
You CAN feel younger - by a decade - in only 28 days

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You CAN feel younger - by a decade - in only 28 days

How I Turned Back The Clock On Aches, Pains, Stress And Stiffness

"A 'scientific' yoga teacher transformed me from 'yoga-hating' fitness trainer to 'flexibility guru' - and showed me the millennia-old secrets YOU can use to feel younger, stress-free, flexible and even SLIMMER

(WITHOUT chanting a single 'omm')"

How science-based yoga will give you back the energy, pain-free movement and carefree playfulness of your youth - in as little as 28 days!

An important article by Adam Steer


A decade ago, if you told me I'd be using yoga in my training I'd have punched you in the nose. [...ok, maybe not... but I would not have been amused...]

Yep, I used to be a yoga-hater. And I still wouldn't consider myself a "yoga guy." But I've taught "yoga" classes. And I include yoga-inspired movements in all the fitness programs I write for my clients.

So how did I become a believer?

It all started in 1999. I was teaching a workshop in Singapore. After a mammoth 24 hour trip from Quebec City, I was achy, tired and stiff.

Looking back, I guess that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I looked like I was in great shape on the outside....

But the truth...! I felt like crap! I was tired of waking up with aches and pains every

morning. And I was frustrated - I couldn't even raise my right arm above my head!

"I was tired of aches and pains...!"

Even sitting was a problem. Yeah, can you imagine??? When I got down on the floor with my legs stretched out, I couldn't sit with a straight back. I had to lean and support myself on my arms.

"I had NO energy..."

And I was so sick of feeling lethargic every afternoon. I drank cup after cup of industrial strength coffee just to get through my day. But the thing that bugged me most...

"I was wound up like an elastic band waiting to snap
- but I HATED stretching"

I was an injury waiting to happen. Stuff I could do with EASE only a few years ago became more and more difficult - and painful.

"I used to be tied up in knots!"

I suffered from a long string of small injuries. And ALL of them were set off by what would normally be "safe" movements - grabbing grocery bags from the trunk, picking up my nephew, or even getting up too fast from the couch.

The smallest things caused me pain and discomfort.

I was obviously at a breaking point.

I knew I should stretch. Or something...

I wanted to start taking care of my body. But I didn't follow through. Why?

"I just hated 'stretching'..."

In hindsight, I think it's because I found stretching so darned boring! I'd add some flexibility and deep tissue work into my program, and then let it drop...

"This flexibility method makes you WANT to take the time..."

"I had the time..."

It's not like I didn't have the TIME to stretch. I was working out almost 10 hours per week. I had time to watch a bunch of stupid shows on TV. But I still wasn't including the stuff that would actually make me feel better.

"Then something changed..."

Lucky for me, something changed in Singapore. Like I said, I was there giving a workshop. And my co-presenter was a longtime friend, Kris Fondran.

Years before, Kris told me she was deep into the practice of yoga.

I'd never been big on yoga [...I'm just being polite... I thought it was stupid], so I didn't pay much attention.

But I felt so crappy back then, I was ready to try anything. This seemed like a golden opportunity. Here I was, hanging out with a world-class yoga teacher!

And now I can tell you that there IS such a thing as FUN flexibility. Using it has improved my life in so many ways...

You CAN feel younger - by a decade - in only 28 days

Fast forward just 4 weeks... Wow! It was like I shaved off a decade worth of aging in only a month!

Can you imagine what that feels like? A month from now, the aches and pains you feel today are practically a thing of the past. Your energy levels are twice what they are right now. And you feel confident and more powerful in every movement you make.

That's what it was like for me.

My shoulder wasn't completely healed. It's not like I was going around walking on my hands or anything. But I WAS able to raise my arm straight up over my head without pain!

I wasn't able to fold myself in two. But I COULD sit on the floor with my legs stretched out and my back straight. I didn't have to lean back and support myself on my arms anymore.

And I wasn't living in fear. Picking up boxes from the floor didn't worry me. I wasn't scared of "tweaking" something every time I jumped up out of a chair.

It didn't happen all at once, though. It just kind of "crept up" on me. Until one day, while I was dragging the trash out to the curb, I realized...

I FEEL GREAT! I seriously felt better than I had in the past 10 years. I could hardly believe it.

But the disappearing aches and pains were only a small part of what I realized that day...

THIS is what doubling your energy FEELS like...

At first, I didn't really make the connection...

It's kinda like watching a loved one grow older. You don't notice from day to day. But when you look at an old photo of the person, you suddenly realize how much he or she has changed.

I'd been following Kris's plan, but I guess I was just on auto-pilot - hoping it would work. It's only when I started trying to figure out why I felt so much better that I clued in. The yoga routine was working!

And that's when I made another amazing discovery. I had WAY more energy than I did just a month before. Without even realizing it, I was no longer having those afternoon crashes.

I was SLEEPING better at night too. And my energy was steady throughout the day.

It's almost like I'd been living in a ZOMBIE state before. And I was finally AWAKE again!

It makes a lot of sense. A 2004 study published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback demonstrated significant improvement in sleep quality among "insomniacs" who added a simple yoga practice to their daily routine.

And in a 2011 Japanese study, women who practiced yoga scored better on something called the Profile of Mood States questionnaire. They had lower fatigue, tension, anxiety and mental disturbance than women who didn't practice yoga. They also had a higher "vigor" score.

Finally a CURE for your "energy drain"

We live in an "exhausted" society. And I'm sure you've had first hand experience with the ever present "energy drain" of modern life. What a relief it is to learn that a simple physical practice can give such an amazing energy boost. And not just a temporary jolt, but permanent improvement.

When I looked at the science, I found a lot of good reasons to start doing yoga. It goes so far beyond that initial "flexibility" I was looking for.

I'm so glad I asked Kris for help. But to be honest, it almost never happened...

How a dumb false belief almost left me in
pain and discomfort - permanently

It's true. I almost passed up my chance to work with Kris. If you're like me, maybe you would too. Are you jaded by the pajama-clad nonsense associated with yoga? I sure was...

I'm pretty sure if it had been ANYONE else, I'd have taken a pass...

To understand why, you need to know a little more about Kris.

She may be devoted to yoga, but she's so much more than that.

To start with, she's got a post graduate degree in Exercise Physiology. And get this... She actually did her Masters Thesis on the benefits of yoga - studying the same routine she later used to develop her own unique teaching approach.

Kris is also a former athlete and a talented coach. She comes from a figure skating background. And she still coaches young skaters and hockey players to excel at their sport.

She's even been a competitive marathon runner. She understands the cause-and-effect relationship between training and results.

Hearing Kris talk about yoga in such a NO-nonsense way was like a breath of fresh air. I'd finally found someone who could explain this stuff from a SCIENTIFIC perspective.

Yeah, she hinted at some of the spiritual benefits she tapped into, but she talked to me about the physical practice of yoga. And that's something I could relate to.

Introducing Kris Fondran
- The No-Nonsense Yoga Guru

For over a decade, Kristine Fondran has studied and taught yoga as a method of increasing flexibility while reducing mental and emotional stress. Her passion has taken her to more courses and retreats than she could possibly count, and it eventually led her to embrace yoga as a way of life, completely immersing herself in the discipline.

Kris also brings a scientific lens to her practice. In a research study for her Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology, she documented how a simple 10-minute, twice per day practice of yoga could have a profound effect, both physically and mentally, even for total beginners.

Inspired by these results, she created the Mobile Yoga Workout to combine the health and flexibility benefits of yoga with the conditioning benefits of inline skating. The program took off like wildfire, appearing in such major publications as Shape, Fitness, Girls Life, and Cosmopolitan.

The clarity of her presentation and the results she gets with her clients mean that Kris is in constant demand for seminars and workshops around the world. She has shared her knowledge of fitness and health, including her specialties yoga and inline skating, with groups in Slovenia, Germany, Holland, China, Singapore, Canada and all over the United States.

"At last, a science-based flexibility program you'll have FUN sticking to!"

"Every pose had a purpose"

The seed that was planted in Singapore continued to grow. I followed Kris' advice. I used the routine she showed me every day. And for the first time I actually had FUN "stretching."

I still think stretching is boring. But Kris' yoga is something different.

When you start practicing yoga, you'll discover something lost on most pajama-clad western "gurus." Yoga is NOT about chanting "omm" and discovering your chakras...

Yoga is more about MOVEMENT than MEDITATION.

That was a huge revelation to me! Don't get me wrong though...

You'll have your moments of "self-awareness" through yoga. But they'll come as a "side-effect" of mastering the MOVEMENT. And that's what I really dig!

Kris was able to show me a yoga stripped of superstition and ritual. She taught me a routine that was all "go" and no "show." Every pose had a purpose. And it all came together to give me exactly the results I was looking for - pain-free movement, agility, energy and focus.

Why yoga is so much more fun than stretching

When you were a kid, did you have something you LOVED to do? Was there anything you happily spent hours practicing? For me it was basketball.

Even though I'm only 5"6', I had dreams of being a basketball star! And I spent so many hours mastering my game each and every day - well, except in the frosty Canadian winter of course.

I'd get home from school and head out to the court. I'd come back for a quick supper and go out again until it was too dark to see. And I never got tired of it. Why?

I got such a rush out of improving my skills. Every day I'd get a bit better at my jump shot. Or I'd improve my hook shot a bit. Or my dribbling would improve. I could FEEL it happening.

I didn't enjoy the wind sprints or the long jogs our basketball coach subjected us to - there's no skill in that. But I loved the challenge of mastering the moves.

And that's why yoga is so cool. You're constantly refining your skill at poses and transitions. Just when you think you've mastered something, you'll discover a new dimension that takes you even deeper.

That's why you'll always feel drawn to your yoga sessions. And that's why you'll never be able to stick to a stretching plan.

Science-based yoga is leaps and bounds better
than commercial classes...

Before I get myself in trouble, I have to admit that there ARE some great yoga teachers out there. But they're few and far between.

The problem with yoga in the Western world - the yoga you see in most commercial gyms - is that something's been "lost in translation." In other words, most of the yoga you'll find in your neighborhood has been seriously watered down.

Yoga teachers are getting "certified" through correspondence courses or 2-day workshops. And they don't need to have ANY background in exercise or teaching.

Authentic yoga teachers with a solid background in exercise physiology are very hard to find. But they're definitely worth searching for.

Teachers like Kris are able to cut through the fluff and deliver the full benefits of a no-nonsense PHYSICAL yoga practice. They won't make you chant "omm" or try to find your chakras.

That doesn't mean they don't respect the spiritual side of yoga, though. Kris openly discusses the emotional and spiritual benefits she's enjoyed through her practice. But that's not what she teaches. Rather, it's a side effect. And it's not the only one...

Goodbye flat butt...! - the RIGHT Yoga even makes you
LOOK better

The "yoga butt" is for real

Ever heard of the "yoga butt"? No, I'm not making that up. Yoga practitioners are so famous for having great butts that they even invented a term for it.

I firmly believe that if you want to look better, you have to actually change your SHAPE. Losing weight won't do it. It's the form of the muscle under your skin that gives you your "look."

And good yoga is a fantastic way to redesign your body and shape your muscles. After all, yoga is a systematic approach to bodyweight resistance training. You have to actively control the weight of your body in space during a yoga session - and that tones and shapes your muscles.

The most important body parts to develop when you're redesigning your body are the butt, hips, shoulders and core. By carefully reshaping these areas, you'll get closer to the "golden ratio" that gives you a universal visual appeal that's hardwired into our human psyche.

The weight bearing poses of yoga are the perfect way to work on those key body parts.

Studies show yoga can even help you stay SLIM

But beyond simply sculpting your muscles and giving you a nicer shape, there's solid evidence that regular yoga practice can even help you lose weight or avoid weight gain.

In 2005, researchers from Seattle found that overweight people who practice yoga tend to lose weight. "Those practicing yoga who were overweight to start with lost about 5 pounds during the same time period those not practicing yoga gained 14 pounds," says Kristal the head researcher.

These researchers also discovered that practicing yoga helped people who were not overweight to avoid putting on extra pounds compared to those who didn't practice yoga.

One of the ways yoga may affect weight loss is through something called "insulin sensitivity." Insulin is your body's "storage" hormone - shuttling energy and nutrients from your blood into your cells.

If your insulin sensitivity goes down, you store more energy as fat instead of storing it in muscles and other lean tissue.

In 2008, Indian researchers discovered that regular yoga practice of at least one year increases insulin sensitivity. That's great news if you're trying to lose fat and sculpt a more shapely body!

Real Life Yoga Study "Lab Rat" Loses Weight

Karin Faletic, - Participant in Kris' yoga study

"Kris, the best testimonial I can give is that I learned first hand the benefits of a yoga routine. Not only did I lose weight during the time of your study, but I became more flexible, felt energized, and felt good about my body and self inside and out. Like you said, it does have a huge calming effect. Just taking the time by improving yourself with Yoga helps improve your health."

"My "GAME" is better than ever!"
(Your friends will never guess WHY you're kicking their butts!)

I spent over two decades as a ski instructor, and later as director of a big ski school. For most of that time, I spent HOURS perfecting my skiing each and every day. Nowadays, I'm getting TWICE the results on the slopes for HALF the effort.

I'm retired from the ski industry. I ski less than I ever have - sometimes only a couple hours a week. But my performance hasn't gotten worse. In fact, I'm skiing better than ever. And I give all the credit to Kris for introducing me to her style of yoga.

The poses keep me limber. That means I'm able to react and recover from unexpected situations on the slopes. And my yoga practice gives me a better feel for the "spacial orientation" of my body. This is critical in skiing, and it allows me to find my FLOW quickly and easily.

Competitive Figure Skater Turns To Kris To Boost Performance

Natascia Zullo, -Competitive Figure Skater, College Student, Cleveland, OH

"A few summers ago I chose to incorporate yoga into my training in order to maximize my flexibility. It is crucial for a figure skater to be fluid, graceful, and strong; my experience with Kris Fondran continues to help me attain these qualities. I reached my goal to improve my flexibility; however, I learned that the key to better results is maintaining and uniting a healthy mind and body. Kris made "yoga class" inviting, fun, and enjoyable and I would strongly recommend her class for the competitive athlete or the exercise enthusiast."

Keep running for LIFE - and how Kris improved HER running

Although she no longer runs competitively, Kris still enjoys a good jog. And thanks to her yoga practice, her joints stay healthy no matter how much road time she puts in. But that's not all...

Yoga has also given Kris a better and more efficient stride. That means she can run longer and stronger and get even more fat burning and endurance building benefits from her workout.

Is it really possible to run without all those overuse injuries and long term pain?

If you run, you'll be interested in this...

On a 1 mile run, your feet hit the ground a thousand times. Ouch! And the impact of every footfall is equal to three to four times your bodyweight. No wonder your knees, hips and low back start complaining!

But it's not running that causes these problems. It's muscle imbalances.

Every step you take during your run emphasizes these imbalances. And over time they place wear and tear on your joints and connective tissue. Until they suddenly "snap"...

But bring your body back into balance and you can keep on running for as long as you like!

That's what Kris discovered. And that's what YOU can enjoy if you follow her advice.

Turn your golf swing into a high-precision rifle

Every small imbalance ruins your perfect swing

Golf is a gentle sport, right? Think again!

A golf swing travels at 100 mph and involves potentially dangerous twisting of the spine. And a typical player makes something like 120 swings during the average round of golf.

That's a lot of wear and tear!

If your body isn't in balance, every one of those swings takes you one step closer to injury.

And every small imbalance you carry gets in the way of the PERFECT SWING. Tight hips, weak shoulders and a lack of mobility in the upper back can all sabotage your best efforts at great technique.

You can spend as many hours as you like with an expensive golf pro. It won't make any difference to your game if your body can't do what your pro is asking...

I've got more strength and power than ever before
(even at my age)

I'm 40 now. And I can say without reservation that I'm stronger and more powerful than I've EVER been in my life. I played high school football. I've trained with weights since I was 14. I spent more hours in the weight room than I can possibly count. And I've never been as powerful as I am today.


I can FEEL my body better than ever. And because of that, I can contract my muscles harder than I ever could when I was just BUSTING A GUT trying to push as much weight as possible. Now I can train SMART instead of just hard.

I developed that body awareness through the postures in Kris' program.

My performance in the weight room has reached a personal peak. But better still, yoga has kept me INJURY FREE. And that's no small feat for someone who spends so much time at a desk...

College Football Player Uses Kris' Yoga As Warmup For Practices

Erwin Thomas, - Cuyahoga County Spartans

"Yoga was great. It helped me focus and relax. It helped me stretch better and feel loosened up before football practice. Coach Kris was excellent and the team really appreciated her time."

Which jobs should REQUIRE employees to do PROPER yoga?

Anyone who sits at a desk needs to be doing this stuff!

"Back in the day" I got to spend most of my time out on the slopes or on the gym floor working with my clients. But as I've gradually changed my focus to helping people all over the world by bringing my knowledge to the internet, I'm spending way more time than I'd like in front of a computer screen.

But - knock on wood - my body seems no worse for wear. And that's surprising, because most of the "desk jockey" clients I work with are plagued by the typical aches and pains associated with sitting all day long.

Whether they're at a desk or traveling on commute, they spend most of their time training their bodies to be "chair shaped." Sloping shoulders, tight hips and dormant butt muscles are all symptoms of "Desk Jockey Syndrome" (DJS).

The only reason I don't suffer from DJS myself is because of yoga. That's why it's the exact same cure I use for clients who come to me with these problems. And the results are VISIBLE in just 3-4 weeks!

Anyone who sits at a desk needs to be doing this stuff! But they aren't the only ones.

Jobs that involve any kind of REPETITIVE task should include some form of good physical yoga practice. Repetition causes muscle imbalances over time... unless you compensate for it.

Here are a few of the jobs that would benefit from yoga practice:

  • Executives
  • Receptionists
  • Sales reps
  • Factory workers
  • Nurses
  • Writers
  • Secretaries
  • Waitresses
  • And the list goes on...

Are you REALLY "injury prone"?

For years, I thought I was just injury prone. No matter what I was doing at the time - football, hockey, sailing, skiing or even just jogging - it seemed like I was always pulling or tweaking something.

It's incredibly frustrating to be so close to the top of your game - or almost at your hard won physique goal - and then to get injured. All your progress comes to a grinding halt. And you feel like you have to start the whole journey over again once you heal.

I rarely get the kind of injuries that used to completely derail my training

Not only that, but once you do feel better you're constantly worried it's going to happen again. And it usually does. Because the ROOT of the problem is still there...

Muscle imbalance.

Yep, it call comes back to keeping your body in balance. Nowadays, I rarely get the kind of injuries that used to completely derail my training and other activities. I train hard, so I get the odd tweak. But nothing like back in the day when I was convinced I was "injury prone."

The simple practice of keeping my muscles in balance has allowed me to work out harder and play harder without constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for an injury to happen.

Nagging BACK PAIN even goes away!

I'm lucky. I've never suffered from serious back pain. But I've got plenty of clients who have.

And 9 times out of 10, the problem has nothing to do with their lower back. They usually have tight hips or a lack of mobility in the upper back. Those are the REAL problems they needed to address. And the addition of some simple yoga moves clears up most of these symptoms in a matter of weeks.

Research supports my approach to back pain. A 2011 study published in The Archives Of Internal Medicine showed that yoga practice improves chronic low back pain. After only 12 weekly classes, patients showed better function and reduced symptoms.

Do you need PROTECTION from these two common complaints?

You've probably been the victim of at least ONE of these two villains. I sure have!

Tendonitis? Had that. Bursitis? Been there...

These two common problems are the source of most of our aches and pains. And they don't just show up out of nowhere.

We get tendonitis and bursitis when things are out of whack. Think of it this way. If the wheels of your car aren't aligned, what's going to happen? You'll get uneven wear on your tires. And if you let it go on long enough, they could even develop bald spots and burst.

The same thing happens to your tendons and bursa. Your tendons are the "cables" that attach your muscles to bone. And your bursa are the sacks of fluid that sit under tendons and muscle to make sure they glide smoothly over those bony areas.

If your muscles and joints aren't aligned properly, you get wear. And that's when you get tendonitis and bursitis.

And what's one of the best ways to keep your body in alignment? Yep, you guessed it. Yoga.

Better sex?

Okay, now I'm getting carried away. Or am I? Yoga won't REALLY improve your sex life... will it?

Yoga may rival the Kama Sutra

Well, I've got big news. The Kama Sutra was NOT the only sex enhancing secret to come out of ancient India. Yoga practice has also been shown to improve your sex life.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine published an article about sexually unsatisfied women. Those who practiced yoga reported improved levels of desire and arousal. And they even had better orgasms!

In an Indian study, men suffering from premature ejaculation had the choice of conventional drug treatment or yoga. Those who practiced yoga enjoyed noticeably better control over ejaculation.

No, we don't talk about it much. But sex plays such an important role in our wellbeing. Better sex relieves stress. It also has a positive effect on your hormones.

A high-quality sex life is one of the fastest and most overlooked ways to improve your mental, emotional and even physical health. Another point for yoga...

If people seem to show you more RESPECT... it's not a coincidence

Hmm. It seems that yoga might even help you get a little MORE sex. Let me explain...

The way people perceive you has a lot to do with how you carry yourself.

For example, I'm short. When I'm tired or feeling down, I slouch. So I look even shorter. But when I'm feeling confident and happy, I square up my shoulders and I look taller.

I didn't actually grow or shrink - obviously. But the perception of height changes. And that effect of posture on how people perceive you goes much deeper than just your height.

When you stand tall and have good posture, people think of you as more:

  • competent
  • confident
  • able
  • strong
  • vigorous
  • sexually appealing

You can use that to your advantage by developing better posture. And yoga is one of the best ways to do it.

Physical balance is a big part of any GOOD yoga program. Your job, daily commute, old injuries and a ton of other factors GUARANTEE that you've got muscle imbalances. And imbalances cause bad posture.

The more balanced your muscles are, the better you'll look. That means people will see you differently. As the old saying goes, "You only have one chance to make a first impression."

But yoga won't just make you "look" younger. It can actually "turn back the clock"...

Controlling this "aging" hormone restores youthfulness

There's something fishy about the hormone cortisol.

Especially if you're a salmon! You may have heard that salmon die right after they make their epic upstream journey to lay eggs in their spawning grounds. But do you know why?

A hormone called cortisol is the culprit. It's our "stress" hormone.

Marine biologists have discovered that these salmon have crazy high levels of cortisol right after they spawn. And physically, these fish are a mess. They have ulcers, wounds that won't heal, all sorts of nasty infections and a messed up immune system. All due to their out of control cortisol!

But when researchers removed the adrenal glands of spawning salmon and eliminated the cortisol, the salmon remained right as rain! They lived for another year without any signs of premature aging. That means they added as much as 30% to their lifespan!

So fish get old real quick when their cortisol goes crazy. But what about humans? Yep, us too... Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco discovered a direct link between stress and accelerated aging.

In fact, they figured out that stress actually damages your genes at a cellular level.

So what can we do about it? Chill out. Do yoga.

In 2009, Indian researchers showed that cancer patients following a yoga program had lower levels of cortisol than those who did not.

And heck, for thousands of years yoga practitioners have been yelling from the rooftops about the stress-relieving benefits of their practice.

It's both time-tested AND scientifically proven to relieve stress and reduce cortisol. And since we know that both play a huge role in aging, doesn't it make sense to do whatever we can to keep them in check?

Like going on your own daily retreat - but FREE and QUICK

I suppose you could go to a spa every day. Or maybe just get a massage. Both of those things are also great for reducing stress and controlling cortisol. But they get a bit expensive after a while.

Why not just do a quick yoga session every day instead? Once you've spent a little time mastering the basics, a short yoga flow routine is all you'll need to stay on track. And it won't cost you anything either.

In her post-graduate research study, Kris proved that even a 10 minute daily routine has profound benefits.

Sooth your soul (even if you don't mean to)

Ok, I admit it. There IS a "spiritual" side to good yoga. But as far as I'm concerned, it's accidental and incidental. If you practice the PHYSICAL side of yoga, you'll tap into a sharper sense of wellbeing and you'll feel more centered.

I'm NOT talking about hocus-pocus nonsense!

I'm not talking about some kind of hocus-pocus mystical experience though. What I'm talking about is the GROOVE that has been well documented elsewhere.

Athletes often talk about being in the groove. They feel like they're outside themselves watching their own performance, almost in slow motion.

In fact, I bet YOU have felt the groove. Have you ever been so absorbed in an activity and suddenly realize that hours have gone by? Or perhaps you were driving home along a familiar route and all of a sudden you ended up in the driveway, barely aware of how you got there. THAT is the groove.

Yoga just happens to be particularly effective at helping you tap into that groove and access that sense of centered wellbeing.

In a study done on sports teachers in 1993, Indian researchers discovered that teachers who underwent yoga instruction had a lower heart rate and respiratory rate. They also had a "steadier hand" (or in geek-speak, they had improved somatic steadiness). Hmm... sounds like they were in the groove.

And just this year, researchers at the University of Delhi found that managers increased their "Emotional Intelligence" after only 6 days of yoga training!

University Prof finds better FOCUS through Kris' yoga class

William Beasley, - University Professor Cleveland State University

"Kris, I found yoga in general to be very helpful in the area of flexibility and even more so in the area of balance for someone in middle age (I'm 55). Perhaps more importantly, over time it had a huge calming and centering effect -- extremely helpful in concentrating and focusing my attention. As far as your class was concerned... the pace was wellmatched to the students, you did well in explaining and modeling the asanas, and you differentiated effectively for students at different levels of fitness and proficiency. I'm delighted to hear you'll be back in August, and hope that means that your class will be back on the CSU schedule for Fall 2012.."

This "yoga basic" is the KEY to everything
(and usually overlooked)

The KEY to wellbeing, high-performance and health is breath.

When I was teaching skiing, I often shocked my students by improving their skiing WITHOUT ever commenting on their technique. I could focus on nothing but breathing properly for an entire 60 minute lesson. And they'd improve more in those 60 minutes than they did in the 6 previous years!

Why is breathing such a powerful tool?

It's the ONLY conscious control mechanism we have over our nervous system. Holding your breath or taking quick shallow breaths will excite your "fight or flight" response. But soft, easy and controlled breathing will induce your "parasympathetic" response, calming you down.

You can't WILL yourself to calm down. Breath is the only bridge between your conscious mind and the automatic responses of your nervous system. That's why it's so important.

And that's why people who practice yoga end up being calmer and more collected in stressful situations. And that leads to a ton of beneficial "side effects" related to controlling your stress.

But if you want those kinds of benefits, you have to do the RIGHT kind of yoga. You need nononsense yoga based on scientific principles and on the physical movements.

How to avoid the "competitive posers" at the yoga studio

Yoga isn't about what "everyone else" is doing. It's about feeling each pose for yourself. It's about getting better at your movements with each session.

Great yoga is about your own movement (not fancy studios)

That's hard to do when you're worried about the person next to you with the $200 yoga mat and the designer yoga jammies that probably cost as much as your entire wardrobe.

That's the number one thing that stopped most of my clients from doing yoga before they started working with me. They were embarrassed about doing the yoga poses in front of other people. And they were self-conscious about being compared to the rest of the class - or at least to the folks that looked like they "knew what they were doing."

But once I showed them the stuff I learned from Kris, they were hooked.

You don't need a fancy studio to discover great yoga. Practicing a yoga program at home will give you all the flexibility, weight management, focus, pain reduction and performance benefits that yoga has to offer.

Like I said earlier, all I had to do was practice the stuff Kris showed me in Singapore for 4 short weeks before I felt younger by a decade. And it just keeps getting better...

Here's what I've done for YOU

After showing Kris' stuff to people for years, I started thinking that it'd be so much easier if I could just send them right to Kris for help. But of course, Kris lives thousands of miles from me...

So last year I started hounding her to create a yoga program with videos and manuals that people could use at home. After months of pestering, she agreed. [...She's a bit of a perfectionist, so it took a while to convince her she could do her subject justice through videos and manuals...]

The final product is everything I hoped it would be...!

I'm proud to introduce Kris Fondran's brand new Shapeshifter Yoga. It's the most no-nonsense, science-based yoga I've seen. And it's now available for everyone!

Here's Everything You'll Get With The Brand New Shapeshifter Yoga Program...

Shapeshifter Yoga Manual ($47 Value)

Your instantly downloadable Shapeshifter Yoga Manual contains everything you need to start feeling younger, banish aches and pains and rebalance your body - all in a matter of weeks! We reveal the secrets of stretching, including how often to stretch for the fastest results, and exactly what mistakes to avoid in each physiological phase of a stretch.

Your Manual also explains exactly how to progress from the "long form" Shapeshifter Yoga practice - where you work to master the skills and build your knowledge of each pose - to the 10-minute Shapeshifter Flow, where you put it all together into a fluid stress releasing routine. This is your master key to success.

Yoga Pose Manual ($19 Value)

Are you the sort of person who prefers print to video? Do you just need a quick reference for an exercise, but don't feel like opening the video library or digging out your ipod? No problem! Your Yoga Pose Manual

Shapeshifter Yoga was carefully designed to speak to every learning style, so whether you respond best to visual explanations, text or audio, we've got ya covered!

Yoga Flow Routine Guide ($19 Value)

You don't have time for guessing games, and neither do we. The Shapeshifter Yoga Flow Routine Guide makes it even easier to stick with your practice. Simply print up these quick reference charts and post them in your training area. They'll inspire you and make all your yoga sessions a breeze.

Yoga Pose Video Library ($47 Value)

This component alone is worth its weight in gold! Kris walks you through every pose and dynamic exercise in the Shapeshifter Yoga program. And she does it with a greater degree of clarity, accessibility and scientific accuracy than you've ever seen in a yoga program.

You can watch the videos from your desktop or take advantage of the smartphone friendly version on your iPhone or other mobile device. The exercises are portable, and so is the program!

Shapeshifter Yoga Follow Along Video ($57 Value)

There's no excuse for missing a session when all you have to do is plug in a video and follow along. Kris coaches you through every pose in the Shapeshifter Yoga program, keeping you on track and priming you to go deeper into the stretch in each and every workout. What an incredible motivator! It's like having your own yoga coach right by your side!

You can watch the videos online, download them to your desktop, or drop the iPod ready m4v version straight into your portable device to take your follow-along workouts with you wherever you go.

Shapeshifter Flow Routine Follow Along Video
($37 Value)

We're really excited about this component! Kris walks you step by step through the Shapeshifter Flow, teaching you to tap into that groove, reminding you how to work with your breath, and giving exactly the right movement cues right when you need them so you get the most out of each session. Working with this video will put you on the fast track to increasing your performance and feeling better all day long!

You can watch the videos online, download them to your desktop, or drop the iPod ready m4v version straight into your portable device to take your follow-along workouts with you wherever you go.


Follow Along Audio Files ($19 Value)

Don't have access to video in your training area, and not the type who can learn movements from print? Don't worry, we've got ya covered! With the Shapeshifter Yoga Follow Along Audio Files, you can load your teacher right onto your ipod or portable music device! Simply plug in your headphones and move through the follow along routine, and Kris will be there to cue you on each phase of the pose! Simply follow along and reap the rewards. We've made it that simple.

With a face value of $245, you may be surprised at the affordable one-time price you'll pay for this entire 7 piece program. Like I said earlier, I hounded Kris to make this program available because I wanted to help people get the same benefits as I did from yoga.

So right now you can get the entire Shapeshifter Yoga system for a one-time payment of only...


Warning: This is not for you IF...

I want to be upfront with you. This may not be the perfect yoga for everyone. So if any of the following applies to you, you're definitely NOT in the right place...

  • You like to chant "omm" when you do yoga
  • You'd rather search out your chakras than perfect your yoga poses
  • You don't think yoga poses can be challenging exercise
  • You'd rather hang out chatting at the yoga studio than get the physical benefits of the practice
  • You want magical and instant results without putting in the time to perfect your movement
  • You think expensive yoga jammies are the coolest thing about yoga

If any of those things sound like you, then Shapeshifter Yoga is not for you. But...

If you want to start feeling younger in a matter of weeks, increase your flexibility in only days, shape your body, and get rid of those nagging aches and pains that've been bothering you, then you are definitely IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

If you're SERIOUS about turning back the clock, increasing your performance and feeling better all day long, and you're ready to put in some effort, the Shapeshifter Yoga system will give you everything you need to experience the energy, pain free movement and physique you deserve - GUARANTEED.

"But What if it Doesn't Work For Me?"

"But What if it Doesn't Work For Me?"

Then It's ALL FREE.

Listen, I know Kris' system works. It worked on me, on her students and on all the clients I've introduced it to. But at the same time, I understand that you might still be skeptical, so I want to do everything I can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you.

And for that exact reason, here's what I'm going to do. For each and every customer who orders, we're going to extend our Iron-Clad, 60-day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee:

Simply put, if you follow the Shapeshifter Yoga system exactly as outlined in the materials, and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with the results you achieve from doing so, just contact me and I'll refund your money. It's that simple.

I stand behind the product we've put together with Kris and the powerful results you'll achieve, but if for some strange reason it doesn't yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.

So are you ready to feel younger, stress-free, flexible and even SLIMMER (WITHOUT chanting a single 'omm')?

I admit... if you went back to school and earned a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology, did a postgraduate thesis on the benefits of yoga, trained with one of the world's top yoga teachers, sifted through every research paper ever written on yoga, studied the anatomy and physiology of the human body, and then travelled around the world applying that information to students of every age and every level... well, you'd certainly be able to develop an equally effective science-based yoga program, just like Kris did with Shapeshifter Yoga.

But why bother? Instead you could:

  • Skip all that work
  • Rely on the fact that Kris already did ALL that for you
  • Start feeling younger right away with a proven system
  • And do so totally risk-free with your results guaranteed

This should be one of the easiest decisions you've ever made.

I can't wait to hear YOUR story in a few short weeks. I'm excited to learn how Kris' yoga improved your life the most.

Adam Steer

-ps- Remember, with our Iron-clad 100% Money-back Guarantee, we're giving you 60 risk-free days to discover what countless others already have - this is the only science-based no-nonsense yoga program EVER developed. Click here to grab it RISK-FREE today.

-pps- Still have a question? We probably already answered it below!

Q: What is Shapeshifter Yoga and what makes it so much better than other yoga programs?

Unlike other forms of yoga, Shapeshifter Yoga is science-based. We focus on movement - the nononsense details of the physical practice - from a scientific perspective and let other beneficial byproducts take care of themselves.

You won't find any "woo woo" in Shapeshifter Yoga. What you will find are results: pain-free movement, agility, energy and focus.

A month from now, the aches and pains you feel today could be a thing of the past. You may improve your sleep. You could experience lower fatigue, tension, anxiety and mental disturbance. You'll increase your chances of losing weight or staying slim. And you'll most likely improve in every physical activity or sport you do. Most importantly, you'll learn how to have fun with stretching. And that leads to long term transformation.

Q: I've never tried yoga, can I still use this system?

Yes! Shapeshifter Yoga starts slowly and moves ahead at your own pace. Yoga should be experienced as something that feels good, and our program promotes incremental flexibility that is enjoyable, challenging and injury free.

Q: Do I need any special equipment to do this program?

It really depends on your floor or training surface. We do suggest using a yoga or "sticky" mat during the Shapeshifter Flow. It'll provide a bit of cushioning for your knees and keep your feet from slipping during the session.

Apart from that, all you need are comfortable loose fitting clothes. You'll find it difficult to relax and reach your full range of motion if you're experiencing physical discomfort from tight or binding clothing. But no need to buy expensive gym bunny "yoga clothes"! Whatever you feel most comfortable in will do just fine.

Q: I want to get started right away, do I have to wait for you to ship the program?

No! The entire program will become immediately available to you via download after your purchase - no shipping fees and no waiting for results!

Q: I've done yoga programs before and didn't like them. How is this different?

Shapeshifter Yoga is different because it it promotes the safe and gradual development of flexibility through breath and body awareness. We emphasize the science behind the movement, so you won't have to put up with vague explanations or hazy mysticism.

You'll also enjoy the "flow" aspect of the program, and you'll find that your practice becomes a "moving meditation" rather than a chore. You'll learn how to get into the zone the same way an athlete hones in on the perfect game. And you'll discover that getting into that state is a great way to unwind. There's nothing mystical about it. All of these benefits are accessible to you through the physical practice.

Q: I'm not a spring chicken anymore, does this work for older people like me?

Of course! The movements and postures included in Shapeshifter Yoga are presented in a way that allows you to develop a foundation of flexibility and strength safely over time. In fact, you may benefit MORE than the average person. You'll increase your pain-free range of motion and your functional movement with the innovative mobility and flexibility exercises in the program. You'll also improve your balance and coordination, the loss of which has been shown to accelerate aging.

Here's the key. With stretching, as with any workout, you must learn to differentiate between "hurts so good" and "just plain hurts." If something doesn't feel right, stop doing it immediately. There's probably a modified or alternate posture you can use to work the same muscle group. And if there isn't one in the program, send an email to our help desk and we'll create one for you.

Q: I'm an experienced yogi / yogini, will I still benefit from this program?

Yes, you can certainly benefit from the program, but it really depends on your level of openness and your willingness to slow down and go back to the basics. Experienced yoga practitioners often forget that the beauty and benefits of yoga can be found in the simplest movements and postures. It's human nature to continue to push the limits, and this is especially common among athletic types. But push too hard for too long and we often lose sight of why we started something in the first place. Going back to the basics can remind you of how even the simplest movements can provide the most profound effects.

Q: What if this program doesn't work for me?

Then It's ALL FREE.

Simply put, if you follow the Shapeshifter Yoga system exactly as outlined in the materials, and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with the results you achieve from doing so, just contact me and I'll refund your money. It's that simple.

I stand behind the product we've put together with Kris and the powerful results you'll achieve, but if for some strange reason it doesn't yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.

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