
Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

Are You Living Your Life to Your Full Potential?

…Why not?

At last! The Most Powerful Combination of Scientifically Proven Mind Technologies and Advanced Learning Strategies the World has Ever Seen... Lets You to Take Aim at all Your Hidden Limitations and Vaporize them with the Push of a Button...Allowing you to Effortlessly Ascend to Heights of Success You so Richly Deserve...

It's agonizing.

You've heard the clichés, like "you're one idea away from a fortune." But you know for a fact it's not a cliché, because of all the people who have become rich -- sometimes, even millionaires -- virtually overnight.

Just because of one idea.

And there you are, working your butt off or simply wondering what to do, or what you need to learn to make your life more successful. Everything seems to take too long or is just too complicated.

If only there were a solution in sight... 

Tuesday, 7:29 a.m.
From the Desk of Sean LeMay

My Friend,

There IS a solution.

You and I both know that you already have enough knowledge to be successful. Even though you keep making excuses and saying, "I just need this one more tool or piece of information...then I can be a success."

In fact you probably have enough "stuff" sitting in that brain of yours to be making a better than average income.

But you're not.

You KNOW that there are folks with less skill than you, less intelligence than you, less energy than you, less friends than you, less money than you…heck they're probably not as good looking as you…but they are more successful than you.

And you know it.

And it burns your butt. And you can't figure it out for the life of you.

I'm here to tell you,

"It's not your fault."

Let me tell you why.

It's your subconscious mind.

Yep. Neuroscientists are now telling us it's 1 million times more powerful than your conscious mind!

And it controls 95%-99% of your daily activity.

And you aren't aware of it. You probably didn't know it existed.

And you don't have the instruction book.

In fact, you're operating from preprogrammed tapes that were put there by other people since you were a baby.

Thousands upon thousands of them.

No wonder you've been banging your head against the wall using traditional affirmations and goal-setting techniques.

Here's what I mean...

Let's say a person has a goal to be materially rich.

They do all the right things.

They write their goal down. Make it specific, positive, and timely. It's attainable and "realistic".

They even do affirmations. They look in the mirror and announce "I'm rich!" (and the little voice inside says..."no you're not!"...more later)

Now step back and look at their whole life.

Somewhere along the line their Dad made a comment about "Poor little rich kids." And the derisive tone communicated to our friend that being rich was bad.

And their Mom told them that "Money is the root of all evil".

And their Minister told them that "It's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven."

Their teacher told them that "poor people are pure of heart".

They watched TV and saw Kings and Rich people abuse the downtrodden.

Their favorite uncle was in a union and talked about how "Greedy companies exploited their hard working employees in the name of profits."

Grandpa told him that anything worth having had to be earned through hard work and sacrifice.

And on.

And on.

And on.

All those messages got through into his subconscious mind.

He KNOWS he can't be rich and be a good person.

He KNOWS that money can't come to him easily and naturally.

So even though he sets goals and does affirmations with his conscious mind, his subconscious...which is so much more powerful...continues to act on his behalf and make sure he's a "good person".

And he sabotages his own success without even knowing it. He smokes or drinks or lives an unhealthy life. He says the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Miraculous things happen to keep his much desired success from him.

Sound familiar?

That's the power of the subconscious mind.

My friend, it doesn't have to be this way.

Listen to me.

The universe is abundant.

You deserve to be adorned in the finest of clothes...enjoy art and beautiful things...indulge in your favorite foods...luxuriate at the most elegant hotels the world has to offer...visit exotic lands...and feel the love of your dearest friends and family.

And there's enough for everyone. No one else will suffer because you enjoy the fine life.

And it doesn't have to be a challenge. You don't have to strive, struggle or sacrifice.

It can all flow easily and gently into your days.

You can take command now.

You don't have to continue to be controlled by others….to have you life tossed around by the whims of fate…or to try and use outdated and ineffective methods to try and drag yourself to be a success.

You can erase all those old programs and install new, empowering beliefs.

You can live a life filled with success, love and fun or keep accepting pig shit and calling it "fate".

It's your choice.

Before I show you EXACTLY how to take control of your life...

Allow me to offer you FREE GIFT #1

Are you ready right now to begin to dramatically accelerate your mental agility, wrap yourself in a profound sense of well-being, and blast your creativity into hyperdrive?

You've just discovered a Scientifically Proven Mind Expansion Technology that Releases the Gargantuan Powers of Your Mind!

Advanced computer generated and precision calibrated audio technology safely and effortlessly stimulates your neurons to produce naturally occurring conditions that

Dramatically improves your...

  • learning ability
  • memory
  • intuition
  • creativity
  • focus
  • concentration
  • mental clarity!

And if that's not enough..you will also

  • create quantum leaps in self-awareness
  • significantly lower your stress levels and the harmful brain chemicals related to stress
  • dramatically increase your production of naturally occurring brain chemicals that reduce aging and increase longevity!

Science Fiction?

Science, Yes. Fiction, No.

Let me explain

Brainwaves 101

You probably already know that your brain cells, neurons, produce brainwave patterns in various frequencies 24 hours a day.

These frequencies are like television channels....whatever frequency your brain is at determines what "channel" or "state of consciousness" you experience at that time.

Let's keep this simple.

There are 4 basic categories and each is associated with specific conscious conditions.

Beta - normal waking consciousness-you are probably in "beta" right now.

- associated with concentrating, arousal, alertness and cognition

Alpha - slower than beta, experienced when you are absorbed in a good book or movie.

-associated with relaxation, super learning and increased focus

Theta - slower than alpha, usually experienced during dreaming sleep

-associated with increased creativity, some kinds of super learning, increased memory ability and "a ha" experiences

Delta - lower than theta, experienced in dreamless sleep.

-associated with release of highly beneficial brain chemicals that usually decrease with age....therefore promoting anti-aging!, access to the subconscious mind

So, you see? You naturally experience all of these brainwave frequencies anyway...sometimes. But you rarely control when and for how long.

Zen Monks and Yogi's know about these benefits and spend years practicing and mastering deep meditation.

Now, thanks to science and audio technology based on the original research by Dr. Gerald Oster at Mt. Sinai Hospital, and continued in scientific labs all over the world, you can leapfrog years of practice and achieve nearly immediate results by listening to the mastered recording that I affectionately call "MindWarp"....that I'm giving to you as a gift!

Why would I "gift" you something that you might pay $170 for elsewhere for a "similar" product?

Simply Put.

I have more to offer you.

Think about this.

Remember that during "alpha" and "theta" states you are in a peak learning state. A state of being where quantum leaps in your life can be made. You learn new things quickly and easily...automatically.

And that in "delta" you have access to your subconscious mind...

Which is 1 million times more powerful than your conscious mind.

Synapses are firing, your brain is tingling, you are ready to erupt with the anticipation of that lightning strike that will catapult you into metamorphosis.

Don't you think it makes sense to take advantage of this state and REALLY learn something worthwhile or obliterate those old programs and install new ones?

Sure you could just "bliss out"...that's great. It truly is.

And there are all kinds of extraordinary benefits that I've already pointed out!

But it's like..

Sex without an orgasm!

It's great...but it could be better :)

It's akin to working hard in school, fighting to get into college, going to class and then the professor doesn't show up.

Don't get me wrong. I still think you should use "MindWarp" daily. It's like going to the gym. It gets your mind in shape.

Tiger Woods keeps his body in shape. But when it's time to work on his swing...he gets specific with his practice.

So when you have something to master or a challenge to overcome...let's take it to the next level.

So let's tackle your Procrastination! And all those silly limiting beliefs that everyone else put there when you didn't know any better.

You're an adult now.

Use the tools available and

Exploit the most recent developments and discoveries in

  • Quantum Physics
  • Neuroscience and
  • Molecular Biology

With a combination of advanced learning technologies...

  • Brainwave Stimulation - to induce a heightened learning state
  • Hypnosis
  • NLP -Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • DHE - Design Human Engineering

To Exterminate all your Hidden Limiting Beliefs and Blast through to the Success you Deserve.

And you don't have to do anything. Except put on some headphones, push "play" and sit back and relax!


Stop Procrastinating Today!

the Procrastination Blaster System!

Just sit back, put on your headphones and close your eyes.

3 levels of advanced audio technology stacked on top of each other amplifying a methodic hypnotic induction will take your brainwaves from Beta down through Alpha into Theta then Delta…in this state, equivalent to a master meditator, not only do you experience vivid imagery, deep relaxation and physical wellness, you will experience accelerated learning.

While you're there you employ a skilled master to exploit that state of mind with advanced learning technologies like NLP and DHE to uncover, isolate and obliterate limiting beliefs. Automatically install your new programs and KNOW that your life, from then on, will be marked by

  • amazing productivity
  • wanton motivation
  • ferocious resolve and
  • delicious success!

You'll marvel at how your days will flow easily and effortlessly.

Drudgery, effort and struggle are replaced with fun and achievement.

It's that easy.

I never realized what great odds there are against someone doing successful goal setting and affirmations.

The power of the subconscious mind is amazing and scary!

I had come to believe that success only came through hard work, dedication and well...pain.

With his Hi-Tech tools and incredible skill Sean cuts through all the complexity and makes it easy.

His recordings make me think he's looked right into my mind and is talking directily to me.

Now I'm more productive than ever and having tons of fun!

I've already invited Sean to be on our "Ask The Expert" panel of my exclusive membership forum and he's already proven to be very popular with our membership!

I can't wait for Sean to introduce more products!

Scot Standke

Never before released!

I've never revealed this innovation publicly before...As an extra bonus…while you're reprogramming yourself…why not install a 'limiting belief" shield...just like virus protection software?

Ward off any new attempts for limiting beliefs to slip through into your subconscious. Thoughts about scarcity, poverty, struggle or strain are automatically rejected by your unconscious which then brings them to your conscious awareness while you smile and let them fall into the trash bin of your mind.

Throughout the whole process guidance is masterfully delivered by your own expert to allow for your own unique, customized experience.


How can it be unique if everyone gets the same recordings?

Realize this: the content of your experience is your own. Your own representation of "reality". And yours is different than anyone elses.

What the heck do I mean?

Well if I say the word "stove" how do you represent that to yourself?

You may see the white enamel stove in your kitchen with 4 burners on top. The picture may be in black and white. Or in color.

You may envision a black stove or a stainless steel one. Someone else might see an electric stove, others gas. Some may see a wood stove or pot belly stove.

Others might see the word "S.T.O.V.E." written out up top the left. You may see it in a different size, a different color or different font.

Others may feel warmth or smell fresh-cooked bread.

There are millions of different combinations.

One word can elicit a completely different experience.

Yours is unique.

Rather than assume we all think alike, "content-wise", during your experience with the Procrastination Blaster System you manipulate your own experience by while being skillfully guided you through the process without interrupting your private experience.

Your life will be filled with ease, success and unharnessed productivity.

You won't even recognize your old silly limiting beliefs any more!

Pretty cool huh?


But Wait There's more! (I've always wanted to say that ;))

For acting quickly I'd like you to have FREE GIFT #2...a $90+value...

A Stanford Engineer, Gary Craig has created a new paradigm in the healing community by introducing a new modality of Energy Psychology called "Emotional Freedom Technique" or EFT.

EFT is a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues.

And I'm talking about everything from ADD, allergies, and phobias to multiple sclerosis and cancer.

Often the results are IMMEDIATE!

I know it sounds whacko but the healing community I'm talking about isn't just the voodoo and "way out new age guys"...I'm talking about licensed psychotherapists and MD's.

Even a well-known scientist like Candace Pert, PhD, author of "Molecules of Emotion" says, "EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement."

So if EFT is effective in dealing with addictions, pain management and serious diseases do you think it could be effective in helping you obliterate your Procrastination?


For you I've developed 5 customized EFT treatment sessions specifically targeted to obliterate procrastination.

You'll also receive an introductory mp3 to help you learn the basics of EFT.

Then I've recorded 5 separate audio tracks to take you through 5 EFT "tapping sessions" each designed to address a specific area around procrastination for you.

To further help you I've included a a 23 page manual that also helps teach the basics of EFT and then each of the 5 sessions is also layed out.

This is powerful stuff folks.

Listen to the audios while you follow along in the manual through 5 powerful "tapping" sessions designed specifically to energize your life while overcoming any overwhelming obstacles.

And be amazed by your results.

Similar sessions are being sold for $16/session making this at least a $90 value. EFT practitioners obviously charge more for "in person" sessions. You'd probably pay $500 for these 5 sessions.

And just for fun, if you act quickly...just when you thought you had every tool known to man...I want to offer you SURPISE FREE GIFT #3

The amount of power and tools you'll have at your disposal already is almost embarrassing!

I'll keep this one a surprise but let me reveal this...

"A Reuters news release from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, attributed the deserting of Iraqi soldiers to the “first known military use of the new, high tech type of X referred to as X by secretly programming Iraqi radio stations with patriotic Iraqi music, embedded with X encouraging a peaceful surrender."

Think about it. If this technology can force a highly trained, angry soldier to lay down his weapon and act like a scared puppy...do you think it can work at bringing your limiting beliefs and procrastination to it's knees?

You bet it does!

Here's how you can try the system for yourself:

You can download the Procrastination Blaster System for the special introductory price of $97.

If you act today, before midnight Wednesday, January 6, 2010 you will receive all 3 FREE GIFTS. The 3 gifts alone are conservatively valued in excess of $300.

No Comparison

And you can't even compare the value of the Procrastination Blaster System to anything in the market...it's just that original...there's nothing to compare it to.

Finally, since I understand you may still be skeptical that these powerful tools can do everything I've told you it will do, there's absolutely zero risk when you take a "test drive" of this system because it comes with...

...an 8 week, Better than Risk-Free, Unconditional Guarantee!

Please try the Procrastination Blaster System for up to a full 8 weeks. Anytime during that time, if you aren't convinced this is the most incredible personal growth tool you've ever used, and that it does everything I've described here, just return it and I'll cheerfully and quickly refund your payment.

And, you can still keep the whole System and all of the FREE GIFTS as my gift to you just for trying The Procrastination Blaster System.

Start putting the secrets you discover to work tomorrow... or even today. Take your own sweet time to do this. Then, if you're not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all... simply ask for your money back by email (it is at the very bottom of the page)... and you'll get a full and fast refund of every dime you paid.

That means you can get the System —use it, listen to it, read it as much as you want — for free, if you choose.

Please know, the reason why I can make this kind of outrageous guarantee is because... I really do have the “goods”. This system delivers on all the promises I make. And I know that what I’m about to share with you works... it’s been proven, over and over again. I’ve used it all myself... and I’ve taught countless other people to use it with equal (and sometimes greater) success.

Literally, what you are about to discover with these tools are some of the EASIEST “shortcuts” to a successful, productive life known to man today. You’ll find out for yourself as soon as you download it. And if you don’t like what you find, you get all your money back. Quickly and quietly. Without questions or hassle. Your word is good enough.

That's pretty fair, wouldn't you agree? My system either works for you like I say it will.... or... you get all your money back. It's as simple as that. And it's easy to order.

To review, this includes

  • an Introductory Overview recording
  • Powerful 30 Minute Procrastination Blaster mp3
  • Free Gift #1, MindWarp- 45 minutes long…induces a peak performance learning environment with multi-benefit, after-effects
  • Free Gift#2
    • EFT intro audio
    • 5 EFT session Audio's
    • 23 page EFT manual
  • Secret Free Gift #3

Dont' die with your "music still in you".

You have ultimate potential. Live up to it.

You are worth it.

Here's to your greatness...



Sean LeMay

P.S. Remember, this special introductory promotional offer won't last long. Click here now to lock in your Procrastination Blaster System for only $97

P.P.S. If you act today, before midnight Wednesday, January 6, 2010 you also receive 3 FREE Gifts conservatively valued at over $300!

P.P.P.S Don't forget, you are absolutely protected by my Unconditional, Better-than-Risk- Free, no questions asked 8 Week Guarantee...and you get to keep the whole system and all the FREE GIFTS!



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