
Skin Whitening Forever

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Technology in Removing Dark Spots

Laser technology is a relatively new technique that has taken the dermatological world by storm. Used for treating many skin conditions like acne, scars, fine lines and wrinkles, the laser has also started to be considered a great remedy for brown spots and dark skin areas. If you have such issues which are troubling you and you want to try this option for treating your skin and make it white and radiant then here are the advantages and disadvantages of such a treatment.
Positive aspects
  • Faster action
Unlike many other types of treatment which can take months to see some effects, the laser treatment has fast actions and in a couple of weeks you can see the improvements. The darker skin will be exfoliated and the new, white and healthy one will be revealed without bearing any marks or darker shades.
  • Good results
The beauty industry cashes each year billions of dollars from selling skin whitening products which are not effective. Laser technology is one of the few skin whitening treatments which really work, so that you will not have the surprise of spending money for nothing.
  • Professional surveillance
Another great plus for the laser treatment is the fact that the patient is under professional surveillance from the beginning until the end of the treatment, thus if any complications appear, the doctors will be able to spot it and neutralize it in due time.
Negative aspects
  • High price
The price of laser treatment is far beyond the possibilities of a normal people, this is why it is not always on the list of people's favorite treatments. Because it is done only in cosmetic or dermatological clinics and they also require pre and post-treatment supervision, this type of treatment costs quite a lot for a normal person with medium income.
  • Side effects
Even though this treatment is a very modern one, there are still side effects which have not yet counterbalanced. Thus, there have been people who suffered by swelling, inflammations and sometimes even further darkening of the treated area.
The laser technology is quite a good one for people who can afford it. However, taking into consideration the risks you are exposing yourself to and the amount of money you will have to pay for such a treatment, it is advisable to ask your dermatologist for an advice before actually going for it.

If you want a rapid, yet safe and non-invasive treatment for your brown spots, you should try some of the recipes from here. They are all natural, made from ingredients you can find in your kitchen or at the local store, they have no side effects and they will release your skin of those anesthetic dark spots in only few weeks!

Advantages of Homemade Skin Whitening Products

Each and every person wants a clean and radiant skin. Some spend fortunes on cosmetic products that will lighten the skin and remove all the imperfections, others spend their money on esthetic operations in the hope that their skin will look perfect. Lastly, there are people trying to fake a healthy skin by using all kinds of makeup that will cover the imperfections and leave the impression that the skin is healthy and has no scars, wrinkles or spots.
All these people are looking for a way through which they can make their skin look good. Yet, what they have not taken into consideration is the power of natural ingredients. Fruits, vegetables and products coming from animals are great sources of anti-oxidants and are rich in substances which can whiten the skin, moisturize it, attenuate the fine lines and wrinkles and give it elasticity. There are many natural ingredients which can be used in order to remove the dark spots and whiten the skin and as many reasons to start trying them.
The first reason for which you should try the natural skin whitening ingredients is the fact that they have no side effects. Because most of the ingredients with which the homemade skin whitening recipes are made are natural, and are used in our everyday diet, the human body tolerates them very well and responds positively to the ingredients they contain.
In addition to that, because you know what you put in that homemade recipe, you know if your skin will going to react negatively to it. There are certain products (fruits, vegetables, animal products) to which certain people are allergic. Exclude those ingredients from your recipes and you know you will obtain a 100% safe homemade product.
Many cosmetic creams and ointments stay long enough on the shelves for the curative properties to diminish. Because you know when exactly you have made your product (most of them must be done on the spot and used right away) you have the certainty that the product is fresh and all the active substances will be activated on your skin.
Unlike other products you can find in the stores, the homemade skin whitening products are quite cheap. They are made with products found in any kitchen so that the investment in raw material will not be too high. Any person is able to afford this type of treatment, thus even if you do not have lots on money to spend on this treatment you will still be able to carry on with it and have a white skin in only a few weeks.
Homemade skin whitening products are by far the cheapest and safest solution to the brown spots which trouble you so much. They are very effective and at the same nurture the skin, so that you will not only have a whiter skin, but a healthier one too.
Resource box:
This book has gathered some of the most effective skin whitening recipes. Try them out and you will see the effects in a matter of weeks, without side effects. Having a healthy and glowing skin is easy, cheap and simple now!

Avoid Exposure to Sun When Undergoing a Skin Whitening Treatment

Skin spots are rather uncomfortable to live with. They have a great impact upon one's image and can seriously undermine one's confidence in himself/herself. This is why many people choose to remove those brown spots, no matter what it takes. If you are one of those people who want to get rid of dark spots and hyperpigmentation, then you probably know that there is more than one method through which you can discolor the hyperpigmentation.
First there are the modern techniques, such as laser technology, microdermabrasion and professional bleaching procedures done in dermatologist's offices. Then there are the home based creams and ointments which inhibit the production of melanin, thus discoloring the area which is under treatment. There are also available creams which will chemically exfoliate the upper layers of skin. These have a lower concentration than the creams used in professional offices, but they are still great for removing or discoloring brown spots. Last, but not least, there are the homemade products which can be used safely for treating skin hyperpigmentation.
No matter which one of these treatments you decide to use in order to solve the dark spot problem, you will have to avoid, as much as possible, sun exposure during and after the treatment. This is mainly because when undergoing a skin whitening treatment the skin is very sensitive to external factors, thus the risk of damage cause by the sun increases significantly. If you go for the laser treatment, microdermabrasion or any other type of skin exfoliation the new layers of skin which will be much more sensitive to the solar rays and sunburns may appear on the skin. In addition to that, the skin will increase the amount of melanin to stop the harmful effects of the sun and new dark spots may appear on the skin, even on the new layers.
If, on the other hand, you go for professional or home bleaching, you will have to stay away from the sun rays or use a high SPF lotion as otherwise the treatment will be useless. Most bleaching creams inhibit the tyrosinase and the production of melanin will be reduced significantly. This means that when the skin is exposed to the sun, there will be no substance to protect the skin from its harmful effects. Also, if the skin is exposed for a longer period, the production of melanin will increase, reaching even higher levels than before the treatment, which will result in a further darkening of the skin.
The sun is probably one of the worst skin enemies. Keep it away from the surface of the skin at least during the treatment and a few weeks after, so that you will be sure nothing wrong will happen to your skin and the treatment will give the results you have always wanted.
Resource box:
Get rid of those anesthetic brown spots right now, using safe, cheap and highly effective products. Read this and find out how you can make your own skin whitening treatment from natural products, fruits and vegetables. Once you have tried these natural skin whitening recipes you would never want to try any other skin whitening product again.

Buying Skin Whitening Products - Things You Should Know

Nowadays the market abounds in almost any type of product. Brands after brands are released and made stronger just to sell the same products, with the same recipes and same purposes. Rarely a new and revolutionary product appears and when this happens, hundreds of similar products appear in the following weeks or months. With this entire confusion and with the struggle of having the best product ever, many costumers no longer know what product to purchase in order to satisfy their needs. If the choice is easier to make when it comes to food, clothes or useful objects around the house, when it comes to skin care products the choice becomes more and more difficult as you just see the product, but are not able to see if it will work for you or not. Thus, it is mainly a trial and error experience until they find the product that will satisfy all their needs.
Yet, in order to be on the right path towards finding the product, there are some things a customer must know and take into consideration when buying skin whitening products. The first, and probably the most obvious one, is the skin type and color. The skin whitening products are made up for different types of skin, ranging from dark skin to light or yellowish skin, thus in order to find a product to work for you, it must be necessarily made for your color of skin.
There are also 3 different skin types which are applicable to all skin colors. These types of skin are dry skin, oily skin and normal skin. According to your type of skin all skin care products should be chosen, including the skin whitening products.
Another thing which should be known when purchasing skin whitening products is that some of them may contain irritant substances or even substances which may have serious side effects for people with sensitive skin or for pregnant women. A very good example in this direction is the hydroquinone, a substance which is reported to cause fetal malformations and even affect the pregnant woman. Thus, you should look carefully on the ingredients contained by that product and see whether you are allergic to one of them or if the product is safe for you.
Also, the date of production, the date of expiration as well as the number of days in which the product should be used after is opened should be written on the bottle or package of the product. This is highly important as some substances may change their properties after a certain period and if applied on skin may further increase the problems.
Skin whitening products can be found anywhere on the market. Yet, purchase your sample from a reputable pharmacy, where specialized personnel will be able to answer all your questions and give you all the information you need in order to choose well.
Not all the skin whitening products have side effects and cost lots of money. Try the recipes gathered in this e-book and you will see how you can get rid of brown spots in a matter of weeks, in a simple, cheap and safe way. You will never need anything else for your skin!

Chemical Bleaching Creams vs. Natural Skin Whitening Recipes

There has been a time when products made up in laboratories were considered to be the best products on the market. This was mainly because a large share of population believed that those products represent the highest standard that a product could reach. However, time has proved that products made in laboratories are not faultless and that in many case the chemical substances used for their preparation were doing more harm than actually helping people. Thus, a large share of people has turned their faces towards nature and natural ingredients in the hope of finding an alternative to chemical products.
Skin whitening is one of those fields which enjoy these two alternatives: chemical bleaching creams and natural skin whitening recipes. But which of these solutions is best for the skin? Let's make a simple comparison of the two types of skin whitening treatments! Once you have some information about each of them you will be able to answer the above question all by yourselves.
The first thing that comes to every person's mind when thinking about choosing one or the other product is its effectiveness. Everyone wants to choose that alternative which will get them rid of black spots and darkened skin forever. Here probably both types of treatments are equally good as this is what they have been created for. Sometimes, there are cases in which the combination of natural ingredients has the same active substance as the chemical cream.
Second on the list of features a skin whitening product should have is safety. Unfortunately here there are some products which do not respect this feature. Chemical bleaching products have been reported to have side effects on different types of people. Most affected are pregnant women and people with sensitive skin. Because most of the ingredients are obtained in the laboratory, they can have quite a damaging effect on the human skin. The risk of allergies is even bigger as there are few people who have been testing these substances before. In case of the natural, homemade products, the risk of side effects is reduced to minimum, as most ingredients are used in cooking or are eaten as such. Also, because they can be made by the patient itself, the risk of allergies is completely removed, as people usually know what they are allergic to.
Last criterion of evaluation is the price. Whereas the price in the case of the chemical bleaching products varies according to the substances used, the producer or the brand selling it, the natural products have a rather small and fixed price, as all the ingredients are currently used in the kitchen.
Apart from these, the natural products are freshly prepared by the patient and can be used immediately after preparation for a more intense ingredients' action. They are simple to make and apply and can be used for a longer period of time.
Try some of the natural skin whitening recipes from here. You will see how the skin will become whiter and the brown spots will vanish in just a matter of weeks, without too much effort or any side effects. Beauty is now cheaper for those who want to get rid of hyperpigmentation!

How to Take Care of Your Skin after a Skin Whitening Treatment

No matter if you go for laser skin whitening treatment or you choose to use a bleaching cream in the comfort of your home, your skin needs to be well taken care of before, during and after the skin whitening treatment. You do not want to further damage your skin instead of making it look better, do you?
This is why it is absolutely necessary to understand which are the things which should be done and what are the things which are totally prohibited once you have done a skin whitening treatment.
The first thing on the list is by far avoiding exposure to sun. No matter what type of skin whitening treatment you choose, the skin will be more sensitive to the solar rays and the prolonged exposure to sun can provoke sunburns or even further skin darkening. If you must go out of the house when the sun is up, choose a good sunscreen lotion and wear a hat on your head to prevent the sunrays to reach your skin.
As important as avoiding sun exposure is maintaining your skin moisturized. This can be done by two ways: drinking plenty of water all day long and using special products such as moisturizing creams and lotions that will further increase the moisture and help your skin heal faster and look much better in a shorter period of time.
After you have done a chemical peel it is essential that you do not pick at the skin, but rather leave it to fall all by itself, when you bath. Otherwise you risk scarring your skin or further darken it.
Some types of treatment require special steps of maintenance. These are usually written on the prescription (if you do the procedure at home) or will be detailed to you by the dermatologist (if you chose to do the procedure at a professional office). Respect them and do exactly what you are told if you want to have great results and avoid any type of side effects. If something goes wrong after you have done the treatment, it is recommended to see a dermatologist, no matter if you have undergone the treatment in a specialized office or have done it yourself at home.
Skin whitening treatments must make your skin more beautiful and radiant. This is why you have to carefully respect the indications and stay away from the things you are prohibited. Only this way will you be able to attain your goal of having a healthy and beautiful skin after the skin whitening treatment!
If you want a skin whitening treatment that will give great results without having any side effects, then take a look at this book. Here you will find out everything you need to know about skin color as well as some natural recipes for homemade products that will remove your spots in a matter of weeks!


New Flight Attendant Job Interview System And Walk-through

The Flight Attendant's Bible Download the-flight-attendants-bible.pdf

New Flight Attendant Job Interview System And Walk-through

Dream Job, Fat Salary, Full Benefits Package...
And A Free World Tour Waiting For YOU!

You'll Never Get Stuck In A 9-to-5 Lifeless Program...
And You'll Never Have A Boss Order You Around!  

You want to be a painter and make a living, too?

You want to be a writer and never worry about rent money again?

You just want to explore the world and find out who you really are, while keeping the job of your dreams?

Who says you can't?

The ones who tell you to get a "real job"?

The ones who tell you to "grow up"?

The ones who think adulthood means "fun time over"?

You know life is much more than that!

Life doesn't happen in a cubicle. Life doesn't happen after 5 pm. And life doesn't happen in your home town.

Life happens every minute of every hour, anywhere you go... and you're there to enjoy it to the fullest.

Work AND fun. Learn AND play. Make a living AND make a difference.

Live your dream.

Only for the ones who stopped trying.

But take it from a person who's tried and succeeded:

There is nothing... NOTHING more fulfilling... than living the life you've dreamed of!

And if you're like me and you think your soul is what matters most... more than an 8-figure bank account or a "real" job ... then keep reading.

This is your story.

Right now, you're taking your first step.

And this one is the hardest, because it takes courage.

The courage to stop living the life others want you to live... and start following your dreams. 

And I'll show you how to do it in just a second.

But first...

Let me introduce myself properly:

My name is Daniel, I'm 34 and I've been a flight attendant for the past 10 years. The most beautiful years of my life.

I've traveled to 16 countries on 4 continents (for free!)...

I've met extraordinary people down the road and made friends for life. I've chosen my family.

That's me in the photo below.


New York, USA

 Why do I covered my face?

The airline company I work for asked me to cover my face. Just in case I end up a superstar, like my colleague here:


Yeah, we like to have our fun.

In fact... we like to have A LOT of fun!

But flight attendant life isn't all about traveling and partying.

It's much more than that.

It's fulfilling and amazing on all levels, both professionally and personally.

Just take a look at the 7 perks of flight attending:

Perk #1:  You choose your own lifestyle

Flight attending allows you to choose your own lifestyle... and change it whenever you please.

Why get stuck in a rut when you can adapt your lifestyle to your needs and wants?

Whether you want to party every second you've got off work or take the time to experience different cultures (visit museums, go to concerts and festivals, or have a taste of the local cuisine)... it's your choice.

You've got hotel parties every night and also free tickets to the opera, ballet, concerts... and even the Olympics! Experience them all or follow your interests. You're free to do whatever you please.  

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Perk #2: Enjoy the ultimate flexibility

other job allows you this much flexibility. Not even freelancing!

And here's why:

1. You're not stuck to your computer. Once you're off work... you're free to do whatever you want and not give it another thought until your next flight.

2. The more experience you earn, the more flexibility you get. Simply doing your job brings you more benefits:

  • Maximum days off (up to 17 per month - that means you've got over two weeks OFF)
  • The freedom to choose which routes to fly or when to take time off work and enjoy visiting Europe, for example...

Seen the Colosseum 3 times and it's still impressive

Perk #3: You've got time to follow other passions

As I said earlier, you can take up to 17 days off work every month.

Write, paint, garden, design clothes, hold motivational conferences around the world, get to know different cultures, take photographs, make street art...

Whatever it is you want to do... now you'll have the time, the money, and the inspiration.  

Canoeing in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Horseback riding around Dallas, USA


Perk #4: No need to worry about "adult life" responsibilities

Flight attending guarantees you a lucrative benefits package:

  • health and life insurance
  • credit union membership
  • employee stock options
  • 401(k) retirement plan

So you get all the benefits of a "serious job"... and enjoy your life uncaged by the routine of a 9-to-5.

And you'll never ever have to ask yourself "where am I going to get rent money this time?" ever again!

Perk #5: Free ticket around the world

Seriously, who doesn't want to travel and explore the unknown?

But usually, there are two major impediments: time and money.

For a flight attendant, these two impediments are eliminated...

  • You travel for free (even when you travel for your own pleasure, on a holiday... the company pays for your tickets... wherever you want to go!)
  • You've got enough time off to take a full world tour and back

Lovely afternoon in Bangkok, Thailand

Perk #6: Feel loved and supported even at your lowest

Once you're crew, there will be NO place in the world where you won't find a warm bed, a friend in need, a shoulder to cry on or someone to laugh for hours on end with...

In my ten years as a flight attendant, I've witnessed humanity at its highest point:

... Helping a colleague go through her mother's death, raising money for a single dad to raise his twins, and even adopting 13 kittens found under a bridge in Paris.

Now that's family. And I hope you'll be part of it soon.

You're going to love it! And that's not even the best part...

Here's what you're going to love most:

Perk #7: Become the best version of yourself

Explore yourself and the world. Discover who you are and who you want to be. Now is the time to enjoy your freedom and feed your mind and soul.

Experiences. Friends. Cultures. Love. Lust. Fun. Education. Humanity.  

"Clear Eyes Full Hearts Can't Lose", San Francisco, USA

At the end of the day, you won't be smiling about that Excel document you edited...

You'll be smiling thinking of the people you've met, the places you've been to, and the stories you've heard or shared...

And there's only one job in the world to offer you all this: Flight attending.

Now here's the catch...

This job is hard to get.  And I mean HARD!

No, you don't have to be a rocket scientist or look like a model.

Anyone can become a flight attendant...but only  if they can top the killing competition.

When I applied, there were 10,000 other people competing for the same position.

And it's no surprise everyone wants to be a flight attendant.

The problem is... only one gets the job in the end.

I nailed it. How did I do it?

I had help from the inside.

A friend of mine was already a flight attendant and she told me everything I needed to know to pass every step of the way.

Thanks to her, I'm living my dream.

Thanks to me, you'll be living YOUR dream.

You see, I strongly believe in karma.

I believe every good deed comes back to you in some form.

So I decided to return the help I got from my friend and help others in return.

This is my Thank you for the amazing experiences I've had so far.

Here's what I've got for you

For the past two years, I've been working on my Flight Attendant's Bible. 

It's a guide that compounds all my experience so far:

From the moment I put together my resume to make sure I get called for the interviews... to all the tricks I've learned in 10 years of flying...

Here's exactly what I'm going to show you:

Things you need to know before you consider applying:

  • How to stay away from scams. There a lot of scam-sites out there that promise flight attendant jobs, but never deliver. Instead, they claim outrageous fees for services you'll never receive (I'll show you which websites to trust, so you don't waste any time or money).
  • Which airlines give you best shots of getting hired. By now, I know exactly which companies hire more (and offer amazing benefits, as well!) ... and I'll show you what you need to do to get a spot on their crew. Step by step.
  • Where to apply to take a tour around the world for free. I'll show you which airline companies have the most international flights, so you can see the world as part of your job (and you'll actually get to SEE amazing countries, not airports)
  • Where to test your flight attendant aptitudes before you apply. I'll show you the test that will instantly tell you how ready you are for this adventure (and don't worry: no matter the results... by the time I'm done with you... you'll be the superstar candidate every company dreams of! And that's a promise!) 

How to write the perfect resume:

  • 9 crucial tips for an outstanding flight attendant resume. Follow them and you'll outrank your competition, even if you've got NO work experience. (I got these tips from an inside person, too, and I was called by a major company three days later!)
  • The 7 criteria of the perfect resume photo. Remember: your photo is the FIRST thing they look at! Show them exactly what they want to see and you'll end up on top of the resume pile.
  • The common mistake that instantly gets your resume thrown in the trash bin. You'd be shocked how many candidates make this mistake! I'll show you how to avoid this tricky issue... and look indispensible even to the harshest employer!
  • The mandatory request no airline company will ever overlook. Ask yourself this: is it worth losing the job of your dreams for missing a crucial detail?
  • How to tweak your previous work experience (or NO job experience!) to make yourself look like the perfect candidate. 6 of my friends are now flight attendants thanks to this tip alone!
  • The one thing 90% of candidates lie about in their CVs... and make a fool out of themselves at the interviews. I'll show you how to be completely honest... and nail it at the interviews (prepare to impress them!)

How to prepare for the 3 interviews:

  • The 3 things every interviewer wants to know. I'll show you what to say and how to say it... while staying true to yourself the entire time!
  • What to wear to make an outstanding impression. Don't listen to those advising you to wear "an office outfit"... I'll show you exactly what makes recruiters nod their head in approval and push you to the top of the list.
  • This one's for girls: The hair-do every recruiter wants to see you wearing on the first interview. It may seem insignificant, but this little detail will set you apart from your competition with absolutely NO effort from your part...
  • What bag to wear to your interview... and what to pack in it. NO ONE will ever tell you how important this detail is... and what recruiters read into it (but you'll find everything you need to know in Flight Attendant's Bible, including the 6 crucial items you need to have in your handbag)
  • How to train your brain into the "flight attendant mindset". This is something you usually learn after you get the job, during the trainings... but just apply this quick trick at your first interview and the job is yours!
  • The psychology behind the interview - step by step. Once you know what they want to see from you... you'll have them eating out of the palm of your hand...
  • 25 tips to follow before, during and after the interview. They apply to all 3 interviews... and will make you look like the perfect candidate even to your competitors! (I've tested all these tips myself, so they're guaranteed to work... no matter what airline company you apply to)
  • All the commonly asked questions and the right answers. This is actually a cheatsheet with all the questions my friends and I received during our interviews... and the answers that got us the job (DO NOT MISS THIS SECTION! You will not find anything like it anywhere else)
  • What they're really looking for at your prescreening test. You'll be totally surprised when you see this one... but trust me... it can put you on the short list in less than 10 seconds)
  • The most common mistake candidates do at their first interview... and blow their chances of getting their dream job. You will do it, too, if you don't take my advice (and it would be a real shame to waste this opportunity and regret it for the rest of your life)
  • The 5 words every recruiter wants to hear during the interviews. It shows you've got what it takes to be a flight attendant, so don't forget to throw them in the conversation...

+ Real-life simulations of interview Q&A and exercises (both individual and team exercises).

This way, you'll know exactly what to say, how to act... and even the tiny little gestures that have "Winner" written all over them...

Now, most flight attendant "guides" on the Internet stop here.

You got the job, hurray!

But no one tells you how to KEEP the job. Now, you've got an inside source you can trust.

I'll show you...

How to prepare for the training:

  • 3 major preparations you need to get done QUICKLY. Take these simple steps and you'll be way ahead of everyone from Day 1.
  • The hardest part of the training... and how to overcome it effortlessly (it's only hard for those who aren't prepared... but I'll show you the inside secrets that makes this process easy peasy, lemon squeezy)
  • The so-called "horror series" of every flight attending course that freaks out all trainees... and how to handle it without flinching a muscle.  (It only seems horror for the untrained eye... once you know the secret behind it, it's easy as pie!)
  • The 6 crucial things you'll learn in FA trainings... that will make you not only the best flight attendant... but also the best version of yourself (your relationships, your attitude and your perspective on life will improve without even realizing it!)
  • How to organize your schedule to enjoy every minute of the day. I'll lay out the ready-made perfect daily program for you... and all you need to do is adapt it to your spontaneous needs and wants. It's that simple!
  • The one thing that makes you stand out during the training... that your colleagues will appreciate and admire (you'll earn respect and friendship... and instantly become the go-to person everyone wants around)
  • The 7 most interesting things you'll learn during the training period. These are the best conversation starters wherever you go...

How to prepare for your first flight:

  • What the airline company expects from you before the first flight. Make sure you follow these steps and you'll make an amazing impression from your first day on the job...
  • How to overcome the unusual sensations you'll experience during your first flight... and be in a great mood all throughout the day (I wish someone had told me these tips before I got on the plane...)

How to keep yourself healthy and energetic all day long:

  • 7 tips to keep your health at tip-top levels... even when you've worked all day and partied all night! (I've been using them for 6 years now and I haven't had a sick day since)
  • 9 types of foods to include in your meals to keep yourself in shape... and keep your energy levels high at all times (I'll show you a full eating program that's almost too easy to follow... and absolutely delicious!)
  • The golden rule of working out when you're a flight attendant. Ignore this rule and you'll put your health in danger without even knowing!
  • 7 tips to get over time zone... even if you travel to 5 different continents in one week. Enjoy every second of your travels, without experiencing that nasty jet lag that rips you off wonderful adventures...
  • 9 basic milestones in your everyday program... and how to do them like a pro (even if it's your first day on the job!)
  • How to score high at every performance review... and propel yourself to senior flight attendant (you'll benefit from SO many advantages, you'll feel like you're constantly on vacation!)
  • 18 reasons for getting fired on the spot... and how to stay away from them at all times (even when you're having a "bad day at the office")
  • 2 common challenges every flight attendant has to deal with... and how to turn them into career opportunities (I'll show you how to stand out even during difficult situations... and do it effortlessly!)
  • 20 mini duties you'll have to perform... and how to exceed expectations and get instant popularity points (it only takes you a couple extra minutes, but you'll shine like a star!)

How to deal with passengers:

  • How to treat passengers from different cultures. Warning: One tiny gesture can be extremely offending to people of other cultures... but I'll show you how to avoid the most common mistakes... and even master other cultures like a native!
  • Five techniques to calm down even the most nervous passengers. Use these methods and you'll be the most sought-after flight attendant in the company.

And last, but not least...

How to live your dream all throughout your life:

  • 11 amazing jobs you can hit when flight attending doesn't do it for you anymore. Why go through the pain of starting from scratch... when you can do what you love... without even working for it?

Bottom line:

When you're done with the Flight Attendant's Bible, you can be sure that...

  • Your CV will make the recruiters frame it and hang it in their office ...
  • You'll make an outstanding impression on all three interviews...
  • You'll top even the fiercest competition, because you'll know exactly what they're looking for...
  • You'll be the first to get the "Golden Call" to let you know you got the job...
  • You'll find the training a piece of cake (even when your colleagues can barely handle it)...
  • You'll enjoy every single flight, because you'll know ALL the inside secrets that make the job easy-peasy...
  • ... And you'll be living your dream while getting paid to see the world!

So now you're probably wondering what you need to do to get The Flight Attendant's Bible.

Rest assured, I won't ask you to sell your soul or watch a Justin Bieber video for days on end...

And I won't rob you of your rent money, either.

In fact, here's my second word of warning:

Watch out for scammers!

There are a lot of people on the Internet holding "webinars" or selling special "courses"...

Of course they cost from $200 up.

Worst part:
it won't even get you the job. Why? Because those guys don't have the experience.

Most of them didn't even go through the selection process.

And those who did and got the job... they're not willing to tell you all their inside secrets.

All they give you is the obvious Flight Attendant 101 speech you can very well see all over the Internet.

But I'm here for you.

Ok, I'm also hoping to score some karma points here...

But I really do want to help you get this dream job and escape the 9 to 5 hellhole.

I, for one, twitch just at the thought of being stuck in an office 8 hours a day... 

If you find this unbearable, too... then this is definitely for you!

So here's my offer:

If you don't get this job and see your dream come true after I'm done with you... please come at my place and throw eggs at my door.

And if you do get the job... come for some coffee and scones. I'd LOVE to meet you.

But on a more serious note...

I've put a whole lot of time and effort into The Flight Attendant's Bible.

I've laid every trade secret on paper (I actually know people who'd kill me for this).

But I'm damn proud of the result.

And not to brag or anything... it's worth more than the anemic "courses" I've seen so far.

But I'm not going to charge you accordingly.

Because you're making your first and I want to give you a friendly push.

So here's my special Early Bird discount:

Normally, I'd sell this for $97. At least my colleague from marketing strongly advised me to.

So Bret, if you're reading this, just know that your advice is important to me, but this time...

I'm going to give The Flight Attendant Bible for just $37.

>> Click here to order now <<

All I want is to cover the investment I've made so far. That's enough for me.

I had my fair share of benefits as a flight attendant in the past 10 years...
  • Free traveling for me and my whole family + one yearly free trip for one of my friends
  • Full benefits package: health insurance, dental, 401k
  • Flexible program that allowed me to follow my passions AND keep this awesome job
  • Great pay that gets even better with time
  • Up to 17 days off work... every month!

Now it's your time to enjoy your life to the fullest.

And you can start RIGHT NOW if you order The Flight Attendant's Bible now.

You win $60 and your dream job... and I win the satisfaction of helping you follow your dream.

... Oh, and those karma points I've been nagging you about all along.

You tell me: how much of a WIN-WIN is that?

Now all you need to do is press the order button and you'll have The Flight Attendant's Bible in less than 2 minutes.

Get The Flight Attendant's Bible Now

So how do you know FOR SURE it's worth the money?

I get it. Skepticism. I have it, too. Especially on the Internet.

And especially when you see photos of a faceless guy (again, sorry, but it's my airline company's policy).

So why not try it for free until you decide if it's worth it or not?

Remember I told you to come egg my door if you don't get the job?

Better yet, don't pay me if you don't get it (and egg my door only if you really feel the need to).

I'm giving you my 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Here's how it works:

You've got 90 days to go through The Flight Attendant's Bible.

Just know yourself out on this button: 

Then you can read it, rate it, show it to your friends, apply for the job and see the results yourself... do whatever you please.

If you're not satisfied... if you're bored... if you don't like the font or whatever it is that bugs you...

I'll send you the money ASAP!

No hard feelings, at least you gave it a try.

And yes, my invitation to have coffee with me is still open.

(Or if you insist on egging my door... Fine.)

Still wondering what to do?

I'll make it simple for you. Here are your options right now:

Option #1: Get a "real job"

The rent won't pay itself, right? And there's only so much you can live in your parent's basement...

And so it starts. The "adulthood". The rut. The responsibilities. The boss. The talks by the water cooler.

Life passes you by, as you measure it in salaries, bank credits, season finales... and the two-week holiday you long for every year.

If that makes your skin crawl, maybe this is better for you:

Option #2: Struggle for your dream

Try to make a living off your passion.

Try to sell your art or teach the less fortunate how to read and write...

Live with your parents till you're 36. Or with three other friends in a studio (been there, done that. Not as fun as it may sound)...

Save every penny for rent, bills and food.

Constantly blame society for your never ending struggle.

End up hating your passion and yourself, for not "making it big".

My advice: Don't go there.

You've got a better way right under your nose. Take it:

Option #3: Be part of THAT 1%. The ones who live their dream.

There aren't many people out there who can travel the world for free... have a relaxing, fulfilling job... AND follow their passion without compromising.

But you can be one of those lucky bastards.

I am one. And now it's your turn to join me.

Click here to get a copy of The Flight Attendant's Bible and get the job everyone wants.  

Don't miss this chance!

Right now, you're one button away from getting your dream job.

Think you got a better opportunity than this?

In this economy? I doubt it...

But remember: to make sure you don't waste a cent, I'm giving you The Flight Attendant's Bible for a 90-day trial.

Give it an honest try, what have you got to lose?

There's a button below. Click it and start your adventure today:

Let the fun begin!

PS: Why sit and watch someone else live the life you wanted?

Why shouldn't you be the one to travel around the globe, party like a rockstar, get access to cultures you've always wanted to know firsthand... and have the time to follow your passions? 

And as a little bonus: You'll have the BEST stories to share with your friends, I guarantee it! You'll be the life of every party, dinner or date!

Just give it a try! You don't risk a thing.

You're covered by my 90 Day Money Back Guarantee... so feel free to go crazy with it (I mean the button below, of course)


Unlock the Secrets of Your Business, Manage Your Costs and Earn More Money

Quickbooks University Training Tutorials Download quickbooks-university-best-quickbooks-training-tutorials.pdf

Unlock the Secrets of Your Business, Manage Your Costs and Earn More Money

Attention Quickbooks Users!

"Ultimate Treasure-Trove Of Easy QuickBooks Tutorial Videos Ever Crammed Into One Product... And It's Never Been This Easy, Affordable, And Quick To Learn."

We Guarantee You that You Will Master the Quickbooks Software Super Fast And Finally Unlock the Secrets of Your Business, Manage Your Costs and Earn More Money.

Listen, if you've been using QuickBooks, there's a good chance you're not using it properly and you're flushing money down the toilet.

...INSTEAD, you can learn everything there is to know about QuickBooks. (And save time and money, AND skyrocket your profits while doing it!!) Sound Good?

From: Mat Hultquist, 10:17 AM

Dear Friend,

Hi there! It's me Mat. I'm a practicing CPA in Greenville, South Carolina. I have been self-employed as a CPA for 15 years, and have worked, and continue to work with, businesses of all sizes each and every day to properly use Quickbooks so they can grow their business.

If you would like to understand and utilize QuickBooks to its full capacity, and save time and money in the process, then you must keep reading.

Listen, Here's Why:

My tutorial course The QuickBooks University - covers everything you need to know about QuickBooks, including how to unlock the secrets of your business, manage your costs, spend less time working on your books, and earn more money! Sounds great, huh?

Imagine being able to improve your profits by up to 200%. Wouldn't that be great?

Or what if you could use QuickBooks to automate some functions of your business? How much time could that free up? 10 hours per week? 20 hours per week? Do you think your family might enjoy that extra time with you? How would that feel? Pretty good, right?

Imagine being able to spend less time working "in" your business and more time working "on" your business. Or maybe actually getting face time with customers and clients instead of being locked up in your office! Yes?! Finally! It truly is possible, but you need to know how.

That's what the QuickBooks University tutorial videos can help you to do.


A Little Background...

First, since you're here that means you probably searched "QuickBooks tutorials" and came upon me. Like me, you probably were surprised to find that the QuickBooks developer, Intuit, doesn't offer very effective tutorials. It seems silly to offer such a powerful tool and not have a great learning system in place, done by a professional who uses the software with REAL business owners like you day in and day out.

An obvious solution would be to simply go with another product that is easy to use and has tutorials. Frankly, there isn't another program out there that has the depth and scope that QuickBooks offers. It is incredible software and nothing else compares. So, the next step is to find a good tutorial offering out there.

Two problems... The content and quality are just plain awful. AND... WOW... most of them are $400, $600, and some upwards of $1,000! Unbelievable.

When Opportunity Knocks...

Well, some people would view that as being handed a bucketful of lemons, but I chose to turn this into an opportunity. After lots of trial and error, I personally mastered QuickBooks, and I got pretty darned good at teaching my clients how to be QuickBooks rock stars too. Some of my clients identified huge areas of waste, brought costs under control, and grew their profits as much as 200%.

So I decided to help people like you, the struggling small business owner, and put together all of my knowledge in a powerful, simple, easy video tutorial series. With QuickBooks University you can learn EVERYTHING there is to know about QuickBooks and you can do it quickly.

In my research I found out that 90% of QuickBooks users don't really understand all the ins and outs - the real power - of QuickBooks. They're using it for the bare minimum, and are practically throwing their money out the window by not using it to its full capacity.

Here some testimonials...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!"

Dear Mat

I have been a QuickBooks University user for 3 years now, and cannot thank you enough for making this tool available and at a reasonable price too. Even after taking a QuickBooks class at our local community college, I often found myself having questions in real-life application, and QuickBooks University has been there day and night, (even in the wee hours of the morning) with all the answers I've needed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Paula E. Johnson
Office Manager
Tim McGinnis Trucking
(March 2014)

"...helped me understand QuickBooks so much better,..."

Hi Mat,

I started keeping the books for my brother's cabinetry business a few years ago.

When I finally got frustrated enough, I went online and found your website with the videos. I purchased them immediately and watched all of them in the next few days. They helped me out so much that I've gone back to them several times to help figure out problems. Now, thanks to your videos that helped me understand QuickBooks so much better, I was recently hired to keep the books for a non-profit business and have been offered a job to keep the books for a large pizza company in our area.

I love your website because the videos are easy to understand and you can learn from the comfort of your own home for an excellent price.
Thanks so much Mat!
- Laura Stewart
Oklahoma (March 2014)

About the First Free Training Video!

The First Free Video teaches you How to Correctly Record your Sales in Quickbooks.

About 75% of all Quickbooks Users get this wrong - trust me!

Click at the image and sign up to get our Free Videos. They have to same High Quality of all my videos. Or choose a User Licence to get the full course right now.

Most Business Owners Spend Too Much Time Working "In" Their Business, And Not "On" Their Business.

Most business owners already clock in 60+ hours per week. Are you one of those guys or gals? It's really frustrating to see the average small business owner struggling to manage every day expenses, manage payroll, manage inventory, what's coming in, what's going out, when QuickBooks can make all these tasks a breeze. IF ONLY THEY KNEW HOW TO USE IT RIGHT!

If You Like to Learn Quickbooks Painlessly, Quickly And Easily then the Quickbooks University is Your Answer..!

But don't take only our word for it. Check out my Free Videos!

Let us proof you the quality of our course and signup to our Newsletter to get several HQ videos, identical to the videos you get in the full course, completely for free. The 3 videos mentioned cover some key issues about Quickbooks which I bet 85% of all users do register wrong

You'll discover in those videos 3 crucial tricks you MUST know if you use Quickbooks. We will send to you important news and more lessons and free videos if you are one of our subscribers so don't miss out on that opportunity. Click at one of the video Images and sign up to get access to all our free content.

About The Second Free Training Video!

In this Video I teach you How to Correctly Record your Credit Cards in Quickbooks.

Make sure you know this part!

Click at the image and sign up to get our Free Videos. They have to same High Quality of all my videos. Or choose a User Licence to get the full course right now.

Understanding Quickbooks will increase your profits and free up your valuable time. Wouldn't you like to get more face time with clients and customers? Wouldn't you like to spend more time with your family? Without having to worry about the minutia of day to day business operations?

No CPA Required...

Anyone can do this. You don't have to be a CPA or MBA to master QuickBooks. (Heck, you don't even have to be good at math.) You just need the right tools. And QuickBooks University has all the tools you need.


I make the system easy - easy to learn, easy to use, and all you have to do is walk through the door and take action... that's it. Everything is provided to you step-by-step and point-by-point.

I've proven that ANYONE can learn QuickBooks. I've proven it time and time again for over 10 years. With the right instruction, you can learn QuickBooks too.

I've Helped My Clients Increase Profits As Much As 200%, And Save Tons Of Time In The Process... If They Can Do It, So Can You!

Look, can you follow instructions and take some action? If so, then take the first step and buy QuickBooks University right now. You can start learning right now. And I make it sooooo incredibly easy for anyone to learn. You don't have to be a CPA or professional bookkeeper to learn and fully utilize QuickBooks.

Get instant access to 38 awesome QuickBooks training videos (+ 12 additional Advanced videos for buying the Full Business License) explaining in great detail WHAT you have to do to manage your accounts using QuickBooks. You will learn finally HOW to use QuickBooks to enjoy the following benefits...

  • Higher margins, more ROI and more profits for your business
  • Fully automate your accounting tasks
  • Free up your time for more important things
  • Improve your cash flow management
  • Work on your business and not in your business
  • Make better business decisions based on more transparency

Simply, every element of The QuickBooks University is there because it is rock solid, tried and true. I've been a CPA for years - I've mastered everything about QuickBooks. My friends and clients call me the "QuickBooks Professor." (trademark pending, LOL!)

Look, I've put tons of effort into making these video tutorials into manageable chunks of information. I'm really good at breaking things down to the fundamentals and building up from there. I make it easy for you to become a "QuickBooks Pro" too.

I got close to charging $299 per month for access to these tutorials. Believe me, they're worth it. But I want as many people as possible to be able to take advantage of this opportunity, so I'm only charging $247 Limited Special Offer $147 for the Multi User Business License, and for the Basic License $147 Limited Special Offer $97 , that's ONE TIME and not a subscription with monthly payment.

As you can see, I'm not looking to get rich here. But I do have to exercise good business sense and at least make some money on it, right?

Look, I've put together volumes of knowledge in an easy to learn, easy to digest, and easy to apply manner. The knowledge is there waiting for you - now YOU can reap the rewards of my efforts! Sound good?

"Here's A Glimpse At What You'll Learn With the QuickBooks University!"

  • Step by step instructions, clearly spelled out.
  • No room for misinterpretation! All in plain English.
  • Stop paying a bookkeeper! Do it yourself and do it better!
  • 24/7 access from wherever you are
  • 1 month Q & A Forum for Business License, optional for Single User License.
  • Eliminate the mystery and take hold of the mastery of QuickBooks!
  • Increase profits by as much as 200%

...And that's just a fraction of what you'll find out with "QuickBooks University." That's why you should get these videos, Right Now! (in fact, you can get started in just a few short minutes!). Here's another testimonial from Kim.

"I Google'd any Bad Reviews and there are NONE"

"Having legal experience in probating successions, I have a good understanding of money. Money in and money out; assets in and assets out, until everything zeros out. Money in is assigned to an account, money out is assigned to an account. It's getting those accounts correct so that everything behind the scenes in QB comes together correctly. And I appreciate how QB is working behind the scenes.

I have attempted to go thru QB for Dummies and the QB tutorial cd that QB offered. Neither of these compare to your phenomenal training. Your method makes me enjoy learning QB and you make it look so easy. It is easier to learn, comprehend, and apply the actions by watching and listening to you explain it. You can't get that from the Dummies book or cd. I am on 6b. As I go thru the videos I make a list of questions. Those questions are usually answered as I go along further thru each video.

This is a great program. Just so you know, I google'd any bad reviews and there were NONE.

Once I have completed the program, I may have questions. We have an e-commerce clothing line, have invested our own money, are waiting for our designs to be manufactured in New York, and are using PayPal for our transactions between customers. For right now, it is just my daughter and I, we have no employees.

Thanks again! Now, to get back to my training!!!"

Kim (Feb 2014)

Spending Hours On End Trying To Figure Out How To Fit All Of It In... Payroll, Expenses, Inventory, Operations Management... You're Driving Yourself Nuts.

You Can Automate So Much Of This Stuff!

Look, most business owners just use QuickBooks for writing checks, paying some bills, and processing some transactions. QuickBooks has so much more potential that you're not using! You can do tons more with it and spend less time using it.

Don't be "most" business owners. Most business owners don't realize they've got a goldmine of potential in their hands. It's like they're leaving money out on the street, waiting for other people to scoop it up. Use QuickBooks the right way and you can scoop up that money!

This is your opportunity to learn QuickBooks easily and learn it fast. Most people spend years trying to figure it out. Or worse, they mess with it for a bit and quickly give up, or they pay someone more knowledgeable to do it. Throwing away more hard earned money. QuickBooks University is your answer. Your FOOT IN THE DOOR. ... Do you get it now?

What Will You Actually Learn? (Watch the video and see it by yourself)

Are You Serious About Growing Your Profits?

Are You Really?

What If You Could Spend Less Time Stuck Behind A Desk? More Time With Customers, Family, and Friends?

I bet you would feel tremendous! I bet you'd be ecstatic! I bet everything would be 10 times better and your outlook on the business world would change, wouldn't it?

Well that's why I'm providing this tremendous, comprehensive course for you right here and right now... to help you like I'm helping so many others!

...Isn't it time you start working smarter instead of working harder?

...Aren't you sick and tired of being sick and tired of staring at your computer screen all day?

...No more paying a bookkeeper to do work that you can AUTOMATE using QuickBooks!

... No more spending hours double checking your numbers, being worried about your inventory, your payroll, your everyday bills. You can eliminate all of these worries by having mastery of QuickBooks.

You can be a QuickBooks Pro, just like me.

Most People Are Content With The Status Quo Because They Never Truly Commit To Conquering Their Problem. Isn't it Time You Commit To Yourself, Your Family, and Your Business?

Let's Get Serious Here!

Instant Access - Even at 2 AM

"Sales tax may apply depending on your location. Payments can be made using Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or American Express"

About The Third Free Training Video!

In this Video I teach you How to Correctly Record your Bills and Accounts Payable in Quickbooks!

Make sure you know this part!

Click at the image and sign up to get our Free Videos. They have to same High Quality of all my videos. Or choose a User Licence to get the full course right now.

Let us proof you the quality of our course and signup to our Newsletter to get several HQ videos, identical to the videos you get in the full course, completely for free. The 3 videos mentioned cover some key issues about Quickbooks which I bet 85% of all users do register wrong

You'll discover in those videos 3 crucial tricks you MUST know if you use Quickbooks. We will send to you important news and more lessons and free videos if you are one of our subscribers so don't miss out on that opportunity. Click at one of the videos below and sign up to get access to all our free content.

If you are finally ready... finally serious... finally ready to take massive action, then I can help you and I'm here to do just that! Let's get you on the right track immediately and let's conquer this once and for all!

You owe it to yourself, your loved ones, your business, your employees, your customers, your bank account... (Shall I go on?) to get this done. I've prepared hard to give you the answers and I've set the table for you. You just have to take a seat and feast.

Figuring Out QuickBooks On My Own Wasn't Easy. Heck No. But I've Made It Super Easy For You.

You get to take advantage of my trials and errors, my mistakes, my learned lessons, my successes, all that hard work! It's all yours right here and right now! How incredible is that?

If You Are Ready To Learn How To FINALLY Take Control Of Your Business, Then QuickBooks UniversityIs The Best You Are Going To Find Anywhere Guaranteed!! Get These Tutorials Right Now:

To have someone reveal the steps like I do and the techniques like I do is priceless! Every question you could imagine - I have thought of it and answered it for you. And if you think of something that I didn't cover, ask me and I will get an answer for you! (But I know that I've covered it all!)

How much is that worth to you?

... To easily learn something that you thought would be difficult? How much is it worth to you to see an increase in profits? To free up hours of your valuable business and personal time? To significantly reduce your stress level?

Here's Why This Is A Smart Investment For You:

I have countless customers, like Richard here, who started from scratch. I know that building a solid foundation is critical to teaching something as complex as QuickBooks. Yet I've made it so easy for you to quickly learn an apply.

"I am getting a great foundation"
Very informative and well done. I knew nothing about QB when I began
viewing videos and feel I am getting a great foundation of understanding
this valuable tool.

Thanks again. - Richard Murphy. March 18, 2011 (on file)

Here's The Reason Why I'm Providing All Of This For You For Such A Tremendous Deal:

I'm frustrated with seeing so many business owners throwing away their money. They're either not using QuickBooks right, or they're throwing away thousands of dollars on classes that are put together poorly and with not enough information. It is seriously hard to watch. What you'll learn in this course, QuickBooks University works for my clients and I know it will work for you. You just have to take the next step and purchase the course. Buy now by clicking the buy now button... Right now!

So Let's Go! Let's Get Started!

Look, you can sit there and hope you magically learn QuickBooks by osmosis. It could happen. OR, you could take real action and learn it yourself. You can learn it so quickly and easily and use what you've learned to improve your business, save huge amounts of money, increase your profits, and lower your stress levels.


And we take ALL THE RISK on us. You will get an Iron Clad 100% satisfaction guarantee with your purchase.

Okay? So You Really Can't Lose! That's About As Fair As It Gets, Don't You Agree?

If you purchase the Quickbooks University Video Course today, I'll throw in a few bonuses that complement the Quickbooks University Video Course and keep your purchase a valuable investment, for life. Here are the Bonuses.

Bonus #1 - (Business License Only) 12 Additional Advanced Quickbooks University Videos!

Learn a few special tricks in Quickbooks like how to handle Petty Cash, avoiding Employee Theft, doing 1099′s in Quickbooks and much more....

  • Get 12 additional HD videos if you buy the Multi User Business License
  • Learn a few special tricks in Quickbooks like to handle Petty Cash, avoiding Employee Threft, doing 1099″s in Quickbooks and much more....(sold for $77 as a stabd alone product before)
  • All videos are downloadable, store them at your end

Bonus #2 - (Business License Only) One Month Free 1-on-1 Support over the Quickbooks University Private Forum!

Wish to get personal support from me for all your Quickbooks troubles? The Quickbooks University Private Member Forum gives you exactly that. Inside this exclusive Forum we speak openly about problems you have with Quickbooks so that all members can benefit

  • Get ONE-on-ONE access to me and Priority Support (a $99/mt real world value)
  • Ask your specific questions inside the Quickbooks University Forum
  • Access to all posts to learn the most from each case
  • Post any question related to your business and your Quickbooks problem
  • Exclusive Discount Offer for the Support Forum if you like to stay

Bonus #3 - ALL CLIENTS get 4 free Guides and Checklists for Financial Planning!

We like to help you with your financial planning so we included for ALL clients 4 short guides about planning your financials and some checklists.

  • Special Guide "How to Plan My Monthly Income"
  • Guide "How to Plan My Monthly Budget"
  • Special Guide "How to Plan My Quarterly Tax"
  • Special Guide "How to Plan My Emergency Funds"
  • Contractor Information Form, Expense Checklist and Travel expense Control Sheet

BONUS #4 - All Clients Get Unlimited Updates For The Quickbooks University Video Tutorials!

If something changes with respect to the use of the Quickbooks software (bug free updates etc.) or if some accounting rules change - we'll update the videos and you get the new version for Free.

  • Your investment is locked into a lifetime user guarantee
  • Your product never expires. Quickbooks changes for good, we change
  • Get UNLIMITED Access to your tutorials, for LIFE

BONUS #5 - Special Discount Offers!

We have a great product with the Quickbooks University - Once purchased you will agree.

  • All Quickbooks University Clients Get Special "Clients Only" discount offers for the Forum and and new product launches. We also run some specials throughout the year,stay tuned.
  • Receive from time to time special free goodies only our members and clients are getting

But there is still an important question to answer.

What does the Multi User License cost?

Let's just recap what you will get with your investment if you purchase today

  • 38 Quickbooks training videos using the 2014 Quickbooks software
  • Over 6 hours of top notch Quickbooks Training
  • 12 Additional Advanced Video Tutorials (Multi User Only)
  • Unlimited Access to the Videos, FOR LIFE
  • Lifetime Upgrades, Your Investment NEVER Expires
  • Free Financial Planning Guides and Checklists
  • 1 Month Forum Access for Free One-on-One Support (Multi User Only)
  • Special Offers and Members Only Discounts for New Products
  • Choose between Individual User and Multi User License
  • With the Mutli User Business Licence - Videos are downloadable

Here's Your Free Training Video #3!

This Video teaches you How to Correctly Record your Bills and Accounts Payable in Quickbooks!

38 Awesome Videos and access to me in the Members Forum Are waiting just for you...

Finally, lets talk now about the "how much". You maybe know that in the US, a good CPA charges a fee of around $185/hour for personal support. Guess that rates are similar in other places around the world.

Creating 38 videos with over 6 hours of video training to teach you to get the job done with Quickbooks has a real time value of +$900 Dollars. And that's without writing the storyboard, preparing and editing the videos etc. and without the One-on-One Coaching over the User Forum.

You're looking at a real time value of way over $1,000 here...

But you won't pay anywhere near that much...

You maybe already researched some Quickbooks courses online, and could see some courses offered anywhere from $400, $500 and up to $1000 bucks.

But again, you won't pay anywhere near that much...

I'm also not charging $600...

Or $400...

All I ask for my course is $147 for the Multi User Business License if several users need to access the videos or you like to download the whole course. For individuals there is the $97 Basic License available, although you get less videos and no access to the Forum with the 1-On-1 Support.

That's correct, right now the Multi User License is only $147 to access the entire Quickbooks Univeristy Video Course plus the Advanced Video course and other special bonuses. If you improve your profit only a tiny bit you will make this investment back in no time.

The value I'm offering you today for the Quickbooks University Video Training along with all the bonuses is really a no-brainer.

I actually charge $247 for the Multi User License because any other course on that level can easily cost you $400. But if you purchase today, you will get it with a discount of $100 less - which I'm sure you'd agree is a steal.

So go ahead, Choose Your Licence And Click The BUY NOW button below and start learning how to use the Quickbooks software correctly to increase your profits as soon as possible:

Choose Your Licence Below!

One Time Payment - Instant Access to the videos!

Instant Access - Even at 2 am

"Sales tax may apply depending on your location. Payments can be made using Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or American Express"

"I am getting a great foundation"

Very informative and well done. I knew nothing about QB when I began viewing videos and feel I am getting a great foundation of understanding this valuable tool.

Thanks again.

- Richard Murphy

March 18, 2011 (on file)


PS. Remember, you're covered by my "No-Questions-Asked" 100% Money Back Guarantee. All the risk is on me, and all the benefits are on you. If it turns out that you don't like the Quickbooks University Video Course, simply contact me before 60 days after your purchase at quickbooksuniversity[at]gmail.com and I'll promptly refund you in full.

PPS. Again, those prices will not last forever and the course can go up at any time. So, act fast to lock in your savings now.

PPPS. Which one is more valuable to you? My course for $97 (single licence) or getting up to 200% more profits in just weeks? I'm sure the answer is the latter...

Make more profit by Clicking the BUY NOW button below to get started immediately:


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Earn Your Online High School Proficiency Diploma I Secret GED LoopholeSecret G.E.D. Loophole Download secret-g-e-d-loophole-graduate-today-without-ever-leaving-home.pdf

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Welcome to Secret G.E.D. Loophole Program

Secret G.E.D. Loophole Program offers the best value in distance education - combining reasonable tuition and top-quality curriculum in online format. .

Attending one of the online High Schools we recommend will allow you to earn your diploma faster than you ever thought possible - up to ten times as fast as traditional classroom high schools.

Our Services Featured On...

General High School

Secret G.E.D. Loophole's General High School program is designed for students to earn their high school diplomas and then enter college or the workforce in the field of their choice.

Tutoring Services


Secret G.E.D. Loophole's College Preparatory program is designed for students who plan to earn their high school diplomas and then enroll in college or professional. With the help of our qualified teachers, you shall not fail a test ever again!!

Independent Program

Secret G.E.D. Loophole offers self-paced programs to help adults, resident high school students at public schools, and private schools earn their diplomas with make-up and supplemental courses at a very reasonable price.

Did you know that in 2014 there is an undiscovered G.E.D. alternative, and legal, way to earn your high school equivalent without getting a GED?

This secret alternative method is a back-door entry that involves a loophole in the system that provides you with a simple and legitimate way of earning your High School equivalency certificate that could change your life forever. Very few people know about this back-entry strategy and even fewer have actually used it, but you can be one of the few by following our specific guide!

The U.S. Department of Education is forced by law and legally obligated to give you a second chance to earn your High School diploma or its equivalent if you use this simple, yet secret, strategy. No matter how long ago you were in school you will still have the opportunity to use this loophole to finally earn your High School diploma or its equivalent. All you have to do is take advantage of our secret method and you can be on your way to being the proud owner of a High School certificate.

Very few people know about this legal loophole to earn their GED alternate and we are ready to share it with you! We will show you every step, contact, and registration process necessary to earn your certificate in our simple strategy. You can have this all set up in a matter of 5 minutes.

Ignore the so-called 'fail safe" ways to earn your GED or Diploma online. Unlike those sites, our method has nothing to do with any scam, and the certificate you receive through one of our recommended schools is 100% legitimate! Our strategy is based on documented loopholes that exist in the system that we help you navigate to without the hassle of a diploma mill.

Don't get fooled by schools with a fake degree.

In fact, you should to know that currently no legal GED is available online. Any website claiming to offer a GED online is simply a scam. Don't be fooled by these websites. While they might look legitimate and professional these websites are actually bogus and have no basis in reality. They may even advertise their credentials but a quick GOOGLE search will reveal the facts about their organization. You can only take the exam at an official testing site in your region.

We are finally opening our secret up to people like yourself to share this often overlooked secret on the path to a high school certificate, and it is time for you to take advantage of it. If you want to learn the secret, follow the links below to discover how you can earn your degree without going back to school!

When You Join Today

You do not have to attend GED prep classes or drive to a testing center or even leave your home.

  • There is NO interview
  • There are NO classes to attend
  • There are NO questions asked
  • Only 5 test & an Essay to take
  • There ARE tutors should you need extra help
  • Diploma will be accepted by Colleges and Employers
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

Tuition varies on which program you decide to choose, and payment plans are available for all students. You can get started with as low as $49.00 down. One of the course programs are comparable in price to the GED Test of $140 and you can retake a test as many times as you like at no extra cost.

Secret Discounts

Discounts for students scammed with a fake degree. Discounts for illegal immigrant, or a student with a parent that is in the military, army, navy..etc. There are discounts for you up to 40% off tuition. Find out how to get these discounts.


All of our programs can be completed completely 100% online from the comfort of your home and at your own pace. Get started the same day! Students accepted worldwide.


Never fail a test again. We have an unlimited and affordable option that gives students continuous access to online tutors, so they can get help with nearly any subject or challenge


What others are saying:

I was reluctant about joining your services at first, but after doing my research I was glad I did! I have earned my diploma and now I have enrolled into college. I'm so excited and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you for all your help.

- Mary Symanski


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get my ged alternative and for all the discounts you guys provided which helped me a whole lot. I graduated in four days and now my girlfriend has signed up with you because she wants to get hers so she can pursue her dreams of going to college.

- Joshua Dicicco Richmond Hts, OH.


I am a mother three and I just wanted to write and tell you all thank you, thank you, thank you! I would recommend you guys to EVERYONE. I was unable to attend the GED classes because of my schedule and lack of child care, but with your service I was able to receive my diploma in two days and the best part was that I was able to do it all from home!

- Emma Smith Austin, Texas


Thanks you very much for offering your services. I was not sure if you guys were legit or not but glad I took a chance. Will def recommend everyone I know to you guys!!

Tina Brown Cleveland, Ohio.


I dropped out of high school my Junior Year, but thanks to you guys I was still able to graduate with a high school diploma a few months after my 18th birthday! The schools you recommend are awesome!

James Robinson Winnetka, Illinois

Don't Miss This Exclusive


I think it is in your best interest to take advantage of this loophole right now, before any new laws are passed that could close this loophole forever.

Here's my commitment to you. Within sixty (60) days, if for any reason after trying my system, you feel you've been lied to, misled or misinformed, you can and will receive: A 100 % - 60 Day money back guarantee. Either it works or you pay nothing. I am so confident in the content and quality of my guide, if for any reason the degree you earn through this guide is not regionally accredited and accepted by an employer or college, ASK FOR A FULL REFUND!

We use Clickbank as our payment processor, they are reputable and well-known and are registered with the BBB, so rest assure all transactions are secure and fully backed by 100% Guarantee. This is the golden opportunity you have been looking for. Why put yourself through any more rejection and financial frustration. Stop living paycheck to paycheck. Improve your life and you can completely change your financial future. Don't let fear hold you back. It's time to make your dreams come true!

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