
That Provides Complete Personalized 6 Month Diet Plan For The Fatty Liver And Obesity Sufferers

Inner Circle Ezra Protocol Download the-ezra-protocol-inner-circle-fatty-liver-sufferers.pdf

That Provides Complete Personalized 6 Month Diet Plan For The Fatty Liver And Obesity Sufferers

Important note: Even if you have the the Fatty Liver Bible and Cookbook, planning your diet will take hours every day

"What Would You say If I Offered to do Everything for you?"

Just take a second and look at the graph below indicating the success rate of two groups of people:

Now, don't get me wrong, this does Not mean that the protocol described in the books Doesn't work.

This just means that many people fail much too often like with so many things in life, primarily for 3 reasons:


Planning is too time consuming.


Balancing the menu chemically is too complex.


People just make mistakes in the planning.

Now, at this moment you might be asking yourself:

"But why haven't she included meal plans, daily plans, monthly plans in the Cookbook or the main book?"

Here is why - because with fatty liver and obesity NO ONE PLAN FITS EVERYBODY.

That is why as a natural practitioner and a nutricionist specialized for liver disease I make custom plans in my small practice in Paris, but there I have all the specific information I need about the person, their liver enzymes levels, their blood work results, their food preferences and so many more facts...

So, if I just slapped diet plans in the Cookbook I could even potentially harm some people and make their condition worse. That is the simple truth.

That is why I have introduced this Offer and Named it

* So, what is The Inner Circle?

It is a program that allows you to have the same quality of service as the people that come to my practice have.

When you become a member of the inner circle I personally sit down and put together a diet plan for 6 months just for you.

Yes, I make absolutely unique plans for:

180 days of your fatty liver healing and weight loss (if you need to loose weight)
That is 900-1100 of your meals alltogether

* How exactly does the Inner Circle work?

Step 1: After you join, you answer all sorts of questions about yourself, including but not limited to:

- your liver enzyme levels

- your general and maybe even some specific blood work

- your height

- your weight

- age

- goals with your body

- your general and maybe even some specific blood work

- what do you like to eat

- what you don't like to eat

- what you can't stand eating

- what is your comfort food

- what meat do you like if you like it

- when you eat junk food what do you usually eat

- and a couple of others...

Now, of course you don't have to respond to all of these questions if for whatevere reason you don't want to, but these are the questions I ask my clienst when they come in and when I make their diet plans and you should be comfortable with answering all of these...because after all...

You will be in the inner Circle ... :)

Step 2: I study your case, your needs and your wants and I start making the plan for you.

I make your daily plans for 6 months with exactly what, when and how much to eat
I do this by taking into account what you told me about yourself
CRUCIAL : I calculate the nutritional and chemical value of every single of your meals to make it optimal for healing. REMEMBER, IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS RIGHT AND ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF. Just a bit further down the page I will tell you exactly everything that you would need to calculate and I will be doing it instead.
I make a special mini Cookbook just for you based on what you told me you like to eat. I will be naming it after You :) ...Jane's Fatty Liver Cookbook, Bob's Fatty Liver Cookbook...and so on, you catch my drift...
When making this mini Cookbook that is just for you, I contact my co-author of the Cookbook Jamie Ward and ask her to help me with recipes using the ingredients you like, because I am a nutricionist but I am not a chef.
I will incorporate everything to meet your specific needs and wants into the healing plan.
Sounds complicated, but it will be just for me, by the time it reaches you it is nothing more then an excel table with an exact list of things you need to eat, when and how much in grams.
The plan for the day also contains:

* how much fat have you lost based on the food log

* how much of which nutrient have you taken (I am talking about over 30 nutrients - see daily food log sample bellow)

Okay, this is getting too complicated and I might be confusing you... just take a look at the daily plan sample you would receive (for the period of 6 montsh of course).

Right Click + Save as if on PC and CTRL+click if on a Mac

Then you choose a location on your computer and save the file or just open it, it is plain Excel.

This is just so that you can get a feel about the things
you would need to keep in mind if you want to plan
for the healing of Your fatty liver.

And let us get one thing straight right away, this is not EXEGERATING.

Let me take a second and tell you about my begginings with the Ezra protocol.

I started the diet but I took the instructions more like guidelines, I would add something and remove something from the daily plans I was given.

Time was passing and I wasn't getting any better.

Then on one of our sessions Jacob asked me, "Are you eating exactly by the plan? Exactly?"

And when I explained that I was "generally" sticking to it he got a little mad, but then took down his glasses and explained the nature of the process.

He said, "During the healing process, your body is like hundreds of test-tubes that we are juggling, yes, we are doing exactly that, juggling." He then went on to explain that we neeed to keep a close eye on things like: saturated fat intake, polyunsaturated fat intake...Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin...and so on...

Those words about juggling with test-tubes
stuck in my brain like carved. I realised
how precise this has to be and I realised why I was failing.

When my digital scale became my friend, I started getting better at such a fast pace that even my MD was shocked and gobsmacked.

Now, I will presume that you have opened the file. But even if you haven't, here is what is so shocking about it:

The complexity of the task.

So, let us take a second here, take a deep breath and think about what you need to do when planning your diet with the Ezra protocol.

First of all:

Remember the 20 basic food rules we talked about in the Cookbook. If you don't you can be reminded here. But that is why you got the Cookbook, right? To make sure you are not going against any of the rules.

Now, if the basic rules sound complicated, prepare yourself, because the other rules - "the balancing rules" will make the basic rules look like a light bed-time read.

Second and hugely important:

You will have to make sure that you are getting just exact amounts of Around 30 substances, vitamins or minerals.

It is then and only then - in this balance, that the healing happens. I have learned this the hard way. So you would need to plan your meals in such a way that you keep track of the following things:

*Bear in mind that these guidelines would be "pushed a little left or right" based on your needs when you give me your personal data.

Saturated Fats - Keep your saturated fat intake below 10 grams
Polyunsaturated Fats and Monounsaturated Fats - Eat your Polyunsaturated Fats and Monounsaturated Fats in such a way that 25 to 35% of your daily calories comes from fats while honouring what I said above about saturated fat. In our sample plan it is 29%.
Cholesterol - no more than 200 mg per day
Sodium - no more than 1200 mg per day
Potasssium - keep your daily levels between 3500 and 5000 mg in such a way that in the week you average around 4500-4800 mg
Total carbohydrate - this varies on opinions and what you tell me you like, I always keep my carbs under 200 gr
Fiber - 25 to 30 grams per day
Sugars - when plannning for a fatty liver healing you need your sugars under 50 grams per day
Protein - 1-1.5 grams per kg of lean body weight
Alcohol - most days no alcohol, you will tell me in the order process if you have such "special needs" and I will see what I can do when making your plan :)
Vitamin A - make it so that your average daily intake during a week is 5-6000 IU, for example in our sample plan we have very high levels of Vitamin A because of baby carrots and would need to take make sure not to go overboard for the rest of the week
Vitamin C - 50 to 90 mg daily with the average around 60 mg per day
Calcium - 300-1200 mg daily aiming for an average of 1000 mg per day
Iron - 12-20 mg daily aiming for the average of 18 mg on weekly per day basis
Vitamin D - 300-1000 IU daily with a weekly average of 400-500 IU per day
Vitamin E - 5-20 mg daily aiming for a weekly average of 10 mg per day
Thiamin - 1 to 2 mg daily aiming for a weekly average of 1,4 mg per day
Riboflavin - 1 to 2 mg daily aiming at 1,6 mg for a weekly average per day
Niacin - 10 to 40 mg daily aiming at a weekly average of 18 mg per day
Vitamin B6 - 1 to 3 mg daily aiming at a weekly average of 2 mg per day
Folate - 300 to 500 ug daily aiming at a weekly everage of 400 ug per day
Vitamin B12 - 3 to 10 ug daily aiming at a weekly average of 6 ug per day
Pantothenic acid - 3 to 10 mg aiming at a weekly average of 6 mg per day
Phosphorus - 500 to 1500 mg aiming at a weekly average of 1000 mg per day
Magnesium - 200-500 mg aiming at a weekly average of 350 mg per day
Zinc - 5 to 20 mg aiming at a weekly average of 15 mg per day
Selenium - 10 to 180 ug daily aiming at 30 to 40 ug at the weekly average per day (never more than 200 ug daily)
Copper - 1 to 5 mg aiming at a weekly average of 2 mg per day
Manganese - 2 to 10 mg at a weekly average of 5 mg per day

Is your brain mush yet?

Now take a moment and imagine that you would have to put together daily, weekly and monthly plans that first of all fit the basic 20 rules and then these 29 precise "ballancing rules".

You might be feeling skeptic or even angry about all of these rules but let me tell you this:

This is what it takes.

Don't hate me for this, please, it's just the way things are. It is the reason why all those people fail time and time again, because they don't have the knowledge or proactivity to approach the task with the laser precision that is requiered.

This might've been you in the past - BUT NOT ANY MORE !

By now you know the problems, and you know where the solution is. Now it's up to you.

And the good news is - you don't have to do the hard work yourself ! When you join the Inner Circle I do it all for you and all you get is when, how much and what to eat in an Excel spreadsheets.

And all that for 6 months.

Why 6 months?

Because in my experience, a vast majority of people who have it this easy in the Inner Circle are completely transformed and vibrantly healthy after those 6 months. and they can be more free with what they eat and also they can use the 6 months plan FOREVER, it is 180 nutritionaly balanced days designed to balance the immune system, altought after the 6 months it is wiser to replicate weeks instead of days from the plan.

And everything planned excusively for you in

"6 Month Personalized Diet Plan"

And wAIT - That's not all you get when you join
the Inner Circle Today.

As I previuosly explain, this is all about YOU. Completely customized to fit your needs. That is why, when you join today, you will fill out a questionaire that will give me the information to make specific recipes just for you working with the co-author of the Fatty Liver Freedom Cookbook, Ms. Jamie Ward, a professional chef as I mentioned earlier.

Jamie and I will be working on a Cookbook based on what you tell us about what you like and dislike.

So, for example, if your name is Jane, you will receive a Cookbook titled:

"Jane's Inner Circle Cookbook"


"Bob's Inner Circle Cookbook"


"Whatevername's Inner Circle Cookbook"

Yes, you Understood it right.

We make a cookbook just for you based on what you like.

And there is one more very important resource. Crucial I would say based on what people tell me ruins their healing efforts and especially the efforts to loose weight. The trips to the supermarket and to the restaurants"


"Eating Out Guide

for Fatty Liver Sufferers"

I think don't have to explai why a resource like this is CRUCIAL.

Especially in cultures where eating out in restaurants is widely present and is almost an every day thing. Just think about it, every brunch, lunch or dinner you have with your friends is a potential threat for your diet and your healing.

You know how it is, you are sitting there and having a great time with your friends and they order something that sounds delicious. And then you open the menu and you try to locate something that would be healthy for you. But you're unsure of whether something that you would order fits into your plan completely...and you get confused...

And when you get confused, you loose your focus, you snap, make Up an excuse like , "Just this once" and order a healing-ruiner.

Well, not any more, now you will know exactly what's in what, your eyes will not wander around the menu. You will know what you can have and you'll close the menu. That's it. The moment's gone and your still on your planned way.

That is why this resource is simply a must-have and definitely makes sure you stay in control.

Another place you need knowledge to stay in control is...can you guess it?

The Supermarket.

But, in the Inner Circle I think about everything for you. And that is why I would like to introduce:

"Shopping Guide

for Fatty Liver Sufferers"

So, what is the bottom line?

Before we get to that, PLEASE STOP for a second and think about this offer.

Please be honest with yourself and me when you think about:

How much of your time this saves and how much of my time I will be dedicating to you - it usually takes 2-3 working days to complete this kind of projects
When you read how you should plan your diet, think about the tedious long weeks it would take you to do this - I know your mind boggles at the very thought. I understand that!
Think about what are the chances of you completing this task without mistakes - and we said that this task needs to be laser precise and we cannot afford any mistakes
Think about how different this offer is from other digital products - you actually get something that is made just for you - you even get your own Cookbook, named after you
Think about the fact that I actually researched what are the critical points and why people fail and decided to absolutely minimize that risk for you with the additional materials - think about how much of an advantage this gives you over the other people that just bought the Fatty Liver Bible or/and the Cookbook
Think about the fact that I otherwise respond to the personal consultations within 48 hours, but You, as the member of the Inner Circle will never wait for more then 12 hours for a response
Actually STOP at this moment and think about how SPECIAL all of this makes YOU. You become my TOP priority.

Now, Let Me Be a Little Blunt and Talk About Something Very Specific That I think Is Decisive When You Are Judging This Offer.

Let's talk about how much I charge for this kind of service in my practice.

I charge $130-150 per hour for people that just want consultations and want to make thier own plan. We usually have 1 monthly session.
I charge $350 per monthly diet plan for people that want me to make the diet plans

So, let's do the math...

If you would want to come in for consultations and make the 6 month plans Yourself it would cost you between $780 and $900.

If you would want me to make the 6 month plans for You it would cost you $2100.

Talking about this like this might sound blunt, but I just wanted You to get an idea about this...


...because you are a paying customer for the Fatty Liver Bible and the Fatty Liver Freedom Cookbook and because I can work on your plans from the comfort of my home, or on weekends on my terrace, which is great for me, this offer is priced completely differently...

Joining the Inner Circle is priced at sincerely incredibly low $.

Just please think for a second and I honestly believe in my heart that you will recognize how low this price is.

Let's take a second and recap on everything you get when you join the Inner Circle today:

Your Personalized 6 Month Diet Plan.

Unique and made for you.

And your bonuses:

Your Personalized Cookbook

Guide to Eating Out

for Fatty Liver Sufferers

Shopping Guide

for Fatty Liver Sufferers

Now, be honest to me and To yourself, is that a fair offer or What ???

I am offering offering you my own time and working just based on your needs for
what is approximately 1/3rd or 1/6th of my current fee at my practice in Paris?

Is that a fair offer?

for real, STOP for a second and think...

Is that a fair offer or not?

If you think that it is just click the link bellow and you will become the part of the chosen few...

Simply click here or bellow to Join for the low, low 147 $

If you are in the group of people that think that this might not be a fair offer you might be thinking one of 3 things:

1. Why wasn't this included in the original Fatty Liver Bible or the Cookbook?

Sincerely, that was just impossible because you can't make one plan for everybody and if I tried to do that I would end up with something that might even harm the people following it. Some people need to loose weight, some need to gain weight, the range of ALT and AST is so different in people and that calls for different things...and so on and so forth...

The bottom line is....I would have made it if it was possible. BUT IT IS NOT .

And I am saying that in all honesty.

2. Why is this so more expensive than the other eBooks?

Simply because I make these on demand and these Inner Cicrle diet plans are custom made for you. The other eBooks are just there on the server and when you order one you download it. I wrote it only once and now I am updating it and spending money on advertising.

I actually receive your order and sit at my table and start working on coming up with something that is healthy for you and your liver based on the Ezra protocol and my years of experience.

3. Can't I do this on my own now that I have the Cookbook?

Well, yes you can do it but I am not exegerating that with all the variables to get right it would take you weeks of full time work for a 6 month plan.

If you think I am exegerating just I am encouraging to try it. I sincerely do.

Try making a plan for 1 day using the Cookbook, the 20 rules and the guidelines mentioned here that are reffered to as "29 ballancing rules" that talk about crucial vitamins, minerals and other substances for the healing of fatty liver.

If you have all the time in the world and are not bored with this kind of tedious work, joining the Inner Circle is probably not for you.

Now, that we have adressed all the potential issues you might have with joining the Inner Circle...

Simply click here or bellow to Join for the low, low 147 $

Just think about all the benefits that this will bring you and how special you will be:

No hassle of thinking about what to eat and planning, I do it all for you
No nervousness about whether you are doing it right
The feeling of supremacy when you know you are a member of the Inner Circle
The feeling of being special and knowing that any email you sent will be personally responded to by me within hours when others wait for up to 48 hours
The feeling of being in control and getting the ABSOLUTE BEST HELP you could possibly get for your problem
While others are wallowing in myre and self-pitty, you are taking matters into your own hands and assuming control over your life

Now take a deep Calming breath and imagine this:

Imagine the new healthy and slim you with this new found zest for life.

Imagine getting up early in the morning just to witness the sunrise.

Imagine having that wellness. That kind of zest for life.

Visualize it.
See it.

That is you. All in white, vibrant, healthy and ready for life.

That is what health and wellness brings.

As simple as that. The only thing that is keeping you from being this person is your condition and your disease. A healthy vital person can face te world smiling and say, "Bring it on!" and still see the beauty in everything, while a sad person crippled by disese will hide away in their own corner hoping that the world will never come knocking.

Well, this moment right now decides which of the two extremes you will be in 6 months or a year, the vital person full of zest or a crippled person hiding in their own corner.

And I am here to lead you through that change - to that other vibrant person. Just take my hand and before you know it we will be there.

How can I be so sure?

Simple. Because I have done it. I have lived it. I have been the cripple and now I am blessed and happy individual. And also, I have done this with so many people before. Witnessed the amazing transformation.

When you join the Ezra Protocol Inner Circle I advise you to make a photo journal of what happens during the 6 months. You will be like a butterfly developing from a carterpillar (no offense intended).

You will blossom. And I Will Guide every Day. Literally.

I have seen it happen so many times that I have no problems backing my claims with an iron clad money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with my service or what is happening to you while in the Inner Circle, you will simple get your money back by clicking one link in an email you receive after the order. No phone calls. No banks. As simple as that.

I am utterly convinced that you will never use this option but is there to show you how confident I am of what I offering here.

Simply click here or bellow to Join for the low, low 147 $

If I have seen anything prevent people from transfroming their lives it's procrastination. So, I urge you not do that and start your healing today.

When you join today here is what will happen BY THE END OF TODAY:

1. You will be re-directed to a page for Inner Circle members where you tell us about yourself. It will look like this:

2. After you answer a few questions, the information is forwared to me and Jamie (the co-author of the Cookbook) and you download the bonuses that are readily available on the page you are redirected to after the questionaire

3. I start putting together the 6 Month Personalised Diet Plan and Jamie starts working on the Your Personalised Cookbook

4. You receive both the Personalised Diet Plan and the Personalised Cookbook within 3 days and YOU START YOUR HEALING WITH ME BY YOUR SIDE

Allow me to leave you with this simple thought. But really allow it to sink in. Tell your brain to leave any other stuff it might be working on and process this thought with it's 100%.

By the time you go to bed tonight you could be on your way to healing OR in the same spot you are right now.

I sincerely hope that this thought provides you with clarity about what you want and you choose the former option and allow me to take your hand and lead you to wellness.

Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,

Simply click here or bellow to Join for the low, low 147 $

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