
Feng Shui Course - 20 Minute Feng Shui. The Only Feng Shui Book You need.

Feng Shui Course - 20 Minute Feng Shui. The Only Feng Shui Book You need.

Unlock Your Hidden Assets
and Opportunities to Creating
Unlimited Money, Love,
Health & More

20 Minute Feng Shui
If you have 20 Minutes a day
 Feng Shui will work a Miracle
in your life!

I Guarantee it!  and you
get a Certification Award


"You never have to read another
Feng Shui book"

~ Ellyn Davis, The Home Schooling Expert
Sedona, AZ


Dear Friend,

          With the use of Feng Shui “the World can be your oyster”, pearls ripe for the harvest.  Using the simple techniques included in this Home Study E-course  you can:

  • make wealth, abundance and plenty part of your way of life,
  • attract a tender, adoring and devoted partner,
  • become a magnet for loving, supportive and compassionate  friends and family
  • receive the appreciation, respect and recognition you deserve
  • become lucky in life, always in the right place at the right time with the cards falling in your favor,
  • become know as the specialist, expert in your field or the go to person,
  • do the work that you love and love the work you do
  • enjoy your success with vim, vigor and vitality,
  • become the master of your life situations, scenarios and outcomes,
  • create opportunities for  your children that you only dreamed of for yourself

All these and more can be yours!

     You owe it to yourself to get the most out of all the efforts you put forth in your life.  Why would you want to put forth 100% effort and only get 75%, 50% or only 30% for your sweat, hard work and endeavors? You don't. This is why you must uncover the hidden assets and opportunities that are buried in your life and home.  You can't possibly get the most out of your efforts until you can understand and identify what they are and where these assets and opportunities are hiding.  And everybody has them!

      Just for a moment let's talk about assets.  When we talk about assets most people think about the standard items you would find in a credit application or a balance sheet.  People think that the only assets they have are the concrete things like money in the bank, an automobile or a home and if they don't have these things they have nothing.   But, this is a mistaken belief. 

       Your real assets and opportunities and most valuable possessions can be found in the intangible.  What you will find is that these things have far more value and impact and substance in connecting you to the outcome you seek to accomplish than you ever imagined.

      You can attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t want by simply modifying your environment. It’s easier than therapy and cheaper than moving!  With only 20 minutes each day you can secure the wealth and opportunities and riches that lie right beneath your nose.

“I have used your techniques in Relationship, Career, and Health. The results have been amazing. My husband and I have been more passionate, more caring, and we spend a lot more time together doing things that we both love. My career has also taken a turn for the better. I was just promoted to manager and got a large pay increase, which has changed our lives in a great way.”
                                                                 Shalee Lalli, Utah

Mine Your Hidden Assets & Opportunities

           While feng shui (pronounced fung-SHWAY) itself is a massive study and complex art, the beauty of it is that “every little bit that you do helps.” There are many simple things you can do around your home or office to set the foundation for an enriched life full of possibilities.  Everything you apply will bring you that much closer to the outcome you desire.  The more you do the better your life becomes.

              That’s why I created the 20-Minute Feng Shui electronic course.  You do not have to study the entire complex art and science.  With this E-course you can begin to start reaping the benefits with only 20 minutes a day.  The 20-Minute Feng Shui E-course will show you step by step how to mine those hidden assets and create incredible opportunities for abundance, for bliss and for riches in your life.

My husband and I were experiencing a time when we were like two ships passing in the night. We were drifting apart and I couldn't seem to get us back on track. He had a late night meeting, I went to dinner with friends, he fell asleep on the couch and I read in bed. I thought about how long it had been since we kissed goodnight and felt very sad. So I looked at the bagua and set out for the romance area of our home which happens to be our office. Now this was going to be challenging, to fit romantic Feng Shui cures into an office environment. But, I love a good challenge and looked at the decor. It wasn't immediate but slowly we began to seek each other out, eat out together, spend time playing cards together or just chatting over coffee. Call me crazy, but it worked! Oh, and we kiss a lot more too!”
           Sallie A. Rodman, California

Turn Your Problems into Your Greatest Opportunities

There are energies in your home and on your property that you have no idea even exist that are creating obstacles and problems in your life.  It is these energies that have been keeping you from achieving the life your desire, holding you back from abundant prosperity, stopping you from having the relationships your desire. 

The good news is that tremendous opportunity is always present where these obstacles and problems lye.  These obstacles and problems are your greatest opportunity for growth, prosperity, and happiness.  The 20 Minute Feng Shui E-course is a tool that will help you leverage these obstacles and problems and turn them into your greatest opportunities subtly, easily and automatically.

Feng Shui is the art of placing the objects in your life, home and office in such a way that their energy fields modify the energy already in place to give you what you want more of, and to compensate for energy drains that bring more of what you want less of. Hence, in its simplest terms, feng shui is the art of placement.

“I had a problem getting along with my son. He was rude, disrespectful and disruptive. I placed a Feng Shui Cure in the relationship corner of the house. It wasn't too long after that my son and I were communicating better and his tone of voice and actions were changing.” 
                          Sharon C. Ferguson, Louisiana


 Global Philosophies for the Here & Now

        My teachings are not limited to just the Oriental perspective nor do they use ancient methodologies developed for a different time and a different place.  I incorporate global philosophies that are applicable to the here and now, including Native  American, European, Hawaiian and South American.

         I  also incorporate my training and experience as a Certified Interior Designer, Certified Facility Manager and  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional.

 “I am 28 and just got married last year. I have a good job and my husband does, too. Both of us are still going to some courses to improve our possibilities. These courses require quite large fees and this winter we had difficulties paying a last fee for my master’s. I have read all your tips and decided to improve the prosperity corner. Meanwhile, my mother who knew what problems we had, did the same thing at her house. In about a week, my father-in-law phoned and said I should drop by because he had something to say.  I went there and he gave me an envelope with all the money I needed, saying he received a bonus bigger than he expected and he was giving me the money. I was very impressed. On the other hand, Mother knew all along it would work out. Thank you… Maybe you are the Feng Shui good luck charm.”
                                                     Despina Stroe, Romania

What Makes This Course So Unique?

In this course you will learn about Energy because it is Energy that addresses the First Cause of your problems.  Everything is Energy.  You will not be dealing with the effects of your problems that many professionals might have you do, but the actual cause of them.

You will learn the why, the when, and the how of Feng Shui.  When you are done with this Home Study E-course you will know how to apply Feng Shui to every situation. This is not another one of those books that just gives you examples that do not apply to your situation.  This course gives you solutions.

In this E-course you will learn how to deal with your entire property.  You will learn where to look and how to identify energy that is damaging you and holding you back from financial success, joy and happiness.  You will also learn how to fix or "cure" these energies and protect your home, your family and your life.

No other Feng Shui practitioner, professional, master will make you this promise.  This Home Study E-course will teach you how to make Feng Shui work for you, your friends and your family.

”All of the artwork I had always enjoyed featured women alone. When I discovered through Feng Shui that this did not promote what I wanted in my marriage, I removed the artwork. We are so close and enjoy a more loving relationship since I did this one small thing.”

                         Lynn Holloway, Parksville, B

Knowledge is Power

Sir Francis Bacon said “Knowledge is Power”.  So access to successful information and a comprehensive knowledge base is critical to developing the life you are entitled to.  This Home Study Course will provide you with the knowledge to create your ideal life full of wealth, opportunities and riches. 

            “If you work Feng Shui, Feng Shui will work for you."

“My auto repair business was about five years old and not growing like I thought it would. I read up on feng shui and bought a Ba-qua and did my office like it said. Now mind you it was noon and the phone had not rung and nobody came in all day. As soon as I cleaned my money corner the phone rang and two people drove in to get work done. That made me a believer and I did my house, too. Thanks!”

                 Donald Pulicicchio, New Jersey

Your Action Plan for Success

           I have taken this tremendously complex art and science and created a simple and easy action plan that streamlines the process.  Getting you from start to completion is just 101 days and on to drawing into your life and manifesting your goals and dreams.         

           The 101 “cures” in this Home Study E-course will open you up to joy and happiness and enrichment and fulfillment and financial success—and bring you whatever you choose—without expensive consulting or mumbo jumbo. It isn’t complicated. In fact, for many people it quickly becomes intuitive.

After a brief explanation of feng shui, there are 101 “cures”—techniques that show you "how to" and take you step by step in…

  • identifying and fixing the parts of your environment that are being attacked by outside energies,
  • identifying and fixing the parts of your environment that drain your energy and reserves,
  • enhancing and adding energy to your property, home and life 
  • manifesting your goals and dreams.

           20 minutes is a small price for guaranteed success in your life.

“I have been using your Feng Shui tips only a few weeks and I look Forward to reading them everyday!  It absolutely amazes me at how much better I sleep at night since I rearranged and cleared "stored" items from under my bed”

                                Louise A. Svadeba

You Can Profit with Grace & Ease

          Through the 9 sections of this Home Study E-course you will learn how you can create the life you have always dreamed of having, love, the home, the car, the connection to family, the travel, all of it.  Once you have completed these sections you will have created a whole life. 

           What do I mean by a whole life?  When your life is whole, everything comes with grace and ease. When parts of your life are not whole, it is like driving your car with a flat tire.  You can get where you want to go but you struggle to get there. 

           When your home is whole, your life will be whole and grace and ease will become your way of life.  By implementing the simple principles in this Home Study E-course you can have everything that you have dreamed of having in your life.

            The course will help you pin point the areas of your life you want to improve, enhance or develop.   From there you will learn how to protect and advance the following areas of your home and life. This is an outline of the volumes in this course.  Protecting, developing and enhancing each one of these areas is the recipe for creating a whole life.

  • Volume 1

Feng Shui Fundamentals
The Eight Must's for Your Success

The first eight cures will introduce you to the basic tools of feng shui, the language of feng shui, and the meanings you will use throughout the rest of the home-study course. These eight will also explain and anchor the core competencies you need for the remaining 93 of 101 Feng Shui Cures. It’s supposed to be fun! So, this section puts you into action quickly without extensive reading. These first cures will quickly make substantial shifts to the energies in and around your home. After completing this section, you’ll notice streamlined descriptions. Therefore, if at any future point you wonder about a cure with crystals, or red dots   or anything else, turn back to this section to refresh yourself on the basics. (Of course there are nuances in each cure, as explained on each cure’s page.) Feng shui is a path of lifelong improvement. Begin with these eight cures, then either proceed through the home-study course in order or go next to the part that is most important for you. The more cures you do, the more compatible with your ultimate objectives the energies of your home will be. In any case, have fun, and remember, the whole point of feng shui is to balance energies. So don’t get so caught up in details that you create more imbalance! E-book Price $24.95

  • Volume 2

The Best Offence for Your Life  is a Good Defense
Feng Shui Property Protection Cure

Most people think of feng shui only as a way to decorate the inside of a home. What is overlooked by that view is the huge amount of energy   coming at the home from the outside. We’re affected by traffic on our street; children  in our neighborhood; developments going in nearby; arguments among city, county, and state politicians; and more! Our perimeter and approach to our home are our first lines of protection, not only against rodents and creepy crawly things, but also against imbalanced energy  from worldwide and even cosmic sources. Outside forces affect our incomes, our social lives, and often our peace and quiet enjoyment. The cumulative energies of everything and everyone around us—whether people, zoning, or transportation—affect us. Therefore, the most-important cures occur outside, to mitigate our constant bombardment by energies that are beyond our control, that is, until they reach our property lines! Western developers, architects and builders rarely consult feng shui before laying out a neighborhood; marking off the lots; or siting, designing and building houses. Therefore, most properties need protective cures. Some properties have more problems than others do, but they are all fixable. So, don’t just pack up and move unless you have a life-threatening condition and its fixes require more time and energy than you think you have.E-book Price $14.95

  • Volume 3

Setting the Foundation for Your Successful Life
Your Foundation and How You are Perceived

Most people think a person’s house says something about them. What is their social status? Are there clues as to what they do for a living? Any hints as to whether the inhabitants are old or young, winding down or raising a family?  All of this is true and more. Your home says a lot more about you than your social status. Does it have a strong foundation or does it look like it could blow away in the next gale?  How people perceive your house when they drive by is how they perceive you—not just the strangers driving by who don’t know you, but also the people who come to your door who do know you.  Your reputation  and even your career  are symbolized by your house and its approach. People can tell whether you are an open and welcoming person or hard-to-get-to-know just by walking up to your door—possibly even by just driving by. They can tell whether you respect yourself and whether you respect others.  Play a game with someone you enjoy conversing with (or grab a notepad and do it alone). Go to a neighborhood other than your own, to a street on which you don’t know anyone—in town or out of town. Pick a house, and see how much you can figure out about the people who live there. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can come up with a whole scenario about those people’s lives, or even 20-30 ideas about them. They may not all be true, but they will all be true about how the inhabitants are perceived—their reputation.  E-book Price $14.95

  • Volume 4

Creating a Great Life for Yourself
Feng Shui Room by Room

Until now, we’ve been addressing your whole life, safety and reputation. Now we’ll begin to zero in on particular aspects of your life, going room-by-room to make your life more harmonious and flowing.  Some ailments are generic to every room of your home. We will cover these in this section of the course. They will include the element of family, how to treat angled walls that have become so popular in architecture, the cause of arguments and the use of color   to name a few.  What about the location and operation of the bathroom? Do those banging doors  bother you—in more ways than one? What about the fireplace ?  For the most part, “room cures” are treatments that can improve the effect of any room on you, not just specific rooms, such as the kitchen   and bedrooms, which we’ll get to later.
There was your whole property….

                Then your whole house…

                        Then your home’s interior as a whole….

…And now the rooms.  E-book Price $14.95

  • Volume 5

Create a Better Experience in Your Bedroom
Rest and Rejuvenation for Energy and Better Health

Now that the large, sweeping areas of your home are cared for, we get to the heart of what keeps you going day-to-day: rest and rejuvenation—what relaxes you and makes you young again! We could even add another R to this set: romance.  You spend at least 1/3 of your life in the bedroom . So this room is one of the most important in your home. The energies in this room will affect your life more than any other.  Because the bedroom  may be the least-visible when people come to visit or even come to the door, you may have developed the habit of using it as a catchall for items having no other home.  Your bedroom may also be a home-office  : the center of commerce in addition to the center of consummation! That isn’t bad, because both require fastidiousness in the creativity corner of the baqua . But there is a great divide between romance and business  —tenderness in lieu of tender, expert not export, sensuous not sold!  Though you may have addressed some of the following concerns in house and room cures, it is essential for your youthfulness and success of spirit that you walk through these bedroom  cures.  I guarantee: you will sleep better, have fewer aches and pains, and enjoy greater social satisfaction!  E-book Price $14.95

  • Volume 6

Purge Your Life of Un-Wanted Emotions
Processing and Purging

There are few daily events more important to wellbeing and overall health  than those that occur in the bathroom. They are personal and they are powerful. They should be honored as the basis of vigor that they are, because without appropriate distribution within the gastro-intestinal system, there cannot exist calmness of communication, clarity of thought or concentration of health.  “Perfect circulation equals perfect health  ,” said 19th Century mystic Ellen Gould White. Disruptions of digestive flow could lead to gout, anal-retentiveness, cancer and other ailments too grievous to mention.  Processing and purging occurs with emotional issues, as well. But if your bathroom is backed up, so may be your emotions. If you find yourself behind in your work, or if you are holding on to old hurts and emotional pain, this section is for you.  It is imyour stress  control and a sense of well-being to keep things flowing.  Make sure you do “whatever it takes” to process and purge daily!  E-book Price $14.95

  • Volume 7

Feng Shui Kitchens
Create a Healthy Self Image

The kitchen is the center of your home in many ways, and its influence is far-reaching. Besides the station for food   preparation and the family’s nourishment , it may also be where you eat and talk with one another. Often a kitchen  is a de facto hearth where friends gather and relationships   are formed or deepened. Sometimes it is a hub of activity where projects are launched or completed. And it may even be a traffic control center where family members check in, messages are exchanged, bills  are paid, and mail is sorted.  How does a kitchen   collect so many responsibilities? It is actually quite the opposite. The kitchen is to the home as the sun is to the earth. It is the source of life, the source of prosperity, the source of relationships.  First, a kitchen is about nourishment . The quantity and quality of the food  that you eat determines your health . Do you pay attention to taking care of you and your family, or is there never enough time? Do meals get the quick fix while other activities get non-negotiable attention? Or does the cook take care of everyone except him- or her-self?  Of course, a well-stocked kitchen  represents abundance, but not just physical. The kitchen is also a symbolic heart for your emotional and financial nurture. Taking care of and building your health represents looking after your life and your pocket book. The kitchen is your home’s ‘wealth  -and-well-being’ center.  The recipe for nourishment  is: eliminate sha (obstacles and opposing elements), add chi, protect good energy  and “stir with care;” that is, attend to the people who eat. Take time to carefully prepare the meals you and your family eat.  Care of this hearth symbolizes crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s of your financial plan. If your focus is creating and building wealth  , this is the area of your home that you want to really put the details into.  E-book  Price $14.95

  • Volume 8

Home Office Feng Shui
Success Can Be Yours

 Did you know improving your work can also improve your play?  There is much you can do to improve your business   management, whether you have a home office   in your profession or simply manage the affairs of your house.  The position of your desk, your chair, and your telephone contributes energy  . Even the position of each item on your desk has energy. You can improve your financial matters significantly and add ease and pleasure to your work by applying principles of feng shui to your workplace.  Creativity, follow-through and even your enthusiasm for your work are all addressed in the following cures.  E-book Price $14.95

  • Volume 9

Feng Shui BaGua
Create the Life You Dream of Living

The eight-sided feng shui baqua   is the basic map for locations of energy   by type. Do you want to know what part of your home holds the prosperity energy? Refer to the baqua. If you’re always at the office and never have time for your family, take your energy map—the baqua—to the office and use it to help you track down what is in the family and children  corners of your office (possibly piles of work!).  In addition to learning  to maximize these eight energy areas in your home, you will also learn how to magnify those energy fields using talismans combined with affirmations.  Consistent attention to using the baqua on your property, in your home, and each room of your home will help you create the life of your dreams.  E-book Price $14.95    

When you complete all 9 volumes you can receive a Certificate of Course Completion.


”Candace has an amazing Feng Shui service.  The first thing she noticed at my place was that all the money coming in my front door was going out my back door. So, I put a cure in place and my bank account has since swelled to six figures! Since then, I’ve had many notable successes, including generating nearly a half million dollars in sales in one hour (a personal best). Does this stuff work?  I don’t know but I’m not changing a thing!”                      
              Carl Galletti, Arizona

I Guarantee it will work for You!

         I am so confident that these quick feng shui techniques will so dramatically change your life that I am putting a full, 100% money-back guarantee in writing.

         Do the beginning and ending inventories and all 101 of these techniques and I absolutely guarantee your life will be much improved. You may not notice a dramatic difference day by day, but by the time you’ve completed all the cures, if you do not have more peace and prosperity in your life, I must insist on returning what you paid for the Home Study E-course.

“I am single, 40 and never seemed to find the right man to marry and start a family with.  I was very near giving up on the chance to find true love.  I followed advice you offered others looking for love.  I concentrated all my efforts on my "romance" corner in my bedroom.  Six months later I met the most wonderful man ever.  We're engaged and I am a firm believer in Feng Shui.  I practice it at home and at work.  Thank you for your help!"

Lisa Blumetti, Connecticut

What is it worth to you?

           What is your financial success, joy and happiness worth?   It's priceless!  What would you give to have it? If you knew that you could take a specific course and it would give you the outcome you wanted, wouldn't you take it?  Of course you would!  Well, I have just guaranteed you that if you follow and complete this course, your life will change and improve.  You have everything to gain by purchasing this course and taking the daily actions now.

          What is this E-course worth  (besides your happiness)?   Hiring a Feng Shui consultant to come out to your home and just make all the assessments I teach you in this book ( that is assuming that they have all this experience, knowledge and expertise) could cost you as much as $1,000.00 or more for just a One Time assessment.   

          With this E-course you are purchasing knowledge and wisdom. It becomes yours to use over and over and over for the rest of your life.  Not only can you help yourself but you can impact the lives of your friends and family.

“When I read Candace's "20 Minute Feng Shui", I realized I never have to read another Feng Shui book.  She has written the final word on the "Art of Placement".  Her course takes you step by step through making the changes, explaining each treatment ("cure") holding your hand through the entire process."

Ellyn Davis, The Home Schooling Expert
Sedona, AZ

Access to Unlimited Questions & Answers

           The E-course consists of  9 segments. The first segment is $19.95 and the other 8 are priced at only $14.95. But when you purchase the entire E-course (all 9 segments) you get it for the discounted price of only $97.00.  That's a $42.55 savings or like getting 2 1/2 volumes for FREE! 

          There is more!  I know that if you complete the whole course that you will have more success, abundance and prosperity in your life, so I have added in more bonuses if you purchase the whole course.  Check them out!

Help is on the Way

         I am dedicated to helping you learn and implement Feng Shui successfully, so to  support you in your quest for reaping the rewards you are entitled to, I have create a Feng Shui Membership site to support you.  I don't care how "new" you are or how silly your think your questions may be, you can ask it and know that help is on the way.  You can even submit pictures of your questions if you feel the question is really complicated.

           In this site you will rub internet shoulders with World-Class Minds and know that help for your life issues is only a question away.  This  Feng Shui Membership site is a private site and only open to those who have purchased the entire Feng Shui E-course or those who are committed to growing their knowledge of Feng Shui. 

          In this site you will have access to:

  1. Ask unlimited questions and receive unlimited answers to your questions by Feng Shui Professionals, (one question on others sites costs as much as $69.96).  You can also submit pictures of your home for review and comments.
  2. Find out what your Heaven Luck has to say. Receive a copy of your Personal Natal Astrology Report (this will give you a greater understanding of yourself and what has been holding you back in life, a $19.95 value)
  3. Receive a copy of your personal Heaven Luck report every month.  Receive your Personal Monthly Astrology Aspects  (these detailed descriptions are based upon your personal birth date, time and birth place and will give you information about the universal energies impacting you daily, a $19.95 value every month)
  4. Unlimited access to all  the articles on Feng Shui and Energy that you must pay for on the non-membership site (valued at $227.27),
  5. Unlimited access to the Feng Shui Professional Spotlight Interviews with the author of the 20 Minute Feng Shui Course and other professionals (these downloads and transcripts are a $47.00 value for each interview total value is $235.00),

    You will receive 1 month free membership to this site when you purchase the 9 volumes.  The monthly cost of the Membership site is normally $31.97.  But after your free first 2 months your membership will only be charged $15.97 a month  and  will automatically renew every month at the $15.97 bonus price rather than the normal $31.97   This special price is only available to those people who purchase the 9 Volumes.  

So, What's Included?

 With the purchase of the 9 Volume 20 Minute Feng Shui E-course you get:

  • 20 Minute Feng Shui 101 Cures E-course (pdf download,
  • One months FREE to the membership site as described above and
  • Feng Shui Reports
  • Spotlight Interviews
  • $100 off coupon on the Average House Feng Shui Cures Starter Package

When your purchase the Average House Cures Starter Package it's like getting the 9 Volumes of 20 Minute Feng Shui for FREE!

Your download link will arrive immediately after you complete the payment process.

Look at Your Savings



Your Cost

9 Volumes of the 20 Minute
Feng Shui e-Course  pdf zip file


$  97.00

1 Months free to the Feng Shui Membership site @ $31.97/mo  (and only $15.97 per month automatic renewal, for those who purchase the 9 volumes)

$ 31.97

$    0.00
Feng Shui Reports $227.27 $    0.00
Spotlight Interviews $235.00 $    0.00
Savings on the Avg. House Starter Package $100.00  
Savings on the Feng Shui Enhancements Package $ 37.00  

Total :                        


$  97.00

    That's a $678.79 Savings!

Your initial charge will be $97.00.  You will then receive two months Free access to our Feng Shui Membership site.  One month after the initial charge has been made you will then be charged $15.97/month.  Your renewable membership can be cancelled for the next billing cycle by sending an support request in the membership site or by sending an email to Membership@ArtOfPlacement.com

 Within minutes your will have access to your E-course.  It  will come in a Zip file that opens into a pdf document.

Have the life you have always dreamed of

          A better life is waiting for you.  It is within your grasp. Click the Join Now button and your 20 Minute Feng Shui download will come almost instantly!  You can be living the life you have always wanted!  Get started Now!



Blessings & Prosperity,


Candace Czarny, ASID, CFM, LEED AP    
Feng Shui Expert
Wind & Water, Inc.



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