
How I Learned to Lucid Dream at 14 Years Old

The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track: The Ultimate Guide to Lucid Dreaming by Rebecca Turner Download the-lucid-dreaming-fast-track.pdf

How I Learned to Lucid Dream at 14 Years Old

Are You Wasting The Opportunity
to Lucid Dream Every Night?

Control Your Dreams -- Fulfil Wild Fantasies -- Fly Through Space
Increase Creativity -- Solve Complex Problems -- Practice New Skills
Overcome Your Fears -- Meet Your Subconscious -- Explore Your Mind

"Everyone has, in theory, the capacity
to learn to dream lucidly, because everyone dreams every night."

Dr Stephen LaBerge
Founder, The Lucidity Institute

Are you intrigued by the idea of lucid dreaming - but unsure if you can tap into this skill?

You've come to the right place. My name is Rebecca Turner and I've been having lucid dreams since 1997. I've spent the past four years developing one of the most extensive lucid dreaming resources on the internet.

I call it The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track - because I believe it demonstrates the fastest way to becoming a skilled lucid dreamer. It's fully downloadable so you can start your first lesson now. And every time I expand the course, you'll get free updates to hone your dream control skills for life.

Download The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track

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Only $37 (approx £23 or €28)
100% Guaranteed for 60 Days

100% Guaranteed - Try The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track for two whole months. If you don't have any lucid dreams, just drop me a line for a full and prompt refund.

Here's what customers and reviewers are saying about The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track:

"I loved your book and had a lucid dream 3 days after reading."

~ Tonya Findley, Fast Track Student

"I owe my first lucid dream to this book where I flew, smashed bad guys, and even received life-changing information from my subconscious.
I had four separate dreamscapes within one single night of dreaming. Each was filled with its own unique landscape, beauty, and purpose.
It was an amazing journey, and I can't wait to do it more."

~ Fred Tracy, Author of FredTracy.com

"I've found your e-book a GREAT starter resource to kick off my lucid dreaming 'career'... Since I got your book, I had my first lucid dream within a month... And I've got to tell you, I'm one of the worst candidates for learning - I'm a night-shift worker who gets less than 4.5 hours average sleep."

~ Malcolm Kelly, Fast Track Student

Discover The Profound Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

Many people choose to start lucid dreaming so that can enact their physical and sexual fantasies, in amazing realism, in the safety of their own virtual reality playground.

That's because we're all ego-driven beings. What would you do with the chance to run wild in a high definition dream world - without consequences, physical laws or restraint?

And yet the benefits of lucid dreaming run much deeper than that. Besides the incredible lure of wish fulfillment, you can also use your lucid dreams to:

Improve Your Creativity exploring the dreamscape. Discover unseen works of Dali in your dream gallery, compose beautiful piano music with Mozart, or direct a movie with Chris Nolan. Your dreaming mind has huge creative potential.
Overcome Your Fears by facing them down in the safety of the lucid dream world. Confront your fear of heights - or make friends with a pet tarantula. This is a safe place to realign your deepest beliefs and overcome irrational fears.
Talk To Your Subconscious Mind via dream figures, animals, or even the very fabric of the dream itself. Have profound, life-changing conversations with your subconscious mind and access the best therapist in the world - your inner self.

Lucid dreaming has many incredible levels. Are you ready to start exploring them for yourself...?

How I Learned to Lucid Dream at 14 Years Old

My name is Rebecca - I'm a lucid dreamer and the author of World-of-Lucid-Dreaming.com, one of the most popular lucidity sites on the web that reaches millions of people every year.

I discovered lucid dreaming when I was just 14 years old - but age wasn't going to hold me back. Like anyone with a pulse, I had to try it for myself.

Like a typical teenager I fully immersed myself into this new world, becoming obsessed with the concept of "waking up" in my dreams.

I used a combination of basic techniques which gave me my first spontaneous lucid dream:

"I'm standing in an empty white room, which is completely bare like a new house. The complete lack of detail makes me curious... What is this place? Suddenly, I realize: this is a dream!

The room surges into focus. I become self aware: conscious of my body and its place in the dream world. I do my reality check and feel my fingers push right THROUGH the palm of my hand.

I am so excited, I run out the door, looking for someone to tell. I find a woman who I don't recognize and shout in her face. "I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!"

I'm so excited, I accidentally wake myself up."

That was half my life ago - and I've had countless lucid dreams since.

I've advanced to complex techniques, which have increased the frequency of my lucid dreams. I have even discovered ways to have lucid dreams on demand.

Yep, you heard me - lucid dreaming on tap IS possible, if you work for it.

And as you can see, there is no age limit to lucid dreaming. Indeed, it's quite natural to develop this ability during early childhood. And most of the adult population will experience a lucid dream accidentally at least once in their lives.

My goal is to teach you how to lucid dream as often as you want. It takes practice for sure. But on-demand lucidity can be surprisingly easy when you get the hang of it.

Consider the possibilities for a moment. When lucid, you can:

Have Amazing Lucid Flying Dreams

Know the freedom of soaring over a perfect glittering blue ocean, flying over the city at night, swooping through rainforests, and the rush of entering hyperspace.

Become An All-Powerful Creator

Feel the omnipotence of creating entire worlds and civilizations with your own thoughts. Run simulations of the human race, intelligent aliens, and even alternate universes.

Interact With Dream Figures

Meet up with deceased loved ones, solve problems with Einstein, discuss the meaning of life with Nietzsche, and pursue erotic adventures with celebrities.

Experience Other Realities Without Physical Laws

Practice gravity-defying Parkour, teleport around the world, shapeshift into animals, become invisible, swim underwater without oxygen, and travel to other dimensions.

Famous authors, actors, directors, musicians and scientists also have these extraordinary dreams.

Known lucid dreamers include Chris Nolan, Leonardo DiCaprio, James Cameron, Stephen King, Richard Linklater, Aphex Twin, the Wachowski brothers and the late physicist Richard Feynman.

It is also thought that Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison had complex lucid dream lives thanks to their expanded visual imaginations.

You can enjoy the incredible benefits of lucid dreaming too - just like them.

The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track

The Ultimate Guide to Lucid Dreaming and Beyond

"A wonderfully condensed e-book that concerns not just the topic of lucid dreaming, but its complete landscape. To us, it was actually kind of a surprise to discover such a nicely packed and yet still complete bundle amidst the many fuzzy lucid dreaming resources out there. No wonder we rated it with 4 stars."

~ Tim Post, Author of Lucidipedia.com

How The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track Gets Results

The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track is written by a genuine lucid dreamer, based on years of first-hand experience and research into conscious dream control.

It was specifically designed to take beginners by the hand... down the rabbit hole... and into the awe-inspiring world of lucid dreaming. By the time you've finished, you will have experienced your first lucid dream (or three) and have an intensive knowledge of how lucid dreams work.

The course works because I spent years studying all the lucidity techniques known to man - and then applying them to my own dream life to find out the cream of the crop.

I now present these techniques to you, with detailed step-by-step tutorials, extensive descriptions of what you can expect, plus troubleshooting guides. No fluff, no hype - just results.

Over the coming weeks you'll learn how to meditate in a way that supports lucid dreaming. To help you achieve this, the course includes two exclusive Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3s.

You'll even learn how, through meditation, you can walk your mind from a waking state directly into a lucid dream. For many people, this is the most exciting proposition of all!

The Course Contents

The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track is fully downloadable in three parts. Take your time digesting the tutorials, working them at your own pace and listening to the accompanying hypnosis sessions.

You will never have to deprive yourself of sleep or take any pills in order to achieve lucid dreaming. (Some techniques do use sleep cycle adjustment and dream supplements - but these are optional.) My preferred induction methods are based on the most natural, intuitive routes to lucidity.

The Art of Lucid Dreaming

In this comprehensive 111-page ebook you'll learn my tried-and-tested strategy for having lucid dreams.

It contains a goldmine of information for beginners including background data, step-by-step tutorials, troubleshooting, first-hand insights and more.

The book is illustrated throughout with dream-inspired fantasy art by Jeremiah Morelli. It concludes with a lengthy interview with the leading lucid dream researcher, Robert Waggoner.

It is my ultimate guide to lucid dreaming.

Through the step-by-step instructions in this book, you will discover:

How to DRAMATICALLY BOOST YOUR DREAM RECALL - enabling you to recall up to 4 or 5 dreams per night (page 40).
How to HAVE YOUR FIRST LUCID DREAM - using the same basic mind and body priming techniques I used as a teenager (pages 40-61).
How to VISUALIZE YOUR WAY TO A LUCID DREAM - entering your own imagined world on any night you choose (page 51).
What DREAM HERBS AND SUPPLEMENTS INTENSIFY DREAMING - the lazy man's way to a night of vivid and exciting dreams (page 65).
How to PROLONG YOUR LUCID DREAMS - using in-dream tactics which can potentially extend your lucid dreams up to an hour or more (page 74).
How to CONTROL YOUR DREAMS WITH CLARITY - by channeling the expectation principle to shape and manipulate your lucid dream adventures (pages 77-86).
How to PROGRAM YOUR DREAMS IN ADVANCE - by comprehensively visualizing your desired dreamscape or dream plot before sleep (page 48).
How to CREATE DREAM CHARACTERS AND HAVE LUCID DREAM SEX - by meeting dream figures on their level and offering shared intimacy (page 87).
How to STOP NIGHTMARES AND SLEEP PARALYSIS AND TURN THEM INTO LUCID DREAMS - by turning the nightmare in on itself (page 93).
How to INTERACT WITH THE AWARENESS BEHIND THE DREAM - by talking to your subconscious inner self while dreaming (page 99).

I'm confident that these techniques will accelerate your skills faster than any other book or course.

One of the ways I do this is by exploiting the latest lucid dream research, which coincides with something I've been doing for years: meditation and visualization. These are your new best friends.

Recent studies show that meditation seriously enhances your ability to lucid dream. So I developed a separate guide on meditation for lucid dreamers, revealing the very same techniques that have enabled me to enter altered states of awareness and become lucid on demand.

The Guided Meditation Handbook

This beginner's guide provides step-by-step meditation and visualization tutorials to induce lucid dreams and OBEs.

You'll learn how to visualize effectively and create intricate landscapes and scenarios in your mind's eye. This can lead directly to the most vivid kind of lucid dreams (WILDs).

You'll also learn how to hypnotize yourself and place positive affirmations in your subconscious mind to prime your brain for more lucid dreams every night.

Deep, quality meditation is a pure joy to experience, unlocking the door to altered states of consciousness while enhancing your lucid dreaming life. In this book, you'll learn:

How to VISUALIZE EFFECTIVELY - and create intricate landscapes and scenarios in your mind's eye which can lead directly to lucid dreams.
How to do BREATHING AND GUIDED MEDITATIONS - whenever you want to relieve stress and take a journey inward to find new insights and creativity.
How to HYPNOTIZE YOURSELF - and place positive affirmations in your subconscious mind to prime your brain to have more lucid dreams.
How to do CONSCIOUS DREAM ENTRY - using your natural hypnagogia (the swirling lights, patterns and fleeting impressions you experience on the sleep-wake border).

To aid your meditation sessions, I produced two high quality Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3s.

Guided self hypnosis creates a similar mental response to meditation, providing a powerful way to plant seeds in your subconscious mind as you go to sleep at night. The following MP3s will help you remember your dreams, have more vivid and meaningful dreams, and recognize lucidity triggers.

The Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3s

Narrated by Gale Van Cott, these deeply relaxing hypnosis audios will lead you into a dreamy trance whenever you listen.

Once under, you will be guided into a natural wonderland that you will come to visualize in vivid detail, engaging multiple senses.

This is your trance-state gateway to a lucid dream. Besides encouraging meditative states and incubating lucid dream triggers, the recordings can even prompt spontaneous lucidity.

Set to beautiful and haunting digitally-mastered music, The Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3s offer an entry point to the lucid dream world for beginners.

Presented as two separate Day and Night versions to suit your preferred schedule, you are encouraged to listen to these relaxing hypnosis recordings as often as you like to:

Help you RELAX when you get into bed - by systematically relieving your body of tension and quickly silencing your inner monologue.
HYPNOTIZE YOU into a half-sleep state - from which your brain is perfectly primed to receive the lucid dreaming autosuggestions that follow.
Take you on a GUIDED MEDITATION - by molding your hypnagogia into blissful visualizations which can lead your mind directly into a lucid dream.
Help you PROGRAM YOUR DREAMS in advance - by incubating vivid content and lucidity cues to help you have more lucid dreams.

These exclusive hypnosis MP3 sessions are instantly downloaded to your laptop, PC or Mac and then synchronized with any portable listening device - MP3 player, iPod, iPad, iPhone, Android - or burned to CD. The combined listening time is 45 minutes.

"I really like the fact that Rebecca guides you through various meditation techniques to help prepare the mind and body for lucid dreaming. Meditation is an invaluable tool for people that have a difficult time relaxing their mind and body.
I was a little timid at first trying to have a lucid dream because I didn't know what to expect. I actually found it to be a fun experience and can't wait to do it again."

~ Justin Mazza, Personal Development Blogger, Author of www.Mazzastick.com

Will You Have Your First Lucid Dream Tonight?

I hope you choose to start learning lucid dreaming today.

Some of my students report having a lucid dream on the first night they begin the course!

Others naturally take longer, and their efforts are worth it in the end. It all depends on how well you respond to the techniques.

Once you open your mind to the possibilities, you are open to experiencing a second life in your dreams. It's a vivid, fantasy reality where anything you can conceive of can come true.

Use your lucid dreams for mind-blowing sex, practicing Jiu Jitsu, creating dream art and music, exploring outer space, accessing your subconscious inner self... the possibilities are limitless!

Risk Free 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

You have nothing to lose in downloading The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track today. That's because I offer an iron clad 60-day money back guarantee to all customers - no questions asked.

I strongly encourage you to work the course at a steady pace and see how many lucid dreams you have in that time. If it's not for you, no problem. Just drop me a line for a full and prompt refund.

Free Course Upgrades for Life

By downloading the course today you also get free course upgrades for life. Any time I update or expand the course, you'll receive an email with a private download link to the latest version.

I do this because I am 100% committed to giving my students the best lucid dreaming resources available. That means updating the science, theory and practical techniques based on the latest proven discoveries.

This gives you everything you need to become a proficient lifelong lucid dreamer, without having to spend a dime on any other resource.

Download The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track

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FREE Course Updates for Life
Only $37 (approx £23 or €28)
100% Guaranteed for 60 Days

All payments are 100% secure via credit card, debit card or PayPal.
ZERO shipping costs - international customers welcome.

I know lucid dreaming will have an impact on you because of the profound impact it's had on my own life. I plan to keep lucid dreaming for as long as I live.

It's my goal to share this ability with as many people as possible. Creating The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track is my way of touching lives with this extraordinary concept.

I hope you love it as much as I do.

To your lucid dreaming success,

Rebecca Turner
Creator, World of Lucid Dreaming

PS - "No-one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." ~ Morpheus

Explore your own virtual reality world - start lucid dreaming now!

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