
Discover the secret keys for how to get pregnant naturally by knowing the subtle signs your body is giving you.

Keys To Pregnancy Success Download kirstyn-sierras-elite-pregnancy-keys-program-over-100-pregnancies.pdf

Discover the secret keys for how to get pregnant naturally by knowing the subtle signs your body is giving you.

"After 7 Years of Marriage, I Was Given One Chance
To Get Pregnant So I Developed a Fail-Proof Plan
and Gave Birth to a Healthy Baby 9 Months Later.
Now I teach others how to plan their pregnancies
so they can conceive quickly too..."

Please Note: If you have any concerns about whether I can help you, please e-mail me. I am happy to do my best to help you figure out just what you need to do to get pregnant faster. Here's an example of what these e-mail exchanges usually look like...

  I would have still been waiting...  

Success Story #103

Hello Kirstyn,

Kirstyn, I would really like to thank you for the tips that you gave to me and to the millions of ladies for getting pregnant quickly. Today my husband and I are so overwhelmed with the good news that we were awaiting.

You know I have conceived and now I am 5 weeks pregnant. And it is because of your helpful tips.

*After asking Rose for permission to share her story, this is what she said...

My friend you don't have to ask me for a permission to share the story. You have all the rights, you don't know how much you have helped me and my husband. If I hadn't had the correct information for baby making then I would have been still waiting for the news.

Thanking you once again.
Kind regards,
Rose (conceived within 3 months of watching the videos)


  Your course is definitely worth it  

...I can't imagine what would cause anyone to delay in jumping on board with the program. The price is just pennies compared to years of the cost of trying different methods and medications.

With your help, I got pregnant a few weeks before my 41st birthday.

Your course is definitely worth it.

~ Becky, Missouri


  Pregnant after 5 years of trying  

Success Story #10

Dear Kirstyn,

We have been married for five years now and I am so frustrated because until now we still don't have a baby. We're past the doctor stage...i don't think that we will be blessed with a baby anymore. I feel so hopeless already.

Please help me achieve this dream.



(I suggested she watch my videos and then I received this note.)

I've just watched your videos and am so thankful for the wonderful words that you have shared to us, hopefuls to become parents.

2 months later I received this note from Lealyn

Dear Kirstyn,

I'm glad to inform you that I'm now 4 weeks pregnant and I am hoping that this pregnancy would be the long-awaited answer to our prayers.

Your advises greatly helped us together with God's grace and blessings.
May you continue helping those who are in dire need of your advises.

God bless you more in your endeavors.


Leah gave birth to her daughter, Ainsley, 8 months later


From: Kirstyn Sierra
Thursday, 2:05 PM

Hello, it's Kirstyn here and I hope you're inspired by all of the success stories from women who have watched my videos. What's most important is knowing that what I teach really does work and I call this...

The Magic of Knowing

You CAN Get Pregnant

  Pregnancy Keys Program Definitely Works!  

Success Story #124


I just wanted to send you a little message to say that your Pregnancy Keys Program definitely works!!! I followed what you teach and today I got a positive pregnancy test.

You are more than welcome to share my story and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your help and encouragement has greatly helped during this process!!!!

Amanda ~ New Brunswick, Canada
Pregnant 9 days after watching the videos.

Update 7 months later...

Hello Kristyn,

I made it past my first three months and am now 33 weeks along! Now, as long as I can handle another 7 weeks of being kicked in the ribs, we will have a baby girl to welcome home!!!

Thanks for everything,




Now I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you what makes this course so special.

In Lesson #1, I cover my Top Tips and Techniques for Baby Making Sex.

For example, did you know that most commercially made lubricants won't help you to get pregnant, in fact tests have shown that they can actually damage the sperm. It's true...

In this video...

  • I'll share the best sperm friendly lubricants that can help, not hinder, your chances of becoming pregnant more quickly.
  • You'll discover the best sexual positions to use for the highest chance of becoming pregnant, and I'll share the worst position to use as well, so you can be sure to avoid it.
  • You'll also learn some of my other top tips for baby making sex, including how to keep as much sperm inside you when you are done and much more.

This video comes with an mp3 audio recording that you can listen to on your iPod or mp3 player, plus a PDF report so you can read it online, or print it out and read it in bed or cuddled up on the couch.

In Lesson #2, I'll cover one of the most important keys to becoming pregnant, and as we discussed earlier, that key is Detecting Ovulation before it happens.

In this video I'm going to teach you how to read your body's signs so that you'll know each and every month when the perfect time is for your baby making sex.

In this video and accompanying PDF Report I discuss -

  • The easiest, fastest way to give yourself the best chance of becoming pregnant.
  • The common misconceptions many women have about trying to get pregnant. These are things you really need to know.
  • Why you usually won't become pregnant right away after coming off of hormonal birth control, and what you can do to speed things up so that your body can conceive faster.
  • The absolute BEST days to have sex to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
  • I'll teach you how to know exactly when you are ovulating each month, no matter whether you are having a 28 day cycle, a 36 day cycle, or a 47 day cycle. I'm going to teach you how to know when you are ovulating so you won't have to guess
  • Why having sex every day is one of the WORST things you can do when you are trying to conceive.
  • I'll share the perfect time to have baby making sex so you have the best possible chance of conceiving this month. Once you understand how to do this, your chances of becoming pregnant will skyrocket.

In fact, one of the big benefits of knowing when you're fertile is that you won't be guessing when you are ovulating and you won't feel like you have to have sex every day of your cycle. You'll be able to time your love making perfectly during a 5 to 7 day period and you'll be able to enjoy it a whole lot more.

After you watch this video you will know the perfect time to have baby making sex each month, no matter if you have a short cycle or a long cycle, or if it's been months since you've even had a cycle.

In lesson #3, I'll show you how to track where you are in your cycle. You'll be able to tell exactly when you're in those critical days when making love gives you the highest chance of conception.

You'll learn...

  • My easy-to-use ovulation tracking system ... it doesn't require counting days OR taking your temperature! (And it's far more accurate than ovulation calculators!)
  • You'll know just when you're going to ovulate! (And if you don't conceive this month, it will help you detect what's hindering you!)
  • Why there is no typical length for a cycle ... and what to do if yours isn't 28 days!
  • A step-by-step example of how my client Megan tracked her body signs ... and knew exactly when to have baby-making-sex! (Because she didn't rely on last month's cycle length, she got pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl, Kaylee!) I actually step you through this in 3 different videos so that you fully understand how to do this with ease.

You will also get the mp3 audio tracks and PDF versions of all of my Pregnancy Keys videos which means you'll be able to review the material anytime or anywhere you want.

If that sounds good to you, you should be very excited right now, because what you'll find here is the proven system to getting pregnant faster.

But as you may have already discovered getting pregnant just doesn't seem to be as easy as you may think. I've solved this problem with the Pregnancy Keys Program, which gives you all the tips and techniques you need in order to substantially increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Here's what you'll experience...

The most powerful tools that you could ever have to help you get pregnant faster will be placed in your hands. I'll guide you through the pregnancy keys program in a process that is simple but effective.

And the really good news is that it's remarkably easy to do. In fact I'm going to give you the opportunity right now to download videos, audios and reports that you can start using immediately, even if it's 2 o'clock in the morning.

You Are Not Alone Anymore!

It can be a heart wrenchingly sad and lonely experience when no matter what you try, you can't conceive the baby you so desperately want to hold in your arms. You dwell on it day and night... the very core of your being aches for a child, but month after month, nothing.

Well that's about to change. Once you know the secrets I'll be sharing inside the Pregnancy Keys Program, your chances of having your baby will skyrocket.

In fact, here are a few more notes I've received from women who have watched the videos...

  I've learned a lot from you, compared to my ob  

Hi Kirstyn,

Thank you once again for sharing this information... I've learned a lot from you compared to my ob :) (laughing out loud).

Let me refresh you about my background.... we were married almost 5yrs (may 01, 2004 to be exact) unfortunately i never got pregnant during those years.... after watching your videos many times so that i could master the art of baby making sex .... we're looking forward to get a positive result.

Thank you in advance Kirstyn...

Your Friend,


  I am learning things I never knew  


Thanks again for all of your helpful information.
You are telling me things that I would have never even thought about; I will definitely do what you have suggested.

You are full of pregnancy wisdom!!

Michelle H. ~ Baton Rouge, Louisiana ~ USA


  Conceived 2 weeks after seeing videos  

Success Story #3

I have to say you are right on!

I found your website through a search engine, printed your material, read it and all it took was one time! I am due November 8 with my second child.

...I was getting frustrated. Then I read all of your information... and it worked.

Thanks so much!

J.L. (conceived within 2 weeks of seeing videos)


  Irregular periods - Pregnant in 1 month  

Success Story #23

Thank you so much for all your help. I started watching your video a few days before I ovulated. I don't think I would have noticed I was ovulating if I didn't watch your videos because my periods were irregular and I didn't think I was going to ovulate until a week later...

Now it's about two weeks later and I took a pregnancy test today and it was Positive...

Thank you so much for all your help and I am going to recommend your site to everyone that is trying to conceive.

~ Posted on my blog November 28th


  This course works, and it's EASY!  

Success Story #51

Hi Kirstyn,

I got married 2 months ago, and yesterday I got a positive pregnancy test. I'm pregnant! We are both very excited.

I love how simple your course is! I was not sure if it was going to be a time consuming task, but the way you have the charts and videos made it so easy to look at and figure out!

Thanks again for all of your helpful information!

Kymberly & Joseph Jessup - Michigan, USA


Kymberly gave birth to this beautiful baby girl.


  We Finally Did It!  

Success Story #108

Hi Kirstyn,

Sandra here...just wanted to tell that your emails & the information you have given me has made it so much easier for me.

I am now pregnant after trying to conceive & we finally did it we didn't have a hard time getting pregnant. Actually your info has made it so much easier & comforting & just want to say God Bless You!!!



Quotes from Kirstyn's Readers

Success Story #4

Hello Kirstyn,

Thank you so much for your advice, it worked. We are approx 7wks pregnant and we have our first ultrasound on May6. We did exactly what you said to do, God is sooo good...

Surely I want people to know that this really works.

Thanks again,
Natalie (saw the videos in February, conceived in March)

Success Story #100

We are 12 weeks pregnant!!!! YAY!!! Your advice worked. Thanks heaps, you are wonderful!!

Arohanui, (Lots of love),

Saw videos April 19th, conceived May 3rd

Success Story #83

Hi Kirstyn,

I am pregnant. Yipee!!!! I followed your advice.

We have a 16 month old boy named Dillan and the reason I was so anxious to conceive again so quickly was because I have just turned 40 so "the clock is ticking".

Anyway, thank you for all your help and advice and hopefully I will have a good pregnancy. So far so good.

Take care

Susan (Conceived within 1 month after watching videos.)

Success Story #26

It worked! My husband and I are expecting our first child on May 12th. Thank you!

Audrey (Conceived within 3 months of watching videos.)

Success Story #29

I found out a few weeks ago that I am pregnant.

I have you to thank for it. You helped me realize when I ovulated, even though I didn't think it was going to be for another week. Thanks!

Courtney (Conceived within 1 month of watching videos.)

Success Story #30

My fiancee and I are 7mths pregnant with a baby girl!

Tfhank you so much!

D.E. (Conceived within 1 month of watching the videos.)

Success Story #35

Hi Kirstyn:

I would like to cancel my membership to the 6 week lessons. I am pregnant.

Thank you.
Jennifer Robinson (Conceived within 1 month of watching videos.)

Success Story #94

Dear Kristyn,

My name is Rachel and at the end of last year I happened upon your website...

My husband and I followed my bodies clues and luckly it co-insided with his chirstmas party. That night we conceived our first baby (its a boy). His name will be Ethan Andrew. I am due in about 8 weeks.

I have endometriosis and did not conceive in the past and was feeling down and like I would never get pregnant.

Now 7 months later I am settled in that I am going to have a baby and preparing for a BIG life change.

I want to thank you for what you do and the materials you have out there for couples.

I feel blessed to be pregnant, to have done it the natural way, to have a healthy baby, and this miracle on the way.

Thank you and God bless you and your family.

Love, Rachel and Family(Eddie, Baby Ethan, and Snickers) :) (Conceived within 1 month of viewing videos.)

Success Story #110

Hi Kirstyn,

Just wanted to let you know that I am finally pregnant!!!!!! YAY!!!
Thanks for all your advice and informative information. I believe that it was just in God's time and I give Him all the Praise Honor and Glory!!!

Take Care and Have a Blessed Day!

Jessica Dudley

Uppdate: Jessica gave birth to this beautiful baby girl.

Success Story #22

Hi Kirstyn,

We've been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. I came across your website in July.

Today I'm 10 weeks pregnant and over the moon. I just wanna say thank you Kirstyn, if it hadn't been for your journal and advise... we would have missed it and waited again for the next month. Thank you, you are doing a wonderfull thing for all women.

South Africa

(Conceived within 7 weeks of watching the videos.)


"How Much Does The Pregnancy Keys Program Cost?"

I want to make this system as accessible and affordable as I possibly can, because there is such a huge need for this knowledge. My greatest wish is that everyone who needs access to this life-changing information can have it right away.

The normal value of the Pregnancy Keys Program is $271.80. But you can get the entire course, including videos, audios and pdf reports for just $97. That's about how much it would cost to diaper (let alone feed) your newborn for a month, and I'm even going to take all the risk myself so that you only pay if you feel I've helped you.

100% Happiness Guarantee

I want you to be happy, just like so many other women have been. In fact, if you're not happy for any reason at all, I don't want to keep your money, period. I only want you to pay for something that's going to help you get pregnant faster. So here's what I'm going to do. Try out my entire Pregnancy Keys Program, and all the bonuses for 60 days, and if you're not absolutely delighted with the Program, just send me an e-mail and I'll courteously refund every penny you paid.

I'm also going to go one step further in ensuring your success. But before I tell you the extra special thing I do to help my clients succeed in getting pregnant, I want you to read about how Nadege was able to conceive within 1 day of finding my website. I'm actually going to show you, down to the hour, how I helped Nadege conceive.


Pregnant Within 1 DAY

May 25th - 4:30 PM - Nadege found my website. She sent me a note explaining that she had been trying to get pregnant, and hadn't been able to yet. I could hear the frustration in her note as she asked, "What should I do?"

5:10 PM (just 40 minutes later) she sent me another note... "What is the perfect day to have sex if I want to get pregnant?"

5:45 PM she watched the "Detecting Ovulation" video.

May 26 - in the morning, Nadege saw indications that it was time for her and her husband to have "baby making sex". This she learned from watching my video the day before. The last time they had sex was 5 days earlier.

4:45 PM - she watched the "Baby Making Sex - Tips & Techniques" video in preparation for the love making (and baby making) they would enjoy that night.

May 27th - I received this note from Nadege: "I did everything you told me..."

And 2 weeks later I received the wonderful news that Nadege had conceived. She wrote, "I did the test Monday, and I'm pregnant. Thanks for all."

February 10th - Nadege gave birth to a baby boy.


So what's the extra special touch that I give all of my clients? It's me! Once you start going through the videos in the program, I want you to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you have and I will personally guide you in putting into practice what I teach. The goal is to make sure you can use what you're learning in order to conceive quickly.

But what if you're in that critical "window of opportunity", just like Nadege was, where you need guidance immediately? Well I'll even provide you with a special way for your e-mails to reach me on my phone (no cost to you) so I can respond right away, even if I'm away from my computer (which is rare because I take my laptop with me everywhere). It's like having a very knowledgeable friend who will help you when you need it most.

I truly don't want you to miss out on the valuable information I teach in this course and my clients think I'm a rare find because not even their doctors are giving them the information and personal attention they need.

Please know that I only offer this special support when I have time, and I will remove this part of the offer as soon as spaces fill up. If you're still seeing the offer, then I still have time to work with you.

Take a look at what others are saying about the value of this course...

  Finally pregnant at age 40  

Success Story #59

Hi Kirstyn,

I have been encouraged by everything you have shared in your videos, on your site, and in your emails.

I'm finally pregnant at the age of 40! What you have taught me has been very helpful. Thank you so much!

You have really been a blessing to me and been there for me 100 times more than my doctor, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I know you care and I really appreciate it so much.

Becky ~ USA


  Sarah's Personal Video Message  


  This is hands down the best resource I have found  

Hi Kirstyn!

Thank you so much! I am someone who likes information, so I am a researcher by nature. For almost 2 years, I have been researching and sorting through the overwhelmingly vast amount of information online about infertility, and this is hands-down the best resource I have found.

I am so appreciative that you have taken the time to assemble all of this excellent and valuable information in one place, and for how responsive you have been! I am actually excited to keep trying because after reading your info and watching your videos, I am hopeful again that pregnancy is possible for me in the near future.

Thank you SO much!


(Kirstyn's note: I received this just a couple of hours after Susan purchased the Pregnancy Keys Program. She's hoping to give her 4 year old son, Greydon, a little brother or sister soon.)


  Pregnant after 2 years of trying...  

Success Story #80

Hi Kirstyn,

I wanted to let you know that I'm 6 months pregnant with a baby boy. Hubby and I had been trying for two years now. I started getting your newsletters, videos and tips at the end of last year and I got pregnant in January.

I followed most of your tips and I really think thats what helped us get pregnant. ... towards the end of January I got my 1st EVER BFP. Hubby and I were OVER joyed. Thank you so much.

I wish much success to all the couples out there who are trying to conceive. Keep reading Kirstyn's emails, newsletters and hearing her videos because it does work if you follow her steps.

Before you go to the doctors to do expensive stuff, try Kirstyn's tips first. It's WAY cheaper!!!

Thank You Kirstyn!!!


More quotes from Kirstyn's readers...
Success Story #89

Hi Kirstyn,

I just wanted to let you know that your videos have helped me so much that I really hope that I get pregnant this month!!!

I'll keep you posted!!!!!
Thank you so much!!!

PS. Love learning more about this interesting baby making stories and ideas!!

11 days later...

Hi Kirstyn, It's Angela,

I have some wonderful news!!!! I"M PREGNANT!!!!!!!

This will be my first pregnancy, and I followed step by step as you said in your videos.

I wanted to let you know as soon as I found out! I really wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

I still will keep in touch!

Please still send emails to me, because I really love reading them!



Success Story #45

Hi kirstyn,

Just wanted to tell you I took a pregnancy test today and it only took 30 seconds for my results. I cant believe it, I'm pregnant....

I just wanted to sincerley thank you for taking the time to read my emails and all the great advice you've given me. I can honestly say i could not have done this without your help... I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I pray that you have nothing but good things come your way and i pray that you continue helping those that need help with conceiving.....you have a big heart and that just lets me know that there are some good people left in the world......

Demetria (Conceived within 6 weeks of viewing videos.)

Success Story #82

I fell pregnant within the first 6 weeks of trying out Kirstyns' methods!!


Success Story #14

The videos did really help me.. they are good.. and gave me positive results on the test :) a couple of days back.. thank you


Four More Valuable Gifts!!!



Answers To Some Common Questions

In this video, I answer a range of reader's questions including -

  • How many cycles should it take to get pregnant after coming off the birth control pill?
  • When should I start using an ovulation test during my cycle?
  • I've had two miscarriages, and my body isn't giving me the signs you discuss that show I'm ovulating. What can I do?
  • How can I improve my chances of conceiving a boy or a girl?

...and more.

The Questions and Answers video also comes with an mp3 audio recording where I go into more detail and answer additional questions. You'll also get a PDF report you can either read online or print and read offline.



Next, I'll send you Best Ovulation Testing Techniques where you'll learn when and how to use ovulation tests and a variety of fertility monitors for best results. This Report goes hand in hand with the Detecting Ovulation Video because it shows you how to track your ovulation.



Your third bonus report is Keeping His Sperm Count High where I share 9 of my very best tips to help your husband's sperm to be in peak performance. I also share a simple exercise he can do that will help both of you to enjoy your baby making sex much more and increase your chances of becoming pregnant at the same time.



And you'll also receive an exclusive Mystery Bonus Report. I can't say too much here, but this Report goes hand in hand with what you'll discover in the Detecting Ovulation video, and once you've read it, you'll have one more big advantage of increasing your fertility and getting pregnant faster.


My friend, I want you to know that I am here to help you, like I've helped so many others. Take a moment and picture yourself without the system I've put together for you. It's a few weeks or months from now. Are you pregnant or are you still frustrated and disappointed?

Now picture yourself watching my videos, listening to my audios and reading my reports. You're feeling confident in knowing how to perfectly time your baby making sex. You're using my special "baby making sex" techniques. Now picture yourself a few weeks or months later. Are you seeing a positive pregnancy test? Are you finally carrying your precious baby?

You have nothing to lose in trying my system... and everything to gain. Think about the choice you're about to make. You can keep doing what you've been doing, or you can learn the secret keys to getting pregnant much faster.

Order today and increase your chance of getting pregnant this month.

Pregnancy Consultant

Yes Kirstyn, - give me INSTANT ACCESS to your Videos and Downloads for just $97 which is about how much it will cost to diaper my newborn for a month

Remember, the Pregnancy Keys Program is a digital product, which means you'll have instant access to download the full course and all of the free bonus gifts, even if it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Plus I offer a Secure Payment Form so that you can be completely at ease with the payment process...and of course you get my 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can check out the complete course, risk free, to see if it's right for you.

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