
Public Speaking Crush It! - Home Study Course

Public Speaking Crush It! - Home Study Course Download public-speaking-crush-it.pdf

Public Speaking Crush It! - Home Study Course

"How to Overcome Your fear of public speaking without Attending A Speech class or hiring an expensive coach"

Did you know that the only thing people fear more than public speaking is the fear of dying?

It seems hard to believe that standing up and speaking in front of people creates such anxiety.

But your fear of public speaking is very real. The dry mouth. The butterflies in your stomach. The nervousness.

And your fear is holding you back from being the successful public speaker and the successful business person that you deserve to be.

What is holding you back from being able to skillfully and successfully communicate your passion and your message?

Your fear of public speaking.

What if you Could stand Up in front of an audience and deliver a speech without hesitation and without fear?

If you knew how to overcome your fear, you can stand up before an audience and calmly and effectively communicate with each and every person in the room.

If you knew the secrets used by professional speakers to calm their nerves, you can give an animated and exciting speech.

How do you overcome your fear?


"7 Simple and Easy Tips for overcoming The fear of public speaking"

Get this interview with public speaking expert Terri Harley and discover 7 quick tips for overcoming your fear of public speaking.

In this 37 minute audio interview, Terri shows you 7 simple, easy, and practical tips on how to overcome fear of public speaking. Download the interview to your computer, to your mp3 player, to your iPod.

In this exclusive interview you will learn:

  • Use this very simple breathing technique to instantly gain back control.
  • Find this _________ and make it your own, and you will never be afraid of any questions
  • The real secret to overcoming fear. Even the great orator Sir Winston Churchill had to do this over and over again.
  • The "Mental Time Machine" trick and why this works so well to practically eliminate your fear.
  • Why the clock is your best friend and how to use it to leave your audience begging for more.
  • Why you need to ___________ the topic, and if you do this, it is nearly impossible to fear speaking in public.
  • Most speakers sit at the front before being introduced. Instead use this powerful entrance strategy and take control of the room before you utter a single word.
  • and much more....

Bonus: This 37 minute audio interview also comes with a transcript of the audio interview in Adobe pdf format. Get out your highlighter and pen, your favorite beverage, a comfortable chair, and read the transcript to really understand how to lose your fear of public speaking.

Sounds good. How much is the Audio?

Guess what? The cost of this audio interview and transcript isn't $67. It's not $47.

It's not even $7 or $1.

It's absolutely free. What's the catch?

I'm glad you asked.

The catch is this.

I'm giving you this audio interview and transcript to you for free because I'm basically trying to bribe you to try out my new Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course.

I know that you are absolutely going to love this Home Study Course because in addition to becoming a better public speaker, I'm going to show you how to plan and conduct seminars, and even how to make money from public speaking.

Take our Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course
for a test drive

If you don't like it, it is super easy to cancel. But basically all you have to do is put up $4.95 today. Try it out for 14 days. If you stay, you will be billed $47 each month for the next four months. If you cancel, no big deal. You won't be billed anything further.

In addition to the first two weeks of content which include two teleseminars with experts on public speaking, and transcripts from those seminars, you are also going to get the Terri Harley interview "7 Simple and Easy Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking" as a free bonus. So you can clearly see that this is a good deal.

So go and sign up now, and I'll see you on the other side.

Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course

Our public speaking home study course is designed to help you become a better public speaker, a better business person, a better entrepreneur, and a person who can more clearly express his or her thoughts in front of a group.

We cover in detail:

  • how to overcome the fear of public speaking,
  • how to use humor in speeches,
  • how to deal with an unfriendly audience,
  • how to capture the complete attention of your audience, before you even say a word,
  • how to organize an effective seminar, and
  • how to become a keynote speaker and get paid a very hefty sum of money to do so.

Here is what you are going to get over the next 16 weeks:

Module #1:
Face Your Fear

We begin the first week with facing your fear. In this interview, Dr. Cohen lays it all out on the table, our fears, our anxieties, and shows us not to ignore this fear, but how to make us stronger and a better public speaker.

You will learn:

  • How to absolutely love performance anxiety and transform the butterflies in your stomach into a powerful speech
  • Why you want to prepare but not script out your speech
  • Avoid doing this one thing or risk insulting your audience
  • How to read from a script and not bore your audience
  • The paradigm shift that every business is going through, and what you must know before you speak to a business
  • Even if you hate Jane Fonda and her politics, what Jane Fonda at age 72 can tell us about facing and overcoming fear
  • Do this one thing to build instant trust and rapport with your audience
  • and much more.....

Lorraine Cohen is a busy, in-demand speaker and coach. She agreed take time away from her busy schedule to sit down with us and share some of the secrets of speaking in public that she has learned over the past 20 years of experience. In our interview with Dr. Cohen, we talk about fear. The fear that robs people of who they are meant to be, and how to face and overcome your fear, especially when standing up in front of an audience. Listen to Dr. Cohen and make the conscious changes that make you give up your fear when speaking.

Module #2:
Your Audience

Michael Clement has a solid business background. Regional Manager for a $5 Million dollar a year organic pesticide company, General Manager at a utility construction company - Michael's specialty is business growth and development through the growth and development of people in the workplace. Michael has his own Internet Talk Radio Show and is the host of "Get the Real Read" on BLOG Talk Radio.

An effective and powerful speaker realizes that without an appreciative audience that is hanging on your every word, your speech becomes a waste of time - both for you and your audience.

In this module we focus on your audience, why they matter, and how to quickly understand the audience, even if they don't say a word.

Get this right, and you will love speaking and your audience will love you. Get this wrong, and speaking will be a terrible chore.

Your audience has a group culture, and why you can only ignore this at your peril.

  • The two questions you have to ask yourself as a speaker before you stand up in front of an audience. Get this right, and you'll hit it out of the ball park every time.
  • How to quickly figure out the personality style of your audience so that you have their full attention and they hang on every word
  • A little known secret about the relationship between a speaker and an audience is that ___________________________.
  • Figure out these two things quickly with an audience, and your message will hit home.
  • Avoid glazed eyes and an inattentive audience by doing just one of these four things
  • In order to have the biggest success as a public speaker, your preparation should include sending _________________ to your audience before your speak
  • The first three minutes of a speech should be devoted to collecting information on ____________. Do this or risk losing your audience 5 minutes into your speech.
  • and much more....

Click here now if you're ready to totally capture the attention of your audience.

Module #3:
Prepare for Success

Judy Drippel is a professional writer and speaker, and she has a passion to share with women how they can strive towards living out “God's best” in their lives. She is a frequent keynote speaker at luncheons, retreats, and conferences. Judy connects easily with her audience, and they leave feeling as if they've spent time with a good friend.

In this week's training module, we are going to learn what specific actions you need to take to prepare yourself for public speaking success. The interview in this module is with author and keynote speaker Judy Dippel, who understands the journey of successful public speaking.

Judy's enthusiasm for life is contagious. Join us with this unique interview with Judy as she shares her secrets for preparing for a successful speaking engagement, what clothing you should wear and why in order to instantly communicate credibility, down to the details of the microphone you use.

Judy even discusses the delicate issue of speaking fees, and how to strategically find out the event's budget and what you should ask for payment. Download Judy's interview, implement a few of her ideas, and become more successful at public speaking.

  • Where and how to get world class training in public speaking - for free!
  • To evolve and improve as a public speaker, you should never forget these two things.
  • Why being perfect can hurt you as a public speaker, and revealing ___________ connects you with your audience.
  • When asked to speak, what is the first question you should ask?
  • Why you should never let someone introduce you before an audience without giving them ____________. Simple but effective.
  • Before you show up to speak, ask about the room layout, ______________, and ________________. Preparing ahead of time in these three areas will insure success. Miss one of these, and your audience will be districted.
  • When asked to speak, how to ask about the delicate subject of money, and how to ask and get paid more than most lawyers make an hour.
  • Why understanding the way our brain works and the power of mind mapping can revolutionize your speeches, and keep your thoughts from drifting.
  • and much more....

Module #4:
How to overcome your fear of public speaking

Janet Esposito is a best selling author, coach, and workshop leader with more than a decade of experience in helping people who fear public speaking and performing. Janet's workshops and personal coaching, have helped thousands of people better manage their performance anxiety and achieve a level of comfort and confidence they never thought possible.

This is the big one. How to overcome your fear of public speaking.

Stage fright and performance anxiety afflicts most people in varying degrees. But we all experience it.

Even if you are not a professional speaker, at numerous points in your life you might be called to get up in front of people and speak. Whether it be in front of co-workers at a business, or in front of a Boy Scout troop meeting, or if we are being forced to speak in a public speaking course at college, we all know what it is like to experience fear and performance anxiety. And it can be debilitating

Janet Esposito, MSW, is a best selling author, coach, and workshop leader with more than a decade of experience in helping people who fear public speaking and performing. She experienced stage fright in a way that was so physical it was dehabilitating - but she realized that to progress in her career, she had to learn how to overcome her fear of public speaking.

Janet is a well recognized authority on overcoming stage fright and fear of speaking in public. In our exclusive interview with Janet she shares:

  • Why even if you experience panic attacks, there is hope
  • Why high achieving people often experience the greatest fear
  • The fear of public speaking is really the fear of ___________.
  • Why the fear never really goes away, and how to use this to become a more comfortable and more dynamic public speaker.
  • How to take control of your nervousness and trembling with this simple mind trick
  • Use this one simple breathing technique and regain your self-control so that you become relaxed and comfortable
  • Why you should focus on these two things during your speech so that you are not surprised by things that go very wrong
  • Why your audience doesn't care about sensing your fear, but does care about your heart, and how to win them over.
  • and much more...

Overcome your fear of public speaking today. Click here now get this amazing interview.

Module #5:
Visualize Your Outcome

Corinne McElroy is the CEO and founder of Edge of Change. She is an accredited professional coach and a licensed pilot. In our interview Corinne goes into detail on how to really practice for a public speaking presentation, what props you should use, and why you should use something more than just your voice. With hands-on experience as owner and operator of several successful business ventures, she not only teaches and talks, she's lived and walked the walk. She is a mentor and keynote speaker, she has helped hundreds of men and women achieve their dreams.

In this home study course we talk a lot about visualizing your outcome for a successful public speech and presentation. But what the heck does that really mean?

Is this some sort of mental wishing or shallow "just think positive thoughts"?

Visualizing your successful public speaking presentation is more than just a mental exercise. It is essential to your success. Corinne McElroy has been speaking and coaching for over 22 years. She knows the special ingredients required for a successful and powerful speech. In this interview she shares:

  • Why practice isn't good enough for a great speech, and you have to do this one thing again and again.
  • The four key things you have to visualize before you speak including the result you want, _______________, _____________, and __________________.
  • Why you should get up and move around during your practice speeches. Sitting at your desk and reading from your prepared script just won't do it.
  • Be sure to do these 3 things during your pre-speaking practice. Even if you get a brain freeze, you can deliver an awesome and powerful speech.
  • What not to do with a Power Point or flip chart - this single tip can save you tons of embarrassment at your live event.
  • and much more....

Module #6:
Humor and Profits

Mike Moore has been involved in providing workshops, seminars and motivational presentations for groups in business, industry, government, education for 25 years. Mike Moore really is a speaker with a difference. Mike believes strongly in the ability of humor, appreciation and praise to bring about positive changes in the lives of people everywhere. He speaks to organizations, businesses and professional groups throughout Canada and the United States on the role of humor in human relations and human wellness.

Ok, let's face it. Most of us aren't funny. And when we try to be funny, it goes over with about as much finesse as a cast iron skillet.

But we all long to be able to give speeches which are not only packed with information, but are entertaining for the audience.

We want our speeches to be memorable. And humor is an effective way to drive important points home.

But how do we use humor in our speeches?

We are fortunate to have this exclusive interview with Mike Moore - a very funny guy. In this interview Mike shares how to use humor to spice up speeches. Mike also shared several secrets on how to get started on becoming a well paid keynote speaker.

Humor to Captivate Your Audience

  • The crucial difference between humor and trying to be funny - and why trying to be funny can be deadly for your career as a public speaker.
  • Use this strategy which is thousands of years old, to engage and capture the complete attention of your audience.
  • A little used but completely effective technique that if used correctly, will have your audience remember a key point five years later.
  • To get people hanging on every word, capitalize on ________________.
  • Contrary to popular belief, your audience doesn't want to hear from an expert, they want to hear from ________________.
  • Unless you are a skilled standup comic, why jokes should never be used by public speakers, and what kind of humor to use instead.
  • Even if you weren't born with a sense of humor, 2 easy places to find ample humorous material and how to properly weave it into your speeches.
  • What teenagers and skunks have in common (you'll chuckle when you learn the answer!)
  • For maximum effectiveness and to keep the audience in the palm of your hand, inject humor every _______ minutes.
  • The 3 types of humor you should never, ever use.
  • How to use humor with this delicate subject - but only in the right way, otherwise you'll risk losing and alienating your audience.
  • How to break up the monotony of your speech using this super simple technique. This technique isn't for everyone, but it is highly effective and keeps the audience awake and entertained.

How to Make Money and Become a Well Paid Public Speaker

  • The 8 step process to become a highly paid, successful public speaker.
  • How to leverage speeches you give for free into a six-figure income.
  • Give away this single piece of paper, and your phone will ring off the hook with speaking requests.
  • Why you should never ask for a set fee. Instead ask for this and you'll keep more cash in your pocket.
  • How to get all expense paid trips to resorts such as Las Vegas and Hawaii, and be treated like royalty - without opening up your wallet.
  • Use this simple strategy, and easily double or triple your speaking fee while speaking - but you have to be prepared before hand. Mike shows you how.
  • A two step plan on how to make money from public speaking even while you are sleeping.
  • and much more....

Module #7:
Powerful Communication

Pamela Cournoyer's understanding of the natural nuances of communication in the workplace, coupled with her extensive background as a professional trainer, coach and facilitator have made her a catalyst for innovative ideas and problem solving approaches. In our interview with Pamela, you will discover that Pamela was probably the first "horse whisperer" and how she used her training and experience with training and watching horses, to working with people and helping them become successful in communicating to audiences.

Wouldn't you like being able to communicate in an effective and powerful way with your audience? In this interview, Pamela Cournoyer explains why the most important person in the room is not you, it is your audience. And that if you are paying attention, your audience will tell you how to talk to them.

Pamela was a horse trainer. Her expertise with training and watching horses and listening to what they were saying with their body language, has helped her become an observer of people.

In this interview you will discover:

  • If you can manage this in a room, then the audience will be riveted to their seats.
  • The secret of becoming an incredible public speaker is ________________.
  • The little known but highly effective "30 second rule" which will keep people hanging on your every word.
  • You can absolutely know that you have an audiences attention if they aren't doing these 3 things.
  • The real reason a monotone speaker is so boring, and it has nothing to do the tone of their voice.
  • The one fatal mistake you absolutely must avoid when speaking to an audience.
  • How to own the room and get the audience to follow you willingly.
  • Million dollar trainers do this one thing right at the begriming of their speech which makes the audience engage. Do this twice to make sure that your audience is following you.
  • One of the best tools you can use to practice speaking is in everyone's bathroom.
  • How to get people so spell bound with your speech that they wouldn't even think of doing _____________.
  • Do this one thing for your audience throughout your speech and your audience will be sorry you are done speaking at the end.
  • and much more....

Module #8:
Your Dynamic Voice

Marieke Schuurs is a professional singer, voice coach, and certified body mapping trainer, and she teaches something as simple as how to breathe. Marieke has applied her voice training and body mapping training to coaching public speakers and has helped teaching professionals and business presenters find a public speaking voice that is resonate, strong, and free of throat tension through a better understanding of body bio mechanics and breathing.

You've got an audience, you have practiced your speech, and you are all set to give a powerful and entertaining speech.


What about your voice? Can your voice reach to the back seats of your audience? Is your voice command authority? Or is it weak? Does your voice get strained as you speak?

Learn how to develop a powerful and commanding voice. In this interview, you will discover:

  • What singers can tell us about public speaker's voices, and why a 20 minute speech is so similar to singing.
  • When speaking your breathing has to be ______________ and _____________.
  • Human bodies are wind ____________. Use this to project your voice clearly to your audience.
  • Spend 90% of your time on this one thing, and see a dramatic improvement in your voice and your ability to speak loudly and clearly.
  • Why sensing your body movements can give you a new confidence in your voice and speaking.
  • If you mentally let go of this, you can be free to have a voice with clarity and power.
  • Most speakers breathe wrong. Change your breathing these 3 ways and experience a dramatic improvement in your voice and your altitude.
  • and much more....

Module #9:
Take Back Control

Wendy Y Bailey doesn't need an introduction - she is a force of nature in her own right! Known as WendyY to her friends, she uses influence, persuasive marketing, powerful language strategies, helping coaches, speakers, and other training professionals create, design, market, and deliver profitable group coaching programs. She has more than 25 years of leadership and management experience and expertise leading hundreds of teleseminars, live workshops, and small to large group training sessions.

In the the interview for this week, we were able to corner Wendy Y Bailey, nationally known coach and trainer.

In this interview, Wendy Y Bailey (or WendyY as she is known to her friends and clients) gave up secret after secret. The interview was only supposed to be twenty minutes long, but WendyY rolled on for over 36 minutes, giving up more and more incredible information on how to really make a difference in public speaking and why you should take back control.

In this exciting and unique interview you will learn:

  • Most public speaker beginners forget this one simple thing. Keep this in mind when preparing and you'll sound like a pro.
  • Getting an audience's attention is not enough. To make an impact you have to _____________.
  • The real reason people in the audience are there to hear you speak, and it has nothing to do with you.
  • When speaking to senior citizens, remember to ____________.
  • People in your audience have to first sense this in you, or they will not care about a thing you say.
  • How to use NLP and understanding how the brain works. Get this right and people will respond to your speeches because their brain is telling them to.
  • Forget building this one thing between you and your audience, and you can forget being able to connect with people in any deep way. But if you build this, you will have trust.
  • The biggest challenge that service professionals, coaches, speakers, trainers all have is _______________.
  • When speaking to an audience, imagine this simple mental scene and your audience will be eating out of your hand.
  • Marketing really is _____________.
  • Why using this food metaphor when working with coaches works so well, and how to use this to train the trainers.
  • Create instant rapport with a small audience by going around the room and doing this simple, fun, exercise.
  • Why your audience should remind you of this lowly animal found in the oceans. Do this, and people will walk out from your event a different person than when they came in.
  • Drive your "take away" point home by asking this single question at the end of your speech. For a speaker, this is your home run pitch!
  • and much more....

Module #10:
Own The Room

Tshombe Brown is a self-described Magnetic Entrepreneur. He is a business coach, and helps high commission sales professionals (real estate agents, financial planners, insurance salespersons) get more and better sales through magnetic client attraction systems and relationship-based lead generation. Mr. Brown believes that there is no better way to design your own destiny than by selling. Not the business-as-usual kind of selling; gone are old-school, pushy tactics. They don't work. Instead, he believes that in this new economy, those who will be the most successful are those who uncover the truth of selling as a "spiritual practice". Tshombe calls these progressive individuals “magnetic entrepreneurs”.

In our special interview with Tshombe Brown, he zeros in on how to get started in public speaking, and how to take it to the next level to be successful - what groups you should join, training recommendations, and how to be focused and targeted with your market to make the impact you want to make.

He also shares several tips on how to do quick research, and win the audience by giving them the solutions to their problems.

Tshombe tells us how to sell from the stage by solving people's problems, without being salesy or just giving a blatant sales pitch. Great stuff.

In our interview with Mr. Brown you will learn:

  • Entrepreneurs are born into a culture of struggle. Why this mind set both helps and hinders public speakers, and how to change that mind set.
  • Why you can actually become addicted to struggling, and how to free yourself.
  • Why the biggest fear we really have is the conversation in our head, and how to change what we say and what we hear.
  • The big choice that you have to make when fear shows up, and how to welcome that fear so that.
  • Embrace this four letter word and achieve the same results.
  • Why food and public speaking have more in common than you think. And how to remove the "constipation" of emotions so you can be totally free to give the performance of your life.
  • The big problem with "fake it till you make it" and how you can give the audience what they want without being a phony.
  • A little known secret you can use by using specific things in your past to capture the emotions of your audience.
  • The "Time Travel Technique" which gives you confidence that you and your audience can not only hear you but create images in their head that last for days.
  • The difference between public speaking tactics and skills, and why having the right skills can create that unique connection between you and your audience.
  • The single best resource for really learning public speaking skills is not only free, but in your home town. And how to use this free resource to launch a six-figure a year public speaking business.
  • Three specific steps to take to create a winning speech that will appeal to any audience.
  • Use this "Give Away The Store" strategy, and you'll never lack for clients. This is 180 degrees different than what most speakers do, and that is why you'll be booked for weeks while other speakers are practically begging for clients.
  • Why you don't have to worry about spending money booking a room or venue to speak, and how to get incredible, comfortable conference rooms - for free!
  • Use this super sneaky "Sold Out" method to pack your meeting rooms and create excitement.
  • and much more....

Module #11:
Dress For success

Bernie is a personal image consultant who believes that everyone, especially public speakers, deserve to have a closet full of clothes that fit well, look great, and reflect the personality and goals of the wearer. Bernie knows that looking good is the result of both art and science. When you know what colors and styles work for you and why, it makes getting dressed a whole lot easier.And nothing beats the confidence that comes with knowing you look great.

What does your image, your clothing have to do with public speaking?


When you look great, you will feel great. And you will have the confidence that commands respect and credibility as you step behind the speaker's podium.

In our interview with Bernie Burson, you'll learn the secrets of instantly commanding respect and credibility with your audience just from wearing the right clothes. And the right colors.

The audience is looking at you. They look at your hair, your clothes, your grooming. They look at you a lot!

In this exclusive audio interview you will discover:

  • The three most important things about clothes. And no, color is NOT one of them!
  • How to keep the audience from being distracted by your clothes
  • Why loose, baggy clothes can hinder your effectiveness as a speaker.
  • What colors you should consider wearing as a speaker. And avoid wearing these specific colors except in very small amounts
  • Why wearing the wrong piece of clothing next to your face can make you look drained and tired. Use the right clothing and your audience will see you looking rested and healthy.
  • What color that you should never, ever wear for a business event if you want to be taken seriously.
  • Wear too much ____________, and your audience will lose their concentration and focus.
  • Why both men and women speakers should carry an extra jacket in the car.
  • Constantly whipping reading glasses on and off can be a big distraction to your audience, and two simple solutions to this problem.
  • Always carry this one thing in your pocket, and avoid the infamous "Richard Nixon Moment"
  • The two color combinations that look absolutely great on everyone.
  • Why women should never have this on their skirt or pants.
  • How to properly use this bathroom accessory for best dress success.
  • and much more....

Module #12:
Practice Saying Yes

Currently on the road 3 out of 4 weeks, Terri Harley is a success in the tough field of public speaking. Terri graduated from the National Speaker's Association Fast-Track training, the leading speakers association in the US. Terri is one of the few public speakers who actually works in the field she loves. Daily in front of audiences, Terri is living her dream. Terri has developed a business that has brings her from Canada to Texas and everywhere in between including Hawaii.

Our interview with Terri Harley turned into one of the longest interviews we held. Once Terri was asked for practical ways to become a better public speaker, well, she just didn't stop!

She shared tips, strategies, methods, and secrets that she has learned the hard way in her journey as a well paid public speaker. This week's training module is chock full of useful tips, tricks, and encouragement for your public speaking efforts.

In this exclusive interview that Terri Harley gave us, she shares:

  • Get in the habit of saying "Yes"
  • How to live just a wee little bit outside the comfort zone, and the impact this will have on your career as a public speaker.
  • The "Unofficial Greeter Strategy" you can use at your next seminar which will allow you to create new business connections, friends, and collect all the business cards your pockets will carry.
  • The first thing you say to win over a room of "captive attendees" who are there because they are forced to be there.
  • Use this simple tip to get the meeting started on time. You can also use this tip so people don't linger on breaks, but come back eager and ready to work.
  • What specific fear people have attending a seminar longer than an hour, and how to tap into that fear and turn it around. Get this right, and both you and the audience will enjoy the time together. Get this wrong, and you've already lost the day.
  • What you absolutely, positively must do in the first 10 minutes of any seminar.
  • Why you must point out the "pink elephant" in the room in order to take control. And your audience will love you for it.
  • What you must quickly do the first time you see frowns and crossed arms. You reputation and your effectiveness as a speaker are critical to handling this swiftly the right way.
  • People attending an event are not there to see a keynote speaker, but instead they are there to get three specific things.
  • The most important person in the audience is _____________. (Hint: It is not the keynote speaker). Most speakers get this wrong, and their business suffers because of it.
  • The core of successful public speaking is not what you want to say but what the audience ___________ to ___________.
  • What specific kind of mentors you need for fast track success as a public speaker, and where to find them.
  • Why you should welcome the "two by four to the head" criticism, and how to turn this around to your advantage.
  • CASE STUDY - How Terri used a specific story telling strategy on how to shake hands and collect business cards. Two years later a woman from that event, came up to her thanking Terri for the new found power in networking events.
  • Why public speaking can help you with choosing career paths that have nothing to do with speaking in public.
  • and much more....

Module #13:
Advanced Strategies

Kathleen Gage is an accomplished speaker with over 16 years of experience. If you want to know how to fill rooms with people who are there just to hear you speak, if you want to learn the short cuts that can take you from a nervous, scared speaker to a well paid, confident public speaking professional, then listen to Kathleen Gage.

We all want to get paid for the value we bring to our audience. But the reality is that you don't get paid for what your worth - you get paid based on your ability to market yourself before and after the speech.

In this week's interview, Kathleen Gage graciously shared some of her secret strategies for making real money as a speaker.

  • Why you should "own the room" as a speaker, and 2 immediate benefits.
  • The key but really important difference between public speaking and professional speaking.
  • Make sure you have this strategy in place, and you can make money regardless of what the economy is doing.
  • Most speakers won't do this, and that is why they don't make much money. Implement this long term strategy into your business, and be one of the few speakers that make real money from public speaking.
  • Why what happens at the back of the room after your speech can either make or break you financially.
  • Preparation for your speech includes the size of the room, _________, and ___________.
  • You cannot control everything, and how to turn what should be a catastrophe with equipment into a winning speech.
  • Why you cannot make a great living on just speaking. And why you must have at least 3 out of 4 other specific strategies on making money.
  • The easiest product for any speaker to sell is ____ of their _____________.
  • CASE Study: Using the "Sold Out Sign" method, how Kathleen created her first product for $299 which sold out in 10 minutes, and how she continues to use this strategy to create a very nice income.
  • Why you should not limit yourself to only collecting speaking fees.
  • How to promote events and fill rooms to capacity, without spending a dime on marketing or hosting.
  • How to use a "Joint Venture" technique common in internet marketing circles but rarely used by business and coaching professionals - let others spend money marketing while you bank the checks.
  • Why you can only ignore social media marketing at your peril.
  • How to get obscene profit margins of 95% using this completely legal marketing strategy.
  • The number one secret to getting more done in less time on the internet.
  • and much more....

Module #14:
Lively Speaking

Jed A. Reay President & CEO of LifeStyles Unlimited, Co., which is a personal development company specializing in corporate and personal enhancements. Jed's personal expertise is teaching public speakers how to engage and interact with your audience, Jed has helped thousands of people all over the world realize their dreams. Jed is a best selling author of two books.

In this powerful and controversial interview, Jed A. Reay shares rare insights into the preparation you will need to effectively reach your audience. He tells us how to move an audience from where they are emotionally, to where you want them to go.

Learn how to make a remarkable and lasting impression with people based on the public speaking secrets Jed shares in this interview which include:

  • Most people think we are born communicators, and they never learn to communicate. Discover why and get an edge on everyone around you.
  • Speaking before a crowd isn't natural, it is a ________ __________.
  • Most speakers think that their speech is about what they want to say. Start off this way and you lose the audience. Instead it's about what __________.
  • Understand this one thing about an audience, and you can connect with any audience, even with those whom you disagree with.
  • How to deliver content to an audience that is fundamentally hostile to your point of view, without anger or strong negative emotion.
  • What communicating on Skype can tell you about a person
    Regardless of your political point of view, what Ronald Reagan can show us on how to bridge communication, even with those who disagree.
  • Why you should never use the strategy of seeing the audience without clothes, and the trouble you can get in doing this.
  • Where you should look at an audience while speaking. Most speakers get this wrong and the audience thinks the speaker is aloof as a result.
  • In a 20 minute speech, you should look at an audience and do this 40 or 50 times so that the audience feels your energy and that you care.
  • and much more....

Module #15:
What Is your mission?

Janet Beckers is an international speaker and best selling author. Janet has inspired thousands of people to follow their dreams and realize their potential by building a profitable business on the internet based on their passions. Janet Beckers is the founder and host of Wonderful Web Women, an award-winning online community. Janet launched Wonderful Web Women with no list, no product, and no money. A short 8 weeks later she had a list of thousands, had replaced her previous 12 months income, and won an award for best membership site.

Like most people, Janet Beckers was comfortable with her life and with her day job as a nurse. Everything changed the day she decided to step outside her comfort zone and pursue her mission.

The result of that decision was the community based website WonderfulWebWomen.com, which has led to speaking engagements in many countries. Because of her courage she changed her life, the life of her family, and the lives of literally thousands of women and men.

Jane agreed to speak with us and share her heart so we can learn from her experience.

What is her mission? Janet Beckers is on a mission to find the most successful women on the internet today and learn their secrets.

In this interview, she shares some of those secrets:

  • The best place for a woman to conduct market research. And no, it's not what you think! The answer will surprise you.
  • The missing ingredient in creating success on the internet is _______________.
  • Pick up the phone and do this simple thing and you'll have created the easiest, quickest information product for the internet.
  • Why the "Expert by Association Proof" works so well and how you can become a recognized expert in any subject of public speaking.
  • Learn Janet's rule about the internet and how it is changing, and what you MUST do to change your business, or be left behind.
  • The best place to find answers to the questions that your market desperately wants to know.
  • How to quickly create in one day a product selling for thousands of dollars, that you can personally sell from the stage.
  • Instantly gain credibility and "guru" status from doing this one simple thing. (Hint: It involves using a telephone).
  • How to find your mission, and why it is so important in your success in public speaking and in your business.
  • and much more....

Module #16:
Marketing on the internet

Lenny Laskowski is an international professional speaker and specializes in helping people make better presentations and strategic internet marketing. Lenny is an accomplished international professional speaker and provides tools and techniques for personal and professional growth. Lenny is a busy speaker and travels all over the world teaching and coaching. He is an expert at marketing on-line, and generates significant revenue from his websites. Lenny is a successful author of several books on public speaking.

Lenny Laskowski is a busy man. A former engineer, he started a business and career in public speaking on the weekends. Today, he is in constant demand not just as a speaker, but as a trainer and coach of public speakers. He travels the world teaching and coaching.

We caught him between plane flights, and he was gracious enough to give us the straight scoop on what it takes to build a lucrative public speaking business, and how to use the internet to build your business while you sleep. On this telephone interview, Lenny shared:

  • How to use public speaking to grow your business, even if your business has nothing to do with speaking or coaching.
  • Before you can tell people about your business, remember this simple rule.
  • How to create an impressive first impression with potential clients using public speaking, and get them chasing you for business, and not the other way around.
  • The first mistake most public speakers make, even before they open their mouth, is thinking ____________. Once you know the truth, your confidence and comfort in speaking in public will amaze you.
  • Why a phone call to a friend and a speech in front of 100 people are more similar than different.
  • Why saying "Hi" to strangers on the street can help you with your public speaking skills, and what two things you must do to overcome your fear of speaking to strangers.
  • The fallacy in thinking that a simple website means you have an "on-line" business.
  • If you understand this fundamental truth about running a business, your online business has a better chance of succeeding.
  • Where to get FREE business advice from former successful businesses men and women, so you can succeed in the shortest time possible with the least amount of heartache.
  • CASE Study: Lenny shares that he hasn't sent out a written proposal in 10 years, and yet his schedule is more full than ever. And Lenny says it is due to this single factor.
  • Why even with with Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, you cannot ignore this simple, old technology if you want your business to succeed.
  • How to automate your business on-line to meet the demands of a 24/7 on-line audience - who want your products anytime day or night.
  • Why saying to a potential client "Sure, I'll get that to you Monday when I'm back in the office" is a sure way to lose clients. And some simple strategies to close deals now!
  • Give away lots of this away for free on your website. Warning! Be careful with this strategy. You may get more paying clients than you can handle!
  • How to use the "Monkey See Monkey Do" approach to marketing your business on the internet, and why if you follow it to the letter, you can't help but succeed.
  • Most direct mail marketing gets a tepid 2% response. Here's how to blow the doors off of any marketing effort for your business using the untapped power of internet marketing.
  • and much more....

Ready to get started? Click the Add to Cart button below right now to begin!

What Exactly Do I Get Inside the
"Public Speaking Crush It!" Home Study Course?

Module #1: Face Your Fear

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar Recording $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00
Module #2: Your Audience ($288.00 value) Teleseminar Recording $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00
Module #3: Prepare for Success ($288.00 value) Teleseminar Recording $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #4: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #5: Visualize Your Outcome

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #6: Humor and Profits

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #7: Powerful Communication

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #8: Your Dynamic Voice

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #9: Take Back Control

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #10: Own the Room

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #11: Dress For Success

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #12: Practice Saying Yes

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #13: Advanced Strategies

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #14: Lively Speaking

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #15: What is Your Mission?

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Module #16: Marketing on the Internet

($288.00 value)
Teleseminar $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
DOC Worksheet or Blog Challenge $47.00

Bonus: Just For Joining Today

($144.00 value)
Teleseminar recording "7 Tips on How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking" $97.00
PDF Transcript $47.00
Free Lifetime Access Upon Completion of the Entire Course $priceless

Total: Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course

Telesiminars, PDFs, Challenges, Special reports, Videos, Worksheets, and All Bonuses $3,200.00

Today It's Only: $2304 $997 $497

$4.95 for 14 days

To wrap it up, here's what you are going to get:

  • 16 interviews with public speaking experts in audio mp3 format totaling over 7 hours and 29 minutes.
  • 148 pages of written transcripts in Adobe pdf format of these interviews so you can read each expert's answers to our tough questions.
  • Audio mp3s of each interview that you can download and play anytime on your computer, iPod, iPad, or any mp3 audio player.
  • Once you complete the 16-week course, you will receive a certificate of completion, and full and complete lifetime access to all the interviews, bonus materials, checklists, articles, and ebooks.

Here's the thing.

We are only charging $47 a month for four months for a total of $188.00 plus $4.95 to get started - and this is an introductory price.

You can give this Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course a test drive and possibly change your career... or you can do nothing, and nothing will change.

Lifetime Access

Remember, complete all 16 modules, and you will get lifetime access to the site, which means you can come back at any time and listen or download the interviews.

We will also be updating the website and you will get full access to any additional interviews, spreadsheets, help files, and extra bonuses.

My 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Now I'm going to take all the risk out of this purchase. I am going to offer you a 60 day return guarantee.

I'm confident that my Public Speaking Crush It! Home Study Course will help you become the public speaker that you have always wanted to be, that if you're not satisfied for any reason, simply ask for a refund.

What this means is that for whatever reason (or for no reason at all) you decide that this course isn't for you, then simply contact me and ask for your money back.

It really is that simple. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

YES! Give me instant access to the first training module. I understand that I will be billed $4.95, and after 14 days I will be billed $47.00 per month for four months, for a total of $192.95.

I also understand that I can cancel my subscription at anytime, and the audio mp3 "7 Simple and Easy Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking" will be mine to keep. However, if I cancel, I understand that I will lose lifetime access to the home study course.

To Your Public Speaking Success,

Mike Darling
Smarter Web Solutions, LLC

Denise Beins
CEO Systems, LLC

P.S. Do you really want to try to continue to "fake it until you make it"? Get this course today and change how you think and how you speak in public. This training program was designed with YOU in mind - So get it today!

P.S.S. Remember I have my iron-clad, 60 day money back guarantee behind this offer. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you try it and don't like it, you get every penny back. But I am convinced that not only are you going to like it, it is going to improve your life and give you renewed confidence as a public speaker. Click here now to get started.

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