
Effortless Swimming | Mastering Freestyle Technique

Effortless Swimming | Mastering Freestyle Technique

Listen closely because we're about to let you in on a 'little known' secret that anyone can use to go from struggling swimmer to powerful freestyler in 8 days or less...

"The First 'Idiot Proof' Program to turn even The Ugliest Freestyle Technique Into a Smooth and Sexy Freestyle Stroke...

These Step-By-Step Videos Show You 'How to' in less than 1 week!
Guaranteed...Or Your Money Back!"

And For Once This Has Nothing To Do With Training Harder...

"Our Simple And Proven Step-by-Step System Will Teach You Exactly
How To Achieve A 'Knock Your Socks Off' Freestyle Technique
So You’ll Never Again Be Hiding In the Change Rooms,
Hoping Nobody Is Watching...

From: Brenton Ford

Date: Monday 8.13am

Hey, Brenton here...

I’m going to help YOU improve your freestyle technique and improve your swim times by 67% or even more. Not only that, I’m going to show you how to look and feel as good as the fastest swimmers do in the water. My Mastering Freestyle program is going to show you everything you need to know about swimming freestyle and developing the perfect technique.

If you are interested in learning the skill of swimming fast, smooth and powerful freestyle then this is the perfect program for you!

Right now is the best time to develop the perfect freestyle technique so you swim faster for longer, and finally look like a professional in the water. You might even find yourself becoming extremely sexy and rock hard…and have the opposite sex frequently peeking at your new swimmer’s physique!

Only kidding…but hey, I have to warn you! Seriously...

Whether you want to learn to sprint one lap of freestyle or swim long distance races – Mastering Freestyle has the solution for you.

Would you rather learn to swim freestyle from a local swim teacher or an Australian Champion?

"I went from 40 seconds per lap to 17 seconds in 5 weeks!"

This is mind blowing. Having been a noob (beginner) in the pool for so long I feel like a PRO now doing only the basics!!! Thank you so much for putting together this awesome program. I went from 40 seconds per lap to 17 seconds in 5 weeks!

For all the noobs (beginners) out there, this is highly recommended: Buy this!!

Harry Reich, Isen, Germany

That’s right, with the help of Australian champion swimmer Sam Ashby, we are going to teach you all there is to know about swimming perfect freestyle which will make you faster than 99% of people. With my complete step-by-step manual with full-color pictures + easy to follow video instructions you’ll be swimming fast freestyle without the need of a coach.

First, let me ask you these questions

Are you tired of looking like a drowning rat in the water which embarrasses you in front of your friends and competitors?

Are you ready to make swimming training not only fun and enjoyable, but a full body workout that will give you a physique your friends are jealous of?

Are you afraid that your technique is doing you more harm than good?

Are you ready to discover the secrets to swimming that will give you the speed and respect that you deserve from your competitors?

If you answered yes to any other those questions, then you have come to right place.

Discover the 7 Biggest Mistakes 95% of Swimmers Make

Free e-Report for Visiting Today (a $17.95 value)

Just enter your first name and email below and the Free report will be emailed instantly to you. Inside you'll discover:

--> Exactly how you can train with less effort, less often but swim faster and further so you won't be stuck in the slow lane ever again

--> How to reduce the amount of strokes you take per lap by 18% while increasing your speed WITHOUT wearing flippers

--> How to master the 5 fundamentals of swimming so your technique will fall into place like you'd been a swimmer your whole life

--> The single difference between elite swimmers and amateur swimmers and how you can implement in your training starting tomorrow (you'll be suprised what it is)

--> Learn why the best open-water swimmers practice in a pool and not the ocean

Be sure to check your "bulk", "junk", or "spam" folders, as emails occasionally get mistakenly filtered.

Don't worry, your email will NEVER be sold or rented. I hate spam as much as you do. I wouldn't risk my reputation.

Would you like to learn how to:

  • Get the respect you deserve from competitors
  • Amaze your family and friends
  • Get the swimmer's body you've always wanted
  • Learn to swim fast using little to no effort
  • Forget about thrashing out dozens of laps for no improvement
  • Change even the most uncoordinated freestyle technique
  • Glide through the water like a fish
  • Turn your struggling freestyle into a powerful display of speed
  • Make swimming second nature to you
  • Look like you belong in the fast lane
  • Stop using freestyle technique that does more harm than good
  • Discover how a few simple drills will smash seconds and even minutes off your times
    Have fun and enjoy swimming training
  • Have people asking you for advice
  • Become the swimmer you have always dreamed of

Swimming does not have to be a difficult or a frustrating process. You don’t have to break your back to swim fast and efficiently. You don’t have to be the strongest or the toughest person either...

But you do need to progress through the right drills in the right order to learn successful swimming.

This is the most important tactic to training. If you don’t understand the swimming progression… then you will never get faster.

When you know the drills of Olympic swimmers, then and only then are you able to perform the same way in the water.

And you can discover how to do all of this without thrashing out dozens of laps, getting out of breath or fearing you won’t make it to the end of pool.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Brenton Ford, and along with Australian 100m Individual Medley champion Sam Ashby, we’ve put together a program of proven freestyle drills which have taken many of the world’s fastest freestylers from average swimmers to world champions. I’m not here to talk about us though…I’m here to help. Below are a few of Sam’s results latest results, just in case you didn’t believe us:

You'll be taught by Australian Swimmer Sam Ashby.
Here's one of his results from the 2008 Australian Champs

...And a cruisy 51.54 seconds in the 100 meter Freestyle at the Singapore World Cup...

...So what does this have to do with you?

Sam and I have decided to release the freestyle drills and training secrets which got him to where he is today. The strategies have worked for hundreds of people to improve their freestyle technique and no matter your age, sex, height, body type and whatever else you can think of, these drills and strategies can work for you.

What You Are Currently Doing In Training May Be Making You Slower

"...improvement...from practising some of the drills!"

For the last couple of months I have been trying to bust through the "2,000 meters in 40 minutes" barrier and recently cobbled together a 1500m freestyle and 500m breaststroke in 39 min 45 sec including a 1 or 2 min rest.

It's probably due to having a new Australian coach, but it might just be from practising some of the drills!

Paul S, Ontario, Canada

...do you ever find yourself slipping into these bad habits and errors?

  • Out of breath
  • Crossing arms
  • Can’t flip turn
  • Weak Kick
  • Swallowing water
  • Poor Rotation
  • Breathing out of time
  • Sinking legs
  • Headaches
  • Zig Zagging
  • Weak pull through
  • Pulling across body
  • Water up the nose
  • No momentum
  • Sore Shoulders

Have you spent countless hours trying to swim faster and break these bad habits…only to end up frustrated?
Maybe you are starting to wonder if you could ever swim like the others...

Well, I’m here to tell you that every person can swim effortlessly; you just have to know the drills that make your body feel the water in a way it understands.

It’s very logical if you just stop and think about it for a minute...

It’s hard for a person to improve their technique without starting at the basics. If your technique is incorrect and you continue to swim lap after lap thinking something will change, you can actually create more problems than you are trying to solve.

Your body will feel like it was built to swim if you learn a few simple principles of swimming, but you can’t figure them out by doing lap after lap after lap… that is why most amateur swimmers build up anger and frustration and are confused why they’ve hit a plateau, or even getting slower. Does any of this sound familiar?

Can you think about a time when you might have thought you were starting to see results but the next day you’d gone back to normal? See, the problem rarely is your training; the problem is usually bad advice, incorrect information.

It’s Not Your Fault

Do you realize that over 90% of swimmers use ineffective or incorrect drills that they have learned from friends and family, or some so-called experts?

I know you want to swim faster, longer and smoother. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now reading my information.

In fact, by visiting my site and doing this research you are actually taking the first steps to discovering the secrets to easily and effectively becoming a champion swimmer.

Just imagine this… It’s a beautiful, sunny day perfect for swimming.

You go to the pool, approach the locker rooms, put on your swim suit and go for a leisurely paddle in the fast lane, you’re not out of breath, you haven’t been overtaken by anyone, and you weren’t afraid if you’d make the entire 20 laps.

You can swim without worrying if your stroke is right the whole time... because you know that you have learnt correctly and now it happens automatically.

You are the one in control. You are the one which people watch in awe at the pool and you have you have the respect of your competitors as well.

Just imagine what it would feel like...

This doesn’t have to be a fantasy. You can break your bad habits and learn freestyle the way you imagined yourself swimming.. without struggle, frustration and short-term fix methods.

You can enjoy swimming training.

In fact, if you aren’t having fun then that is a sure-fire way to know that you aren’t swimming with the correct technique.

If you don’t think your technique is allowing you to swim the fastest you can, then you definitely need to discover the drills which will revolutionize your technique.

You Owe It to Yourself to Learn
' Correct' freestyle technique

Not only do you owe it to yourself, you owe it to your competitors as a “Thanks for motivating me to beat you, because that’s what is about to happen!”

Discover the drills which will make swimming training not only fun, but an experience that develops a healthy and fit body that you can take pride in.

It’s time for you to discover the drills that lead to perfect freestyle technique that any person regardless of their age, height, weight and body type can perform.

Otherwise, you will just be wasting your time and efforts.

Until you figure out the proper way to swim freestyle, you will never break those nasty little habits that embarrass and frustrate you.

You deserve to swim like the professionals do, you don’t have to fear how you look, if you’ll make the end of the lap or will you ever get any faster.

It’s Time for You to Take Action to Have the Freestyle Technique That You Deserve

Here's part of what you'll receive in your Mastering
Freestyle Technique Package...

Component 1...

The Insider's Guide to Mastering Freestyle Technique (3 Part Video Series)

You'll receive the entire Mastering Freestyle program on video which took more than 40 hours to make. We’ve cut out anything that won’t make you faster in the water, so you have more than 21 minutes of pure drills that transform any freestyle into long, smooth strokes. Not only does it include every single one of the 20+ drills which will have you mastering freestyle in no time but we'll include:

  • Multiple camera angles so you can see exactly what to do.
  • Easy-to-understand explanations of every drill so experience is not necessary.
  • Tips for beginners.
  • Above water and under water shots that provide you with all the knowledge you need to do it yourself.
  • Drills performed by Australian Champion swimmer Sam Ashby so you can see exactly how it's done by the best in the world

Component 2...

The Insider's Guide to Mastering Freestyle Technique eBook

Introductory Lesson:


Balance and Body position

The 5 drills in the Balance and Body Position lesson have been put together over a 17 year period of research and testing to make sure you're given only relevant, effective drills which will transform your stroke for good!

They cover everything you need to know to understand how to balance yourself in the water...From balancing on your back, your side and your front. You'll learn how slight variations in your body position can greatly increase your balance in the water...And how to fix the common problem of sinking legs!

Not only do you get the drills with easy to understand instructions, but you also get high quality pictures of every drill so that you can see exactly how each one is performed. From your head position, your arms, your body and your legs, you'll be able to see each drill performed from every angle imaginable.

Order Mastering Freestyle Technique now

Lesson #1:

Alternating sides and developing power

Lesson One will cover the 6 drills which will have you gliding through the water like fish.

Did you know the biggest mistake swimmers make is they think freestyle is swam on the front? Freestyle is swum by alternating from side to side. We'll teach you to swim using little to no effort and travel faster than you ever have before.

We'll even teach you why "pulling" yourself through the water is one of the biggest energy drainers there is.

We'll blow the misconceptions about freestyle out of the water and show you the real secrets to swimming freestyle only the world's best swimmers know.

Leave the boring books behind, Mastering Freestyle Technique uses language you can understand.

We'll even go over the one drill which a famous Olympian was made to do for an entire week of training before joining his new coach, and how he went on to win a record number of gold medals at the Olympics.

Order Mastering Freestyle Technique now

Lesson #2:

Bringing in the arms

After testing dozens of drills, we found the 3 most effective drills which will make it impossible for you not to swim with high elbow, perfect entry and exact timing.

Have you ever felt like you had perfect technique but then seen a video of yourself swimming and thought "I don't look like that!"

This problem was hard to overcome but we've managed to find a solution for you (after 13 months of looking for one!).

These 3 drills are a surefire way to a swimmer's V-shaped body for the fella's and lean arms and shoulders for the girls.

Order Mastering Freestyle Technique now

Lesson #3:

The whole body

The fun is only just beginning once you do each part of the freestyle stroke (which we walk you through step-by-step), the drills in Lesson Three have us copying the same drills that 99% of Olympic freestyler's do in training.

Most of these drills even beginners can do right off the bat! You'll be shown a simple little trick that will increase your speed by more than 10% (even if you haven't improved in years).

Your friends and family will be wondering how on earth you came across these drills when they see you doing things that only elite athletes do in training...

That's just the start; one of the drills in Lesson Three was touted by the world's most famous swimmer as "being the biggest difference between myself and my competitor's".

Order Mastering Freestyle Technique now

Lesson #4:

Swimming freestyle

Once you have 20+ drills under your belt, you will find yourself so well versed in swimming freestyle this lesson will probably be unnecessary!

We decided to include it for the slow learners amongst you (don't worry, I was one of them!).

We'll demonstrate freestyle out of the water so you can see exactly what your arms need to be doing in the water...

One minor trick I learnt in this section dropped my own 200 meter freestyle time by 6 seconds immediately.

That was from a relatively quick freestyle time too, for anyone who might be struggling with a 200 meter freestyle I can almost guarantee you'll drop more than 6 seconds.

Order Mastering Freestyle Technique now

Bonus section:

Have your own Swimming coach, virtually "on call" 24 hours a day!

I'll be with you every step of the way. If you have questions, you can email me personally. Imagine having your own swimming coach "on call" 24 hours a day!

I know that even Mastering Freestyle Technique has proven to work exceptionally well, in fact far better than traditional swimming lessons and coaching, and even though I offer unlimited personal support, you may still be wondering...

What if it doesn't work for me?

That's why we offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee...

...Here's Our 100% Risk Free 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee:

That's right! Take up to 60 days to examine and use the information, tips and techniques in "Mastering Freestyle Technique". That's up to 60 days to put these valuable strategies to work on your swimming technique in the pool.

Remember, if you aren't satisfied for any reason, or it doesn't live up to your expectations, you won't be out at all. Just send me an email at admin AT effortless-swimming DOT com and I will refund the purchase price. Right up to the final day of this 60 day guarantee. But the entire program (plus the bonuses) are yours to keep no matter what

I stand behind Mastering Freestyle Technique as an excellent way to learn Freestyle quickly and easily... If you have any doubts, reads these comments from my customers:

I always had trouble doing laps in the pool. I was always getting too tired and thought that everybody else simply had more stamina then me.

It turned out that after speaking with Brenton I found out my troubles were related to my technique. He put me onto Effortless Swimming.

I was really impressed with how simple the program is. It encourages you to learn at your own pace with very easy exercises. It really is effortless.

Anthony Sokolowski
Melbourne, Australia

Maybe you've experienced some of the costs of not knowing how to swim properly?

  • Lost time while your competitors are getting ahead
  • Frustration because you never seem to be improving
  • Wondering if swimming just “isn’t meant for me”
  • Money for gas and pool entry fees for training sessions that haven’t made you any faster or fitter
  • The embarrassment of looking like a drowned-rat in the pool
  • Jokes made about your swimming ability

Would you agree that all of the frustrations you may have previously had with swimming have cost you at least $400?

How much have you spent on stroke correction lessons by people who can hardly swim themselves? We know people who have paid more than $175 for 5 swimming lessons, but they’re being taught by instructors who are slower than them!

If you want to become a fast swimmer, the only way to do it is by learning from people who have already done it themselves. You wouldn’t learn how to make money from a broke person would you? Your self-esteem is worth more than whatever number you come up with.

Any opportunity that you ever get to fast-track your eventual swimming success by learning the right freestyle drills will end up making you a whole lot happier and give you more time to focus on beating everyone else.

Don't wait! You can get the Mastering Freestyle Program instantly...No wasting time or waiting for the mail...

The entire Mastering Freestyle package is now available via instant download (PC or MAC)! You can be learning the drills which Olympic swimmers swear by in 5 minutes time. There are several advantages by ordering the product via download...

  • » No shipping and handling charges, that's it, zero cost to you.
  • » Zero waiting time for delivery, you get the entire program instantly.
  • » No chance of the package being lost in the mail or damaged.
  • » You receive the Mastering Freestyle program at a reduced cost because it costs us less to product.

Because we want more testimonials to use on our website, here is my unique offer for you...

If you order before midnight TONIGHT you'll receive 47% off the original product price of $149.95, and we'll give you the complete Insider's Guide to Mastering Freestyle Technique for only $77.00

For a limited time, since we need more testimonials, you can start using Mastering Freestyle Technique immediately for ONLY $77.00

And this price will only be good for the first 17 units as we only need a few more testimonials to add to the site.

$77.00 is the lowest it will ever be.

So don't delay. Master Freestyle Technique now

This is the lowest price Mastering Freestyle will ever be.

And if that wasn't enough, we're going to throw in 7 limited time bonuses for you.

As our gift to you, we'll even include:

Bonus Gift #1:

Mastering Freestyle Drill Card $29.95

Swimming drill card

What if you couldn't remember all the drills you'd learnt in the Mastering Freestyle program? Not to worry, we've put together a drill card which includes the entire library of 20+ drills so you can take it to the pool with you.

You can see exactly how its done by having this essential guide with you every time you train. You'll never do a drill wrong again!

  • Pool deck ready - Simply print it off and take this drill card to the pool. No need to remember all the drills!
  • A drill card so simple even novices can understand (it really is idiot-proof!)

  • UNLIMITED USE! Keep a copy on your computer so you'll never lose it!

Bonus Gift #2:

Mastering Freestyle Turns (Video) $19.95

freestyle flip turns

If you've ever struggled with freestyle turns, this video is for you. We've broken the freestyle turn into 6 easy steps which will have you turning like a champion next time you hit the water.

As an added bonus, we also included 'How to Destroy the Competition In Turns'. We'll show you two drills which will increase your turn speed and power by more than 60%.

Bonus Gift #3:

A beginner's guide to swimming accessories (eBook) $19.95

swimming accessories

You don't know it yet but, at the end of this bonus you'll know everything about how to use and include swimming toys and accessories in your session that you'll never be bored again.

Here's a short list of what this amazing bonus contains:

  • How to use a swimming snorkel to double your leg speed (and it only takes a few minutes!)

  • How to avoid the dreaded 'triathlon-legs' so many triathletes fall into, and we'll show you the easy way to save your legs for the run and bike leg

  • How to get strong shoulders and avoid injury by using one simple trick with swimming paddles

Bonus Gift #4:

Eating to win: What to eat before, during and after swimming (eBook) $19.95

eating in swimming

Are you beginning to see how valuable this package is? With this bonus you'll know the essentials about the eating secrets to give you boundless energy to keep you going like a frog in a sock - you'll never be caught in a training session with low energy and no power, instead you’ll be asking “Can we make this training harder, this is too easy”, you'll discover:

  • Why swimming on an empty stomach is dangerous to your health (and the best news is, if you don’t like eating before swimming, we have a solution which works 100% of the time ... and it’s simpler than you think!)

  • The simple solution to pulling up sore after a training session. We’ll even teach you exactly how soon you need to eat after a swimming practice to gain maximimum energy for the next session.

  • How to avoid running out of puff after 13 minutes in the pool.(We reveal why what it is and how you can learn to keep going for over 90 minutes starting TODAY)

Bonus Gift #5:

The Top 10 Recipes For Swimmers (eBook) $17.95

We researched the best meals for swimmers which gives them limitless amounts of energy during training and in a race. These are quick and easy to prepare meals which give you loads of energy in the pool. Simple as that.

Bonus Gift #6:

The 8 Biggest Mistakes Most Freestylers Make and How to Avoid Them (MP3) $29.95

swimming mistakes

This jam-packed audio (mp3) is something every serious swimmer should have - you'll never be stuck for how to fix and freestyle error again with this resource by your side. For instance, you'll discover:

You'll discover:

  •   How to stop your legs and hips sinking (and the best news is, even if you are tall, short or inbetween this works 100% of the time ... and it’s simpler than you think!)

  • The simple solution to any breathing problems without getting caught up in complicated details. We’ll even teach you when to breath every 2nd stroke or every 3rd stroke for a smoother and easier freestyle

  • Why most people can’t flip turn and what YOU can do about it? We reveal why what it is and how you can learn to flip turn in only a few minutes a day

Bonus Gift #7:

Lifetime updates $120

As we keep adding additional videos, mp3's and ebooks to the program, you'll receive them free as part of your lifetime updates. Unlike buying an iPod, you won't need to keep buying a new to stay up with the latest trends. You'll get any updates FREE as they are released.

  • Unlimited lifetime updates

  • No stress, no worries! We'll email you each and every time we update the program!

  • Never need another freestyle program again!

Bonus Gift #8:

Super Secret Bonus Gift $29.95

This secret bonus will be revealed on the inside, but here's a few of the benefits you'll get from this one secret bonus alone:

  • The 5 principles of swimming you should know before starting any kind of training program(you could save yourself years of struggle)

  • REVEALED! The information which was kept secret amongst elite swimmers and their coaches (and how years of study about swimming uncovered the real reason most people never improve)

  • How to avoid sinking hips and legs, and a surefire way to keep your body sitting high in the water

We will never give away this many bonuses again.

That’s over $287 in added bonuses which we’re giving away free. These bonuses retail for 3x more than you are paying for the entire program, but this offer won’t last so go ahead and get your copy before we decide to take these bonuses away.

And in an effort to show you how confident we are about how valuable Mastering Freestyle Technique will prove to be for you, we've taken all of the risk out of your hands and put it in ours by offering a no questions asked money back guarantee.

"...will help me improve my crawl, especially that trick about the shoulder rotation!"

Thank you very much for your video. I think they will help me improve my crawl, especially that trick about the shoulder rotation. It is really a revelation for me.

Thanks again.

Renat, Moscow, Russia


You are about to get instant access to the all the drills and training strategies that will propel your swimming to a level only the top 1% of swimmers ever experience.

Your purchase will allow you swim fast, smooth and powerful freestyle without the need of a coach. All for a one-time fee of $77.00 (a massive savings of $72.95 off the recommended price).

To get started, simply click here to order at the limited time price.

The Mastering Freestyle program is entirely electronic and can be downloaded immediately after you order. The eBook is in PDF format and our videos are in AVI (.AVI) format which can be viewed with Windows Media Player and VLC Player for Macs (free download).


Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:

You Must Be Excited Being Just 30 Seconds Away From Using This One Of A Kind Package!

...Here's Our 100% Risk Free 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee:

That's right! Take up to 60 days to examine and use the information, tips and techniques in "Mastering Freestyle Technique". That's up to 60 days to put these valuable strategies to work on your swimming technique in the pool.

Remember, if you aren't satisfied for any reason, or it doesn't live up to your expectations, you won't be out at all. Just send me an email at admin AT effortless-swimming DOT com and I will refund the purchase price. Right up to the final day of this 60 day guarantee. But the entire program (plus the bonuses) are yours to keep no matter what!

This makes it absolutely risk free to give Mastering Freestyle Technique a try. You can get every nickel of your money back under our no questions asked guarantee.

And You Get To Keep The Program For Free!

With all the risk on us, investing in Mastering Freestyle Technique should be a very easy decision for you. Save yourself a ton of frustration and wow your friends, family and competitors with your new freestyle technique, but most importantly your speed, times and endurance.

To Your Success,

Brenton Ford

P.S. - Remember, the lowest introductory price of $77.00 will not be around forever. Once we hit 100 units, the price will be raised and you will instead have to pay $149.95. Hurry Now before the price goes up!

P.P.S. - You only have to pay once to use this program as many times as you want. You have unlimited use. Put It To Work For You Now

P.P.P.S - Remember, our 60 day 100% Iron Clad No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee puts all the risk on us. You have nothing to lose, more speed and endurance to gain, and more time to focus on the enjoyment of beating your competitors in the pool and in the ocean. Download Now

"I managed to shave off 3 minutes in the 1.5km swim"

Hey Brent,

I've been practising and following the drills as per your advise.

Last Saturday I did the first olimpic triathlon of
the year and to my surprise I managed to shave off 3 minutes in the 1.5 km swim. Great stuff.

Thanks for the fantastic program!

Thanks again.

Jorge Mascaro, Birmingham, UK



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