
5 FACTS You Need To Know That Others Won't Tell You

WLC System for Building Muscle and Burning Fat Download build-muscle-burn-fat-with-weight-lifting-complete.pdf

5 FACTS You Need To Know That Others Won't Tell You

Aren't You SICK Of Trying To Get A Better Body And Nothing Works? Let The "WLC System" Fix Your Problems Right Now

"LIES" -- You've Been Lied To About How to Get
A Better Body... It's TIME to Learn the Truth:

by Josh, Owner Weight Lifting Complete
Josh is a 10-year weight lifting expert and author of the best selling WLC System.

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2012

5 FACTS You Need To Know That Others Won't Tell You:

  1. Shocking facts proving why diets DO NOT work
  2. ONE popular workout style you should NEVER use (it can actually cause you to lose muscle and gain fat around your waist)
  3. Secrets to living an easy, healthy, active, and 'fun-filled' lifestyle permanently
  4. "1 weird weight loss secret that you won't believe and one that the weight loss industry doesn't want you to know"
  5. The TRUTH about getting a lean, strong, and attractive body WITHOUT bogus supplements


Women of All Shapes, Sizes, and Ages Are FINALLY Getting a Toned and Sexy Body With This Powerful System from WLC:

A System "So Powerful" -- It BANISHES Stubborn Body
Fat For Good and Replaces it With Lean and Sexy Muscle

Tonya from Austin, Texas lost 9 pounds of nasty body fat directly from her trouble areas in only 4 weeks!
Heather from Cleveland, Ohio lost 18 pounds of pure body fat and gained 3 pounds of sexy muscle in 9 weeks!

10-Year Expert on Building Muscle and Burning Fat Finally
Reveals His SECRET WEAPONS For Building a Toned
And Sexy Body as Quickly as Humanly Possible!

by Pamela Tapp
Pamela used the WLC System to tone up her body and lose over 80 pounds of stubborn fat after her very first pregnancy. She's about to tell you how she did it...

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dear Friend,

Do you always feel self-conscious about your body? It doesn't feel too great, does it? Every single day you're faced with those perfect looking celebrities in magazines, newspapers, and other media publications.

And you're even faced with perfect-looking women you're out and about around your town. Let's face it -- we live in a world where appearance is of the utmost importance. So there's a lot of pressure on us women to look good.

It's a struggle...

Even at home there's pressure on us to look good for our boyfriends or husbands.

Being self-conscious about our bodies sucks, big time.

BUT it doesn't have to be that way!

Imagine never feeling self-conscious about your body AGAIN - never! Imagine wearing THAT bikini again, or those tight jeans that you used to wear so many years ago, OR all those items of cute clothing that you've always wanted to wear, but never quite fit into them.

You can lose weight and get a toned body with ease -- if you listen to me!

That's why you need to read EVERY single word on this page. It will be the best thing you've ever done ... trust me.

STOP With Those Damned Miracle Diets!

I know exactly what you've tried... The same weight loss programs and miracle diets that I've used. They never worked for me, and they won't work for you.

I tried everything out there, and nothing worked. Some programs and diets I tried made my situation a thousand times worse...

I never got a flat tummy or toned arms or a firm butt from any of that trash. But I kept trying, I kept buying into newer programs and miracle diets. I was buying into the hype that surrounded them. I kinda knew they wouldn't work that well - but I felt like I couldn't miss out, since the promises they made were so big.

They were promising me the results I desperately wanted!

But I put all that time, money, and effort in for NOTHING.

Here's a massive tip that's going to put you on the path to successful fat loss: DO NOT waste your time with temporary weight loss programs, miracle diets, or anything else that makes massive claims like "try this and you'll lose 20 pounds in just 4 days."

The Truth About Ab Exercises, Cruches, and
Getting a Flat Tummy Once and For All

Have you tried doing hundreds of crunches? How about ab machines you see on TV? Twisting crunches, hanging leg raises, blah, blah, blah.

I've also tried doing thousands of crunches, leg lifts, and other so-called toning exercises. I bet you can guess what I got from them... That's right -- NOTHING!

Weird Fat Loss Tip: 'Ab exercises are TOTALLY USELESS and a WASTE of time for fat loss.'

You won't see that tip in many places or from very many people because MOST are just trying to sell you some useless ab program or ab machine that surely doesn't work.

In the past, I fell for those stupid commercials on TV. Those people took my money and laughed.

You know what I've learned? You DO NOT need to waste your time working your abs. I learned that intelligent resistance training, the right combination of foods, and the right type of aerobic exercise is what gives you that toned and sexy body.

And Those Boring Cardio Routines Won't Work Either!

I hate those boring cardio workouts and I'm sure you do too. The type of cardio workouts those videos, programs and personal trainers teach you last way too long, but here's the thing... they don't even work!

I did them and I didn't get slimmer, I didn't get a flat stomach -- all I got was a whole waste of my time and effort.

Effective Cardio Tip: 'You don't have to do hours upon hours of boring cardio any more to burn fat fast.'

The truth is you can actually do one cardio session and be slimmer and have a smaller waste line when you're finished.

Effective cardio tip: 'The right type of cardio at the right times will burn body fat directly from your body.'

All you have to do is follow simple cardio guidelines. I followed a set of cardio guidelines and I eliminated 80 pounds of tummy and thigh fat.

Attention: Some Supplements Are Fatal...
Some Could Even Kill You!

Have you tried those diet pills, fat burners or carb block pills? You know the ones... the supplements that claim you can drop 100 pounds without doing anything, except take their pill dosage...

Well, I've tried them. In fact I've spent more than 2000 dollars on them. I bought them and hid them from my husband too. I went against his advice, because those supplements seemed like the best option. But boy was I wrong...

None of that trash works!

I wasted our hard-earned money on those useless gimmicks. Money I could of spent on my families well-being. With all that money I spent (over $2000!) on supplements, I could have purchased a nice holiday for the whole family! But I didn't -- I was selfish and extremely desperate.

My husband (owner of Weight Lifting Complete) is a fat loss and muscle building expert, and he told me from the start that those supplements were trash... (every time we would talk about them, he would end up ranting about them, explaining why they should be banned, etc.)

I wish I had listened sooner!

He even ranted on about some supplements being fatal.

He had the proof too. Thousands of people from all around the world have been hospitalized as a direct result of a certain supplement. Some people have even got health complications for the rest of their life -- because of those supplements!

Tip: Save your money. All those gimmicky supplements don't work... and some are even fatal.

Take it from someone with experience with supplements, and got burned! I lost thousands of dollars, because I wasted it on the hyped-up, gimmicky solutions. Do yourself a favor, and stay away from them. And if you've already been taken in by their hype then stop right now!

If Miracle Diets, Ab Exercises, Boring Cardio and
Fat Burners Don't Work... What Does Work to
Help You Get Toned and Sexy?

You keep trying the same things over and over again -- with nothing to show for it. Many of the things you see on TV, in magazines and on the internet are cleverly disguised programs that are having you do the same thing - there's no difference between them whatsoever.

Most of the programs and diet plans cause your body to store fat and lose muscle. You lose weight but that weight is muscle weight.

If you want a better looking body, your goal should be to lose weight in the form of body fat... not muscle!

That's why you never see your tummy get flatter with low calorie diets. The flab is still there! And the muscle is gone.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein

All of the programs you have tried are the SAME THING! You need something new and different that works.

Effective tip: your goal should be to lose weight in the form of body fat... not muscle!

If you use a powerful fat loss and muscle building system with that goal in mind, you will definitely get the results that you deserve...

BUT FIRST -- you have to be in the right mindset... and that means getting motivated and eliminating those negative thoughts.

These Negative Thoughts Are Slowing You Down:

Negative thoughts are going to slow down your progress, or worse -- stop you from making any progress at all.

I had the same negative thoughts as you do now...

  • "I've tried everything and nothing works for me."
  • "Maybe it's just me and this tummy fat will never go away."
  • "Some people are just naturally skinny and sexy and that's not me."
  • "I'm too busy with work and kids to have time to exercise."

These negative thoughts kept me from making any progress at all. These thoughts ran through my head every single day -- everyday I felt like giving up.

I kept taking those miracle pills because I wanted a quick fix ... and I thought the pills were the answer. I desperately wanted a slim and sexy body, and I wanted to banish those negative thoughts so I went for the quick fix option and that didn't even work.

I needed something new and exciting in my life -- something refreshing that actually worked.

I wasn't going to fail any more. I made up my mind. There was no way I was quitting until I got the toned and sexy body of my dreams.

It's time for you to make up your mind: Do you want a toned, attractive, and sexy body? If you do, you've got to do something about it. You can't continue doing the same things. You've got to make some BIG changes.

Your Body Is NOT The Enemy...

Stop fighting against your body and start working with your body.

Everything you have tried thus far hasn't worked. Because every diet, program or system you've used fights against your body. I learned, and you've learned the hard way that our bodies win that fight.

Effective tip: you can't continue to fight against your body and expect to lose body fat and get that toned and sexy body.

Low calorie diets don't work, the long typical cardio routines don't work, ab machines don't work, low minute bursts of intense exercise doesn't work.

You are here today because nothing has worked or is working for you. Everything you've tried hasn't worked with your body -- you've been fighting against your body. If those methods worked, you wouldn't be here: you'd already have that sexy body, or you'd be well on your way to getting that figure you so desperately want.

But instead you've wasted time and money on methods that were never going to work from the start.

You desperately need *** right now *** something that's going to work from the word "GO." Something that's going to provide you with lasting results.

-- You can't afford to wait any longer. If you want that sexy and toned body of your dreams, you have to take action right now. --

The Days of Hiding Under Baggy Clothes Are Over

NEW STRATEGY To Get a Toned and Sexy Body...
So You Can Fit Into That Bikini, Jeans,
AND That Cute Dress:

As I've previously mentioned, my husband is a fat loss and muscle building expert, and he developed a system that works extremely well.

It's called the WLC System and it's very powerful.

I was astonished at the results after just one week of using that system...

You see...

Before the system, I was in the mindset that I had to eat a small amount of food, and have hunger pains all day -- I thought that was the norm. Then when I started the system and drastically changed my ways, I started to see the fat melt away, and muscles appear from their hideout.

During my pregnancy I let myself get out of control. I weighed 220 pounds a few weeks after I had Callie. My normal body weight before my pregnancy was about 140 pounds. Not good.

So I was 80 pounds over my normal weight even after I had my little girl. I was ashamed. And I felt really bad, and self conscious about my body. I felt like wearing my maternity clothes for several months after I had our little girl -- that's how bad I felt about myself.

80 Pounds Overweight ... Could THE
WLC System Be THE Answer?

I got myself a copy of the WLC System, and read it word for word in one sitting.

I was amazed I should be eating more food, and that I should never be hungry. From that moment, I knew the WLC System would change my life drastically.

I learned that I should be working with my body by giving it what it needs.

When I implemented this new eating strategy, I noticed the results in just a week -- my jaw even dropped a few times when looking in the mirror.

*** I started losing all my tummy fat, and my entire body started to tone up as a result of this system.

I was eating way more. I was feeling better. I wasn't starving myself. And I had higher energy levels...

And better yet... people around me were throwing me compliments left, right and center. Since a couple of weeks after starting the WLC System, I haven't stopped smiling.

I really couldn't believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror.

I thought I had tried everything. I just thought I wasn't meant to be slim and sexy.

The WLC System changed my life, and it could change yours too.

As I type this, I am sitting here with that slim waistline and toned body that I always wanted all because of the WLC System. And I'm not saying that to make you jealous. I'm saying it to motivate you. If I can drop 80 pounds, melt away my tummy fat and tone up... then you can too!

* It's amazing to have the body I've always wanted. *

I Did Some Weight Lifting, The WLC Way,
And That Toned Me Up FAST!

I started the WLC Phase 1 Workout Program. I definitely didn't want to get huge and bulky and was promised that I wouldn't add unwanted bulk.

I was told to simply focus on getting stronger and better on each exercise and to not worry about getting bigger.

I was assured I wouldn't get big and bulky.

So I trusted the Author of the WLC System (Josh) since he is my husband. And he was right.

I tried to get better every workout and did. I am strong now and look toned everywhere. I didn't get bulky.

It's great to be able to do regular chores like cleaning and be able to move things around with no problem.

All I did to get toned up was to wake up a little earlier than my little girl and do my weight lifting workout 3 times per week. Most of the workouts have only taken me 30 to 45 minutes. That's it.

-- You get access to the same weight training programs I used to tone me up fast.

The Solution To A Flabby Body Is Here ... And It's Incredible:

I Fought The Flab, And The Flab Lost

Before my pregnancy, I was flabby everywhere. Seriously. But it was during my pregnancy that I let myself go. I was bad enough before, but during my pregnancy I let my eating habits and lack of exercise take control of me! I gained way too much body fat!

And because I let myself go, I was even flabbier after having our little girl.

I was extremely embarrassed about my body -- I didn't want anyone to see it, not even my husband. I was extremely flabby. Emotionally I was hurting, and it got to the point where I just couldn't take it any more. I had to make a MASSIVE decision: (1) Stay the way I was and continue to be depressed, OR (2) Make a change.

I had no excuse really, because my husband is an expert when it comes to fat loss and building muscle. I should of turned to him earlier. But I thought his methods were just for men.

My husband, Josh, the author of the WLC System has studied the whole fat loss and muscle building process for just over 10 years - that's more than a decade. And when I mean studied, I mean reading, researching, experimenting with different methods on a daily basis, for 10 WHOLE years!!

He's studied the human body and how it reacts to certain foods, different weight lifting programs and how the body adapts to everything we do. The WLC System was created after a DECADE of vigorous study and experimentation. I know because I witnessed him studying ALL THE TIME.

I wanted to try the system, I really did... but something was holding me back from committing myself...

I Was In Floods of Tears...

I was on the verge of committing myself fully yo the WLC System, but I needed a little push...

And then one day I sat down with my husband and he showed me the emails he's received from the men and women that's he helped.

I sat at the computer and as soon as I read the first email, I started crying, I must've read hundreds of emails, and during the time I sat down... to the time I walked away from the computer -- I did not stop crying.

Here's a few of the emails from a man named Raul Rodriguez that brought me to tears:

If A 59-Year Old Cancer Survivor Can Do This...
What's Your Excuse For Not Starting Today?

"Hi Josh, just want to say that the WLC System is amazing. I have already lost 15 lbs and counting.

I dont think am your typical student for many reasons (I will tell you about it later), but if this works for me, as I know it will, you would have saved my life.

I feel blessed for having found you. I will keep you informed on my progress and thank you so much.

God bless you and your family. Raul."

"Hello Josh, just wanted to let you know that I continue to greatly improve with the wlc system. I am doing this program with my doctors permission.

You see Josh, I am a 59 year old man with a very sick body. Since 2006 i have gone thru cancer surgery, 36 rounds of radiation which left me very weak, diabetes, neurophaty, high blood pressure and a few other things and about 50 lbs.of excess weight.

But I believe that I can heal my body, and I will do it with the wlc system.

Thanks to you and your program I am on my way to full recovery. I realize that it all starts in your mind. New way of thinking, good nutrision and a great exercise program are my tools.

Sucsess is my only option. Failure in my case means early death.

I have lost 18 pounds and counting, am feeling stronger and faster, my high blood pressure is dropping fast. I am very happy and so is my family. They can see that am changing my life in all aspects.

Sorry for the long e mail but I wanted you to know what you and the WLC are doing for me.

Your program is doing what a bunch of medicines cant do: giving me a new body and a new way of life.

Thank you Josh, and many blessings to you and your family."

Raul Rodriguez
Virginia, USA

From teenagers to men and women in their 60's. The WLC System works for any human. With the amount of success stories from my husbands customers, I was convinced. I was ready to commit! Those men and women who had changed their lives with the WLC System inspired me to take massive action.

In a way, those success stories, changed my life -- because if I never ever read those emails, I may not have used the WLC System.

Simply put, the WLC System is life changing.

After using the system for only a few days, I noticed results.

They weren't huge and unbelievable results (remember this is not a quick fix), but I it was the first time I had ever experienced positive fat loss results.

I had spent thousands of dollars on different methods, wasted my time with them and never experienced one positive result -- so when I experienced a positive result from this WLC System I was grinning from ear to ear.

I saw those changes in the mirror, that I thought would never come. I can't fully explain the feeling, but it was one of the best feelings I have ever felt.

How Is The Powerful WLC System
Different From Other Programs Out There?

You've probably tried a wealth of different methods, programs and systems... and let me tell you now, there is no product out there that's the same as the WLC System. It's that incredible. Seriously.

A totally NEW and DIFFERENT approach is used in this system, which makes this system the most effective you'll ever find.

Once you've started using the "Secret Tactics" in this system, you'll have that slim, toned and sexy body before you know it. It happened to me, and it can happen to you, too! You'll be wearing those sexy little outfits that you've always wanted to wear. And you'll catch guys glimpsing at you as you walk by!

You'll get comments from EVERYONE around you, telling you how healthy you look, how great you're looking. EVEN you're kids will notice -- as you'll have way more energy and bounce!!

If you don't receive any compliments within 60 days after you start using the WLC System, you'll get your money back. We have a strict refund policy in place, where any customer can get their money back within a 60 day period after their order, if they're not happy with the product. We won't even ask you why.

Simply put, my husband wants to see you succeed and he will do whatever it takes to help you. You'll see.

Here's Why The WLC System Is
SO Incredible -- AND -- Different

1. The focus of this program is NOT weight loss. You get real results, fast results, and permanent results by focusing on fat loss and toning muscle.

Weight loss is not your goal and should never be your goal. Here's why:

When you focus on losing weight, you end up compromising your metabolism and forcing your body to feed off your muscles.

You do not want that to happen because you end up looking and feeling worse -- even at a lighter body weight!!!

Those other programs give you weight loss, but you still look flabby because you've only lost muscle (which you seriously need).

The WLC System focuses on getting rid of the flab and not your precious muscle. You will build a small amount of muscle and burn the flab from your body. The result? A toned and sexy body that looks fantastic.

Did you know that muscle burns calories? You use your muscles every day to work for you. You need them to function properly. Why would you want to lose them?

The WLC System focuses ONLY on fat loss... not muscle loss. You will gain muscle tone and burn all that fat from your body.

It's really simple: too much body fat is bad for you, weighs your body down, makes you feel worse, and simply looks bad. Muscle works for you, helps you feel better, looks great, and improves your health.

Let's keep the helpful muscle and get rid of the useless fat -- that's what the WLC System does for you.

2. This program doesn't use your typical boring, calorie burning routines supposedly aimed at sculpting and toning.

All of the programs I have ever tried before the WLC System never focused on building strength. I've actually never seen a program for women focus on building strength. And that's where the other programs make their BIGGEST MISTAKE.

All women usually get are these boring sculpting and toning routines that waste our time. We never get to have fun with those routines. They want us to simply do the same useless exercises over and over with the same little 'body bar' or little pink dumbbells.

There is no purpose in those programs. You aren't even really sure what you're doing each workout. No structure.

The truth is...

You should be focusing on getting better with every weight lifting workout. You should try to lift more weight or do more reps every single workout.

That's when you start seeing REAL changes in your body.

Trust me, your body WILL change when you focus on making REAL progress every workout. The results will make your jaw drop.

The WLC System is designed to help you get better every workout. It feels great when you finish every workout knowing you did better than the last. Feels even better when you look in the mirror and see a difference.

3. This system is not centered around some bogus supplement, fat burner pill, or any other useless gimmick.

The WLC System is designed to help you get a slim, toned, and sexy body ASAP. This program was not designed to sell you supplements or some useless gadget that looks great.

Other programs make you believe you NEED this or that supplement to make progress. That is 'total nonsense' -- You do not NEED any supplement to make amazing progress. You don't need any gadgets either.

95% of supplements are totally useless and a WASTE of money.

The supplements that aren't a total waste simply help you to get SLIGHTLY better results. That's it. There's the truth. If you haven't read anything else on this page, that tip there will save you thousands of wasted dollars.

My husband and I together have tried hundreds of supplements. We know which ones work and which ones don't work. Within the pages of the WLC System, you'll learn exactly what works and what doesn't work.

One thing that really makes this program STAND OUT from any of the others you've tried is this FACT...

FACT: Real, wholesome, natural food is so much more POWERFUL than any supplement.

You will learn exactly what you should be eating, when you should be eating, and how to combine foods to burn fat and tone muscle all day long. Real food is very powerful. You simply need to know how to use it to your advantage.

4. This program doesn't try to sell you any gadgets or fancy equipment.

Every program I've tried before the WLC System revolved around some useless piece of equipment that ended up in my basement just lying there taking up space. Sound familiar?

I spent so much money on those gadgets that I felt bad throwing them away. So they just lay there in my basement year after year.

Watching the commercials... they made those gadgets sound so great -- like they would magically burn all the fat from my body overnight. I fell for it and, of course, that never happened and I used them for several weeks with no results.

That useless equipment will never get you a better body. All you really need are some free weights and that's it. Yes, free weights aren't fancy and the name doesn't sound so great... BUT you get REAL RESULTS from a barbell and some weights.

An intelligently designed weight training program will kick start your metabolism, tone your body like crazy, and torch that tummy and thigh fat! So get ready for those results with the WLC System.

5. This program does not include gimmicks, quick fixes, or any fad diets.

You will not find any of that within the WLC System. You won't find low carb, zero carb, low fat, high fat, or any of that nonsense either. You won't find some instant fat loss cream or any other 'magic' diets or supplements.

If you're like me, I got tired of seeing the same old hyped up stuff all over TV. I tried too much of it to fall for it any longer.

Let's see... What fad diets have I tried?

I'm not legally allowed to name them all by name BUT let's just say I've tried all of the popular programs ... probably the same ones you've tried. If you've seen them on TV or in magazines and newspapers, I've tried it.

And then I've tried sculpting and toning workouts. An endless number of them too. None of these quick fixes ever worked for me. Yeah, some helped me lose weight, but I ended up looking worse because I simply lost muscle.

I wanted to look better. I never realized that losing weight would make me look worse! I was tired of gimmicky workouts and fad diets.

Just A Few Of The SECRET WEAPONS Used To
Get You That Toned And Sexy Body With
A Small Waistline And A Flat Tummy

Each page within the WLC System is jam-packed full of secrets, tips, and tactics you NEED to get that small waist, toned arms, and nice butt.

Here are just a few of the tips and tricks you'll find within the pages of the WLC System...

  • Don't make this HUGE mistake when working your legs, butt, and thighs. If you make this mistake, you will never get that toned and slim lower body with sexy curves.
  • Did you know that crunches and most abdominal exercises are pretty much useless? They do not make your tummy flatter or cause any fat loss at all. Learn the one thing that does within the WLC System.
  • The ONE secret I used to help me tone up my arms very quickly. Get rid of the flab that hangs down from your arms FAST.
  • Why your mental attitude towards getting the body you want could be costing you and how to change it starting today so that you get that tight, sexy body.
  • Did you know the primary purpose of food is to fuel your body? I'll show you how to eat great tasting food and plenty of it to get you that flat and sexy stomach without starving yourself.
  • The ONE nutrient that you MUST have plenty of to keep the fat burning process going all day long.
  • 3 'Healthy' drinks you are drinking that are causing you to gain fat on your thighs and belly.
  • The REAL TRUTH about low to zero carb diets and why they are costing you and keeping you from getting that toned and sexy body.
  • 'Health Foods' that are raising your blood sugar levels and causing you to store fat instantly. Learn which health foods to avoid!
  • Did you know the right fats can reduce PMS and menopause symptoms? Headaches, digestive problems, skin problems, and even joint problems can be relieved.
  • 23 sources of good fats you can eat right now and 18 sources of fat you MUST avoid NOW!
  • Why the normal recommendation of 3 meals and a few snacks in between is NOT the way to go. Learn how to eat each day for maximum results EACH DAY.
  • Learn exactly how much you should be eating each day. HINT: It's going to be much more than you think! You'll never be hungry and you will get unbelievable results.
  • Sample meal plans you can print out and hang on your refrigerator so you don't make any mistakes.
  • Blank meal plan sheets for those who want to eat the foods they like the most AND still get that sexy body.
  • How to get the benefits of full body massages for absolutely FREE. This alone is worth thousands of dollars!
  • A quick guide sheet that you can print out and take with you to the grocery so you aren't tempted to buy the wrong foods.
  • Imagine two 8 ounce cups of body fat melting from your tummy area each week. Learn how to achieve this starting today.
  • 16 fun activities that decrease fat stores on your thighs, arms, and tummy.
  • 2 exact time periods during the day in which your body is more willing to burn body fat and how to take advantage of these short time periods.
  • Simple guidelines for getting the type of body you want. Learn how to make adjustments to your program to get the exact body that you want.
  • 8 tactics to decrease stress in your life and how sex can actually help you get a better body.
  • 10 secrets to getting a good night of sleep. Start using these secrets today and you will look better and feel better ALL THE TIME.
  • Why you should take regular hot baths with soothing candles and bubble bath... there's more to this than you think!
  • Learn exactly why everyone has it all wrong when they tell women to use higher reps. Learn the perfect rep ranges for women to get that toned and sexy body.
  • The single most important factor for toning muscle in women that 99% of programs have all wrong. Get this right and watch your body tone up FAST.
  • Why you don't have to kill yourself in the gym every workout to get FAST results and why many lift to failure programs set you back.
  • Learn why women need to build strength and how to do it without getting large muscles. More strength makes your life totally easier and feels great.
  • How to get your body to give up body fat easily. HINT: This secret deals with eating MORE food and never threatening your body with starvation.
  • Why the number on the scale going down does not mean you will look better. You can actually look WORSE as your body weight decreases! toning workouts
  • Did you know muscle actually helps you burn body fat from your body? If you want that flat tummy and tight waistline, you need your muscle.
  • Did you know water plays a VITAL role in the fat burning process within your body? If you're not drinking THIS amount of water, you aren't burning fat.
  • How to BOOST your self confidence on a daily basis and become a strong and successful woman that gets things done.
  • Why you shouldn't take advice from MOST people and why you now have all the advice you'll ever need.
  • Do you ever catch yourself thinking negatively? We all do it. Let me show you how to stop sabotaging yourself and how to always move towards your goals.
  • How to send positive orders to your subconscious mind. You MUST do this simple task every day in order to get that toned and sexy body as quickly as possible.

I'm glad you gave me the opportunity to tell you about the WLC System. I'm going to hand this over to my husband from here. Thanks for listening and here's to you making the right decision.

Here's Josh ... he'll finish this out for you and help you get started just as he did for me. Please give him your attention as it will be worth it in just a few short days.

Introducing The Powerful WLC System...
Get Sexy Curves AND Burn Nasty Body Fat

A Complete Lean Muscle Building AND Fat Burning System Based On The Secret Tactics I Developed Over The Past 10 Years of Diligent Experimentation

"The WLC System" is a day-by-day muscle building and fat burning success manual jam-packed cover to cover with all the methods previously known by only a select few family and friends.

The manual is in ebook format and contains all the information you will ever need to help you quickly burn body fat permanently and add lean and sexy curves to your body.

"Just do what the manual says and you will reach your goals.
Put forth your full effort and the results will be amazing."

The WLC System includes all the information you need to finally get FAST and PERMANENT results once and for all.

You should have realized by now that this is a COMPLETE System. It's not a gimmick. It's not a fad. This system changes your lifestyle to a healthy one... one that extends your life and helps you live a better life.

This system is not a diet. It's not a sculpting routine. It's nothing like any of the programs you've tried. So, what is it then?

This is a COMPLETE System showing you exactly how to change your lifestyle to a natural, healthy, and active one.

This Is EXACTLY What You Need...

I'm sure you've already realized that this is the system you need to get that toned and sexy body.

No gimmicks here. No lies. No promises that can't be fulfilled.

Instead, what are you going to get with this system? The FACTS you need to know about getting the toned and sexy body that you want. You can FINALLY have that tight, toned, and sexy body.

You will be able to wear the clothes you want to wear.

No more hiding. It's time to change your body. Start your transformation today.

Start Using This Powerful System Today
And Get The Toned AND Sexy Body You Deserve

People just like YOU are using the WLC SYSTEM and are getting the results that you are dreaming about. Students, teachers, nurses, engineers, doctors, and normal women just like YOU and my wife Pam are getting astonishing results with WLC System.

AND it doesn't even matter what your goals are...

  • If you want to burn 10 pounds of body fat or 100 pounds of body fat.
  • If you want to add a few pounds of lean and sexy muscle or 20 pounds of lean and sexy muscle.
  • If you simply want to look and feel great, or you want to compete in a fitness or a bodybuilding show.

Whatever your goals are, you can now achieve them with the WLC System.

Start applying the secret lean muscle and fat loss tactics and you'll be on your way to achieving the body of your dreams.

YOU Can Choose Whatever Body You Want
With The Powerful WLC System

A toned and lean body with sexy curves that men CRAVE.

A tiny BUT strong body with a lean and sexy waistline.

A fit and lean body that looks great on the beach and by the pool.

A body that looks great AND feels great.

A healthy and balanced body full of energy and life.

With So Many "Experts" Out There...
Who Do You Trust?

It's very likely that you've searched for solutions on the Internet before. You've probably spent HOURS browsing the search engines looking for answers that make sense. I've been in your situation before, so I know how confusing things can be.

And with so many people claiming to be experts, it's hard to know who to trust. It's extremely frustrating isn't it?

And then you have your family, friends and co-workers giving you advice:

"Do This," "Do That," "Try This," "Try That." Eat more protein, consume fewer carbs, cut your calories by 500, start lifting weights, start running, and so on. The advice never stops.

And all of these people provide logical arguments too. Some of them even try and provide you with proof. But how can so many people be right?

Who you are supposed to believe? Even personal trainers don't know the answers. They think they do. But they don't.

And go to your doctor, and they'll assess what you eat (if you're lucky) and then tell you to simply to exercise more and eat real foods. And whilst that's not bad advice, it's an extremely vague answer!

So who do you turn to?

You turn to me. You turn to someone who really knows. You turn to the WLC System. Once you have the WLC System in your hands, you'll know you have all the answers you need.

Let's End The Confusion Now...

It's no wonder you're so confused. You've been told a million different things by a million different people. But we can end the confusion today! We can put a stop to all of this nonsense right NOW!

The WLC System will end the confusion and will make everything crystal clear.

When you've finished with the WLC System, building sexy muscle and burning nasty body fat will no longer be a mystery to you. You'll clearly understand the whole process, and you'll be able to start getting results immediately.

In the past, you've tried a system or program, got confused at the contradicting information and you've either moved on to something completely different OR you've quit. You've changed diets as often as your underwear. And you've made no progress because you were confused, frustrated or you didn't bother to try.

But now you can move forward with the WLC System, and have rock-solid confidence that you're doing everything the RIGHT way.

You've Been Conned And Lied To!
Don't Believe Me? Read This...

Lies, lies and more lies. I see "so-called experts" giving the same advice to vulnerable people each and every day. Those lies prevent people just like you from making progress.

And even worse...

Some of the lies are extremely dangerous! If you followed some of the advice the "so-called experts" give out, you could end up in hospital with major health complications!

You spend time, effort and money listening to these fakes. They just make up any old crap, claim it's solid advice, and give it to you.

And before you know it, you've wasted so much time, effort and money that you've barely got the will to carry on. And no one can blame you for that. It's hard to be motivated after wasting so much time, effort and money on something that was never going to work from the start.

BUT, if you take a stand right now, and dedicate yourself to the WLC System, I promise you'll meet your goals, and get results in the FIRST WEEK alone.

Take A Look At Some Of The Lies You've Been Told
By Those Fakes... Then Discover The Truth!

Lie #1: Fat loss and muscle supplements are super effect. Use "THIS SUPPLEMENT" and you'll get lean and sexy abs in just 4 days.

The Truth: Fat loss and muscle gain supplements are a waste of money. 90% of them don't work at all. And the ones that do work, only aid you slightly. Don't buy into the hype that surrounds them.

NO Supplement will give you the body you want in ANY amount of time.

The right types and the right combination of real and wholesome food will do much more for you than any supplement could ever do. REAL food is more powerful than ANY supplement.

Lie #2: Weight loss is the goal.

The Truth: Weight loss is not the goal. Lean muscle gain and fat loss is the goal. When you try to lose weight fast, the number on the scale goes down but you lose precious muscle mass AND end up looking and feeling WORSE.

Do not focus on weight loss or you will be sorry. You don't want to be skinny but still fat, right? Because that's exactly what weight loss will do to you.

Lie #3: Work each muscle group once per week.

The Truth: You are slowing your progress by only working each muscle group once per week. The muscle building process is complete after only a few days following a workout. Why wait a full 7 days? It's a waste of time!

And did you know that you can easily build up to 300% more muscle by working each muscle group more frequently with the proper intensity and weight training plan? It's a fact... proven through research!

If you want to add lean and sexy curves to your body, you as the hell don't want to waste time with all of those USELESS workout programs out there.

One More Lie That Angers Me...

Overtraining. If you've ever had a personal trainer then you've probably heard them use the word 'overtraining' before. They use the word far too often, and without knowing anything about overtraining.

You see, no one can tell YOU that you're overtraining by simply looking at your workouts. Not me, and not a personal trainer.

Overtraining is much more than a workout. It's about your recovery abilities, your diet, water intake, sleep, stress levels, intensity, frequency, and much much more.

As long as you're making progress and strength gains in the gym, you don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks. When you make amazing progress, these people will be coming to you asking you for advice.

Take Your Money Out Of Your Wallet or Purse
And Toss Those Notes Straight In the Trash

Over the past year or even more, you've been throwing your money in the trash. You've literally been pouring money away with nothing to show for it.

$600 on A Gym Membership
Most people pay at least $50 a month for a gym membership. Some may actually go to the gym all year, but most waste their time and money when they don't get results.
$520 on Gas Driving to the Gym
If you drive to the gym 3 to 4 times each week, you'll spend about $10 each week driving to the gym (if it's close). When you aren't getting results, you're simply wasting your money!
208 Hours of Your Precious Time = $$$
How much is one hour of your time worth to you? Take that and multiply it by 208. That's a lot of time wasted for no results. Time is money. How much do you make an hour? Multiply that by 208. That's what you're wasting at the gym!

Do you want to continue to waste money that you worked extremely hard for? Surely not ...

And That's Not All You Waste, There's More...

I know it's hard to believe, but you waste a lot more than what's above.

There are millions of people that are wasting all of this money right now, and you're probably one of them!

Gym Membership $600
Driving to the Gym $520
Vehicle Wear and Tear $200
208 Hours of Your Time $2500
Wasted Supplements $600
Grand Total $4420

Table: Average Amount of Money Wasted Per Year

So, the typical woman spends over $4000 every single year in their attempt to get a toned and sexy body!

And you only have to take a look around you to see that the money is wasted. How many fit, lean and sexy women do you see around you? Not many at all. So, the typical woman is wasting $4000 every single year because they're using programs that just don't work!

And they don't work because the creators or authors of those programs don't understand how the human body works. They don't have a clue how the muscle building and fat loss process works.

Are You Insane?

You need to stop wasting your time with all those crappy programs. By using those programs you're making it impossible to have any success at building muscle and burning fat.

Do you know the definition of insanity? "It's doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

Now, I'm not for one minute suggesting that you're insane. I'm just trying to tell you that you need to let go, and stop using the same things over and over again. The programs and methods that you've been using don't work - let go!

Instead you NEED something NEW and REFRESHING that gives you results.

The women who use the WLC System are successful because they do everything differently from the common muscle toning and weight loss programs. They eat a lot more, maintain and build sexy muscle mass, burn fat at incredibly fast rates, have higher energy levels, and look and feel great.

With WLC, you don't starve, you don't take life threatening drugs that provide temporary results, you get fast and permanent results from day 1 that last because you work with your body and your mind.

Don't Spend The Next 10 Years Trying To Find
What's Already Included In The WLC System?

Get yourself a copy of the WLC System TODAY, so you don't have to spend the next 10 years finding out the truth. I can give you the truth about building sexy muscle and burning nasty fat on a silver platter, today!

You don't want to waste precious time, money and effort do you? No you don't. You don't want to spend 10 years finding something that I can give you today, do you? No you don't.

Learn from my mistakes. Learn from someone whose mastered the art of building muscle and burning fat.

You won't have to spend weeks searching for accurate information, or you won't have to experiment with your own body. I've done all that, so you don't have to!

My wife was the first woman to use the WLC System and her results alone show what the system can do for you. There have been hundreds of women since her that have gotten similar and even better results!!!

My wife is flat out sexy now ... she is amazing. Realize, though, she worked hard for her results and you'll have to work for them too. Real and permanent results take hard work and dedication.

Let Me Take You By The Hand And Show You Step-By-Step How To Quickly Build Sexy Muscle And Burn Nasty Body Fat

This system was produced by someone who practices what they preach - ME! So, I know exactly what you're going through. I know the problems you're going to be faced with even before you get there.

That's exactly why I want to take you by the hand and show you exactly how to do this.


For the last 10 years I've worked my ass off in my quest for the truth. I found it through research and experimentation. And then I totally transformed my body from a big tub of lard to a rock hard 240 pounds of lean muscle mass.

My lovely wife lost over 80 pounds of nasty body fat after her first pregnancy. She's half-way through her second pregnancy and is in the best shape of her life even while she is pregnant. She is doing so great this time around, and it's all due to the WLC System.

Now it's your turn to get amazing results...

I don't want the fitness industry getting any more of your hard earned money for absolutely nothing in return. It's time for you to start getting the results you deserve - with the WLC System.

*** You are a few mouse clicks away from getting access to a system that will change your life by giving you the body you've always wanted. Because the system is in e-book format, you'll get access to the system almost instantly! ***

Order The COMPLETE "WLC System Package" Today... Check This Out:

You can have the WLC System Manual for FREE. I will give it to you today, right now, and show you that I am here to help you. If you're not interested in the entire package and only want a copy of the WLC System Manual, you can go here.

If you are SERIOUS about changing your body once and for all, you really need to get the entire muscle building and fat burning package. You're going to be totally surprised and shocked at the price and what you get. This is no joke!!!

All of our programs are based on the WLC System -- Within each of our programs, we tell you exactly what to do each day. All you have to do is follow the checklist for each day. And you'll see your body transforming right before your eyes.

The WLC System Manual explains the reasoning and planning behind each of our programs. That's why I want you to have a copy of the WLC System Manual.

I want you to know that each of our step-by-step programs are based on the science and real-world results behind the WLC System. Everything is explained within the WLC System Manual -- our programs then tell you EXACTLY what to do EACH DAY.

You'll soon see why our programs are so popular. It's time for you to see and experience the amazing results that so many people are getting right now. It's your turn.

How Much is The WLC System Going to Cost?

Right now, you can get a FREE COPY of the WLC System Manual. You might already have a copy of the manual. It's free to anyone who visits Weight Lifting Complete.

But let me give you a BIG SHOCK for the day...

I'm going to give you the Complete WLC System Package for ONLY $54.95. That's it.

My goal is to help as many people as I possibly can... the only way for me to do that is to lower the price of the WLC Products. For only $54.95, you get every WLC Product ever developed. This is a price point I am testing so it may be raised, but it will never again be less than $54.95.

My advice to you: "Find the order button below and get your copies right now for only $54.95."

NOW, you can have over 10 years of weight training programs, a fat burning and muscle building system you can use for life, and starter programs telling you exactly what to do for only $54.95.

No one in existence will give or has given this much for this price. -- you spend more than that on a few fat-producing, heart-killing, unhealthy fast food and restaurant meals.

What's it going to be? Change your life NOW or put this off again? The correct decision is to change your body, your health, and your life RIGHT NOW.

Ready to start? Good. You'll be very glad you made this decision.

Here's What You're Getting And Here's Where You Order The Package For Only $54.95

Curve Building Program

Fat Burning Program
Fabulous Fat Loss

WLC System Manual
System Guidelines

WLC Workouts Manual
Workout Programs

WLC Log Book
Measure Results

WLC Affiliate Secrets
Help Others

Price For All 6 eBooks = $54.95

* Our Lean Muscle Building And Fat Burning Programs
Can Be Downloaded Instantly In About 30 Seconds *

Great news! Since these are eBooks, there are no shipping or printing costs. A hard copy manual of all the books would cost much more and you'd have to wait to get them. Instead, you get instant access to ALL of our programs, and you get a MUCH cheaper price.

Actually, our programs are ONLY available as instant downloads. Once you complete the order process, you will be sent to a special section of this website where you can download your eBooks.

You can then begin reading about your NEW program immediately AND you can even get started TODAY -- I can't wait for you to start ... I love to hear success stories and you are next up.

This Is How It Works After You Complete Your Order -- This Is Very Easy And Simple For Anyone To Execute Flawlessly

As soon as you place your order on Clickbank's Secure Server, you are directed to the download page. On the download page, you can download your programs and all the bonuses directly to your computer so you can get started immediately.

You will ALWAYS have access to the files -- if your hard drive crashes, you lose them, or you need to download them onto another computer, just let me know. I will give you the files at no charge. You ALWAYS have access to the files.

You will also get access to the Owner's Section of the website where you get access to tons of free bonuses that will help you execute the WLC System and your program flawlessly.

You can read your program right here on your computer screen. The eBook is in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer -- PC or MAC. You can even print a copy and put it in a binder for reading.

SUPER BONUS: I am also going to give you 60 Days worth of personal coaching emails from me ... I want you to keep up with the program so I'm going to stick with you for 60 days. When you need help, I'll be here to help. You just won't get that anywhere else for FREE.

That's all you need to do to get instant access to your new programs and the WLC System. Once you've downloaded your eBooks and all the bonuses, read the WLC System Guide from cover to cover. Then put your step-by-step program into action and start immediately!

Remember, I will lead you step-by-step through each and every day. This is cutting edge stuff that's easy to follow -- you just have to do it ... that's all.

This Is What You Can Expect From The WLC System

The WLC System and our programs are not "quick-fixes." Don't expect to wake up tomorrow and -POOF- you have your dream body.

Results are fast and hard hitting. You can expect results from Day 1 so be ready to get spectacular results after only 60 days. I do not want you wasting your money if you're not going to use the program as designed.

If you are willing to follow the simple guide and put the plan into action, please order right now. If not, please save your money. I'm not here to take your money.

I am here to make sure you improve your body, your health, and your life once and for all. That's my goal.

If you decide NOT to start today, just remember ... one day you've got to stop ignoring your body and your health. Your bad habits and bad health will catch up to you -- and it will be too late.

In a short 7 days, you'll be ecstatic that you ordered this powerful system and program. The end of 7 days is coming soon so start now.

Here's How The WLC System Will Work For You:

After One Week, you're going to notice a huge change in your energy levels. You'll begin to notice changes in your muscle mass and the amount of body fat. You'll already begin to look better and feel better.

By the End of Week Three, you will see a leaner and harder body. You'll really start to notice results by now. Other people may even begin to comment on how great you are looking. Some will ask what you've been doing. Some may even ask you for advice while the jealous people will try to give you advice.

Each Week After That, you will see better and better results. As you get dialed in, you learn exactly what you need to do to continue getting better results. Your body begins to turn into your vision. As you get closer to your dream, you get more and more excited. Every week is fun! You look great and feel great.


You'll be looking at yourself in the mirror and this huge sense of accomplishment will overcome you.

You may even be staring at your six pack abs for the first time in your life.

You may have more muscle to build or more fat to lose to reach your overall goal, but you'll be so excited because of the huge changes you've already made.

Your family and friends will want to know your secrets! And you'll tell them it's The WLC System...

FINALLY, you are saying "no" to QUICK FIXES!!!

And do you really know what the best part about all of this is? You are saying no to the 'quick fixes' out there that simply waste your time and money.

You are choosing to change your lifestyle to a healthy and natural one. The WLC System teaches you so you have the knowledge you need to help others or yourself for the rest of your life! This is all you will ever need to get ANY type of body you want.

With the WLC System, you'll know you have access to secrets that will have you making faster progress than anyone in the gym. You'll shoot past them in no time, and they'll wonder what you've been doing. I hear these stories all the time... it's your turn -- get started now.

If You're Finished with all the Quick Fixes, Useless Supplements, and Pills That Have Failed You And You Want to Do This The Right Way, This System
Is The Honest and Effective Solution For You

Even if you're only slightly interested in the WLC System, I can assure you that it's everything I am promising you. You really do owe it to yourself to give our program a shot. All I ask is for you to give it a fair chance. I guarantee you'll love the results.

This is not a quick fix, so it does take time and dedication as anything else in life. BUT it works better than anything else out there -- hard work BUT intelligent work pays off big time.

If you're still looking for a quick fix like 95% of people out there, you can trust me when I say that you will never find one. Stop looking for the quick fix like the other 95%. Be one of the people who puts their foot down and gets the body they want. Follow the WLC System as the others have and get amazing results.

If you're one of those people who are finished looking for the quick fix -- one of the special people who have what it takes to come out of that comfort zone -- then come on board with me and order today. Doing the same thing that never got you results sure isn't going to work better in the future.

Here's to You Getting that Toned and Sexy Body,

Josh Tapp
Author WLC System

Why Should You Listen to Me?
WLC System FAQ
Contact Us

'Thanks for visiting!'

P.S. - Anyone can use this simple, step-by-step guide to get a toned and sexy body. It doesn't matter who you are or your background. You'll be looking and feeling better from day one.

P.P.S. - Don't let the idea of lifting weights and working out scare you. It feels so great that I was hooked from the very first moment. You will love the feeling of accomplishment after each and every workout. Every woman that tries this NOW loves weight training.

P.P.P.S. - The biggest question I get from visitors is, "Will this program work for me?" I personally guarantee this program will give you the best results you've ever achieved. Just remember, if The WLC System isn't everything I say it is, I will refund every cent of your money... it's that simple.

Check Out the Amazing Results from
Only One of Pam's WLC Program Cycles...

WLC System
Date January 5th February 27th 8 Weeks
Body Weight 178.0 pounds 158.5 pounds - 19.5 pounds
Body Fat % 31.0% 21.8% - 9.2%
Lean Muscle 122.8 pounds 124.0 pounds + 1.2 pounds
Body Fat 55.2 pounds 34.6 pounds - 20.6 pounds

She gained 1.2 pounds of lean muscle and lost 20.6 pounds of body fat! Pam did all of that using the WLC System for less than 60 days! You can do the same. And you will be astounded by your results. You'll look and feel like a new person.

Get Your Copy of the WLC System Package Now
Give Me Instant Access Right Now...

Order the Womens Package Now

The Order Link takes you to a guaranteed SECURE Server where you can instantly download all of your WLC System files in PDF format and spreadsheet format (Excel or Open Office).

Please Read Shari's Amazing "WOOHOO!!!" Story...
10.8 Pounds of Muscle and 15.8 Pounds of Fat in 56 Days

"Okay.... Here are my 8 weeks results:

Body Fat% 39.5 down to 33.07
Scale lbs lost: 5
Fat Loss: 15.8 woohoo!!!! Visualize: 15 lbs of butter! Or a 15 lb bag of potatoes!

When I see this on paper I somehow don't think it's true! LOL!! This is just WAY too amazing for me! I'm happy and excited.

Inch loss: 13.5 overall
133.1 lean mass 86.9 fat Day one
143.9 lean mass 71.1 fat Day 56

Not sure this is right.....no way could I have gained 10 lbs of muscle!

Could I have???? Everything I have ever read says it is really hard to gain muscle especially for women.

I AM so much stronger!! Here's a story: I went to Olsen's feed store to buy dog food--I have two labs. I buy the big 45 lb bags.

So I found my bag, hoisted it up on my shoulder, carried it to the counter and laid it down. The girl was checking someone out so I had to wait.

As I waited a guy that works there came up to the counter. As I was being checked out he asked me if He could carry it out to my car...I said no thank you I can do it. He kept asking me...can I help you, are you sure...As I hoisted it up on my shoulder to carry out...I said "who do you think carried it to the counter?

Smiled sweetly and walked out to the truck! He just stood there and watched me the whole time. Empowering to say the least!

This does prove that the scale LIES like a dog!!! Imagine if all we had was a scale to measure...I would be so unhappy and depressed that I did all this hard work and only lost 5 stinkin lbs. I wouldn't be able to see the decline in my tape measurements, or the decline in BF.

Okay! so rest week and then on to my second 8 weeks....Sexy red dress, here I come!!"

"i think I've made good progress with the strength gains. I have added weight pretty much each workout. I've gone from 20 lbs to 60 lbs on squats and still feel that I can UP that amount.

My deadlifts are up to 60 lbs from 20 also. the shoulder press is my weakest link--I've gone from bar only (my bar is only 12.5 lbs I think) to 22.50 lbs. on the bar. I quit doing the curls, but I started with 5 lbs and can do 17 now. I have little one lb weight plates to make the smaller incremental changes.

Oh boy!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! I'm tellin' ya--YOU are the ONLY person that has shown any interest in what I am doing on their program! Woohoo! I REALLY AM going to do this!!! OMG, I am so stoked. I can't wait to get home and lift!!!

I would give you a big old hug if you were here!!! Tell your wife I think she picked a gem! BTW....flowers and chocolate? Did you get them for her?????"

Shari Kraft
Ash Fork, Arizona

Order the Womens Package Now

After Second Pregnancy... Looking
Better Than Ever After 8 Weeks!!!

This is Josh again. I wanted to give you an update on my wife and the amazing power of the WLC System.

My wife and I had our second little girl on January 19th. I am sitting here on March 15th. It's only been 8 weeks since she had our little girl and she looks amazing... better than ever before!!!

You should have seen how fast the extra body fat came off and how quickly all of her muscle tone came back.

I had to write this because it was simply amazing... even to me!!! I've seen so many great results from using this system but this was really, really amazing.

You've got to give this a shot. Today. Just do it. You'll see.

NOW is the time for you to get your share of these AMAZING results. Just think ... in a short 7 days, you could have a few more pounds of lean muscle and a few less pounds of nasty body fat. The results will continue for as long as you use this POWERFUL system.

All you need to do to get started right now is to click the link below and complete the order process. Do that now, and I'll see you on the other side. I will always be here to help you and support you along the way.

Price For All 6 eBooks = $54.95

If you add it all up, you're getting at least a few hundred dollars worth for only $54.95, and you will soon find out that the small amount of money you're going to pay is well worth every single cent.

And don't forget ... I'm also going to personally coach you for the next 60 days -- if you want the extra help. And I'm not going to charge you a penny for this service. Others charge hundreds of dollars per week for this service.

Here's what I'm trying to tell you: "You have no reason to put this off any longer." If you don't like the program, I'll refund every cent. You have 60 days to ask me for a refund. All you have to do is ask, and you shall receive. That's it.

Many people, after seeing what they get with this package, ask me WHY I am literally giving this away for $54.95. I could easily sell this for $197 but I don't because so many people are having financial problems right now. This is my way of helping as many people as I can. $54.95 is nothing when it comes to your body and your health.

Order Right Now For $54.95 And Get Started Today


Discover This POWERFUL Muscle
Building AND Fat Burning System

A System "So Powerful" -- You're Guaranteed FAST,
HARD HITTING Results From Day 1, That Never Stop!

Moki Holmes from Weed, California gained 8.2 pounds of lean muscle mass in only 3 weeks!
Paul from Vancouver, Canada lost 3 pounds of pure body fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle in 1 week!

10-Year Expert on Building Muscle and Burning Fat Finally
Reveals His SECRET WEAPONS For Building a Lean
And Muscular Body as Quickly as Humanly Possible!

by Josh Tapp, Author of the WLC System
Josh is a 10-year weight lifting expert and author of the best selling WLC System.

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dear Friend,

You are about to discover the most powerful muscle building and fat loss program on this planet...

This is the same program that I, and thousands of other people from all around the world have used to reach the lower levels of body fat AND higher levels of muscle mass. Thousands of men who have followed this powerful system have ended up with rock hard muscle definition that makes them look like professional body builders.

My name is Josh and for the last 10 years I've studied the muscle building and fat burning process that takes place within the body. And when I say studied, I mean studied! I've spent a decade of my life studying this process.

To say I know A LOT about muscle building and fat burning is a HUGE understatement. I'm a figure of authority within this industry, an expert if you will...

During the last decade, I've turned my body into an experiment. I've literally put my body on the line for YOU. I've experimented with all sorts of different muscle building and fat loss solutions over the past 10 years -- AND I've finally developed a 100% guaranteed system for building muscle and burning body fat!

This muscle building and fat burning system is based on my own experimentation and research with not only myself but a wealth of others too. It's proven, it's guaranteed, and it works -- fast.

Discover How to Build Muscle and Burn
Fat FASTER Than Anywhere Else...

... Do it Without Drugs

... Do it Without Putting Your Health in Jeopardy

... Do it Without Wasting Money on Dangerous Supplements

... Do it Without Wasting Precious Time and Effort in The Gym

So, if you've always wanted a healthy and great looking body... then PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to the rest of this page -- because it's going to be the most important letter you've EVER read.

I have the system, the guarantee and the results to prove that this is the most powerful muscle building and fat loss system on the PLANET...

Testimonials - Please Read: The testimonials are copy and pasted directly from emails sent to me. I ask for before and after pictures, but many people do not want to put half naked pictures on the Internet. Most testimonials you see on other sites are the same people who have been paid. People who use my system stay in touch with me through email... as shown below.

Chris Has Lost 20 Pounds of Pure Body
Fat in Only 10 Weeks... While Getting
Stronger and Building Muscle

"We went to dinner last night with our friends and they noticed how good I was looking..."

"Anyway, right away in January I starting going to the gym and lifting weights. I loved it right from the beginning. There is something inside me that just comes alive - tough to describe..."

"Finally, by pure luck I came across your program in like February/March when doing a Google search on "best weightlifting programs". It passed my common sense test with flying colors.

Add to that what an amazing and helpful guy you are and it's been a recipe for success. I'm almost 40 now and on just one beginner program of WLC, I am the strongest, fittest and healthiest I have EVER been. I look in the mirror and I see a difference.

It's definitely NOT what I want to eventually look at but it 10X better than at the peak of my ultramarathon training."

"... So I tell my friends at dinner last night that the best part is I am really NEVER hungry... that I eat 6 times a day.... that I went from no pull-ups to 7 in 2.5 months... that my energy levels are through the roof... that sleep issues are no longer a problem... and I NEVER even think to tell them how much I weigh because it's really not my focus. AMAZING!!!"

"... To be reading this program and KNOW the answers are right there is so nice. Nice is actually a terrible word. REFRESHING, HOPEFUL, PROMISING. These still do not do it justice. I am not a writer so it's difficult for me to put it into words.

Anyway, I know this got long-winded but I wanted to tell you my story. I wish I had taken some starting pictures back in March but I will when I start my next phase in June. Thanks again Josh. Really man, I can't thank you enough for pouring your heart into this program."

Chris T
Bristol, Wisconsin
c_tom_21 @ yahoo.com

<-- Chris during his marathon days

Testimonials - Please Read: I do not pay people to give me testimonials or offer them any type of incentive. People send me emails because they are so impressed with their results. I then ask them if I can use what they wrote on my website. Most programs pay people for testimonials ... not here.

It's Not Your Fault...

Do you know how many people are out there that are FRUSTRATED because they've failed at building muscle and burning fat?


Like you, the majority of people have tried a wealth of different solutions and NOTHING has worked. They've kept a steady diet, attended the gym on a daily basis... and they still don't get those results that they desire!

Millions of people every year waste time, money and effort and get nothing in return...

And it's likely that YOU are one of those people...

But don't worry, it's not your fault that you haven't experienced any results. It's not your fault every thing you've tried hasn't worked. There's A LOT of bad information out there on the Internet.

I've studied for 10 years, and some of the information I came across when doing research was insane. The type of information that could land someone in casualty if followed. It took me 10 years to cut through the crap to find the truth!

So if you're ready to let go of that frustration caused by failure to get results... then here's what my powerful system CAN and WILL do for YOU...

  • You Can Now Control Your Results
    Not everyone wants the same body. This system will show YOU how to control your results. Want to have an extremely muscular body? No problem. Want to tone up ever so slightly? No problem! In this system you'll discover how to get the body YOU want.
  • You Are Guaranteed Top-Notch Results
    Using this powerful system to build muscle and burn fat, we can guarantee positive results. The wealth of other similar programs on the market don't guarantee results - I do. I promise you'll experience positive results when following my powerful system.
  • You Will Burn Fat On Demand
    Burning fat is generally known to be quite a challenge. People slog away in the gym day after day without seeing results. BUT it doesn't have to be that way.

    Burning fat is really EASY when you know how! In my system you'll discover the MOST POWERFUL fat burning weapon on the face of the earth!

  • You Will Build Muscle On Demand
    The majority of other programs available on the Internet have no clue about building muscle.

    Seriously. The program authors just Google some information and re-write it in their own words. And there lies the problem, the content that they're re-writing isn't up to scratch.

    But with my system, 10 years of hard work has gone into it. I've spent a decade of my life researching and experimenting with different solutions. And I've come up with the perfect system that allows YOU to build muscle when YOU want!

Listen To Me, Because I Know How YOU Feel...

Are you frustrated with your results? Are you sick and tired of not getting the results you deserve for the hard work you've done?

I know EXACTLY how you feel.

I went through the same frustration for many, many years. I got so sick of working so hard and not getting the results I thought I deserved. I'm not one to give up easy, so I set out on a personal mission to find the truth about building muscle and burning fat.

And Ten Years Later...

I'm here to present the results of all my experimentation and study. Along my journey, I did everything wrong. I made all the mistakes you're probably making right now.

-- I've been a very overweight 215 pounds of pure body fat.

-- I've been a skinny 150 pound weakling with no muscle mass.

-- I've been there and made all the mistakes I could have possibly made.

Do you know what my biggest mistakes were? Listening to all the so-called Internet experts that talk a good game but have nothing to back it up.

I had no idea who I was listening to, but I trusted those people. It could have been a 12 year old kid who had never lifted weights before. And now that I look back... I think it was!

Here's The Best Advice I Can Give You Right Now...

The best advice I can give you is to find a true expert (only one) and follow his/her advice FROM DAY 1. If not, you'll be all over the place just as I was. And that's why I wasted years of time, money, and effort.

If you don't find an expert and follow that expert, you'll be changing programs, changing your strategy, and starting something new every Monday. I've been there and got nothing.

Don't make the same mistakes I made and waste years of WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN amazing progress...

This may seem like simple advice... But listen to me, and you will take the correct path. I am the expert you are looking for...

It's very hard to find a true expert on building muscle and burning fat, but you've found this page and this system. And I'll always be here to answer any questions you might have. I'll be your coach for as long as you need!

Here's What I've Been Able to Achieve
Using This 'Science-Based' System...

WLC System
Body Weight 215.0 pounds 240.0 pounds +25.0 pounds
Body Fat % 31.3% 12.4% -18.9%
Lean Muscle 147.7 pounds 210.2 pounds +62.5 pounds
Body Fat 62.5 pounds 37.5 pounds -25.0 pounds

I Gained 63 Pounds of Lean Muscle
WHILE Losing 38 Pounds of Body Fat!

I replaced 63 pounds of body weight with lean muscle and got rid of 38 pounds of body fat. I look great (my wife thinks so, too) AND I feel great. In fact, I've never felt better. My body has never been in such a good shape!

I've even been accused of using steroids. The truth is, I would never even think about using steroids because my health and my family are too important to risk. Results from steroids are ONLY temporary.

Building muscle and burning fat the natural way, or MY way is the ONLY way to get PERMANENT results. I want permanent results, and I'm sure you do too!

Announcing Some of the Most SHOCKING
Discoveries I Made During My 10 Year Journey

Over the past 10 years of research and experimentation, I found some HUGE myths that 99% of the population believe. These myths are why most people FAIL at building muscle and burning fat. If you believe these type of myths you're heading for failure.

Within my powerful system, you'll discover the truth about building muscle and burning fat. I completely dispel ALL the myths that keep you from making any sort of progress!

  • Weight Loss is NOT Important! WHAT???
    Body weight consists of active tissue and inactive tissue.

    Body fat is inactive tissue this is utterly useless to our bodies. Body fat simply weighs our bodies down and causes problems - big problems!

    Muscle mass is ACTIVE TISSUE that helps us and makes our life easier.

    When people attempt to lose weight, they end up losing large amounts of muscle mass! Your focus should be fat loss -- not weight loss! You want to build or maintain muscle mass while losing body fat.

  • Not Very Many People Know Much About Over Training
    If you've ever been told that you're over training, I'm 99% sure that whoever told you has NO IDEA what they were telling you.

    The so-called experts out there cost me years and years of progress by telling me I was over training. And I was dumb enough to listen to them. I thought they knew what they were talking about, but they were completely wrong!

    Anyone ever told you to only work each muscle group once per week? Wrong! You're severely limiting your progress by taking that horrible advice.

It Gets MUCH Worse...

  • MOST Personal Trainers Know NOTHING
    I've had so many people tell me that a personal trainer has told them they can only build 5 pounds of muscle mass PER YEAR.

    It's A FACT...

    Hundreds of people who have used my system have built more than 5 pounds of much IN JUST 1 MONTH... Which is MORE than what MOST personal trainers promise for an entire year!

    I've personally seen trainers teaching people how to do exercises with totally damaging form that will only get their trainee injured. I've heard trainers telling people that squats are bad for them. And they were right with the way they were teaching people how to squat.

    The TRUTH is...

    You shouldn't be teaching someone else how to do something right if you don't know how to teach proper form and technique. The bad part?

    Most personal trainers charge more than $50 for 1 hour of their time (and these are the lower priced ones). Some charge hundreds of dollars per hour.

  • Building Muscle is Much Easier Than You Think
    When you learn how to build muscle, it's not very difficult at all. Sure, you have to work hard in the gym and do all the right things out of the gym BUT once you know how... it's easy!

    From this point on, building muscle will be DEAD EASY for YOU! Within my SYSTEM I explain exactly how to build muscle with ease.

  • You Can't Expect Continuous Progress Without Changing
    Most of the so-called experts out there will tell you to eat 500 calories below maintenance to lose fat. They tell you to continue eating that same amount for months at a time.

    The Truth?

    The body quickly adapts to everything you do. If you continue eating the same amount of food, you will get no results! None.

    You MUST make changes to your program... Many times -- you'll need to make small changes on a weekly basis. And that's EXACTLY what my system teaches you.

  • Continue Doing the Same Things and Continue Getting No Results
    I've seen people working hard in the gym. I've seen them making zero progress for years at a time. And yet, they continue to do the same things over and over. STOP THE INSANITY!

    If something isn't working, you should know within a few weeks at most. It's time to make a change when you aren't getting results.

    With my system, you'll know exactly when to make a change to keep your body from adapting to what you're doing.

After ONLY ONE WEEK... Amazing Results:

Terry began using the WLC System and after just ONE WEEK he made amazing progress. These are typical results... if you follow the guidelines, you will get results like this each and every week.

Terry's shoulders are already much larger, his arms have grown, and his six pack is beginning to appear -- and all that after just one week.

Before Week 1

After Week 1

Terry is very excited about his progress ... as he shows in the email below that he sent me after only 1 week using my system.

My Girlfriend is Loving The Results!

"Josh. I want to thank you so much. I am already being able to tell a difference. I know it has only been a week but i can see big improvements in my body. My girlfriend is loving it too. lol. But anyway, if you look at my picture on "skinny guy wanting to get big". you will be able to tell a huge difference from the first picture that my sister took to the new one. Thank you Josh. I will continue to keep you posted."

Terry Roberts
Morristown, Tennessee

Do You Feel Repulsed When You Look In The Mirror?

There was a day, almost 10 years ago that I will never forget. I don't remember the date, but I do remember the day - it was a Tuesday.

On that day I remember looking into the mirror and feeling extremely repulsed! That feeling of disgust that overcame me was the strongest feeling I had ever had. I felt useless. I had no idea why I had "let myself go" to that extreme extent.

I was fat. Borderline obese, even. My gut was hanging down over my pants. I should of probably considered making an appointment for a bra fitting - as I had those dreaded man boobs.

That feeling was EXCRUCIATING!

Right there and then, I decided to finally do something about it. And I was deadly serious. I was determined to do whatever it took to change my ugly and unhealthy body. Not only did I want to do it for myself, but I wanted to do it for my wife.

Looking in the mirror and realising that I was fat, motivated me to make DRASTIC changes.

If that's what it takes for you to motivate yourself - then do it. Go look in the mirror and if you feel disgusted with yourself, then it's time to do something about it.

Are you serious about finally getting the body you deserve?

If you are, and you're willing to follow a step-by-step system, then I can help you!

I've Exposed All My Muscle Building And Fat
Burning Secrets In a Simple Step-By-Step
System That Anyone Can Follow

People have begged me to tell them all of my secrets... When they've seen my results, they're desperate to find out how I've done it.

At the time I simply told them that it would take me years to organize and explain everything to them. Because that was the truth.

Anyone can do what I did. Anyone can experiment with their own bodies for YEARS and discover the truth. But who wants to do that?

The whole process is very painful and frustrating. Most people would quit. I've worked very, very hard over the years in search of the truth.

*** For a long time, I was reluctant to share this precious information because it's really important to me. I've worked extremely hard and went through years of frustration to find the truth. When you find the solution to something you've worked so hard for, it's tough to just give it to someone else. ***

But, I finally decided to spend the past year and a half compiling my secrets into a simple, step-by-step system to building muscle and burning fat as quickly as possible.

The results of all of my hard work are about to be revealed...

Introducing The WLC System
Build Muscle AND Burn Fat

A Complete Muscle Building AND Fat Burning System Based On The Secret Tactics I've Developed Over The Past 10 Years of Diligent Experimentation

"The WLC System" is a day-by-day muscle building and fat burning success manual jam-packed cover to cover with all the methods previously known by only a select few of my friends.

The manual is in ebook format and contains all the information you will ever need to help you quickly replace body fat with lean muscle mass permanently.

"Just do what the manual says and you will reach your goals.
Put forth your full effort and the results will be amazing."

Fred Increased His Squat by 125 Pounds
In Just 8 Weeks With the 'WLC System'

"I think you've got the best, most informative complete program I've seen. Your program covers step-by-step how to get in great shape and look good with diet, cardio, and weight training."

"Your program is priceless since it will actually work to make peoples lives much better."

"Hey Josh, Wow, thanks for the fast reply. Yeah I got my form corrected on deadlifts and have added about 25 pounds on my reps... with the correct form I can really feel it working my back and hamstrings more."

"I do know that I've made tremendous strength gains, I can see a lil muscle sneaking through the flab, I feel a lot better.

I've started tracking and really following the diet and other aspects of the program besides lifting. I definitely already feel more energized than before and have found that I have more umphh when doing those last couple of heavy weight reps...

...I'm more excited now than ever!"

"If I didn't say enough about it before, I need to let you know again how great the program created is. Calling it COMPLETE is not a lie.

You have so much good information in the entire program, it blows the old website away. It's all consolidated and planned out now. The log book alone is amazing...I can't praise it enough."

"I've got the before pics ready, and when I've gotten farther along on where I want to be, I will gladly send you a testimonial."

"I'd recommend this program to ANYONE."

"Thank you very much for the email. It's a rare thing to get a personalized email after buying."

"I gradually worked up to squatting the bar over a week or so, and within 2 weeks I started adding some weight. I'm up to 170 now of doing proper form deep squats with the 5x5 set. My other lifts have seen similar gains."

"Thanks for the remarkable program. You have put a lot of thorough work into this. It's a wealth of information."

Fred D.
Wichita Falls, Texas

Start Using This Powerful System Today
And Get The Ripped Body You Deserve

People just like YOU are using the WLC SYSTEM and are getting the results that you are dreaming about. Students, teachers, engineers, doctors, nurses, cab drivers, tech guys, mechanics, and regular guys just like YOU and I are getting astonishing results with WLC System.

AND it doesn't even matter what your goals are...

  • If you want to build 10 pounds of muscle or 100 pounds of muscle.
  • If you want to lose 10 pounds of fat or 100 pounds of fat.
  • If you simply want to look and feel great, or you want to compete in a fitness or a bodybuilding show.

Whatever your goals are, you can now achieve them with the WLC System.

Start applying the secret muscle and fat loss tactics and you'll be on your way to achieving the body of your dreams.

YOU Can Choose Whatever Body You Want
With The Powerful WLC System

A lean, ripped, muscle body with 6 pack abs that women CRAVE.

A huge, strong and powerful body that no one wants to mess with.

A fit, lean and ripped body that looks great on the beach and by the pool.

A body that looks great AND feels great.

A healthy and balanced body full of energy, and life.

A doctor trusted in the WLC System enough to use it ... check out his 'INCREDIBLE RESULTS' ...

Scott Obtained the Holy Grail...
He Was Able to Build Muscle and
Burn Fat at the Same Time

"Incredible results this week... gained 2 lbs, and my waist size DECREASED!! Judging by the mirror I think I am losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, my abs are even showing up a bit more! All this after my horrendous cheat on Saturday... I am a bit shocked to be honest. Thank you for the brilliant advice as always!!"

"My results have been really great these last couple of weeks, in fact I need to buy a new belt now because I'm down to the smallest hole! I definitely do not look like I am losing mass either, and my abs have been showing up more and more!"

"Today's workout was incredible... squats had the best range of motion I've ever been able to do, I'm talking real bona-fide Ass-2-Grass squats!! Don't know if my flexibility has gotten better or if I just finally found the right positioning or what."

"Hey Josh, hope you had a good weekend. I'm still amazed at how well your program continues to be working! People have been starting to notice a difference and I've been getting some really nice compliments.

It's a great feeling to know that I can make such great progress without any chemical supplements or gimmicky diets. Most importantly, I can still enjoy eating great food!

Anyway, I know I keep thanking you and I keep bothering you with my long and tedious e-mails...

I'm sure you're sick of hearing from me by now, but I really can't thank you enough! I've been working out for so long without getting anywhere, and there is so much great information that you've taken the time to generously put together."

Dr. Scott S.
Boston, Massachusetts
studentdoc11 @ yahoo.com

With So Many "Experts" Out There...
Who Do You Trust?

It's very likely that you've searched for solutions on the Internet before. You've probably spent HOURS browsing the search engines looking for answers that make sense. I've been in your situation before, so I know how confusing things can be.

And with so many people claiming to be experts, it's hard to know who to trust. It's extremely frustrating isn't it?

And then you have your family, friends and co-workers giving you advice:

"Do This," "Do That," "Try This," "Try That." Eat more protein, consume fewer carbs, cut your calories by 500, start lifting weights, start running, and so on. The advice never stops.

And all of these people provide logical arguments too. Some of them even try and provide you with proof. But how can so many people be right?

Who you are supposed to believe? Even personal trainers don't know the answers. They think they do. But they don't.

And go to your doctor, and they'll assess what you eat (if you're lucky) and then tell you to simply to exercise more and eat real foods. And whilst that's not bad advice, it's an extremely vague answer!

So who do you turn to?

You turn to me. You turn to someone who really knows. You turn to the WLC System.

Let's End The Confusion Now...

It's no wonder you're so confused. You've been told a million different things by a million different people. But we can end the confusion today! We can put a stop to all of this nonsense right NOW!

The WLC System will end the confusion and will make everything crystal clear.

When you've finished with the WLC System, building muscle and burning fat will no longer be a mystery to you. You'll clearly understand the whole process, and you'll be able to start getting results immediately.

In the past, you've tried a system or program, got confused at the contradicting information and you've either moved on to something completely different OR you've quit. You've changed diets as often as your underwear. And you've made no progress because you were confused, frustrated or you didn't bother to try.

But now you can move forward with the WLC System, and have rock solid confidence that you're doing everything the RIGHT way.

You've Been Conned And Lied To!
Don't Believe Me? Read This...

Lies, lies and more lies. I see "so-called experts" giving the same advice to vulnerable people each and every day. Those lies prevent people just like you from making progress.

And even worse...

Some of the lies are extremely dangerous! If you followed some of the advice the "so-called experts" give out, you could end up in hospital with major health complications!

You spend time, effort and money listening to these fakes. They just make up any old crap, claim it's solid advice, and give it to you.

And before you know it, you've wasted so much time, effort and money that you've barely got the will to carry on. And no one can blame you for that. It's hard to be motivated after wasting so much time, effort and money on something that was never going to work from the start.

BUT, if you take a stand right now, and dedicate yourself to the WLC System, I promise you'll meet your goals, and get results in the FIRST WEEK alone.

Take A Look At Some Of The Lies You've Been Told
By Those Fakes... Then Discover The Truth!

Lie #1: Fat loss and muscle supplements are super effect. Use "THIS SUPPLEMENT" and you'll get rock hard abs in just 4 days.

The Truth: Fat loss and muscle gain supplements are a waste of money. 90% of them don't work at all. And the ones that do work, only aid you slightly. Don't buy into the hype that surrounds them.

The right types and the right combination of regular food will do much more for you than any supplement could ever do. Food is the most anabolic substance on earth... even more powerful than steroids. You just have to know how to use them.

Lie #2: Weight loss is the goal.

The Truth: Weight loss is not the goal. Muscle gain and fat loss is the goal. When you try to lose weight fast, the number on the scale goes down but you lose precious muscle mass AND end up looking and feeling WORSE.

Do not focus on weight loss or you will be sorry. You don't want to be skinny but still fat, right? Because that's exactly what weight loss will do to you.

Lie #3: Work each muscle group once per week.

The Truth: You are slowing your progress by only working each muscle group once per week. The muscle building process is complete after only a few days following a workout. Why wait a full 7 days? It's a waste of time!

And did you know that you can easily build up to 300% more muscle by working each muscle group more frequently with the proper intensity and weight training plan? It's a fact... proven through research!

One More Lie That Angers Me...

Overtraining. If you've ever had a personal trainer then you've probably heard them use the word 'overtraining' before. They use the word far too often, and without knowing anything about overtraining.

You see, no one can tell YOU that you're overtraining by simply looking at your workouts. Not me, and not a personal trainer.

Overtraining is much more than a workout. It's about your recovery abilities, your diet, water intake, sleep, stress levels, intensity, frequency, and much much more.

As long as you're making progress and strength gains in the gym, you don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks. When you make amazing progress, these people will be coming to you asking you for advice.

Take Your Money Out Of Your Wallet And
Toss Those Notes Straight In the Trash!

Over the past year or more, you've been throwing your money in the trash. You've literally been pouring money away with nothing to show for it!

$600 on A Gym Membership
Most people pay at least $50 a month for a gym membership. Some may actually go to the gym all year, but most waste their time and money when they don't get results.
$520 on Gas Driving to the Gym
If you drive to the gym 3 to 4 times each week, you'll spend about $10 each week driving to the gym (if it's close). When you aren't getting results, you're simply wasting your money!
208 Hours of Your Precious Time = $$$
How much is one hour of your time worth to you? Take that and multiply it by 208. That's a lot of time wasted for no results. Time is money. How much do you make an hour? Multiply that by 208. That's what you're wasting at the gym!

Do you want to continue to waste money that you worked extremely hard for? Surely not ...

And That's Not All You Waste, There's More...

I know it's hard to believe, but you waste a lot more than what's above.

There are millions of people that are wasting all of this money right now, and you're probably one of them!

Gym Membership $600
Driving to the Gym $520
Vehicle Wear and Tear $200
208 Hours of Your Time $2500
Wasted Supplements $600
Grand Total $4420

Table: Average Amount of Money Wasted Per Year

So, the typical woman spends over $4000 every single year in their attempt to get a toned and sexy body!

And you only have to take a look around you to see that the money is wasted. How many fit, lean and sexy women do you see around you? Not many at all. So, the typical woman is wasting $4000 every single year because they're using programs that just don't work!

And they don't work because the creators or authors of those programs don't understand how the human body works. They don't have a clue how the muscle building and fat loss process works.

Are You Insane?

You need to stop wasting your time with all those crappy programs. By using those programs you're making it impossible to have any success at building muscle and burning fat.

Do you know the definition of insanity? "It's doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

Now, I'm not for one minute suggesting that you're insane. I'm just trying to tell you that you need to let go, and stop using the same things over and over again. The programs and methods that you've been using don't work - let go!

Instead you NEED something NEW and REFRESHING that gives you results.

The women who use the WLC System are successful because they do everything differently from the common muscle toning and weight loss programs. They eat a lot more, maintain and build sexy muscle mass, burn fat at incredibly fast rates, have higher energy levels, and look and feel great.

With WLC, you don't starve, you don't take life threatening drugs that provide temporary results, you get fast and permanent results from day 1 that last because you work with your body and your mind.

Don't Spend The Next 10 Years Trying To Find
What's Already Included In The WLC System?

Get yourself a copy of the WLC System TODAY, so you don't have to spend the next 10 years finding out the truth. I can give you the truth about building sexy muscle and burning nasty fat on a silver platter, today!

You don't want to waste precious time, money and effort do you? No you don't. You don't want to spend 10 years finding something that I can give you today, do you? No you don't.

Learn from my mistakes. Learn from someone whose mastered the art of building muscle and burning fat.

You won't have to spend weeks searching for accurate information, or you won't have to experiment with your own body. I've done all that, so you don't have to!

My wife was the first woman to use the WLC System and her results alone show what the system can do for you. There have been hundreds of women since her that have gotten similar and even better results!!!

My wife is flat out sexy now ... she is amazing. Realize, though, she worked hard for her results and you'll have to work for them too. Real and permanent results take hard work and dedication.

Let Me Take You By The Hand And Show You Step-By-Step How To Quickly Build Sexy Muscle And Burn Nasty Body Fat

This system was produced by someone who practices what they preach - ME! So, I know exactly what you're going through. I know the problems you're going to be faced with even before you get there.

That's exactly why I want to take you by the hand and show you exactly how to do this.


For the last 10 years I've worked my ass off in my quest for the truth. I found it through research and experimentation. And then I totally transformed my body from a big tub of lard to a rock hard 240 pounds of lean muscle mass.

My lovely wife lost over 80 pounds of nasty body fat after her first pregnancy. She's half-way through her second pregnancy and is in the best shape of her life even while she is pregnant. She is doing so great this time around, and it's all due to the WLC System.

Now it's your turn to get amazing results...

I don't want the fitness industry getting any more of your hard earned money for absolutely nothing in return. It's time for you to start getting the results you deserve - with the WLC System.

*** You are a few mouse clicks away from getting access to a system that will change your life by giving you the body you've always wanted. Because the system is in e-book format, you'll get access to the system almost instantly! ***

Order The COMPLETE "WLC System Package" Today... Check This Out:

You can have the WLC System Manual for FREE. I will give it to you today, right now, and show you that I am here to help you. If you're not interested in the entire package and only want a copy of the WLC System Manual, you can go here.

If you are SERIOUS about changing your body once and for all, you really need to get the entire muscle building and fat burning package. You're going to be totally surprised and shocked at the price and what you get. This is no joke!!!

All of our programs are based on the WLC System -- Within each of our programs, we tell you exactly what to do each day. All you have to do is follow the checklist for each day. And you'll see your body transforming right before your eyes.

The WLC System Manual explains the reasoning and planning behind each of our programs. That's why I want you to have a copy of the WLC System Manual.

I want you to know that each of our step-by-step programs are based on the science and real-world results behind the WLC System. Everything is explained within the WLC System Manual -- our programs then tell you EXACTLY what to do EACH DAY.

You'll soon see why our programs are so popular. It's time for you to see and experience the amazing results that so many people are getting right now. It's your turn.

How Much is The WLC System Going to Cost?

Right now, you can get a FREE COPY of the WLC System Manual. You might already have a copy of the manual. It's free to anyone who visits Weight Lifting Complete.

But let me give you a BIG SHOCK for the day...

I'm going to give you the Complete WLC System Package for ONLY $54.95. That's it.

My goal is to help as many people as I possibly can... the only way for me to do that is to lower the price of the WLC Products. For only $54.95, you get every WLC Product ever developed. This is a price point I am testing so it may be raised, but it will never again be less than $54.95.

My advice to you: "Find the order button below and get your copies right now for only $54.95."

NOW, you can have over 10 years of weight training programs, a fat burning and muscle building system you can use for life, and starter programs telling you exactly what to do for only $54.95.

No one in existence will give or has given this much for this price. -- you spend more than that on a few fat-producing, heart-killing, unhealthy fast food and restaurant meals.

What's it going to be? Change your life NOW or put this off again? The correct decision is to change your body, your health, and your life RIGHT NOW.

Ready to start? Good. You'll be very glad you made this decision.

Here's What You're Getting And Here's Where You Order The Package For Only $54.95

Curve Building Program

Fat Burning Program
Fabulous Fat Loss

WLC System Manual
System Guidelines

WLC Workouts Manual
Workout Programs

WLC Log Book
Measure Results

WLC Affiliate Secrets
Help Others

Price For All 6 eBooks = $54.95

* Our Lean Muscle Building And Fat Burning Programs
Can Be Downloaded Instantly In About 30 Seconds *

Great news! Since these are eBooks, there are no shipping or printing costs. A hard copy manual of all the books would cost much more and you'd have to wait to get them. Instead, you get instant access to ALL of our programs, and you get a MUCH cheaper price.

Actually, our programs are ONLY available as instant downloads. Once you complete the order process, you will be sent to a special section of this website where you can download your eBooks.

You can then begin reading about your NEW program immediately AND you can even get started TODAY -- I can't wait for you to start ... I love to hear success stories and you are next up.

This Is How It Works After You Complete Your Order -- This Is Very Easy And Simple For Anyone To Execute Flawlessly

As soon as you place your order on Clickbank's Secure Server, you are directed to the download page. On the download page, you can download your programs and all the bonuses directly to your computer so you can get started immediately.

You will ALWAYS have access to the files -- if your hard drive crashes, you lose them, or you need to download them onto another computer, just let me know. I will give you the files at no charge. You ALWAYS have access to the files.

You will also get access to the Owner's Section of the website where you get access to tons of free bonuses that will help you execute the WLC System and your program flawlessly.

You can read your program right here on your computer screen. The eBook is in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer -- PC or MAC. You can even print a copy and put it in a binder for reading.

SUPER BONUS: I am also going to give you 60 Days worth of personal coaching emails from me ... I want you to keep up with the program so I'm going to stick with you for 60 days. When you need help, I'll be here to help. You just won't get that anywhere else for FREE.

That's all you need to do to get instant access to your new programs and the WLC System. Once you've downloaded your eBooks and all the bonuses, read the WLC System Guide from cover to cover. Then put your step-by-step program into action and start immediately!

Remember, I will lead you step-by-step through each and every day. This is cutting edge stuff that's easy to follow -- you just have to do it ... that's all.

This Is What You Can Expect From The WLC System

The WLC System and our programs are not "quick-fixes." Don't expect to wake up tomorrow and -POOF- you have your dream body.

Results are fast and hard hitting. You can expect results from Day 1 so be ready to get spectacular results after only 60 days. I do not want you wasting your money if you're not going to use the program as designed.

If you are willing to follow the simple guide and put the plan into action, please order right now. If not, please save your money. I'm not here to take your money.

I am here to make sure you improve your body, your health, and your life once and for all. That's my goal.

If you decide NOT to start today, just remember ... one day you've got to stop ignoring your body and your health. Your bad habits and bad health will catch up to you -- and it will be too late.

In a short 7 days, you'll be ecstatic that you ordered this powerful system and program. The end of 7 days is coming soon so start now.

Here's How The WLC System Will Work For You:

After One Week, you're going to notice a huge change in your energy levels. You'll begin to notice changes in your muscle mass and the amount of body fat. You'll already begin to look better and feel better.

By the End of Week Three, you will see a leaner and harder body. You'll really start to notice results by now. Other people may even begin to comment on how great you are looking. Some will ask what you've been doing. Some may even ask you for advice while the jealous people will try to give you advice.

Each Week After That, you will see better and better results. As you get dialed in, you learn exactly what you need to do to continue getting better results. Your body begins to turn into your vision. As you get closer to your dream, you get more and more excited. Every week is fun! You look great and feel great.


You'll be looking at yourself in the mirror and this huge sense of accomplishment will overcome you.

You may even be staring at your six pack abs for the first time in your life.

You may have more muscle to build or more fat to lose to reach your overall goal, but you'll be so excited because of the huge changes you've already made.

Your family and friends will want to know your secrets! And you'll tell them it's The WLC System...

FINALLY, you are saying "no" to QUICK FIXES!!!

And do you really know what the best part about all of this is? You are saying no to the 'quick fixes' out there that simply waste your time and money.

You are choosing to change your lifestyle to a healthy and natural one. The WLC System teaches you so you have the knowledge you need to help others or yourself for the rest of your life! This is all you will ever need to get ANY type of body you want.

With the WLC System, you'll know you have access to secrets that will have you making faster progress than anyone in the gym. You'll shoot past them in no time, and they'll wonder what you've been doing. I hear these stories all the time... it's your turn -- get started now.

If You're Finished with all the Quick Fixes, Useless Supplements, and Pills That Have Failed You And You Want to Do This The Right Way, This System Is The Honest and Effective Solution For You

Even if you're only slightly interested in the WLC System, I can assure you that it's everything I am promising you. You really do owe it to yourself to give our program a shot. All I ask is for you to give it a fair chance. I guarantee you'll love the results.

This is not a quick fix, so it does take time and dedication as anything else in life. BUT it works better than anything else out there -- hard work BUT intelligent work pays off big time.

If you're still looking for a quick fix like 95% of people out there, you can trust me when I say that you will never find one. Stop looking for the quick fix like the other 95%. Be one of the people who puts their foot down and gets the body they want. Follow the WLC System as the others have and get amazing results.

If you're one of those people who are finished looking for the quick fix -- one of the special people who have what it takes to come out of that comfort zone -- then come on board with me and order today. Doing the same thing that never got you results sure isn't going to work better in the future.

Here's to You Getting that Toned and Sexy Body,

Josh Tapp
Author WLC System

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'Thanks for visiting!'

P.S. - Anyone can use this simple, step-by-step guide to get a toned and sexy body. It doesn't matter who you are or your background. You'll be looking and feeling better from day one.

P.P.S. - Don't let the idea of lifting weights and working out scare you. It feels so great that I was hooked from the very first moment. You will love the feeling of accomplishment after each and every workout. Every woman that tries this NOW loves weight training.

P.P.P.S. - The biggest question I get from visitors is, "Will this program work for me?" I personally guarantee this program will give you the best results you've ever achieved. Just remember, if The WLC System isn't everything I say it is, I will refund every cent of your money... it's that simple.

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