
The Truth About Supplements.

Discover the Supplements Proven to Fast-Track Your Dream Body...And Don’t Risk Another Cent on Useless or Dangerous Ones

Urgent Warning to All Supplements Users...

“Discover the Supplements Proven to Fast-Track Your Dream Body...
And Don’t Risk Another Cent on Useless
or Dangerous Ones”

Announcing the new essential guide to supplements and nutrition based on documented scientific studies and real results...

“The Truth about Supplements
– They Don’t Want You to Know”

The Book Supplement Companies
Would Love To Ban!

Mark Ottobre,

Trainer of Top Models and Personal Trainers,

And Body Building Champions

 Dear Supplement User,

Ever had any of these thoughts:“I train hard week in and week out - why do I still look the same?“We both train hard - why do their bodies look so much better than mine?”“I do so much weight training - why aren’t I making muscle and strength gains?”“I work on my abs nearly every day - why does my friend have a lean flat stomach and I don’t?

“Why can that person eat whatever they want – chocolate cake, pizza, beer, hamburgers –and they don’t seem to get fat while I get fatter just LOOKING at that sort of food?

I Feel Your Pain!

If you have had any of these challenges you’re not alone and it’s not your fault.

Did you know two people can do the EXACT same training yet one will have still have excess body flab while the other will have a ripped physique that is the envy of others.

Why does this ‘unfair’ situation happen?

Through my experience training 100’s of people – including personal trainers, champion body builders and top models 99% of the time the problem is incorrect supplementation and nutrition.

If you have stomach fat you can’t seem to lose no matter how hard you train –or you’re just not building muscle like you want to - it’s your supplementation and nutrition letting you down because they’re the key to body transformation.

Here’s the good news...

The secrets of supplementation and nutrition I reveal in The Truth about Supplements will allow you to reduce body fat within WEEKS not years…

On top of that they allow you to build more muscle with ease – just like hundreds of my clients have.

“Who Am I To Make Such Promises?”

My name is Mark Ottobre and I am the trainer of the Current Natural Ms Olympia and the reigning Natural Mr and Ms Australia (2 Years in a Row). I train Top Models, Champion Body Builders, and Personal Trainers to get the sorts of bodies you usually only see on the front cover of Fitness and Body Building Mags.

The secret weapon behind my client’s success is my knowledge of supplementation and nutrition. That’s because even when you train HARD day in and day out if you are making mistakes in your supplementation and nutrition your results will always be disappointing.

But when you combine training hard with optimum supplementation and nutrition it’s like dynamite and a match – an “explosive” combination.

As Seen In

“The Indiana Jones of Supplementation”

Over the past 10 years I have been like the Indiana Jones of Supplements searching through 1000’s of clinical studies and research papers on a quest to unearth the ‘holy grail’ of rapid muscle building and fat burning supplements for my clients and myself.

I have put all my findings together in my new book ‘The Truth about Supplements- What They Don’t Want You to Know’ so you can discover the best and worst supplements for achieving your goals.

All the supplement reviews in my book are based on hard evidence from clinical trials.

Not only that the ones I recommend have all helped my clients to have amazing body transformations. This means you can be sure they will help you supercharge your dream body results.

“The Champions Diet”

In my new book I also reveal to you The Champions Diet.

This is the same strategic eating plan ALL the champions featured on this page have followed to achieve their dream bodies.

Follow this maximum nutrition plan and you will have that lean muscular body you’ve been looking at in magazines for all those years.

My clients say The Champions Diet was ‘The Thing’ that allowed them to achieve their amazing body transformations in very short time frames.

But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what my Champion clients have to say...

Ms Olympia says ‘With Mark’s Help I reached the Pinnacle and I feel on top of the world’

A Proud Winner! Mark's Client Janet Kane –INBA Ms Olympia!

In my journey to winning the Ms Olympia title I never doubted my commitment, but I knew I needed some expert advice for the best way to train to achieve the winning physique.

With so many personal trainers out there, I wanted someone that knew how to train a champion and not just train someone to lose weight or change their shape a little. I am a very self motivated person, so I did not look for the person to offer the encouragement or the nudge to get to the gym, (although I know Mark would do that if that is what I needed), I wanted the person that could guide and coach me to achieve my goal of Ms Olympia and undoubtedly give me the ‘champions edge’.

Then I found Mark. His expert guidance gave me clarity in my training program and showed me the most effective supplements and nutrition for my goals. He pushed me beyond my limits to achieve my goals and never once did I question him. I had total confidence in his ability to train me.

This has made all the difference. With Mark’s help I reached the pinnacle in my recent Ms Olympia win and I feel on the top of the world! Thank you for everything.

Aidan’s Story

My client Aiden (photo above) trained hard, ate right, and took the right supplements recommended in this book for 3 months and went from ‘average to awesome’. Here is the feedback he emailed me on 2nd November after reading a ‘prerelease copy of this book:

Email From Aiden Guyett – Received 2nd November 2009

“Everything in your book is awesome Mark as it is up to date, backed up with research and can easily be applied to one’s training regardless of what your goals are. Email From Aiden Guyett – Received 2nd November 2009 (Used with permission)

“Everything in your book is awesome Mark as it is up to date, backed up with research and can easily be applied to one’s training regardless of what your goals are.

The biggest aspect of your book Mark that I liked the most was how it raised awareness of false claims, exposing lies and hype by bodybuilding mags and showing how and why they get away with.

When reading this chapter I could reflect on supplements and crap protein powders I once took and see why I didn’t get results with them.

It was also highly educational as to finding out why supplement companies get away with it as once upon a time I thought what I read on a label was correct or else it’d be fraud. Now however I can look at a label and identify if it false.

The book is highly educational Mark for example when I was reading it I came to realise why you had me on the supplement I was on like Zinc and I could see why I got the improvements in my health and performance.

Got to hand it to you this is a great book and I agree it is one that supplement companies and rotten fitness mags would want to ban.”

Supplement Danger - Can Supplements Harm You?

In my book you’ll also discover the truth about the potentially dangerous side effects of common supplements and get answers to common questions...

  • Tribulus - does it shut down your natural production of testosterone?
  • Does creatine hurt your liver?
  • Do fat burners screw up your adrenal glands?
  • When will protein powder make you bulky?
  • What happens if you don’t supplement with Glutamine after or before cardio?
  • Does Glucose after training make you fat?
  • Do I need to wake up in the middle of the night to take BCAA’s if I want to put on muscle?
  • Does protein hurt my liver?
  • Is it really dangerous to supplement meals with meal replacement shakes?
  • Do fat burners work?
  • Can I really take a supplement that stops fat and carbs from being absorbed?
  • I don’t feel the supplement working does this matter?

‘Can You Say “Ripped?!?”

Model Hot Body Secrets Exposed

Top Model says ‘This info is priceless’

Sancho Before and After

“This is why you should never fall prey to the lie of impossible. I had been training since my teens. I always had good discipline and wanted to get the most out of my time in the gym.

I was always a little on the heavy side and like a lot of guys; I focused on "bigger is better". I wanted to be cut and have a good six pack but a lot of trainers would say "You can't fight genetics" or would give me programs which didn't result in any significant difference in my body.

As you can see from the before and after pictures, I've lost 15 kilos, dropped from size 34 pants to 30 and achieved some fantastic results. I'm now living as a model in Las Vegas and my happiness and confidence have grown exponentially.

I really have to thank Mark Ottobre author of the Truth About Supplements for being my mentor and allowing me to achieve this. The information I received from him on dieting and supplementation alone is priceless and made a world of difference.

The best thing about my change is that it’s all been natural, and without diuretics or even binge dieting. It’s a lasting lifestyle change so I don't have to go on a crazy diet for a photo shoot.

If someone like me who only goes to the gym 4 times a week for a couple of hours can have such great results, it proves that anyone, not just the bodybuilders can do it!

Plus he’s successfully coached Mr and Miss Australia to winning titles and many more than I can name.

Thanks for everything!”

Sancho Jinadasa, Top International Model

2 x Mr Australia, 2 x Mr Victoria
& Mr Queensland

Mr Australia Says: “The Worlds My Oyster”

Before I started training and dieting properly for my bodybuilding competitions I wasn’t really sure of how to approach it, as there was so much information out there in terms of supplements, training techniques and dieting. When I decided to see Mark a few months before competition he set me straight and told me how it would be. With a proper diet, an intense training program and good supplementation I was on my merry way to success in October.

I have just finished competing in the INBA and ANB natural bodybuilding competitions and finished in 1st place for both competitions in the junior divisions. I also won best posing routine for the INBA, and “best legs” for the junior and overall competition in the ANB show.

Training with and getting advice from Mark was the best decision I ever made. As I said he set me on the right path to success, and now the world’s my oyster. I am heading to the nationals in the Gold Coast for the INBA and to Sydney for the ANB nationals. I owe a huge thanks to Mark, and would highly recommend his services to anyone wanting to achieve results, look what I did!!!!! 

Attention Ladies: Who else wants to look this Hot?

My client Kat transformed her body her confidence and her life by following my advice around supplementation nutrition and training!

KATHERINA ANDOS, Melbourne, Victoria.

“Mark Helped Me Lose 19kgs in 14 Weeks’’

From flabby to ripped...


Mark has different training methods for everyone as he customizes your training, supplementation and nutrition by looking at your body type and lifestyle. Mark’s no-nonsense approach helped me stay on the right track.

I can't recommend his program highly enough, if you are serious about training and improving your body then you have come to the right person.

Vikram Caprihan

“Like Neo Seeing the Matrix-
How I Saw through Supplement Company Lies”

In The Truth about Supplements you’ll also discover how to see through ‘supplement hype’ - all the bogus claims supplement companies make - so you don’t waste another cent on supplements that don’t work.

I first saw through the ‘hype’ when I went into a ‘pure ingredients store’ in Melbourne, Australia.

The store had all the normal supplements: Vitamins, minerals, and herbs Arginine, Creatine, Tribulus, Whey Protein, HMB, etc.

The difference was they had the supplements without the branding.

Yup, no flashy labels or enticing stickers, just the clear plastic bags and glass jars containing ingredients like a typical scientific laboratory.

They were just selling the supplements without the marketing ‘hoopla’.

On the way home I went into GNC (a supplement chain store) to compare the experience.

The first thing that caught my eye was a Creatine bag with a label, “Pro Growth Stack!”

I definitely felt the urge to buy it.

Interesting right?...

Why’d I have an impulse to buy the Creatine with ‘marketing hype’ while I wasn’t as drawn to the cheaper non branded version?

Because Supplement Companies Have Perfected
The Black Art of Preying on our Desires...

Supplement companies play with our emotions because they offer ‘quick fixes’ to get our dream body.

And yes, it’s true!

Correct supplementation combined with good nutrition and training will always result in massive body transformation surprisingly quickly.

I have seen this time and time again with my own clients.


The sad reality is 99% of what you read about supplements is over-hyped baloney... That is because Supplement companies own or provide advertising funding for 99% of the websites and magazines you read.

The magazines we read are basically ‘promotional brochures!’

That’s right! ‘The Fox is guarding the henhouse’...
And the supplement companies are laughing all the way to the bank!

As for the staff at supplement stores I am constantly amazed at the junk they recommend. I have had clients go in (before getting my advice) and come out with over $300 worth of ‘stuff’ most of which they didn’t need!

What’s wrong with this picture!

Either the store reps are pushing the ‘preferred product’ with the highest commission or they just don’t know what they’re doing.

It’s most likely a combination of both. And the sad part is it’s us Gym Goers that suffer because we end up spending $100’s on crap we don’t need.

What about personal trainers - can you get accurate supplement advice from them?

99% of the time you can’t. Very few PT’s have a solid knowledge of supplementation. In fact in their 6-8 week part time training course they are lucky to spend even one class on Supplementation!

How do I know? Because I teach personal training at Australia’s top training college.

When you read my book you will know 10 times more than the average personal trainer about supplementation and nutrition!

(And if you’re a personal trainer– the results you will get with your clients after reading this book will blow you away...they will rave about you constantly to their friends and family because of the results they get.)

But the Body Building and Fitness Forums are good sources of info aren’t they?

No. The posts are usually based on ‘opinions’ rather than hard-core science. And whenever you see an opinion not backed up by a scientific study it’s pretty much worthless because you don’t know if it’s really true or not.

After all you’re not going to take the Average Joe’s word ‘for it’ when it comes to your body are you?

It could even be a marketing rep from a supplement company posting it- it happens.

These factors combined means finding unbiased, objective, supplement info is like finding a tiny needle in a giant haystack – not an easy thing to do!

This means we’re training hard only to waste $100’s if not $1000’s on rubbish that does diddly squat for our physiques...

That’s why it’s so important you read my new book The Truth about Supplements because it will give you 100% independent science based info about which supplements will really help you get your dream body...and which ones you’re wasting your hard earned cash on.

Then you can achieve results like these clients of mine...

I was training hard and was still in an unhealthy ‘Risk Factor’ fat range...

I had been training for about a year and was getting reasonable muscles which I was happy with. But the problem was I still had a flabby stomach fat – which I hated - and I found it almost impossible to lose. I thought to myself .

“If I just train harder it will go” so I kept on working at it.

Then one day I went into Doctors and saw a government poster talking about overweight health risks and told you which stomach width was healthy for a particular height. So I went home and measured my stomach and found I was in an unhealthy ‘Risk Factor’ range.

I had been training hard for a year and still in an unhealthy fat range! That finally did it for me. I snapped. Something had to change.

That was when I decided to work with Mark. Mark schooled me in correct supplementation and nutrition. I learnt the best foods to eat and when and which protein powders were best (I ended up chucking away the one the girl in the shop recommended because it was crap!) and which supplements were useful for quick fat burning and strength gains.

The end result is I have dropped from 93 kilograms to an almost perfect weight of 86 kilograms (I am 6 foot 1) within 2 months of working with Mark. That’s all PURE LARD I have burnt off! Not only that I have built muscle at the same time! (I can lift so much more -5 x 5 reps of 120 kilograms dead lift - which is DOUBLE! what I could do previously).

The best part is my supplementation and eating is sustainable – I enjoy it, it’s not like I have to deprive myself. I am happy to keep eating the foods and using the supplements Mark set out for me.

They’re part of my life.

I am so grateful to have had this change. I feel so much more confident and people comment on it all the time – how slim I am looking. My wife loves it as well! Thanks Mark. You’re a champion!

John Anderson, Melbourne, Victoria.

Karla Gambell – Champion Figure Athlete:

“I Cannot Recommend Him Highly Enough”

I have had the pleasure of working with Mark for the past 3 years at Definition Fitness.

Mark is certainly one of the best personal trainers in an industry that is flooded with poorly qualified "trainers". Besides walking the talk, his passion and enthusiasm, depth of experience, and ongoing commitment to continued education keeps him at the forefront of the industry.

He has an attitude that "you can never learn too much about the art and science of building the ultimate physique!”

He is an invaluable consultant for all of your Ultimate Performance nutritional and supplementation programmes.

His passion for knowledge is inspiring and I cannot recommend him highly enough to not just competitive Bodybuilders, but for those who are serious about getting results.

Karla Gambell - Definition Exercise and Training Headquarters

“This Book Will Definitely Serve Me for Years To Come”

“The Truth About Supplements” is a must read with powerful tips and information on every page, allowing you to easily discover not only which supplements are the right ones for your body, but recommendations for various fitness practises. I would recommend this book to everyone and anyone who is looking to make improvements in their exercise regime, or even just developing an overall healthier lifestyle. This book will definitely serve me for years to come, and it truly opens your eyes to what you need and don’t need to quickly advance your health and fitness. The research and in depth information provided in this book is remarkable and is indeed unlike anything I have ever read.

Melissa Riccardi

Top Physician Recommends “The Truth About Supplements”

By Dr. Ikram Abidi - M.B.B.S (Dow), RMP, PGD (HIMS), CHSA, CBCMT

To tell you the truth, “The truth about supplements” is not just about supplements. It, in fact, includes a wealth of knowledge on various issues ranging from nutrition, weight loss and fitness, diet and food planning, exercise and much more.

To me, the most unique feature of this wonderful book is that it beautifully combines the personal expertise of a fitness genius (Mark Ottobre) and his vast knowledge on almost all related health topics.

Listing all the pros and cons of almost every major supplement available in the market, it will also act as quick, at-a-glance “supplement encyclopaedia” for body builders, exercisers and fitness enthusiasts.

As an efficient, dual-edged weapon that has the most recent and up-to-date knowledge on various health and fitness issues and everything that you want to know about supplements, this book will engrave lasting impressions on your learning mind as you read page by page and discover new and interesting facts on fitness and health.

The language used is easily understandable without and the style of expression is reader-friendly without the use of any hi-fi medical jargons. This makes the book suitable for all types of readers. Finally, this book is the first and the most unique of its kind and I highly recommend it to all those fitness enthusiasts and passionate body builders who want a handy, always-ready reference guide on supplements. Therefore, before you buy or even try some supplement, consulting this book will benefit you in many more ways that you could ever imagine.

Dr. Ikram Abidi is a licensed physician and a graduate of one of the top most medical schools of Asia (Dow university of health sciences). He has years of experience in health as it relates to optimum fitness and nutrition.

 My Clients And I Are Featured in Who Magazine
for Awesome Weight Loss

7 Good Reasons to Get
The Truth About Supplements Now

1 IT WORKS! From World Champions (including a Ms Olympia!) to everyday gym goers, my techniques, principles and methods have been proven to get results time and time again.
2 You can slash your supplement expenses by learning which brands and supplements to buy so you don’t waste a dime. Stop wasting your hard earned cash on supplements that don’t work!
3 With this information you will only buy the supplements that will super charge your results so you will feel great and look great. Not only that you will make every squat, chin up bench press you work hard for count like never before.
4 Get inside the top-secret protocols of world champions. Ever wonder what supplement protocol I give to the champions I train? Wonder no more! These will never be revealed except to paying clients and buyers of the book.
5 Get regular updates on the latest ‘hyped up’ supplement frauds and scams. Don’t waste your precious time or money with anything less than the best.
6 Get “The Man Behind the Transformations” audio for FREE. This interview is 75 minutes of pure, uncensored wisdom. This interview will be sold separately for $97 however it’s yours FREE when you invest in The Truth About Supplements.
7 60-day money back guarantee if you don’t love it! My guarantee is simple – if your not happy email us and we will kindly refund every cent back to you. No questions, no hassles and no problems.

What You’ll discover in The Truth about Supplements

Chapter 1: Supplements Laid Bare...

How to know which supplements are best for your goals? Discover the exact questions to ask p.18

How to make sure your supplements are safe and won’t damage your body...p.20-21

The 3 Most Important Supplements for Rapid Muscle Gain, Fat burning and Optimum Health p.37

Why are vitamins so important for muscle growth and which work best? See p.47 to see a full vitamin rating scoresheet (top 25 listed).

Chapter 2: Supplements – Behind the Mask- Insider Info

Don’t Fall Prey to These Supplement Company Lies Discover the legal loop holes supplement companies use to make false claims in their ads. (Covers U.S and Australian law)...p.26

What Are The “Gold Standard” in Supplements? Discover where to find out the strength quality and purity of your supplements and whether or not they have been packaged appropriately (otherwise they can lose their effectiveness)... p.31

Where to find reliable scientific studies of supplements so you know what you’re putting in your body will power-charge your results...p.34

Chapter 3: The Essential Supplements – You Need to Take These...

Toxicity Danger: How much is too much vitamins? Read p.45 carefully...

Essential Fatty Acids- The Miracle Food! E.F.A’s are proven to promote muscle growth, decrease stress, increase your metabolism, promote healthy joints, burn fat, reduce inflammation and heart disease, and give you abundant energy. Discover the purest form to take them in and how much to take on p.50....

Protein Powder Myths Destroyed! - Discover who to believe about protein requirement? The World Health Organisation recommended daily intake (RDI) is 75 to 84 grams of protein per kg per day. Should you follow their advice? p.56...

Will your hard earned muscle disappear if you stop taking protein powder? True or False? Find out on p.182...

Discover the Best Way to Take Protein to Burn Fat (And the Big Lie about weight loss through protein powders) ...p.57

Which Protein Powder Is Best? Whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, hydrolysed protein or blends? Find out on p.65

What to mix your protein powder with for best results? If you want to build muscle and burn fat fast...p.65.

Gold Standard Brands: Which supplement brands you can’t you go wrong with...p.65

You know your mother was right when she said to eat your Veggies... But now you can find out how to cheat when don’t have time to cook or prepare veggies. This tip alone will get you healthy...P.67

Chapter 4: ‘Gold Standard Supplements’- Recommended!

The Clean up Miracle: When you’re under the squat rack on the 5th rep of your 4th set and your legs are burning like hell’s fury this supplement acts as the ‘clean up miracle’. It fights the toxins in your muscles and shortens your recovery time allowing you to push out more reps more often -with greater ease and power. This means you get a chiselled body quicker - and don’t feel so sore! Find out what the Clean Up Miracle is on p.73

Discover the amino acid that delays fatigue and promotes rapid muscle growth. But be warned the supplement companies underestimate how much you should take of this one. Find out my recommended dosage on p.78

Is Creatine Really ‘All That?’ Should you “really’ be using it? Get the facts. Plus discover a secret way to cut down on Creatine costs and save your money...p.83

“Unleash a Testosterone Explosion...” Discover the mystery supplement proven to unleash a natural “testosterone “explosion” allowing you to build muscle much faster. According to Victor Conte the respected Director of Balco Laboratory this is: “The only natural product proven to increase anabolic hormone levels and strength in trained athletes”.That is because hard training can decrease testosterone if you don’t supplement correctly because your vitamins and minerals get used up so your body doesn’t have the “fuel” to create it. Find out what this ‘mystery’ supplement is so you can make sure your body is replenished with all natural testosterone p.86

This supplement will give you a 430% boost in growth hormone levels  so your body can use fat as an energy source! p.92 

Chapter 5: Other Supplements That Make a Big Difference...

Carb loading before a competition? This antioxidant will help you....p.101

How to Destroy ‘Stubborn’ BROWN FAT... Brown fat is the ‘stubborn’ unattractive flab on your gut for males and on your thighs and hips for females. This supplement melts it away like wax under a flame... p.104

YOU....A NATURAL SEX Machine? When tested this supplement did NOT improve muscle mass at all. But if you have trouble staying ‘hard’ after training hard this will help you. Become an Animal in Bed with this natural and safe alternative to Viagra and other chemical based sex drugs. Find out what it is on p.108

Discover the ‘Super Herb’ clinically proven in a controlled double blind randomised trial to build lean muscle mass, reduce body fat and result in a whopping 100% increase in free testosterone! Coq10 is a powerful antioxidant backed up by 4 decades of proven scientific results. If your cells lack this they’ll be sluggish and unhealthy especially if you’re over 40. Find out why on p.115

The Most Abundant Steroid in the Human Body... This supplement is used by millions of athletes to increase muscle mass strength and burn calories rather than store them as fat. Animal subjects using this supplement lost weight even when fed fatty food! Not only that your body can convert it into testosterone! Find out what it is on p.118.

Australians only: Discover the exact steps to getting this UNFAIRLY BANNED supplement in Australia...p.120

Discover the Wonder Plant containing up to Double the Nutrients of a Standard Vitamin...p.125...

Chapter 6: The Truth about Fat Burners Revealed...

Green Tea – The cup of tea that packs a punch because it controls how fast or slow your metabolism burns fat. Find out how much to have and how to take it....p.130

Train Harder with Coffee? Caffeine allows you to burn fat instead of carbs or lean muscle for energy when you work out. Find out why they say it’s DANGEROUS and how much you should have. There is a lot of confusing information on this issue – now you can get clarity.


Don’t fall for this Fat Blockers SCAM... p.138

“Hot” Fat Burning Food: Thermogenic foods supercharge your body’s metabolism and burn through your fat stores. Discover the 7 Best Thermogenics For Fat Loss. You may have these in your cupboard right now...p.140

This popular weight loss supplement is useless for weight loss. But it does stops excessive lactic acid build up which will help you to train longer without fatigue and give you a shorter recovery time... p.143

Chapter 7: Useless Supplements EXPOSED
Don’t Waste Your Money On These...

Danger - Avoid this ‘Death Trap’. This supplement is linked to health risks and even DEATHS. In fact 64% of reported supplement related negative health reactions in the U.S are linked to this supplement....p.146

Warning: Using Arginine and Nitrous oxide? Make sure you read what the ‘scary’ science says first...p155.

Could GABA Really Increase Growth Hormone by 650%? Or is this just more supplement company hype? Find out on p.158

Want a Deep Restful Sleep? Find out what supplement to take to sleep like a baby... p.159

Carbohydrate Blockers? A fat minimising dream come true or a deceptive – and risky - nightmare? The truth revealed. Make sure you find out about these side effects before you take them. p 163

Find out which Fat Blocker causes embarrassing anal leakage! Make sure you avoid this one! Supplement companies claim this supplement preserves muscle by 17% – find out why this is complete B.S...p.164

Meal replacement shakes: The Scam of the Century? Who should use them and why? Plus learn how to read the labels so you don’t get ripped off...p.166

Chapter 8: Sick of Boring Chicken Breast?
Spice up Your Food & Melt Ugly Stomach Fat Too...

Tired of bland vegetables and tasteless boiled chicken? Try out these zesty flavour enhancers...p.172

Love salt but want to be healthy? Try this substitute full of magnesium, iodine, iron, and calcium that tastes much better than normal salt...p.173

Sugar Makes You Fat! Try this miracle herb instead – it is 250% to 300% times sweeter than normal sugar and doesn’t add calories, raise your blood sugar level, or cause insulin spikes, obesity and tooth decay. I know it sounds too good to be true but it is...p.174

Worried about Cholesterol? According to the Journal of Chinese Medicine this tasty Spice will help you reduce your cholesterol by up to 40%. Use it on your oats, cereals, and fruits or in your tea...p.177


“Chapter 9: Body Building and Fitness Magazines Exposed”

“The Secret of the Ripped Country Body Builder” He doesn’t spend a cent on supplements and yet his ripped body is the envy of other champion body builders. How does he do it? Find out on p.182

The 3 Biggest Supplement Myths Fitness Magazines Are Responsible For... Heard this one: “It’s better to skip a work out than a meal”? This is B.S for reasons I explain in the book. There are two others you MUST know about. Find them out here so you don’t fall prey to them...p.186

Danger! Do you copy the way “Pro” body builders work out in magazines? This could be dangerous. Find out why p.187 Can you trust ‘really’ trust supplement company research? Find out how supplement companies manipulate stats to get away with their ridiculous claims. Don’t fall prey to their lies... p.187

Your Own Easy Reference ‘Supplements at a Glance Rating Table’ complete with functions and star rating for each supplement. Use this when you’re choosing supplements and you will never waste your money on useless supplements again! You will know exactly which supplements will help you achieve your goals fastest...p189




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If you are fed-up with feelings of stress, anxiety or depression, OR if you want to make sure that you do everything humanly possible to remain healthy and vibrant into what others call the "twighlight years", then you owe it to yourself to carefully review the information I've included here. If you get only one thing from this letter, I hope that it's a clear understanding that stress and depression cause many illnesses and diseases, in addition to causing you the emotional pain that you are already aware of. If your future is important to you and your family, this truly is the most important letter you will ever read. PERIOD!

One of the most important benefits of learning the method of clinical relaxation that I demonstrate for you in the Series, is that you will find your life significantly improving in areas that you may think are unrelated to your stress, depression or pain.

This is because when you make clinical relaxation a habit in your life, what you're really learning to do is to keep your cool in circumstances that ordinarily would cause you to get overly stressed and anxious, and in extreme cases, to lose your temper and fly off the handle.

NOW, here's the science behind it - stress and depression NARROW your focus. This means that at the times when you need the most efficient access to all of your mental resources, you actually have the very least possible. Think about it - how many times it happened to you that a stressful situation "causes" you to make a bad decision? If you're being honest with me, the answer is ALL OF THEM. That's because it is physiologically impossible to be stressed AND carefully weigh all the options available to you.

Here's why: stressfull situations trigger your "fight or flight" response. No one is exempt from this. When "fight or flight" takes over you get two choices. Want to guess what they are? Again, be honest - how effective is either of those choices in our world of complex situations and decisions? Not at all. In fact, those are the two worst choices to decide amongst for nearly ALL modern day challenges. That was fine for the jungle when we had a tiger jumping out of a tree at us, but not at all ok for when that jungle is modern day society and the tiger is full of complex emotions, circumstances and opportunities.

Speaking of modern day society - is it not so very wonderful that we have pills to take to combat stress and depression? NO!!! And I say this despite the fact that there are definitely some cases where medication is the recommended treatment for stress, depression and pain. Medication just shouldn't be the first and only attempt and solving these issues! And even if you are on medication, using the techniques I demonstrate in the Relaxation Series will further improve whatever results your getting from your meds!

Dr. Phil considers Dr. Lawlis the greatest psychologist alive today. His advances in using Imagery to treat pain, smoking cessation, weight loss and sleep have been implemented in hospital, clinics and universities world-wide. The Relaxation Series cannot be easier to use - simply press play on your CD or MP3 player and lay down!

MindBody Series provides you with a real alternative to phamraceuticals. Dr. Lawlis uses Imagery psychology to help "train" the brain to easily enter a state of clinical relaxation. Juilliard graduate and sound engineer Gregori Palumbo composed the soundtrack using musical and audio techniques that have been demostrated to induce relaxation and improve learning retention. For most people, it takes 21 days to create a new "habit", but many people find that it works within the first few times they try Disk 1. Benefits include no dependency on pharmaceuticals, large long-term savings over medications, reduce risk of catastrophic illness, improve productivity, minimize flus and colds, and improve physical health.

One of the biggest challenges with using medication instead of treating the core issues causing your stress, depression or pain is that you are only covering up the problem. The problems are still there - stop the meds and they rear their ugly heads immediately. HOWEVER, the Relaxation Series TREATS the underlying causes, and even better, it provides you with tools to avoid creating those problems in the future!

Now, I don't want to scare you, so instead of telling you the damage that stress and depression do to your mind and body, I'm going to tell you how the Relaxation Series will help you:

  • Decrease chance of catastrophic illness - stress is linked to some forms of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
  • Reduce minor illnesses - it is said that stress causes up to 75% of all illnesses, and leaves you predisposed to catching colds, flus, etc.
  • Improve your mood - Once you've mastered the skill of relaxation, you will find yourself feeling more confident and secure in all areas of your life.
  • Improve relationships - our clients report that they are happier, better adjusted, friendlier, and better partners, husbands, wives, parents, friends, colleagues, etc.
  • Increase productivity - follow our program and a natural side effect is that you will get more done with less work!
All it takes is a few minutes a day to RELAX.  

Let me explain... 

  • Are you feeling sad and depressed too often? 
  • Are you stressed out? Do you lack patience?
  •  Do you feel TRAPPED?  

  •  Do you get angry pretty often? Do you ever get explosive?

  • Have you tried pills, yoga, pilates, therapy and everything else under the sun, and you're still not feeling "right"?  

I'm Dr. Frank Lawlis, and I work with Dr. Phil at the Dr. Phil show, I'm the Supervisory Psychologist for American Mensa (that's the high-IQ society), and I've served on the board and staffs of clinics and universities world-wide. I've been a clinical psychologist for over 40 years and I've created or refined many of the techniques that are widely used by medical personnel today. I've used the very techniques that I demonstrate for you in the Relaxation Series to treat pain in cancer patients. They've been used to improve productivity in corporations, to reduce illness and to decrease dependency on medications.

Very simply put, the techniques you learn in the Relaxation Series have been developed for use with the most difficult of cases - so they are more than likely to work for you. This program is easy and proven to work, and it may likely be the last action you need to take to get your stress, depression or pain under control.

Our proven program shows you how to finally help put an end to stress and depression.

I've seen people who are at a breaking point turn their lives around - and succeed at a level they never before dreamed possible!

What's best, is that once you do the program as we recommend, it will work on "auto-pilot" for you. You will find yourself fundamentally reacting differently to the world and circumstances around you. You will feel empowered and you will know that nothing that comes your way is too much to handle.

I am inviting you to possess what thousands of others have gotten from this program - peace of mind. Think about it, how will your life be different once you are free from stress, depression and pain?

How does it work?

If you are the kind of person that doesn't need to know WHY electricity works as long as you can just flip the switch, I want you to take a brief moment to understand why this works anyhow. And that's because I want you to get it deep down in your soul that the way we approach this at MindBody Series is truly unique and that is why we are so very confident in the positive results you are likely to experience.

We use Imagery Psychology, which has been proven to be the most effective way to learn new behaviors. This is in the form of the narration you will hear in the programs.

We also use special audio and musical techniques that have been proven to enhance your ability to learn and retain new information, AND help get you in a state of clinical relaxation (which also helps with learning). One of the audio techniques is called "Binaural Beats". Simply put, just as water seeks its own level, so do your brainwaves. When you hear the embedded frequencies (which emulate the frequency of relaxed brainwaves), your brain naturally will change its brainwave frequency to match what is heard. THIS SIMPLE TECHNIQUE SAVES YOU YEARS OF MEDITATION TRAINING AND GIVES YOU THE SAME RESULTS!

Use Our Proven System And Start Down the Path to Living a Stress-Free, Fulfilling Life!

Just Plain Results

Start today and feel better immediately! You will get INSTANT ACCESS to the MindBody Relaxation Series immediately...


This is the easiest method to minimizing Stress and Depression and the very serious illnesses and life challenges that are caused by them.

It's easy to use and extremely effective... Start by listening to the program as you drift off to sleep at night!

You will notice other areas of your life improve - including health, finance and relationships!

Great for Pain Management - Can Even Reduce the phsyical signs of aging!

Use the MindBody Relaxation Series and feel the positive impact in your life for a full 60 days...

We GUARANTEE that you will be completely satisfied with the results of the Relaxation Series when you follow the program as Dr. Lawlis recommends. See if this isn't the easiest and most effective way you've ever imagined to achieve true relaxation AND the positive life effects that come with your new relaxation skills. If you're not happy with your results at any time during those 60 days, and we'll give you a complete refund promptly, and with no questions asked...guaranteed.

Included in the Relaxation Series System:

Product #1:

"Imagery for General Relaxation" MP3 Audio Program

Value - $47
Product #2:
"Progressive Muscle Relaxation" MP3 Audio Program
Value - $47
Product #3:
"Music For General Relaxation" MP3 Audio Program
Value - $47
Product #4:
"Music for Progressive Muscle Relaxation" MP3 Audio Program
Value - $47

Product #5:
"Getting Started with the Relaxation Series" eBook
Value - Priceless

3 "Relaxation Brainwaves" MP3 Audio Programs - These program contains just the raw frequency - great for Meditation and Stress "Emergencies"!
Value - $97

That's a combined value of over $288!


That's just the value of the individual parts of the program. By using the latest technologies available, we provide you with a "Virtual Coach" - a Professional who checks in with you daily, guiding you and making sure you stay on track, while providing you with the support you need to help make your success a reality.

If you don't immediately see why having a coach is a critical factor to success - consider athletes, business executives, artists, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, musicians ... they all use coaches to stay on track and improve their performance. In ANY endeavor, having a coach, or mentor, is a distinct advantage. In the area of self-improvement, we know and recognize the role and value of counselors and therapists. That's why a relaxation program must include coaching if it is to provide you with the greatest potential for success.

If you were to hire someone on the level of Dr. Lawlis, it would cost you between $50,000 and $100,000 per month. Someone without that reputation will cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 per month.

Thanks to technology, you ARE going to have Dr. Lawlis with you "virtually" - he will personally guide you. This is what we are so very proud of - we are able to affordably offer you the greatest advantage for success possible - the services of the man that Dr. Phil refers to as "the greatest psychologist alive today".


Get INSTANT Access To The...

MindBody Relaxation Series

Effective, Safe and Easy Stress and Depression Relief

The retail price of the MindBody Relaxation Series is 197.00!

However, for a limited time, we will guarantee you the Series for the

It's Your Turn To Relax! !


Processed Through Secure Online Servers

(We reserve the right to end this offer at anytime without notice.)

Grab Your Copy Right Now While We Still Have This Special Offer Available!




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