
Freedom Blueprints

Freedom Blueprints

I Need To Get This Off My Chest...

Shameless Two-Faced

While Claiming They Only Want What's Best For Us,
*THEY* Are Quietly And Steadily Taking Away
Your Health, Your Wealth And Your Freedom!

Here Are Some Of The Facts That
You Were *NOT* Supposed To See:

Caught red-handed: one of the top US vaccine producers who might be producing mass murder...

The upcoming inflation apocalypse: Why FED’s bailouts are creating new generations of powerless “wage slaves”...

How Big Oil is quietly hoarding the very technologies that could end our total dependence on Arab fuel...

PLUS: how to turn the tables on them, with...

...12 Powerful Ways To Claim Your Independence
And Become Healthier, Wealthier and
100% Self-Sufficient, For Life...

“So Read Every Single Word You Will Find On This Page.
It Is That Important. It WILL Change Your Life...”

Founder of FreedomBlueprints.org   

Dear Friend,

If you're concerned about how the failing economy and this great credit crunch will impact your home and your family...

If you feel that there's something severely flawed about the way greedy corporations influence your health, your finances and the environment...

And if you’ve ever wondered if there’s a way to break down the foreign oil dependency... while saving up to 67% of gas costs and helping preserve the planet...

... Reading this report could easily prove to be the single most important thing you've done in years.

My name is John Hoffman and I want to share with you something of critical importance.

Make no mistake: By revealing this information I've made some very powerful enemies from all walks of life - including the huge energy corporations, the pharmaceutical industry and even a few political circles...

For the past 10 years, my mission has been to expose the hidden threats that the greedy corporate world possess on our freedoms. It’s been a rough ride - but by doing it, thousands of Americans have discovered the alternative, sustainable ways to break free - and depend on no one.

What's freedom got to do with you? More than you could ever imagine. And it's absolutely imperative that you claim yours before it's too late.

Because while no one is suspecting anything...

We're Being Silently Threatened By Three Deadly
"FREEDOM KILLERS" Of The Modern Times:

Freedom Killer #1: Big Pharma using our health to keep us chained to expensive, ineffective, sometimes dangerous drugs.

In March 2009, a shocking piece of news made the headlines all around the globe. It was about the Illinois-based Pharma giant Baxter - one of the world’s largest drug producers .

The scandal went off when a few international journalists found out something about a very “special” package Baxter had sent to one of their Austrian labs. It was a batch of vaccines for the human flu - that were supposed to contain a harmless strain of the human-flu virus.

However, there was nothing harmless about this package. Because when a scientist tested the batch minutes before injecting it into unsuspecting children... the shocking truth was revealed. This was no human-flu vaccine, but rather...

...A Vicious Blend Of Human Bid Flu That
Kills Everyone Who's Exposed!

Now imagine this: the low-risk (yet highly contagious) human flu virus managed to combine itself with a virus that doesn’t spread that easily... but is extremely lethal. And they say it was just “an accident". But many respected scientists agree that an accident like this is virtually impossible in a controlled environment. And it may well have been a planned thing.

You’d think a screw-up of these proportions would trigger a formal investigation. A stream of public outrage channeled by the mainstream media. An apology from Baxter. Or at least some form of “punishment” for an accident that should never have happened. Right?

Well... they WERE punished alright. "Punished" to make billions of dollars from shipping truckloads of swine-flu vaccines to the US government!

And the truth is that the all-mighty dollar has blinded many pharmaceutical corporations - who now think they’re God.

They First Created The Problem,
And Then They Sell Us Their Pills!

And while there's trillions of dollars involved, this trend isn't going anywhere.

That’s why the billions poured into researching “arthritis” only came up with new anti-inflammatory drugs... and not one cure.

That’s why pill-pushing doctors only recommend expensive drugs with increasingly dangerous side-effects... totally disregarding proven unconventional cures that wouldn’t cost you a dime.

It’s a modern form of enslavement. And it's effective. We no longer work for food and shelter - but for our lives.

But there is a way out. And I'll show you below exactly how to break the domination.

You'll be amazed to find out how easy it is to slash your medical costs... fire your doctor... and prevent up to 80% of the world’s most common killers.

But before I do that, let me expose another hidden threat you may not be aware of:

Freedom Killer #2: Energy Barons keeping us shackled to expensive, dirty fossil fuels - while putting a tight lid on green techs that could revolutionize the entire world

A few years ago, the reputed engineer Stan Ovshinsky - arguably one of the most prolific inventors of our time - created something that could have changed the auto industry forever. It was something related to the electric car.

You see, back until then, electric cars had only been able to run around 60 miles on a single charge. That made them uninteresting to the general public... and not a solid alternative to the conventional car.

But this seized to be a problem when Ovshinsky invented an incredibly large capacity NiMh battery... that increased the electric car’s autonomy 5 times - or up to 300 miles on a single charge!

Curious about who acquired the patent for this technology?

  • It’s not some space-age company specialized in green techs.

  • Nor is it an environmentalist group who’s trying to break us free from foreign oil.

  • It’s not even a car producer. (Actually, it's General Motors that sold the patent in the first place...)


The Chevron - Texaco Oil Mammoth Bought The Patent
- And They’re Keeping It To Themselves!

This is just one of many breakthrough technologies Big Oil is keeping a lid on.

But it’s not only the electric car that’s taking a beating. Any project that threatens Big Oil’s revenue and power is quietly being pulled off the market.

Even though, apparently, billions of dollars are being pumped into researching alternative energy sources each year.

Consider this fact: without a billion-dollar budget... and without employing an army of researchers... someone in San Diego has managed to create the ultimate fuel-efficient car:

While Everyone's Screaming "It Can't Be Done",
A Small American Company Built The 300 MPG Car!

It’s called the “Aptera” - and it’s no hoax. The car has received wild acclaims from celebrities like Tom Hanks, Shaquille O'Neal and Robin Williams - and it's marking the beginning of a new age in car efficiency.

Meanwhile, the car & oil companies are all screaming “it can’t be done” - and we’re paying top dollar for Arab oil.

There’s no excuse. We’re being forced to damage the planet... but we don’t have to.

Because far from the watchful eye of Big Corp, a group of renegade DIY individuals have quietly started a green revolution - making their cars run cleaner, with up to 67% added fuel efficiency. And I’ll show you how you can be a part of it too.

And while we’re at it, I’ll also show you the specific ways to generate your own solar & wind power.... get off the grid... and stop paying for expensive energy.

All these, without having to pay the minimum $2000 that's required for most "starter kits".

Freedom Killer #3: Washington bureaucrats making us prisoners of the rotten monetary system... and thus paving the way to new generations of “wage slaves”

Look: we didn’t create this credit crunch.

It was the greedy loaners - who gave money to just about anyone with a bank account.

And it was the politicians and bureaucrats - who looked the other way while the entire financial system was crumbling into dust.

But guess who’s stuck holding the bag?

Right, it’s us. As we speak, every American man, woman and child is presented with a $36,000 bill for our leaders’ incompetency.

Don’t even blink. Because it takes only one second for the Federal budget to be $95,000 shorter...

And if you’re curious just how much our kids and grandkids will have to pay out of their own pockets... brace yourself:

Think any corporation will pay a dime? Not likely. Because while mammoths like AIG throw huge parties and hand out million dollar bonuses, we’re the ones stuck with the bill.

And this means we’re going to have to work harder, pay more taxes or make dramatic changes to our lifestyles.

But you know what? It's not just about our money. It's not just about our health. And it's not even about the environment:

They're slowly taking away all our freedoms - making sure we're their "clients" for life!

The truth is the greedy corporate world is turning us into their “slaves” - slowly but steadily. And if you want to do something about it - now’s the time.

That’s why I’ve created an emergency Master Program to help you do just that.

After countless hours of interviews with underground doctors, inventors, DIY enthusiasts, survival experts, and “square foot” gardeners, I created...

The Freedom Blueprints

The Freedom Blueprints is your plain-English, blow-by-blow training program that reveals powerful secrets Washington, Big Oil and Big Pharma don't want you to know.

In it, you'll discover effective strategies for breaking the dependencies that are likely turning you into a "modern slave" - without you even knowing it:

Bullet If you’ve ever dreamed about getting entirely off-grid... being completely self-reliant... and not owing a red cent to the energy company...

Definition of "Freedom:

1. The condition of being free of restraints.

2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.

3. Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition: freedom of self-government.

4. The capacity to exercise choice: free will.

5. The right to unrestricted use; full access: the freedom of the research facilities.

6. The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship: the freedom of the city.

7. A right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference."

Bullet If you’ve been secretly fantasizing about seeing the wonders of the world but always lacked the money or the time to do it...

Bullet And if you've ever felt that it's about time you took control over your own health... cut on expensive pills that simply don't work... and enjoy a life entirely free from illness and pain...

Then you simply need to know more about the Freedom Blueprints!

Here's just a glimpse of what you will achieve when you go through the program:

Bullet You'll be able to get out of the most severe debt... while creating multiple streams of passive income, to make you financially free - forever.

Bullet You'll literally "fire your doctor" - and never have to pay Big Pharma another dime... by using proven, unconventional remedies to stay healthy, energetic and fit.

Bullet You'll learn an almost unknown method that will allow you to banish the energy company from your home... and generate FREE solar and wind energy with affordable, 100% home-made systems!

Bullet You'll save up to 67% on transportation costs - and also help protect the environment - by tapping into an endless supply of clean, reliable source of car fuel (and if you're thinking "biodiesel", you're wrong!)...

Bullet You'll finally put your life into high gear, by escaping the deadly emotional and social traps that prevent you from being everything you've ever wanted to be...

Bullet And so much more!

The foundation of the Freedom Blueprints is 12 monthly modules. Each month you will receive a new module. And each one is designed to introduce you to several “key” concepts and show you exactly how to use them - so you can claim your independence right now!

And by the end of each module, you'll have a new weapon in your arsenal. One that will allow you to break free from the invisible captivity.

And by the end of each module, you'll have improved knowledge and power in your arsenal - that you can use instantly to become more self sufficient.

Here's exactly what you'll find inside the Freedom Blueprints:

Module 1: Financial Freedom
- How To Escape The Rat Race

Look: if there's a recession going on... it doesn't mean you have to be a part of it.

Right now, Americans owe over $1 trillion in credit card debt alone. That's 25% more than merely 5 years ago.

And by the looks of it, paying off this debt gets harder day by the day.

This means thousands of people are getting tied to jobs they hate... with bosses they despise... and no hope for a turnaround.

That's why it's critical to achieve financial freedom NOW.

This doesn't mean just the eradication of debt. It's also about finding the resources to pay for your dreams.

And you can read all about it in Module 1 of the Freedom Blueprints:

Bullet The one most important thing you must do right now is to remove all the negative blocks on your path to financial freedom

Bullet The deadly - yet frequent - misconceptions about money and finances. Get this part right, and you’re halfway there.

Bullet How to take the easy way to erasing all your debt... and sneaky way to pay-off your debt with zero interest

Bullet Why paying off your mortgage could be one of the worst ideas ever

Bullet The difference between “good debt” and “bad debt” - and how to spot which one is which 

And that’s just half of the equation...

Because in this same module, you’ll learn the actual mechanisms that allowed thousands of former “wage-slaves” to become financially independent, and enjoy the lifestyle of their choice:

Bullet How to add new, recession-proof streams of income to your monthly earnings

"Today, We Are Both

"In February of this year we became completely debt free (including the mortgage on our house). We were over $135,000 in debt and I was getting ready to retire.

You must admit that it was pretty scary and my husband would have had to continue working until the age of 65.

However, today, both my husband and I are retired and were able to do so at the age of 55 thanks to the Freedom Blueprints.

Now we're following your plan to build our sources of passive income and it is working exactly as you said."

- Kim Krystian,
- Hawaii

Bullet A step-by-step road map to developing a magnetic mindset - that literally makes you attract money on demand

Bullet 7 profitable solutions to build your financial independence - some of them, with little to no risk... and incredible yield potential

Bullet How to make the most of your real estate, whether you’re buying, selling or staying put

Bullet Do this now, and you’ll have more money at the end of each month - for the rest of your life

Bullet The “zero-investment” business that's responsible for creating thousands of newly-independent “entrepreneurs” (it’s not MLM... and it doesn’t even require talking to people!)

Bullet And much, much more...

A word of warning: you won't find anything here about “how to get rich quick”.

And if you're looking for a way to make a million dollars in one night, with no work and no risks, this isn't for you.

What you’ll find though, are the very same mechanisms that allowed ordinary people to make a constant $5,000 to $10,000 a month... part time... while still keeping their day job.

What’s even better is that some of these techniques are about creating “set and forget” systems - that bring money on auto-pilot month after month. That means you only have to work once at creating the systems, and then they fetch a constant flow of cash to your account.

What will you do when you'll be financially free?

Some people enjoy being able to take long vacations - up to 3 months per year - and seeing places they only dreamed of before.

To others, it's all about having more time to spend with their family.

Module #2: Energy Freedom
- How To Tap Into Renewable Energy For Free -

It's hard to keep a low carbon footprint these days...

More that 93.9% of all the energy consumed in the US comes from non-renewable, highly pollute sources.

You know them: petroleum, natural gas, coal, uranium, propane.

They're all taking a heavy toll on nature... and on our monthly expenses. Meanwhile, the systems required to harness clean energy aren't too affordable either.

A simple 1250W solar panel system will cost you 3,990$ or more, depending on where you're buying it from.

For most, that's way too much... and it means they're stuck paying bills to the electric companies forever.

How would you like to not only pay less to the electric company... but perhaps even get them pay you?

That's right: you can make your own energy... get off the grid... and even sell the surplus!

You can do all that by using DIY systems that take less than $200 to make. And I'll show you exactly how to build your own, inside module #2:

Bullet How you can build a great looking solar panel for as little as $200. Most of these parts can be found around your home or at the hardware store!

Bullet How to use the natural resources of the Earth, and put a final end to consuming energy from non-renewable sources

Bullet Complete diagrams that you can follow in just a few hours, to build your own solar panels and solar-energy system, and save thousands of dollars each year

Bullet How to build your own batteries in order to never worry about days without sun or wind.

Bullet Easy-to-use instructions on how to build your own wind power generator - on a $200 budget!

Bullet And much, much more....

"It's Unbelievable How Much Energy
We Can Save...

"Hiya John,

Just wanted to say thanks. I've been looking for some good information on renewable energy due to the recent price increases in conventional energy sources.

After reading the Freedom Blueprints I made my own solar panel grid, and it's giving us more than enough energy to power our household appliances. My wife is thrilled!

My next step is to build a wind powered system for those cloudy days. It's unbelievable how much energy we can save with these systems! Soon enough, I'll be able to kick out the electric company forever!

Thanks again for giving us the know how to help make this a better world for our kids and grand kids."

- Grozdan Jacobi - Montana

Module #3: Food Freedom
- The Easy Way To Cut Dangerous
Industrialized Food From The Menu

Did you know that industrialized agriculture is responsible for 18% of our carbon footprint?

Did you also know that conventionally grown food is usually contaminated with harmful chemicals that can cause severe conditions - especially in children?

What’s more, by buying industrialized vegetables, only 9% of what you pay goes to the farmer. The rest is swallowed by multi-national corporations.

And when you think that  less than 2% of the population is producing food for the other 98%... and that just one major catastrophe could wipe out millions of people unable to grow their own food.... food independency makes perfect sense.

Module #3 shows you exactly how to grow your own food, even if you don’t live at a farm... don’t have too much terrain... or don’t want to work hard.

And it's way better than "organic" or "eco" food....

Here’s what’s inside:

Bullet Got no room for a “regular garden”? You can still build a sustainable container garden - that gives you fresh vegetables and even fruits!

Chemical-Free Bug Repellants That Work:

Home Made Pepper Spray Recipe:

Works great for ants and other small pests.

• Boil 2 or 3 cups of water.

• Add about ½ to 2/3 cup of chopped hot pepper. Let marinate for a few minutes.

• Run the mixture through a sieve to remove the peppers.

• Put the liquid in a squirt bottle and use when necessary.

Be careful not to spray directly on foliage!

And 4 more recipes, only inside the Freedom Blueprints


Bullet How to reduce workload and watering, weed easily and get quick access to your crops... using a hot new technique called square foot gardening”

Bullet A super-advanced method to get yields of at least $3,500 on yearly expenses of just $50! (It’s very simple... and less time-consuming than just about any kind of gardening)

Bullet How to raise chicken without any hussles. It's healthy and it's easy to do.

Bullet The “lazy gardener’s way” to gorgeous vegetables. No hard-work required.

Bullet Warning: this frequently used gardening practice only adds to your carbon footprint... helping destroy the environment!

Bullet The truth about soil fertility... and how to use it to gain record-setting crops, chemical-free

Bullet And much, much more

Module #4: Home Freedom
- How To Build Your Own Dream Home -

When it comes to their personal quest for freedom, many people find it extremely liberating to build their own home.

It's an amazing feeling: knowing that you're living in something you've built with your own hands. Plus... the savings are more than worth it.

And you can build the ultimate home without having to spend a lifetime paying off your mortgage.

But for many of us, self building can easily turn into their worst nightmare. Missed deadlines... exceeded budgets... or costly errors. You don't have to make the same mistakes.

Because in Module #4, you get everything you need to know about building the perfect home for your family... without making costly mistakes.


Bullet Why “sweat equity” may be the best type of equity... and how it pays to build your own home, at half the cost

Bullet Step by step instructions on how to build your home... from the initial permits and blueprints, to the final inspection

Bullet How to find reliable home contractors, so you can finish your project on time and on budget

Bullet What never to do when hiring a contractor (this deadly mistake can easily add an extra 15% to your final bill)

Bullet Four ways professional builders save on costs when they’re building their homes

Bullet 18 things to have in mind before deciding to homestead

Bullet And much, much more...

Imagine how good you’ll feel when you’ll be able to say “Hey, I built this myself”! It’s something no amount of money can buy.


Module #5: Transportation Freedom
- How To Travel The World
Without Spending A Fortune -

More than a hundred years after the popular Ford Model T entered production, there's little improvement in the technology.

Cars still require fossil fuels to run. They still pollute the environment. And driving one can still prove expensive... especially with the fluctuations in gas prices.

The auto industry says there's no better alternative yet. And the oil industry agrees. But you know what?

It's nothing but a bald faced lie.

There ARE cleaner, more affordable and far more efficient technologies.

And one of them has been sitting right under our noses - and it's effective, 100% replenishable, and completely FREE:


As you may know, water is composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen, and one of oxygen. Hydrogen is highly flammable... and oxygen is a required element in any kind of combustion.

And with a simple homemade electrolyzer, you can break water into these two powerful components... combine hydrogen with gasoline... and create an "explosive" mix that propels your car...

... Slashing your fuel costs by more than half!

You can make one in your own garage - with supplies you can get at any hardware store. And with the extensive blueprints I provide, even a child could build one.

Here’s exactly what you'll get in Module #5:

Bullet The simple, DIY way to make your car 67.34% more fuel efficient, and save thousands of dollars every single year, by installing a water fuel system on your car

Bullet A complete blue-print for the most simple and most efficient water fuel system

Bullet How to get the IRS deduction for using a qualified clean-fuel vehicle

Bullet How to boost your engine’s performance while preventing smog and damage on your engine. Your cleaner emissions vehicle will prevent global warming and give you and your family better health.

But that's not all. Being free is being able to see the whole world... without having to worry about how much it will cost.

That's why in this module I also share:

Bullet Strange opportunity created by the crisis allows exotic trips at up to 51% off. Listed inside: 5 countries to travel on a budget... while living like a king!

Bullet 10 affordable ways for you to see the Eifel Tower in Paris, the Big Ben in London or take a gondola trip in Venice... without paying a fortune

Bullet 5 ways to get someone else to pay for your vacation (this will blow you away!)

Bullet How to get free lodging... even free organic meals... in some of the most incredible vacations of your lifetime!

Bullet How to spend a full week at a cottage in the English countryside without paying a dime!

Bullet And much more...

Module # 6: Heat Freedom
- How To Heat Your Home For Free -

We've talked about how there are some really cool ways to power your home... but why not go a step further?

Most of the heat from the utility company is created by burning fossil fuels.

These not only pollute the Earth... but they're also expensive and their prices fluctuate much too often.

But you don't have to let the utility company burn the atmosphere on your money.

As a matter of fact, there are some very affordable ways to heat your home... using nothing but replenishable energy sources.

The Sun is one of them. The Earth is another. Both are endless - and free.

And with my detailed instructions, you'll be able to harness this energy... transform it into heat... and never have to pay another dime to the utility company!

Inside Module #6:

Bullet How to save up to 33% on utility bills, building your own solar water heater...

"I Know I'm Doing
My Part To Save The Environment"

"My 14 year old son always tells me how we need to recycle more and how we should help save the planet.

I stumbled upon your website and decided to give it a try. So we started this father-son project of building our own solar hot water heater.

We had an incredible time doing it: lots of fun, and it was really easy to build. Now I know I'm doing my part to save the environment, and I want to thank you for that. "

- Ken Jameson - California

Bullet PLUS: the full list of materials that you can find at your local hardware store (this way, your home made water heater will be extremely affordable)

Bullet Step by step instructions on building your own solar oven for less than $10 (cook delicious, juicy meals... and at the same time, feel good about keeping a low carbon footprint)

Bullet An inexpensive gadget you can get from your local hardware store that will knock as much as 15% percent off your utility bills, in one blow

Bullet How to use the infinite energy of the ground to heat your house... using nothing but cold water and a little electricity!

Bullet And much more...

Remember: by heating your home with renewable energy, you offset approximately 40% of the CO2 emissions generated by the average car.

This way, you’re contributing to the protection of the environment... and saving money at the same time!

Module #7: Disaster Survival
- Your Own Personal Insurance
Against Catastrophes -

Imagine that the big one strikes - an earthquake, a hurricane, a forest fire or even a man-made disaster.

You suddenly have no electricity, no running water, no natural gas, no heat and no telephone service.

You’re in your home, and it’s not safe to leave. And there’s no cavalry coming to the rescue... at least for a while.

With disaster being so common in the US... and with the rapid changes the world climate is going through, we can expect them to come more frequently in the not-so-distant future.

And being “free” is nothing else but the ability to care for yourself and your own family.

That’s why it's vital that you be prepared for a worst-case scenario.

A “Level One” survival plan will allow you to live entirely off-grid for at least 72 hours. I'll show you how you and your family can resist for much more than that.

That will give you plenty of time to be rescued - and you'll have that “edge” so many people need in case of disaster.

Here’s what you can find in module 7:

Bullet How to make a sturdy storm shelter that withstands the most powerful tornadoes or hurricanes

Bullet More important than food and more vital than water. An essential element of the emergency kit that most people miss.

Bullet Warning: 5 types of food that don’t belong in your survival kit.

Bullet The one important thing most people never prepare for - and why it’s essential for you to want to go beyond level 1 preparedness...

Bullet The safest place in your home in case of earthquake is not under heavy desks or tables (knowing this can really make the difference between life and death)

Bullet What you should never eat in case of emergency

Bullet How to deal with extreme cold: survival tips from the veteran survival experts

Bullet And much, much more

Module #8: Health Freedom
- How To Prevent Costly Illness -

There's an elephant in the living room. And we've been pretending not to notice it for far too long.

I'm talking about the billion-dollar industry that relies solely on us being sick. Have you noticed how most conventional "remedies" only treat the symptoms... and not the causes?

That's because there's money to be made in "repeat customers". And that's exactly Big Pharma's plan: to keep us addicted to their expensive pills... never completely healthy... and always wanting more.

In module #8, you'll discover the answer to living a life free from illness.

It's entirely possible - especially since 80% of all health problems come from less than 20% of known conditions.

Focus on these conditions - and you'll be healthier, fit and more energetic than almost everyone you know.

And here's what you'll find inside:

Bullet Why they don’t die from coronary disease in Iceland: simple strategies that slashed mortality by a massive 80%!

By How Much Would You Like To Lower Your Cholesterol?

By 16%? Two large apples a day keep the cardiologist away (Their pectin keeps your stomach from absorbing fats. And cholesterol is a fat.)

By up to a whopping 42%? Your ridiculous inexpensive "prescription" is just half an avocado a day. (The secret is its heart-healthy unsaturated fat and 13 essential minerals)

By 7%? Four garlic cloves a day, if you please (and see inside the Freedom Blueprints for an easy way to take them)

By 11%? Two raw carrots a day are just what the doctor ordered (or, at least, what he should have ordered)

By 22%? Just say "nuts". Walnuts, to be exact.

And another 3 powerful ways to slash your cholesterol... only inside the Freedom Blueprints


Bullet An all-natural pectin powder that leans the plaque around your arteries... even if you’re on a fast-food diet!

Bullet How to banish the most common allergies with a surefire, all-natural defense used by the US Army...

Bullet The un-common wisdom that allows doctors to stay well while treating sick people all day

Bullet The health insurance disaster that didn’t happen: 9 powerful secrets insurers don’t want you to know

Bullet The top 12 places to go for cheap, yet reliable healthcare. (The answer could probably save you from bankruptcy or worse!)

Bullet Probably the most valuable nutrient on the planet - that energizes your body, maintains normal blood pressure and eliminates sleep problems - and how to get it for pennies

Bullet Add this to your morning orange juice, and you'll literally "unclog" your arteries!

Bullet What to eat urgently if you’ve been exposed to the swine flu

Bullet How to get rid of high blood pressure - just adding this simple ingredient to your salad

Bullet The tiny, tasty seeds you can eat to flush away fat forever. This almost forgotten trick has been used by ages to shed unwanted pounds - fast!

Bullet An Asian wonder-plant dubbed "The Medical Breakthrough Of The Century" that turns diabetes sufferers from insulin dependent to NON DIABETIC in 6 weeks!

Bullet And much, much more...



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