
Learn To Trade Markets-Your Own Winning Trading System In Any Market

Learn To Trade Markets-Your Own Winning Trading System In Any Market

Who else wants a stress-free lifestyle, trading for a living...?

FACT: An army of cut-throat traders are poised to bleed your cash dry, every time you trade

"Give me 5 minutes and I'll show you how to conquer their deadly game, humiliate market pros and consistently suck explosive profits from any market you trade!!"

Professional trading wizard reveals million dollar strategies

"Multi-million dollar trader slams his head on the chopping block by revealing precise methods you can use to amass your fortune - trading any market you choose."

Saturday, November 21, 2009 Dear trading colleague,

If you've ever wanted to skyrocket your trading account from almost zero into a multi-million nest-egg which will secure your future for the rest of your life, then this is the most important page you will ever read.

But before I reveal how you do it, please be warned: I just placed my neck in a noose to deliver these priceless insights to you. I'll tell you why in a moment...

...First, allow me to introduce myself. Hello. My name is Karl Richards. I'm a full time professional trader and I currently manage funds of $1.7 billion for personal and business clients, family and friends. Nope, that's not a typo: $1.7 billion. I trade forex, futures, commodities and stocks in the US and UK on a daily basis.

I am an active, successful and consistently profitable trader and I'm doing it now. In fact, my trading record is so legendary in financial arenas, I was just "poached" by one of the largest international banking institutions on the planet to manage their flagship trading fund.

Twelve years after starting out with nothing, through to actively trading with millions of dollars in funds, has taught me priceless lessons about how to tap gushing streams of profits from any market you choose.

My forex profits dwarf those from other markets (simply due to leverage) but my strategy simply rocks in all markets. And in my brand new, cutting-edge course Learn To Trade Markets I'm about to spill the beans on how you can blast your own trading results through the roof.

It doesn't matter if you are a fresh-faced novice or a seasoned old pro, I've built this course like a ladder to trading success. If you are complete beginner you jump on at the bottom rung. More advanced and you climb in part way up.

If you've been trading so long you think you know it all, believe me, you are in for the shock of your life - by the time you finish reading this course you will be astonished you survived so far without it.

Over the years I've blown tens of thousands of dollars devouring almost every trading course in existence, searching for a killer "edge" to vacuum cash from the hoards of hungry traders. And did I find an edge? You bet I did...

...but before I tell you about it, let's talk about your edge in trading. Simply: if you don't know what your edge is, you don't have one. And this is...:

The simple reason why your trading funds are cannon fodder for wise traders!!

In a casino, the house has an "edge" - an unfair advantage. The odds of making money are weighted in their favor by the rules of the game. Individuals in a casino land big wins now and then but over time the casino can never lose - the odds guarantee this.

Your trading edge must be something which swings the odds in your favor whilst you trade. Then you rake in cash like clockwork from a sea of hopeless punters - just like casino owners.

So, what is your trading edge?

Order Learn To Trade Markets now to gain an edge so powerful at sucking in cash, with minuscule risk, jealous neighbours will be convinced you scooped the lotto.

...but before we go any further allow me to answer your first question: "why would such a successful trader go to the trouble of teaching you?". Excellent question!!

Listen, in my time I have witnessed first-hand some truly shocking tales of trading woe which would make your hair stand on end. Traders who have lost everything, gone bankrupt and cast themselves and their loved ones out on the street.

But worst of all was when I discovered one friend tried to take his own life after wiping out his entire life savings. Luckily he survived but since that day, no matter how high I soared with my trading profits, I vowed to rescue as many traders from being shredded by market wolves as possible. It's what I feel I was born to do. And as I mentioned earlier, I do so at great personal risk - I'll tell you why further down...

And so I began to teach my methods to a handful of traders - with truly astonishing results. But there are 24 short hours in a day and only so many traders I can help one-to-one. So I decided to boil down my method and system to a concentrated, power-packed course which you can tear off and read in bite size chunks any time you choose.

Because I know what works like gangbusters in the markets, I also know what doesn't work. Not a soul I have found is teaching a system like mine, one which truly works across every market. And I've seen it all. I've paid hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for woeful trading products barely worth the paper they were printed on. Some were so poor they even made me laugh. But they made another part of me angry, really angry...

...You see, it's not even about the buckets full of cash you will incinerate by following their super-dud methods, it's about your precious time. Time is passing by and how long can you wait to grasp what you desire from trading and start leading the life you deserve?

Listen closely, this is the most important question you will answer this year:

What do you want to achieve from your trading?

  • $1000 a month / week / day?
  • A new car, a bigger house?
  • A full time income to support your family?
  • Freedom to choose what you do, when you do it and who you do it with?
  • A fun-filled life full of extraordinary experiences?
  • To work less and enjoy more time with your loved ones?

...Imagine what else trading success could mean to you......

Order Learn To Trade Markets now. Master my truly incredible methods and you just cannot fail in today's markets. And I made them so simple to understand, you'll be bashing your head for not discovering them sooner.

Can One Killer Course Really Have Such An Impact?

Absolutely! You bet it can.

Listen, I'm not going to say you will pocket thousands of dollars on every trade and never suffer losses again. If anyone tells you that, run as fast and as far as you can. I'm not going to promise you will double your money every few weeks and be cruising in a sports car with your cascading avalanche of profits.

I'm going to tell you how it is in the "real" world of trading. My address and phone number appear on every page of this web-site. You'll see I have a real e-mail address and I answer all questions personally.

Believe me when I say that if Learn To Trade Markets doesn't light a rocket under your trading profits then no other book, course or service will. That's the plain and simple truth.


A Cutting-Edge Method Of Trading Any Market That's Rocketing The Profits Of Traders Worldwide Now

Forget just about everything you've heard from the latest so called trading guru. Most of them are no longer trading and have no idea if their method is still working (if it ever did)!! You will waste thousands of days and thousands of dollars trying to figure out if their "theoretical" approach works for you. Learn To Trade Markets maps out a complete and "practical" blueprint for your trading success from start to finish.

In Learn To Trade Markets I nail down the precise steps you must take in precisely the order you must take them. Every last step is explained for you in full detail. Nothing is omitted, nothing is left to guess-work and nothing else is needed to hold it all together.

Here's just some of the gems hidden away for you inside Learn To Trade Markets:

How you can spot a real breakout and the most profitable way to rake in huge profits when they happen. Professionals make their easiest cash when they sucker you into trading false breakouts. Banish their financial assault to history in section 3.5.3

A simple method you can use to trade breaking news for incredible returns. Some of the most prolific profits you can ever make may come gushing in within minutes. This is a stunning technique with breathtaking potential. Discover why in section 3.2.3

Exposed: Scandalous tactics used by professional traders to savage your trading funds, charge you for the privilege and then prove to you they did a good job. How to halt the rogues cold in their tracks and cling on to your hard-earned cash. Section 2.1.3

Revealed: the pulsating 20th century discovery, set to revolutionize 21st century trading. Not one in a hundred traders has the slightest clue what it is and the impact it is already having. Charge ahead of the game if you want to ride the next big trend. See section 1.1.2

Winning traders. Are they born or are they made? Is your financial destiny sealed before you even start? Finally an answer to the fiercest debate in trading history. Section 2.3.2

"The trend is your friend"...? Don't you believe it for a second. More traders go broke placing trades they thought were trending than any other trading method known. Here's a simple but breathtakingly profitable way to know for certain if you are in a trending market. section 3.5.1

Four explosive but hidden signs you should dump a trade immediately. And three of these have nothing to do with your stop. Learn to recognize the signs before your profit vanishes for good. See how in section 3.6.2

Are the risks you are taking guaranteed to send you broke? Four golden questions you can ask yourself, so powerful they will save you thousands in cash and months of despair. Warning: if you are afraid of the truth, skip section 5.2.2

The three most critical numbers you must know before you even think of placing a trade. More traders wipe-outs are caused by an error in this step than for any other reason in existence. Almost every trader has this dead wrong, because they are being herded in precisely the wrong direction - intentionally. Finally an end to trading misery: section 4.1.2

Are automated trading systems where the profits of the future will be made? Are they the "holy grail" or a fast-track to the poorhouse? Warning: This answer will shock you to the bone. Section 2.1.2

Banish the crushing pain of watching paper profits slip into yet another losing trade. A stunning 7-step formula which will force you to squeeze the trigger at precisely the right time to nail maximum returns. In section 5.1.2

Picking tops and bottoms: the most profitable type of trade you can ever find, or a short-cut to the gutter? I guarantee you never even considered the power of what will be revealed to you in section 5.1.2

How to handle devastating periods of trading failure, building confidence and strength so intense, you'll possess the momentum of a runaway train. Learn how in section 5.6

The seven types of risk you're exposed to with every trade you place and the reason why three of these are unknown to almost every losing trader. A wipe-out is virtually guaranteed, unless you consider all seven in section 4.1.2

How to judge the perfect time to close your trades for maximum profits. You must promise to use this method sparingly, so other traders still have a chance to profit. This is worth it's weight in pure gold. See section 3.4.3

Exposed: the single most astonishing fact you may ever hear about professional traders and the reason why this could explode the profit you achieve from now on. Faceless professionals have battled to their dying breath to keep this information under wraps. Discover why in section 2.1.3

What are the three most important components of all successful trading systems? Miss just one of these and it's guaranteed you'll never make a profit in 100 lifetimes. Ensure you have ticked every box or you may not survive to regret it. Turn to section 3.3.5

A three-step cycle you can follow guaranteed to lose every penny you could ever raise to trade. The staggering thing is: you are almost certainly doing at least two of them right now. Plug the gaping holes which are draining the life from your trading account. Find out how in section 2.1

What is the best kept secret in the history of trading and how can you use it to guarantee riches in your future, beyond your wildest dreams? Section 6.1.1

Day trading or end of day trading: the most important decision you may ever make. A step by step map to help you make your choice. Section 2.4.4

Phew!! Naturally, by now you are thinking that Learn To Trade Markets has been jam-packed to bursting point with more profit-pulling systems, killer strategies and cutting-edge techniques than every other course you ever saw combined...?

...you are right, but you're only half way through the stack of benefits you will enjoy!! Here's what else is crammed inside:

Five killer trading strategies you can use to profit from range bound markets. Fact: markets only trend 15% of the time, so you can use an 85% advantage to flood your account with runaway profits. This alone is worth 10 times the price of the entire course. Discover why in section 3.5.2

Paper trading. Does it really work? Warning: do not place another trade again until you've devoured this eye-opening section in full. Turn to section 6.1.1

Eight ground-rocking questions you dare not ask, designed to expose gaping weaknesses in your trading and turn them into power-packed, money-sucking strengths. Incredibly effective. Section 5.4.2

A seventeen point checklist guaranteed to formulate a killer trading plan which will seize non-stop profits from any market you choose. This is the rock on which you build your entire financial destiny. Breath-taking. See why in section 6.3.1

Fifteen ratios which are critical to your success as a trader. Six of these are unheard of but they give you advanced warning of impending disaster in your trading. Learn how to sidestep painful draw-down periods with the poise and agility of a martial artist. Turn to section 6.4.5

Would you be happy catching 60 to 70% of a market move? It is possible to snatch between 300 and 400% of every move - that's three to four times more than the entire move!! No-one else is teaching this because they don't know how it's done. Revealed in full in section 4.

The golden rule you must always follow when entering a new trade. Warning: this could make the single biggest difference between vast profits and total trading wipe-out. Find out why in section 3.6.1

Men or women: who has the killer advantage in trading? Warning: skip this section if you are easily offended. The opposite sex may hold the key to a profits bonanza for you. Unravel the controversy in section 2.4.3 and please "don't shoot the messenger"!!

Nine tell tale warning signs that your trading equity is about to plunge down a cliff. Ignore these lethal signals if you are happy to cast away your cash to the nearest scheming trader. See section 2.3.2

One critical piece of market data not one in 100 traders is looking at. Learn how you can use it to cream off profits other traders have no idea exist. Section 3.4.2 holds the key.

Risk is like a savage animal which can rip apart your trading game the moment you least expect it. Learn how to tame the risk in your trading to deliver you month after month of non-stop profits. See section 4.1.2

Eight powerful principles designed to turn you into a trading genious. George Soros follows these to the letter. Your trading results will never be the same again. Uncover the reasons in section 3.3.2

Three precision rules for where to place your stops. If you really want to beat the trading pros and snatch back the cash they stole in the past, section 3.6.2 is a "must read".

Three lethal reasons why you may cling on to a losing trade, while your account bleeds dry of cash and how you can blast away this behaviour pattern forever. 5.1.2

How to design a killer trading system with such potential for sucking in cash, you'll be itching for each new day to begin. This is a step-by-step plan which no-one else is teaching - and it works!! Fire ahead in section 2.4.5

What is the fastest and most efficient way to improve your trading? You will be kicking yourself with frustration when you see how it simple it always was. Find out why in section 4.2.1

How to cling to every penny profit you can possible extract from the market. Any fool can make a profit on a trade but only wise traders hold on to their cash over time. Winners follow a simple mechanical formula which you can copy for huge profits. It's all laid out for you in section 4.3

What is SWOT and why is it invaluable to you as a trader? Revealed in full in section 6.4.3

A killer method for developing laser-focused self-discipline, which will guarantee you a glittering future of non-stop wealth as a trader. And it works 100% of the time. See section 5.7.3

Seven simple steps you should take to calculate your position size for maximum profits. Warning: there's a fine line between being right and being dead-wrong if you don't know where to tread. Find your road-map in section 4.2.1

Revealed: the exact maximum percentage risk you should take on any single trade to avoid a total wipe-out. Warning: most advice you've heard on this subject is dead wrong. This simple nugget of wisdom could be worth thousands to you for many years to come. Section 4.2.2

Oh man!! And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

You could blow years of your time working through tons of other trading methods whilst your cash ebbs away. Forget all those, this is the only in-depth course which uncovers and exposes the real world of trading and teaches how you can snatch handsome profits on demand. You could be just minutes from a life of prosperity.

And I should know, because I've taken millions of dollars in profits from almost every market you can think of and I'm still doing it now as you read. Forex, futures, stocks and commodities. Who would you rather learn from: an active successful trader like me who's walking their talk or a tired out old has-been with a long line of excuses why they no longer trade?

But you don't have to take my word for it - here's what other trading experts have to say:

"$4,187 in profits in 3 weeks…"

Karl, I can tell you are a real market pro and fully understand trading but better still you are a great communicator and teacher.

Before I read your course I'd seen almost 2 years of consistent losses but in the first 3 weeks after reading Learn To Trade Markets, it helped me make $4,187 in profits and I've now reached $7,691 in profits after only 2 months. I love your course. Thank you!!

Claire Richardson United Kingdom

"The market is my personal cash-point…"

In the past I have spent thousands of dollars on trading systems that contain far less useful trading material. After reading Learn To Trade Markets, I now know what sort of trader I am and now 'see' how markets 'really' work.

I can't describe the joy of using the markets as my personal cash-point due to Learn To Trade Markets and your course is a must for any serious trader. Karl you are doing yourself an injustice letting this system go so cheaply.

Brian Hibbler Chicago, United States

"Simply the best…"

Learn To Trade Markets is simply the best trading course I have read in a long time.

Tim Kent Sydney, Australia

"A world-class piece of work…"

Learn To Trade Markets is a seriously informative book and traders of any level can learn something from your vast knowledge and experience. You have a knack of conveying complicated subjects simply but at the same time you gave me vast amounts of fresh, in-depth and priceless information which I have never found anywhere else.

Karl, I just have to tell you that your course is a world-class of piece of work and probably the best I have ever read.

Steven Wood Professional Fund Manager UK

"My trading equity curve is going up…"

I bought Learn To Trade Markets about 3 months ago and since then my trading equity curve is moving up, up and away!! Thank you.

Derek Pant Florida, United States

You Don't Need To Blow Thousands of Dollars To Start Raking In Profits From the Markets.....

...believe it or not this could even kill your trading career. You already know the vast expense of all the seminars, courses, software and services. More importantly you know about the crushing weight of month after month of vanishing cash.

Order my cutting-edge course right now and be reading it within a few short minutes via our instant download.

I usually charge $500 per hour for traders to consult with me and pick my brains for the priceless benefits of my market methods. Crammed to bursting point inside Learn To Trade Markets for you is every lesson I ever learnt in the last 12 years of profitable trading. That's 12 years times $500 per hour.

Look, if there were only 20 hours worth of nuggets in Learn To Trade Markets, that would be a value of $10,000. But in fact there's many times more than 20 hours worth of value inside!!

When I started trading, I would have gladly handed over $10,000 for Learn To Trade Markets, because my methods are truly incredible and make consistent trading profits in any market. But $10,000 may mean you pass by and you'll never benefit from the diamonds inside.

$1,000 is a fraction of what Learn To Trade Markets could bring you in profits but you'll be shocked and surprised to discover it's even less than one-tenth of this amount. Yes, you can start your amazing journey to profits now for ONLY $97! What am I crazy? For less than the price of a good dinner for two, you could support yourself and your family for an entire lifetime!! Imagine what that is worth to you...?


If my banking institution or wealthy clients find out I've revealed my killer methods, I'll get toasted over an open fire and have to whip this course off the market in a heartbeat. These guys do not take prisoners!!

You see, at the moment I have the perfect life: I get paid for doing work which I love with a passion. The markets are my paymaster so I do not need the cash but the feeling of joy I get from growing the funds I manage and having such a positive effect on all who have deposited funds, is a greater feeling than any amount of money I could possibly be paid!!

My head is quite literally on the chopping block but it's worth the risk to guide you and many others to lifelong success as a trader. If (when) I am found out (which may only be a matter of days from now) I'll pull this site and your chance has gone forever. So please do not delay. You'll be beating yourself up if you return tomorrow or or Monday and this site has been permanently erased, as I cannot guarantee to accept your order past midnight tonight.

Claim your copy today! This jam-packed, 32-chapter course can be downloaded and read instantly on any Windows pc. At less than 15 cents per page it is worth every last penny...

But to make it an even more rewarding deal for you I want to throw in a killer bonus. Take a look at what this can do for you...

Free - 2 Months Trading Hotsheet Worth $87 Guaranteed Bonus If You Order Now

If you order right now I'll guarantee this incredible bonus to give you the inside track on what's happening in the markets at this very moment and for the next two months.

In this awesome, twice monthly publication, market veteran of 23 years John Piper will:

  • Give you his red-hot predictions for the short, medium and long-term direction of all the world's major market indices
  • Explode those dark market myths designed to hand over your cash to hidden market manipulators and show you how you can beat them at their own game.
  • Delve deep into the minds of successful traders with in depth interviews which suck out every last secret of how they made their trading fortunes and how you can do the same.
  • And much more...

Make no mistake - after you read Learn To Trade Markets and consume this priceless bonus, you will have everything you need to begin to make a killing in the markets - but wait...

...there's still one final bonus

100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

In case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make this opportunity as risk-free as possible (in fact even better-than-risk-free). So I will completely guarantee your success using Learn To Trade Markets with my cast-iron, guarantee:

If, after reading through Learn To Trade Markets, you don't believe it is everything I say it is... if you aren't positively thrilled with all the moneymaking potential it has for you... if it doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up with thoughts of its potential... or if you're dissatisfied in any way simply email me within 56 days for a 100% money back refund.

That means you get 8 full weeks to "test drive", absorb and apply my cash-sucking methods and if you ever do want a refund it's on its way - no hassles and no silly questions. In fact you can even keep John Piper's "2 Months Trading Hotsheet" bonus even if you return Learn To Trade Markets.

I've totally demolished any chance of risk for you whatsoever.


Listen, the truth is I'm simply not worried about refunds because I'm fiercely proud of Learn To Trade Markets and my incredible methods. In fact, once you get your hands on this feast and see the awesome potential, you'd have to be clinically insane to return it. I can't possibly be any fairer than that.

Here's a killer question to weed out the men from the boys when you seek a trading mentor. Ask them: "How much of your family and friends cash do you trade?". They will duck your question or their answer will be zero - because their methods are dud and they would end up an outcast. But as a stranger they're still happy to hustle you.

Listen, I currently trade funds of $198,584 from friends and family (that's a whole lot of trust!!) because I know my methods work like crazy. It's a fraction of the total funds I trade but I'd be cheating on my loved ones if I did not trade for them. And they're ecstatic with the returns!!


Learn To Trade Markets contains everything I wish I could have had when I started trading and the simple truth is this:

An easy to follow, practical blueprint like the one you'll receive in Learn To Trade Markets will save you tens of thousands of dollars, years of wasted effort and a life-time of market frustration.

Since you've read this far, you've already proven you're a 'cut above' the masses. Most will just glance over a page and then blindly surf on, but you're different. You're reading every last word and this personal quality, this desire to seek out more, this attention to detail are all factors critical to your success as a trader.

You've already shown you've got what it takes to create your very own run-away profits frenzy. Why not go ahead? You can only gain from this offer - you owe it to yourself and your future to take advantage of this "better-than-risk-free" guarantee. The risk is entirely on my shoulders.

Click here now and you can be reading Learn To Trade Markets in 5 minutes. There's absolutely no way you can live with missing out. The truth is, not one single person I know has ever made money by taking a pass when such an opportunity came knocking. Can you imagine your delight when you order Learn To Trade Markets and see the difference it makes to your trading, your bank balance and your lifestyle?

Trust your gut feeling and go for it! You'll be glad you did.



Karl Richards

P.S. Remember, with the "better-than-risk-free" guarantee you can try out Learn To Trade Markets for 56 days - that's a full 8 weeks money back guarantee with no questions asked. You can even keep the bonus 2 Months Trading Hotsheet and you are trying Learn To Trade Markets entirely at my risk.

P.P.S. Learn To Trade Markets has fast become the "must have" course of the year for trading at any level. Order now to discover what's causing all the excitement and what it will do for you. But you need to act quickly before I raise the price again.

P.P.P.S. Look! You don't even need to make your mind up now. Read Learn To Trade Markets at your leisure, digest it, apply it for 56 days and if you are even one percent unhappy during this time, simply email me and you've had it for free. What is the next step you will take to ignite your trading and secure your financial future? Order Learn To Trade Markets now and it's only possible to gain.

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