
Forget starvation diets, insane workout plans, bootcamps, high protein, and anything else you think you know about trimming your waistline.

Kimberly Snyder LP2 Download glowing-lean-system.pdf

Forget starvation diets, insane workout plans, bootcamps, high protein, and anything else you think you know about trimming your waistline.

Discover the Quickest and Most Natural Way Having Gorgeous Skin... Thick, Lustrous Hair... a Slim Body That Turns Heads... and Boundless Energy

Forget starvation diets, insane workout plans, bootcamps, high protein, and anything else you think you know about trimming your waistline. Kimberly Snyder, world-renowned nutritionist and Bestselling Author of The Beauty Detox Solution reveals the quickest way to having the body of your dreams without the struggle.

From Kimberly Snyder
Los Angeles, CA




Hey there, I'm Kimberly Snyder,

You may know me as the health, nutrition, & natural beauty coach you've seen on: David Letterman, the Today Show, or in People Magazine.

What I am going to share with you is:

  • Why everything you have tried to get the body and beauty you want has just not worked...
  • The big fat lie from the "diet" industry that causes you to gain weight when you think you're losing it...
  • How you finally can get the body, beauty, health, and energy dreamsyou've wanted for so long... easier and more permanently than you've ever imagined...

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself and why I'm doing this...

I Used to be 30 Pounds Overweight, and Miserable

A lot of these personal trainers you see at the gym are what we call "natural beauties" who barely work out and eat whatever they want.

That's not me!

I have to walk my talk because I have no choice.

When I first moved to Sydney Australia for work, I tried the trendy ways to keep fit... I would eat things like soy burgers... fat free milk... yogurt... sushi... skinny lattes... and veggie sandwiches...

For all my hard work, I was still thirty pounds overweight... and looked so bad that some people probably thought I weighed fifty extra pounds.

I wasn't just fat... the rest of my looks were suffering too...

Acne always on my face... and people could tell that I was always hiding something under my makeup. I was embarrassed to go out and worried what a man would think about me without my makeup on...

Plus I looked almost ten years older than I was. I even quit working out because I had no energy to get myself to the gym... which just made things worse. It was really depressing...

This is why if you're doing anything right now to improve your health, whether it's running outside or even watching what you eat, I am very impressed with you already because you're way ahead of where I was!

At other points in my life, I suffered from brittle hair... depression, and mood swings.

Something had to change.

No Diet Seemed to Work for Me, I Wondered if it Was My Fault

I tried every diet and workout plan under the sun with frustrating results...

Either my weight would bounce up and down with no lasting change...

Or I would lose weight but feel so sick, deprived, and miserable that I just had to go back to my "regular foods"...

It was a long road, but in the end, it was worth it, because I found the way to get my health back and better than it ever was before...

I found out how to stay effortlessly thin and attractive... without counting calories, carbs, or fat... Without even being hungry...

It didn't happen overnight for me and it won't happen overnight for you either.

But I can promise you that you will get results for life if you listen to what I am about to share with you.

This processprocess I'm about to give you is the same information I give my clients that pay hundreds of dollars for a single consultation.

The Diet-Industry's Secret Plan to
Put Pounds on Your Body

The first step to making this transformation is actually getting beyond the barrier created by the diet industry so you can take your health back into your own hands.

For almost a hundred years, the diet industry has known that most people want a quick fix... a magic pill that will drop tens of pounds overnight without you lifting a finger or changing anything about your life.

Sometimes it causes someone to literally buy a pill... then another, then another...

But that "magic pill" might be something else... a diet... a special berry juice... or just another workout gimmick...

And we get fooled again and again... chasing one rainbow after the other...

We struggle endlessly, without ever really getting the health, beauty, energy or joy that's possible only once you realize the truth.

And the diet industry loves this because as long as you stay fat and miserable... you are always willing to pay for another "magic pill" to change everything.

If you got thin permanently, you would never need to buy from them again... and they can't bear to lose a customer.

That's Why We're Breaking the Cycle Ttoday

And first you need to accept that there is no magic pill. We all know how many people struggle to lose weight.

Maybe you've even been there, or you're feeling that struggle right now.

Here's the truth:

You're here because you've probably tried those types of solutions in the past - and because you've discovered that they don't really work...

But now that you recognize this, it's time to awaken to something higher, deeper, more powerful...

A way for you to get the health you want... to look your best... to feel absolutely amazing every single day - without the daily struggles, ups and downs, and miserable carb or calorie counting.

There is no reason to have to endure diet after diet... pop pill after pill... or continually wait for the "next big thing".

Starting today, you can take steps toward having the beautiful, toned sexy body... clear, glowing skin... all-day energy... freedom from mood swings... and the ability to simply enjoy life so much more...

All without pushing yourself or feeling deprived -- by stepping OFF the roller coaster so many people are stuck on.

Now, let's get more into the heart of the process...

It's Not Fat... It's Not Carbs... It's Not Calories...

It's Toxins!

Notice that nearly every diet gimmick you've seen ends up being about reducing calories, carbs, or fat.

Even if something seems revolutionary at the time like cutting out all bread or only eating at certain hours... At the end of the day, the diet company has managed to come up with yet another way for you to take in less calories (which causes you to lose weight for a little bit but then bounce back)

The key to solving all of this is a process I call optimizing digestion.

Let me explain why this is so important.

A lot of people don't realize that digestion takes over half your energy - and with so much energy going to digestion, it becomes that much harder for your body to expel toxins.

When your digestive system is battling or overloaded with toxins...

  • Your skin doesn't receive as much nourishment...
  • You become more easily dehydrated...
  • Your energy drops...
  • Your hair, lips, skin and eyes don't "glow" in the same way...
  • The list goes on and on...

Inefficient digestion can lead to weight gain as toxins build and compromise your metabolism and ability to burn fat.

What's crazy is that rarely do any "diets" emphasize digestion at all.

Ignoring this piece of the puzzle can make it impossible to fit in your dress or pants from two years ago.

But this isn't all... because efficient digestion and detoxification actually leads us to an even more important principle that has affects every cell of your body.

Consider the marvel that is your body:

Do you have to think about breathing, or your heart beating, or even digesting your food?

Or do you have to think about making your heart beat 100,000 times a day?

It all happens automatically, without an ounce of thought or control. It's truly amazing!

If we had to "think" about all this, we would all be extinct by now.

Your Body has a Natural, Effortless, and Automatic Healing & Weight Loss System Already Working Inside You!

The deeper point is... your body has a miraculous and infinite form of intelligence inside it - an intelligence that wants you to be healthy and feel your best.

And you already experience and take advantage of your body's infinite intelligence every single day.

It's one of the most powerful, most extraordinary forces on planet earth - and it's living inside us, working day and night, to support and sustain us.

The key is not making your body "work" too hard - whether it's in digestion, processing toxins, stress or anything else.

Because that leaves more of your body's energetic resources available to heal... to detoxify... for cells to rejuvenate... for your immune system to be strengthened for optimum health on every level...

I realize this is NOT necessarily a message everyone wants to hear...

But those who tell you that you "need" a magic vitamin, or nutrient, or even diet - something outside of you -- are frankly missing the boat.

Every approach to health should begin and end with getting "out of the way"... so that you maximize the immense healing intelligence that already exists within your body.

That is why staying away from the hidden toxins in your food can have such a profound impact on your health.

Because when your body doesn't have to expend as much energy in digestion or detoxification, it has more available for healing and rejuvenation.

You can see why "getting out of the way" takes precedence above all else.

This Doesn't Work if You're Hungry or Craving Your Favorite Foods All Day


If you've ever been on a strict diet, you know one of the biggest challenges is cravings.

Those on a low-carb diet might crave sugar... those on carb-based diet might crave fatty or protein rich foods.

Sometimes the craving could simply be for junk food and we don't even know why we have it...

Now, many people, when they experience a craving - go through an inner battle about it.

One part of their body yearns for the food... yet their mind is saying "no!"

Sometimes the craving wins. And if this has happened to you, you've probably felt guilt, frustration - maybe it even caused you to quit the diet.

What's really sad is that succeeding at "beating" a craving is often a short-lived victory - because it will often come back again. Sometimes even stronger the next time.

And again, a battle ensues... over and over with much struggle and frustration...

Until eventually we give up.

That's why the approach I use and recommend always begins the same way...

Optimizing Digestion is the Key to Transforming Your Body & Beauty

I want you to see the unique connection between the optimal digestion... your body's intelligence... and your ability to naturally do and eat what will give you the body, skin, hair, and overall state of mind you want.

You see, I begin with digestion because without it - as long as our organs are tired and congested - our body's full wisdom and beauty cannot be expressed.

And that congestion shows up around your waist, all over your skin, even in aging on your face.

Yet once you're clean of old residue and toxins...

Once the natural intelligence of your body is clear and operating at the highest level... you begin to glow with beauty unlike anything you've ever experienced before.

Best of all, there is no more dietary battle.

You're able to listen to your body and eat delicious foods that actually help rejuvenate your cells and promote beauty... from the inside out.

Remember, if there is congestion or blockage, it will always be more difficult for you to remain at your ideal weight.

My clients look amazing, and what's even more important than how they look on screen is how happy and energetic they feel.

It's a cliché, but looks aren't everything. I encounter people everywhere who may be thin but look dull or just feel low. You can't buy "glow" in a bottle or in makeup.

This is another reason why so many "diets" don't work. They operate purely with surface, numerical calculations -- calories, grams of protein and so on...

For the best possible health, working on the surface, with just counting numbers, simply isn't good enough.

You must go deeper...

If our body was a simple as a machine, then calorie counting would work for everyone.

Instead, every food, and the calories it contains, digests and breaks down differently.

Once you understand not only exactly which foods truly benefit your body, how to prepare them, and even how to optimally eat them...

You'll finally understand why this is such a more effective, delicious, satisfying and proven way to tap into this miraculous power that exists within your body...

You'll see how cravings fade into the background and eventually disappear...

You'll notice how any excess weight you might have just falls off without you having to focus on it. And one day, you look in the mirror and see the glow of your skin, the beauty of your hair, or marvel at the strength of your nails...

And you can begin this process, starting today.

Because today is the day I finally get to introduce you something I've been working on for the better part of a year - The Glowing Lean System.

How the "Glowing Lean System" Gives You Better Looks, a Fitter Body, and Healthy, Vibrant Life You Love Waking Up To...

The principles and core philosophy within The Glowing Lean System are based on what I practice personally, and what I impart to my clients.

The Glowing Lean System is unique in that it fully harnesses your body's power by freeing up tons of energy, while optimizing digestion...helping utilize its innate intelligence.

This frees you from all the problems that I've shown you with dieting or supplement-based approaches.

Whether your goal is to lose 10 pounds, look younger, or double your energy - The Glowing Lean System can help you get there, without you ever having to think about those things.

Imagine losing weight while eating abundantly, and never feeling hungry...

Or looking in the mirror naked, before you get in the shower, and thinking - "Wow, I look good!"

Can you feel what it would be like to totally accept yourself and love your body?

Or even just feeling better than you can ever remember...

It's all possible.

The Glowing Lean System..

  • Works quickly. You'll notice changes in how you feel and look within days...
  • Is 100% natural. No drugs, it doesn't depend on expensive supplements, no complicated formulas...
  • Is cost-effective. I'll show you how to do it on just a few dollars-a-day.
  • Covers everything. With this one process, you'll optimize your weight, tone your body, improve your digestion, multiply your energy, boost your mood, make your skin glow and so much more...
  • You go at your own pace. There's no rush, and you can adjust the program to suit your lifestyle...
  • And lastly, the process is easily sustained. You'll eventually forget you're even on a "program" as your body becomes clean and becomes in tune and aware of your body's natural rhythms.

From busy moms... to college students... to high-powered professionals with hectic full day schedules... this works for everyone.

I love hearing all the messages that get posted to the blog, where people tell me what a difference just a portion of this process makes in their lives.

And now, you'll get to access the entire step-by-step process in one place...

With each module of the Glowing Lean System, you get not only a step-by-step written guide... you also get a video where I explain - face to face exactly what you need to get going with each step in the process.

There are 9 modules in all, plus a highly-detailed series of appendices, that cover so much:

You'll discover where to shop and what to buy, how to order in restaurants, the most common mistakes and "trouble foods" to avoid, and simple tricks that help keep you progressing daily.

Remember, you don't have to be perfect. There's a phrase I always say to my clients:

Progress, not perfection.

You don't have to be perfect, it's about moving forward each day, week and month until your health is restored and you look your absolute best.

Wherever you are now, you're ready to get started. You can easily begin the process of improving your digestion... detoxifying on a cellular level -- while making your overall body functioning become more efficient.

Over time, the Glowing Lean System also helps you naturally progress to more advanced levels - where the benefits become even more meaningful.

Often, it's only a matter of weeks before you begin seeing dramatic changes in your weight, skin, energy and overall appearance.

Let me give you a "taste" of what you'll discover:

Module 1: Begin Your Morning Energetic, Refreshed, and Loving Life

  • The tastiest "feel good" breakfast choices, and the foods that will rob you of your passion for the day (Can you guess which are in your cabinet right now?).
  • The delicious and nearly free secret to "jump-start" your detox and digestion every single day... so you effortlessly lose the pounds and beautify your skin tone.
  • The #1 mistake people make with morning smoothies... and why this is a simple and delicious fix that will change your life.

Module 2: Don't Sacrifice Anything - Delicious, Cleansing Food Made Easy and Fun

  • How to raise your mood and keep it sky high with just a few simple shifts in your eating...
  • A secret technique to "hack your brain" so you automatically eat right every meal (This requires only a plate and 15 seconds of your time)
  • The most important foods you need to avoid to get those beauty-destroying toxins out... (This is easy once you see the difference in your complexion and body)

Module 3: Getting Rid of Foods that Make You Feel Bad - So You Look Your Slimmest and Sexiest

  • No Deprivation allowed: Why you are forbidden to starve yourself or cut out your favorite foods right away on this plan.
  • How to satisfy those sugary and fatty cravings using healthy food instead. (This is the turning point that makes it easy to stay clean and beautiful)
  • SIX ways to drop off the foods that make you feel awful, without thinking you're missing out... so you can feel lighter... happier... and have an amazing body to match your inner glow.

Module 4: Multiply Your Body's Healing Ability Overnight

  • Optimize the "X-Factor" in your body that converts any food you eat into amazing energy and gives you glowing, soft skin.
  • How to naturally cleanse your organs so acne and skin blemishes vanish... giving your face a totally new and sexy look.
  • Improve your digestive system so toxins get flushed out... giving you that lighter, clearer feeling that makes life so much better.

Module 5: Making Cleansing an Effortless Part of Your Life You Don't Even Think About

  • Why it's so important to make this easy - so you lose weight the fastest and improve every aspect of your being.
  • The key to using the cleanse for amazing mental performance, so you solve problems quicker, get along with people better... and feel better about yourself.
  • How to literally "brush" away toxins so you feel amazing.

Module 6: Avoiding the Digestive "Traffic Jams" That Clog Up Your System and Waste Away Your Health

  • Why 99% of people get this wrong and eat in a way guaranteed to make them feel sluggish throughout the day.
  • How to rid yourself of that bloated and gassy feeling you get after heavy meals.
  • What you should do if you feel sluggish after eating (‘Food comas' are completely unnecessary and never have to happen.)

Module 7: Eat Savory, "Filling" Meals that Keep You 100% Satisfied and Feeling Great

  • Why counting calories is almost always a waste of time and will get you fatter.
  • How to never feel those annoying hunger pangs that 99% of diets give you.
  • The key to being incredibly satisfied after every meal... feeling even better than your friends who are pigging out on system-clogging toxic foods.

Module 8: The Real Deal on Fats & Why Getting This Wrong Ruins Your Results

  • How to feed your brain and body with the right kind of whole food fats that give you beautiful skin, grand energy, and top performance in everything you do.
  • The exact "tipping point" of where you should slow down on healthy fats and oils. (There IS a point where fat does more harm than good and you will know exactly where it is.)
  • The mistake that vegetarians usually make with fat that ends up making them less healthy than before.

Module 9: The Final Step that Elevates You to Perfect Your Optimal Health & Red Carpet Beauty

  • How to permanently "lock in" young looking skin, boundless energy, and lovely body you deserve.
  • Get rid of annoying aches and pains... even if you've had them for quite a while.
  • The 7-letter P-word you must avoid if you want your transformation to last forever.
  • The key to eliminating depression and launching into a joyful mood, anytime... that no one can touch.

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of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


Now, I'm not even scratching the surface with the tidbits I've told you just now.

The Glowing Lean System is something that truly must be experienced - in a multi-media format... where you go through the written steps and then have me coach you face to face through videos I've recorded.

This is the first time I've ever done anything like this, and I am only going to keep this program open if you follow the steps and prove that you want this.

I am happy being a bestselling author of the Beauty Detox Program and I truly believe that the Glowing Lean System takes you a quantum leap above what you can get from any book.

You get amazing near-personalized tips on how to adjust the program to your lifestyle... simply because I'm able to give you more strategies, more recipes & directions... and continually make adjustments depending on how Glowing Lean members are responding to the videos and trainings.

And what's more... through the videos, you get that face-to-face intimacy you can usually only get with a private coach.

It's the closest thing you can have to me being in your living room... lovingly guiding you through the program and helping you through any challenges.

I am truly there for you, and this will make it so much easier for you to stick with the program and get the results you've always wanted.

And everything is completely at your own pace, so you never get left behind. I don't give you harsh timelines because I never want you to feel pressured like in those other diet programs that only end up making you feel miserable in the end.

You can set a goal for yourself, and I will always forgive you if you need more time to adapt your lifestyle to healthier living. You have all the time in the world, and the Glowing Lean System will be right there waiting for you, as long as you "lock in" your membership by signing up now.

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


And ultimately, you'll use this progression to rebuild your health from the ground up - improving your beauty, your mental ability, and how you feel about yourself. Everyone will notice the difference in you... and most importantly... you'll notice. This is why I can enjoy lovely "tweets" and emails like this:

Or this note sent to my support team last March:

With Kimberly's help, I found the keys to solve all of my problems and how to clean my body. I have even more energy now then ever before and my skin and hair looks so much better. I used to have flaky nails, but now they are long and strong. Kimberly really cares about helping people and I feel lucky to have found her! ~ Mia Castellanos

I get messages like this virtually every day because the process works and changes people lives.

Whether you're just beginning this journey to better health... or you're seasoned health pro who wants to take everything to the next level -- this highly focused program will work for you... guaranteed.

What's most important is where you want to be... and we all know that is what will take you to your dream life.

This is the Only Way to Keep Off The Fat & Look Great...
Without Feeling Hungry or Deprived

Remember, what I said earlier about the "magic pill" and the desire to get instant, miraculous results from external sources?

Well, I hope you now see the inherent flaws in that process....

Because putting your body outside your own body is never sustainable. It drains your energy - both emotionally and physically.

Keep doing this, like most people do, and eventually you'll just wear down and fail. There's no way around it.

That's why I set out long ago to make sure the Glowing Lean System empowers you, by working with your body's natural intelligence and instincts...

While also following a progression that feels smooth and pleasurable throughout.

So that that as you move through each stage, it feels totally natural and right.

And then one day, you look in the mirror one day - maybe just weeks from now - and see how much you've changed.

The Glowing Lean System is as straightforward as can be. There is no guesswork, no complicated calculations or numbers to adhere to, none of that.

Yet its power is undeniable. And with the right effort, will help you make the exact transformation you want.

I'm so grateful to be a channel for this profound information.

And I feel fortunate that I'm now able to share a powerful portion of that wisdom in one program - so that YOU finally get the health you want and deserve.

Speaking of "deserve" - everyone deserves to experience the profound shift in energy, appearance and feeling that the Glowing Lean System makes possible.

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


Which is why I've chosen to price it affordably...

Unlike my private clients - you won't have to pay thousands to have me personally coach you through this process. Not even hundreds!

Because I've decided to offer the Glowing Lean System for the special price you see below. And there are even installment options if that helps you.

With all that's possible from this process - from shedding weight all the way to doubling your energy - is it worth just 40 cents per day over the next year to access it?

Would You Pay 40 Cents a Day for a Trim Waist & Beautiful Skin?

Your health is definitely worth far more than that, I'm sure of it.

For a limited time... You can get the entire Glowing Lean Program and have the body, face, & life of your dreams for only...

1 Payment of


That's only about 1/10th the price of what many people spend at Starbucks each day!

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


Another way to think about it is figure the price against the cost of anti-aging treatments... or nutritional supplements... meal plans... or even medical bills.

All those things range from hundreds, to thousands of dollars.

And many can simply be avoided by using The Glowing Lean System to ignite your body's natural healing and beautifying capacities.

Again, I know not only because it's worked for me and changed my life...

But also because this is the most simple, most direct path to health and natural beauty... one that begins with your body... extends to mind... even transforms you as a whole person.

To get started, simply click the "Add to Cart" button - and you'll be taken through the easy, secure checkout process. It should only take you a minute or two...

And then, you'll be ready and able to access the program.

Inside the exclusive member's area, you'll be able to download the written modules... watch the videos... and most importantly, take action on what you learn.

I should note that this program is not for everyone.

If you want a fad diet where you suffer for 7-days of green juice and then go back to eating junk all day, then this is not for you.

If you want an insane exercise program where you burn 700 calories in an hour of aerobics that would make a Navy SEAL cry... this is not for you.

And if you're doing this just to be able to post on your Facebook wall that you're on some trendy "cleanse", then please... go somewhere else.

But I have a feeling that if you've made it this far... you're one of the special few... that you know what you want and are willing to go through what it takes to get amazing health, energy and beauty.

I'd love for you to join me...

There are so many friends I want to introduce you to in our Glowing Lean Community who have shed dozens of pounds, healed skin problems, and feel better than ever. Some even look better at age 40 than they did in college.

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


You Have My Sincere Promise You Will Get Results...
Or You Get 100% of Your Money Back

Yes, I'm offering a very generous guarantee, so you can feel 100% safe in joining me on this journey

Let me be straight up with you...

In the highly unlikely event that you're not absolutely thrilled - either with the quality of the program AND the results that it brings you - then just let me know and I'll refund every penny you paid, no questions asked.

There's no fine print, hassle or hard feelings.

Again, this is my sincerest pledge and promise that you will enjoy everything I've mentioned to you here today.

I'm able to do this because I have complete, 100% confidence in The Glowing Lean System and what it can bring to your life - IF you simply follow the steps.

Now, you've got an important decision to make...

Do you want to keep the body, face, and life you have right now for the rest of your life?

If so, then just keep doing what you're doing and nothing will change... well at least for a while. People who keep following a path that is not good for them end up having a lot more problems with their skin and waistline as they get older (and age faster), but that's another topic entirely.

But I think your better than that.

So you must click the Add to Cart button now if you want to take your health and beauty to the next level.

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


This is the closest thing you can get to having me personally coach you, in the comfort of your own home.

And as with my clients, the results can be extraordinary.

With the Glowing Lean System, you get everything you need to dramatically transform every part of your health.

All delivered in a fun, simple, informative series of modules that you can read or watch anytime - day or night - from the comfort of your own home. Or any mobile device!

With Glowing Lean, weight loss is just the beginning.

And frankly, one of the easiest things to achieve with the program.

As you begin to optimize your digestion and detoxify more deeply, a whole array of wonderful benefits open up for you...

From having significantly more energy without the need for coffee or stimulants...

To just feeling steadily and naturally joyful, for no particular reason...

To even having greater emotional clarity and courage to live from your heart...

I could go on and on.

You may be starting today for a physical benefit like losing weight or looking younger, and that's fine.

But I guarantee, just weeks from now, when you've taken the steps and reached those goals, you'll be aspiring to even deeper and more meaningful forms of growth and transformation.

That is my wish for you: That the Glowing Lean System acts as a foundation for profound transformation that lasts a lifetime.

It's time to get started right now!

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!


I look forward to welcoming you into the program, and helping guide you on this wonderful journey of transformation.

Thank you very much for your time. I wish you all the very best.

And I'll see you in the Module 1 coaching video...

82% off, only $ 97 00

That's only about 1/10th the price
of what many people spend at
Starbucks each day!



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