
Dressed2Convert :: Direct Response Design Tips ::

Dressed2Convert :: Direct Response Design Tips ::

Improve your conversions in as little as 2 minutes without
writing a single line of sales copy...

"How A 25 Year Old Graphic Designer Discovered How to Improve Conversions Instantly On Any Sales Letter In Under 2 Minutes..By Covertly watching how his clients made as much as $1,000,000 in 7 days"

Now anyone can pump out internet cash-machine websites one after another using these closely guarded conversion-enhancing secrets & tweaks.

Here's a glimpse at a few of my favorite success stories, these are both repeat clients who could literally have any graphics designer in the world. BUT, they both chose me time and time again, and for good reason.

I'm a student of the game. The entire motive for me designing a web graphic is to boost sales. Just ask these guys . . .

If Mike Filsaime & Chris McNeeney take my suggestions & advice, why shouldn’t you?


Sold 5,000 units in the first day
made $693,000 in first week sales.
Sold over 9,000 copies in first 10 days

"... the end result was an incredible design that commercially blew everything out of the water... we grossed over 5,000 sales on the first day, shattering previous sales records... and a large part of that was no doubt due to Ryan's stunning design...

I know several of the biggest information sellers online today, and since the DJK launch, I try and refer all of them to Ryan. Over a dozen people have asked me who did the design work for DJK in the first few days of launch... hes probably dollar-for-dollar the best sales letter graphics guy out there."

In summary, Ryan, you rock:

End result - 10/10
Professionalism and promptness - 10/10
Ability to work to a tight brief - 10/10.

I would say 5,000 sales on the first day speaks for itself..."

- Chris McNeeney

Sold almost 700 units on day one.
In 5 days, broke through the 1500 unit mark.
In 7 days, broke the $1 Million dollar mark in sales.

Launched on 7/7/07, the 7 Figure Code Course amassed an amazing $1 million in 7 days, a feat that is rarely achieved online in this indsutry. Filsaime managed to sell 693 units in day one, and soon thereafter broke the 1000 mark.

Sales for 7 Figure code were signficantly better thank Filsaime's previous standout product, ButterflyMarketing.

I have spent the last two years working "behind the scenes"
with some
of the worlds top Internet Markters ...

watching them work, and seeing what brings in as much as $179,000 in 24 hours... I soon realised that only a FEW SMALL changes to a sales letter could separate the record-breakers from the "average-joes" ... and most incredibly these changes DONT relate to sales copy, they relate to tiny design changes.

This "hidden art" has been proven to double sales copy
in as little as 24 hours, but it has nothing to do with:

Any third-party "popup" or "exit scripts"

making *ANY* changes to your sales copy WHATSOEVER.."

But this information could...

DOUBLE your conversion rate

TRIPLE the amount of time users spend on your website

When it all began ...

The year was 2004.  I sat in a stuffy classroom in Melbourne, Australia bored out of my mind listening to a crusty professor ramble on and on about who knows what.

I surely wasn't paying attention.  I was too busy thinking about what sort of plans I’d be making for the upcoming weekend. 
I was living life one day at a time and having fun in college, but something was still missing…

But even more importantly than all of this, I was in the midst of drawing one of the sweetest company logos ever imagined on the back of my notebook. 
As the lecture continued my eyelids started to feel as heavy as one of those "ACME" anvils from a Bugs Bunny cartoon. 
The occasional screech of chalk on the chalkboard would bring me back to reality from time to time...

but I slowly slowly slowly slipped away into a state of semi-consciousness, dreaming about how I could bring my dream of my own business to life and get out of this boring class for good.

Naturally, my new business would use the logo I was currently sketching out on the back of my notebook… duh.

Another Mid-Lecture Brainstorming Sesh:

What do I have to offer the world?  What would people be willing to pay me to do?  Ah-hah... at that very moment my neck went limp, I slipped into a split second sleep only to be so rudely awakened by my forehead smacking squarely off of my desk as my books went crashing to the floor. 

All eyes in the entire classroom, including Professor Crustyface's eyes, were planted intensely on yours truly. 
I quickly wiped the drool from my desk and the corner of my mouth as I mustered the most artificial smile you could imagine. 

I mumbled something silly about being the CEO and there was a split second of complete & total silence, but...

“That Split Second Of Silence Seemed
Waaay Longer Than An Eternity”

… the silence soon disappeared and the classroom absolutely exploded with laughter.  Except for Crustyface, he appeared to be what I would describe as "irate."

After class, as I was receiving the verbal butt-chewing of my life from Crustyface, I still couldn't help but daydream in between the throbs pinging through my head. 

Apparently smacking your head off the desk calls for an aspirin or two, go figure.
After class I grabbed lunch at my favorite fast food joint and the french fries must have had a “Chicken Soup” effect on my young  soul, because I began to slowly realize I learned two important things about myself that day in lecture...

  You should sleep more than 2 ½ hours after a night of playing on the computer designing graphics for fun.  Especially before trying to sit through one of Professor Crustyface's lame lectures.

  I wasn't ready to continue my pursuit of a formal education at this time...  (Although I still to this day place a tremendous value on education and freely admit that my studies were a major contributor to my present day success).  I had my own dreams to chase first, bigger fish to fry, and this other stuff could wait…

Not long afterwards "Design Guru Ryan" was born.  There were many late nights of intense brain storming and idea refinement.  I can't even lie and say the idea was entirely my own... I had some serious help from a few well known marketers (Andrew Wee, Craig Desorcy, and Aurelius Tjin), who knew my passion & had seen a taste of my skills.

Long story short, if you fast forward a few years DesignGuruRyan.com was up and running without a hitch.  Granted, a few other things had come up here and there in between, but at any rate I was well on my way towards living the internet lifestyle.

“Plus, My Goofy Little Logo Hand Sketched
On The Back Of A Notebook A Few Short
Years Earlier Had Found It’s Place On
My Company Website

What other business aside from the internet can you bring a crazy idea born in a college classroom to life so quickly & easily?

Not long after I was up and running something amazing happened... perhaps it was a fluke repeated multiple times over, but then it wouldn't be a fluke right?

Perhaps it was just a case of being in the right place at the right time, but again, how many times can it be just dumb luck?

No matter the case,

“I Designed The Graphics For Multiple Six Figure Paydays & Home Run Launches For A Few Big Dogs”


What were the chances of that?  Ok, perhaps the graphics only play a minor role, but what if...  what IF... it was no coincidence at all?

It was time to do some experimenting...

I tested with XYZ, I tested without XYZ, and I tested with different combinations of X, Y, and Z.  I was on a mission to determine exactly how much of these fat guru paydays had to do with my direct response graphic design, and how much had to do with the marketers themselves. 

Test after test my designs were converting better than anything else that could even be considered an option.

So what the heck was the big difference between my work and my competitor’s?
Was it an innate natural talent?  Was it a direct result of my studies in Melbourne?  Was it all the time spent tinkering with various graphic designs & software apps?

Who knows... but I can tell you one thing...

“Google Website Optimizer
Does NOT Tell A Lie . . .”

My graphics & designs destroyed the competition time and time again with verifiable proof.  In every A/B split test I not only won, I embarrassed people who called themselves professional graphic designers. 

However, it wasn't my intention to embarrass anyone from the start.  I was merely trying my best to make my clients happy so that they would come back for more because I always took repeat customers as a sign of true craftsmanship.

Well, now the cat was out of the bag so to speak...  what happened next was actually kind of SCARY!  For months upon months I was either working on some graphics for a client or refining my own site at DesignGuruRyan.com. 

Word spread like wildfire & now the orders were coming in so fast that I literally had to shut down my website.  No joke or hype,

I Completely Stopped Taking
Orders for a Long Time!

I was booked solid for months to come and the money was already in the bank. I went into "hiding" for the most part and my days for quite some time were spent kicking out graphic after graphic... so many it would make most people go to the looney bin!

“I Went On A Several Week Long,
Caffeine Enhanced, Graphic Design Binge

I was pumping out minisites, ecovers, banners, templates, & other custom jobs almost around the clock.  It was NOT about "greed" or the "money."  It was about the challenge of seeing if I could even do it.

In less than a year and a half of taking orders at DesignGuruRyan.com I had completed over 800 web graphics and 220+ mini sites for a wide variety of clients

Many of which, were repeat customers and E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y succesful money magnets.

I could go on and on talking about my portfolio, not because I’m full of bologna, but because I've spent so much time working on this stuff it’s a big part of who I am and what I do.

I eat, sleep, & breathe graphic design.  After awhile, I no longer could sit back & enjoy my work like a mediocre craftsman tends to do... I wasn't satisfied until the client came back with reports of huge paydays and thousands of units sold.

“But Before You Go Clicking Away
From This Page Thinking This Website
Is About Teaching You Graphic Design,
Think AGAIN!”

I’m not patient enough to teach someone how to do design crisp, vivid, & vibrant web graphics like I do. 
Instead, I’m going to give you the ultimate crash course on how to incorporate P-R-O-V-E-N, effective, & easy-to-implement design tweaks that will GLUE your visitor’s eyeballs to your site and ease their credit cards right out of their wallets.  These are tips & tricks that ANYONE can implement.

Oh yeah, and I guess I’ll give you a few pointers on graphic design too!

These are all tips & tricks that you can put into use all by yourself right after reading my guide.  But, don’t let me get too far ahead of myself…

Here's a glimpse at a few of my favorite success stories, these are both repeat clients who could literally have any graphics designer in the world.  BUT, they both chose me time and time again, and for good reason. 

I'm a student of the game.  The entire motive for me designing a web graphic is to boost sales.  Just ask these guys . . .

If Mike Filsaime & Chris McNeeney take my suggestions & advice, why shouldn’t you?

Sold 5,000 units in the first day
made $693,000 in first week sales.
Sold over 9,000 copies in first 10 days

"... the end result was an incredible design that commercially blew everything out of the water... we grossed over 5,000 sales on the first day, shattering previous sales records... and a large part of that was no doubt due to Ryan's stunning design...

I know several of the biggest information sellers online today, and since the DJK launch, I try and refer all of them to Ryan. Over a dozen people have asked me who did the design work for DJK in the first few days of launch... hes probably dollar-for-dollar the best sales letter graphics guy out there."

In summary, Ryan, you rock:

End result - 10/10
Professionalism and promptness - 10/10
Ability to work to a tight brief - 10/10.

I would say 5,000 sales on the first day speaks for itself..."

- Chris McNeeney

Sold almost 700 units on day one.
In 5 days, broke through the 1500 unit mark.
In 7 days, broke the $1 Million dollar mark in sales.

Launched on 7/7/07, the 7 Figure Code Course amassed an amazing $1 million in 7 days, a feat that is rarely achieved online in this indsutry. Filsaime managed to sell 693 units in day one, and soon thereafter broke the 1000 mark.

Sales for 7 Figure code were signficantly better thank Filsaime's previous standout product, ButterflyMarketing.

Let me ask you a question, just humor me for a moment, "Do you think it's a coincidence that some of the biggest names in the entire internet marketing industry come to me when they need direct response graphic design?"

Perhaps I just have the silver spoon in my mouth and was blessed with connections to the big dogs (ß Definitely NOT the case).  Or, perhaps they realize that when they have a deadline to meet and no time to screw around with amateurish graphics there's only one place to turn...

So, who ya gonna call?

Dun dh duh... <my cheesy attempt at a super hero musical intro>


Do the results of these marketers and their websites add to my own personal credibility? 

I'd like to think so BUT to be totally honest, that’s debatable.  I'm not that vain or naive. 

I'm actually a bit more of a down-to-earth realist seeing as how I shut down my website and closed up shop when I was overwhelmed with orders & gurus throwing money at me hand over fist not all too long ago.


“. . .Some Of My Clients Are The
Gurus Of The Gurus & They Could
Probably Sell Gallons Of Ketchup To
Women In White Gloves . . .”

…even if their graphics designer was blind as a bat and never passed the third grade.
(No offense to anyone who is blind as a bat or never passed the third grade).

But, knowing that they are already successful with or without me, and that they still continually come back as my repeat customers is a great in and of itself.

Just take a second to think about the volumes that speaks NOT ONLY about my skills as a graphic designer, but about the results my graphics & mini site designs have a direct influence in producing!
At the end of the day which would you rather be the webmaster of:

A site that made a million dollars?


A site that has been voted the most attractive?

Why not have BOTH?  I mean really, why NOT?  I like to bake my cake and I like to eat it too!

END RESULT:  An unbelievably attractive site that pumps out cash faster than an ATM Machine with a short circuit...

Well guess what Mister (or) Misses "I landed on your website because I need to S-E-L-L more and will resort to whatever it takes" . . .

You don't need to spend 5 years studying graphic design, testing & tracking the habits of web consumers, or scrambling to make gurus happy in order to learn the enviable golden nuggets I've discovered the hard way.

You see, the gurus wanted nothing more from me than my graphic design services.  They never offer to share their methods for creating high quality digital products, or KILLER sales funnels, or anything of the like. 

Just as I never offered to share my hard earned knowledge of tweaking & designing websites for maximum conversions… until NOW . . .

One day I finally realized I was doing it all wrong.  I like to help people with their websites and I love to design graphics.  The only problem was my business was work-intensive and I could only share my passion with a small crowd since, quite honestly, there's only 24 hours in a day and I only have 2 hands.

I decided that working one on one with webmasters may not be the most effective way to share an abundance of knowledge.  I also learned after helping guru after guru to 6 figure paydays that I was missing the boat as well. 

Now, I'm not a greedy person... but I was questioning why the heck was everyone  getting fat paydays partially thanks to me?


Why are they out sailing in their 60+ foot yachts and snapping photos of their Lamborghinis for their sales pages while I was still scraping together rent payments at the end of every month?!?!?!

Staying up until all hours of the night until my eyes were ready to bleed... kicking out headers, footers, ecovers, background images, subscribe boxes, and the list goes on.  I poured my heart and soul into every web graphic as if it was my own and I can't complain, the money was good... my office pad was sweet, and I didn’t mind working hard to pay the rent… $197 header, $597 mini site... yada yada yada.

But every time I fulfilled an order I handed over another unique piece of my own creativity for someone else’s own monetary gain.

Then these guys turn around and earn a million dollars in 7 days or $100k + in less than 24 hours?!?!  Plus, their sites slowly trickle in income for MONTHS or YEARS to come… What gives!

I decided I wanted to put some of my skills to the true test and try out my own designs, on my own site, selling my own product.

I next started to pry little golden nuggets out of their cold guru fingers every chance I could get.  You need a header image?  Oh yea, well I need to know how to secure my digital delivery process...

You need
an ecover graphic?  That's niceI need to know who your copywriter is...
See where I'm going with this?

I had some high quality information of my own that EVERYONE with a website could benefit from...

somewhere… deep down inside.  It was just a matter of discovering my special little niche of expertise & knowledge.

I asked myself over and over, what’s my special calling?  BUT, all I really knew how to do was design the graphics & turn weak sites into high converting digital "oil wells."

Now if that's not valuable information then I don't really know what is... the main glitch was it took me quite some time to realize my little niche where I could clean house was right under my nose the whole time.

The problem was that I never had any experience in creating a product or doing the actual marketing... all I knew how to do was 'tweak' it once it was up and running.

So why not teach others how to “TWEAK” it themselves?

BINGO.  My niche has been discovered.

So one day I asked another one of my guru friends... how do you come up with all these information products to sell?

He smugly replied with the four little words that sent my galaxy into an unending tail spin:

“Sell What You Know, Kid”

            … confirming my inner soul searching & putting a final destination point within view after a long & testing journey.

For the next several weeks I was asking more and more questions, taking less and less orders, and staying up all hours of the night not working just on graphics... but compiling what might some day be known as the "manifesto" of ways to tweak your website and get immediate results in the form of increased conversions.


“Dressed 2 Convert”

I'm not a copywriter, I'm a graphics guy that knows how to grab the balls right out of your visitor's eye sockets.  But what I can tell you, based on my research, interviews, and observations... is that there is a number of ways to "sell" a product. 

I've learned some of the most valuable lessons simply by keeping my eyes and ears open while working with the top marketers in the entire world.  In effect, spying on my clients. 

Now I'm not talking about real life espionage, but sometimes in my line of work these things travel right across my desk and I have no choice but to look under the hood.

Here is what I learned are the *MUSTS* when selling a product online:

First you tell them the benefits,
contents, or other positive factors...

  Discover the 4 MUST HAVE graphics proven to increase conversions by up to 4.8%

  Learn How To Give Your Website The “FANCY” Test & Prevent Over-Selling Your Prospects

  Find out which fonts suit certain age demographics best… (One guy even made an extra $156.26 a day by just changing his font!)  Seriously, who else KNOWS this stuff?

  See how to cater colors to fit into your visitor’s expectations, this can easily DOUBLE your readership

  Learn my method for “shepherding” visitor’s eye to the headline… and more importantly, to the ORDER BUTTON

  See how to strategically place certain design elements to subliminally persuade viewers to become customers  

  Plus, a laundry list of other proven & tested, easy-to-implement, simple tweaks to make your customer feel more secure – a proven way to raise conversions!  

My guru buddies all say the same thing…
once you’ve told ‘em what it is, next, you tell



This is my feed2 Headline Animator

This is my feed Headline Animator
