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Date: November 20, 2009
From: Juan J. Medina Jr. and Alex Luna
RE: Leaks in the Credit Scoring System. Credit Repair Secrets, Tactics & Strategies.

So you have bad credit and you’re desperate to find ways to increase your credit score? Well lucky for you, I Have Credit Repair Secrets to Increase Credit Scores Fast! Not only am I going to reveal powerful credit repair secrets that I came across, I am also oging to reveal the leaks I foung in the credit scoring system that will legally boost your credit scores without haggling with credit bureaus, credit repair attorneys and credit repair agencies.

Learn strong credit boosting methods and discover secrets, tactics & strategies credit repair attorneys and credit repair agencies use to charge up to $2000 or more for their services.

NOW you can do it yourself practically FREE! In fact, The U.S. Federal Trade Commission advises consumers that SELF HELP IS BEST in fixing one’s own credit. Everything an attorney or a credit repair agency can do for you legally, you can do yourself very easily! These are not your traditional old ways of credit repair. These are New Powerful Secrets to increase credit scores and fix bad credit that will have you shocked! With the right strategies, tactics and secrets, anyone can repair their credit and improve credit scores fast.

Did you know that credit repair attorneys and credit repair agencies send me letters threatening to sue me and also claim they will take me to court? These guys can’t stand me and hate me more than you can imagine. The secrets that I discovered are a huge problem to these guys.

Here's why…

I used to work with a credit repair agency and then moved on to work for a credit repair attorney. While working there I learned the secrets to eliminating debt, getting approved for car loans, home loans, business loans, and the secrets to easily boosting credit scores faster than ever before. I decided to repair credit on the side for friends, family and myself. I put these secrets to the work and was amazed by the results.

I have deleted hundreds of inquiries, removed tons negative accounts, judgments, late payments, charge offs, collections, you name it… fixed bad credit and raised credit scores up to 247 points in 90 days.

NOTICE: I have put together the easiest to follow, hand holding step-by-step video tutorial credit repair course, program guides and e-books for you to apply the same techniques I have used in the past. Take a look at actual samples!


NOTICE: As lending options for consumers with poor credit continues to decrease, having a healthy credit score has never been more important. When you consider the only other option is waiting seven years for credit problems to go away, there is no better time to act then the present.

It seems like you’ve tried everything, dealing with credit repair agencies, the credit bureaus, landing a second job just to pay the bills…heck, you’re even considering signing up with a credit counseling service just to make the debt collection calls STOP! If you’ve got the kind of credit that’s preventing you from getting that brand-new car…buying the house you’ve always dreamed of…or even applying for a personal loan…CONGRATULATIONS!


The possibilities are endless what you can do with an amazing credit score! You’ll FINALLY be able to get approved for that dream home for your family, that luxury or sports car you’ve always wanted or maybe even an expensive vacation you couldn’t qualify for …All That’s About To Change IN MINUTES! This guide can help you get you to your credit score goals as quickly as possible. Our videos and blueprint breaks down the credit system and takes you by the hand through the entire process. By following the steps in our videos and guides, you'll be on your way to getting the preferred treatment from lenders and credit card companies.

FACT: 95%
of lenders judge your credit worthiness by looking at your credit scores and not your credit history!!!

That’s right…do not get caught up in trying to delete all negative marks from your credit profile without our proven credit repair secrets. It’s exhausting, very frustrating and can even drop your credit scores! Believe it or not! Sure, you can try to raise your score by haggling with credit bureaus on your own without our tactics, but who has the time and patience for that? If you try to raise your credit score playing by the rules that the credit bureaus, lenders and creditors have set…it can take YEARS to improve your credit score! Years is a heck of a long time to wait…especially when YOU can do it now!

These NEW secrets are strong and so effective, that your family and friends will be in awe as your credit score does a COMPLETE 180! In fact, don’t be surprised if those harassing debt collection calls are replaced by creditors and lenders BEGGING you to apply for one of their credit cards! Let alone your family and friends wanting to know your powerful credit secrets.

Bottom line, it doesn't matter if you have no credit or bad credit. Our system contains everything there is to know about improving and establishing rock solid credit scores and saving money fast. Best of all, this system has simple step by step video tutorials and programs that have never been easier to use. Again, don’t let this pass you by!!!!!

Whether you’re applying for a mortgage, car loan, credit card, for a job, or maybe renting a home…Lenders/employers alike look at one thing and one thing only...

  • You’ll be so amazed as each of these powerful tricks and secrets put loads of money back in your wallet by reducing the interest rates you pay.

Ready to do the best math you’ve ever done in your life? If you’ve got a low credit score of 448, you can propel your score to 695 IN JUST NINETY DAYS! Got a score of 500? Get ready to receive a NICE 700+ FICO. Just think of it…lenders that once laughed you out of their offices will be hammering down your door, BEGGING you to sign up for their credit cards and loans! You can finally have your pick of the best financing options…the BEST credit card offers…even fantastic interest rates as your credit score continues to increase.

So Why Am I Offering “Underground Formulas” That Will Change Your financial Life?

I wanted to level the playing field and help the “little guy” and EXPOSE AND REVEAL ALL I KNOW about CREDIT BOOSTING SECRETS to GET BACK at the LENDERS for keeping our credit scores low!

We’ve all had our fair share of credit problems…and I’m no different. Like you, I was suffering from poor credit because I fell into the traps that creditors and lenders had set…like you, I had bit into the lies and promises that were fed to me by countless credit companies. I know exactly how you feel, because I was once there too. Bill after bill piled up…I was rejected for all the loans I had applied for, including a refi mortgage on my own house…I had to leave my phone off of the hook because I was getting harassing calls at all hours from credit card companies. I remember feeling absolutely hopeless as my credit scores took a dive…

I was determined to save my credit score, I was mad, and I wanted to get even.

So what happened?

I attacked my credit reports from different angles to improve my credit scores. Not only was I able to delete negative marks from credit reports, I accidentally found several leaks in the credit system that legally helped increase my credit scores pretty high without dealing with the credit bureaus. To test out these techniques I even tried it on friends and family to make sure it really works. I was so happy at the results and I advice you to take action NOW before the bureaus patch up their glitch!!!

Through my extensive research I managed to steal some of the best kept secrets in the industry from top lenders, credit repair agenices and crediting companies. I exploited them in order to repair my credit and improve my credit score. When I revealed some of my secrets to several friends of mine, they told me that there must be millions of people out there who are suffering from bad credit like I once did…and I should find a way to get my proven credit-boosting techniques out there. Well, after a lot of thought, I took their advice, gathered up all of my secrets and put them into easy step-by-step videos for you to follow.

I honestly can’t stand seeing fellow consumers get taken advantage of by the bigwigs in their corporate America…so it gives me great pleasure to offer you the same secrets that I discovered…which are 100% PROVEN TO WORK

GET READY TO SAY GOOD-BYE TO: The nights spent worrying how you'll be able to afford interest rates on your loans...the embarrassment you've suffered as you were rejected time and time again again for a loan or credit card...the anxiety you felt as money slipped through your fingers...and get ready to say hello to:

Attractive Credit Secrets: a collection of the most powerful videos, advanced program guides and the best credit score-boosting techniques found on the planet.

I guarantee that you’ll be absolutely blown away by my secrets and techniques, found only in Attractive Credit Secretsthat I offer a 60 day money back guarantee! These are the ONLY step-by-step video tutorials and guides you’ll ever need to:

That’s right! In the next five minutes, this message is about to solve all of your credit problems. Just imagine what you'll discover with Attractive Credit Secrets:

  •  All the dirty little secrets credit agencies use to keep YOUR credit score DOWN…and money in THEIR pockets!
  •  No more haggling with the credit bureaus…
  •  How to easily delete late pays from your credit report.
  •  How to remove your inquiries to improve your credit score.
  •  How to STOP those harassing collection phone calls dead in their tracks!
  •  The perfect debt to credit ratio to never lower your score.
  •  How to restore your credit report coming out of a bankruptcy.
  •  How to Delete Medical Accounts Off Your Credit Report In 3-Easy Steps!
  •  No more embarrassing rejections from banks and lenders…
  •  No more dealing with credit repair companies or credit repair attorneys who charge up to $2000 or more for their services…
  •  How Reporting Agencies work…and what you can do to EXPLOIT their weaknesses!
  •  What’s inside a credit report...and how YOU can use this information to your ADVANTAGE!
  •  How to battle the inaccuricies that LITTER your credit report…and make credit card companies RICHER!
  •  How long items can stay on your credit report…and how to DELETE THOSE ITEMS FOREVER!
  •  How credit scores are calculated…and how you can MANIPULATE THE SYSTEM TO RAISE YOUR SCORE!
  •  How to obtain FREE CREDIT REPORTS…the kind that banks and lenders use to make all of their sneaky decisions!
  •  How to DISPUTE INCORRECT INFORMATION QUICKLY AND EFFECTIVELY…without sacrificing your credit score!
  •  How to IDENTIFY AND AVOID “NEW CREDIT FILE” SCAMS…the kind that can literally DESTROY your credit!
  •  The brillant little trick that will guarantee your perfect credit score..FOREVER!
  •  Only aware of three credit bureaus? Let me tell you how many you're REALLY working with!
  •  A simple but well-hidden rule in the Fair Credit Reporting Act that will MAKE THE CREDIT CARD COMPANIES BEG FOR MERCY!
  •  Simple secrets that will get your mailbox STUFFED with credit card offers just BEGGING TO HAVE YOU AS A CUSTOMER!
  •  Simple yet proven techniques that will keep identity theives from WREAKING HAVOC on your PERFECT SCORE!
  •  The easiest methods that will save you HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN INTEREST PAYMENTS
  •  Learn The Secrets To Making An Extra $500 - $1,000 A Month In Extra Cold-Hard Cash Without Lifting A Finger And Learn How I Make Thousands Each And Every Month!

What does it take to really improve your credit score? Bottom line, I can lead a horse to water but I cannot make him drink it. I have provided the tools and it is up to you to take action. If you're smart you'll grab a copy now before it's too late. Who knows how long I can keep up this good thing going before they shut me down…

You’ll only need to follow simple steps through our easy step-by-step video tutorials in order to see results quickly. Want to repair your credit quickly? No problem, just follow along and replicate my success and I guarantee it WILL work for you too!

Maybe you’re a little skeptical of my claims because you’ve been tricked one too many times by companies that claim to “repair” your credit – only to be severely disappointed when the only thing number that rises is the cost of their bill! That’s perfectly okay…and to be honest with you, if I was still suffering from my bad credit, I would be skeptical too.

You’re probably asking yourself again if you can really raise your credit scores..The short answer: Heck Yeah!

Want more proof? Here are a few customers who applied the tips and techniques from Attractive Credit Secrets...and came out on top of nasty creditors and lenders!


As you can see, you don’t need to repair your credit through attorneys or agencies, who only want one thing: your hard-earned cash! After all, the real power is in their disputes – not the fact that they’re doing all the hard work for you! And after one look at Attractive Credit Secrets, you’ll have all the secrets you need right at your fingertips in order to send your credit scores pretty high.

In fact, through Attractive Credit Secrets, you’ll learn that it’s actually WORSE to get your credit repaired through agencies and attorneys…why?

Because companies that are paid by the month want to slow down the process down so they can earn as much of your money as they can…AND PROLONG YOUR CREDIT TORTURE! And when it comes to your credit score, there’s just no way that you these companies don’t care about your credit score!

What Are You Willing To Spend For The Price Of Financial Freedom? I know what you’re thinking…something this life-changing has to be expensive. I mean, we’re talking about actual secrets that attorneys and credit repair agencies spend years to perfect – not to mention thousands of dollars invested. You probably think that anyone who is willing to give away these secrets for any less is certifiably insane – or worse! Not really..I am giving this away CHEAP.

The reason I want to offer my credit secrets for DIRT CHEAP is to get back at corporate America for knowingly taking advantage of hard working Americans like yourself. I KNOW that these credit repair secrets are guaranteed to work wonders on your credit score – and I also know that you’ll be highly impressed. I know you’ll immediately tell all of your friends and family…not to mention anyone else who crosses your path! I want to reveal what worked for me and share it with everyone who can benefit from it. Attractive Credit Secrets is not only a breeze to use…but it’s the best tools, techniques and strategies that money can buy to increase your credit scores!

My competitors have contacted me and they all think I’m crazy for offering something like this for such a steal!

If you purchase today, I will also give you letters that have worked time and time again. These are the same letters attorneys use to delete negative inquiries, late payments, collections and more. The credit repair agencies hate me for giving away these powerful letters. I invested over $200 on these powerful letters. Take advantage of this opportunity before it’s too late. Get them today…ABSOLUTELY FREE!

But I’m Not Done Yet..
I’m not even close.

When you claim your instant access to Attractive Credit Secrets today, you’ll also get your own FREE copies of:

Debt Relief – this essential e-book will teach you everything that there is to know about developing the perfect budget that will not only pay your bills - but will find you extra spending money for those fun weekend nights out…even if you’re on a meager income! An incredible value at $47, but I’m offering instant access to your own copy – FREE!
Save Money – sounds pretty simple, but believe me…this book taught me how to save money on EVERYTHING! From cars to houses to clothing and furniture, I saw my wallet fatten up from the incredible savings found everywhere! I bought this for the bargain price of $47, but I’m offering it to you today - FREE!
Credit Magic – another success story of your average joe who found a simple technique to raise his credit score by 165 points in three short months! If you use his technique along with my own secrets, you’ll soon be seeing your score in the 700s and 800s! I got it for a steal at $47, but I’m giving it to you today - FREE!
Corporate Credit Secrets – Learn all the tips and tricks to establishing corporate credit.This book taught me how to use a Tax Identification Number instead of my social security! I now have credit cards under my corporation. I paid $147, but I’m offering it to you today - FREE!

But wait...There is more! I will throw in 2 more secret bonuses worth $54 absolutely FREE! That is $542 worth of FREE Valuable Information.

For an extremely low price you can finally give your family the life they’ve always deserved…I made it highly affordable so claim your own access to Attractive Credit Secrets today for the incredibly low price of just not $997, or $297. Not even $97, but a mere $67!!! That's less than a night out for dinner.

Don’t Miss Out On This Incredible Opportunity!

If you order within the next 24 hours, I'll give you my personal email address where you can ask me any question you have about credit repair. This alone is worth thousands of dollars!

P.S. Enjoy yourself as you watch your credit rise to unprecedented heights and let me know how successful you’ve been!

P.S.S. Make sure you claim Attractive Credit Secrets as well as your free bonuses now because I can definitely promise that I can’t keep this product around for long! I will either be shut down or be forced to increase the price.

P.S.S.S. Remember, we show you the legal ways to restore and maintain a high credit score. These credit repair tactics are completely fool proof and organized in this easy to follow videos and program guide. You'll save thousands of dollars off the cost of your new home, car or personal loan just by removing negative information and adding positive information to your credit report. The secrets revealed in the our program will pay for itself over and over.

To your success, Juan Medina & Alex Luna

Bad Credit? I Have Credit Repair Secrets to Increase Credit Scores Fast - Attractive Credit Secrets



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