
Domain Forwarding Income - The Set It & Forget It Cash Course

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Domain Forwarding Income - The Set It & Forget It Cash Course

How I spend $10 (on just one
domain name) and make
money all
year long
doing absolutely nothing!

"Even If You've Tried & Failed With Every Other Business
   Opportunity Out There, You Can Make This Work!"

Here's The Proof
(Earnings for a 2 week period)

The above numbers are REAL and they were generated by a complete internet newbie who used the info in my system to register and forward JUST ONE DOMAIN NAME...

It's 100% true and as you will
 see - anyone can do this!

It doesn't matter where you live or what your skill level...

If you have $10 to spend on a domain name, you can make random increments of income - that may never stop.


So How Exactly Do I Do This?

I use domain names and Clickbank®. That's it!

The trick is, knowing what specific domain names to register to get automatic "type in" browser traffic to your CB affiliate products' sales pages.

This method actually follows different rules than the "type in traffic" methods you may have already read about in other programs. You know, the ones that teach you how to do what's known as domaining, domain flipping, domain developing and domain parking.

These all, more or less rely on the assumption that you can still register good top level generic domain names, which is simply "unrealistic". Sure the writers of these programs have made BIG money by simply parking domains... but the reality is most of them got their domain names back when good ones were still available in .com. It's kind of like learning to invest in gold stocks after the price has already peaked! 

What I'm offering you here is a completely different thing.

That's because the methods I teach are specifically tailored to getting "automatically occurring traffic" to Clickbank® products..., NOT PARKING PAGES. There is a big difference in the amount of opportunity here, as well as in the approach and techniques used.

Domain Forwarding Income is not like those programs that teach you a little bit of everything, like a little domain speculating, a little domain flipping, some domain parking, a bit of forwarding to affiliate programs, etc... I have always found this type of "general" or "summarized" info to be impractical and more or less useless.

Instead I concentrate "intensely" on and specialize in one area.

Getting automatically occurring traffic to Clickbank® product pages.

I believe this is the best opportunity for passive income online today! Just "set it and forget it".
What could be better than that?

What is Clickbank®?

In case you don't know about Clickbank® yet, they are a company that makes it easy for you to sign up free and sell other people's products using a unique web address/sales page embedded with your unique ID#.

You make a commission for every sale, while product payment, delivery, support and everything else is handled by Clickbank® or the vendor automatically. This leaves you free to promote products and make money - without any other duties or responsibilities after the sale.

Most people link to CB products from their websites, but not me.

Making Websites Is Just
Too Much Work For This Guy

Besides, there is so much that can go wrong. What if I waste 3 months developing a website and don't get any sales? What if someone else does it better? What about all the expenses like hosting, design, marketing, advertising, etc? No, I do none of this.

Instead, I simply register and forward domain names directly to the sales pages of Clickbank® affiliate products I've signed up for, while sticking to a strict set of selection rules. That's it. There is nothing else.

  • It doesn't cost a lot, 
  • It doesn't require much work, 
  • I don't have to write any ads, 
  • I don't ever need to compete with anyone, 
  • I don't need a website or to spend anything else ever.

In essence, all I really do is analyse different affiliate products and available domain name combos to see if they are good candidates for my system.

So What's  The Secret To Succeeding At Domain Forwarding For Income?

It's  just a matter of knowing how to,


1. spot the "gaps" (in Clickbank® products and with available domain names).

2. and fill them.


If after analysing the product and domain name combo, I don't find a good match, I simply don't do it and move on to analysing the next product and available domain name combo.

After all, there are literally tens of thousands of Clickbank® products to choose from with new ones popping up every single day. The potential for great combos is unlimited, even more so by each individual's creativity and unique perspective.

This 'set it and forget it' income generating system is known as...

The Domain Forwarding
Income System


...and not only can it be extremely profitable (if you know what you're doing), but it can also be really fun!


"This has to be the absolute simplest way to make money, ever..."

All you have to do is:

Believe it or not, I make a great living - mostly just doing this.

Sure, I've tried all the techniques taught by gurus like ppc marketing, writing ebooks, article marketing, Adsense, etc..., but it just seemed like with everything I tried, there was always someone much better at it than me.

Over and over, I would spend money to lose the battle at making money. It seemed pointless.

Eventually I just had to face the fact that I couldn't complete with the hoards of more experienced internet marketers trying to do the same thing I was.

That's when, I JUST GAVE UP COMPETING and officially took the easy way out...

I started utilizing the
techniques revealed in
Domain Forwarding Income!

Domain Forwarding Income is the opposite of everything being taught in these complex programs offered by so many 'Internet Marketing Gurus".

There is no element of competition to it. Since you are just channeling existing (and otherwise wasted) traffic through a domain name and since there is only one of those unique domain names available, you are literally taking the element of competition out of the equation.

You can't really even call it a business. It's more like a hobby that can make you ongoing surprise commissions for the rest of your life. 

What I love most about it is that, it allows you to make money by using your brain to make just two good decisions.

Not hundreds.


If you want to learn how to start a huge and complex online empire that you will be shackled to via ball and chain for the rest of your life, this is not the opportunity for you.

However, if you want to learn about what I consider to be the easiest way to make "set it and forget it" income online by just doing two simple things really well, then read on...

Tell me no more, I'm ready to order right now!

I kind of feel bad for people who work hard on their online businesses.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to the many, many successful hard working internet marketers out there, but I mean it when I say, "I wouldn't want to be ya".

A Closet Slacker's Confession

The truth is I wouldn't want to have to run a very large and complex internet business. I wouldn't want to have to read and answer emails all day long. Or have to keep updating all my products to keep up with the competition. I wouldn't want to keep tabs on employees or issue paychecks. I wouldn't even want to deal with the potential legal pitfalls that come with developing and selling your own product.

I would rather just sell other people's products, using domain names that get automatic "browser traffic" from customers hungry to buy.

And why not? It's a completely seamless and automated process.

There's no competition, no sharks on your tail and no one trying to take you out.

In fact, nobody really even knows you exist, since you are not the product owner, nor the advertiser, nor the payment processor.

You just sit secretly in the background doing nothing (except owning/forwarding your domain name) and making passive income! It's great! 

Plus, with the Domain Forwarding Income System I can spend all my time doing what I want to. And work only when I get those moments of inspiration.

Make Passive Income
That Never Stops!

The best part is, once I make a good domain name /CB product match, I continue making money ALL YEAR ROUND and possibly forever with no more work! 

Even if a particular product's sales slow down or completely stop for months at a time or longer, it doesn't really affect me because it's costing me just $10 per year for the domain name - I have usually already made a profit from just one sale.

I even have a clever little trick I use to recover my money, if I do fail to make that one sale (all year), so that I don't end up losing any money on wrong CB product/domain name combo choices!

After many years of doing this, I've learned that you need to have all the bases covered!

Internet Marketing Can
Drive You Nuts

No thanks, I have found a way to make money and have no responsibility whatsoever. 

Domain forwarding is a part-time hobby that allows me:

To decide what my work hours are. If I want to stop working for weeks or months at a time, it’s my decision! And the money just keeps coming in.
To take vacations to wherever I want, whenever I want, for as long as I want! I can work from the beach, from an internet cafe or from my hammock if I wanted to.
To concentrate on doing just one or two things very well and then reaping the rewards with no further work.
To work on other projects.  Since this is a complete "Set It & Forget It" income source, there's really nothing to do after initial set up - but count your money.
To spend much more time with my family!

Ever since I discovered The Domain Forwarding Income System my life has been absolutely great.

My working day begins with the following...

I'll get up in the morning and watch tv looking for inspiration and ideas I can test with the Domain Forwarding Income System.

Sometimes, I'll get a great idea from the news or some other program that I immediately test against the strict rules of the system. And sometimes, I'll get a match that makes me on-again/off-again income usually for a very long time.


I have gotten an idea off of the tv that made me $77 in only about 6 days time, and then about $400 the rest of the year. That's from buying and forwarding just one domain name.

Cost: $10 per year.

Profit: $467 per year.




I have browsed the Clickbank® marketplace while enjoying an afternoon coffee and spotted a "hole in the system" that later made me $45 every 15-45 days almost like clockwork.

Cost: $10 per year.

Profit: $450 per year.




I have even made money while I was on the bus once, when I spotted a gap in the Clickbank® marketplace that netted me $320. for 2 minutes work on my laptop - as I commuted.

Cost: $10 per year.

Profit: $310 per year.


I do this all the time.

It's really cool when you get going and make your first stream of recurring income using just a well chosen domain name/CB product combo and domain forwarding.

Tell me no more, I'm ready to order right now!


Domain Forwarding has turned out to be an
 absolute dream come true but it wasn't always like this!

Before you get too excited and start registering / forwarding domain names, you must know that it took me over 4000 registered / forwarded domain names to learn what works and how to spot a true opportunity.

I have spent and wasted a lot of money testing CB products and domain names and through many, many years of experience, I have learned that the real secret to making money forwarding domains is not just knowing what domain name/CB product combos work, but also knowing why and what (not so obvious) factors can greatly increase the chances of success.

This is why it is so important to:

"Know how to pick 'em"

It can make all the difference in the world with this particular concept. Imagine, having the foresight and knowledge to wait until you find the right CB product /domain name combo and then hitting a home run almost every time when the right opportunity is uncovered.

This is the power I want to impart to you and I want to make sure you get it, this is why:

  • I am going to hold your hand and spoon-feed you the information step-by-step. 
  • I will explain what I do and show you exactly what you must also do to discover how to make passive income using just Clickbank® and domain name forwarding! 

You Don't Need a Website

You don't need to worry about building or hosting your own website because you will be forwarding domains directly to professionally designed product sales pages that are already hosted and set up to do all the work for you.

No Special Skills Required

You don't need any special skills  with this system, as I am prepared to teach you exactly what you need to do in order to get started right away.

Tell me no more, I'm ready to order right now!


I'll Show You Exactly
What I Do - Step By Step!

Domain forwarding for passive income is an art. You have to know where opportunity lies, how to spot it and how to take advantage of it.

You can't just go out and start registering and forwarding domain names all willy nilly, just because a domain name suits a particular CB product.

Odds are it won't make money.

The truth is The Domain Forwarding Income system is not as straight forward as that.

If it was, everybody would be doing it and making great money right now.

It's a skill you can learn. It's a set of secret methods and strict rules you must follow. A way of "cheating the system" so to speak.

It does take some thinking, but when you get it right, you really can't help but profit.

I Reveal All The Secret
Tricks & Techniques I Use

If you're like me, 

  • and you can't stand long laborious work, 
  • or you just don't think all the hard work required to make money on the internet is worth it... 
  • and you simply want to make ongoing passive income by just matching up the right CB product with the right domain name, over and over again... 

You need the only tool specifically designed to train you to do just that using real life examples that have worked for me. 

I have taken over 8 years of domain forwarding experience, along with all of the trial and error and all of the lessons I've learned and crammed it into an instantly downloadable ebook called the "Domain Forwarding Income System. 

The “Domain Forwarding Income System eBook” contains everything you need to know in order to start making passive income forwarding domain names to Clickbank® products immediately.


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