
How To Quickly And Easily Drive CRAZY Traffic To Any Website Using Ruthless Traffic-Getting Tactics That Make Me $41,483.79 Per Month...

How To Quickly And Easily Drive CRAZY Traffic To Any Website Using Ruthless Traffic-Getting Tactics That Make Me $41,483.79 Per Month...

"How To Quickly And Easily Drive
CRAZY Traffic To Any Website Using
Ruthless Traffic-Getting Tactics That
Make Me $41,483.79 Per Month..."

Want To Make More Money? GET MORE TRAFFIC.

From The Desk of John Ellis

Date: Monday June 07, 2010
Subject: Traffic & Money. Here's how to get masses of both.

If you have ever wondered why you are not seeing much money after spending hours putting up a website and developing a product, or if you have ever wondered what the one key is to increasing your income online than this short letter has the answer for you.

The answer to your question is simply TRAFFIC!

Plain and simple without traffic a website will fail.

It is not rocket science, it's just plain fact. You can have the best looking website and the best offer ever online, but with no visitors to the site the website cannot produce anything for you.

You need actual PEOPLE looking at your offer and your website for it to do anything for you.

If you want to increase your profits on an existing website one of the tried and true things you can do is to increase traffic.

So it is safe to say that we all agree that a website needs traffic to succeed online and if you want to make more than you are currently making online than you need more traffic.

Traffic Made This Happen...

We both know that we need traffic and visitors to our websites if we want to make money online. And at the same time, they should be the right kind of visitors.

We need fast, TARGETED traffic.

And this is much easier than you think...

All we're really looking for is finding people who are interested in what we have to offer, and putting it in front of them so they can buy from us. It's that simple.

The thing is, if you're like most people who are into Internet Marketing and making money online, your main problem... the thing standing in front of you and total financial abundance is traffic. That's why I created this webpage.

Read on if you want quick, easy, targeted traffic NOW.

Would You Like A Free
Clickbank Affiliate Website Plus Free 24-Hour Installation?

Free Affiliate Website + Free Installation

Before you read on, I just wanted to tell you about our free affiliate website installation service. Because you've arrived today, we would like to offer you a free ClickBank affiliate website and install it for you in 24 hours!

This website has been tested and proven to make money. It's been making us $270/day consistently.

Just type in your first name and email address in the boxes below and I'll send you the simple instructions on how to get your affiliate website fully installed for you:

My Story Didn't Begin With Success

In 2007, which was 3 years ago, I was working in a dead end job for hardly any money.

To put it simply, it sucked.

I mean, I know you're familiar with it. You wake up early in the morning even if you don't feel like it. You commute into work and stay 8 hours at a place you don't working for someone who doesn't respect you... for no money!

I worked in a clothes store, as a store attendant.

It wasn't even a cool clothing store. It was one of those cheap places where they sell low priced clothes at wholesale prices, and I worked the register.

I earned a little more than minimum wage, and I could barely afford to live on that even though I saved hard and tried to live on a budget. It just wasn't enough.

I hated my job. I hated the money I earned. And I couldn't see a way out.

But then a friend told me about his brother working from home on the Internet. So yes, I turned to Google, went through all the garbage "make money" scams you could imagine, and finally found Internet Marketing!

Back then, I was your classic Internet Marketing newbie.

I bought all the eBooks, courses, seminars and software... all those shiny products that claim to be the Holy Grail of Internet Marketing...

And my desperation was soon leading to daily PANIC.

Within a few weeks, I had a few websites that I had made. That really wasn't a big deal as it only took me a few hours to make each one.

And soon I realized that you didn't even need a website EVER!

Because if you're an affiliate marketer, you can link directly to the product you're promoting without needing a website at all.

All I had to do was promote some affiliate links and wait for the cash to roll in.

Talk about simple...

But Then I Had The Problem We
All Face...How Do I Get TRAFFIC?!

This was the simplest way to make money I had ever seen. But I just needed people to get to my affiliate link and my websites.

The problem was TRAFFIC, and really, the lack of traffic.

I mean, if I could get a few hundred people to my websites or some affiliate offers, there wouldn't be a question of success...

It would be guaranteed.

But how the heck would I get traffic to my websites? I simply didn't have a consistent, solid method, because I simply didn't know how to do it.

So I spent a few months looking for ways to get traffic.

I went on the forums and asked advice, I bought recommended courses and eBooks about traffic methods... I really was trying.

But I was trying to aim for something in the dark. I didn't actually have a plan to follow.

Something that put it all together for me.

So I was doing a bit of PPC here, a bit of SEO there, some banners, article marketing, putting out a couple of videos, getting on the social networking sites...

But it didn't work. And I almost quit several times.

18 Months Later, The Traffic
Floods In Whenever I Want!

Yes, I went from virtually zero visitors a month to about 200,000... and that's to one of my main sites that makes me...

About $15,000/Month
From That Website!

Yes, I make over $15,000 per month from ONE website that I learned to drive traffic to. But that's not all. I make in excess of $41,483.79 per month from driving traffic to various Clickbank offers, CPA offers and my own product funnels.

Oh, and did I mention, it's all profit because now I drive FREE traffic!

You know, I'm grateful for the Internet because it's allowed me to make a staggering amount of money from my own home, and it allows me to live this amazing lifestyle...

And I KNOW the only reason for it is because I can drive traffic. Period.

What Did You Actually Do To Learn
How To Drive Traffic Then?

Well, between 2008 and 2010, I worked like a madman, figuring out every traffic generating method there is.

Everything from:

Pay-Per-Click... SEO... Articles... Joint Ventures... Videos... Affiliates... Blogging... Social Networking... Press Releases... Banner Ads... Social Bookmarking... PPV... Email Drops... Adswaps... Software...

So I Learned How To Get A Lot
Of Traffic To My Website... Why
Am I Telling You This?!

Well, of COURSE there's a reason I'm telling you this.

You've read how much I struggled getting traffic to my website, wasting money and failing over and over again... only to feel like I was going backwards.

Here's what the great thing about you coming to my website is...

You don't have to go through ANY of that... ever!

You can just leapfrog all the challenges and go straight to getting huge amounts of traffic to your websites, and basically just enjoy the "making money" part of being an Internet Marketer!

Make more money by driving HUGE traffic to any offer you want.
Keep your money in your pocket and enjoy FREE traffic forever!
Save time figuring out what works, just follow my traffic plan.
Have peace of mind - no more "I need traffic now!" panic...
Start building a real, high traffic business that you can sell
Feel smug that you'll never have to buy a crap "Guru" course again

Here's how you're going to do that.

I've spent the last 3 months putting together a step-by-step video course of everything I know about traffic generation...

EVERYTHING that's worked for me and EVERYTHING I actually use to get traffic today.

I've left out the stuff that doesn't work (and tell you about it so you don't fall into the same traps as I did) and more importantly, show you exactly how to use those "Golden" Methods to drive insane amounts of traffic to any website you want.

All you have to do is watch the videos... and copy what I do.

No hoping. No hit-and-miss. No failure.

Only traffic. And MONEY.

I'm going to give you the exact step-by-step blueprint you should use to get as much traffic as you can handle...


Traffic Takeover

"How To Send Floods Of Targeted
Traffic To Any Website You Want
Without Spending Any Money!"

Everyone knows that the key to making money online is TRAFFIC, right?

We all want more traffic... that's not even a question. No sane marketer would say no to more traffic. But the problem was always getting that traffic.

That's NOT a problem anymore. Traffic Takeover solves that problem.

I'm not just telling you a bunch of theories that don't actually work. I'm giving you the simple traffic system that's worked so well for me, and I'm handing it to you on a silver platter, all ready for you to watch and copy!

Mark's Getting Serious Traffic In Only 4 Days...

"John, I spent about 4 days running through the training and implementing each step as you had explained it. Now the results are starting to show.

Firstly, the bookmarking links were showing up on page 1 of Google within a couple of hours of being created (the DIGG bookmark actually showed up on Google inside an hour).

Secondly, my site was indexed and showing up in Google inside a week.

My EzineArticles article took 7 days to be approved and is now sitting in Position 5 on Page 1 of Google.

As of today, FIVE of the first 12 results in Google for the chosen keyphrase are MINE ... which is pretty awesome! My EzineArticles and ArticleDashboard articles are both on Page 1, the other important link to my Weebly Blog and my video at Metacafe are in positions 11 & 12 at the very top of Page 2. Even my video has had 50+ views (I didn't check until today). Traffic is now beginning to arrive at the site.

Thanks for creating this training series."

Mark W.

"John Is A Traffic Generation Expert"

"John Ellis is hands down, a master traffic generation expert and has been responsible for helping me generate 120,000 visitors per month to my niche website. That traffic helped me take home $48,729.12 in February 2010. And the best thing is, the traffic is going up all the time as I implement more of his strategies from his Traffic Takeover method. Thanks John!"

Ed Masters
Focus In Success

"This Is The Best Traffic Course I've Used, Period!"

"John, I'm a successful marketer and I like to think I know what's what when it comes to Internet Marketing and traffic generation. But Traffic Takeover threw me for a loop!

Within 30 minutes of going through the course I had picked up a tip that's probably going to make me an extra $10k per month, seriously.

I'm telling all my IM friends and my students to head to Traffic Takeover for their traffic needs, because I literally can't imagine someone going through it and not adding thousands to their bottom line. Well done on creating a traffic course that DELIVERS!"

Michael Greene
Get The Internet Edge

The hands on training allows you to actually see me implementing my special traffic generation strategies right before your eyes! There will be no guessing at all as you will see exactly what I am doing right in front of you!

This is truly a complete training of online traffic generation sources just for you. These are the tried and proven techniques that I have been using to quietly drive thousands of visitors to my own sites and my client's websites.

By teaching you to leverage these traffic sources with this innovative way of online marketing, I will be empowering your business to reach new heights with your online marketing, and the best part is that you can take what we teach you and use it over and over and over again!

These methods are powerful in themselves, but when you combine them together, they synergistically work to help you dominate your niches and help bring your business message to exponentially more places online.

Here's What You're Going To
Learn In Traffic Takeover...

The 24 Hour Traffic Takeover

Duration: 27:21 minutes

I know you want to get traffic fast, so I will reveal right before your eyes in the first training each one of the steps I take to get a new website or any website traffic within 24 hours. Watch as I demonstrate this all for you so you can easily duplicate this step over and over.

Search Engine Takeover

Duration: 83:32 minutes

Learn how to do Search Engine Optimization like a seasoned professional with this in depth SEO training module.

Article Takeover

Duration: 59:49 minutes

You will discover some ultimate new strategies for leveraging the power of article marketing for more traffic sales and leads. This training is over 1 hour going over the article marketing process.

Press Release Takeover

Duration: 71:27 minutes

Discover the ins and outs of using press releases to get massive traffic for your business, and learn how this method can send you traffic in less than 24 hours.

Social Takeover

Duration: 102.00 minutes

Discover how to leverage social bookmarking for a serious influx of traffic.

Video Takeover

Duration: 88.35 minutes

Learn why video marketing can seriously increase the amount of targeted traffic you get to your online business. You will also lean how to take advantage this marketing technique to attract targeted customers.

Online Software Takeover

Duration: 67.10 minutes

This strategy will blow your mind and open your eyes to new, creative ways to generate traffic and increase your search engine rankings.

Web 2.0 Takeover

Duration: 52.22 minutes

In this special course you will discover more Web 2.0 properties that you can leverage for more traffic and higher search engine rankings.

Fortune 500 Takeover

Duration: 58.32 minutes

Learn how to do backlinking so you can compete in the search engine rankings with even top Fortune 500 companies with little to no advertising budget at all.

You'll Also Get "Traffic
Takeover Blueprints"

Traffic Takeover Blueprints

You will also be granted the PDF workbooks that include the main points for fast and easy reference as you go through the training.

You'll Use The Blueprints To Follow With
The Videos, And Here's What You'll Learn

How to compete and beat the biggest websites online with absolutely no advertising budget!
My secret system and process for generating targeted traffic to your website within 24 hours!
Proven SEO strategies that only the most seasoned SEO professionals are aware of.
My list of special websites that you should be using to drive massive traffic, and how to leverage them for massive online traffic.
One viral marketing strategy very few marketers even use and how you can tap into this for massive traffic.
A strategy that most people associate with promoting an offline business, but if you actually take this method online the results are amazing for increasing your traffic!
How to properly repurpose your content to create a massive influx of cash-in-hand website visitors nearly begging to become your next customer.
The process for using a secret website to find and gain massive backlinks from up and coming powerful websites.
A simple 5 minute strategy for creating an effective online video that will pull website visitors to your site like a magnet.

You'll Learn How To Effortlessly
Use These Websites To Explode
Your Traffic And Income!

Extra 250 visitors a day with just ONE tactic

John, all I have to say is thank you! Traffic Takeover was exactly what I needed and it really exceeded my expectations. I spent only 2-3 hours one Sunday afternoon just using one of your tactics and just a few days later I had an extra 265 unique visitors coming in every day on average.

And that resulted in an extra $327.93 in cold hard cash from Clicksales. These were TARGETED visitors, and I got them free. I can't wait to go through the rest of the techniques. I'm about to absolutely crush it! Thank you!!

Allison Fleck
Affiliate Marketer

Wow...This Is A Guide To Total Domination

You've really done it this time John. As I was going through Traffic Takeover, I was scribbling notes down like crazy. I sat down and decided that from now on, I'm doing nothing but concentrating on traffic and I'm going to become a traffic master using this.

Already I'm seeing an extra 3239 visitors per month and it's increased my profits (from last month) by $4,591. I can confidently say that this money has come from applying the traffic system I learned in Traffic Takeover. I mean wow... this is a guide to total domination. I can't imagine the amount of money that's going to be generated from this course. Fantastic work John!

Vishal Desai
VTD Marketing

You'll Be Able To Takeover Any
Niche In Any Market You Want

(That Means CASH)

"Main Street Takeover"

How To Use Traffic Takeover
To Make EASY MONEY Selling
Internet Marketing Services To
Businesses In Your Local Area

(Value: $127 - Yours FREE)

Rather than telling you that teaching and doing this stuff for local businesses is one of the most profitable things you can do in 2010 if you want to make serious money, I'll let the No. 1 Internet Marketing guru Frank Kern tell you himself...

Internet Marketer, "Mr Mass Control" Frank Kern
sent this in an email on April 26th 2010!

As you can see from Frank Kern's email,
this Bonus Module by ITSELF is worth a
lot of money, and you're getting it FREE
today when you get Traffic Takeover!

Really, it's as simple as 1-2-3.

Drive traffic to offers. That's it.

But how much traffic do you want to drive? 1000 visitors/month? 10,000? 100,000?

It's up to you...

But here's the thing.

The money's great. I mean, who doesn't like easy money? But for me, it's about the FREEDOM. Doing what you want, whenever you want.

You can work from home, or anywhere with an Internet connection. Sometimes I like to sit in Starbucks and have a couple of lattes while I work.

The thing is, when you have traffic, the money comes in whether you work or not. I wake up to more money every day of the week, and I choose how long I want to work.

If you actually learn how to drive traffic, you can literally set up as many income streams as you want, and even build a big business online that you can sell one day for six or seven figures.

I really enjoy the money and I'm sure you will too!

You'll have a healthy bank account that can buy you a new car, a new house and several vacations a year. I love being able to buy great gifts for my family now, and being able to donate to my favorite charities.

I put it all down to traffic. I simply got good at getting traffic.

And I've put it in a simple step-by-step video course that you can use yourself.

"But Seriously John, How Much Is
This Thing Going To Cost Me?"

First, we both know that this course WILL make you money. Traffic = Money.

Getting more traffic and sending it to offers, whether they're Clickbank, CPA or your own products, is directly responsible for how much money you will make online this year and for the rest of your life.

There are 10 main traffic methods in this course.

It takes just a few hours to get one of these traffic methods working for you...

And let's be VERY conservative, and say that each traffic method only made you an extra 2 sales of a cheap $47 product per day (which is hardly anything)...

And let's say you worked on generating traffic every day like you worked a 9-5 job, just following the "paint by numbers" instructions in Traffic Takeover, and you used all 10 of the methods.

And each traffic technique only made you 2 extra sales per day. That means you would make 20 extra sales of a cheap $47 product per day, which again, is very conservative given the level of traffic you'll be generating.

That's $940 per day, or $28,200 per month.

A twenty eight thousand dollar recurring monthly income from just implementing a few simple tricks?

That's over $330,000 a year pure profit, from hardly any work...

So a $330,000 extra bucks a year is amazing, but let's be a little conservative here...

Let's say using this course, you only make 1 sale/day for each traffic method you use...

1 sale per day x 10 methods = 10 sales per day x 47 = $470 per day.

That's still a $14,000 monthly income...

I think we both agree - an extra 14 thousand bucks a month is going to seriously improve your life...

So seriously, how much would you pay someone today to be handed a $14k/month business?

Well, I don't know about you, but if someone offered me a $14,000 a month business for even as much as $1000, I'd be climbing over people to get to it...

But thankfully, I'm not asking you for anything close to $1000...

In fact, not even half...

If you act right now, you can get the whole thing for just $297...

Until midnight on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Traffic Takeover will be sold at a special launch price. If you order Traffic Takeover online by midnight on Wednesday it's yours risk-free for just $77 - the lowest price it's ever been. And there are only 41 copies left at this price. Once they're gone, I'm going to revert back to $297, or maybe I'll close the doors for good. I honestly haven't decided yet. So you need to act now, or miss out for good.

Traffic WILL Solve All Your
Problems. You Know It Will.

So the question is, can you actually do this?

I'm not going to sit here and tell you you're going to make $1m just by getting the course, because it's not going to do anything if you don't do anything with it.

But I do believe that anyone who can write an email and who's driven to learn how to get traffic will be able to flood huge amounts of traffic to any website and make the money that comes with that...

And using Traffic Takeover, it'll be a LOT quicker and easier than you think.

The truth is though...

If you keep doing what you're doing, nothing's going to change. The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results.

Something needs to change. And FAST.

You probably think that getting traffic is difficult. I'm telling you, it's not *at all* Just like driving a car. You thought it was hard at first, but now it's like second nature...

And when you can drive traffic like it's second nature, MONEY comes in like crazy.

I mean, come on. I knew NOTHING about Internet Marketing a few months ago. I worked in a budget clothing store as a cashier. I'm not very smart or talented.

If I can do it, YOU can definitely do it.

And you'll probably do it 10x faster and easier than me, because you have my complete traffic-getting system to follow... it's so simple!

Yes John!

Please give me instant online access to the entire Traffic Takeover Course.

I understand that:

This material is going to bring floods of traffic to any website I want and it's 100% exclusive information that works. Period.
As part of a special launch discount I can get the ENTIRE THING for a ridiculous $297 $77.

If for any reason whatsoever within 60 days I didn't feel like it was worth 10 times the price you'll give me 100% of my money back, plus I'll get to keep the entire Traffic Takeover course.

Download Traffic Takeover Now

100% Safe & Secure

After you purchase Traffic Takeover you'll be given instant access to the whole course, so you can download and watch it as soon as you want.

It really doesn't matter if it's 3 a.m, because you can literally have the secrets to driving insane amounts of traffic (and therefore making a huge income) only 5 minutes from now. It's simple. All you have to do is click the "Add To Cart" button.

For only $77 and with a full iron-clad guarantee you can be confident that it's completely risk-free. Simply send an email to traffictakeover [at] gmail.com anytime within 60 days and if you don't think it was worth 10x what you paid then I'll give you a full refund right there. No questions. No hassles.

Oh, and you can keep the whole course!

That's a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide. So Order Now.

Click Here For Instant Access - you'll be glad you did.

See you on the other side!

John Ellis

P.S. Look, let's face it. This is your best bet for making a seriously huge income online... it's all laid out in the step-by-step videos, and you can use the information in it to drive traffic to any website you want. And remember, you have a full 60-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

P.P.S. You have a choice in front of you. You can either go on doing what you're doing now and worry about money every day when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep. Is that what you want? Or do you want to take the shortcut to massive traffic and start making $2,000 per month more by this time next week?

P.P.S. If I can do it, anyone can! I'm really not that smart or talented. I just figured out a system that works. If you use my system, it'll work for you too! :-)

Yes John!

Please give me instant online access to the entire Traffic Takeover Course.

I understand that:

This material is going to bring floods of traffic to any website I want and it's 100% exclusive information that works. Period.
As part of a special launch discount I can get the ENTIRE THING for a ridiculous $297 $77.

If for any reason whatsoever within 60 days I didn't feel like it was worth 10 times the price you'll give me 100% of my money back, plus I'll get to keep the entire Traffic Takeover course.

Download Traffic Takeover Now

100% Safe & Secure



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