Mysterious Guy Discovers a Secret to 'Manipulating' the Universe and Wins the Lottery Jackpot in Less than 2 Months...Mysterious Guy Discovers a Secret to "Manipulating" the Universe & Wins the Lottery Jackpot in Less than 2 Months......Plus, He Swears UNDER OATH that ANYONE Can Accomplish This, Too... Important Message: Moreover, this $82 million Jackpot guy exemplifies the exact thing I'm
about to reveal to you today.
Have I Got Your Attention Now? ...Good!!!Here's a picture of me with the check:
June 23th -- $40,000...July 12th -- $50,000...August 2nd- $2,425...August 28 th- $10,022,823 -- the big JACKPOT...(Obviously, I had some losses between these winners)Simple math will demonstrate that I have won about $10.1 mils in just 3 short months and all these with the help of ....UNIVERSE (yeah, you read that right. It's the thing that is above us all and makes things happen. All you have to do is to ask for it) Hold on a second!I'm not here to waste your time and hopefully you won't waste mine. If you feel that you cannot handle the truth or all the things that I'm about to reveal to you today ...or you're just old fashioned and you like struggling with lottery patterns or formulas and working your way up...THEN THIS MESSAGE IS NOT FOR YOU. Leave the page and let another person who wants to win easy money with close to zero financial investment... Deal?... Good...If you still are on this page it means that you're interested in discovering everything, and more importantly putting it on your own use. A few things to know before going any further:
"I don't want to be the rooster that takes credit for
the down" Exactly my point here... I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or being too boastful. Why should I do this? I changed my life in a way that I'd never imagined otherwise and I managed to change other lives, too. Here are some real life examples of regular people like you: What the Heck Did I Discover? ...or What Is My Story?Everything started in March 2010. At that time I was working at an auto repair shop. I was doing relatively well financially, but it was not enough for me to fulfill my wildest dreams. I was playing lottery only once in a while. It was more for fun then. Actually I never dreamed that I would win the lottery... ... until I discovered a very interesting person. His name was John S. He was my dear workmate and for some people he was an odd type of individual. For me he was at very interesting guy. I especially liked him when he was talking about the Universe and how everything is connected and how you can attract things simply with the power of thought (btw, I hope you have seen the movie "The Secret") . (picture with the guy.) One day he wanted to prove something to me. He said:
Of course, I said "Get out of here". It was impossible for me to think that this is likely to happen. Anyway, out of curiosity (and I'm glad I did it) I went out and wrote the numbers on the back of a trash lottery ticket that I forgot to get rid off. The numbers were: 23, 14, 46. I will never forget those numbers... The next day at the lunch break John approached me and said: "I know the numbers you picked". I though he was joking...He said : "Your numbers are 23..14...46″ . I didn't remember the numbers I chose and I looked after the paper. BANGGGGGGG! It hit me like a lightening bolt. I was so shocked that I was unable to move for the next 2 minutes as I was trying to figure out what the hell he just did. I couldn't believe my eyes. I even have a picture with that sheet of paper: I sat there with that rubbish lottery ticket for a long time... Then another breakthrough for me... "What if I can use this trick to predict the lottery numbers?"After many struggles and tens of beers for John I got him to tell me exactly how he did it... I got fascinated with everything and I started to study some hidden books he lent me. IT all started to become crystal clear to me... I realized that there's no coincidence in this world. Everything happens with a purpose and reason, but for most of the things you just don't know it yet. Do you remember the last time when you were lucky? What was it like? What created that luck for you? What really happened? You got promoted, or you over seen what happened into your relation...or you just had the feeling and guessed who would win the Sunday evening football game? Was it a random act? NOOOOOO!!!!You attracted all of these occurrences. Listen closely my friend... That was not luck in a way that all people tend to accept it. It was pure science proven hundreds of times, but you just don't know it yet. This letter is not about me and how good I am with this. It is about you and how to enable you predict the lottery numbers almost each time you play ..with such sharp accuracy that you'll no longer have to work for money in your life (unless if you like what you're doing and you want to keep doing it.) How does it manifest into your life?Well firstly you have a gut feeling that you're right about something ... so sure that you can bet on it...Then it becomes part of you...and it will help you not only with the lottery but with almost everything you desire in life. Back to my story... It Didn't Come Easy...I struggled a lot to realize what the hell was happening. I read all the books I borrowed from John and then I tried to create a system that applies especially for the lottery games. You see ... it was all about me because I really didn't care what kind of game it many numbers there were extracted. What I needed to know was how the game works ...and to have a mental picture of it. It didn't work very well at the beginning but when I was about to lose my patience something happened.
It was clear that I was sitting on something and that I discovered something that completely changed my life. I really don't know why I didn't hit the jackpot and frankly I don't give a damn. I am happy with what I got...maybe it was not the time yet. After that, I had some losses and again some winners until the day that I hit the jackpot:
It wasn't just ME ...anyone can do it...My next challenge was to see if I was just lucky...if I had something special...or if I was working with a system that could be applied by anyone with the proper implementation. I told everything to my friends and of course they were anxious to start right away. I gave them all my notes and research ...along with John's documents (with his permission of course) and after a while these guys started to win small. Not each time...but they were winning consistently ...just enough to keep them going and to change their lives. Here are some pictures with some checks they won: I decided that I need to share this to people...The success I had created made me realize that I could help other people, too. I mean, let's face it there are many people out there who desperately need money for health conditions and other life-altering reasons ...not for just buying fancy cars or homes. Therefore I wanted to create a system that could teach people how to win the lottery with the power of visualization and concentration. It can happen to anyone. You just have to "Take Out The Trash" from your mind. The next video illustrates this the best:
I put all my knowledge into one place and I created a system that is very easy to implement and understand by anyone. It took me 2 months to have it complete and I think it is the best thing you can see right now. I called it "Lottery Phenomenon"
The insider info you need to know about the two steps you must follow: |
Step 1: First you need to accept that it will happen to you and let the universe know what you want.
Step 2: Become very sensitive to the Universe and the Universe will provide you with the winning numbers.
Tips and tricks with what you need to do be in perfect balance with nature and everything in it. | |
Why all the manifestation gurus get it wrong...some of them know how to imprint their desire into the Universe, but not many know how to make themselves in-tune to the universe so it speaks to them. | |
Tips and tricks with what you need to do be in perfect balance with nature and everything in it. | |
Why all the manifestation gurus get it wrong...some of them know how to imprint their desire into the Universe, but not many know how to make themselves in-tune to the universe so it speaks to them. | |
The art of daily visualization...the art of asking and then the art of getting something in return. | |
Anyway, I don't want to ruin the surprise for you because I really think you'll be blown away with this hidden information. Basically you'll find everything you need to have for visualizing the right numbers on any game ...on any lottery. |
So, that makes me state:
"My System Works On Any Lottery Game, Anywhere In The World"
There's a catch:
Of course I cannot guarantee that you'll win the jackpot this week or the next week. It is very likely to have a winner very soon...but I cannot predict when. I've seen so many success stories from the people I I don't see any reason why this won't apply to you.
You're life will change. That is guaranteed. Sooner or later you'll win the lottery. The only problem that comes to me now is what you're going to do after.
Will you change? Will you be a different person?
Although winning the lottery changed a lot of things in my life, such as:
- Buying a new car and feel that you're living the life to its full...
- Buying a new home and offer all the comfort your family need
- Got rid of the job and be FREE
...I cannot say that it has changed me as a person. In fact I really think that:
"The journey is what brings us happiness...not the destination"
Your destination will be that you'll be making a lot of money that you'll probably get rich if you do exactly what I teach you ...but the journey...the moment of feeling that you found the numbers ...the moments of expecting the lottery extractions ...the failings ...and then the success will really make you happy.
More than a lottery winner you'll be a new person...and I dare to say that to a level that the lottery checks won't make you that special anymore although it will definitely change your life.
Check out a great scene from a movie I really like. It has only 3 minutes:
How You Can Get "Lottery Phenomenon" and Put It On Your Own Use Right Now?
In the last 4 months I created a package that contains everything you need for getting lottery winners a lot more often. In this period I tested this theory over and over again for its effectiveness and I can proudly say that it worked in most of the cases.
"Lottery Phenomenon" can help anyone anywhere...on any lottery game. Moreover it will help you to achieve whatever you desire in life.
It is written in plain English by me and it is very easy to apply. I really think it will be a mind blower.
However, all my efforts cannot go in vain. Initially I decided to charge $149 for it. People said that it is way too little compared to what it provides inside. But I said "stop". I like to go on the contrary public opinion. If people say something, I say bet the other way. I decided to lower the price even more...but only for a very limited period of time. So for the next 500 copies of "Lottery Phenomenon" the price is only $67.
This is peanuts compared to what you'll get. Think of it as you investing in your future and into your wealth and freedom.
I've always been fair...
Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee If I'd knew that you risk a dime I would have insisted on you not investing a penny here. Therefore I just want to protect what is yours and come with an impossible-to-refuse 60 day money-back guarantee. That is two full months... Here is how it works... You get the "Lottery Phenomenon" today, you read it entirely and put everything I'm teaching you to your own use. Then you wait a bit to see the results and ...only then if not happy with the results you will email me and ask for the money back. All your investment will be refunded. No question asked whatsoever. This is even backed-up by our merchant: one of the most trusted and respected online retailers. |
Don't think that I'm that greedy and need your money for this book. But by paying something for it, it will help you to understand that it is valuable ...and it will make certain that you'll read it. I'll find a noble way to spend that money on charity, church, or helping the needy.
Here are a few more happy people:
Ok. Let's Sum Up What You're Going To Get Today:
My personal action plan for getting 3 average winners and 1 jackpot in less than 3 months...summing up $1o.1 million | |
The possibility of being free for the first time to quit on the day job if you don't like or to buy almost anything you have ever dreamed | |
A proven system that is working like crazy on other average people like you: no technical skills required | |
Incredible low price for everything ...just for a very limited period of time | |
Double money back guarantee in case if not happy (it won't be our case) |
What is there to think about? Just get in and take what is yours. Losing this opportunity equals a personal drama.
May the Universe To Lead Your Way To The Right Decision!
Walter M
contact me for any question at: Walter[@]
P.S. -- Here is how other people have changed their lives. Do you want to join them? If you're not inside you're outside:
P.P.S- Profit from this incredible bargain only today: