
Making Your Job So Easy Your Colleagues Will Be Envious Of Your Amazing Natural Ability To Group Success!

Ultimate Icebreaker Guide | Training Icebreakers | Fun Ice Breaker Games | Icebreaker Activities Download ultimate-icebreaker-guide.pdf

Making Your Job So Easy Your Colleagues Will Be Envious Of Your Amazing Natural Ability To Group Success!

Discover Over 80 Icebreakers To Immediately Transform Your Group From Awkward To Interactive...

Making Your Job So Easy Your Colleagues Will Be Envious Of Your Amazing Natural Ability To Group Success!

Find the game you need IMMEDIATELY with our Quick Reference GAME-FINDER! Games categorised for different events, types of people, situations and settings

I Keep These Games Handy For ALL My Sessions!

"As a certificate IV qualified trainer with over 10 years experience I know that "The Ultimate Icebreaker Guide" is a book that every trainer MUST have. And I mean EVERY type of trainer!

Set out in logical groups such as 'Type of Event', 'Type of People', 'Age', and 'Size of Group', the exercises and games are easy to scan to find the perfect icebreaker for any situation, I keep these games handy for all my sessions. Informative background information (such as 'The Best Way to Conduct Icebreakers' p.7), and easy-to-follow instructions for each icebreaker make this book indispensible. Buy it now and you won't regret it!"

Philippa Carron (PhD), Trainer and Facilitator, Secretariat Australia Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia

What You're About To Discover...

Over 80 unique and highly effective games - where you will find the perfect game for your situation right here!

The 5 Best Ways to loosen up your staff in a non-threatening manner so they become engaged, alert & innovative for the work ahead

How to transform a group of strangers so they feel more connected really quickly and fully participate in your session

A Set of Proven Games that you know won't backfire as they have been tried and tested and we guide you through each one step-by-step
PLUS! Everything you need to know about running icebreakers so you become a Powerful Educator, Manager or Teacher!

Are you seeking ICEBREAKER GAMES to liven up your next training session, meeting or workshop?

If you are keen to make sure you get the most out of your next group session, then you will be interested in this -

From: Kat Carey BHSc, Professional Speaker, Trainer and Author

Dear Friend,

Now there is no need to feel frustrated any longer in your quest to find the perfect icebreakers!

Are you looking for sure-fire ways to energise and break the ice in your group? Do you want your participants to be enthused about your awesome session ahead? It is my pleasure to introduce to you something that will make your life as a trainer, manager or facilitator amazingly easier and will bring you LOADS more success in your day-to-day work with individuals and teams.

But first I want to make sure that you fit into the category of who this will be the most useful for:

Are You:

Looking for perfectly suitable icebreaker activities to run with your group that you are 100% confident will work?

Wanting to find activities that will engage your group so you can get the most out of them during your time together?

Looking for some fun and simple ways to lighten up your next group session so everyone has fun and feels relaxed?

Wanting to become a super-confident leader and excel at running the best group activities?

A new trainer, manager or educator looking for icebreakers to use during your meetings or workshops?

An experienced group facilitator looking for some new icebreakers to use so you can get rid of your tired, old ones?

Do you have any of the following roles?

Then you will not want to miss this.

Become A Powerful Facilitator With Ease
In Just A Few Easy Steps

I am about to reveal to you the secrets of World Class group presenters and trainers and how they use Icebreakers to guarantee that their audience becomes relaxed and comfortable

AND exactly how this makes them Powerful Facilitators that get the best results from their group whether they are presenting, training or running a workshop - and how you can do exactly the same...

But first I would like to share with you the life-changing experience I had with Icebreakers...

I managed a team that was a DYSFUNCTIONAL RABBLE - And I certainly DID NOT have their respect...

My role was as a Team Leader of a highly motivated bunch of Health Professionals delivering Health Services in some of the most challenging country in remote Outback Australia.

Yet although we handled the outback challenges with ease it was something closer to home that provided the real challenges...

....our regular Team Meetings!

I Felt These Meetings Were DULL AND BORING -They Dragged On For Over 2 Hours... Sound Familiar?

Not only that but employees often used this time to vent their frustrations and finished the meeting feeling nothing was resolved.

Working in such a remote place put huge demands on our team. Some people couldn't cope and we had a high staff turnover.

This high staff turnover was what caused me to be promoted quite quickly and I soon felt out of my depth....

However if I didn't get these meetings under control and the team working together things were only going to get worse...

Staff turnover would continue to rise and my position as team leader would be questioned.

The fact is, I needed our team members to feel relaxed during meetings, feel enthused, energetic and creative!! I was depending on them to contribute their needs and ideas to help!!

I needed everyone to open up and get involved!

How Do I Create The Right Environment For My Team To Relax And Become Energized And Motivated?

After all, I was meant to be running this service with our clinicians heading out into remote communities providing care with confidence!

Then it hit me, I began wondering about Icebreaker games.

Just What I Was Searching For

"Your Ultimate Icebreaker Guide is just what I was searching for - the ultimate facilitator's tool kit. Right from the start I was impressed with the format, with the Quick Guide easily cross referenced to the Activities section which was listed by category, people, outcome, group size, age and equipment.

Thank you, I have taken your advice in the chapters and selected an activity that 'hit the mark' for a recent student presentation I delivered and have selected another couple of activities to be adapted for an adult audience for an up-coming forum.

I have recommended your Guide to other colleagues."

Rozlyn Webley, Regional Planning and Partnership Officer, Sport & Recreation Community Participation, Department of Communities, Cairns, Australia

I had done a few of these at conferences and they were pretty good fun. They had given me an opportunity to meet new people and learn new things.

I started to wonder if they could work at our Team Meetings???

HOWEVER, almost as soon as I started thinking about icebreaker activities - I started to FREAK OUT a little....

I was fearful that everyone would just sit there and look at me and be thinking - you IDIOT - what are we going to do that for?

How would I run an icebreaker activity? I didn't even know where to start

What were the best kind of games to do that got everyone engaged?

How would I get everyone involved and what if people were too embarrassed or uncomfortable to participate?

Would this mean I have to do fancy games with heaps of props that take loads of preparation?

A lot of the games I came across looked cheesy and childish - I couldn't do them with my work colleagues!!

Would it run smoothly or would I make a fool of myself?

I was feeling unsure about the whole idea...

We had all different kinds of people in our team - there were some cultural differences and some really dominant people not to mention the shyer ones...

But I knew healthy team work was the key to our survival as a health service!!...

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success.

You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together,

the club won't be worth a dime. Babe Ruth

I Needed To Do Something To Get These People Working As A Team!

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.

Working together is success." Henry Ford

OK it was time to bite the bullet - I needed to run some icebreakers - I just had to give it a shot!

I thought - 'I'm just going to have to pull this off!'

And so I began to prepare meticulously. I read every book I could about doing Icebreakers and team-building activities.

I wanted to feel sure I was confident to bring my team through from being a dispersed group to a team that worked together harmoniously, sharing their thoughts and ideas with each other and feeling comfortable and respected to do so.

I knew they wanted to feel a part of the team also, they had a lot of knowledge, skills and experience to share - both professional and personal - and they just needed to feel respected and listened to in a safe environment.

I needed to get this working, so I rehearsed and rehearsed and even spent over $200 on books and resources to help me be well prepared and to have the most suitable games on hand.

Your Ultimate Icebreaker Guide Is Having A Huge Impact On The Success Of My Training Sessions!

" Your Ultimate Icebreaker Guide is a revelation.

Thank you for helping me update and refresh my training sessions. Your Ultimate Icebreaker Guide is having a huge impact on the success of my training sessions. The advice given from pages 6 - 16 is worth the cost of the book alone and every Icebreaker has an application somewhere in my business. Thanks again."

Simon Garcha, Morayfield, Trainer & Facilitator, Make My Team Work Plc.

I DID NOT Want To Be Standing Up There
Making A Fool Of Myself Doing Some Lame Activity That No One Wanted To Play!

More nerves and I was feeling somewhat anxious and scared about how the game I had prepared would go - after all, running 'games' wasn't exactly my thing - I was used to the serious professional tone of meetings!!

I reminded myself of one, key simple piece of advice I had read during all my research -

"If you have done all your preparation - then rest assured it will go just fine."

Sure enough - I had absolutely nothing to worry about - all my hard work and effort had paid off - the activity ran like a dream and was a huge success with the team!!

I was stoked - needless to say!!!

Each person in the room had said something and keenly participated.

Everyone listened intently while other people spoke.

Take A Look At Some Of The Games I Use & Their Amazing Results:

Lucky Dip p.19 - Work Meeting Icebreakers Section

This icebreaker takes networking to a whole new level! With the use of a simple nametag - the entire dynamic of the meeting will be drastically changed! Need an activity to break up the formality and seriousness of meetings? Looking for new opportunities for people to meet each other? This activity provides the perfect excuse! (Nametag templates provided!)

Result: a roomful of new connections, networks & a bunch of people who are ready to get down to business.

The Human Web p.25 - Team Building Icebreakers Section

A game that requires thought & creativity, The Human Web gets people up close and personal to connect with others like never before! Ideal for team building and groups who will be spending some time together such as at Workshops or Intensive sessions. You will be amazed at how a ball of yarn can weave its magic in your group for bigger successes!

Result: an extremely well-connected group - in more ways than one!!

H.F.E. p.24 - Team Building Icebreakers Section

Give people a voice with this Icebreaker. Given the right circumstances people can really open up and start to interact. This is one such game. The room will be abuzz with passionate conversation and then you won't be trying to compete with them for the rest of the session! The more talking, the less barriers to face down the track. The activity can be played in small groups or as a whole group.

Result: the creation of a comfortable and safe environment where people feel OK to raise any issues in a safe manner as they arise. Perfect for problem-solving & breaking down barriers!

At the end - I couldn't shut everyone up!! There was so much talking & energy in the room!

People were astounded at what they had found out about their colleagues - things they never knew before or even thought would be possible!

To put the icing on the cake, I got this remark from one of my staff straight after the game -

"You really livened up our meeting today and got us all in there together. I've never experienced that before.

I had new staff talking to the older staff, people were energised and moving about the room and the enthusiasm level had soared through the roof!!

The best part - people weren't shy or uncomfortable at all about the activity - this was obvious by the enthusiastic response I saw from everyone!

Some More Highly Effective Games
Taken from The Guide

Who Done That? p.42 - Corporate Icebreakers Section

Think treasure hunt meets Icebreaker! Discover the lighter side of people getting to know each other. Mingling and asking some simple questions is the name of the game! Use 'Who Done That?' to get participants approaching new people with something specific to ask them about. You can choose the topics or use the ready-to-go questions provided!

Result: high energy levels, lots of chatter and new acquaintances galore!

I've Never...But I'd Like to Someday p.34 - Support Group Icebreakers Section

This games gives people an opportunity to share their vision and dreams with others. It can often display a new side to people that you would never have known - unless given a perfect opportunity like this!! This icebreaker helps people to discover new heights and encourage higher level thinking.

Result: Plenty of new conversation starters and a fresh perspective on others in the group!

Hat Yourself p.34 - Support Group Icebreakers Section

This activity is perfect for so many different situations including training, work meetings and corporate events. Participants can relate their feelings or their expectations about the situation or topic via..... A HAT! Learn more about this game and you will discover it's unique ability to get people to open up and share within the group... Props are needed for this game but you and your group will have so much fun with it you won't regret it!

Result: Participants feel comfortable and relaxed in a supportive environment.

I Was Really Pleased With The Outcomes
And So Were My Group, I Was Blown Away!

By this stage I was feeling pretty confident and happy with myself!

I knew I had given my team the best opportunity to become a more cohesive team and had enabled them to share this experience and grow together to go forward with their work.

I had achieved something amazing with my colleagues and I FELT IN CONTROL that I could continue to help my team to flourish!

Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats. They can push things

that come into their hands a little higher up, a little further on towards

the heights of excellence. Source Unknown

And so... we decided that regular implementation of icebreaker games at each meeting was an excellent idea.

Each month we started off our meeting with an icebreaker activity to get everyone involved and in the mood to discuss and share ideas.

Well basically we were amazed at how our team was transforming. Our staff felt a valued part of our team and had a voice. They were confident and comfortable to share their perspective on an issue and contribute their thoughts.

What's More, I Started To Have Co-Workers And Colleagues Approach Me About Running Icebreakers With Groups They Were Doing!

It is then I realised that a step-by-step guide in running awesome icebreakers was needed to help people that were in the situation I was in!

From all of the information we have collected and experience we have gained from running icebreakers and team building games we have compiled this critical information into a guide to share with you.

Easy & Fun Icebreakers!

I didn't realise how important it was to be prepared for doing icebreaker activities until I got a hold of this book. I am a schoolteacher and as you can imagine it is so important for both me and my class for everyone to get to know each other. This book had everything I needed in the one place including so many games to choose from - it made doing Icebreakers really easy and fun! -

Karen W. Murrayville, Victoria

IMAGINE the admiration and respect you receive from your colleagues by enabling them to enjoy themselves and get excited about teamwork

IMAGINE creating an environment where all of your participants feel comfortable and at ease with each other

IMAGINE - being able to engage, inspire and enthuse your team to reach their true potential

IMAGINE - facilitating a meeting where people have fun and are nearly tripping over themselves with enthusiasm to participate

IMAGINE feeling confident and in control in front of your group being assured of the positive outcomes you will achieve

IMAGINE being the true leader you know you are - engaging and inspiring others with ease!

Find Out Now What You Get In This Complete Package

I know you want a piece of the action and would love to try some of the games and activities I used to transform my team, after all they are very powerful games.

I would like to share all of this information with you, including the whole stack of games and all the simple preparation notes to make your next icebreaker activity a breeze.

I have carefully compiled the best games, their simple step-by-step instructions and all the necessary information you will need into one complete package.

Now, I know that you need this information right away so that you are well-prepared and feeling confident well in advance of your next session, OR you may need them for tomorrow so we have compiled all of this package into one that you can INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD right away and have everything at your fingertips and ready to go where you go straightaway.

That's right you won't have to wait for anything in the mail and you can have it all ready to use right now so you don't need to use anymore of your precious time to get this all happening.

Please read through what is available in this package carefully as you will not want to miss anything!

Over 80 simple and easy to run games that have been tried and tested for a diverse range of situations, settings & types of people - to ensure you have plenty of games to choose from - whenever you need them, whoever your group

A simple step-by-step guide for each activity so you have the peace of mind knowing you can quickly and easily run an activity when you need to

What you need to know about delivering icebreakers in a group of people to make them come up at the end of the session to THANK YOU profusely for such a great session! p.15

How to prevent your audience from becoming confused or intimidated by the activity - this will ensure your icebreaker game doesn't backfire and reflect poorly back upon you p.15-16

Connect everyone during icebreakers & in the work that follows so that you have everyone involved, part of the group & feeling comfortable & relaxed p.5

The 4 KEYS TO SUCCESS with running your icebreakers to create a positive group atmosphere p.10-11

How to overcome awkwardness, shyness & apprehensiveness to help people get to know each other & break down barriers within the group that are blocking them from moving forward p.8, 10

How to give simple & easy instructions in a clear & concise manner so participants will know EXACTLY what you want them to do - no more uneasy silences or looks of baffled confusion! p.15

FAQ's about Icebreakers if you are running them for the first time - these will allay your fears to give you the confidence you need to win the hearts of your group! p.104

A new graduate had been able to get to know a more experienced co-worker health worker and had commenced a mentoring relationship,

The Team Meeting now had direction and focus, people opened up and were willing to discuss issues and help to resolve them, rather than just whinging!

The energy and enthusiasm level at our office in general soared! People were happy to be coming to work each day!

People felt more relaxed and at ease with each other - and so that meant we made great progress in less time.


Work meetings
Support groups
Team building
...and More!!


Youth Groups
Mixed group
Etc!!! - An icebreaker for every situation!

You Will Gain The Confidence You Need
To Run A Fantastic Activity For Your Group

DON'T WORRY - All the tactics are covered to make sure your group gets the most of starting off their day with an icebreaker... and so it goes smoothly and easily for YOU!!!

The benefits I started seeing from my team were unbelievable:

I fondly recall some of the comments that my teammates shared with me after I ran my first icebreaker game. I felt so proud and had a huge sense of satisfaction that I thought I would burst!

"Kat, that activity was a blast and I loved it how everyone got involved!"

"That was the best team meeting we ever had - the icebreaker game we did at the start really got us all going!"

"The energy in the meeting today was tremendous!! - so much better than our usual dull meetings."


"I feel like I know my colleagues a whole lot more now - some people I never had anything to talk about with - well now I do!"

These Activities Will Make Sure Your Participants Are Engaged & Getting The Most Out Of The Day

If you are nervous or clueless about doing an icebreaker - there is no need to be concerned any longer as this book has everything you will need to guarantee it's a huge success with your group - and with your BOSS!

Because I know that YOU REALLY WANT TO GET THIS RIGHT and DO A GREAT JOB on your icebreaker I have included 4 special bonuses just for you, for visiting the site today:

Special Bonus #1

Ready-To-Use Templates

Valued at $12

For the awesome Icebreaker activities that require templates - we have simply combined them all here for you to use immediately and with ease. All you need to do is print off the template you need - and you can print as many copies as you like!

Now you don't need to waste time creating nametags, checklists or thinking of questions to ask!

We have included them all here for you - TOO EASY!
Includes templates for 16 activities!

Special Bonus #2

Quick Reference Game-Finder - find the Right Game for your Group, Right Away!

Valued at $12

Don't waste anymore of your precious time searching through game...after game...after game trying to find the right game to suit your particular group.

We have made this task so simple and easy for you. With this Game-Finder chart all you need to do is select one or more of the following about your group:

Type of Event - is it a Work Meeting, Workshop, Presentation or Support Group Meeting?
Type of People - are they Corporates, Mixed Group, Males or Females?
What Outcome do you want to achieve - get to know you, energizer, brainstorming or trust?
Size of the Group - is your group Small (3-7 people), Medium (8-20 people), Large or a Crowd?
What is the general Age of your Group?

Start using the Quick Reference game-Finder to find the best games for your group quickly & easily, right now!

Special Bonus #3

Design Your Own Icebreaker!

Valued at $27

Have you ever wanted to create your own icebreaker activity?
Have you ever been stuck for an icebreaker game and thought you'd be better off designing one yourself?

Well good news - we have created this report to tell you exactly how to do it! All the things you need to know to target your audience, capture your ideas and make sure your game plays out well with your group.

It will be a huge success!

Special Bonus #4

Common Mistakes Running Icebreakers And How To Avoid Them

With Dr Jim Cain - Team Building Guru & Author of 6 Team Building & Icebreaker Publications

Valued at $97

Take your skills & your sessions to the next level with Dr Jim Cain's Golden Advice:

How you can get the most out of an icebreaker activity so you can develop trust and rapport within your group
What it takes to ensure your games are relevant to your audience so you are always prepared and feeling confident!
The secret to getting people instantly interacting & engaging... ALL while having fun!!
The single most important strategy to deliver a quick, simple & fun icebreaker game!
AND the extremely popular "Jim's Favourite Foolproof Icebreaker" - you don't want to miss this - it is a guaranteed huge hit with your audience!

More Successful & Confident!

"This book gave me the confidence to do some Icebreaker games I never thought I could do. They were so successful that I now use them in any new situation I come across. This book has really opened up a lot of doors for me and made me a lot less anxious!"

Sandra Ferguson, Language Teacher, Stanthorpe

The information included in this package is the very thing that culminated in the highlight of my working career when this whole journey began for me...

Because of the new heights my team were now reaching, my Manager had recognised this and asked me how I had managed the transformation...

Well, I was delighted to be able to share with my boss that it was because of a few games that we played each meeting!!

And, that resounded so well with my Manager that to my amazement - I received a payrise that year!!!!!..... WOW, I will NEVER forget that feeling!!!!!

I Now Have an Engaged & Connected Group!

Thanks - this package is fantastic and just what I needed for my group. The tips this book provides about running icebreakers have been valuable to me to be able to get my group engaged and hearing from Jim Cain really helped to ease my nerves!

Tara Willersdorf, Facilitator, Melbourne

As you are now well aware there are over 80 unique, fun and simple games in this guide. We have been using these games for years now and we are proud of their amazing success with groups and for us as leaders.

However, because this is such an amazing comprehensive package, there is one more thing to add to our offer...

I'm here to make it as easy as possible for you to make this a big success - it ain't easy doing icebreakers, especially if it's your first time!!!

However - I'm not sure how long I will keep it at this price and you need these games right away to get started - so you can have the whole lot for only $37!!!

But you really have to jump on it quick because you won't find another great deal like this one to help you deliver an awesome icebreaker...

...And Believe Me You Don't Want To Mess It Up!

You have a whole series of unique and highly effective games in this special package that will help you with your group like they've never been helped before!

So let's recap what's in this amazing package:

What you get
Your investment
Ultimate Icebreaker Guide - with over 80 games for all situations $47 $47
Special Bonus #1 Ready-To-Use Templates $12 FREE today!
Special Bonus #2 Quick Reference Game-Finder - find the perfect game fast! $12 FREE today!
Special Bonus #3 Design Your Own Icebreakers $27 FREE today!
Special Bonus #4 Common Mistakes Running Icebreakers $97 FREE today!
TOTAL $283 $47




You now have all the information at your fingertips, not to mention loads of games to find the one perfect for your situation - all for a measly $37? That is peace of mind I say!

This fantastic guide is a must have to transform and energise your group to connect and achieve more together. Get your copy now to ensure you become a confident and powerful facilitator who is always prepared for any group situation.

Just in case you were wondering, this is the biggest and best Icebreaker resource that is available on the internet. There is no other product out there that you can own today that has as many games AND extra information as this one!! How do I know?? I've seen them all and wanted to make sure that this one out-shines all of them - and it does just that!

You won't find anything else that is nearly as good and a complete package - ANYWHERE! Our Quick Reference Game-Finder is one of a kind that makes your job of finding an icebreaker unbelievably quick and easy!

Also if you are still thinking about all the free games that you can get online - don't bother, forget them!! You will spend at least another HOUR or MORE before you find anything that will be remotely suitable. You need an all-in-one guide, just like this one to get you where you need to be - confident, fully prepared and ready to tackle your next next session or meeting! Don't wait any longer to get your copy!!

The best part is you can print off all the games and resources and have them on hand for exactly when you need them. No more feeling disorganised or out of your depth. You will feel in control all the time and be LOVED in return by your group members for livening up their otherwise dull and boring day!

Loads of New Games!

"I was looking around for some different icebreaker games as I had already used quite a few. I was so glad I got this book as it had loads of new games I hadn't seen before and also gave me advice about doing icebreaker activities that since have made a huge difference to how I run games now - and I can assure you - I find everyone always has fun with them!"

Chloe Clarke, Teacher, Port Pirie

What you will discover from this guide will make sure all your participants in your activity feel part of the group and become open and willing to share.

For a small investment today you can take the fast and easy route to success, respect and admiration from your team.

All the best - and please stay in touch to tell us about your success with your group!

Kat Carey, BHSc

PS In the next few days your group will be under your control - don't bore them to tears nor make them sit there uncomfortably awkward. Run an Icebreaker from the Guide and have them ENERGIZED, RESPONSIVE & LOVING your session! All the resources you need are included.

PPS You won't find a better package on the internet - it's Tax Deductible and you only pay $37 - unless you would rather pay over $200 and waste more of your valuable time?? I don't think so...

PPPPS This is your opportunity RIGHT NOW to become one of those facilitators where you get invited back time & time again, simply because people LOVE your sessions and the ENERGY you inject into a room! Don't Miss Your Copy of the Ultimate Icebreaker Guide!

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