
Based Upon The Scientifically Proven To Work Emotional Freedom Techniques.

Social Confidence System Download higher-commission-social-confidence-system.pdf

Based Upon The Scientifically Proven To Work Emotional Freedom Techniques.

"EFT has been featured in Psychology Today, Larry King, Oprah Winfrey Network, Huffington Post and various other media platforms"

Nothing Works to Overcome Your Social Anxiety?

Use My EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Based
Social Confidence System To Be Permanently
Free of Your Social Anxiety Without Facing Your Fears

If the above statement sounds too good to be true for you then keep reading because the 4 POWERFUL INSIGHTS I reveal in a moment will help you discover exactly WHY all the things you have tried to beat your social anxiety haven't worked, and HOW you can become effortlessly confident in all social situations.

But first let me ask you a few questions:

Are you frustrated because your best years are passing you by and are you afraid that you will have to live with this dreaded social anxiety for the rest of your life?

Would you give anything to one day be so confident around anyone in any social situation that you actually enjoy meeting new people? How about being able to easily connect with others, and actually having fun going out while being part of a group of great friends?

...but you're afraid to get your hopes up because you've tried everything out there and nothing truly works to overcome your social anxiety?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you... you are NOT alone. In fact, the above list of questions was created from years of suffering from social anxiety disorder myself.

Every single day my thoughts were dominated by the constant fear of what others thought of me and how I should act in order to come across "normal".

My anxiety made me feel inferior to others. It made me feel weak and like there was something wrong with me at the core of my being. It was an underlying "distraction" that overpowered everything else.

I was deeply ashamed of myself and my situation and once I found out it was possible to overcome it, I knew I could not have lasting happiness until I overcame my social phobia...

With a lot of dedication, some luck in finding the right technique (that I'll tell you about in just a second) and a lot of persistence I have found a way to overcome this problem in my life.

So I'm not your typical expert that tells you what you should do from what he learned in some psychology book, or a study in Psychology. I actually know from years of personal experience that NOT feeling confident while interacting with others messes up your whole life.

I've felt terribly insecure and out of control around others and I know what it's like to always feel scared, worried and on edge.

And because I've taken the journey to become completely free of any social anxiety myself, and because I have since made it my profession (I am a personal coach specialized in helping people beat SAD) and life mission to resolve social anxiety for others, I also know how to get out of that suffering.

Since 4 years or so, I feel relaxed and at ease around anyone in any social situation. And I can connect easily with people.

And I'm telling this, because my clients have achieved this, and this is possible for you as well.

Through my personal experience in overcoming anxiety, and my experience coaching socially anxious people for the past 3 years, I have uncovered that there's an actual roadmap to social confidence.

And I'll demonstrate that road map to you in a moment.

Because while overcoming your social anxiety will require some dedication and effort, anyone can do it. No matter how bad your social anxiety is now.

And it won't be painful and hard, nor will it take you years to accomplish.

When you keep reading I'll explain how you too can have a sense of belonging when you are around others, and feel that people accept, like and respect you...

It feels LIBERATING not needing to hide your uncomfortable feelings you don't want others to see in the hope they will see you as confident. It feels good to have confidence when relating to others, it feels fulfilling to effortlessly connect with others and have a great group of friends.

And this can be achieved for you as well as you follow the steps I have uncovered from coaching socially phobic clients for more than 3 years now.

Most People Never Overcome Their Social Anxiety And Suffer In Silence Their Whole Life.

You don't have to go through the rest of your life suffering from social anxiety, missing out on connecting with others, rewarding relationships, and actually having fun...

Or worse...

Not having any meaningful relationships at all.

I'm going to teach you today how you can stop feeling frustrated and hopeless because nothing works to get over your social anxiety... so you can stop beating yourself up thinking there's something wrong with you... and instead, start learning a powerful, tested, GUARANTEED approach to permanently overcome your social anxiety.

So you can have peace of mind and enjoy a natural authentic confidence in all social situations.

So you can feel safe and at ease and start creating the friendships and relationships with others that fulfill you.

Do These Four Things And You WILL Become Socially Confident - Period.

1) Learn The Most Effective TESTED Technique To Overcome Your Social Anxiety

Have you been told you could overcome your social anxiety by using something like affirmations/visualization, hypnosis, journaling, meditation, ignoring your self-talk, positive self-talk, mindfulness techniques or challenging your thoughts and facing the things you fear?

... but you just couldn't get it to work for you properly?

It either had no effect or very little effect. And nothing really gave you the results you were hoping for, no matter how hard you tried?

Were you told to face your fears progressively, but it was just too hard to keep up with consistently and you ended up procrastinating, postponing and avoiding even more?

The sad reality is that this happens all the time... and all too often people end up giving up on trying to overcome their social anxiousness altogether because their lack of results is so demotivating that they end up feeling hopeless, depressed, and give up completely.

They are told that scary and embarrassing exposures are the only way to become free and since they can't keep up with that (I couldn't...) they feel completely stuck and see no way out.

Luckily though, there is a smarter, more effective way to get over social anxiety.

The key to overcoming your social anxiety completely is to overcome the negative limiting beliefs. This may be nothing new to you, as many therapies and techniques say exactly this, and they are right. The problem is that the techniques they provide to change your beliefs are ineffective and inefficient. They're missing an important element:

A Powerful Technique To Release Negative Emotions.

Imagine if you had a technique that would absolutely guarantee that you can tackle any negative emotion you ever had in your life. Imagine learning about this technique and knowing exactly how to use if effectively to overcome your negative limiting beliefs and change them to supportive empowering ones...

I've found this technique after nearly a decade of suffering, searching for something that worked more effectively than all the other techniques I tried.

And once I got this technique to work for me, after studying with the best in the world, and after more than 3 years of using this technique successfully in helping my clients overcome their social phobias, I have developed a step-by-step blueprint to overcoming all of your social anxiety using this technique.

Applying this technique (called EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques ) in the right way will transform your life forever. And you can learn how to use it FAST because the basics are super easy. A 10 year old can learn it in just 5 minutes.

Overcoming a social anxiety disorder is however a complex issue with a lot of blocks and resistances that need to be addressed in order to have success with EFT. It requires a structured, detailed approach that I'll share with you.

But while it is a complex issue to overcome, it is not difficult as I break it down into small chunks and guide you every step of the way. And as we will be using this EFT we will systematically eliminate your social anxiety one easy step at a time.

2) Discover Why You Are Anxious and How to Overcome It

Have you ever asked yourself why it is that others feel confident and at ease socializing with others while you feel anxious, stiff and uncomfortable? For them it's effortless, and for you it's difficult to the point of feeling exhausted after socializing. What's the difference?

The difference is in the beliefs you hold in our mind.

The way you feel about yourself, the way you feel in social situations and the way you feel around others and in the world is determined by the beliefs you have.

Socially confident people believe certain things about themselves, about other people and about the world around them (such as "I'm worthy", "people like me" and "the world is a safe and friendly place") that make them feel safe and naturally at ease around others.

While you hold some negative beliefs about yourself, others and the world (such as "I'm not good enough", "there's something wrong with me", "I have to be perfect to be accepted", "people are out to get me", "people don't like me", "the world is a dangerous and unfriendly place") that cause you to feel unsafe in social situations.

As a result of the experiences you had in life you learned these beliefs and now you have all these fears when you are in social situations: fear of getting rejected, fear of embarrassing yourself, fear of being humiliated, of being criticized, laughed at, ignored, bullied, etc.

And because of this you're not feeling safe in these situations.

And whenever you are in danger (whether that is real danger like that of a wild bear near you, or the perceived danger of rejection) your subconscious mind fires off the automatic natural response to danger: the Fight Flight or Freeze response. And this results in the sensations you label as anxiety.

What it comes down to is that social confidence is an inside job...

...and the single most important thing you will ever do to help yourself become comfortable and confident in social settings is to uncover and eliminate the negative limiting beliefs responsible for your social anxiety, so you can.

Unlock Your Natural Confidence Inside You.

You may not believe you have that in you just yet, but trust me everyone has it. You are born with it, but you just can't feel it because of the negative limiting beliefs you have learned throughout life's hardships.

You experience anxiety in social situations because your subconscious mind sees them as dangerous. And because of this, it fires off the automated, natural response to danger: the Fight or Flight or Freeze response, which causes the anxiety symptoms.

Once you change these beliefs that you learned (whether that is from personal negative experiences, from having "inherited" them from people close to you, or from society programming) your subconscious mind no longer sees social situations as dangerous and it then won't fire off the FFF response and you no longer feel anxious.

By using EFT in the right way you can eliminate any negative limiting belief, any negative emotion, and completely overcome your anxiety... no matter how intense and overwhelming your anxiety is now...

Now this is not something you will achieve in an hour of using EFT. It does require your effort and energy.

BUT, it's not difficult at all. I will guide you every step of the way, and you will notice it working during the first exercise. And as you move forward you will quickly start to feel less and less anxious and more and more calm and in control.

Once you change your negative limiting beliefs to positive supportive beliefs, you will no longer feel unsafe and as a result your anxiety will disappear completely. And it won't come back.

While it may be difficult to believe now, it is possible to get to a place of self-confidence where you feel comfortable and safe around others. And this comfort and confidence within yourself will cause people to feel comfortable with you as well.

...eliminate any negative limiting belief, any negative emotion, and completely overcome your anxiety...

3) Eliminate Your Resistance and Follow the Easy and Tested Blueprint to Social Confidence

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating on something that you knew would benefit you?

Have you been guilty of creating a "more perfect" goal while you haven't achieved the previous one?

Have you felt really exhausted when it came time to take action in beating your social anxiety?

Did you tell yourself you'd do it "next time" because at the moment you simply don't have the energy for it, or you're not prepared enough?

I learned that this sabotage behavior happens when your subconscious mind (the deeper, more powerful part of your mind who's job it is to protect you) thinks it's not safe for you to be free of anxiety.

And because your subconscious thinks it's not safe for you to change it tries to stop you from changing permanently. And so you experience self-sabotage.

As long as your subconscious mind thinks it's not safe and beneficial for you to be free of your social anxiety, it will do anything in its power to make sure you stay anxious. To put it bluntly...

If You Don't Overcome Your (Subconscious) Resistance
You Will Never Be Permanently Free Of Your Social Anxiety.

In the Social Confidence System you get rid of all the subconscious resistance. So you move past the self sabotage and your results last. So that when you're free of your anxiety you stay free of it.

4) Face the Situations You Fear WITHOUT Fear

I've found out that there is an EASIER and MORE EFFECTIVE way to beat your anxiety than forcing yourself with grinding teeth to face the things you fear.

The advice out there to do the things you fear is solid advice. The "exposure" (facing the thing you fear - a specific social situation) is intended for you to go through an experience and gather evidence that it is safe to be in social situations. This builds some confidence, and with that confidence you can face a "scarier" situation. And so forth.

The problem is that when we do these exposures, no matter what mindset we hold strongly, or however positive we talk to ourselves, or however deep we breathe, we still feel very uncomfortable and anxious.

And so it takes a long time before we can actually collect some evidence that social situations are safe.

PLUS, it is obviously painful and embarrassing to do the thing you feared. And you often end up looking especially uncomfortable and anxious.

The powerful insight I'm sharing with you here is that once you use this EFT technique in the right way, you can.

Face Any Situation Without A Hint Of Fear
(A "non-scary exposure")

I've managed to figure out how to get this to work and by following along with the step-by-step instructions in the Social Confidence System I will teach you how to comfortably broaden your comfort zone, raise your confidence, and teach your subconscious mind that indeed it is safe to be in social situations MUCH faster than when you face the thing you fear while being dead scared.

This is because with a "non-scary-exposure" you actually collect real evidence that a social situation is safe because you face it without any fear, feeling completely calm and relaxed.

You'll be amazed by the simplicity and power of EFT when you make it work for you following the roadmap to social confidence that I have laid out for you...

It is not a magic pill because you do have to put in the work and use EFT to change your beliefs and overcome your resistance, but based upon my experience with all the other available solutions and based on the feedback from clients and customers, I know that using EFT in the right way is BY FAR the most effective way to become anxiety-free.

When you follow the steps one after the other, your anxiety will get less and less, and your natural confidence will start to come out and become second nature to you. So you no longer have to fake being confident, but actually feel calm and confident on the inside.

When nothing has worked for you, applying EFT in the right way is what will make the difference for you.

I realize that at this point that may still sound hard to believe, but EFT has changed my life and I know that when you follow the steps in my system to apply EFT in the right way it will change your life too.

In order to become confident in any social situation, it is a MUST that you apply EFT in the right way to overcome all your resistance, change your negative limiting beliefs into positive ones, and train your brain that social situations are safe.

And you'll be amazed at just how quickly this happens once you start applying EFT in the right way.

My Online Social Confidence System Will Give You All 4 - Using The Most Effective Technique, The Right Understanding, Overcoming Resistance, And The Roadmap To Social Confidence.

You can start with my System RIGHT NOW, and in a few minutes you can get started with releasing your social anxiety.

Try Out My Social Confidence System Right Now - Risk FREE For 60 Days
Try Social Confidence System Today

Learn Secrets To:

  • Annihilate All Social Anxiety Without Doing Scary Exposures
  • Be Yourself And Feel Naturally Confident In All Social Situations
  • Enjoy Social Situations And Build Satisfying Relationships And Friendships


What Will You Get?

As soon as you make the investment you will receive in your inbox your unique login details to the Social Confidence System (which consists of more than 30 EFT tapping videos, over 60 EFT audios, and nearly 50 articles) and the instruction manual with the 14 steps to social confidence.

For each step in the manual there are easy instructions to successfully complete the step.

Each step starts with a thorough, logical explanation as to why you will be doing the exercises to complete that step. After each step there is a checklist section making sure you covered everything.

After having read the explanation, you go through an exercise to uncover your unique challenges (while you might not know what they are now, the exercises -with lots of examples of clients I have worked with- will help you uncover them without a problem).

Then you follow along with the guided EFT tap along audios, or the guided EFT tap along videos that contain subtitles where you input your unique challenges you have uncovered.

You simply follow my lead, say what I say, do EFT tapping where I instruct you to tap, and follow the instructions you see in the subtitled videos.

You are literally seeing me on camera telling you what to do and what to say. So you can't make any mistakes because I guide you every step of the way.

As you tap and focus on your uncovered issues, the tapping will release your negative emotions connected to the uncovered issues and step by step you are getting rid of the negative experiences and negative limiting beliefs that are responsible for the fears you have in social situations.

It's easy and there is a troubleshooting section in case you don't get instant results. For each challenge there is a solution.

The SCS is my life's work. I have invested tens of thousands of dollars into getting direct guidance and training from Lindsay Kenny and Karl Dawson (leaders and innovators in the EFT world) and aside from all the years of studying and workshops I have done to be able to put this system together for you, I continuously improve working weekly with my own world class coach, making sure you have the best possible solutions to quickly resolving your social anxiety (disorder).

This 7th version is thoroughly tested based upon feedback from customers and there are solutions to any challenge. It works powerfully, and you get results fast.

You notice it working during the first exercise, and as you put in just 30 minutes the first 7 days, you will have seen such improvements that you have not made with any other program that you will be excited to keep going and release all your social anxiety permanently.

You will already feel a lot more in control in just that one week.

Yes it will cost you some effort. I'm not saying this is a magic pill.

But you will notice changes quickly, it's easy to follow, I help you move past procrastination issues as one of the first steps of the system, and by following along with the exercises you can completely become anxiety free and enjoy effortless social confidence for the rest of your life.

Plus, as you learn how to use EFT in the right way and you understand how your brain works, you will gain an emotional control that helps you in all other areas of your life.

Each step of the system removes one of the building blocks of your social anxiety. As you move from one step to the next, your faith in becoming anxiety-free will start to grow and you'll start feeling calmer, more in control, less anxious and bit by bit your natural confidence starts to appear in more and more situations.

Your life opens up, you'll be free to express yourself, you can start new hobbies, create deep connections and rewarding friendships, start dating and so forth.

And if you ever really get stuck and the troubleshooting can't get you past it (which is highly unlikely) you have direct (anonymous if you like) email access to me and I will help you through it.

You can start with my System RIGHT NOW, and in a few minutes you can get started with releasing your social anxiety.

Try Out My Social Confidence System Right Now - Risk FREE For 60 Days
Try Social Confidence System Today

Learn Secrets To:

  • Annihilate All Social Anxiety Without Doing Scary Exposures
  • Be Yourself And Feel Naturally Confident In All Social Situations
  • Enjoy Social Situations And Build Satisfying Relationships And Friendships


By Going Through The SCS You'll Be Able To...

  • Feel better and get results FAST because we use the most effective and efficient techniques from the best therapies and methods out there put on steroids by combining them with the most powerful technique of them all; EFT.
  • Broaden your comfort zone, raise your confidence, and eliminate your social anxiety in the most comfortable, yet MOST EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT way possible.
  • Feel comfortable and at ease in all social situations, actually having fun in them.
  • Overcome excessive negative emotions: Neutralize shame and embarrassment and stop blushing, panicking and sweating.
  • Release any upset, anxiety or shame related to certain key negative people from your past so you won't fear running into these people any longer because you know you can calmly face them.
  • Destroy your fear of rejection, feel comfortable when you are the center of attention and calmly deal with criticism.
  • Stop caring about what others think of you.
  • Feel confident and be yourself around anyone and everyone (Including attractive people, groups of people, strangers, people in authority and "cool" or successful people).
  • Enjoy socializing, make and maintain eye contact naturally and effortlessly and have a great time meeting new people.
  • Finally feel like you belong, feel normal, feel connected and part of the gang.
  • Feel safe having close, connected and rewarding relationships with others.
  • Create great friendships, design the social life that you enjoy, and (instead of dreading them and worrying about them days before) actually look forward to social events, dinners, get-togethers, birthday parties, weddings, etc.
  • Have the freedom to conquer any area of interest that was formerly "too scary" such as starting a new hobby, dating, getting an intimate relationship, travel, advance your career, etc.
  • Gain the tools and understanding to easily achieve and maintain emotional health, stop feeling lonely and frustrated, and be in control of your emotions and your emotional state.
  • Stop beating yourself up for not living your potential and finally start living your potential.
  • Enjoy Social Confidence For The Rest Of Your Life. Once You Help Yourself Overcome Your Social Anxiety It Is GONE. As In Gone FOREVER, Never To Return.

Watch the below video where I show you the Social Confidence System and tell you exactly how you will permanently overcome your anxiety, and live a life of natural, authentic confidence in all social situations:

And because the SCS is tested and works, and because I know that by applying EFT in the right way your life will be changed like mine and my clients' have, I offer a guarantee that you will also overcome social anxiety.

Start the Social Confidence System right now RISK FREE for 60 days. If for any reason you're not happy, simply let me know before the 60 days are up, and I'll give you a full refund - No nonsense with receipts or upsells or all that nonsense. If you don't get the results, you get your money back. It's one email to me and that's it. No questions asked.

I am this bold with my guarantee because I know it works when you put in the work and commit.

Try Out My Social Confidence System Right Now - Risk FREE For 60 Days
Try Social Confidence System Today

Learn Secrets To:

  • Annihilate All Social Anxiety Without Doing Scary Exposures
  • Be Yourself And Feel Naturally Confident In All Social Situations
  • Enjoy Social Situations And Build Satisfying Relationships And Friendships


Start releasing your social anxiety today and become confident and at ease in social situations ... My Social Confidence System is simply the easiest, most effective and efficient way to do it.

Committed to your social confidence,

Sebastiaan van der Schrier
*Pro-EFT Level III, NLP Prac, PSYCH-K, Social Anxiety Disorder specialist.

Customer Feedback
...an amazing life changing feeling.

My trigger situations were getting less and less and my confidence to speak out was rising and now when I think about certain situations that would normally make me anxious I can't make myself feel anxious. I solved 95% my social anxiety... an amazing life changing feeling. I feel like a different person."


...I feel lighter

..I'm excited because I really feel changes already. I feel lighter and am even starting to interact with people at work who I never could talk with much before. And this is without really trying and pushing myself to."


..This works

I've spent most of my teens and twenties looking for *the* social anxiety cure, if such a thing actually existed. After a 10+ year search (& plenty of snake oil salesmen), I stumbled over the psychological equivalent of the holy grail: EFT & Sebastiaan's EFT-based Social Confidence System. I've made more headway in a few months using the SCS than the previous 10+ years of talk therapy, cog-behavioral therapy, hypnosis & affirmations combined. Seriously. Thanks again, Sebastiaan!"


Try Out My Social Confidence System Right Now - Risk FREE For 60 Days
Try Social Confidence System Today

Learn Secrets To:

  • Annihilate All Social Anxiety Without Doing Scary Exposures
  • Be Yourself And Feel Naturally Confident In All Social Situations
  • Enjoy Social Situations And Build Satisfying Relationships And Friendships


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The 7 Secrets To Powerful Communication

The 7 Secrets To Powerful Communication Download the-7-secrets-of-powerful-communication.pdf

The 7 Secrets To Powerful Communication

Feeling like you are missing something in your life?
Find out the "hidden secrets" to really connecting with people in a powerful way...

"7 Powerful Secrets Reveal
How to Effortlessly Be More Powerful & Connect More Closely With People, Boost Your Self-Confidence, and Finally Have The Life You've Always Dreamed!"

You CAN Expand Your Power by the Influence You have on People - Your Career, Coworkers and Circumstances Around You.

Your Personal & Professional Power IS linked to YOUR Ability To Influence. You can create lasting, high quality connections and effortlessly boost 'your circle of influence and power' -- get more clients, close more deals, make more money, do the things you've always wanted to do - once you know how...

Zoltán is one of the few people on the planet who not only understands the elements of power, but possesses the intuitive ability to pull that power out of each individual so they can drive their life & success through it.

Blair Singer, Best Selling Author
Rich Dad Advisor, CEO of Sales Partners

From: Zoltán Hrotkó

Hi, my name is Zoltán.

I'm here to help you understand the 'key factors that separate you from those people you admire and who are incredibly successful.

Successful people understand how to connect with people when they communicate. They use their innate ability to create deep and meaningful connections in order to enhance and harness their personal power to make an impact.

They are unstoppable (Or so you think). And they are fearless when going after what they want. They have the secret abilities they need to make their dreams come true.

They don't give up until they get --

Now, many people feel they lack this critical internal power...(and you don't know the secrets, not yet - but you will).

Successful communicators use their powerful abilities to connect with AND... to positively influence coworkers, bosses, clients, friends and even family members!

They feel powerful... AND IN CONTROL of their lives.

While, on the other hand... Many people feel stuck and unfulfilled and so never realize their dreams. If that depressing feeling includes you, then please pay close attention to what follows.

If you feel you are at the mercy of your co-workers, clients, bosses, relatives, your business deals and the markets - and feel you have no control, then it is past time to take action and do something about it.

If you are looking for that "edge" in your business and personal life -- then you will want to listen closely when you download the audio files in this program. Now is the time to take back your personal power and get the secrets you need to be empowered!

"Suffering with poor communication abilities, and not getting what you want --
when you want it
all ends...starting today!"

Right now, you are closer to unlocking the power of influence secrets -- to getting what you want - than you've ever dreamed!

I'm here to make sure you understand how you can start to take control of your own 'power of influence' -- and uncover the hidden secrets to honing your influence in your professional life so you can multiply your income and move forward in your job or career faster than you ever imagined
I'm here to help you uncover the simple methods (my 7 secrets) to really communicating powerfully and creating meaningful connections with people both personally and professionally.
I'm here to help you enhance all your relationships, so you can effortlessly create instant rapport, like-ability, trust and influence with anyone -- so you can be more fulfilled and have relationships that last.
I'm here to help you start harnessing your hidden power & abilities -- so you can build a more stable life where you gain the health, wealth, and overall well-being you've been searching for your whole life
I'm here to help you learn how to empower and captivate your audience -- whether one person or thousands --so you can impact people's lives in positive ways. And if you have a fear of public speaking, I'll help you overcome that too.

I understand you may be skeptical, that's normal.

Many people, and you too, may feel they are powerless to change how they communicate. They harbor deep feelings that they can't do anything to change how they interact and communicate, that they're too old, or set in their ways to change.

That's simply not true.

Anyone can uncover the incredible power to make a meaningful connection with others...

... And it's not as hard to do as you might be thinking.

I've helped hundreds of people finally understand the 7 key secrets to taking back their own personal power.

I'm going to reveal to you what has taken me over six years of research and development to create. It's all about tapping into your ability to powerfully connect when you communicate. And it doesn't matter if it is with a partner, friend, coworker, boss or -- even with a live audience while giving a speech.

I'll help you with understanding what you need to know to harness your own innate abilities to connect and -- powerfully influence others. I'll reveal all of this to you and lots more, in my "7 Secrets of Powerful Communication" Training Program.

I'll help you understand the key factors that limit - or enhance your ability to influence others and the effects -- both good and bad, this has on your life.

I'll help you hone your abilities to connect and increase the 'power of your circle of influence'.

This is all determined by the quantity and quality of your connections. It's all about your ability to connect, inspire and motivate others.

Let's just take a moment to think about a few of the most powerful and influential people who have used these same secrets to make a huge difference in the world.

Think of Oprah Winfrey

She not only has a massive quantity of connections -- in the arena of millions of people, but she also has high quality connections. Oprah is a person of enormous influence. She enables people to identify and connect with her, no matter what type of background they come from. This ability is what makes her so incredibly popular, powerful - and Oprah gets what Oprah wants!

Mark Zuckerberg, The Connector

Let's talk about one of the most well-known Internet Geniuses of our time. I'm talking about Mark Zuckerberg. He built Facebook™, the greatest social networking site on the planet. He made the cover of Time Magazine precisely for his ability as a connector. He used technology to connect people with each other, but the principle is the same. He simply created the structure to enable people to create that meaningful connection by sharing their lives with each other through pictures, video, news feeds, etc. He has created an immense new culture that is more powerful than most countries. Does he have enormous influence? You bet!

And Steve Jobs,
Great Visionary and Innovator

He created an entire culture of connection at Apple -- which has now likely become the most successful company on the planet, with more cash than the U.S. government!

Apple knows how to create connection. Apple's products are phenomenal; their design is beautiful and appealing. Their marketing is brilliant. They are genius in their innovation. And make no mistake, all of these work together to create connection. Apple knows how to connect and they are masters at it.

Every one of these people and their companies used 'the far reaching power of their influence' to make an incredible impact on our world -- through their ability to create connection.

So How Do You Increase the

'Power of Your Influence'?

If you want to know how to:

Get your clients to pay you more for the work you do...
Close more deals...
Build instant rapport and trust in seconds...
Have more freedom to do what you want
Have people Listen to you more
Be more influential in your business, with your clients and others in your circle of influence...
Have the ability to create relationships that last longer and are more fulfilling...
Not only communicate more effectively, but actually CONNECT ...
If you want to know the simple secrets of true power that are critical to your future success and happiness...

Then please continue to read on...

Remember, we spend more time communicating in our daily lives than any other single activity. How well or how poorly we communicate affects every single aspect of our lives. And it mirrors our success and happiness - if we are powerful then it makes sense that we can deeply connect with people, their inner motivations and --- we can inspire them!



More Success...more money, more clients, higher status, career advancement...
Greater Ease in Your Life... easier ability to deal with people in all types of situations
Self-Confidence Boost... whether you are speaking 1-on-1, in a group, or in front of an audience.
More Effective Professional Communication...more lucrative, creative and productive business and work relationships
More Intimate and Private Connections...build lasting personal relationships and be more fulfilled in your romantic ones.

Ultimately, your ability to communicate and influence others is more important than your talent, education, knowledge or experience. The reason is because inevitably at some point, in order to take advantage of any of those things you will need to deal with people.


Because virtually all aspects of life
involve other people.

You cannot do it on your own. The more deep and rewarding connections you can create, the more alliances and profitable partnerships you can build, the more successful you will be. You do this through powerful communication.

This Is Why Communication Is YOUR #1 Skill.

The ability to effectively deal with others is critical to success at every level.

This is what communication is about. You could have a degree from Harvard Law School and you can be the sharpest lawyer around, but if you can't convince a judge or jury of your case, then you'll lose every time.

You may have a million-dollar idea or the next great innovation to change our world for the better, but if you can't communicate that idea to the right people and get them to invest in your vision, what is it really worth?

You may have all the traits of a wonderful romantic partner, but if you can't create an intimate and close connection with someone, or even convince them to go out on a date with you, then you will likely be lonely for a lot longer than you'd like.

Perhaps money and success aren't the most important thing for you.

If you want to make a difference in the world, and be a great leader that impacts the lives of others in a positive way, then you must learn to communicate powerfully and develop your ability to influence other people to create change.

If you can't communicate powerfully,

you can't inspire.

So, if you want to be a powerful communicator, then you must be able to share your thoughts, ideas and inspiration with others in a way that helps them feel connected with you and your message.

How effectively you do this will largely determine whether people join you, get involved with your cause, support your vision, follow your lead, give you what you desire - or buy what you are selling!

Just look at some of the greatest leaders in recent history. They are all great communicators - AND CONNECTORS. Great leaders are great communicators. Imagine having the ability to connect with people like Mahatma Ghandi, who brought the great British Empire to its knees in India. Imagine having the sheer power of communication and speech like Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Dream of equal rights for all people! They used their power of communication to influence and create connection great enough to transform the world and make it a better place.

People are people. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what business you are in. You must learn to effectively connect with them and positively influence them if you are to be successful and move people to action!

So if you want more success in EVERY aspect of your life, then you must master the art of communication and be able to create deep connection - this will boost your innate ability to influence, inspire and motivate!

Your ability to influence others is critical to being a person of great success and power.


The 7 Secrets Of Powerful Communication!

What you will discover in "The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication" Training Program can be used to transform EVERY single aspect of your life. It's really that powerful.

You can be inspired by:

Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump and boost your power of influence in your life when you know how!

Here's an interesting side note:

I recently spoke with a former executive of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in America. He negotiated contracts with high profile and in-demand service and manufacturing providers. He told me that their facilities, services and all of the wining & dining were virtually identical between the various bidders.

Who did he give the contracts to?

"The ones who were able to create a brief, but meaningful enough connection with him!"

Now... just so you know... with my help...

You don't have to struggle with connecting...

...with people in your business, career or personal life anymore. Now you can enjoy better and more rewarding relationships, being more effective in your work and career, and becoming more financially successful and secure - ultimately creating the life you want! Right now you are only moments away from unlocking the incredible power that is hidden within you. If you think that being able to harness this power is just a dream or fantasy - it's not.


You can be on the way to achieving more effectiveness and power in just minutes.

Here's more proof that the power of communication and boosting influence lead to more business success!

Did you know...

That Thomas J. Stanley (best selling author of the Millionaire Mind, interviewed 100's of millionaires to uncover their secrets. He found that the # 1 reason they had incredible success was their ability to 'influence and deal with others'.

I know it sounds incredible, but there's a simple, easy to use, 7 step formula which unlocks your effectiveness and influence with others, and enables you to create the life you really want - all by increasing your ability to communicate and connect with people easily.

There is no limit to what you can achieve

I want you to read how others, people just like you, used my 7 secrets to be more powerful and successful their lives...

"Zoltán is a dynamic speaker and teacher whose genuineness and passion really shine through. His teachings on communication and the power of connection as revealed in The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication are incredibly relevant and have made a major difference in my own presentations, sales, and my personal life as well. He makes things clear, and more importantly, inspiring. Working with him was the best decision I made this year."

Judd F. Apple
Inc. Certified Trainer


"I'm a successful internet marketer and consultant. I regularly hold internet marketing bootcamps throughout Taiwan and China. Before participating in The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication Training Program, I thought my communication skills were very good.

However, after getting only 10 minutes of coaching from Zoltán at a keynote he gave, I made a profound shift in my ability to connect with and influence others. Only then did I realize that I needed some major improvement in my communication skills. Zoltán is by far the best communication coach I have ever seen. I so appreciate his teaching and coaching.

Since following the principles & practices in The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication program, I now experience far more power and confidence day to day than I ever have before. I absolutely feel that my life is getting better and better as a result.

If you desire to be a powerful communicator in your life, in your personal relationships and professional, in dealing with people one-on-one, in a group, or simply in business, you should get The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication. You will be more confident, richer, and more powerful in all aspects of your life."

Steven T
CEO of Omeganet, Ltd.


"For anyone who wants to achieve mastery in communication, and more importantly, for anyone striving to create meaningful connection with people, The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication will make a significant impact on your life. Ultimately, success in business or any endeavor requires the ability to communicate powerfully. These tools help ensure my success."

Josh A.
Business Development, American Express

With my proven "7 Secrets of Powerful Communication" Training Program, you will not only understand what has been holding you back from being more successful in your life and in your work, you will have the tools to actually do something about it!

This includes your ability to attract more opportunities than you can handle, get the promotion you've always wanted, have incredibly fulfilling relationships with family & friends, make more money than you thought possible, and make a real difference in the lives of others at the same time.

You can make a lasting difference
in your life right now!
Best of all you can get started immediately!

You can unlock the 7 most important keys to connecting - I'll help you understand the different ways we communicate and how we unconsciously sabotage our own connections.

It's easy to transform the way you communicate so you can build deeper, more successful and long lasting relationships once I show you how!

What You Discover In "The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication" Will Help Transform Your Life into a Truly Powerful One!

Multiply your income and move forward in your business, job or career faster than you ever imagined.
Increase Your Influence with Anyone - have more people saying "Yes!" to you whether one-on-one, in a group or in front of an audience.
How to have more confidence and personal power, both in business and in your social life, by learning to create instant rapport, like-ability, and trust.
Be part of an elite group of powerful and successful people who attract incredible opportunities into their life by creating powerful alliances and partnerships.
Have more fulfilling and longer-lasting relationships, whether in dating & romance, business, or with friends & family, enhance them all with increased intimacy, connection and ease.
Discover what it means to be a great leader and team builder in your work and in your life, while mastering listening, and have people actually listen to you
Create the results and transformation you desire in any organization - whether in your business, company, church, nonprofit and even your family.
Mesmerize and empower your audience, whether one person or thousands -- when you know how to truly connect, be in a conversation, and transmit your message powerfully
Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking! Go from zero to HERO -- amaze, inspire and move people to action with your authentic speaking style in your presentations and public speaking
Understand how to be more successful in sales -- produce more prospects, drive more leads, close more deals and retain more clients
Unlock the keys to body language and how you can not only make a great first impression that lasts, but also be a great, compelling communicator along the way.

Boost Your Ability To Influence Now!

How much would dramatically increasing your influence be worth to you in your life? Really think about it. If you could dramatically increase your influence in your business, with your clients, with your corporate team, with your family and friends, even with people you're meeting for the very first time, what would that actually be worth to you? You can answer that in any way that makes sense to you (money, time, energy, freedom, a feeling, etc.)

However you decided to answer that question, the answer has value to you. And because success--whether that be more money, more clients, better relationships or even making more of a difference with your life -- is directly related to expanding your ability to communicate and create connection, I want to make sure I bring the greatest possible value to help you with that.

Here's What I Have For You...

1st Level of Value I'm giving you:

The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication Audio Program
(9 Audios - 2 hours)

In this audio program, you will learn the skills and techniques to becoming a Powerful Communicator in every aspect of your life.

You will receive 9 high quality, professionally recorded, downloadable audio MP3 files that will lead and guide you through both the principles & practices of the 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication.

You will be able to listen through as you work through the exercises, and so enhance your speed and ability to learn the material in the shortest possible time. The audios will play on an ipod or similar device and can also be burned to CD for listening on your way to work, in the car or wherever is convenient for you.

The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication will help you access a whole new level of your power as you learn how to communicate and most importantly CONNECT!

$250.00 Value.

2nd Level of Value I'm giving you:

Here's My Unconditional, Iron-Clad,
No Questions Asked Guarantee:

Because I know you will experience incredible results when you follow The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication Training Program, I will ensure that your success is 100% risk free, and guaranteed. If at any point in the next 60 days you decide I was wrong and you don't feel you have experienced an increase in your ability to communicate, connect and influence others, then I want you to let me know and I will issue you a no-hassle, no questions asked, full 100% refund.

Plus when you order today, you will receive these incredible bonuses!

3rd Level of Value I'm giving you:

Free Bonus Gift # 1 : The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication eBook (71 pages!)

Is a downloadable instructional eBook designed to help you achieve more success and power in your life, both personally and professionally. The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication eBook is a full transcription of the audio program created as an easy-to-follow guide to walk you through all 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication in a step-by-step fashion.

It covers the critical, yet rarely taught aspects of how to communicate powerfully and most importantly how to create that vital connection that is the key to success. Reading the eBook will help you understand the mistakes that most people make that lead to poor communication. It will also lead you through the steps to becoming not just a good communicator, but a great one. When you have completed reading the eBook you will know how to communicate powerfully and not only make a major difference in your own life, but in the lives of everyone around you.

$21.00 Value.

4th Level of Value I'm giving you:

Free Bonus Gift # 2: The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication Workbook (85 pages with exercises)

Is an instructional workbook designed as a working companion to The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication Audio Program & eBook. The Workbook is loaded with powerful and effective practices and specific exercises designed to take you more deeply into the 7 Secrets and help you master the skills to being a great communicator and connector. As you read through the eBook and listen to the audio files you can reinforce your learning with a variety of added exercises to help ensure your success.

The Workbook exercises will help you integrate the principles & techniques of how to effortlessly communicate, influence, inspire and connect with just about anyone. You will be more influential with people, whether one-on-one, in a group, or in front of an audience. You will be more fulfilled in all of your relationships and you'll have more access to opportunities than you ever thought possible.

$21.00 Value.

Remember, there is no one like you, nor will there ever be again. Make the most of this life NOW! It doesn't matter how old you are! It doesn't matter what your situation is. Take control of your future and strengthen the foundation of your life. People who keep doing the same things over and over again get the same results. Nothing will change, so don't let that happen to you!

"Things do not change, we change."

                                  ~ Henry David Thoreau

I Want to Put The 7 Secrets to the test!

I want to give you my best deal here because I know how necessary this is to your success. For a limited time I am offering this exceptional, and proven program to you for the incredibly low, introductory cost of only $47.

If you order in the next 5 minutes, you can get immediate access to the entire 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication Training Program. You'll get the 9 audios, the eBook and the Workbook.

Try it Risk-Free! Check it out and PROVE TO YOURSELF that IT WORKS - ONCE YOU USE IT! All the risk is on my shoulders. You've nothing to lose..

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Boost the power of your communication and skyrocket your ability to influence others, increase your income and create more intimate relationships that last longer... starting today! Order NOW!

Isn't the opportunity to FINALLY get what you want out of life worth $47?

So get ready to become a powerful communicator and connector so you can live a powerful life that impacts the lives of others in a powerful way.

Live Powerfully,


I Want to Create More Power In My Life Starting Today!


Yes! I want to discover how to boost the power of my communication and connection with people! I want to skyrocket my ability to influence others, increase my income and have better relationships in my life... and much, much more!

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I am ordering today and will also receive two FREE bonuses in PDF format (worth over $42.00) that will allow me to not only understand the secrets to being a powerful communicator, but will guide me step-by-step to actually being one.

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Order Now for Just $47!

NOTE: The 7 Secrets of Powerful Communication program contains downloadable audios, an e-book and a workbook. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all the files onto your computer. The audio format is MP3. The e-book and workbook format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.


About the Author

Zoltán is an international speaker, dynamic teacher and high-impact communication coach. He helps empower people in both personal and professional life through his principles of communication and connection. His wide range of clients include United Nations delegates, the Federal Defenders Office, The Walt Disney Company, Wall Street Executives, as well as health care professionals, entrepreneurs, public speakers and trainers all over the world. He has led Master's classes at UCLA and has conducted creative communications workshops worldwide. Zoltán holds a Masters Degree in Psychology and has trained with leading thinkers in Human Communications and Leadership.

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