
Final Phase Fat Loss , The last word on the last 10 pounds

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Final Phase Fat Loss , The last word on the last 10 pounds

Attention Men and Women: If you’ve been struggling to lose those last 5, 10, 15 or 20 pounds, and are finally ready to get the body you’ve always wanted… 

Discover the Incredible Fat Burning Workouts

New York’s Premier Fat Loss Expert and Fitness

Model John Romaniello Developed That Helped

Him Lose Those Last 17 Pounds and Transform 

His Body From Soft to ROCK HARD in Just 

6 Short Weeks...

 Click Below To Play A Short Message From John 


As seen in T-Muscle, Men’s Health, SHAPE for Women, and Exercise for Men Only

 From the desk of John Romaniello

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010  

Dear Fat Loss Friend, 

Hi, I’m John Romaniello, founder of Roman Fitness Systems and the creator of the Final Phase Fat Loss program.  As a trainer, coach, author and model my articles and pictures have appeared in some of the most respected health and fitness publications in the world. 

Now, I don’t mean to brag (actually, that’s a lie: I love to brag), but my training programs have helped people from all walks of life achieve phenomenal results.   

From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose up to 83 pounds in just 24 weeks, I’ve spent the last 8 years helping people change their lives and bodies. 

I am also very hot.

There, I said it.  I know, I’m an arrogant, conceited jerk, right? 

Well…yes, okay, that may be true. Sort of. But you know what? It’s true, so screw it, I said it.

More importantly, the only reason I get to make a statement like that is because I worked my butt off for the right to say it.   

You see, I wasn’t always hot.  In fact, I actually used to be in pretty bad shape. 

Then, eventually, I got sick of hating the way I looked, so I made a change.   

Finally, years later, I figured out how to make changes even faster. 

More importantly, I help people get hot.  

That’s kinda my thing: I create hotness.

Dave went from 15% to 8%—while GAINING muscle! 

Honestly, I'm astounded by how well I did.  I've been training for years, bouncing back between training to lose fat and gain muscle--sometimes with good results, mostly not.  But I've never been able to get down to a low bodyfat percentage, even when on severe diets.  Instead I'd just lose muscle and stay flabby.  When I first read about Final Phase Fat Loss, I was incredibly skeptical

After trying a few of the sample workouts, my mind was changing and I decided to go at it full force (best decision ever).  I lost an amazing 8 pounds of pure fat in the first 3 weeks.  During the course of the program I went from 15% bodyfat to 8%, even putting on some muscle and getting stronger. 

Plain and simple, FPFL works!  This is the only program that has been able to get me to where I want to be.  The best part about John's program is that not only will it get you completely shredded and in the best shape of your life; it will impart knowledge that will allow you to obtain your goals quickly and maintain them. 

Dave Calzone, 25


New York

Oh sure, there’s that whole bit about health and longevity.  And sure, this program is also good for athletes looking to increase performance. 

The truth is, those things are all well and good, but let’s be honest—that’s not why you’re here.  

You’re here because you want to look better—a LOT better—than you do now. 

And I can help. 

But first, let me tell you a quick story. 

Having been a fat kid for a good part of my life, when I finally got in shape at the age of 19 I was determined to stay that way.  I got lean and fit by learning everything I could about training and nutrition, and practicing those habits each and every day.  This led to a great career as a trainer, and a small but growing number of jobs as a fitness model. 

By the time I was 23, things went a bit more fluidly.  I felt I had things down to a pretty decent system. I had programs for when I wanted to gain muscle and others for when I wanted to lose fat. 

Sort of a “slow and steady wins the race” type of approach.

Well, unfortunately, even the best of us can kind of fall off track.  I was in a muscle gaining phase, and “slow and steady” sort of turned into “big and lazy.” 

Sure, I put on size, but because I wasn’t watching my diet carefully, I gained WAY more fat that I should have.


Summer was approaching, but truthfully, I wasn’t too worried.  I’d done this before.  I’d just have to diet for about 12-16 weeks (like always) to lose the fat and then I’d be lean again.  

Yes, I’d have to miss a few weeks of beach weather to diet down, but that wasn’t a huge deal.  

I had time to get lean, right?  WRONG. 

A few weeks into my program, my buddy Evan called.  Being in the middle of a binge-fest, I missed the call. 

However, the voicemail he left had GREAT news.   

You see, Evan had rented a big beach house in the Hamptons with a bunch of our friends from high school.  It was going to be a huge party with people I hadn’t seen in years, which sounded great until he mentioned the date. 


It was only 6 weeks away 

I took a look in the mirror, and I had a surreal experience. 

All of my insecurities from my childhood and adolescence came rushing back to me in a heartbeat—suddenly, I was no longer the guy who had been in fitness magazines, I was just the chubby kid again. 

Do you know what I mean? There is something about people from your past that ties them to who you WERE, instead of who you ARE.

Let me ask you a question: 

Have you ever felt like your body doesn’t reflect who you are? 

I’m sure you have—we ALL have at one point or another—and it’s not a good feeling. 

It’s like, your body is supposed to be the physical manifestation of you, right? 

Well, I was educated and knowledgeable about diet and training, as well an experienced fitness professional.   

Just one small problem:  I didn’t look like any of those things. 

Ever since I’d lost the weight and gotten fit, I hated anything that reminded me of my life before. And here I was, confronted with it at the worst possible time. 

I looked back in the mirror to assess the situation. 

I needed to lose at least 15 pounds of pure body fat, probably more. 

And worse, it was those last pounds that had always been the hardest for me and taken forever.  

I was used to taking my time and losing fat slowly. 

I knew I would never be ready in time—there was no way I could lose the fat. 

NOT with my traditional methods. 

I didn’t know what to do. 

Could I really skip the party?  Was I really that vain?  Maybe.  (Okay, probably.) 

Was I really that insecure? Almost definitely. 

I thought about who would be there.   

Now, keep in mind I lost all my weight while I was in college. 

These were people from high school, who knew me back before “the big change.”  

And yet, despite the fact that I had not seen most of them in years, most of these people had heard I’d gotten fit, done some modeling, and was doing well as a fitness professional. 

I felt…I don’t know.  I felt like there had to be some expectations, and the idea of not living up to them made me feel worse than I’d felt in high school. 

More importantly, and this is very personal…this was NOT the reunion I had always pictured.


I never wanted to run into people and be the “big” guy.   

In my head, whenever I’d thought about running into those people who hadn’t seen me, I wanted it to be a big shock, wanted them to see the tremendous change.  

The big reveal, if you will.   

I had spent so much time thinking about that moment, I needed it to be right. 

I wanted all the guys who looked great in high school and had (probably) gained weight in college to feel what I’d felt, just for a second. 

I wanted the girls who I’d been too insecure to even make eye contact with in high school to look at me and be too nervous to approach me. 

Sound familiar? 

Okay, I probably spent a bit more time thinking about that moment than was absolutely necessary.  But whatever, this is my revenge fantasy…shut up and let me enjoy it.

You see, I wanted to be at the party looking so good that when people looked at my body, they would either get turned on, or pissed off.  Not be unaffected.  That’s not what I’d worked my (fat) ass for. 

And so I decided not to go. I dreaded the idea of calling Evan back and telling him.  I was mortified.

Not only would I miss out on a great time with people I hadn’t seen in a long time, but I would have to call one of my closest friends and make up some lame excuse not to go. 

Could I tell him the truth?  That I was a trainer and strength coach who was too fat or too insecure to be shirtless at a beach?  And a fitness model on top of it!?  

I’d never been so disgusted with myself.  I felt like a joke, a total fraud. 

How could I, as a professional, let it get this far?  The bodybuilding was nice excuse, but it was just that – an excuse. Although I wanted to gain muscle, I realized at the moment I was being lazy. I’d taken the easy way out and eaten everything in sight, instead of having a structured, sane diet. 

And look where it got me: fat, frustrated, and freaking out. 

I could not bring myself to make the call. I was too embarrassed. (Truth be told, at the time I was not very good at confrontation.) 

So, I decided to put it off for a day. (I was, however, awesome at procrastinating.)

I didn’t realize it at the time, but not returning that phone call was a decision that completely changed my life, the way I look at fitness and fat loss, and even my approach to training my clients. 

Over the course of the evening, I started to think about everything I knew about fat loss and training, and all the different programs I’d written and read over the years. 

I thought of many methods, and having tried them all, I knew they all worked. Some worked better than others, but none worked well enough, or fast enough.

I knew from experience that all these training programs had downsides. 

One was only good if I was already pretty lean.  One worked okay but caused a lot of muscle and strength loss, which I wasn’t ready to sacrifice.  Another worked well but took longer than I had to see results. 

Then I had a crazy idea:  That night, instead of sleeping, I dreamed up a program that incorporated the best aspects of all of these methods. 

I took everything I tried, and I MADE IT BETTER.  I used the strength of one program to cancel out the weakness of another.   

I knew I had something special. 

There was only one thing left to do: test this bad boy out.   

And this seemed like the perfect time.  I only had 6 weeks, and I knew with 100% certainty my typical fat loss training was NOT going to cut it.   

I had nothing to lose.  If it didn’t work, it didn’t matter anyway, because I knew in my heart I wouldn’t go to the beach house; if it did work, I had stumbled upon something incredible. 

The following morning, with zero sleep and a frenzied desire, I hit the gym and tried the first workout. 

I felt incredible.  

I knew I was onto something BIG, something radically different. 

For the next week, I was so wrapped up in the program and the results I was getting, I had almost completely forgotten about the party.  

At the end of the week, my friend called again. 

This time, I picked up.  I told him I’d see him at the party. 

And I spent the interim creating, developing, testing and ultimately perfecting the workouts that would become the Final Phase Fat Loss training protocol. 

Six weeks later, I got to the beach house and was greeted by the astounded stares of people who couldn’t believe I was the same guy they used to know. 

Through this experience, I learned two very important lessons: 

1) It doesn’t matter what your reason is. 

Call it vanity, insecurity, ego or whatever. It’s no less important than health or well being.  If it lights a fire under your butt and gets you to change something, then that reason is amazing. 

2) It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional trainer or someone who works out casually, or even if you haven’t worked out.   

We’ve ALL been in that place where we want to lose fat FAST and aren’t sure the best way to go about it. 

And the conclusion:  It doesn’t matter if you’ve made some mistakes and tried to get incredible results with a mediocre program, or if you’ve been stuck doing extended cardio sessions that don’t get you to where you want to be. 

It’s NOT Your Fault 

First and foremost, let’s just put it on the table now: you’ve been lied to.  A lot.  For years. 

We’ve all been subjected to the same bad advice from the same sources.  Some of its just people repeating bad information they got from someone else, not even knowing its false.  

A good deal of this bad advice is from people trying to sell you fat-burners or carb-blockers, or ab gadgets. 

And some of it is just plain nonsense. 

The fact of the matter is: no supplement is going to instantly correct what nature has built into us. 

And if sorting through the bad information in gyms and fighting off the advertising juggernaut of the fitness industry wasn’t enough, you have your own body to contend with. 

What do I mean by that? 

Well, if you’ve ever had moderate success on a diet and training program, you know what I’m talking about: things are going well and then—BAM—you slam into the proverbial wall and your progress stops dead.   

We all know those last 5-15 pounds are the hardest to lose for both men and women, but why? 

Ready for a boring history lessen?  Of course you are, everyone loves boring history lessons; they’re awesome. 

(Honestly, just go ahead and skip the next 3 paragraphs. They’re all science-y and I didn’t even bother to write anything funny.  Just jump down to the next highlighted stuff.) 

Well, thanks to thousands of years of evolution, our bodies have adapted to become fat storage machines.  You may want 6-pack abs or a tight belly, but all your ancestors wanted was to not starve to death. 

Over the course of generations, it became “beneficial” and “genetically desirable” to store fat. Those genes have been passed on, and are now hanging out quite comfortably around your waist. 

(I warned you, this really isn’t interesting.  Let’s just get to the part about getting hot.) 

Whenever you try to lose fat, your body tries to hold onto it by slowing your metabolism.  The more fat you’ve lost, the more this happens.   

Essentially, the harder you fight to lose those last few pounds your ancestors considered necessary for survival, the harder your body fights to keep them. 

(You’re still reading? You must love science.  I bet you even took AP Biology.) 

The real answer is to outsmart your body with intelligent diet design and a training program that will offer enough variety to keep the fat coming off, no matter what. 

  Shea dropped 4% fat in just 4 weeks—and landed

a MAJOR modeling gig!



Having played multiple sports at an elite level for nearly my entire life I have always been fairly lean. From training for those sports, I learned how to design training and nutritional repertoires that kept me in peak athletic shape (between 8-9% body fat).

When I decided to pursue a modeling career, I knew that I would need to get leaner in order to compete for jobs—that’s when I turned to Final Phase Fat Loss.


With the help of John and FPFL, we were able to cut those tricky last couple pounds of fat. Within 4 weeks, I went from 9% body fat to 5%.  


Almost immediately after completing the program, I was signed to one of the most prominent modeling agencies in the world.  Final Phase Fat Loss gave me the results, the physique, and the confidence I needed to work in an industry where you are constantly under the microscope, in less time than I ever thought possible.


Shea Trott, 23, Model

New York, New York

Essentially, we all share the same genetic coding to gain fat and store it, despite our best efforts (thank your ancestors).  Combine that with the abundance of bad fat loss information out there and it isn’t hard to see why so many of us have been struggling with the same few pounds for frustratingly long periods of time. 

If you’ve been doing cardio for the past weeks (or months!) and haven’t seen the scale move even a little, it’s time for a change.   

If you’ve been wasting your time at the gym doing high reps to try to “tone” your muscles, and haven’t seen the slightest difference in the way they look, it’s time for a change. 

And that change is here. 

Angie went from a size 10 to a size 4 in 8 weeks—and stayed there!


I’m a mom of 3 daughters (an older one and a set of twins) and I feel like I barely have time to do anything.  My husband and I try to be active with the kids, but we both put on weight, especially me.  When we got married, I was 110 pounds, and a few years after the kids I was 147—and I’m only 5’3”!


I tried everything from long cardio sessions to starvation diets and barely saw anything. I’d lose 5 or 10 pounds, and then plateau and rebound 

Then I started working with John.  When he put me on Final Phase Fat Loss, I was skeptical but decided to stick with it.

Just 8 weeks later, I was astounded. I weighed 134.5, but that wasn’t the shocker.  I’d only lost 12 and a half pounds on the scale, but went from a size 10 to a size 4!   

John explained that I’d lost a huge amount of fat while gaining muscle, which took up less space. The new muscle would help me maintain a higher metabolism constantly burn fat, keeping the weight off. 

Now, 2 years later, I’m still a size 4 and my kids can’t keep up with me.  Final Phase Fat Loss got me to where I never knew I could be again.  

Angie Quinn, 49

Full Time Mom and Part Time Book Keeper

New York


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