
I made $118k the first time I used it!

Live Webinar Replay Download live-webinar-replay-software-run-webinars-when-youre-gone.pdf

I made $118k the first time I used it!

From Russell Brunson
Date: May 25, 2011

Dear Expert Marketer,

Have you ever had a job where you get paid hourly--say between $10 - $30 an hour? We'll, if you read every single word of this letter, I'm going to show you how I was able to boost my income by getting paid up to $30,000/hour online while I was in college!

Best part?

  • I didn't have to create a fancy website with awesome graphics.
  • I didn't need to write a "killer" sales letter
  • I didn't have any "secret" business skills or intellect you don't already have
  • I'm not the greatest speaker in the world (in fact most people think I talk WAY too fast!)
  • ..and most of the time, I didn't have my OWN product!

All I needed was a computer, a spare hour, a telephone, and a PROVEN system that's easy to duplicate. And for a limited time (more on that later)...

Here's the story: When I was in college I only had an extra 1-2 hours between classes and wrestling practice to make money online. I just got married and my wife only made $1200 a month--we needed to make money quickly!

So I held 3 teleseminars and webinars every week. I followed a simple system I accidently stumbled across while studying at least 20 masters of marketing. I had the process down pat so I could literally sit down and have people giving me money within 1 hour!

Believe me, this sure beat the HECK out of getting paid $9/hour when I worked as a waiter at a restaurant!

So I started ignoring what the "other guys" were doing and just did 3 webinars a week-and my income exploded!

Overall I've probably done 100's of webinars in the last 3 1/2 years. Then something a little strange happened:

We started to get HUGE as a company and our prospect list went from a mere 50,000 to over 250,000 in less than 2 years. And at the same time I launched a couple more businesses and our company grew from a mere 12 people to 48 full-time employees (heck, it got so HUGE we had to move into a new building!).

Not only that, but my wife and I had twins and a baby girl within a year and a half of each other:

When you have to take care of 3 young toddlers, holding webinars every night becomes impossible!

Believe me, all these changes were great for our bottom line (and wonderful for my wife and I) but really STUNK for my time when it came to holding webinars (I even had to cancel a couple!).

So I decided to record webinars ahead of time and email replay links. I thought to myself, "Hey, all I have to do is send an email to people to 'check out this webinar' and they can watch whenever they want. It should work right?"


My sales plummeted. People weren't clicking on the replay links I was emailing. I even tried to pretend that the replay links were actual LIVE webinars. But people could figure it out when they tuned into the "live" webinar 15 minutes late and it would start from the beginning.

Believe me, when profits start going down the toilet, I start to worry!

But one day while I was preparing for another webinar, I started to ask myself:

Believe me, I've created MANY systems in my marketing career that allow me to work less and make more. This has allowed me to skyrocket my income from earning $250,000 my senior year in college 5 1/2 years ago to banking over 6 million dollars in 2009.

But the REAL challenge was figuring out how to "systemize" my live webinars so I didn't have to be around all the time.

So I got my best programmers (including some overseas guys) to put together the ultimate "set and forget" webinar system. I tested it out in July by holding a "live" webinar selling a $497 product while I was out of the office one evening...

The results were astonishing:

Here's verifiable proof:

Disclaimer: This webinar was an extremely targeted offer that went out to many people on my list. There are a lot of factors
that determine the success of a webinar…and in no way are we assuming that you will get the same results.

Not bad for being out of the office, eh?

Best part? I'm going to let you in on this amazing system for one low fee (more on that later):

Live Webinar Replay is a service that allows you to record as many webinars as you want and have them replay over and over again--so it simulates an ACTUAL live webinar!

Your prospects will think it's an actual LIVE event that's going on...and they're more apt to BUY as a result. And even if you're not selling anything on your webinar, you'll give your prospects awesome value so they're likely to buy in the future!

The best part is Live Webinar Replay is EXTREMELY easy to use. Don't believe me?

Once you login to Live Webinar Replay all you have to do is click on "Add a Webinar" and you'll be able to change the time/date settings regarding when you want your webinar to be shown. You can have UNLIMITED webinars stored in Live Webinar Replay-all you have to do is convert your webinar file (instructions included) and you're all set!

Once you created your webinar, you'll be asked what time and date you want your webinar to be shown ----and if you want to show the webinar once or over and over again. It's literally "set and forget"!!

If you want to show you webinar over and over again, Live Webinar Replay allows you to set the EXACT days and time you want to show your webinar. You can either show your webinar 3 times, or every day of the week-it's up to you!

Click Here To Start Replaying Webinars On Autopilot!

That's all it takes! It'll only take you 5 minutes to literally "clone" yourself with Live Webinar Replay. Now the only question left is:

You can use Live Webinar Replay to pitch your list on your latest product. It's a piece of cake to host "live" webinars you can replay over and over--while you're working on other parts of you business, or just goofing off!

Think about it: when people enter your list, you can tell Live Webinar Replay to show the same "live" webinar for new prospects who come into your funnel. You'll be able to really rake up some sales since it's been shown time and time again that LIVE events are what causes people to yank out their wallet and BUY!

Pretty sweet isn't it? It is when you can set all this up within 3 simple steps in Live Webinar Replay!

Click Here To Get Started!

Believe me, Live Webinar Replay is a network marketers dream! you can use Live Webinar Replay to "schedule" a webinar every evening to pitch your opportunity to your latest prospects.

You could also hold a 'live' training webinar to your downline so they can make more sales for you. This could allow your downline to promote hard for you since you're providing top-notch training and actually care about them.

Best part? All this only needs to be done once...since all you need to do is tell Live Webinar Replay to do all the work for you.

So while you're chillin' out by the pool, you'll be catapulting your downline and boosting your income!

Click Here To Get Started!

You can record training webinars just ONCE and send emails to new students announcing a new "live" training webinar. This means every person who joins your program will get "live" webinars you'll only have to do ONCE to record!

Imagine the HOURS you'll save (and income you'll make) when you can devote MORE time building up your coaching business...and LESS time actually fulfilling! That's the secret of successful coaching programs that don't require 70 hours a week to maintain!

Why give the same coaching webinar over and over again for new students when you can only do it ONCE and let Live Webinar Replay take care of the rest!

Click Here To Get Started!

This is where it gets good: If you have a continuity program where you offer a "free trial", you can create a training webinar showing people how to consume your product/service and use Live Webinar Replay to replay the trainings "live" for each person who claims their free trial.

This is HUGE! Why?

Because it boosts the chances they will become a paying member since you're offering expert training on how to use their site.

In fact, I know one guy who offers weekly "live" training webinars for a $97 continuity program and his conversions absolutely SKYROCKET as a result of this strategy!

You see these are just SOME of the things you can do with Live Webinar Replay. It's truly an awesome service--I don't know what I'd do without it. Here's the best part:

Listen: if you have NEVER done a webinar before..or you've done a couple and sorta muddled through it knowing you could have done a LOT better, then check this out.

I am going to give you an exclusive video where I will outline my secret strategy from extracting money from as many teleseminars and webinars as possible in the following:

This short video is probably the MOST valuable video I have ever created because I reveal the strategies that have allowed me to create profit-pulling webinars on demand.

You see, most people who try to sell via a webinar (or in ANY medium where you're presenting to a group of people) they usually screw it up.

Big time.

That's why I studied at least 20 sales gurus in the past couple years and underwent several years of trial and error to accidently stumble across this cash-siphoning webinar blueprint.

This is the same blueprint I use OVER and OVER again with maximum success. I usually only reveal this presentation at my $5000 seminars but I decided to make this 56-minute video just for the first 500 action takers (I don't want my webinar strategies to get into TOO many hands),

So if you've never done a webinar before, I decided to throw in this bonus you'll get access to as soon as you claim your FREE trial of Live Webinar Replay!!

Click Here To Get Your Exclusive Bonus NOW!

Live Webinar Replay is a huge time-saver if you do webinars regularly...or you're just getting started online. Heck, If I didn't think this software was worth it, I wouldn't be writing this letter to you right now.

To prove it to you, I'm going to something extremely cool for the first 50 people who take action today:

This short video is probably the MOST valuable video I have ever created because I reveal the strategies that have allowed me to create profit-pulling webinars on demand.

You see, most people who try to sell via a webinar (or in ANY medium where you're presenting to a group of people) they usually screw it up.

Big time.

That's why I studied at least 20 sales gurus in the past couple years and underwent several years of trial and error to accidently stumble across this cash-siphoning webinar blueprint.

This is the same blueprint I use OVER and OVER again with maximum success. I usually only reveal this presentation at my $5000 seminars but I decided to make this 56-minute video just for the first 500 action takers (I don't want my webinar strategies to get into TOO many hands),

So if you've never done a webinar before, I decided to throw in this bonus you'll get access to as soon as you claim your FREE trial of Live Webinar Replay!!

Click Here To Get Started For Only $4.95!

1) You can either do webinar after webinar and run yourself ragged to the point you want to throw your computer out the window (or you want to ignore the power of webinars and miss out on a HUGE boost in income).

2) Or you can give Live Webinar Replay a shot and be able to record a webinar ONCE and broadcast it "LIVE" anytime you want. It's like cloning yourself over and over again so you can make as MUCH money as possible!

The choice is yours.

But if I were you, I'd lock in my Platinum membership right now and start harnessing the power of webinars in your business. So click "Add To Cart" below to start your trial today!

By ordering today I will get FREE 7-Day Access To Live Webinar Replay For Only $4.95 where I can sell over and over again while I'm doing something else!!!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by! HURRY! Get one of the remaining 7-day trial memberships to Live Webinar Replay. Don't wait another minute, click here to order now!


The trial for Live Webinar Replay is $4.95 for 7 days and you can cancel anytime. After the 7-day trial you will be automatically billed $37 every month unless you cancel your subscription.

Your orders are secure. Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM
and you will get immediate access to Live Webinar Replay.

Listen: most of my buddies and all the "big hitters" out there use webinars to turn a profit. You've probably been on a couple. Why do we use them? Because they work...period.

And Live Webinar Replay allows you to replay the same webinar over and over again. So don't be stuck sending out replay links: get your trial right now while it's still hot on your mind!


Russell Brunson

P.S. One more thing, it's important. There are a limited number of slots available due to bandwidth considerations. Live Webinar Replay is hosted on our servers and we only have limited room. So claim your 7-day trial of Live Webinar Replay today!

Please contact us at support@dotcomsecrets.com if you have any questions.

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