
Banner Ad Blueprint

Banner Ad Blueprint

Against ridiculous odds...

[See Live Video Proof Below]

Forget expensive pay per click, tricky PPV and time consuming SEO and re-discover The Amazing traffic secrets Super Affiliates and Fortune 500 companies use to flood their websites with ultra cheap high converting clicks...

If you’ve ever wanted to see your sites and affiliate offers flooded with hyper targeted server crushing traffic that 99% of other marketers don’t even know about, then this is the most important letter you will ever read.

Here’s why:

About 2 years ago, and totally on a whim, I decided to give banner advertising a try through Google's content network.

To be honest it was a half-hearted test... but the results truly blew me away.

So much so that I instantly closed down all my PPC campaigns (even those making me $1500 a day), and threw my time into something that was insanely more profitable... 


I know right now that might sound practically ludicrous, but banners drive around 85% of ALL paid traffic, crushing Google, Yahoo and MSN combined... and the traffic is dirt cheap, massively abundant and high converting.

By the time you are done reading this letter, you will understand beyond the shadow of a doubt why 99% of internet marketers neglect to use them, and how the 1% that do can get incredibly rich incredibly fast...

Case in point, the last 30 days have seen me get $94,424. richer, have a look...


And actually this is just the start. 

I mentioned running banners profitably on the Google Content Network, but let me share with you the other sources I found and the fool-proof formulas I pieced together.

But back to my story...

I closed down campaigns that were making me $1500 a day...

And yeah, maybe you're thinking that banner ads are dead...

... after all, people have been saying that since the early 2000s.

But they're wrong. Dead wrong.

In fact, banners are so outrageously effective I was able to QUADRUPLE my profits while spending way less on advertising...

I started seeing paydays like this:

Word got out on my crazy figures, and people started to approach me for personal coaching, so I took on a few students...

... and do you know what happened?

They made thousands of dollars in their very first week... not all of them, but some... and a few are on target to bring in millions of dollars this year.

Crazy huh?

When I saw my students succeeding so fast, I realized I had to release this information out into the world... so I locked myself away over the Christmas period like some kind of mad scientist, and poured everything I knew into a series of cutting edge, extreme hardcore content videos.

And now it's finally ready...


Banner Ad Blueprint - Your key to making serious money as soon as possible by doing the simplest things you can imagine

  • Make money almost immediately
  • Get started for next to nothing
  • Never ever worry about traffic, products, or anything else EVER again...

Here's the scoop - If you've got even a passing interest in making money online... or even if you're looking to create the biggest income you can imagine...

... then this is it. You've finally found what you've been searching for.

I wasn't kidding when I said this page would change your life...

Banner Ad Blueprint is going to show you EXACTLY how to go from a standing start to making serious money... and it's all revealed in detail, using very high quality video...

All you need to do is watch the videos, copy what you see, and you're done.

Believe me, this is possibly the EASIEST money I've ever made, or seen anyone else make online. It's like legally robbing banks.

But listen, you shouldn't take my word for that... listen to someone who was once in your position

Cher Pearce, UK

Cher's just one of the people making crazy money from these techniques...

Check out just a hint of what you'll discover in this 12 hour video course:
  • How to get started making the easiest money of your life as soon as possible, with almost no cost and hardly any actual effort... you can be up and running within the hour, and the profits can last for YEARS
  • How to get paid over and over again by using banner ads to promote other people's products... and I'm not talking about the same old affiliate nonsense you always see...
  • Where to get torrents of traffic that's eager to check out WHATEVER you're offering... I'll show you how to focus so tightly that site visitors will almost have to take whatever action you want them to...
  • How to use direct linking to make cash whenever you want it, on demand... sometimes it's NOT about throwing up a landing page and preselling or building a list, sometimes it really is about quick and dirty profits
  • How to make money from all different sources... sure, Clickbank is cool, but there's a big wide world out there so I'll show you all kinds of places that will help you get rich... you can write your own paycheck, whenever you want to
  • The right way to make a killing if you do decide to use a landing page... you'll know exactly how to force your visitor to buy, opt in, or whatever, and you'll be able to squeeze your traffic for every last red cent...
  • Where to find famous brands to promote for big affiliate commissions... and with names this big, they convert like crazy... almost nobody knows how to get into these affiliate programs... but I'll show you exactly how
  • Exactly what banner sizes to use... and how you can get super-effective, custom designed banners for FREE... banner advertising doesn't have to be about spending hours with photoshop anymore...
  • The one, painfully simple tweak you can make to your campaigns that will boost your bottom line by up to 75% - you'll kick yourself if you haven't been doing this, and you really could be just seconds from getting that big boost...
Here's what all that means to you-

You could literally make money with this stuff within the hour...

Literally ... within an HOUR...

I'm not kidding, and I'm not exaggerating.

I'll show you where to find hot stuff to promote - and I mean stuff that converts - I'll show you how to get hordes of hungry traffic to it, and I'll show you how to do that over and over.

Seriously, you could watch just a couple of these videos, and be making money immediately.

And that's what this is about right?

Absolutely... And This Is
What It's Not About...

This is not one of those lame marketing ebooks that just tells you to grab a Clickbank account, spray some links around and pray that somehow you get traffic and commissions.

No way - in fact, it couldn't be further from that.

First of all, it's all video. There are 38 videos in total, and you'll see me demonstrating live on my screen, exactly what you need to do. You could even open up another window and work alongside me... that's how simple it is.

Also, you're getting a lot more than just Clickbank here.

Don't get me wrong, you can make millions through Clickbank... but the truth is, the smart affiliates in the world know there's plenty of other places to make a quick killing...

So you'll see:
  • How to use CPA and banner ads to generate ASTOUNDING amounts of money... (one of my students is pulling in $20k a DAY through these techniques alone... no exaggeration)
  • How to find the most lucrative independent affiliate programs you can imagine... there's little competition with these things, but the world is packed full of hungry buyers actively searching for YOUR link...
  • How to make easy cash with Clickbank Info Products using Banners...  most people struggle with Clickbank because they're doing it wrong (probably with PPC or SEO)... if you're tired of outdated hit and miss techniques, you simply owe it to yourself to try my methods out... 

But again, I don't expect you to take my word for any of this...

... so here's proof of exactly how profitable these techniques can be in all kinds of places...

Oh and hey... if you're worried that this thing is just going to tell you to use those irritating CPA networks that are real hard to get approved by, don't.

A few days after you're officially apart of our Elite Banner Group, there's going to be a special link for you to get into an Exclusive Affiliate Network that 98% of other affiliates don't even know about... (This is Not Public, and may never be...)

There's a ton of ways to make money in here, and the evidence above proves that.

You see, the whole point of something like this is to help you make more money, so you can enjoy life a little more.

So what will your life be like once you've got your new business set up?

Picture it...
You wake up at the crack of whenever the heck you want...

... then drift from your luxury bedroom down to the kitchen for some coffee and breakfast. While you wait for the coffee, you flip open the laptop and check some stats...

... And Notice You Just Made
Another  $1700 While You Slept

Actually, who am I kidding? These days you don't even need to open the laptop to check that stuff... you can do it with your phone...

So once you've checked that everything's okay, you hit your home gym, and then maybe put in some laps around your (indoor) pool.

After that the day is yours... so you can sit out on the deck watching the ocean (of course, your new house is on the beach) or maybe go shopping... spend some time with family or friends... whatever.

And that's the real key isn't it? Free time. Time to do whatever you want, whenever you want.

No more doing what other people tell you to do, no more wasting your time at a job.

Let's level with each other - you'd love to be able to walk away from your day job for good right? Wouldn't it be cool to tell your bosshole he can just get off his fat ass and do it himself? To no longer have to answer to him or anyone else?

Believe me, when you get to that point, it's AMAZING.

I'll never forget when it happened to me, and you won't forget when it happens to you... and right now I'm giving you the tools to get there...

Here's a little more of what's inside:
  • The simple, 2 step method for making big money in the quickest time possible... this is so effective some of my private students have made thousands in their first few weeks... and they now make so much they don't do anything BUT this...
  • How to make serious recurring income using banners that you can get for literally zero cost... I don't know about you, but I really like to make money from stuff that's free...
  • The top secret website almost everybody overlooks, but will provide you with the cheapest, most targeted traffic you can imagine... and it takes just MINUTES to get it set up... this alone is a game changer
  • How to quickly and easily create banners that get high click throughs every single time... I'll reveal my 2, super effective styles that you can copy to create your own insanely successful banners in almost no time at all... even if you've never done anything like this before
  • Why affiliate programs with the LOWEST possible payout are sometimes the key to suddenly having a crazy four or five figure payday... and let's be honest, five figure paydays are what it's all about...
  • How to track exactly what every single visitor is doing, what they're looking at, what they're clicking on and EVERYTHING else you could need to know about your page... once you've got this information you can turn ANY web page into a visitor magnet that sucks in clicks and money like an industrial vacuum
  • Copy the exact emails I use to get site owners to supply me with hot, hungry traffic for the lowest costs imaginable... seriously, once you can do this you'll never struggle for traffic again... and all you need to do is copy and paste
  • Watch in real time as I create an effective banner in less than 10 minutes, from scratch... you'll be able to to do the same - one powerful banner like that can be enough to cover your car payments, your mortgage, whatever you need for years to come...
  • Where to place your ads for maximum PROFITABLE clicks... we both know there's no point getting clicks on your ads if they're not going to turn into money... I'll show you how to prevent this, and maximize the "money" clicks

You're probably starting to see just how powerful this is... and here's more success stories:

Goeff, UK


Matias Leiva, USA

Here's The Truth Behind Banner Advertising...
You've probably been hearing for years that banner ads are over, banners don't make money, people are wasting their time with banners and all kinds of other stuff.

The simple fact is, those ideas are completely wrong...

Truth is, banner advertising is responsible for more web traffic than you could even imagine... and I'm really not kidding when I say people do NOT want you to know that...

Check out the SECRETS below... once you know this stuff, you'll wonder why nobody ever told you before, I guarantee it.

Banner Ad Secret 1-

It's estimated that 95% of all paid web traffic comes from actual sites, not search engines, PPC, or anything else. That means people clicking links from one site to another... as in advertising. Think about that - if you've been working with SEO or PPC, you've been leaving 95% of the money on the table without even realising.

Banner Ad Secret 2 -

It's ALSO estimated that 75-85% of that paid traffic comes from banners. So if you honestly believed people don't click on banners anymore, well, that's about as much proof as you could need. If you're not involved in this already, you're literally leaving most of the money for other people to make... and it's only going to get BETTER, because thousands of new sites come online each day...

Banner Ad Secret 3 -

The traffic you can get from banners is actually some of the most targeted, interested traffic you can possibly get. You see, by advertising on sites that are relelevant to whatever you're promoting, you're already narrowing down the market to those that may buy... and when those people click, they're narrowing it even more!

Now that you know those secrets, it's hard to see how banners aren't the way forward isn't it?

Listen, you probably don't need me to tell you how good it would be to start a successful business right now, today...

... but we both know having unlimited, targeted traffic would make things a whole lot easier.

Once you take out the stress of having to find traffic, and find stuff that converts (I'll cover you for both, in a ton of different ways), running an online business is easy.

Same with your job. I don't have to tell you how great it would be to not answer to anybody else...
... because we both know how hard it is to drag your butt to that awful job every day (believe me it was no fun forcing my ass out washing cars in the depths of winter).

So listen, I want to level with you...

... if you've got ANY kind of business smarts (and you must do to be reading this page), you're going to have lightbulb moment after lightbulb moment as you go through these videos.

I'm serious - you'll have so many hardcore money making ideas you'll be falling over yourself to get started.

In fact, I'll guarantee you get KILLER ideas the very first time you go through the course (more on that guarantee in a second)

First though...

I Have A Confession For You...

You already saw how I used to make a ton of money from PPC right?

Well, it's totally true, I really was a self-confessed PPC-aholic. My adspend was in the tens of thousands per month... and I lived and breathed pay per click.

But now I need to tell you something about it. I just have to get it off my chest. And yes, it may get under your skin a little bit, but I promise you I mean every single word of what I'm about to say...

PPC is doomed...

Seriously, it really is.

Think about it for a second - what happens to almost every single PPC campaign you ever run?

The price rises. You have to start paying more per click... 


... either because some yahoo comes in and starts outbidding you...

... or because Google start goofing around with your Quality Score.

Or sometimes, let's face it, the price just rises and you have no idea why.

It gets worse every day... but you know what else? It will CONTINUE to get worse, as long as there is an endless parade of suckers who keep throwing money at Google and the other PPC providers.

So right now, if you're using PPC to run your business, your days are numbered.

You're always going to be fighting a losing battle, and your profits will get thinner and thinner.

And that's why the techniques I'm revealing are so great... it gives you actual freedom again...

... no worries about quality score, no problems with being outbid, no headaches from Google yanking your ads for no reason at all.

In fact, you won't even be DEALING with Google, so they've got no say in your business, ever.

You just get traffic when you want it - you're in the driving seat. No nasty surprises, and no more having to babysit everything, just in case something bad happens and you lose money.

With the power of a system like this you really can live the "autopilot income
lifestyle everyone talks about...

Here are a few other things you'll discover that make this system a PPC killer...
  • How to turn away from PPC and instead make some of the easiest, largest sums of money you can imagine, without relying on Google and living in fear of them and their dreaded slaps... which let's face it, happen more and more often these days...
  • Where to get your ads displayed millions of times, for just PENNIES... if you've got even an awful banner, millions of impressions will add up to some serious traffic... and I'll show you how to make a LOT of money from this...
  • The secret Google PPC tool that will allow you to go deep into any niche, with any offer, and seriously clean up using banner ads - this thing is completely underground and top secret, but best of all, it's completely free...
  • How to get into media buying for the lowest dollar cost possible... other guys will tell you it costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get started... but I'll show you how to get the whole thing on the road for less than $20... no kidding
  • Where to find the exact high traffic _____ that will let you kick your income through the roof, without ANY further work... sometimes it's just all about scale, and once you start making money you can easily just pump up the volume and watch the money multiply
  • How to get a ton of traffic, that's hot, targeted, and almost completely overlooked... you'll literally be cashing in on floods of hungry visitors that other guys are just completely missing out on...
  • The top secret website almost everybody ignores, but will provide you with the cheapest, most targeted traffic you can imagine... and it takes just MINUTES to get it set up... and once it's set up, you can leave it for months on end with no further input
  • How to use simple, easy websites to find out what kinds of banners will make money, and exactly where you should be placing them – imagine the power of knowing how effective each banner would be, and how much money it's going to bring in before it goes live...
  • Why _____ __________ can give your banner ads even more power... this little tweak puts the whole thing on steroids, but it's almost like a dark industry secret and I've NEVER seen anyone else reveal it, or anything even close to being this powerful...
  • Where to go to find out exactly what niches are hungriest, how to make quick money, whatever the niche, and how to immediately start bringing in tons of traffic from them... there are people out there dying to spend money in any niche, and you'll find them...
  • How to make sure you get the whole thing started and make serious money as FAST as possible... online business really doesn't have to be about waiting weeks or months to see profit, and I'll show you the hard and fast ways to make cash quicker than you probably thought possible

Picture it for a second...

It's not unusual for one of my students to make $2000 in their first week with these dangerously effective techniques...

That would change your life a little bit wouldn't it?

Seriously, imagine how cool it would be to have already made $2k this time next week... being able to just call up your boss and tell him him to shove it.

No more sitting in traffic on the way to work, no more helping other people get rich, no more dealing with the daily BS of having a job and working to make other people rich.

And of course, if you made 2 thousand bucks in the first week, the next week it would be easy to make even more.
And the week after, and the week after that.

I'm really not exaggerating when I say I've seen my students get rich off this stuff. It's a great feeling.

So what would it be like for you?

Where would you live? What car would you drive? What would you do for your family? What would you do with all your free time?

Seriously, if you want to:
  • Make serious money as fast as possible
  • Have an autopilot income so you can experience true freedom
  • And finally start to get somewhere in your life...
Then Banner Ad Blueprint is exactly what you need.

I'm not just saying that either - look at what these techniques have done for even more people:

Chris Bussa, USA


Tony V, USA


Tim Davis, USA

Here's what all this means to you right now-

You're just moments away from starting your new business... maybe less than an hour away from making some serious money.

Actually, speaking of money, you're probably wondering how much this is going to cost...

... so let's talk about that for a second.

Okay, So How Much Is It
To Cost Me?

The quick answer to that is nowhere near as much as you're thinking right now. I've worked very hard to make sure this is the biggest bargain you'll find all year, so I promise you right now it's a steal...

But right now, instead of thinking about how much it's going to cost you, think about how much money it's going to make you.

Because, you're a smart business person right? This is a business decision... and we both know that business decisions need to be made with profit in mind, as well as cost.

So let's think about it. We've already mentioned how some of my students are on target to make a million bucks this year... and how others have made thousands of dollars in their first week, and gone on to make much more...

If my students are making thousands and thousands of dollars in their very first month, imagine how much money you could be making if you put a few months into this.

You're looking at tens of thousands of dollars... even six figures.

... but let's be conservative about it.

Say you get started with this today, and it doesn't go well for you...

Let's say you're only able to make $2k in your first week...

No actually, let's be super conservative - let's talk about complete worst case scenarios... imagine you only manage $1000 - and then you never expand or build anything else up, so you just go on making that same thousand bucks a week.

That's $4k a month, from something that will just take a few hours to set up...

And let's be honest with each other here - an extra 4 grand a month is going to make a difference to your life isn't it?

How much would you pay right now, to have handed to you a business that delivers $4,000 a month?

To be honest, if someone offered me a $4k/month business right now for even as much as a thousand bucks, I'd jump on that opportunity with both feet.

I mean, to buy a franchise or something that was making a grand a week profit, you'd need to lay out probably $50k plus, easy.

Thankfully though, I'm not going to be asking you for $1000... in fact, not even half that.

If you move fast - like right now - you can get the whole course for just $297...
(STOP PRESS - I've arranged an insanely low price for you if you act now - read on to see just how low I'm willing to go...)
Phil, I've seen enough... let me in now

As if this wasn't the deal of the century already, that guarantee makes it something you honestly cannot afford to miss.

But listen, it won't last...

$297 $77 is the launch price only...  and I'm not kidding here. This isn't some kind of marketing gimmick. There are more than 36 videos in this course, packed with hard hitting, money-making information.

You and I both know you don't usually get content like that from a $77 product... so when I say this is a launch price only, I'm DEADLY serious...

To be blunt, you need to pull the trigger, or miss out for good, so hit the button NOW:

Look, I don't want to waste your time here, so I'm just going to come out and say it:

This Should Be The Easiest 
Decision Of Your Life...

On the one hand you can choose to ignore it, and carry on as you were. Struggle to pay bills, hate your job, just be generally unhappy with your life. And you can continue getting sucked into the "get rich quick" garbage, and wasting money.

Or you can listen to me. I've given you proof of how much I'm making from these techniques. You've seen how much my private students are making, and how quickly they've been able to do it. You've also seen that this isn't some snake oil package... this is a real opportunity to start a real high profit business.

So what sounds better?

Being stuck in a dead-end job, never managing to escape and live the life you know you deserve. Constantly worrying about making enough to stay afloat, and living with the fear of cut backs, lay offs, and all kinds of other scary stuff. It's a sad fact that over 10% of Americans have been laid off through this recession...




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100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats - Low calorie snacks that taste great. Natural - Sugar Free - No Cook - Living Nutrition for Living Bodies.

100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats - Low calorie snacks that taste great. Natural - Sugar Free - No Cook - Living Nutrition for Living Bodies.

There you are, trying to eat healthy when an attack of the munchies takes place and you end up throwing all your best intentions out the window. But it does not need to be this way...

Fast Food doesn't have to mean
Junk Food. If you're eating on
the run, or fighting off a snack
attack, you have alternatives. And
I'm NOT talking about rice cakes!

I'm no different than you. When I get hungry I reach for the closest thing to put in my mouth. But after years of mistreating my body, and ruining my figure, I got smart. Now you can get smart too.

strawberry cheesecake     carob fudge

Would you have thought uncooked snacks and
desserts made from raw healthy ingredients
could look and taste fantastic? Well, they can!

From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen (Healthy Snack Expert & Fitness Professional)

Between my life and my career, I'm constantly on the go. And although I always knew I should be eating healthy, it was just far too easy to drive up to the clown's mouth and order a bag full of fat and a side of mega calories. But one day I looked in the mirror and I wasn't happy at who was looking back at me.

At first I panicked. I'm smart enough to know that the secret to weight control is having an active lifestyle and consuming less calories than you burn. Well, I certainly was active, but the calorie part of the equation was working against me.

Determined to get those pounds off that I had gained, I started packing celery, carrots and rice cakes for my lunch every day. Let me tell you, it wasn't too long before I was sneaking back to the drive-thru to get my french fry fix.

One day I was crying on a co-worker's shoulder about how I was starting to feel like a rabbit instead of a woman, when she said "Relax, have some White Chocolate Gogi Fudge." "Yeah, right," I said. "You're some friend tempting me with junk food."

What she said next stopped me in my tracks

"Honey, this is low calorie food. I'm not kidding." I took a bite and, like the leading lady in a 1930's film, I almost swooned. That was some fine-tasting fudge. I'll tell you that.

Turns out that she had received the recipe from a friend of hers who was into health and nutrition. But, like most of us, she had a bit of a sweet tooth. Instead of undoing all the good things she had done each day to take care of her body, she created a fudge recipe that was actually healthy. "Hmm," that got me to wondering...

If there was a recipe for healthy, low calorie fudge that tasted this good, what else was out there that I was missing?

I became a woman on a mission. I started tapping into my fitness network and, believe it or not, I discovered that there were plenty of good-tasting, low calorie, sugar and chemical-free 100% healthy recipes for things I would have never imagined.

But before I go into all that, let me tell you why I am uniquely qualified to reveal my secret recipes

My name is Carolyn Hansen. I'm a former National Champion Bodybuilder, a health and fitness author, and a co-owner of two health clubs in New Zealand. I rub shoulders with people who live, breathe and eat fitness. Sadly, despite my background, I was often tempted to eat things that I knew I shouldn't. You probably are too, right?

And it's because I move around so freely in the health and fitness circles that I was particularly astounded to discover how many healthy home-made snack recipes were floating around out there.

When I started asking my friends why I hadn't heard of half of the stuff I was discovering, they simply said "we figured you already knew."

After I finished my healthy home-made snack food investigation, I narrowed down my recipe list to the Top 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats, and put them all in an easy-to-follow recipe book.

These are the perfect recipes for woman, men, and children too. They are simple to make, don't take very much time. This means you can have delicious and nutritious snacks headed towards your mouth any time you want them.

And remember -- I'm NOT talking about rabbit food here!


100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats

The definitive guide to good tasting snack
foods that only sounds fattening
100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats

Each of the 100 recipes in my book at guaranteed mouth-watering. Plus there are no chemicals and no added sugar. What's more, these treats are so easy to make that even your children can whip some up for their school lunch every day!

So you think that healthy can't be delicious too? Check these recipes out:

  • Almond Cookies
  • Caramel Dream Bars
  • Cherry Choco Cookie
  • Chocolate Gogi Lemon Bar
  • Coconut Fudge Bars
  • Freezer Cookies
  • Frozen Vanilla Bliss
  • Ginger Snap Bars
  • La La Lemon Chia Bars
  • And, of course, the one that started it all for me: White Chocolate Gogi Fudge

These are just 10 of the 100 healthy, nutritious and delicious recipes for snack foods that almost create themselves!

If you want to start eating healthier, and have your taste buds thank you for doing it, you really need to do the right thing for yourself and download a copy of 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats right now.

And even thought I know that you are going to absolutely salivate when you start eating my 100 healthy snacks, maybe you're not convinced. That's why I'm going to remove ALL of the risk so you'll have no problem making up your mind!

My Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee
money back guarantee seal Simply download your copy of 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats right now for just $27. Then take a FULL 8 WEEKS (56 Days) to read it and digest all of the information found inside.

Then, if this book isn't everything that I say it is; if it isn't everything that you HOPE it is, just let me know anytime within 56 FULL DAYS and I'll give you your money back.

That's how convinced I am that this is the most amazing healthy snack food recipe book you have ever seen!

That's right. You can download 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats right now for just $27 and take a FULL 8 WEEKS (56 DAYS) to read it from cover to cover. Then, if you decide that 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats isn't everything I say it is; if it isn't everything you HOPE it is, simply tell me any time within 8 FULL WEEKS and you'll get your money back. We'll part as friends. It doesn't get any better than this. You have nothing to lose!


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YES I want to start eating healthier and have my taste buds thank me for it by getting my own copy of 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats for just $27!

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Now is the time to take advantage of this valuable no risk offer and start feeding healthy and delicious snacks to yourself and your family.

So if you really are serious about eating healthy, and having your taste buds thank you for it, you MUST
download 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats RIGHT NOW so you stop talking into a clown's mouth form the front seat of your car.

Do the right thing for yourself and your family by downloading your copy of 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats right now. Your taste buds never had it so good.

carolyn hansen

To Your Healthy Eating,

carolyn hansen signature

Author, Nutrition Expert, Fitness Centre Owner,
& National Champion Bodybuilder

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Wordpress Original Content | Originizer

Wordpress Original Content | Originizer

Want more search engine traffic? Start using Originizer today!


 Never Worry About Duplicate Content Again!

Only $67

Buy Now!


REGISTER ORIGINIZER by clicking on "RETURN TO VENDORS SITE" after download

Start Using Originizer and Increase Your Traffic!

Originizer gives you the power to make all your content appear to be 100% Original to the search engines. If over time you have built a number of WordPress blogs, you know how difficult it can be to constantly update your blogs with fresh Original content. You may have even resorted to using some kind of content generator software to ease the burden of writing fresh content constantly.

Just out of curiosity are you using...

PLR Articles?

Caffeinated Content?

Syndicate Kahuna?

Any other automated content generator software?

Any duplicate content in your WordPress blogs?

If you answered YES to any of the above you need to start using Originizer now.

Originizer is the perfect solution for turning your duplicate content into 100% Original in the eyes of the search engines. It truly is a set and go installation. Whenever your blogs are populated with duplicate content it will appear to others as if you had just slaved for days creating Original content.

In reality...No slaving away... Just new 100% Original content without spending the time and effort, Originizer does all the work for you. This leaves you more time to spend on other important SEO activities.

Best of all is when you purchase Originizer you can install it on as many of your own WordPress blogs as you wish and have 100% Original content on every blog.

So what are you waiting for Buy Originizer Today... and have the search engines coming back over and over again for all that fresh 100% Original content.

Buy Now!

Only $67

Steve Says:

Wow. Originizer is one unbelievable wordpress plug-in!

Originizer does exactly what it says it will. I created a 20 page wordpress website full of PLR articles that were all duplicate content, did the copyscape test, and the whole website came back through copyscape as no duplicate content found.

All the content on my site was considered “Original”.

This script is great!

Steve P.

Peter Says:

What a fantastic plug-in!

I just installed Originizer on my blog and in no time Google indexed over 1000 pages. Everything on my site is duplicate content and Google still sends me traffic!

Peter G.

Bill Says:

Originizer performs as advertised. Originizer and M-Retriever makes my site look very professional and allows me to offer great information about the latest movies to my website visitors.

Bill B.



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Make a Fortune With iPhone Apps!

Make a Fortune With iPhone Apps!

"Learn How To Make a Fortune With iPhone Applications!"


Never Before Revealed Information!

Dear Friend,

Are you tired of working so hard for a paycheck that seems to be dwindling by the hour? Are you tired of having to worry about a job or looking for a job, only to be told that there is nothing available? Do you know that there are high school kids out there who are making more money than you do in a week in only one single day?

The internet is one of the best places to make money. There are many opportunities online, some of them actually work. One of the best ways to make money online is to understand the trends as well as be willing to work with technology. If you can do this, you can make a fortune online. You will never have to worry about your job again and will have all of the financial security that you need.

You need to be creative in order to make money this way. You have to have your finger on the pulse of pop culture and know what is hot and what is not. You can do this with very little technological skills as well as marketing skills if you follow a proper tutorial.

What would you say if I told you that a year ago, I was just like you. I was worried about my job, which wasn't even bringing in enough money to get by. My house was heading towards foreclosure and my bills were late. Then a friend told me about a way to make money online. Without having to invest much money at all. In fact, this method of creating a product that is in demand and selling it can actually be accomplished on a very limited budget (under $10) if you choose.


Sound too good to be true? It's Not!...

You can make money online when you use technology, which is all free online for the taking, to build web applications. But not just any web applications - special applications. Applications that are in hot demand right now and that people are clamoring to get.

Investing a few dollars will make it easier, but if you have no money to spare, you can do this with free download software and a website. A website, including a domain name, tools to build the site and a host can cost around $10 to start and $5 a month to operate. You can even get companies to host for free. After that, you just need to know the proper resources to use to get the word out to the public, for free in a great deal of cases, about your application.

The hottest technology to come on the market in a long time is the iPhone. Right now, Apple has introduced the G3 iPhone to the public and people are knocking themselves out to try to get the best applications. By making applications and selling them or distributing them online, you can make a lot of money.

iPhone Applications

An increasing number of people are getting iPhones that are very user friendly and do so much more than just a phone. In fact, a great deal of people are saying that technology such as the iPhone will soon replace technology that we have now, such as the laptop computer and regular phones.

Even if your technological expertise is limited, you can still make money using the iPhone applications. You just need to use the right type of tutorial to help you understand the concept and how to market the product once it is completed. This guide will teach you everything that you need to know about how to get started building an iPhone application, where you can distribute it and marketing skills that are necessary to sell the application.

Anyone can learn how to make money this way using these techniques.

In this kit, you will discover: 

1) What is an iPhone application?

This book will explain to you what an iPhone application is and how you can use it to make money. It will teach you the concept of building the application and what type of software you can use to create the application, or widget. It will even give you resources on how to get the application.

2) How to sell the iPhone application

After you have created a successful iPhone application, you will want to sell it. Our ebook explores the various ways that you can not only sell the applications, but how you can make money giving away the product as well. You will see how easy it is to actually make money in various ways with these very popular applications for the iPhone.

Here is a sample of what you will find inside this kit....

How Much Is That Worth To You?

For only $49, you can have the opportunity that you have always wanted. Live the dream of most people and watch your business of creating iPhone applications or making money from them flourish, without having to incur much risk at all. This guide teaches you everything that you need to know to be successful in this venture.

This guide is written in easy to understand language that makes it seem simple to get started. And do you know why? Because it is simple. You can download this ebook today and get started tomorrow - it's that easy!

I am so convinced that you will like this product that I am willing to put my money where my mouth is and give you a full guarantee that you will get your money back if you are not satisfied with what you read in this guide! That's right - if you fail to learn anything, get your money back. I'm THAT convinced that this is the right book for you! Get it now for only $49.95.



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How To Create Digital Product Covers And Graphics Video Tutorials!

How To Create Digital Product Covers And Graphics Video Tutorials!


Photoshop Master Tutorials will train you in all areas of graphic design with 23 quick and easy video tutorials on..

Header creation
eCover creation

Web 2.0 creation
Text reflection
Button graphics

Using Photoshop
Using GIMP
Using FireWorks

and much more..

Have a look below at just some of the amazing eCover YOU will be able to product after going through these tutorials!..


How would you like to be able to create your own professional mini sites in just minutes starting from now... even if you have absolutely no prior graphic design experience, or have failed art class before?

And how would you like to spawn your own countless mini site designs instead of paying a hefty fee of $97 - $197+ per mini site package to other designers?

Or better still... acquire the skills to charge other busy webmasters and kick start your online career as a freelancer?

I'm not going to dive into a long sales pitch but I trust you probably know that designing your own graphics is NOT necessarily easy. Depending on how fast you learn, it can take weeks - sometimes even months - to get this new skill down pat.

"Not Everyone Has The Luxury Of Free Time."

You might be a busy Internet Business owner on a budget and prefer to do everything yourself at the moment.

Or you're prospecting the opportunities of earning a part-time income as a freelancer but you're not equipped with any skills to make your own dough just yet.

But if you believe in learning through seeing is the best and fastest form of education then you're going to be in for a breakthrough. Because finally, you don't have to spend painful weeks - or even months - learning by trial and error

Forget sacrificing sleepless nights staying up to learn the ropes of a new trade. In these step-by-step videos, I show you how to get your own mini site designed even in as early as under one day (or at the most, 2 days). As long as you follow my video tutorials religiously, you will break the steep learning curve almost instantly and have your first mini site designed by tomorrow.

..Even if you have not used Adobe Photoshop before and even if you have failed in Art classes!

In the Adobe Photoshop For Newbies video series, you will learn how to Design Simple Yet Professional Looking Mini Sites Using Adobe Photoshop even if you aren't good at art creation!

Follow this easy to under video series step by step to create your own minisites and before you know it your friends and customers will ask you "Who'd you hire to make those minisites?!"

Video Series 1:
Adobe Photoshop For Newbies
(8-Part Video Course)

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Video #1: Understanding Adobe Photoshop Features You Will Use

(9 minutes and 38 seconds)
Adobe Photoshop can be a complex tool only because you can do so much with it, however for in this video series, we're going to keep it as simple as possible. In fact, in this video you'll see an overview of the few tools and Adobe Photoshop features we will use. When you see this video, you'll see how you can do so much with so few features, but you'll learn how to use them in depth in the future videos.

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Video #2: The Importance of Royalty Free Images and How to Find Them

(7 minutes and 39 seconds)
When you create your own minisites, you'll need to have access to professional photography to make your designs look great for whatever subject matter. Well, in this video, you'll learn the importance of using Royalty free images and how you can find them to fulfill your needs.

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Video #3: How to Use the Adobe Lasso and Crop Tool

(7 minutes and 35 seconds)
The Adobe Photoshop lasso and crop tools are the tools that you'll use to take people and objects out of regular pictures and put into your minisite designs. I'm sure you've seen headers with people or objects in them right? We'll that's where the lasso tool and crop tools come into play. So you'll learn what they can do for you, but most importantly how to use them correctly.

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Video #4: How to Work with Layers to Make Art Creation Easier

(5 minutes and 40 seconds)
Layers are the big secret to making photos come to life. In Photoshop you can take several photos and merge them together to make it looks like it's one picture. At the same time, layers will make your life as a minisite creator so much easier, you'll save lots of time. In this video, you'll learn how to use layers to your advantage.

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Video #5: How to Understand the Art of Balancing Your Designs

(7 minutes and 59 seconds)
Do you remember looking at a picture and saying to yourself, nice picture, it's looks right. Or maybe you thought, "that picture doesn't look right". We'll this is when balancing your designs comes into play. If you learn how to balance your headers, footers, ecovers, and more correctly you'll learn how to make your minisites look right when people look at them.

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Video #6: How to Create a Minisite Header

(11 minutes and 14 seconds)
Here's the fun part. You were shown videos 1-5 for a reason, that is, to help you understand the basic fundamental concepts before you got started creating the actual designs. The best part, is that you can take videos 1-5 and apply them to other things besides just minisites! So with that said in this video, you'll learn how to create a professional minisite header using the tools Adobe Photoshop and what you learned earlier.

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Video #7: How to Create a Minisite E-Book, DVD, E-cover

(9 minutes and 47 seconds)
Just as it says, you'll learn how to take the header you designed in the previous video and create an ebook or dvd ecover. You see, creating the header first allows you to understand how to easily transfer the designs to the ecover and balance it out.

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Video #8: How to Create a Minisite Background and Footer

(6 minutes and 41 seconds)
Lastly, you'll learn how to create the final touches of the minisite, which is the background and the footer. These two are very easy to create, because you can use your learning experience from videos 6 and 7 to transfer those ideas to video 8.

Video Series 2:
Create Your Own eCover Graphics!
(8-Part Video Series)


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Video #1

Getting Started Creating Your eCover From Scratch.

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Video #2

Creating The Front Image For Your eCover.

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Video #3

Creating The Front Of Your eCover Part II.

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Video #4

Creating The Side Graphics For Your eCover.

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Video #5

Making The Disc Image For Your eCover.

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Video #6

Making The eCover Box And Disc Image.

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Video #7

Making The eCover Box And Disc Image Part II

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Video #8

Using eCover Software And It's Functions

 Video Series 3:
How To Create Web 2.0 Graphics Using Gimp!
(7-Part Video Course)

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Video #1: How to Download and Install GIMP

GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software that is like a scaled down version of Adobe Photoshop, yet of course it's easy to use. You'll be shown where to download GIMP and how to install it.

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Video #2: Understanding GIMP's Features and Tools

Just like any software, knowing and understanding the features you will be using in the future videos is a must, so you save time trying to figure them out later.

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Video #3: How to Make A Web 2.0 Shiny Buttons Using GIMP

It's the new trend of graphics, graphics that come to life. So, every wonder how people make those shiny buttons that come to life? We'll you'll learn just that in this video.

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Video #4: How to Create Image Reflections and Shadows Using GIMP

Have you noticed how companies create ecovers and screenshots and they have cool reflections and shadows that make them look like you're staring at the real thing? In this video, you'll learn how easy it is to actually take any picture and create a reflection and shadow with this free tool, GIMP.

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Video #5: How to Create a Shiny Badge Using GIMP

You've seen those shiny badges people use on their sales pages that announce special sales. Creating badges in GIMP is very straightforward. You'll learn how to manipulate the shapes GIMP gives you to create a professional shiny looking badge so you can start adding them to your sales pages like the professionals.

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Video #6: How to Create a Web 2.0 Text Logo with a Reflection Using GIMP

By now, you've probably realized that when people say Web 2.0 graphics, what they mean is new style or new look graphics are being given. Well, long long ago, text logos looked bland and normally were made up one purely one color, no gradients and no shiny look. In this video, you'll learn how to give your text logos a cool shiny gradient look, as well as a reflection. This is something many designers create nowadays.

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Video #7: How to Create a Cool Web 2.0 Striped Style Header Using GIMP

Don't know how to draw and don't have a sense of creativity? Don't worry, we'll take everything you've learned so far and create an eye catchy Web 2.0 header that has stripes. You can use these headers on the top of your sales pages, or even any other landing pages.


Selling eBooks And Software Has Never Been Easier Now That You Know The Secret To Illustrating HOT Products!

Producing top 3D eCovers like the examples above will place you well and truly above the other internet marketers who are still trying to figure out why their products are not selling whilst you're selling the same product day in day out!

For once, your visitors will stop skimming through your sales pages and take the time to read what you have written! In fact, your graphics will look SO GOOD that the customers will think they're getting a physical product!

With 'Photoshop Master Tutorials' You Will Learn..

How You Can Create Your Own Professional eCover In Less Than An Hour! - All you need is Adobe Photoshop program installed in your PC. You don't need to engage a graphics designer or even use any external plug-ins or third party software in the process yet I show you how you can still have your own quality eCover designed to look as expensive and exotic as possible - whether your product is selling for $7 or $1497!

The Secrets To Creating A Realistic eCover! - This manual is not about those that you already know so well. No, the techniques have nothing to do with the usual effects one would apply when creating an eCover in Photoshop environment such as Distortions and Free Transformation.

What Most eCover Designers Don't Know! - Because this is what will part you from the rest of the crowd and can very well be responsible for making you the next expert graphic designer!

The Inner Secret Techniques - Which will place you years ahead of other graphic designers who charge $97 for an eCover and put them to shame.

Photoshop Master Tutorials Will Put An End To Wasted Time And Spending!..

NO More Spending hiring an expensive graphic designer! Save your money which can be best spent on something else!

NO More Spending buying an eCover Creating Software! The Photoshop Master Tutorials are fun and easy to follow that anyone can understand. No need to crack your head in a few different places in the process!

NO More Wasted Time And Energy! Because all the fillers and hot air has been filtered, you get only all the essential information needed to create your own eCovers in Photoshop environment alone!

After Reading And Applying These Tutorials You Will Find That..

Your products become easier to sell.. quite simply because your graphics will do all the 'talking' for you!

Your price starts to seem minute in comparison to what you're selling.. that's because you now know how to create huge package images that look like you're giving so much value for the price you're asking!

You can start increasing your pricing.. simply because the perceived value of your product has just gone up!

You start to attract more affiliates to sell your product than you could have ever imagined.. because affiliates like promoting products that covert so that they can profit from it years from now!

Your sales page dramatically improves with the graphics makeover.. which invites your customers to read what's on the sales page to improve your conversions.

You have the ability to profit from ANY resell rights product.. you'll never suffer from marketing the same resell rights product in the same way as another marketer because you're smart and you've now got the ability to transform ANY product!

You can use this skill to capture more leads and build a mailing list.. by applying design layout, eCover graphics and mini-site design techniques you're in control of what your visitor should do when they land on your squeeze page which means more sign up for YOU!

..I could go on forever about the difference that good graphics and design makes but I'm sure you're already aware!

And because I am so confident that you will be cranking out your own mini sites with little sweat after watching my video tutorials, I am even staking my reputation on it with my solid, iron-clad 60 day money back guarantee.


Photoshop Master Tutorials No-Risk Acceptance Form!

Yes! I understand that I will be getting access to ALL the knowledge I need to start producing top end graphics and products!

Yes! I also understand that I will be getting access to all videos immediately after payment!

Yes! I also understand that if I'm not happy with the training and if I do not come out of this producing quality eCovers and mini-sites I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now!

On that basis here is my $97 $47!!

3 Video Modules!
Into 23 Bitesize Videos!

Order Now! Only $97!
Now Only $47! Trial Price!


Aaron Danker
Internet Marketer And Graphic Designer

P.S. You will be saving yourself $100s hiring a graphic designer to do the job for you! Furthermore, you may not be happy with the results and that if you want to make adjustments to your eCovers, you may have to spend more time and maybe more money calling your designer back to work. Is this what you really want?

P.P.S. Download the videos. Watch them. Then apply the techniques found. Create your own professional eCover in one hour. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, or you still fail to create your own first professional eCover, delete the videos from your computer and send me an E-mail for a refund.

P.P.P.S. Don't let the lack of sales demoralize your enthusiasm! Beef up your products today at start making the money you deserve to make!

Disclaimer - ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. PhotoshopMasterTutorials.com is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any PhotoshopMasterTutorials.com product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by PhotoshopMasterTutorials.com in the materials on this Web page.



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This is my feed2 Headline Animator

This is my feed Headline Animator
