
How to Invest in Real Estate....in under 3 Hours!

Instant Cash Through Flipping Properties Download street-cop-millionaires-guide-to-flipping-properties.pdf

How to Invest in Real Estate....in under 3 Hours!

"How to Invest in Real Estate....in under 3 Hours!"

Dear Friend,

I can still think back when I was sitting in briefing just a few years ago when I decided that I'd learn to invest in Real Estate. I didn't have any cash to speak of...I mean...I could scrape by a couple of hundred bucks or so...but not enough for a down payment on a home or anything. My credit sucked....I was deeply in debt...

You know the story...

Well, yeah...cops are pretty hardcore for the most part...and briefing was pretty interesting...they don't cut much slack!

"So Simpson...You gonna be rich like those guys on TV?"

"Hey Simpson...you know that stuff doesn't work, dontcha?
It takes money to make money."

But...I've got thick skin...and I was fed up...

I don't know if you've ever been there...

Tired of working 40 hours a week just getting by?

Feeling like you're meant for more, but for some reason it just hasn't "clicked" yet?

Knowing that your family deserves more, but just not sure how you're going to get from a to b?


So, yeah...I've been there....I've even been to bankruptcy and back...so I know how it is. I still remember coming home from work with my wife being in tears because some friggin bill collector had just laid into her about how worthless of a husband she had married, and that she should just get out.

Thing is, I wasn't looking for a handout...I didn't expect "Obama" to save me....

BUT I did know...in my heart that I wasn't created just to survive.

I knew that if I could find someone that had done something great...and they would show me the "way"...then I could do it too.

Ever felt like that?

So...I just new that if I kept looking and kept my mind open...something would come my way....

I knew it.

It's funny, I drove by a church sign today that kind of "fits" how I felt...

"Trust Says God Can, Faith Says God Will"

I had faith.

I hope you do.

Now, I'm not going to get all religious on you...I'll leave that up to you. But to give you a better perspective of where I was coming from, I was at one point in the seminary....but decided that Celibacy wasn't my thing...that's for sure!!

So, whatever you believe....it doesn't matter to me...just know that I had faith.

But not sure HOW it would happen....


Make sense?

So, instead of looking at what I didn't want in my life...and focusing on the bad crap going on all around me.

I focused on the Possibilities...

You should too.

So...I ended up meeting a couple of people who would later become my "mentors" in life, money, and Real Estate.

I knew that they were the real deal because I could see what they were doing. I could see them making tons of money hand over fist...by the bucketload.

I wanted it too....BADLY.

So we talked....

I wanted to know if I learned this stuff, if I could really make some cash in this "Real Estate Thing"....

I had no cash essentially....

And my credit was crap....

But they told me that I could. Heck, one of em had even spent over $10,000 to learn this stuff. The day I found out what they paid, they had just closed a deal that made them over $20,000.

I'd say they made a good investment.

So...anyway...they taught me the ins and outs of real estate investing

A to Z

But most importantly, they taught me how to exchange knowledge for cold hard cash.


They don't laugh in briefing anymore.

The sad thing is that now they say stuff like..."I'd do what you did, but I don't have the cash." or "I wish I could do what you did, but my credit is really bad." or "I just don't have the time to do what you did."

But I didn't have any of those things....what I had was vision...a plan....and faith.

So...I'm so sick and tired of people that want a "handout" or want someone else to "make it all better" that I decided that I'd teach some people to fish.

Wanna learn?

Well, I decided that if anything ever happened to me, that I'd write down what I'd learned so that my boys, Preston & Logan could use it.

I didn't want them to get stuck in a rut...

Like I was...

So, my life has pretty much been about "service"....I mean...I go from seminary to street cop, and for me it wasn't about driving fast and shooting guns (though it's fun too)...it was about serving others.

So while I love Real Estate...and am making some great cash in it...there was something missing...at least for me.

Here's where you come in.

The first set of "stuff" I wrote for Tracy & the boys is what I recommend to anyone to get started in Real Estate Investing...

With essentially

No Cash

No Credit

And No Risk.

This amazing e-book that will have the potential to change your life is called:

"Street Cop Millionaire's Guide to Flipping Properties"

It's an e-book...under 150ish pages...but full of "meat". I didn't stick in the "filler" 'cause it's not that hard to learn the basics to get started and make some quick chunks of cash.

You can read it this evening, and begin investing tomorrow.

Seriously....it's that easy.

So...what is "Flipping"....

Well, to make it really brain dead simple...flipping is finding a "deal", tying that "deal" up, and then finding someone that's looking for a deal!

It's that easy.

Now, my first "Deal" took me about 30 days to complete, and I made $5,000. It took about 8 actual hours of "work", (but I screwed it up so much it...it really should've have taken me about 2 hours.)

In the book, you'll find out why it took me 8 hours, and what you need to do differently on your first deal.

The funny thing is that on my first deal, my bride, Tracy, totally flipped. I told her that I got a house under contract to buy within 30 days for $20,000.

We didn't have $20,000

She flipped out...

Maybe you can relate?


I told her that with the agreement I used, it locked the seller in, but we could step out if we couldn't close...


Cool, huh?

And I didn't give the seller ANY CASH!

Super-Cool, huh??

So...in about 30 days, I closed that deal, and brought Tracy FIFTY $100 Bills.

Guess who became my biggest supporter that instant???

Now, don't get me wrong...she wasn't against me or anything before, she just didn't think it was possible..

And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure that I did as well.

I just followed the simple steps that my friends had paid out the butt for....you can too.

So...in a few minutes, you'll be able to download this e-book, print it off, read it, and be well on your way to get started making some quick cash...regardless of where you are now!

I imagine that there will be a good number of you that will make an extra chunk of cash within 30-45 days from reading the book...

Better than a lotto ticket, huh?

So...here's what you're going to learn in just a few minutes...

  • What an "Illegal Flip" is
    .....and how you can avoid doing it!
  • Why you DON'T want to do the "Flip This House" TV style of flipping to start out
    .....hint: doing it this way could KILL you're business or any chance at Real Estate Success
  • Why you essentially have NO competition
    .....and how you can cash in on this immediately
  • Why you NEED to start by flipping
    .....even if you think you already know it all
  • The 5 Steps for Success in Flipping Properties
    .....and which are the most important!
  • Why you can still make a killing from this
    .....even if you SUCK at math
  • EXACTLY how to find the deals
    .....and what the deadly ones are
  • EXACTLY what kind of homes you're looking for
    .....and the ones you need to avoid
  • Step-by-step instructions on contacting the owners
  • The BEST advertising bucks money could buy to bring deals DIRECTLY TO YOU!
    .....and step by step how to start it as simple as possible with very very little cash
  • How to find the owners that don't even know they want to sell to you
    .....and my secret key to contacting them that I wish I had when I had started (hint: I call it my "Super Advanced CSI Method)
  • What to say to the sellers when they call you
    .....and how to determine if it's a deal even before you get in your car or see the house
  • How to find a "HOME RUN COMBINATION" in a deal
    .....and cash in with NO competition
  • My #1 Rule in Dealing with Sellers
    .....And in EVERY Deal that You Evaluate!
  • THREE ways to determine what to offer...
    .....Most of the so-called "guru's" just give you ONE...I'm giving you the THREE ways to determine if it's a deal = 3 X more possibilities to get er dun
  • How to determine what the repairs will cost
    .....You'll learn my "Bada$$ Street Cop Method" (and I'll throw in what "everybody else" teaches)
  • My secret "Good Cop/Bad Cop" Strategy
    .....that will make a good deal even better
  • You'll learn how to determine the value of the property..
    .....before you even get out of bed!
  • You'll know EXACTLY WHEN the best strategy for you to do a KILLER DEAL is to...
    .....say absolutely NOTHING (it will bring a whole new meaning to the term "Silence is Golden"!
  • You'll know just what to do RIGHT AFTER you sign up a deal...
    .....and what to say for them to just GIVE you the keys
  • You'll discover the TWO types of CLOSINGS that you'll use...
    .....and more importantly, when to use each one!
  • Heck, I'll even give you my SECRET DOCUMENT...
    .....that will prevent the buyer from going around your back and shutting you out of the deal (hell..this ONE document is worth 10X the price of the e-book)
  • WHAT you'll say to the seller if you CAN'T close...
    .....and this could even revive a deal you thought was DEAD in the water!
  • Finally, you'll learn EXACTLY what to do AFTER you've done your first deal!
    .....(Hint: Cash = Breathing Room, CASHFLOW = FREEDOM)

Now, a couple of things..

First...some of the information in this e-book is stuff that my mentors paid over $10,000 for.

Second...I know for a FACT that people continue to pay that much for some of the materials in here.

Third...I've also put in my tips & tricks...my stuff that I WISH I had known when I had started, and what I would have done differently.

Also, this ain't gonna cost you $10K.

Not even close.

As a matter of fact....people are flat out PISSED OFF at the price I'm giving this out for.

I'd love to give this to you for free...but I can't do that...


Well...because you wouldn't do JACK with it.

I want you to do something...I want you to make a BUTTLOAD of money, and I know that if I just give this to you, you aren't going to do anything at all with it.

So...this ain't gonna cost you $10,000

Not even $1,000

Not even $500

Your price is ONLY $99

That's it. Period.

And yes...it's going to piss some people off...but I'm banking on the fact that it will help more people than it will piss off.

And in this day and age, and this economy....I think that more people need a helping hand.

So...here's your chance.

Oh, Before I forget, let me take away ANY excuse you might have for NOT getting your hands on this E-Book.

I'll make you a deal...

You buy this book...now.

Read it tonight.

Take some notes...and get started RIGHT NOW!

Hell...take a full 30 days to read it, memorize it, and start doing the simple steps...if you're not satisfied, then let me know that I suck and you want your money back.

Guess what....You'll get your money back.

Truth is...this stuff works! It works for me. It works for others that I've trained. It worked for my mentors when I was brand spankin' new. So...it WILL work for you.

So, I don't want any unhappy customers.

If you don't like it, then let me know 'cause I'll be more than happy to refund your full purchase price. Seriously...I don't want you to be unhappy with your purchase...so that's just my guarantee to you.

This isn't for everyone.

I'm sorry...but I really don't need your money. I'm offering you a KILLER deal because I really want to give you a helping hand up. But in all honesty, it ain't for everyone.

If you're a whiner, excuse maker, or afraid to take some simple steps to get ahead...this probably isn't something that you should invest in. I mean...I've got a pretty damn good record of being able to help people, and the last thing I need is someone spouting out crap about how they didn't make any money. I can only show you what I did, and what I've shown others how to do...and it works. If you can't or won't follow some simple steps and then are going to bitch and moan that "this doesn't work", then please...let's get real...save you and I both the time, and don't buy it.

On the other hand...

If you're someone that wants to improve your life, and is willing to go through the "manual"...and follow some simple instructions...then your decision to invest in your future might just change your life. I can show ya what to do...I just can't do it for you.

You don't have to have a bunch of cash...sure, a little bit helps, but I was broke and even bankrupt....and I did it...

Your credit can totally suck...

Hell, you might be like me when I started...I had a new child and was working full time at the Police Department, AND at a bank as security, AND school security as well...oh, and working overtime for the Department as much as I could....so I really didn't have much time to do it either.

So, it doesn't really matter where you're at...just where you're going. If you're someone who can follow a simple set of instructions, regardless of where you are in life right now..,then this might be exactly what you need!

Seriously...what are you risking? Is it more of a risk to NOT buy it than it is to take a chance and say...hell..if it's even half of what Jason says it is, then it's still better than where I'm at?

Isn't it?

And if not...guess what...you get your friggin money back...

Yeah...huge risk, huh?

So..here we are...

It's in your hands now...and if you've read this, I do want to thank you for reading it. If you've read it, then I can go away knowing that if you decide to invest under a hundred bucks in yourself risk free or not, I've done everything I can to help you to make your decision.

So I'll be able to sleep pretty dang good whether you "pull the trigger" or not. I've done my part. It's up to you to do yours.

Seriously though, don't you deserve more?

Well..don't you?

Why aren't you there yet....maybe you just needed the right thing to happen....the right person to help get you on your way.

I sure hope that I'm that person. I know what this has done for my wife and kids, and I know that it will do the same for you if you'll just let it...just by following the simple steps. And seriously...if a broke cop can do this...there's no reason why you can't do it!

The question is will you!

If you're ready to go...ready to "risk" your $99 for a plan that can change the course of your life, then go ahead and click the button below, invest in the PDF E-book, and in less than 5 minutes you can be getting the education of a lifetime. In a couple of hours you can start implementing the steps. And in just a few short weeks, you could be cashing big checks!

I look forward to helping you to achieve your goals and dreams!

To Your Success,

Jason B. Simpson

P.S. Remember, you don't have ANY RISK! If you don't like it, or don't think it's worth it, then YOU DON'T PAY A CENT!

P.P.S. With the way the "economy" is currently, and the fact that there are tons of people scared of real estate running the other direction, it's created a "perfect storm" for those that are "in the know". Don't miss out 'cause the getting is damn good right now if you get the education...and the economy will change back...it's a cycle, kinda like life. So either you'll be doing something, or you'll be looking back in a couple of years going "I wish I'd done something". I hope you'll join me...risk free!

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