
Jordan Coshes Rogue Marketing

Jordan Coshes Rogue Marketing



I’m going to give you everything you need - To get started right away. 

You can literally take this stuff and start banking tonight. A source of revenue without any bullsh*t, no "Google", no SERP slaps, and no fancy rules and regulations.  

Let's get down to it.. 

From the desk of: Jordan Cosh
Date: Friday June 4, 2010

Dear Fellow Marketer,

It really doesnt matter how experienced you are - A total greenhorn, or an old timer like me who's been at it for years.

The fact is, things are getting rough - really rough, for most affiliate marketers. Most of the tactics out there are outdated; or just plain wrong.

Google, for one, is more or less busy slapping affiliate marketers into submission with Adwords bans and SEO changes (Caffiene).

Now I dont know about you, But I dont really like it when a company stands in between me and my money. 

Good thing none do.

While the rest of the industry is busy peeing its pants over Googles latest offensive, or wasting its time with unscalable CPV campaigns I'm sitting pretty; doing better business this year than any year prior.

 How do I manage that? Well I told you already - I focus most of my marketing efforts on whats called "Media Buying". It's essentially the oldest, most thoroughly tested, and most profitable kind of advertising you can get involved in - It's nothing new, it's just one of those things nobodys really talked about before.

So, being the nice guy I am; I'm going to talk about it. 

Introducing "Rogue Marketing"

This is the stuff the people I consider my competitors dont want you to see. Frankly, we (Media Buyers) are busy raking it in - care free - while most of our PPC and SEO competition is being beat into submission for us (Thanks Google!).

The screwed up thing, is that Media Buying really isn't all that complicated - But it's touted about as some kind of "Elite Advertising Tactic" cloaked in secrecy, that is only affordable for seasoned marketers with massive budgets.

Well you know; It's really not either of those things. It's certainly not expensive - I scale them not out of pocket; but from profit. Standard launch costs, for a new campaign?

Around $10 to $50.

As for "Secrecy"; Well I guess it is kind of hard to find any information on media buying- But really thats because most of the people selling information on it dont really know what their talking about anyways; They can give you the basics, sure.

You know what I'm talking about - Affiliate Marketing 101.

The chapter lists generally read something like this...

-"This is an affiliate network"

-"This is an affiliate link"

-"This is how to hire media agencies. to spend your money"

-"This is how to signup for The content network/Adbrite/Missecalounous Network"


And... Your at the end of your training. Theres nothing about how to plan a campaign, or build it not based off of intuition; But data. Nor is there any information thats really, very direct at all - You just get bashed over the head with crapola you can pick up on google, with a minute or two worth of searching.

Look folks, the truth is there is not a "Top Secret Marketing Blueprint"...

No "Autopilot money maker"

Forget all that baloney.  There is no "Turnkey Formula" to success in online advertising -


Anyone who promises you the secret to millions for "The low price of "$xxx" is full of CRAP!

But I should get off my soapbox right? I mean, I know what your thinking - who the hell am I to come in fists swinging and tear down the likes of some of the great "Gurus" who sell course after course every 8 weeks?

And your right - Little old me cant compare to the likes of the guys raking in millions of dollars a year selling ebooks and other assorted wares.

I'm just a guy who cofounded an affiliate network. - a "nobody" who plays every angle of online advertising; and whos been doing it for years. My company, "Profit-Smart Solutions" has its finger in just about every aspect of online advertising - From running our own webmaster network (Ala Adsense.. sort of), To running an affiliate network, and of course our own campaigns outside of all that.

So no - I certainly cant compare to most of the "Gurus" busy teaching people how to push buttons and make millions over night.

All I know is how to build data driven campaigns, on the dime, and turn a hefty profit on a reliable basis.

But it wasnt always like that..

I used to be the sucker paying $299.99 to "learn" the magical marketing secrets of various snake oil salesmen.

I really want you to understand what I mean... So lets go back to the very beginning

When I first discovered marketing (close to 4 years ago now) I had alot of trouble getting started.

I did everything I was "supposed" to do; I bought the courses with the best reviews.

I studied, made mind maps, and worked my butt off every day after work trying to figure out a system I could repeat with success over and over again.

Something I could rely on, and ideally something I could scale up over time to bring in even more money.

I tried SEO...

And over a couple of months had a few hit and miss success stories. I made a little money; but it still wasn't what I was looking for-it was just to inconsistent, and took to long to show results. I didn't want to waste my time building an entire site just to find out it wasn't profitable; I had a job, family, friends, and diploma to worry about- But that's just what I did dozens of times over.

I took a shot at PPC...

Thus, I burned up every spare penny I had in my paycheck trying to "crack the code" and work out a system that brought in enough profit for it to be worthwhile.

The problem, was that I was only barely turning a profit; and while turning a $800 check into $1000 might sound pretty great, I had to spend another month waiting on those affiliate checks to get that money.

By the time they came in, the campaign I ran to make that money was usually dead as a doornail-Either someone else swiped it, or the public buzz around the subject had dwindled into insignificance. I realized I needed a huge budget to use PPC, since the margins were so low.

I was desperate...

So I spent over a month doing nothing but writing articles. Once again; I made a little money. But not much-by the time I made $100 writing articles, I could have earned twice as much at my regular job.

Sound familiar? It probably does; even the most successful marketers have been there at one point or another. Anyone who is struggling with launching profitable campaigns or wondered "What am I doing wrong" will know what I'm talking about.

So anyways, How did I finally do it?

One day after work, I decided to just sit and watch some tv. Normally I would have been working on my "business" (It wasn't much of a business at this point) around that time. But that night, I just couldn't do it. It all seemed so pointless; I was starting to wonder if ANYBODY really made any serious money on the Internet.

So I flipped on my favourite show, and tried not to think about it. I didn't have much luck though; every time a commercial came on I started grappling with the problem again.

It was during one of these commercials that something occured to me; I knew how big companies advertise on television-But how did they do it on the Internet?

The big guys-That's who I wanted to emulate, the companies with millions of dollars pouring into developing advertising campaigns. Maybe I could learn through observing them, what all the ebooks and courses kept promising.

Within 20 minutes I was stumbling across words like "advertising agency's" "media buy outs" "paid publication" and "distribution networks"

What I discovered changed my life;

While these companies DID advertise with adwords, they actually did most of their online marketing without ever touching it. It was called a Media Buy-And advertising agencies have been doing it for decades. First with newspapers, then radio, television, and finally on the Internet.

The concept seemed pretty simple; identify your target market, and go through a media buy network to pay for distribution. You pay them a flat rate, and they show your ads on sites with the visitors in your demographic.

I signed up for a few of those networks, and after sending $40 through paypal I plugged in my banner code. I went through the list of sites they would let me advertise on, and picked one out that matched my target audience. I turned the campaign on, and that was it.

Figuring it was still a hopeless idea, I went to sleep for an hour and the rest of my day went the way it usually did; I woke up, went to school, and then on to work. When I got home at 11pm that night, I had almost forgotten about my little experiment. Getting up the courage to look, I logged into my affiliate account.. and

what I saw shocked me.

For less than $40, I had made over $250 in a single day. By the end of the month, that one ad placement brought me over $3000 in profit.

The truth though is that I was REALLY lucky.

I had no idea what I was doing!

Running a successful buy isn't always as simple as my first campaign makes it sound. I wasted alot of that first $3000 trying duplicate my success. Eventually I learned that sometimes an ad placement just doesn't work; and sometimes understanding the audience your marketing to can be more difficult than it seems at first glance.

Obviously, I figured out what I was doing; Evantually. Maybe I didnt have it all figured out; But I knew I was on the right track - Finally!

That single concept; A "Media buy" is what brought me where I am today.

Really though, my success in media buying is built on a rock solid foundation of DATA. Knowing what to advertise, where to advertise it, how much to pay for the ad space, where to find the ad space, and a dozen other VITAL factors.

But is it Easy? Well, easier than PPC and SEO.

Is it a Magic button? Hell no.

And you wouldnt want to know how to do anything like that right?

I mean, that sounds like work.

I knew you wouldnt - So here, go check out "Rogue Marketings" only "Competitor".

His system is magical - no effort or labour required!

You to can drive a Porsche and own a Mansion for just $299.99!

He'll teach you some INCREDIBLE stuff - like...

How to signup to a CPA network

How to open an account, and spend money on sites like Adbrite.

What a "Banner" is, and how you can make one to!

Other gems, like how to pay an extra .11c CPM and $X,99 a month to use an adserver! (Thats sort of like paying $X,99 a month, and an extra 11 cents per visitor to your hosting provider - When you can do it for free.)


you might be the odd man out;

Of course,
(Like the little red guy)

maybe you'd rather find out some more about this crazy, nutty, data driven system I call "Rogue marketing"?

(Data doesnt really look like that)

Well ok - But I'm warning you, this course isnt for most people. It's not for you unless you want a system your really going to use.

Seriously - Stay the heck away unless you want to do some work, take some notes, and carefully plan your campaign; So you start ....

Getting traffic like this:

And doing revenue like this:


Anyways, if your still reading....

 (Which is doubtful, I mean.. who the heck would want to invest in something like this? Theres no magic bullets, top secret tricks, or pictures of Ferraris and mansions on the page..)

Im going to go ahead fill you in on whats covered in the course. You know the basics; Find a cost effective place to run your ads, and buy the traffic.

But thats small potatoes.....

Whats covered in "Rogue Marketing"?

How to match the right sites, with the right offers.

How to calculate the most you can pay for an ad slot, and still turn a profit.

How to optimize your banners location, to get the best bang for your buck.

Multiple ways to find sites you can advertise on (I call these gold nuggets; as in killer deals)

Everything you need to know about Ad serving - With a free, open source client.

How to REALLY run media buys; Not just use self serve networks like Adbrite.

How to use self-serve networks like adbrite profitablly (They do have their use.).

Indepth discussion on how to create your banners, and increase your click throughs.

A *real* blueprint on how to start a campaign for less than $100, and scale it to make thousands.

How to change the ad you run on a site instantly; just in case its losing you money. This is how I make sure every media buy I run is a success.

What I call "Conversion Karate" - So you know what to do with all that traffic your getting.

How to AUTOMATICALLY increase your CTR by 20% - With one simple, simple trick.

Everything you need to know to calculate your effective cost per visitor, cost per sale, net revenue, and total profits.

Tons, and Tons of other stuff - Do I really need to list the rest?

Nah, I didnt think so.

Instead of boring you with a twenty page list of bulletpoints, I'm just going to let some "Rogue Marketers" tell you what they think.

This is real feedback, from real people, not joint venture partners - and not paid reviews. You can go look yourself, (Click here, to head to the Warriorforum and see REAL testimonials)

Hi Jordan - Warriors.

When I read this thing I was ready to say good job....I know how blindingly briliant this "regular guy" happens to be. But still...it's about advertising and I used to be in public relations.

Looking back........I started reading this book, and I'm nodding to myself, yep, good pr 101 stuff... he got that right...okay that was a good point to include...good graphics...clear explanations........

Then all of the sudden....(I could just visualize him at his computer taking a deep languid stretch, extending his arms in front of him, lacing his fingers and giving them a good crack..........) the pages just turned white hot.

While everyone is still yabbering on endlessly about SEO and article writing - and even totally stupid black hat tactics like duplicating webpages (for cripes sakes, really) I was thrown in to an advanced level course in how to take brick and mortar advertising into cyberspace and seeing some pretty startling ways to tweak it all til it bleeds money.

I didn't read this salespage because I already read the book.......if he said you aren't going to see anything else like this....you can take that straight to the bank.

Now I'm not sure how much of this stuff he thought of himself and how much he might have been able to syphon from the brain some multi-million dollar corporate advertising executive. I'm imagining a good mix of that being the case. I really don't care where it came from. I've got it now and that is the bottom line on that word.

SEO is still important and you need to practice the highest level technique you can achieve.

But operating a business without this information is like driving a V8 on 4 spark plugs.

Do yourself a favor, take the 20 bucks you were gonna use for your next CD or night on the town and grab this book and be grateful that it was Jordan putting it up here..........because if it was one of the "gurus" who did it, you'd be looking for how to take out a loan for several hundred (at least) to own it. Just proof that even a silly little prodigy dude can have a lapse and have just a tad more heart than brains at times, eh?

Thanks Jordan. I'm ready for warp drive now.

"HeySal" - Warriorforum.com


I've just about finished reading your report and want to say it is exactly what I have been looking for. There has been a lot of talk lately about moving away from Google and their dictatorial policies but no one has offered any methods that don't cost an arm and a leg to get started.

Most stuff being released about media buying is very expensive and assumes you have at least several hundred dollars for your first campaign. This does not. The others also gloss over the basic knowledge needed and just generally make too many assumptions. This does not.

From terminology to demographics to the simple formulas you MUST know and the right way to use low cost networks. It's all here.

A special note about the formulas. One of the biggest reasons people fail at marketing is because they have no idea how to calculate investment and ROI for their campaigns. Some don't even calculate their conversion rates! They just throw their time and money in and expect the profits to appear. Good way to get clobbered.

Thankfully, Jordan makes everything very clear and easy. It's not high mathematics, it's just simple arithmetic. Without it you suffer, no matter what. Everyone needs to write these down and use them with everything they do.

Thanks to Jordan media buying is no longer a mystery to me, and certainly not intimidating. Marketing is fun again.

"Lawrh" - Warriorforum.com



I have the tendency to review products when they provoke me enough to do so. This is my two cents and of course, it's all based on my opinions and personal experiences.

There's just so much hype on these forums about systems that'll help you generate a four figure income within a week or blah blah blah - you know the drill BUT you would end up having to buy products/ softwares, etc, etc, etc, which will eventually drive your cost to up to $1,000 + to start - just insane; most especially when they say it's free in their sales page. We all know to make money you have to spend somehow so fluff up the arse that one is.

This offer about a start up of say, I would put it at maybe $20-$40 (within the same range as the OP), would be adequate to get you started provided that you do your research which is included in the guide. It's straight forward and NO, you DON'T have to buy a ton of software just to automate and pull your hairs over.

Anyway, yes, I myself have been going through the same (as the OP), dabbling with SEO, etc, etc and yes, I was considering buying softwares that would've cost me thousands of dollars until I did more digging here and found this nugget. Thinking about it, I would rather spend $1000 on media buys within the next few days than spend the same amount on software to BUILD a site of my own and then promote. That takes more time. My current objective is to generate income in the weeks to come and use the yields as cash flows for other projects (websites).

I have done media buys in the past but truth be told, they have been a colossal disaster. They weren't converting right and I believe the network that I had done it on had a high click fraud rate since their stats were drastically different from two other analytics that I've incorporated onto the page I was advertising.

Needless to say, I did believe that media buys was an effective and probably one of the easiest way to flip a (CPA) profit, if done efficiently and correctly. I was lucky enough to have found this guide at a mere $27! I was at one point considering to purchase another guide which would've cost me $97. I stopped short on that one since I saw a lot of negative reviews.

For a sum of $27, it's really a no brainer. I would've been glad to pay more for the information provided because it was exactly what I want to implement but didn't know the appropriate way of running media buys efficiently.

I have yet to absorb all the content in the guide. Yes, I have read through the whole thing but I have my own methods of analysis which I sub group and bullet point everything for quick viewing to my preference. My objective is to implement within the week, possibly in the next few days, I'd hope.

This is definitely one of those rare nuggets on the WSOs. I don't recall seeing any similar product but I anticipate that after this one gets hype, more people would be whipping out their own versions for a quick buck. Nonetheless, for $27 this provides great value and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is starting out.

I wish I had this earlier so I'd have save myself a few hundreds in failed media buys.

If you're still tap dancing on the fence about this one, do yourself a favor a make the leap. I can't guarantee satisfaction - neither can the OP, for sure, but I am certain that you WILL learn something from this guide. Don't be an idiot. Buy it now before it gets pulled.

And as for you Mr Cosh, Sir, I hope you pull this one down asap lol.

Thanks and best wishes.

rg0205 Warriorforum.com



Being hard headed, I had refused to click on this thread because I knew the reverse psychology of the title. Then I saw all the comments being left and my curiosity got the best of me.

After reading through the sales page and all 3 pages of comments and answers, I decided I'd better hop on the bus before it took off....

...and I'm sure glad that I did. This is the best $27 I've spent on a WSO is quite a while.

If you are interested in media buying or making loads of money in general then I highly recommend you get this at this cheap price while you still can. After reading the book and watching most of the videos, I'm convinced that the price will go up (and it will be worth every penny still) and that you will never see information like this at this price again.

Do yourself a favor and buy Jordan's stuff. It's awesome.

Woody Crenshaw, Warriorforum.com


It took me 2 1/2 hours to go through his entire 134 page ebook and all I can say is WOW... Jordan didn't leave any stone unturned in the media-buy and it's just mind-blowing to see a man so brilliant at his "young" age. I just wanna say, "Thank you for sharing your such in-depth knowledge on this not well-known topic." I'll do my part by implementing what I learned and report back on how I did. Thanks once again. : )

-Joseph Parker, Warriorforum.com


Excellent material. Most my experience is from selling site traffic via cpm/cpa to ad networks such as Valueclick, Casales, Tribalfusion, azoogle, adsense, and others. You covered the information well. We usually didn't sell to individuals not because it wasn't profitable, but because few knew how to measure performance or understand the metrics so the campaigns were short lived. The advertisers who did their homework stayed long term thus much less work for us.
I was most impressed with the detail and explanation of the various types of advertising available. For me, it didn't get interesting until about half way through. It was well worth the time to read it and has exceptional value. You gave me some great ideas to test out.

-"FunnyDude" Warriorforum.com

Thats it folks. I'm not going to hammer you over the head to buy this - But if you want to pick up the definitive guide to media buying, this is it.

Nothing like it has ever been published before, and I guarantee you if you dont get in now - and decide to do it later, your going to regret it.

Why? Well, I dont know how long I'm going to sell this - nor how long until I knock it up to a few thousand dollars a copy. Frankly, once we have 500 media buyers in our affiliate network were probably shutting this down for good.

Thats my motive - if you havent caught on. I dont want your money; I want people who want to learn to REALLY make money online in my affiliate network. The folks looking for magical solutions?

The blueprint guy can have 'em!


If your still not sure, let me go ahead and run my guarantee by you -

If your not totally pleased, I'll refund your purchase - ZERO questions asked.

I dont need to draw that out do I?

I dont care WHY you might want your money back, frankly I couldnt care less; If you cant make money with whats in the course then you NEED your money back - God knows how you got your hands on it in the first place.

(Please note, that due to recent FTC regulations, I am required to state that you will either have NO RESULTS or extrapolate the sum total of all results, of all customers. As that is technically not feasible NO RESULTS of any kind are implied.)

But then.. if that happens you can just get your money back. Besides, You'll know just how honest I've been throughout this salesletter, the moment you start reading & watching the course material.


Jordan Cosh

P.S. You better signup for "Profit-Smart Media" - My CPA network, so I can keep making money off of you for years to come.

P.P.S. I almost forgot, but this is a limited release. 500 copies - no more, no less; and It's going to be gone indefinitely (Seriously.) So if you are interested, nows the time to act.



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