
Authors University - How To Write, Publish, and Promote Your First Best-Seller

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Authors University - How To Write, Publish, and Promote Your First Best-Seller

Overwhelmed By The Challenges Of Becoming A Successful Published Author?

Need Comprehensive Training On Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book?
Watch The Video Below To Learn How To Get It In The Next 8 Minutes...

CLICK HERE >>> A Step-By-Step System
For Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book

From: John Harricharan

International Best-Selling Author & Publishing Coach

Thursday, 11:29 AM

Dear Aspiring Published Author,

Did you know that in a recent international survey, 81% of the respondents indicated that they want to write a book someday?


Now, after 40+ years in publishing and working with highly successful authors, that figure honestly doesn't surprise me...

We ALL have a story to tell, and many of us have at least some desire, even if subconsciously, to share it with the world.

And by far the best way to share your story is to write, publish, and promote a book successfully.

"Listen to what he says..."

"John Harricharan inspires you, motivates you and teaches you. He's fantastic, absolutely fantastic. Listen to what he says."

~ Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Best-Selling Author

"Magic, charm, love and compassion..."

"John Harricharan leads us along the enchanted path of enlightenment with magic, charm, love and compassion."

~ Deepak Chopra
Author of The Seven Spiritual Secrets of Success
And Way Too Many Other Books To List Here... :-)

However, I Can't Help But Feel A Bit Sad

About That Figure...

Why, you ask?

Well, while more than 80% of people SAY they'd like to write a book, far less than 1% of them will ever actually do it.

Some just aren't that committed to it, of course, and you always have those folks in any group. Let's assume for argument's sake that YOU are NOT one of those. ;)

The people whose situations I personally find a bit upsetting are those who REALLY want to write...

Those who are eager to share their experiences and knowledge...

The ones who will make an enormous contribution to the world if they can just get their thoughts into a written form...

...and then get THAT in front of tens or hundreds of thousands of readers across the globe.

CLICK HERE >>> A Step-By-Step System
For Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book

"It all started with your course..."

“I suspect that people considering John Harricharan's writing course would be interested in knowing the outcome of a previous student - from inspiration to publication to foreign rights sales. John does good work!

To be able to reach out to people all across the globe is nothing less than a miracle. I've signed an agreement with Taiwan; they will publish my book in November. I have an agreement with Australia / New Zealand / Open Market Territories sitting on my desk. I said ‘yes' to Turkey, Brazil and Germany. Others are interested as well.

I've also been doing some radio interviews - about 40 so far, and some local television in the Midwest and am working toward national TV.”

~ William Hablitzel, M.D.
Author, Dying Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

"So excited about turning my e-books into 'real' books with John's help..."

"If you want a guide through the jungle and maze of the publishing world - there's no one better than an actual, bona fide best-selling author.

It's easy enough to write a book, but the real important steps come afterwards. That's why I'm so excited about turning my e-books into "real" books with John's help."

~ Yanik Silver
Author, Moonlighting On The Internet

Are YOU One of These "Undiscovered Authors"?

Tell me, does any of the following sound familiar to you?

  • Have you ever sold yourself short or told yourself that you don't have what it takes to become an author, or that successfully publishing a book is something reserved for someone better educated or more well-spoken?
  • Or, have you convinced yourself that you don't really have anything of interest to share - nothing that would be of value to the world at large?
  • Or have you just plain gotten LOST in all of the contradictory advice and endless options when it comes to writing, publishing or promoting your book?

If you have been fostering any of the above fantasies, then I'm REALLY glad that you found this page!

It's time that you put those beliefs behind you, and BECOME THE SUCCESSFUL AUTHOR YOU WERE MEANT TO BE!

There lies within you an UNTOLD WEALTH of wisdom, stories, advice, or experience that will NEVER find its way out into the world unless you resolve now that you are going to write, publish, and promote your book successfully.

And don't worry about the details! I can help you tremendously with those. ;)

CLICK HERE >>> A Step-By-Step System
For Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book

Life As A Successful Author

As I reflect on my own life, which began in a remote little village in the South American country of Guyana, it all might have turned out SO DIFFERENTLY...

You see, in my humble beginnings there were many people and forces all around me that might have conspired to convince me NOT to try...

...To convince me that I was somehow subject to my circumstances and held no power within myself to change them.

Since then, I have dined with heads of state, been welcomed as a dignitary and renowned speaker in dozens of countries around the globe, and received accolades from many who say that I have somehow touched or inspired them, or in some way helped their lives become better.

In saying all this, in NO WAY do I wish to boast.

Rather, I mention it to make a point...

The point being that ALL of these wonderful experiences that have graced my life are directly the result of being a successful published author.

Here are just a few of the benefits of being a successful published author that you may not have considered:

More Business - If you are a professional (executive, doctor, chiropractor, real estate agent, attorney, or ANY independent businessperson), there is NO better way to improve your credentials and your business than by becoming a published author.
Respect & Status - Published authors enjoy a level of respect and status in society similar to that of professional athletes and stars in music and film. You will be viewed as a "celebrity" in your target market, and your friends, family, and social circles will look at you in an entirely different way.
Speaking Engagements - Publishing a book is a GREAT way to build your reputation and attract speaking engagements. I have traveled to the far corners of the globe due to such invitations, and have had many wonderful experiences and made incredible acquaintances in the process.
Instant "Expert" Power - As a published author, you will instantly have attributed to you the status of an expert in your field. Doors of opportunity will open to you far more easily, and people will seek you out for your expertise.
Double Your Income - Outside the possibility of creating a great income from your book sales, upon becoming a recognized, successful author you can command a higher base or hourly rate for consultations or services, whatever your profession may be.
And MUCH, Much More!

CLICK HERE >>> A Step-By-Step System
For Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book

"Knows modern publishing inside-out..."

"Let John Harricharan, book writing mentor-extraordinaire, guide you on your way. His course has changed my life. I am now the author of two books-one of which is an award-winning book. All of this was because of John's help.

John wisely and expertly guides you through the intricacies of writing and book publishing. He really knows modern publishing inside-out."

~ Yanni Maniates
Award-winning Author, Magical Keys to Self-Mastery: Creating Miracles In Your Life

"John takes you by the hand and leads you..."

"If you've ever wanted to see your book become a bestseller, I have good news. There are secrets to becoming a successful author, but only a few people will ever share them with you.

John takes you by the hand and leads you through one lesson at a time until, at the end of the course, you're totally equipped to write your book AND make it a fantastic success."

~ Dr. Joe Vitale
Award-winning Author, The Attractor Factor and way too many other books to list here

The Road To Best-Seller Status

Let me tell you a story...

I wasn't always an author. I was really more of a combination scientist-businessman. Although I always wanted to write a book, I was not trained in writing. The only writing course I ever took in college was "Creative Writing" and I almost failed -- I got a "D"!

I was always fascinated by authors, but didn't have a clue about the writing game, and so, when I wrote my book, When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat, I made all the mistakes any beginner could make.

But after many years filled with LOTS of trials and errors, plus the sage advice of successful authors, editors, literary agents, publishers and marketing experts, the "WaterBook" (as it's fondly called by its readers) went on to become an award-winning bestseller.

As you can see, I'd be lying to you if I said that my successes came overnight. They didn't. But here's the thing - I had to figure it all out mainly on my own!

Of course, I did eventually receive some guidance from some amazing mentors, but I didn't have a SYSTEM for becoming a best-selling author, a BLUEPRINT that would outline each step for me.

But thankfully, now YOU do!


Years ago, after first achieving success with some of my books, I began informally coaching a few friends and colleagues on the process that had finally made it all possible for me.

Over the decades since then, I've had the opportunity to continue that coaching with literally hundreds of students. In fact, for the past 10 years I offered a formal 5 week training program that helped many aspiring authors to complete their books and successfully publish and market them.

There's been just ONE nagging problem with that course up until now...

You see, because of how the course was structured, I could only handle a small number of students at a time.

I had to charge a premium price for the course, due to the large amount of my time that was required, and as a result there are MANY aspiring authors who would have benefited greatly from the training, but who could not afford to do so.

How To Write, Publish & Promote Your Book

"A masterpiece of information and insight..."

“John's course is a masterpiece of information and insight. Even though I had completed my book, I was at a standstill of what to do next, having spent countless hours researching until John's email arrived announcing this course. I enrolled and went on to get my book published and win two awards!

That's part of John's magic. Whether you'd like to write a book, or you have one ready to go, John can guide you smoothly and quickly through the rough waters of book publishing. If you are lucky enough to come across John's course, jump on it.”

~ Terri Marie
Award-winning Author, Be the Hero of Your Own Game and One Minute Inspirations

And THAT Is Why Authors University Was Created...

Authors University is the crowning development of my book writing, publishing, and promotion course.

It has been designed in a way that will allow me to offer my proven blueprint to more students than ever before, and at an extremely affordable investment for each student.

It contains all of the valuable knowledge and training of my initial course, but has also been enhanced with all of the latest developments in the process of becoming a published author.

In essence, Authors University is my personal Blueprint for attaining any level of success you desire as a published author.

What You're Going To Learn

While it's impossible to list everything here, the following is a sample of what is covered inside Authors University:


An overview of the entire process of book creation, and a look at WHY you should become a successful published author:

Why You CAN And SHOULD Become A Successful Author, In Spite of Background or Lack of Experience - I'll cover a lot of detail on exactly why successful author status is within the reach of ANYONE.
We'll Look Closely At The Unexpected Benefits of Being A Published Author (sure, fame and fortune can be part of the outcome, but I'll bet that you've never even thought about some of these benefits of authorship!)
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Unanticipated Responsibilities Of Being A Published Author
We'll Examine Success Stories of Other Authors, and Identify Factors That Contributed To Their Success
The Mystical Aspects That Can Influence Writing A Book And Making It Successful (These will surprise you. Most people who teach how to write, publish and promote books hardly ever talk about this area. I will tell you all about it.)
My Personal Rolodex: Our Best Resources For Getting Your Book Published And Successfully Distributed. (These are the same exact resources that I use and recommend to my closest friends and colleagues!)

Getting Your Book Written

All the ins and outs of writing your book, turning out your best possible in the shortest possible time:

How To Become An Author Even If You're Not Sure Now What To Write About (probably the most common excuse I hear about not becoming an author... I'll show how to overcome this once and for all!)
The Critical Step of Finding The Right Name For Your Book (Why it has such far-reaching implications for the success of your book, and how to settle on the right name quickly.)
The Writing Process: WHERE, WHEN, and HOW Should You Write?
How To Take What You Know And Turn It Into A Manuscript
How To Organize Your Thoughts & Eliminate The Unnecessary Ones
What Richard Bach (Author of the Perpetual Bestseller, Jonathan Livingston Seagull) Shared With Me That Could Change Your Writing Like Magic (this tip alone is worth many thousands of dollars)
The Most Important Steps Necessary For a Book To Become Successful (without these, your book is destined for mediocrity)
Things You Should Consider About Publishing Options BEFORE You Even Start Writing Your Book (and most importantly which ones to AVOID!)
How To Begin With The End In Mind: What You Need To Be Doing To Promote Your Book BEFORE It's Written
Often Overlooked, Alternative Ways To Write Your Book Faster And Easier
The Formalities: Creating The Structure For Your Book

How To Write, Publish & Promote Your Book

Publishing Your Book

A close look at all of the available methods, their pros and cons, and my personal recommendations depending on what you want to accomplish:

Critical Mistakes To AVOID During The Editing Process (Miss these and all your work writing your book might be wasted...)
Considerations for Creating a Book Cover
Amazon Kindle: An Unprecedented Avenue For Becoming A Successful Author
What You MUST Know About The Present and Future of Publishing If You're Going To Have Success As An Author
An In-Depth Review of Available Publishing Methods, With Pro / Con Analysis and My Personal Recommendations
The Secrets of Self-Publishing - How you can self-publish your book even if you have very little money to start with. This tip alone is worth double the cost of Authors University. By using this method, you could make a profit even before your book is published.
The Secrets to Getting Foreign Publishing Rights & The Benefits To Having Your Book Published In Multiple Languages
How To Publish At (Almost) The Speed of Light With Lightning Source
Publishing Rights: What You Need To Know Now
How To De-Mystify Copyrights, ISBN, and The Library of Congress
Espresso Machine (no, it's not about coffee): Print On Demand On Steroids

Promoting & Marketing Your Book

How to set up your marketing machine to sell your book by the truckload:

Promotion, Publicity & Marketing, And How To Make This One of Your Favorite Parts of The Process
How To Use The Power of The Internet To Make Word of Your Book Spread Like Wildfire
The Top 10 Simple Ways to Promote Your Book - I will tell you how and where to find some incredible marketing and promotional resources that could propel your book to the top with amazing speed.
Selling Your Book: How To Set Up Your Distribution Machine - I'll reveal the truth about book distributors and will explain why "more" doesn't mean "better" in the book selling business. I'll also reveal the one distributor I've used that could get your book into thousands of bookstores.
Gathering Testimonials: Why Testimonials Are Important & Exactly How To Do It - The power of a good set of testimonials can make all the difference in the world for the success of your book.
Book Reviews: How They Fit Into The Whole Picture & How To Get Them
A Surprisingly Simple Way To Hit The Best-Seller List on Amazon.com - I'll share many insiders' tips on how to enhance your book sales and ranking at amazon.com that will leave you stunned at their power and simplicity. Many promoters these days are giving just this bit of advice for prices ranging from $3,000 to $15,000.

How To Write, Publish & Promote Your Book

"Virtually priceless..."

"‘Not one word… I can't do it!' Those were my famous last words on the subject of writing… that is until I took John's advice and began using his writing course. Although I had worked as John's assistant for many years, I greatly resisted writing at first. However, his insiders' tips and information were virtually priceless, and I found myself inspired to take the plunge.

John's sage advice gave me the confidence to complete not one, but two books with another one in the works. If you're an aspiring writer, don't delay. This course will help you realize your dream of becoming an accomplished author.”

~ Anita Bergen

Author, Life and Other Options and Pause and Reflect


What Your Experience As An Author Might Look Like WITHOUT Authors University...

In the past 40 years I've seen it too many times to count...

Bright-eyed and eager to succeed, thousands of aspiring authors set out every year to fulfill their dreams of writing and publishing a best-seller.

Sadly, most never make it:

  • Many get overwhelmed with the writing process itself.
  • Others fall into one or more of the many traps that exist along the road to getting their books published.
  • Some spend thousands of dollars on questionable publishing schemes, and later have little or nothing to show for it.
  • Others may successfully publish their books, but then wind up with a garage full of their published work and absolutely no knowledge or ability to sell it.

And while it is true that SOME eventually do find their own way to success as published authors, it often takes YEARS to reach that point, costing them not only all that time, but the financial rewards that result from pursuing authorship with a qualified mentor who can help you short-cut the process.

The good news is that THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE YOU!

"Thanks to John's e-course, I now am a published author!"

"In all sincerity, John is one of my favorite authors and his influence on my writing has been great, to say the least. When I heard about his e-course I just about jumped out of my office chair. The simple reason was that it has been a deep-seated desire of mine to write a ‘real' book (we all know the credibility that comes with that) and I didn't have a clue as to where or how to start.

John has always pleasantly surprised me. His eclass has been nothing short of amazing - extremely practical, easy-to-follow, inspirational and invaluable! I firmly believe that in EVERY person lies ‘an author waiting to arrive', and thanks to John's e-course, I now am a published author!"

~ Rick Beneteau
Author, A Large Slice of Life to Go, Please

Instant Access To My Proven System For Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book:

Yes John! I am dedicated in my quest to become a highly successful published author, and wish to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to participate in your book writing, publishing, and promotion course through Authors University.

Here's everything included in your Authors University "Write a Best-Seller" Course:

John Harricharan's Acclaimed 12-Week Book Writing, Publishing, and Promotion Audio Course ($497 Value)

The course material will be made available to in the private members area of the website, with new material released each and every week. You will retain access to the course material for as long as you need in order to make your book a success.

Course material will be provided in audio format for listening on the site as well as MP3 download so you can review the material in the way that works best for you (load it on your MP3 player, burn it to a disc, etc.)

INSTANT Download of the Authors University Written Course: Write, Publish & Promote Your Book - A Step-By-Step Guide to Becoming a Successful Author ($97 Value)

The written course provides another medium for you to consume the Authors University instructional material, and provides a wealth of information and insight on book publishing and promotion, as well as John's personal rolodex of publishing resources.

Recorded Interviews With Successful Authors AND Publishing Industry Experts & Insiders ($47 Monthly Value) - Authors University will help you to keep abreast of the latest developments and changes in the Publishing Industry that may impact your approach to publishing your book.
Recorded Tele-Classes With John Harricharan ($47 Monthly Value) -

John will host tele-classes from time to time to answer the most pressing questions from you and other Authors University students. You are free to either attend live, or access Q&A tele-class recordings in the Private Members Area.

Add Authors University

Write A Best-Seller Course

(More Than $680 Value)

At Just $97!

I understand that I will be able to instantly download the audio course, the written course, and the bonus material. My satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If after reviewing the course, I don't feel that I have all the information necessary to publish my book and make it a wonderful success, I can get my investment in the course back at any time within 60 days of purchase.

And in case you're wondering, YES, your investment in Authors University is guaranteed...

My "No Questions Asked" Guarantee

You get two full months (60 Days) to review Authors University. If you don't feel that you have all the information necessary to make your book a phenomenal success, you get your money back. Just contact us for an easy, no-hassle refund.

It's as simple as that!

I am 100% confident in backing up this program, because it is exactly the system that I and many others have used to become successful published authors.

If you are committed to being a published author and follow this system, it is only a matter of time until you will experience the immense satisfaction of seeing your first book in print!

"You need John Harricharan to guide you!"

"When I decided to go after the 'traditional' print book publishing world there was only one person I could think of who I would trust to show me the way -- John Harricharan.

If you want a mentor, a coach and a tutor who really cares whether you make it or not and will put 110% of himself into your success at creating your own bestseller, then you need John Harricharan to guide you!"

~ Jim Edwards
Author, Niche Advertising Secrets

You Are Standing At The Edge of A Decision
That May Change Your Life Forever...

I mentioned before that my life would have been VERY different had I not taken the steps to become a published, best-selling author.

Your legacy, your contribution to the world, your ability to leave behind a lasting influence for good, will ALL be helped along significantly should you be successful in your quest to write and publish your book and then get it out in front of all the people who will benefit from it.

ANYONE who knows and follows the correct process can become a highly successful published author, and I would love to share with you the most complete system ever compiled on doing so, all the while saving you YEARS of trial and error trying to figure it out on your own.

As a coach and teacher, my favorite experience is to receive a copy of the completed, published work of a student.

Through Authors University, my aim is to provide you with every tool, resource, and insight that you need to reach that pinnacle of success.

I hope that you'll take this opportunity to benefit from all of my distilled knowledge from 40 years of book publishing experience, and am looking forward to sharing in the joy of your success.

I'll see you in class!

John Harricharan

Creator, Authors University

P.S. - Just as I have helped many authors before, I'll explain how simple it is to get your book into an ebook or print format and make it a success. Due to the specialized nature of the course material and the individual attention involved, I will be limiting the number of students. So, if you're interested, please act right away.

P.P.S. - One last thing. I ask all Authors University students to send me an autographed copy of their book when it's published. If it's an ebook, an emailed copy will suffice. On my bookshelves are many autographed books from those who have fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming an author. I look forward to including your book among them. ;)

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