
Discover the 10 Secret Strategies for Time Management a famous 'Guru' used to Double Her Income in 30 days while working half the time!

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Discover the 10 Secret Strategies for Time Management a famous 'Guru' used to Double Her Income in 30 days while working half the time!

"Discover the 10 Secret Strategies for Time Management a famous "Guru" used to Double Her Income in 30 days while working half the time!"

I'll show you how to achieve Massive RESULTS, skyrocket your income and free up at least two hours per day so you can enjoy the passions you really LOVE!

From the Desk of

Jill Koenig

Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

Saturday, April 16, 2011 10:50 AM

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to have more time with your family, spend less hours working and double or even TRIPLE your income in 90 days or less, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why:

I used these strategies to earn over $ 1 million dollars by the age of 30!

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy.
Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:

Three Reasons You Must Master Your Time:

Reason one: I applied this formula to my own life and doubled my income in the first 30 days!

Reason two: I mentored thousands of entrepreneurs, home business owners and sales reps to double and TRIPLE their incomes!

Reason three: I have so many people BEGGING me to teach them this formula, I have to turn people away!

I applied these strategies to DOUBLE my own business:

(even during times when most "experts" say to expect a slowdown)

Don't ever let anyone tell you it's not possible.

I doubled my profits AND doubled my FUN!

Here is a summary of the benefits you receive:

Learn to harness the "Law of Attraction"
Manifest your most cherished goals.

Each strategy takes only minutes to apply.
More time to spend doing what you love!

So simple even your children can learn it.
Build a stronger, closer family!

Learn to set priorities.
Add more productive hours to your work day!

Learn to eliminate bad habits.
You'll actually enjoy the time you spend working!

Learn how to enlist the help of others for FREE.
Stop doing things you hate doing!

Learn 5 strategies to increase your energy.
More energy ALL DAY LONG!

The secret Tony Robbins Taught me that changed everything
Get a control of your life once and for all.

Learn the secret of the top 3% wealthiest people in the world.
Reach your dreams faster than you ever thought possible!

What Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet know about time management
More freedom to do what you love!

What millionaires know but are too busy to tell you
Work smarter not harder!

Spend 5 mintues doing one thing each morning
Increase your concentration by 500%

Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all those things.

Let me explain.

At a very young age, I set out to disover why some people reach the heights of their career and can earn millions of dollars while others with equal or greater talent and intelligence struggle and barely make ends meat.

I spent thousands of dollars and thousands of hours studying and interviewing some of the most successful people on the planet to learn the distinctions, both large and small, between the two groups, wealthy vs not wealthy.

I spent countless hours reading the biographies of the world's richest tycoons and business leaders like Lee Iococca, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Gates.

I even spent tens of thousands of dollars attending the seminars of Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Suze Orman, Corey Rudl, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Les Brown and so many more!

I even got to meet and work with many of my heros in the personal development and business world!

I studied thousands of successful people. I interviewed them and asked them thousands of questions. What I learned was amazing.

I found the same patterns of success over and over and I created a system that would allow their principles to be applied into any area of life. I condensed my YEARS of research and study into one easy to follow Success System called The Time Commandments!

When I applied The Time Commandments!™ into my own life, my income SOARED!

I had the time and money to travel wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I suddenly had the security and FREEDOM to enjoy life!

This is me preparing to fly over Hawaii

I didn't want to keep these secrets all for myself.

I went even further and taught them to the clients and entrepreneurs I mentored and they experienced the same AMAZING RESULTS!

Don't take my word for it.
Listen to what other experts say:

"In an incredible universe of overflowing abundance, the only thing that sometimes seems to be in short supply is time. But like everything else, time is governed by universal laws that Jill Koenig has expertly applied to The Time Commandments, an ingenious and simple application that will teach you how to master time."

Vic Johnson


"Dear Jill, I would like to very much express my appreciation for making a contribution towards the betterment of our world. Thank you for your support."

Peace and Love,

Isa Phillips, Jamaica
Olympic Athlete 400 Meter Hurdles

"As soon as we wake up in the morning, we are faced with all types of decisions. The biggest one is how we are going to spend our time. After listening to the Time Commandments! and implementing what Jill teaches, I am MAXIMIZING my time and getting MORE done than I EVER thought possible!"

Tim Wambach
Author of Keep On Keeping On

"Within 90 days, our company profits doubled! We actually surpassed our goals. In our business time is money. We use this program as our guide for training every employee to achieve peak performance!"

Sterling Johnson

"Jill’s breadth of knowledge of the self help field shows in her new program. She has really distilled the material down to a easily understandable format, giving you the best of the best advice. Each of her Commandments wraps up with a meaningful assignment – one that I can say with certainty will improve your life and help you to grow. I highly recommend it!"

Wendy Piersall
CEO, eSelfHelp.com

Warning: Do NOT buy any Time Management System
unless it meets the following 3 criteria

There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you 3 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any solution you obtain:

1: Easy to learn and apply

2: Produces FAST RESULTS

3: Can be applied in any area of life, at work and at home

You get at least 10 times your money's worth!

I normally charge $350 per hour for my coaching clients and I currently have a waiting list of 6 months! My business exploded so fast I can hardly keep up!

The only other way you can get this information is to spend $ 3,000 to attend one of my 3-day seminars.

When you act now, you will access these strategies for only $97.00 $ 47

In summary, here's what you get:

More than two hours of audio on instant download where you will learn specifically how to arrange your priorities and manage your time so you can experience less stress, create more wealth, have more time for your family, and have more FUN!

Get started in literally minutes from now.

I'll teach you the strategies I used to earn over $1 million... and counting!

If you respond right away, you pay only $97.00 $ 47

Act immediately and receive the following bonuses

Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:

Free Bonuses:

You will automatically be registered for my Teleseminar Series on Time Management. I will help you anchor in the lessons and integrate The Time Commandments!™ Strategies into your life!

Free Bonus:

Ebook, As A Man Thinketh
This book is partly responsible for the creation of the entire personal development industry. Most contemporary Personal Development authors and teachers credit this little book for providing foundation to their principles. I have read it 5 times and refer to it constantly.

Free Bonus:

Ebook, The Culture of Courage, a book about Psychic Demand and manifestation by Frank C. Haddock
(a $ 19.95 value)

Free bonus:

Free Ebook, A Life On Fire, featuring Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, Robert Allen, T. Harv Eker, and many of the mentors I spent years learning from
(a $19.95 value)

You can't lose with our 100%,
ironclad, moneyback guarantee

By the way, these bonuses are yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to take advantage of our ironclad moneyback guarantee:

Take 8 weeks to examine and use this audio program. That's right. You have more than eight weeks to put these valuable strategies to work in your own life. In any area you want, wherever you want.

Test the program for yourself... Try as many of the valuable tips as you like. Once you've used these strategies in your own life, I'm confident you'll NEVER want to send it back!

But, if you aren't satisfied for any reason, or it doesn't live up to your expectations, you won't be out one red cent. Just return the course and we'll refund your entire payment. Right up to the final day of this eight week guarantee! ClickBank will, at its option, replace or repair any defective product within 8 weeks from the date of purchase.

You don't have to decide now if this product is for you. Just get it and try it out. If it doesn't do everything I say and more, if you don't save time, or if your business doesn't improve, or if your life isn't better, or if you don't absolutely love it, just let me know and I'll give you every cent of your money back! So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Here's how to order right now!

To order The Time Commandments!™ Success System
just click the link below
for your instant mp3 download


To your success,

Jill Koenig

"Goal Guru"
Millionaire Mentor and Creator of The Time Commandments!

P.S. You can't afford to miss out on these powerful tips and strategies.

P.P.S. I want you to earn more money.

P.P.P.S. I want you to have more time for your family.

P.P.P.P.S. I want you to have the freedom to enjoy your life.

P.P.P.P.P.S. I want you to live your dreams!

In case you needed any other reason to grab your copy of The Time Commandments!™, here is one last note worth mentioning, and it's a BIG one.

One of the biggest Time Management secrets I found (which I detail in Time Commandment # 4) is that the Super Wealthy invest in themselves.

They purchase and study programs like this! They strive for constant and neverending improvement.

When I visit the homes of my millionaire friends all over the world, I find piles of motivational programs. They begin their day with motivation tapes and they are always playing in their car CD player! They devour audio programs. They program themselves for success. They understand self-improvement is a lifelong process.

Research shows that for every $1 you invest in programs like this, you will realize at least a $27 return on investment and the results over time are exponential!

Order Right NOW!

To order The Time Commandments!™ Success System
just click the link below
for your instant mp3 download


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