divine Wisdom, Carolyn will share the truth about dying. Contrary to what many of us have been taught by organized religion, there is absolutely no judgment when we cross over to the other side. The only judgment is the judgment we impose on ourselves.

Listening to this CD will help you realize once and for all that you are not alone and that Divine Wisdom is always guiding you.

Creating The Life You Want
62 Minute Mp3

In this 70-minute recording, Carolyn Cobelo channels spiritual wisdom from universal spiritual guides for the 2012 shift to help you overcome the illusions that obstruct your advancement to higher consciousness.

In this Audiobook you will learn:

* How to put an end to fear forever

* How to communicate with your personal spirit guides

* How to use the law of attraction for your benefit

* How to attain financial prosperity and health prosperity.

* What soul-bonding is and how to clear a path for sacred love union

Carolyn will lead you through several powerful exercises, similar to "The Secret," to help you improve your relationships, advance your work life, and attain abundance and financial prosperity.

Whether you are seeking a dramatic life change or desiring more creativity and abundance in your life, Carolyn Cobelo will help you integrate sacred laws and divine wisdom for a better, more fulfilling life on Earth as we move into the new age of 2012 and beyond.

Angels: Connecting With Your Guides in Spirit
62 Minute Mp3

Do you wonder who are your angels and spirit guides? Do you want to connect more deeply with the beings who are constantly sending you love and Divine messages?

Carolyn Cobelo offers a ground-breaking glimpse into the Divine Love that is available to all of us by connecting with the Angelic and Archangelic realm.

In this Audiobook you will learn:

- Breakthrough techniques for calling on angelic power for use in daily life

- Definitions of the angels and archangels and the difference between them

- Sacred laws of karma, destiny, protection and divine intervention

- About angels of death, birth, and transition and how to connect to each one

- Specific visualizations, guided meditations and exercises to communicate with your own angels

Speed up your consciousness and vibrate at a higher rate by listening to this Divine wisdom channeled through Carolyn Cobelo. Let Carolyn serve as a midwife for your birth into your connection with Divine Wisdom, which may very well change your life forever.

All this included
with every purchase....

These Exclusive Bonuses

"Mother Mary Speaks" 60-minute Channeling
All-new material.
Listen to the divine voice of Mother Mary
channeled by Carolyn Cobelo


"Esteban's Ascension" eBook
Carolyn Cobelo's gripping true account of After Death Communication.



A 20-track compilation of high frequency chants channeled by Carolyn Cobelo in the "Language of Light"

Carolyn Cobelo first heard "The Language of Light" while sitting on the top of the Great Pyramid in Uxmal, Mexico in 1996.

These chants have the most effect when we sit in meditation, when going to sleep and/or just waking up in the morning. The tones of these chants enter into the cells of the body to assist in re-establishing cellular balance. They effect each person individually, and at the same time, they have a specific orientation and purpose for all of us. Carolyn offers them as a gift to us to receive in our own way. She does not claim they will definitely heal us but she does believe that the vibrations that the chants carry have the capacity to create profound transformational change on all levels of being.

Tracks include specific vibrations to help assist in the healing of cancer, Diabetes, HIV, arthritis, heart disease, dementia, and chronic pain.

CHANTS (right click "save as") to your computer.


1-hour audio Channeling
Carolyn Cobelo channeling information for 2011 & 2012 at power places in Hawaii
- Learn how to harness the power of Arcturus, Orion, & Sirius
- How to use the Earth energy called "Aneahoho"
- Upcoming changes in the world economy

"A powerful package of blessings. I let the sounds and words soothe my soul, wash away residue, and raise my vibration. Thank you Carolyn for this beautiful work!"
- Dr. Michael R. Smith, Author of the NY Times author-endorsed book Navigating 2012: Thriving in Earth's New Age

"Carolyn, thank you for bringing the unseen into focus, and the unknown into awareness. You are an unusually gifted seeker of wisdom and truth."
- Max Highstein, author of Intuiton Retreat.



Your invitation to an exclusive free teleconference with Carolyn Cobelo in Spring 2012 for purchasers of this package. You will have the opportunity to have Carolyn personally channel a chant for you in the "Language of Light"

($75.00 Value)

Read the first few chapters of Soul Evolution:
Wisdom for 2012 by Carolyn Cobelo


Download Your Materials Now.

Instant Download
The 2012 Companion

All eBooks can be read on most mobile devices such as iPod, iPhone, etc.

The Spring of Hope: Messages from Mary eBook by Carolyn Cobelo (.pdf)
"Soul Evolution: Wisdom for 2012" eBook by Carolyn Cobelo .
Carolyn Cobelo's three (3) professional 60-min. Audio Seminars (.Mp3) for 2012 preparation
Bonus eBook on After-Death Communication
Carolyn Cobelo's bonus audio - 2011 Channeling in Hawaii
Akasha Chants CD for physical body healing
Exclusive free teleconference invitation to a channeling with Carolyn Cobelo for Spring 2012

$187.00 Value

Now $57.00

Click Here to Download Now

How Will YOU Be Impacted?

by Carolyn Cobelo

"I bought the 2012 Companion from hearing Carolyn on Awakening with the Masters. It is amazing! The "Angels" CD in particular got me closer to meeting my angels more than any other program I've tried ever has (and believe me, I've listened to quite a few!).
- Autumn C.,

"Loads of gratitude for your package! I have been meditating for over 40 years and I know that you are the real deal. I feel the authenticity in your words and in the love you project. .
- Sandy B.

"The step-by-step exercises offer guidance and an ease of movement along the Ascension Path. A must-have for human beings transforming through the intense energies leading to mastery in 2012 and beyond." - Cathy Rosek, CSC, HTP, internationally renowned psychic and author of "Who Am I and Why Am I Here"

"Carolyn, this is just a masterpiece. It is amazing how these materials explains so many intangible and complex matters in such a clear way. Your materials are guiding through this intense time period, and thank you for providing hope as we approach this new world we are creating. My kudos to you Carolyn for bring this information to light!"
- Dr. Deborah Sie, NMD, award-winning naturopathic physician.

"Carolyn Cobelo is one of the most remarkable women I've ever interviewed."
- Dr. Bob Hieronimus,
Cultural commentator & radio personality

"A powerful package of blessings. I let the sounds and words soothe my soul, wash away residue, and raise my vibration. Thank you Carolyn for this amazingly beautiful work!"
- Dr. Michael R. Smith, Author of the NY Times author-endorsed book

Navigating 2012: Thriving in Earth's New Age

Download Your Materials Today

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The Best Wordpress SEO Ad Theme On The Market.

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The Best Wordpress SEO Ad Theme On The Market.

Stallion WordPress SEO Theme

The best WordPress SEO Ad theme

Stallion WordPress SEO Theme

First thing you might notice about the Stallion theme site, it's not your typical Internet Marketing site stating unrealistic estimated earnings with lots of screenshots of Clickbank earnings etc… or how you'll be a millionaire by the end of the week by doing practically nothing or the fake testimonials from ‘real' people who are now living in the Bahamas and own a Porsche!

I make NO promises or guarantees you'll make any money if you buy the Stallion SEO theme, though if you don't you can have a full refund in the first 60 days (see later).

Second thing you might notice is this website actually runs on the product (Stallion WordPress SEO theme) the site is trying to sell you. If you found your way here via a Google search for phrases like WordPress SEO Themes etc… that's partially thanks to how good Stallion search engine optimizes the content.

How to Make Money Online the Easy Way

You can't really be that dumb to think it's easy to make money online, right??? If it was easy everyone with a computer and Internet access would be doing it.

OK it is easy to make SOME money online, but it's not easy to make enough money online to give up your day job, that takes a LOT of effort and I can pretty much guarantee if you are new to making money online and have limited relevant skills you are going to need at least a year to learn the skills required and build up the resources to be successful enough to contemplate giving up a paid job.

The next time you visit an Internet Marketing site offering the answer to your dreams and all you have to do is pay $49.99 and you'll be a millionaire for Christmas, it's total BS, you are at best being misled and at worst totally SCAMMED, the only person you are making rich is the person you are buying snake oil from.

This Stallion screenshot shows a site using the right 300px wide sidebar layout, black Stallion colour scheme and the Stallion 2011 header with a World of Warcraft header image and a flame background image behind the site.

You can also see two of the three AdSense content ads, the third AdSense content ad is above the footer. On the right menu is the Google search form.

Stallion Makes it Easier to Make Money Online

The good news is by using the Stallion theme you don't have to learn how to search engine optimize your WordPress theme or how to add ad networks like how to add AdSense to WordPress, these and many other pain in the butt quite technical and very important steps to making money online are dealt with by Stallion: saving you months if not years learning skills you don't need because Stallion does it for you.

If you plan to make your money online via free organic search engine traffic from Google you will have to learn how to write search engine optimized content (not hard to learn see WordPress SEO) and how to generate backlinks to your site(s). If you read through this site and my other sites related to making money and SEO you'll be well on your way to being able to generate a reasonable income from websites running Stallion/WordPress.

Who Developed the Stallion SEO Theme?

My name is David Law, many know me as SEO Dave, I've been working as a search engine optimization consultant (SEO Consultant) for almost a decade and over the past 5+ years used WordPress to make money online from my websites (making money from websites is a hobby, I own a successful SEO business). What I've learnt about SEO and Internet Marketing has been stuffed into the Stallion SEO Ad Theme that runs under the free software WordPress, WordPress is blogging software that's also evolving into a damn good content management system (CMS) in it's own right. WordPress is an awesome tool : apparently 22% of new sites run on WordPress, WOW!

The Stallion SEO theme code was originally developed for my own sites (I own ~100 domains, ~90 run WordPress/Stallion: on a good day my sites receive 50,000+ unique visitors!) when I found an SEO problem with WordPress I fixed it and added the solution to Stallion, when I wanted to achieve something with a WordPress site I'd add it to Stallion.

This resulted in Stallion not just being a great WordPress SEO theme with ads built in, but also an entire Internet Marketing package. I run all sorts of sites, from business sites (my main business site runs Stallion/WordPress), through blogs to affiliate product sites (with thousands of products) and autoblogs that run on autopilot creating posts from Amazon, Flickr, YouTube, datafeeds and other data sources all monetized by Stallion.

You'd like to try out the Stallion theme, but worried it isn't for you, no problem, there's a water tight 60 day money back guarantee. Stallion is only sold via Clickbank (one of the 6 ad networks supported by Stallion) and any product sold through Clickbank can be refunded in the first 60 days for no reason at all. This give you the option to try Stallion out for a couple of months, if you find it's not increased your sites search engine traffic and improved it's monetization get a full refund from Clickbank. Basically I couldn't stop you obtaining a full refund if I wanted to, Clickbank ALWAYS gives a refund (the customer is always right).

This Stallion screenshot shows the double 200px right sidebar layout (2 sidebars on the right), Red Stallion colour scheme and the Stallion 2011 header with a money header image.

You can see the two of the three AdSense content ads, the third AdSense content ad is above the footer. On the far right menu is the Google search form. The Google+ image is an automated thumbnail from the post it's associated with.

WordPress SEO

WordPress is the best SEO CMS/blogging platform I've tried, but it's far from perfect, especially when you use WordPress themes that are not search engine optimized.

There's only one true WordPress SEO theme and that's Stallion 6 and it's predecessors (Talian 5). I've looked at a LOT of WordPress themes that are advertised as WordPress SEO themes and to date NONE of them are SEO themes, they don't even come close to search engine optimized. In fact I gave away free WordPress SEO themes about 5 years ago and they are still better than the other WordPress SEO themes available today!

ALL WordPress SEO themes I've reviewed are SEO damaging, only Stallion 6.1 removes almost all potentially SEO damaging WordPress core features and adds a lot of non-standard features that improve a WordPress sites search engine optimization.

WordPress theme developers seem to think if they remove the name of the site from the themes title element (title tag) they can call it a WordPress SEO theme! This is the equivalent of holding a rag over a gaping head wound and calling yourself a brain surgeon, yes it helps, but it's not brain surgery. There is so much more to WordPress SEO than changing the default title element structure, but that tends to be all WordPress theme developers offer in a WordPress SEO theme! The so called WordPress SEO plugin developers are no better, they tend to manipulate the title element (like the theme developers) add a few worthless meta tags (so 1990s SEO), add some SEO damaging nofollow links (some of the popular WordPress SEO plugins damage WordPress SEO!) and declare a WordPress site that's running a theme that causes SEO damage a search engine optimized site!!!

If you doubt the above find me any WordPress site not running Stallion and I'll list at least 3 basic SEO mistakes that Stallion fixes.

Buy Stallion WordPress SEO Theme

To purchase Stallion 6.1 click the payment button below and make a payment via Clickbank for $70 (not including tax), this entitles you to free Stallion upgrades and support. After making a successful payment you will receive instructions for an instant download of the Stallion 6.1 zip file which works with the self-hosted version of WordPress (install Stallion 6.1 like any WordPress theme via the built in theme installer or using FTP).

Please keep your transaction ID private, it's used to activate Stallion, if it's published online I'll have no choice but to deactivate that ID.

If you run into any problems installing/using Stallion drop a comment on the site or drop me an email (email address found in the order email).

There's a no quibble 60 day money back guarantee by ordering through Clickbank, if you find Stallion isn't for you, request a refund. Please note, Stallion will deactivate if a payment is refunded and the default TwentyTen theme will activate.

Stallion SEO Theme Options

Stallion includes 9 options pages encompassing over 230 options, a convenient main options page for activating the theme (add your PayPal/Clickbank transaction ID) and for adding your Google AdSense Publisher ID, Chitika username and Clickbank username. Those are the only settings you have to set, you can of course turn all the ad networks off on this options page and run Stallion as a WordPress SEO theme with no ads (or use the custom widget areas for your custom ads).

The remaining 8 options pages are optional though highly recommended, play around with them as they add all sorts of useful features. See the Stallion theme tutorials below to get the most out of your Stallion purchase.

In Stallion 6.1 you can activate a 10th options page for adding banner ads (up to 20). See the Stallion Theme Promotion Options for more details about custom banner ads.

Stallion SEO Theme Support and Comments

This website is not only for selling Stallion, but is also the support site via the comments (you can also contact the developer via email, but I prefer comments as it can help others with the same issues). If you read through the comments you will see both the good and bad side of the Stallion early release to Talian customers (had a few bugs and a difficult to use activation system, sorted all the major problems now). A BIG thanks to all Talian customers who tried the first release of Stallion 6.0, you helped me remove some problems with Stallion before it went on general sale.

No matter what you think of the Stallion theme or the support offered as long as a comment is constructive (not abusive) it won't be deleted, I think a quality service is measured not when everything is working as expected, but how issues are dealt with when it all goes pear shaped

Stallion 6 customers are entitled to free upgrades of Stallion for as long as I develop this theme.

Stallion 6.1 released September 2011. This adds many new features. Please join the mailing list (form on right sidebar) for full details and download link.

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