
It 's Yoga, Of Course! Your Magic Pill Is Here

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It 's Yoga, Of Course!
Your Magic Pill Is Here

Attention: Are You Sick And Tired Of Dealing With Poor Flexibility, Poor Posture, Back Problems, Aching Joints, Being Overweight, Poor Balance, Stress, Or Just Want To Increase Your Sense Of Health and Wellbeing?

Read On, Because This May Be The Most Important Letter You Ever Read....

People Everywhere Are Discovering A Way To Live Life Pain-Free And FULL Of Energy And Vitality....

And Now The Secret To Their Happiness Can Be YOURS!

Discover The Little-Known, All-Natural Holistic Secrets That Transform Your Body, Mind, And Spirit. Make Excess Weight Or Stress Vanish Like Magic Without The Need For Pills, Diets, or Endless Jogging - We 100% Guarantee It!

1 June, 2011

Dear Friend,


  • You remember feeling full of energy when you were younger, but now you always feel tired or worn out - no matter how much sleep you get....
  • You experience pain, stiffness, or those "I'm Getting Older" mystery ailments that come out of nowhere.... even when you haven't really done anything too strenuous....
  • You struggle with poor flexibility, a weak core, poor posture, a flabby midsection, and feel you're just not as "put together" as you know you could be....
  • You're sometimes stressed out, anxious or just out of whack.... and that carefree, happy-go-lucky feeling you want to have was lost somewhere along the way....
  • You are looking for a way to fix your nagging aches, prevent or recover from injury, or simply boost your overall sense of health and wellbeing, but just aren't sure the best way to make it happen....

If you answered Yes to any of these, I've got some fantastic news for you that's truly going to change the way you think and live forever....

I'm talking about....

  • No more aches, pains or stiffness that make you feel old way before your time!
  • No more anxiety or stress that seems to pop up at all the wrong times!
  • No more feelings of being out of balance, inflexible, or out of shape that can be really discouraging!
  • No more wondering if you're doing the right things to fix your health and wellbeing problems!

Because I've got a way for you to feel 10, 20, or 30 years younger almost instantly -and I guarantee it.

Soon you'll experience....

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased back, neck, shoulder and hamstring comfort and flexibility
  • Improved aerobic capacity
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Better, sharper balance and overall core strength
  • Less stiffness and soreness
  • Eliminated need for toxic stimulants like coffee and energy drinks
  • Quicker recovery time from injuries
  • Increased ability to exercise freely
  • A sleek, slim and toned body
  • ....Plus much, much more!

Getting rid of your stress, pain and all the problems associated with your poor flexibility and lack of core strength is only a click away.

To find out how you can quickly and easily put an end to these and so many more "symptoms" of living to the fullest, keep reading.

When you do, you'll discover the real down-and-dirty, no holds barred holistic and all-natural secrets to ultimate health and wellbeing thanks to an exciting 5,000-year-old secret that is once again seeing a huge resurgence in popularity. But, for the first time ever, you are going to get your hands on an all-in-one solution that blows the doors off modern pain relief, stress treatments and exercise programs.

This one "magic pill" will totally transform the way you think about your health forever.

This is everything you'll ever need to know to eliminate your pains, relieve your stress, become dramatically more flexible, boost your core strength, flatten your waistline, improve your posture and feel better than ever once and for all, already blueprinted for you.


  • Every cell in your body bursting with new powerful energy!
  • A supersized mega-blast of flexibility and strength in every waking minute!
  • A tidal wave of happy oomph you can surf throughout your day!
  • A mind-blowing surge of get-up-and-go without any of those annoying aches and pains of stiffness!
  • Feeling totally revitalized, reenergized, renewed!

With this timeless secret to Great Living, you'll finally experience the new and improved you that you deserve.

You'll discover a life where time stands still and you laugh in the face of your age as youstart feeling younger and younger with each passing day....

What is this amazing way to turn back the hands of time?

It 's Yoga, Of Course!
Your Magic Pill Is Here

For over 5,000 years, yoga has helped individuals ALL around the world live incredibly healthy, carefree and pain-free lives.

For thousands of years, yoga was hidden away in India and only relatively recently have we in the West discovered all its amazing benefits.

And, WOW, talk about the benefits!!!

  • Increased flexibility
  • Stress relief
  • Purging toxins
  • Improved sense of health and wellbeing
  • Superior balance
  • Enhanced posture
  • Toned muscles and midsection
  • Incredible core strength
  • Terrific injury prevention and quick recovery technique
  • Great for fixing neck, back and shoulder problems

That's right - there are so many fabulous ways that yoga can help anyone live a healthier, happier and more satisfying life.

So, where do you sign up for this kind of new and improved life, right?

How to you get your hands on the world's best resources for learning yoga quickly and easily.... and correctly?

For example, where can you find a course or program that gives you - no matter whether you've never rolled out a yoga mat before or have been doing yoga for years - everything you need to experience all the life-changing benefits of yoga?

That last one is a really great question especially because....

When It Comes To Choosing A Yoga Program, You Have Many Choices....

In fact, you have too many.

Do a quick search on "yoga" at Barnes & Noble and you get 3,849 results.

Go over to Amazon and there are 15,827!

Talk about overwhelming!

How in the world are you supposed to choose the perfect yoga program that's right for YOU when there are so many options?

Especially when you learn that the best possible yoga book should fit you - what you want to "fix," as well as your desired outcomes and your lifestyle - like a glove.

For example, if you've got a sore and stiff back and heard yoga can help, how do you know what the "right" yoga is?

If you've never done yoga before and you're looking for a take-you-by-the-hand guide that will help treat your problems in a gentle, safe and relaxing way, you'd be making a huge mistake if you accidentally chose an advanced Bikram power yoga book (which would most likely leave you even more sore, sweaty and never wanting to do yoga again if this was your first introduction to it). A really basic beginner's book would be more your style.

However, if you've already done yoga and just want to start up again or learn new poses (asanas) to extend what you already know, you don't want to wade through a bunch of super basic 101 information to get to the good stuff, right? So, you'd need a more advanced book.

But, if you're not looking to be a hardcore yoga practitioner, but would rather focusing on addressing some of your more nagging aches, pains and stiff spots those advanced books might be way over your skill and ability level.

If you didn't feel it already, you're probably now recognizing....

The Search For That Great Yoga Book To Fix All Your Aches, Pains, Stress, and Weight Loss Just Got A Whole Lot Harder.... Or Did It?

How can you possibly find all the help you need in just one book?

Well, it's not only possible, it's a reality. And, that's why I'm so glad you're here today.

Regardless of your reason for looking for a yoga book, I have the perfect solution for you.

  • Whether you are turning to yoga to help improve your life, to relax, to lose weight, to be more flexible, stronger, more centered, or to just live a healthier, more connected lifestyle, I have an all-in-one answer that you 're just going to love....
  • Whether you are a beginner who never has rolled out a yoga mat before or have been doing yoga for years, this is the best way to find an incredible yoga resource that will grow with you - no matter what stage of your yoga practice you are in now....
  • Whether you are looking to yoga because you're out of shape, overweight, depressed, worried, anxious, pregnant or sick, this is what you've been searching for....

You can stop hunting because this is the only solution you need....

It's Your Best Choice....
Brilliant Yoga: The Complete Guide To Upgrading Your Body And Life

Take A Quick Look At What You'll Find Inside....

  • Complete step-by-step overview of all the ways yoga can cure, alleviate or minimize the most common problems you're dealing with - from stress to chronic fatigue, weight problems to athletic overuse injuries, and depression to prenatal needs.
  • Over 230 pages of the help you need, including a series of amazing yoga technique mini-videos, to experience total self transformation and affirmation that will show you the secrets of living the happiest and healthiest life possible with yoga.
  • Proven system for everything you need to know to make your yoga practice fun & exciting - whether you're a beginner or a longtime practitioner.
  • Comprehensive, easy-to-understand eBook that covers EVERY aspect of yoga in a useful, informative and highly enjoyable way - from what yoga is to yoga and your body and mind, to designing the perfect yoga practice for yourself, to every asana you'll ever need, and specific prescriptions to "treat" fatigue and stress, depression, lack of energy weight loss, toning, and - for women - even help you thrive through your entire pregnancy.
  • Step-by-step instructions that will help you learn yoga the right way for your body, age and desired results - it'll be like having your own personal yoga instructor with you for every bend, twist and inversion!
  • And much, much more....

My book, Brilliant Yoga: The Complete Guide To Upgrading Your Body And Life, is....

Everything You Need To Know To Let Yoga Transform You - Body, Mind & Spirit

In fact, in Brilliant Yoga, you'll learn the best how-to secrets that are revealed for the first time ever all in one place....

  • The fastest and easiest way to learn exactly what kind of yoga is best for you... then a detailed plan of action that will help you with every pose, every day.
  • The healthy, happy and fully satisfying life you're seeking is closer than ever!
    The never-before revealed secrets to deeply understanding how yoga can help you grow in every area of your life.... the therapeutic benefits of your new yoga practice will extend far beyond your body.

    Renewed clarity, an improved outlook and a powerful inner strength that will likely surprise and delight you will soon be yours!

  • A proven systematic set of techniques that will allow you to enjoy the richest whole body benefits of yoga... from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes.

    You will love the new you that emerges when you know how to do yoga the right way and have a custom yoga "prescription" created just for you. It's time to rediscover yourself today!

All the help you'll ever need to make yoga an integral part of your daily routine is all right here on every page of Brilliant Yoga.

Finding that true balance between exercise and personal attunement is now just a click away

From Beginner To Advanced, This Is The All-In-One Support You Need In Every Chapter

When you take even just a quick look at the benefits of Brilliant Yoga, you'll quickly understand why there is simply no other book out there quite like it. It will change your life.... and permanently put an end to the aches, pains, stiffness and soreness as well as tone up that core and give you the flexibility and strength you've always wanted!

That's a big claim, I know. But, if you want to feel the difference that a personalized yoga program can make for you, this is what's possible with Brilliant Yoga.

Can you picture saying....

"I am happier than ever before..."
"My body is so toned, sleek and strong."
"I didn't realize I could feel this fantastic...."
"My back doesn't hurt at all anymore!"
"I have achieved so much more clarity and focus in every part of my life."
"I've discovered that I really can have it all..."

With Brilliant Yoga, you won't have to imagine any of these affirmations - because they will be real; they will be your truth.

In every chapter of my book, you'll uncover the path to personal freedom through an enriched understanding of the principles and practice of the specific style of yoga that is right for you, including:

You Will Get The Help You Need To Become The Person You 've Always Imagined Was Possible

In Section One, you'll learn about yoga philosophy, or what yoga really is. These are the fundamental tenets of any yoga practice. Knowing them will help enhance your understanding and appreciation of every aspect of yoga for you.

Unlike many other books on the topic, I have purposefully kept this section light and readable. I really want you to have this deep insight into the meaning and purpose of yoga, so you can adapt and customize your own yoga program to your entire life in the fullest and most significant and evocative ways.

Additionally, if you want to know more about the different types of yoga and which one is best suited for you, Section One will give you a great overview (and Section Four will give the specific suggestions you need - whether you 're a beginner or advanced student - to create the ideal program).

You'll quickly see this section is far from academic - the real-world benefits you can experience are detailed on every page.

You Will See A Dramatic Difference In How You Look, Feel And Live Your Life

Read Section Two, 'Yoga and Your Body', for a detailed explanation of exactly how the different yoga asanas (poses) and breathing exercises actually willscientifically benefit your body.

If you've ever heard of 'prana energy', 'chakras' and 'spiraling the kundalini flow up the spine', this section will help unpack the mystery and replace the touchy-feely words with the physiological science of yoga therapy.

You'll be amazed at how research has proven yoga's effectiveness for dealing with different ailments and illnesses. Especially if you suffer from any chronic illness, pain or emotional trials, you can take heart that yoga will help.

I've also included a specific chapter for people who struggle with weight in this same section. Whether you just want to maintain your weight or need to lose a few to many extra pounds, the right combination of yoga poses can create dramatic results.

Plus, if you are turning to yoga to help reduce or eliminate your stress levels, I was sure to include some fabulous information for you on the healing powers of yoga in this area.

And, speaking of healing, there's also a chapter in this section on how to incorporate your yoga practice within an existing training schedule as well as detailing the benefits you can expect.

You Will Discover Remarkable Clarity And Focus - A New & Improved You - With Every New Breath You Take

In Section Three, 'Yoga and Your Mind', we'll take a look at how yoga affects your mind.

Specifically, you'll find answers to such important questions as:

What are the psychological and emotional benefits of a regular yoga practice?
How can something as relatively simple as stretching your body produce such significant - almost miraculous - effects on huge problems likeaddiction, depression, and fatigue?
How does meditation work and how does it fit in with yoga?
And what's the deal with pranayama? You'll discover how something as seemingly simple as right breathing can make a huge impact in your life.
The body-mind relationship in yoga is essential if you want to allow for the fullest results. This section will help you make the important connections you need to get in complete touch with all parts of yourself.

You Will Experience A Complete Body-Mind-Spirit Transformation

Section Four deals with your actual yoga practice and is divided into two main parts.

In Part One, we'll explore the benefits of class yoga and you'll learn how to find a teacher, how to ascertain which type of yoga will suit you best, and how to avoid bad teachers.

In Part Two, we'll look at home practice and you'll get answers to everything from 'what should I eat before practicing' to 'what equipment do I need' to 'can I practice if I'm ill?'

You'll also get equipped with important information on common yoga injuries (and how to avoid them) as well as a step-by-step guide to creating your own home practice, whether you're a beginner, intermediate-level, or already experienced.

As a super extra added bonus, I've also included two all-purpose programsin this chapter to help take you from 'absolute newbie' to 'intermediate level' as quickly and effectively as possible.

You Will Find The Personalized Step-By-Step Instruction You Need To See The Biggest Benefits

Finally, in Section Five, you will get up close and personal with all the asanas (postures) you need to create a comprehensive, fun and beneficial customized yoga program for yourself.

I've included dozens of the most useful asanas to cover every 'ingredient' of a balanced yoga practice. With step-by-step instructions geared to every level of student and beautiful full-color photographs from all angles, it'll be just like I'm there with you helping guide you through every pose.

Plus, as another added benefit, you'll also find a number of 'yoga prescriptions' for common problems such as fatigue, depression, and overweight/obesity that you can use to quickly, easily and effortlessly combat and eliminate these from your life forever.

Listen, I've made it my goal to include every aspect of yoga that a beginning, intermediate or advanced student would want or need to know.

But, it's important to remember that, as the yoga master Pattabhi Jois says, 'yoga is 1% theory, 99% practice.'

In other words, it's great to talk about and think about yoga - but you'll only start toaccess the magic when you get your feet on the mat... so don't wait a moment longer, order your copy of Brilliant Yoga: The Complete Guide To Upgrading Your Body And Life right now!

Yoga Made Easy!
Eliminate The Mystery, Doubt And Fear
Discover The Life You 've Been Waiting For....

Look, yoga has made me more graceful, calmer, more relaxed, healthier, happier, deeply content - and definitely more flexible!

I find yoga endlessly enthralling and I know that with Brilliant Yoga, its power will touch and transform your life, too.

For many, yoga is "scary," it's unknown and there's a lot of self doubtthat surrounds it. You might be wondering if you've "got what it takes," or doubting that you can ever "do it right."

It's that very fear that keeps many people from ever trying yoga in the first place and that keeps others who have tried it from ever coming back.

That's why I'm so proud of my book and even more reason why you need to get your own copy.

If you follow the guidance found on every page of the book, your problem won't be how to do yoga the "right" way.... it'll be how can get even more yoga in every day!

It's true. When you practice the techniques I teach you - even just a few minutes a day a few days a week - you're going to become totally addicted to the benefits yoga will give you with every stretch.

You will quickly and easily overcome any doubts or fears and you will know you've made a big step forward in your life. You will be proud of yourself and I will be so very proud of you, too.

Yea You!

So, if you've been looking for a way to start, to determine which type of yoga is best for you, or you simply want to learn the best asanas in the safest and most enjoyable way,Brilliant Yoga is your solution.

If you're looking to address a particular ailment, health goal, injury or emotional life "scar," Brilliant Yoga will help.

If you're hoping to find a way you can experience real change in just about every area of your life, Brilliant Yoga will open the doors to yoga in a way that you never imagined was possible.

I wrote Brilliant Yoga so you could discover how simple it is to include yoga into your life and so you could see firsthand how it can offer you an "extreme personal makeover" that simply cannot be found in any other sport, hobby, or practice.

Don't wait any longer for the happiness you deserve. Brilliant Yoga can help you become all you want to be and much, much more.

I Wrote The Book, So You Wouldn 't Have To Search Endlessly For The Answer

When it comes to finding the perfect yoga solution, you could spend hours and hours reading reviews, asking your friends, or wandering down bookstore aisles.

However, with so many options - and so many of those options just plain out not right for you - why waste your precious time with hit-or-miss suggestions or trusting reviews of people you don 't even know?

I wrote Brilliant Yoga as a response to the lack of any comprehensive, user-friendly books on the market.

At first, I tried to find good resources to recommend to my friends and students. But, I just couldn 't find anything out there that really gave beginners - or people just looking for a way to shed their excess weight, or alleviate aches, pains and overall stiffness - a quality introduction to all aspects of yoga.

So, I decided to create an all-encompassing book that would allow anybody to fully enjoy and benefit from yoga to the max.

Because I know from personal experience that getting started with yoga can seem overwhelming, I decided to offer my knowledge and experience with you so you can see how simple and quick getting started and feeling terrific can be.

After showing so many of my students the secret strategies, tips, techniques, and ways to get the most out of yoga and feel better than ever, I decided it was time to show people like you how to do it - all of it - so you can experience all the benefits for yourself.

I wrote Brilliant Yoga as a way to allow anybody - especially people who can 't afford to pay for the high-priced yoga sessions with a personal instructor - exactly how to do it, the right way.

I wanted to make sure that people like you who might otherwise never have the opportunity to learn how easyit is to really incorporate and benefit from yoga and to get the help you need to not only do safely, properly, and effectively, but to see the huge impact yoga done right can make in your whole life.

I'm here to tell you: You don't need to hire a personal instructor. You don't need to go to any of those fancy and expensive yoga classes. And, you don't have to settle for poorly written books... you can get more, have more, and be more... and I'm here to help you do it with Brilliant Yoga.

It is filled, page after page, with everything you need to know(and more) to get started on your way toward a rewarding and highly personally satisfying life with yoga starting today. Say goodbye to the aches and pains and say hello to a brand new you!

Drawing from my own personal experiences as a world-class yoga practitioner and instructor as well as the collective experience of some of today's best teachers, I 've created a book that outlines each step of the process for you - from the philosophy, to the asanas, to the perfect plan, to secrets that even the yogis of ancient times don't know, and everything in between.

Brilliant Yoga is over 230 pages of personalized information that will give you exactly what you need to experience the best that yoga has to offer.

"But I Already Know A Little Bit About Yoga....
Do I Really Need Your Book?"

Some of you might be saying "Oh, maybe I do know enough about yoga already." Or, "I'll just buy any book and it should be good enough." I encourage you to stop denying that you need real help if you want to discover real benefits.

You wouldn't be here if you weren't ready right now to learn the secrets to letting yoga totally transform your life.

So, it's time to stop making excuses. It 's time for you to start believing in yourself and to start experiencing life lived on your own terms.

Fully realized. Completely actualized. Totally attuned. In step and at peace with yourself.

Start living the dream life you imagine.

Allow for yoga to work its magic in your world and you will be amazed.

Ten times out of ten, after a new student reads my book, they realize that there is a whole world of self discovery out there that yoga can reveal - a sense of self they've never known.

Truly, yoga done right can unlock a life of happiness that is totally different than anything you have experienced before.

That 's why this book is so important and why I'm so happy you've found it today.

Don't worry; I know it may seem daunting at first to learn the secrets of creating the perfect yoga plan and actually following through on it - there is a lot to learn - but, trust me when I tell you, I will be with you every step of the way.

I will be here to make sure you know exactly what to do, when to do it and why you're doing it. That way, you're guaranteed to have the life-changing relationship with yoga that you so richly deserve.

If that 's not enough motivation for you, here are....

" You Need To Own Brilliant Yoga Now"

If you need any more proof to convince you that Brilliant Yoga is the book you need to help take your life to the next level, here are five of the top reasons you should grab a copy today:

  • Experience guaranteed life-changing results - starting from the very first time you pick it up, you'll understand why Brilliant Yoga is uniquely written in a way that will help empower you to change your life for the best.
  • Learn the timeless secrets to yoga done right - no matter if you are a beginner or advanced practitioner, currently suffering from pain or just looking for a way to create more balance in your life, when you are given the tools to unlock the real power of yoga, you will find unmatched balance, strength and flexibility in all parts of your life!
  • Discover how to optimize your own mind-body-spirit relationship. Greater clarity, more energy, and an irrepressible youthful vitality... this is living to the fullest like never before!
  • Quickly and easily master even the most challenging asanas.With a personalized program created just for you, you'll uncover your body's natural desire to be aligned and attuned with your greatest good. But, you don't have to take my word for it, your proven results will speak for themselves.
  • Take advantage of the best yoga guide available for far less than most of the all-purpose books that don't even really give you the customized help and support you're searching for. This is like having your own personal instructor teaching you for nearly free.

As you can imagine, there are literally hundreds of amazing reasons why you need this book, but the best is....

You deserve to treat your self and your body to the best way of living possible. Brilliant Yoga is that way. You owe it to yourself to get started right now....

That's right - you are worth it. And, if you act today, you'll also get....

"Act Now And Get THREE Phenomenal Health Boosting Bonuses for... FREE!"

When you download your copy of Brilliant Yoga, you'll also get three amazing bonuses that normally sell for $97.00... ABSOLUTELY FREE!

SUPER BONUS #1: How To Stop Back Pain
[Value $29]

In this incredible bonus 50-page eBook, you'll uncover the secrets to releasing your body from the aches, pains and everyday affects of that living has on us all.

With this one great resource, you 'll be able to unlock your body 's natural desire to heal itself - no matter if you experience chronic or just occasional stiffness.

On each page, you will gain even greater clarity on how to achieve the body-mind-spirit balance you're seeking with yoga.

I am particularly excited about sharing this brilliantly written book with you as I personally have seen incredible results from its use.

But, that's only the first of this trio of gifts I'm giving to you today....

SUPER BONUS #2: The Essential Guide to Pilates
[Value $29]

From the author of the #1 best-selling Pilates guide, this is the follow-up resource that's even better than the first!

Learn the fundamentals of doing Pilates the right way.

Written and illustrated in an easy-to-follow step-by-step format, you'll love how easy it is to learn Pilates. But, more than just learning, you'll see what a great complement Pilates is to your yoga routine.

When you combine yoga and Pilates, you'll be amazed at the results... not the least of which is finally getting the body you want!

In this fabulous 47-page book, you'll discover:

  • The best props and equipment to optimize your Pilates experience...
  • What Contrology is and why it's so important for you...
  • How to use Pilates for rebuilding your strength and regaining even more flexibility...

Then, you'll get your hands on the best instruction in six detailed sections that include such exercises as:

  • Footwork
  • Supine
  • Rowing
  • Long Box
  • Roll Down
  • Plank/Long Stretch Series
  • Stomach Massage
  • Knee Stretch
  • Kneeling
  • Leg and Long Spine
  • Open and Close
  • Hollywood Legs
  • 3-Way Hip Stretch
  • Short Box Series
  • Around the World
  • Split Series
  • And more!

As an additional bonus, there is even an outstanding section on Pilates for pregnant women to go along with the section in my own book on yoga for pregnant women. This is a must-have!

And, if that weren 't enough, there 's one more mind-blowing bonus for you when you order today....

But, you better get your order in now because the word is spreading and I'd hate it if you missed out on these special never-before-released bonuses that only I can give you!

As you read Brilliant Yoga, you can refer back to these strategic bonuses to see even more ways to create the perfect, wholly satisfying life for yourself.

In fact, the benefits from these resources alone are worth their weight in golden yogic happiness and they 're *FREE* for you when you choose to finally experience yoga as it should be in your life.

Grab a copy of my book today to receive all these amazing bonuses!

Plus, if you act now, you'll receive a 25% discount....

Wow! A 25% Discount?!
Are You Serious, Sarah?
Download Your Own Copy Today!


Special Price Alert!

Because I can't wait for you to start finding happiness through yoga, I'm offering an introductory special discount price, for a very limited time only, to celebrate the launch of this long-awaited book.

It is going to be priced at $49.95, but to celebrate the launch and help you start demystifying yoga and allowing you to feel its healing benefits sooner, I'm giving a very special discount for a very limited time. Click here to get it at over 25% off the regular price!

That's right, if you order right now you will get my book for the rock bottom price of just $37. What are you waiting for?

All my most closely-guarded secrets to making yoga work for you - page after page of easy-to-understand instructions on how to get the most out of every yoga session... all at this at such a ridiculously low price!

Yes, just for you!

But, hurry up and act now before this special discounted price ends.

Best of all, if you order now, you'll receive it seconds after your order! This is an eBook, not a bound book that would take days or even weeks to arrive.

That means no shipping charges, no waiting, no "lost in the mail" delays!

Download your copy instantly. Then, start discovering the life-changing effects of yoga almost immediately.

My book is specially designed for people like you, with information you can read right on your computer screen or print and use as often as you want... learning how to do yoga right has never been easier!

Remember: the sooner you learn from Brilliant Yoga, the faster you'll start experiencing the very real benefits! What are you waiting for? This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to let yoga create real freedom for you... and there's no risk to you at all....

What?! No risk? What do you mean? Read on....

8-week, rock solid,
money back guarantee

Get your own copy of "Brilliant Yoga: The Complete Guide to Upgrading Your Body and Life" and take 60 days to read the book thoroughly.

This will give you a chance to apply everything you learn.

If you change your mind and decide that you are not 100% thrilled with the amazing information in it, and how every page can help you change your life with a fantastic yoga program, I absolutely insist that you ask for a refund! This applies right up to the last day of my 60-day guarantee.

And, as a special thanks for your interest, you can keep the bonuses as a gift from me. Enjoy!

YES, Sarah, Give It To Me NOW!

I'm Finally Ready To Experience The Benefits Of Yoga Done Right!

I Need To Get My Hands On The Most Effective Way To End My Pain, Stiffness And Lack Of Flexibility, Shift Excess Weight And More With A Customized Yoga Plan....

I understand that by saying YES, I'll be one of the lucky people who only have to pay $49.95 $37 for this life-changing book and the amazing additional bonuses you're so generously giving me for FREE.

I can't wait to finally discover how simple it is to experience the life of my dreams when I fully realize the benefits of yoga... when I know the secrets to doing it right!

I also am thankful for the generous money-back guarantee you're offering me - it makes my decision to make a real change in my life that much easier!

With that said, I don 't want to wait any longer. I am ready to act now (especially because I want to get the special discounted price).

So please send me my copy of Brilliant Yoga right now!

Listen, it 's simple. I wrote this book based on over 25 years of experience teaching women and men of all ages, shapes, sizes and backgrounds from all around the world who were desperately seeking to find a way to learn how to benefit from yoga.

But, more than just learn it, they wanted to find a way to really incorporate a yoga program into their lives that would last for years and years, so they could permanently put an end to the stress, poor flexibility, aches and pains and more.

I'm honored to have helped so many people discover the real rewards of a personalized yoga plan.

Brilliant Yoga is the book you need to find renewed strength, flexibility, health and well being.

There definitely is a way to let yoga transform your entire life and it begins here today. And, I'm here to help you.

From beginning to end, Brilliant Yoga takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what you need to do to experience unimaginable rewards from yoga.

You owe it to yourself to learn these time-tested secrets to total body-mind-spirit transformation.

Please don't let another day go by without tapping into these proven techniques!

With my step-by-step and supportive instructions written in a playful easy-to-understand way, you 're assured a book that will make you smile on every page... and guaranteed a book that will help you find the balanced, stress-free and healthful life you're seeking, quickly and easily.

To finding health and happiness through yoga,

Sarah Sanders
Author, Brilliant Yoga: The Complete Guide to Upgrading Your Body and Life

P.S. In a few minutes, you can begin quickly and easily learning how to overcome any of your doubts and fears about yoga and start successfully practicing today.

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You're about to discover a brand new you through yoga done right that will reveal a better, happier, and more fulfilling self than you ever imagined.

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P.P.S. Stop wasting precious time looking for help in the wrong places.

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