
Marketing For Figure Coaches

Marketing For Figure Coaches Download figure-coaching-how-to-make-a-living-training-figure-competitors.pdf

Marketing For Figure Coaches

Marketing For Figure Coaches

...become the #1 Figure Coach in your area

3 Complete Programs

Designed to make you a professional figure coach
(you will receive weekly lessons for 12 weeks)

#1 Marketing

Weekly lessons for 12 weeks

#2. Diet

3 Information packed programs covering
every aspect of figure coaching

Instant download

#3. FigureReady

Weekly lessons for 12 weeks

The combined programs above contain all the tools you need to become a professional figure coach. In order to make money as a trainer you need to find a niche (specialized field of concentration). You won't make any money being a jack of all trades. You need a specific group of highly motivated individuals to train. THERE IS NO MORE MOTIVATED GROUP THAN FIGURE COMPETITORS!

Let's face it... the average personal trainer whose running around the gym trying to train every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes into the gym will never make it as a trainer. He/she will eventually get tired of chasing clients and the low income ... and eventually quit. Gyms are like revolving doors for trainers. You need a plan, you need to be serious and treat your job with respect.

The Perfect Opportunity

This is the perfect opportunity to change your life, do what you love to do and make a great living doing it. A true professional doesn't have to train clients 10-12 hours a day just to pay the bills, like many try to do. This is a the express lane to burnout... I've been there! You want to be able to set your own hours, train who you want to train, when you want to train them. Since you offer a specialized service you can charge more and your competitors will appreciate greatly your expertise.

There comes a point in time when you must get serious If you want to have a real business as a trainer. Too many people see it only as a part-time job... and many people outside the industry don't even consider it a real job! Smart trainers make a lot of money... while the other 99% struggle and eventually leave the industry for a 9-5 job.Figure competition is growing by leaps and bounds... and you can count the number of figure coaches on one hand! What better time than now to become a figure coach?

You don't need 37 certifications!... all you need to know is how to get results... Period! And that's just what I'm going to show you.

It's not easy being a figure coach. Trying to figure it out by yourself takes a long time and many competitions. Don't struggle like I did for years... learn from my mistakes

giving a seminar

teaching the 'torso twist'

posing classes at my studio


Becoming A Figure Coach

I've taken out all the fluff and given you the tools to turn your passion into a great business where you can set your own hours and make more
money than you ever thought you could.

Marketing: The Most Important Skill

Exercise Video Clips

Regardless of how much knowledge you have, If people don't know who you are... you will never succeed! If the only thing trainers needed was a business card and some flyers, then most personal trainers would be very successful... but we both know that nothing could be further from the truth. Most personal trainers can't find enough clients to even qualify as having a part time occupation. You must know how to train women for figure competitions. These are video clips of individual exercises. You've probably never seen many of these exercises before. Watching these clips will give you a good idea of how your clients should perform them. These are real competitors training for competitions demonstrating these exercises.

Posing sheets

Posing video clips

Downloadable Pdf's showing competitors how the different organizations pose.
Posing instruction designed to teach you every aspect of posing. You get Adobe pdf's that are downloadable (or you can view them online) so you can take them with you when you're training clients to pose.
Posing is difficult to learn even with someone right there with you. I break down each aspect of posing so that you can teach them to competitors (a strong emphasis is placed on practice and repetition when training competitors).

Stuff nobody wants to talk about

Weekly Lessons

There is so many things that are 'swept under the rug' that you must be aware of... and realize that this is part of the sport.
Understand how to deal with the stuff no one wants to talk about:
- eating disorders, dangerous practices, negativity, mental issues, body perception issues, competitor self-doubt, binging, purging etc...
Receive weekly lessons on:
a) how to train competitors the right way
b) posing
c) how to effectively market your figure coach
business online and offline.

Fat burning workouts

Workout Sheets

Hardcore workouts designed to burn body fat and get competitors lean for figure competitions. Demonstrated by real competitors. Many trainers are afraid to give women really hard workouts... Structured workouts with reps, sets and cycles. No guessing about what to do in workouts, just follow the sheets.
These are downloadable so that you can take them with you when you train competitors,



IMPORTANT: Realize that becoming a figure coach makes you an expert in women's fat loss. Now you will appeal to the many women who are going to gyms to lose weight and finding very little success. Once you become known as a fat loss expert you will never have to look for another client to train - they will come looking for you!

31 Complete Competition Diets

Figure Coaching Program

I. 31 Figure Prep Competition Diets: Instant download

II. FigureReady Program: workouts and posing - 12 weekly lesson starting immediately

III. Figure Marketing: how to find clients and make a living as a figure coach - 12 weekly lesson starting immediately

Cost: $97/ month for 4 months (total $388.00)

Instant Download

Try it for 60 days and If you don't like it, I will gladly refund your money

Downloadable Study Sheets

Valuable Marketing Lessons

Video clips of posing and workouts

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

At any time you can get a full refund. No questions asked. I put a lot of work into these programs but if you don't feel it's for you... don't hesitate to ask for your money back.

Instant Access

Contact Info:
Terry Stokes, Figure Coach
Email: personaltrainer1024@hotmail.com
Phone: (716) 603-5251
Stokes Enterprises Inc. 2011

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