
Self Esteem for Women - You deserve to feel amazing about the person you are.

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Self Esteem for Women - You deserve to feel amazing about the person you are.

How did two young women from a small Australian town overcome Bulimia & Depression to lead lives that most people only dream of?

Release your emotional baggage, improve your self esteem, and seize the happy, fulfilled life you deserve with...

Personal Power for Women

A powerful six-week online course for personal transformation

What a Wonderful Gift You've Given Me...

"After years of putting everyone else first, I finally feel like I have the strength to stand up for myself and do what's right for me. What a wonderful gift you've given me, thank you so very much."

Holly - Brisbane, Australia

...They've even told me I look younger!

"In the first month of following your ecourse, I've had amazing results. My husband and family have all said they can really notice a difference in the way I hold myself, there's spring in my step, and they've even told me I look younger!"

Skye - London, UK

...I've also managed to set and achieve
a number of great goals

"Dear Katrina & Sabrina, after also suffering depression through my teenage years, I saw your website and really connected with Sabrina's story. Now that I've completed the program, I'd just like to say thank you for putting all these resources in one location. Not only am I no longer depressed, but I've also managed to set and achieve a number of great goals using your techniques and the guided visualisations."

Debbie - Hamilton, New Zealand

Dear Friend,

What does your life look like right now? Are you bouncing out of bed every day feeling amazing, looking healthy and fabulous, and financially abundant? Or, like so many women who lead busy, stressful lives, are you perhaps...

Overwhelmed - because you're taking care of everyone but you?

Overweight - because you're trying to fill an emotional hole with food?

Overdrawn - because you're living paycheck to paycheck?

Overcome - because, yet again, you've put yourself last?

Overruled- by the demands of your spouse, children, family, or "society?"

Overwrought - because the passion has gone out of your relationship?

Overburdened - by a heavy load of self-inflicted guilt, resentment or low self esteem

We know. We've been there.

And we're never going back, thanks to the powerful self esteem improvement techniques you'll learn in Personal Power for Women.

...Money cannot buy what you have done
for my daughter

"I would like to thank you from my heart, money cannot buy what you have done for my daughter. I cannot thank you enough. The immediate change in her thinking is unbelievable."

VW - Brisbane, Australia

Our Personal Power Stories

Just who are we, and what makes us think we can help you?

We are Katrina Wilton and Sabrina Holmes, two young women from a small town in Australia. And each of us has beaten the odds. We've traded self-loathing for self-confidence. Despair for desire. Anger for anticipation.

Each of us has come back from the brink of emotional and financial turmoil - and we're about to teach you how to:

Reclaim your true life...

Rekindle your romance...

and Reignite your passion for living the life you deserve.

Improving self esteem for women is a very personal, and important project to us because of where we've been.

So, Just how bad was it for us?

That was then...

Sabrina, then: "A suicide attempt at 16. Medicated on anti-depressants for the next 13 years. A string of tumultuous relationships, including a failed marriage. Endless therapists, counselors, psychologists, seminars and self help books. At 29 years old, the light at the end of the tunnel looked dim."

Katrina, then: "I was unable to get off drugs at 13 years old, and the years that followed saw a string of tragedies which included the shooting death of a close friend. That was followed by a spiral of binge eating and purging, laxative abuse and deterioration of my health, which continued over the next 8 years. I had a poor body image and by 27 I was nearly $40,000 in personal debt, struggling to make ends meet."

And this is NOW...

Sabrina, today: "Thanks to the techniques in Personal Power for Women: "Every day of my life is a celebration. I'm so proud of the woman I see in the mirror, I've truly fallen in love with me. I enjoy a deeply passionate relationship with the most sensitive and loving man. I wake up each morning with a sense of excitement that I am fulfilling my life purpose. ALL of my dreams are coming true!"

Katrina, today: "Thanks to the techniques in Personal Power for Women: "At only 31 years old, I now own 6 properties and enjoy a life of complete financial independence. I am slim, healthy and blissfully happy! I married the man of my dreams on the beach in Thailand and we enjoy traveling all over the world. I quit working for an employer at 28 and have been enjoying a life of freedom ever since. My life is better than I ever imagined possible!"

And we can both affirm that the tools and
exercises included in this program are
absolutely life changing.

When you order Personal Power for Women, you will receive the very same tools we used to turn our own lives around from debt, depression, poor body image, low self esteem, and Bulimia to incredible health, wealth and success.

I now wake up every day feeling alive...

"I was a busy mother and wife, suffering from low self esteem, and the Personal Power for Women course helped me to see myself with different eyes. I now wake up every day feeling alive and ready to tackle the world and every challenge that it throws at me. My family has noticed such a difference in me too, thank you for helping me re-gain my confidence and motivation for life!"

Maria - Perth, Australia

We lost track years ago how much money we've spent on personal development... but it's safe to say that it's well into the tens of thousands of dollars. That's the thing with making significant life changes: it comes at a price.

But by assembling several of the most powerful personal growth techniques in one six-week course, we've made it far easier for you than it ever was for us.

We've sifted through techniques and processes, books, exercises, audio programs, live workshops, one on one therapy and coaching to bring you the most powerful tools we could find.

Yes, we're saving you thousands of dollars by sharing these learnings with you. But most importantly, we're saving you the one thing you will never get more of. Time.

An investment in yourself is the best
investment you can ever make.

As women, we're hard-wired to be helpers... pleasers... care-takers... mothers. We think we're doing everyone a favor by putting ourselves last. But the truth is, you can't pour from an empty pitcher. And if you can't help yourself, you'll never have the option - or ability - to help others.

...the letting go technique literally brought
tears to my eyes

"I finished the e-course and found it very awakening. The visualizations were the best part for me... I have to admit, the letting go technique literally brought tears to my eyes. It was the most fantastic and real feeling of me!!"

Eleanor - Brisbane, Australia

Here are just some of the life changing results
you can achieve when you sign up for
Personal Power for Women

Release the blocks in your life that have been holding you back
You know there are things you 'should' do. Yet you can't ever seem to get them finished... much less started. Isn't it time you knew why?

Clarify where you are right now, and why you may not yet be living your dream life
The results showing up in your life right now are an exact reflection of your expectations. Change your expectations - and you can change your life!

Create a clear map for the life you do want, and how to get it
How do you know when you're living your dream life if you don't even know what it is? Get specific about what you want to be, do and have.

Release negative energy surrounding the people in your life
You may not be aware how much 'baggage' you're carrying from the events and relationships throughout your life. Discover what you're hanging on to - and how to let it go once and for all.

Re-ignite the passion in your relationship
Re-create the spark you felt when you first met, and take it to a new level now with the depth of love you have learned over time.

Get connected to you. You are special and amazing
Being anything less than who you really are is doing a disservice to not just you, but also your family, friends and the wider world. Discover who you REALLY are and notice how quickly others are drawn to your light.

Understand the real differences between masculine and feminine and how they affect your life and relationships
Has your intimate partner turned into just a roommate? It doesn't have to be that way. Discover why this happens in most relationships and how to change it.

Learn the simple yet powerful tools to help you to master your money
Consumer debt is a cancer on relationships - not just bank accounts. Where is your money going, and how much impact is it having on your life and the people you love?

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing"
- Helen Keller

Personal Power for Women

Our lives are a celebration every single day and we want the same for you!

We were exactly where you are right now. And we're here to tell you it doesn't have to be this way. With this e-course, you are only six weeks away from experiencing dramatic positive changes in your life.

Self esteem for women is too often low, and we're very passionate about helping you to make important changes you deserve to really enjoy every moment of your life.

What's an e-course? What can I expect?
Read a course description here

Stop buying into the lies. You CAN have the fairytale relationship, the overflowing bank account and the killer curves.

Put yourself back in the driver's seat of your life... it can and should be nothing short of spectacular!

I'm already really excited about the changes...

"Wow! I did the exercises from the first week and I really faced up to some truths about myself that I hadn't been aware of until now. It is only the first step, but I'm already really excited about the changes taking place... thank you!"

Kathleen, Carey, USA

Are You Ready for Change?

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again - and expecting a different result. Without making some vital changes TODAY, can you really expect that tomorrow will be any different? You may never enjoy the life you know you deserve if you don't take action now.

You need to decide how important this is to you. Consider how much it is costing you (and your loved ones) NOT to do what you know you must.

"But what is this going to cost me?"

We have spent years and years, and thousands of dollars learning these tools and we know how well they work. We're offering them to you at one low price of...

only $47 USD
...and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

That's a one-time payment of just $47. Why so low? Because we want to share the wealth of our experience and knowledge with as many women as possible.

So yes, you can try Personal Power for Women at absolutely NO RISK for eight full weeks. After you receive the course, if you're not convinced that these tools, when used properly, can have a massive positive impact on your life, we will give you 100% of your money back!

Note: Refund must be requested within 8 weeks (56 days) of purchase as per Clickbank terms & conditions.

And if you order today, you qualify for these four special bonuses:

Special Bonus #1: Five beautiful audio clips, with guided visualizations and meditations. A $99 value!

Special Bonus #2: 'As a Man Woman Thinketh' ebook. Where are your thoughts taking you?

Special Bonus #3: 'Attracting Prosperity: a How-to Guide for Women' ebook.

Special Bonus #4: 'Style Guide' report offering you fantastic tips and tricks to have you looking and feeling fantastic!

So the real question is, how much is it worth to you to have:

Financial Independence
Self Esteem

...You Deserve It!

It's time to start creating the exact life that you want. A life without the stress and the heartache. A life where you make your own choices.

...I'm a new woman!

"I now have the confidence to walk into a room where I know no-one... I no longer require people to tell me what my strengths are because I already know them. Thank you for bringing out in me what I never believed was possible before, I'm a new woman!"

MM - Brisbane, Australia

Remember, you must be prepared to let go of your old behaviors... the ones that you know are no longer serving you. And we'll help you every step of the way. You owe it to yourself! Don't settle for anything less than living each day as a celebration. Order today...and just imagine the changes you can make in just six short weeks.

Yes! I'm ready to do what I need to do TODAY to build the life, happiness and emotional peace I know I deserve.

I understand that this is a one time, limited opportunity and...

I want to design the life I know I deserve, so show me how.
I want to get instant access to these proven techniques that aren't available from any store - only from this site.
I know the offer is risk free and the price may go up at any time.
I understand that I must order today to receive all four free bonuses and that this offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

Please accept my payment to enroll in the exclusive six-week online course, Personal Power for Women.

You deserve the best. We know it. And in just six short weeks, you can too.
Claim your power...


We look forward to sharing the journey with you,


Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Master Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis
Master Results Coach
Performance Consultant

P.S. If you're feeling guilty just thinking about taking time for yourself, it's proof that you can benefit from this e-course. If you can't do it for yourself just yet, think of it this way: by not being the best possible "you," you're shortchanging your loved ones of having the best possible friend, lover, mother, or sister. So do it for them, if you have to... but just do it!

P.P.S. Remember, order today to claim your four FREE Personal Power bonuses, valued at over $140... that's almost $100 more than the price of the e-course!

P.P.P.S. If you wouldn't hesitate to spend this small amount of money on a friend, or your spouse, or your kids... ask yourself why you're hesitating to spend it on you. And how does that make you feel? Order Personal Power for Women today if you've had enough of being the lowest priority in your own life.

I highly recommend this program to all women
who want more out of life.

"I would just like to thank you both for providing a course designed specifically for women and our 'issues'. To be honest, I found your website while surfing the net and wasn't exactly sure what a Personal Power for Women course would do for me, but let me say I was impressed with the package. As you say in the course you're either growing or dying and I didn't release how much I was dying and not growing until I completed some of the self evaluation exercises and truly gained a better understanding of me. Thank you again for helping me in areas I didn't even know I could improve. I highly recommend this program to all women who want more out of life."

Cherie, Fort Lauderdale, USA

Dare to be Fabulous! ®

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