
Save money on speed & agility equipment by learning how to create your very own!

Save money on speed & agility equipment by learning how to create your very own!

Discover How To Create Million Dollar $peed & Agility, With Only The Change In Your Pocket!

If you're a Coach, Trainer, Parent, or Athlete,

Let's face it:

Training for sports can be spendy.

But, it doesn't have to be that way.

You Can Save Money, & Get Faster, too.

There Is A Way... 

The "Rocket Speed Training On A Budget" Way!

Coach Rick Karboviak introduces you to the:

"Rocket Speed Training On A Budget"


By Coach Rick Karboviak,

Track/Volleyball Coach,

Kettlebell Instructor, &

Sports-Specific Trainer

of http://ASAPWorkouts.com

2010 ASFA Trainer Challenge WinnerThe original Rocket Speed Training on a Budget Guide was created back in 2003.  It created a unique speed ladder & hurdle combination, called the Rocket Feet Trainer, and also showcased other things, like the Hopscotch Pattern, & the "$2.50 Adjustable Hurdle!" Coach Rick has done more than just come up with a couple "How-To-Create" guides on making speed & agility items for pennies by the foot:



Coach Rick Karboviak created the RFT 1 plus the above items, using it with his athletes & boot camp clients. 

Then: One day, a mistake of misplacing a few pieces of the RFT ended up forcing Coach Rick to come up with a new design, and one that proved to be much more versatile, compact, and useful: the Rocket Feet Trainer, version 2.0!

The RFT 2.0 allows you to do all the things of the original Rocket Feet Trainer, plus it can transform itself into:

A 'Snake' Hurdle formation to work on multiple angles & directions

An 'Octagon' Hurdle formation to work on body control & awareness (there's nothing quite like this formation, anywhere!)

A Straight Line Hurdle formation, for doing lateral jumps & bounds over, while moving forward as well!

Watch this 3 minute Video to discover a sample of its many drills!

It's a Space Saver, too:

It all collapses into a design that can fit into a regular gym bag!

- Constructed out of 1/2" cold-water PVC pipe & connections that you get at the hardware store, its easy to create!

In today's budget-crunched world, athletes, coaches & parents can save a LOT of money by learning how to make the Rocket Feet Trainer 2.0, plus all the other devices that Coach Rick has come up with!

- In Fact: the money you save by making just the RFT 2.0 device alone would pay for this entire package, easily!

(One RFT 2.0 device can be made for under $10, compared to the costs of just one agility ladder that could be $40-60!)

And all it takes is a trip to a place like Lowe's, Home Depot, Menard's, or any other big-chain hardware store!

He knows the importance of having an all-around


when it comes to improving for sports! 

That's why he's created the

"Rocket Speed Training On A Budget" System!  

You get a TOTAL PACKAGE of Speed, Strength, Power, Agility, and Endurance Workouts, done with minimal equipment, and time-proven programs that have turned:

Benchwarmers into Impact Players...

Subs into Starters...

Starters into All-Stars...

All-Stars into All-Americans!


Here's what you'll get:

The Original "Rocket Speed Training On A Budget" Guide!

- The guide that started it all, showing athletes, trainers, parents, and coaches how to save money by making your own speed & agility items, for pennies by the foot!


The "Rocket Speed Training On A Budget 2" Guide

- Showing you how to make the RFT v.2.0 device & how to develop amazing agility with it!


The "Jump Rope Workout" Guide!

- See how a simple $5 or less jump rope can add KILLER QUICKNESS to your game!


The "Power & Control" Workout Guide!

- Learn how the combination of a Jump Rope & 1 Kettlebell or Dumbbell can help create superb power for jumping & speed! No need for Plyometric Boxes here!


Coach Rick Karboviak is also merging the benefits of all of those guides with his Newest Running & Racing Guide:

"7 Weeks to 7 Minutes"


Here's a quick fact: did you know that a 7-minute Mile time will put most people into an 'Excellent' rating for Aerobic Fitness testing? Are you there? Do you want to be?

"7 Weeks in 7 Minutes" was designed to get you there!

For a majority of sports, an improved Aerobic fitness level means you're in better shape to recover from strenuous bursts of speed. 

Coach Rick gets you there, all by using Anaerobic Training techniques that mimic the work/rest patterns of multiple sports!

What this means is that you can train Anaerobically to help boost your Aerobic Fitness levels, getting a 'Two-For-One' Benefit from your training!

- Turbo-Charge your Fitness Levels with Quality Speed Workouts on the Track, Helping you get your Mile Time down to 7 Minutes or less, all in 7 Week Phases of Training!

- Use such Race-Training Strategies from Coach Rick, including:

- DBIT Workouts (Distance-Based Interval Training)

- "Tabata Turbo's"

- Hill Training for Speed & Strength!

- All you need is a track, a stopwatch, and time enough for only 3 workouts a week!


Finally, you'll also get Coach Rick's

Strength Training Guides for Athletes:



"The Program That Never

Left The Weight Room" 

- CAVEMAN STRENGTH! gives you the basics you need to develop Maximum Strength for your Sport's demands! Follow this time-proven format of using the basic barbell, dumbbell, & bodyweight exercises to transform yourself into a stellar athlete! Focus on the Simple, to Create the Supreme!

"INDESTRUCTIBLE!" is Coach Rick's latest guide that focuses on a time-tested program that has never gone away. This program has been in the corners of weight rooms across the country, in many high schools & colleges.

"Indestructible!" is a legend of its own.

It simply hasn't died, because it just keeps on working!

Coach Rick explains this guide and how it can work for you!


All of that, easily a $200 price tag, for an


of only



Order Now!

Click The Link Below To Order:




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