
Cheater Checker - ultimate monitoring software - records, reports and controls user's activities

Cheater Checker - ultimate monitoring software - records, reports and controls user's activities

Use Cheater Checker To Find Out What Your Partner Is Hiding From You!

CheaterChecker.com does not endorse, approve of, or indemnify users against, breaking local or federal wiretapping or other statutes, and is able to offer no legal advice regarding the use of this product. These pages are for advertising and product explanation purposes only, and cannot be construed as legal advice or a solicitation to break any law. CheaterChecker.com strongly urges users to consult with their attorney regarding local laws prior to using this product.

More people than ever before are using the Internet to cheat on their partner. With online dating sites, social networks, chat forums, email and instant messengers, it is incredibly easy to meet people, have an affair, and get away with it, all in record time. Do you feel your partner may be having sex with somebody else, but you're not sure?

9 out of 10 women who feel their partner is cheating are correct
50% of men who feel their partner is cheating are correct


Most people who are cheating have used their computer to either start the affair, or are using the computer to keep in touch with that person. Many of the people who do this are covering their tracks by deleting browsing history so you never find out, or go one step further and use various programs and tools to cover up their tracks. They think that their wife, husband, or significant other will never find out.

Cheater Checker was developed with all of these "cheater helper" programs in mind. Cheater Checker is like your own private detective that will take snapshots and record everything that your spouse/significant other does on the PC, whether they try to cover up their tracks or not - it won't matter.

Thousands of new users like yourself are downloading and using Cheater Checker every single month. And there's a reason why. Cheater Checker is the most stable, feature rich, and user friendly monitoring software on the market. We're #1 for a reason. Cheater Checker has been featured on Talk shows, news shows, radio, newspapers... you name it. Find out why we're the best and try Cheater Checker yourself. Purchase right now or take Cheater Checker for a free spin. But don't wait - take action right now.


Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Cheater Checker Today!

Monitors And Records All Emails
Cheater Checker takes virtual snap shots of emails as they are written and received. It doesn't matter what email program or service your child uses. It doesn't matter if the emails are deleted right after they are read or sent.  
Monitors And Records All Instant Message/Chats
Cheater Checker takes snap shots of all chats that take place on the PC including all major instant messengers like Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, and more. Catch & stop any pedophiles from chatting with your children.  
Monitors And Records All Key Strokes
Cheater Checker captures every key typed on your PC. This is an incredible tool, because it captures all keys pressed including any text that is normally hidden, such as passwords. With this information, you can now gain access to ALL of your child's online email services like hotmail, yahoo and Gmail, and any accounts at MySpace or other social networks.  
Monitors And Records All Web Sites Visited
Cheater Checker will record every web site visited on your PC for easy access later. It takes snap shots of the pages being visited and allows you to play them back with VCR/DVD play-like functions. Is your child surfing porn? Are they playing online games when they're supposed to be doing something else? You'll now know! Surf through hours of your child's online browsing in just minutes.  
Do All Of This From Anywhere
Cheater Checker allows you to use the built in IRIS feature which emails you everything it is recording, at whatever interval you wish. Does your child get home from school several hours before you do, and you want to see what they are doing on the computer? Cheater Checker allows you to do this.  
Block Unwanted Sites
Cheater Checker gives you the ability to review all sites visited and then block any sites you don't want household members to access. You can even add customized text that your children will see when they try to access the site. Control what your household can and can't access online.  
Completely Hidden
Cheater Checker can run in the open if you so choose, to discourage children from going places they shouldn't be, or you can also set it to run in stealth mode where it is undetectable. Cheater Checker won't show up in the program files, running programs, task bar, registry or any other place. Completely hidden!  
Monitor And Capture Every Program Run On Your PC
Cheater Checker will log every application that is run on your PC. Is somebody launching your accounting software, instant messenger or trying to access your email application? Is your child running music downloading software or potentially putting you at risk by downloading and installing copyrighted applications? Not anymore, at least not without you knowing!  
Easy To Install & Use
In less than two minutes you can have Cheater Checker up and running on your PC. In addition, we provide complete documentation that will explain every feature fully.  
Security / Privacy When Ordering
You may not want anybody to know you purchased Cheater Checker, especially if you are planning to run it in Stealth mode. Your credit card will show a payment from Click Bank, a processor for thousands of online stores, so there is no way to link it back to any one particular product.  

For a limited time, we're going to offer a HUGE bonus for anybody who orders Cheater Checker today.


We created 2 videos that show you tips and tricks you can do with Cheater Checker to get the most out of it. We know that reading manuals isn't the most fun thing in the world, and people tend to learn better by watching somebody else do it first. You'll have instant access to these videos right after your purchase - no waiting for a DVD. You'll learn little tricks that most people miss. This is a $39 value and you get it for FREE when you order today. This is only available if you pay for and download Cheater Checker today, and not available through the demo download.




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Stop Procrastinating - A 21-Day Program to Break the Habit

Stop Procrastinating - A 21-Day Program to Break the Habit

Discover the Secrets on How To Stop Procrastinating *Permanently* in Just 21 Days or Less!

check Boost Your Confidence check Increase Productivity
check Reduce Stress check Feel More Organized
check Enjoy Your Free Time check Boost Your Energy


arrow Learn All About It Right Now arrow


Note: This system was created to show you how to break free from the shackles of procrastination and skyrocket your accomplishments to levels you never thought possible.

So, I'll summarize this quickly for you and tell you in simple terms what this procrastination-busting program will do for you. You will...


Uncover The Reasons why you are a Procrastinator... Most people procrastinate for one or two simple reasons. Knowing what's causing you to procrastinate is the important first step to solving the problem.


Peel Away the Layers of Your Bad Habit to Obliterate it Once and For All! Let me be clear: Procrastination is a bad habit. Just like smoking, biting your nails, eating junk food, or anything else. Procrastinators are made, not born. And the habit can be broken just like any other.


Walk You Through The Steps required to change your destructive bad habits with new productive, healthy ones! This isn't just "theory" - these are specific To Do's.


Overcome Crippling Self-Doubt. Learn how to stomp the destructive thought processes that have always sabotaged your success.


Make Stress a Thing of the Past by never allowing your responsibilities to dominate your mind and tie you up in a knot of worries or fears.


Literally Change Your Life! I know that's a bold statement but I say it with confidence. Learning how to set goals and achieve them will literally make you a totally new person in a very short period of time.

Allow me to introduce you to the most powerful procrastination-busting system you're ever going to find. It's called Procrastination Pro™: The 21-day System to Stop Procrastinating and it's available to you exclusively from this website.

Before we discuss the specifics of the 21-day program, I want to tell you the single most powerful advantage this program has over anything else you're going to find on the subject...

We've made it dead-simple to follow

All the other programs you're going to find on procrastination are much too complicated. Most contain only theory and have no actionable steps.

In order to truly conquer the habit of procrastination and skyrocket your productivity, what you need is a step-by-step program that's easy to follow and shows you exactly what to do to change your habits!

x What you don't need is a 200-page novel that drones on with fluffy theories and obvious "filler".

x What you don't need is a half-baked program that only gives you "theory" and doesn't tell you specifically what to do to break the habit of procrastination.

x What you don't need is "personal growth" program designed to fix any and all challenges in the field of personal development.

Let's face it... these kinds of "solutions" will bore you to death and in the end your habits won't change at all.

check You need a program designed to educate you about procrastination...

check You need to stay aware of the causes procrastination and...

check Most of all, you need specific steps necessary to overcome procrastination

That's what Procrastination Pro™ is all about!

So take the next 10 minutes to read this web page and learn how this system can literally transform your life in less than a month. Our step-by-step Procrastination System WILL blow your mind, so keep reading and I'll show you the specifics...


Wait! Get A Free Sample.

Simply fill out your name and email on the form to the right and get the following for absolutely free

» Free, useful tips on how to stop procrastinating

» Tips on how to be more productive

» Plus.. a free sample of Procrastination Pro


We hate spam as much as you do. Your information will never be shared with anyone and you can opt-out anytime.

From: Charlie Ritchie
Date: March 27th, 2010

Dear Soon-To-Be-Ex-Procrastinator,

Would you believe me if I said...

Proper planning is NOT the key to beating procrastination?

That's right... Planning is NOT the key to stop procrastinating. Telling a procrastinator to buy a weekly planner is like telling someone who suffers from a fear of flying to just "not worry" as you board an airplane.

It won't help.

I'm sure you'll agree there's a big difference between "planning" on doing something and actually getting it done.

The problem is that 98% of people THINK they're on the right path to getting-it-done when they write their TO DO lists, but very few of them ever will...

And when the days turn into weeks, then months, and finally years, the outcome of procrastination begins to set in...

x An overwhelming feeling of failure that crushes what little hope you have left of mustering your motivation.

x Depression sets in after feeling broken by frustration for so long.

x A little voice begins whispering inside your head.. "What's the point? You will never catch up with where you want to be."

Eventually you will begin feeling a complete and total lack of motivation, chained down and tired from depression and sustained by one simple, apathetic reactionary response... "I don't care."

And then you just quit trying..

Most People Who Try to Beat Procrastination Never Will

Did you know that 20% of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators? The fact is that most people spend oodles of time trying to beat procrastination one way or another.

And while many discipline themselves enough to get by, few of them accomplish everything they set out to achieve.

They still struggle to shake off the ever-lingering shadow of procrastination.

They make TO DO lists and underscore items.

They plan and schedule.

They leave notes lying around as reminders.

They make promises to themselves and set resolutions.

They organize and re-organize.

...and the list goes on.

But very few will ever dominate their responsibilities and achieve what they truly desire. For their efforts what they mostly achieve is a temporary sense of short-lived refreshment from procrastination, only to crash back into their usual way of "not" doing things.

The problem is that most people try to break this nasty habit "backwards" -- they try to control their behaviors (with TO DO lists & schedules) before changing their frame of mind!

Procrastination is not something you can simply destroy with To Do lists and self-promises.

Procrastination is a problem that builds up over time and becomes a habit rooted deep within your personality. Because.. believe it or not.. procrastination has given you comfort for so long that it eventually became a really hard thing to give up.

Well the GOOD NEWS is...

You Are About to Discover a Complete Step-By-Step System Specifically Designed to OBLITERATE Your Procrastination Habit Once And For All

Allow me to introduce you to the most complete and powerful system ever designed to beat procrastination. It's called...

Procrastination Pro:
The 21-day System to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination Pro


Procrastination Pro was designed by a team of self-help experts, writers and psychologists. The mission was to create the most powerful procrastination-busting system ever developed and the result was a program called Procrastination Pro.

This program is not just a book...

Procrastination Pro is a 21-day self-help program designed specifically to break the habit of procrastination. It educates you, gets you to analyze your thought patterns, gets you to write things down, and literally forces you to develop new habits through repetition.

This is a one-of-a-kind program like nothing else you've ever seen!

Here's how it works...



A 21-Day System to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination Pro breaks the habit of procrastination by assigning you a simple task to complete every day for 21 days. All the tasks were designed to help you stop procrastinating. Each task is simple, easily achievable and takes about 15 minutes to 20 minutes.

By dedicating a small amount of time to overcoming procrastination once a day for three weeks you will break the habit of procrastination. We guarantee it!

Here is a sample of how it goes...

Day 1) Read Part 1: Understanding Procrastination (Est. time: 30 mins)
Day 4) Writing an intentional statement - to yourself - that you will overcome procrastination. (Est. time: 15 mins)
Day 7) Identify and put in writing the things you do when you procrastinate. (Est. time: 20 mins)

Day 8)
Analyzing the excuses you use not to do your tasks. (Est. time: 15 mins)
Day 14) How to change the way you think / How to think when there's something you know you should do now instead of later. (Est. time: 15 mins)

We can't tell you too much more than that... It's important that you only take it one day at a time -- you're not supposed to work ahead and you're not supposed to know what's coming next!

But what we can tell you is that each day was designed to help you understand and analyze the reasons why you procrastinate and as the course progresses you will learn how to defeat habit of putting things off.

The program forces you to face the facts of your life.. and it shows you what to do to change the path you're on.

Simply follow the steps and you'll become a more productive person.

It's that easy.


Here's What You'll Get...

check A Complete Understanding of Procrastination
  • Understand the causes, the different types, how the habit is formed and more.
  • Why will-power is not what you need to succeed.
  • Why you fail and why the cycle repeats itself.
  • Learn why mistakes are critical and necessary.
  • You'll even learn that some procrastination is even good.

How to Change Your Thinking and Your Actions

  • The single most critical step required to achieve any goal!
  • Understand how to free yourself from destructive thought processes.
  • How to crash through the barrier between where you are now and where you want to be.
  • How to reward yourself properly to celebrate your personal successes.
  • Discover what "goals" are all about. Most people think they have goals but what they really have are dreams. Understand the difference between the two.

How to Make the changes Stick!

  • Don't let your momentum slip away..
  • How to make your improvements permanent.
  • How to keep getting better.


Procrastination Pro™: The 21-day System to Stop Procrastinating is a program designed to walk you through 21 simple steps to achieve your ultimate goal: breaking the habit of procrastination and getting more done with your time than you ever thought possible.

This program is not a program designed to help you manage your time because procrastination is not an issue of time-management!

Procrastination is a problem of mind-management. Of self-doubt. Of managing your own thoughts and feelings. Of replacing a destructive life-habit with a productive one.

Procrastination Pro is specifically designed to build your confidence by succeeding every day at the simple tasks laid out for you in the program.

Each new daily task builds upon the previous one to make you more confident in your abilities while you subconsciously form new habits based on results!

All you have to do is follow the lessons provided.

That's it!

This is all about destroying bad habits. Bad habits are impulses which are very difficult to control.

Controlling those bad habits is what this is all about.


Always a good question.

Before discussing the dollars and cents of what this is going to cost you, I want you to think for just a minute about the alternative... What it will cost you if you continue to go on the way things are now?

It can be a scary thing to think about, I know.

But just think about it...

Can you honestly say to you will achieve what you want by continuing down the path you're on now?

Imagine what life would be like if you had already accomplished the goals you had set for yourself a year ago.

What would you have? Who would you be?

You would probably have more money, be in better physical shape, have a better job, proudly show your family the grades you got in school, or perhaps have your retirement all figured out... It could be anything. The sky is the limit when you have the skills to achieve your goals.

I once read a quote that I feel rings very true...


Only you are responsible for where you are today. And only you have the power to change the course of your future.

So developing the skills necessary to achieve what you truly want in your life is literally priceless.

I mean it.

But let's look at the more realistic alternatives you have in tackling your procrastination problem.

Option # 1: Try To Do It Yourself. This is the option that most people will take. They continually make TO DO lists... Or make New Year's Resolutions... Write themselves reminders, notes... Promise themselves to "turn over a new leave on Monday"... or get harder on themselves... But going at it alone is a long uphill battle that often puts you right back to where you started.

Option # 2: Attend Seminars. Yep, there's lots of seminars out there on time-management, personal development, wealth building and so on... Seminars are great for two things: giving yourself that temporary feeling of "getting something done" and making money for the people running them.

But, let's face it... slipping back into the usual way of doing things is exactly where 99.9% of seminar junkies end up. So they continually sign up for seminars for the temporary feeling of being involved in something, but they never end up doing anything at all..

Option # 3: Buy Other Procrastination Programs Online. Hey.. I won't lie to you. There are lots of other people out there selling their own "procrastination busting" systems too. I know them all and I've purchased every one of them.

They all promise a solution and they all have money back guarantees. I welcome you to do what I did -- buy them all and see which one you like. But I can save you the time... They're all theory and no action!

Option # 4: Do Nothing. This really shouldn't be an option at all, but I have to add it here because that's exactly what a lot of people are literally going to do. Nothing. I think I've made the point several times that not conquering your bad procrastination habit can literally ruin your life, but I'm afraid I can't show up to your door and give you the swift kick in the butt that you may need.

After years of being a personal coach and mentor, I have worked with hundreds of people of all ages, backgrounds, levels of education and experience..

Procrastination is the #1 reason their endeavors fail. Hands down!

Procrastination will conquer your life
if you don't learn to conquer procrastination.

Procrastination is an unforgiving enemy that can take a huge toll on your life. It doesn't care if you don't succeed, it doesn't care if you give in to its power, and it doesn't care if you throw in the towel and continually say to yourself "I'm just lazy."

I've said it already... but that's why learning the skills to overcome procrastination is literally priceless. The cost of failure is much higher than any monetary value.

That's why I would be completely confident selling this program for $997. A thousand bucks would be nothing compared to what you would get in return: the ability to set goals and achieve them!

Compared to the amount of money people throw away on personal development seminars, wealth building programs, gym memberships or whatever else.. the value you would receive from this program would easily be worth that price...

But I also realize it would be a "tough decision" to plop down a grand on a program designed to show you how to get things done...

It's probably not an easy decision even at $497...

I also know that a lot of college students want to learn how to unleash themselves from the bonds of procrastination, so I've decided to make this program affordable to everyone..

Procrastination Pro

Procrastination Pro™: The 21-day System to Stop Procrastinating is a program that was completed in January 2010.

Through the collaborative effort of many professionals, it took a lot of research, time, effort and money to put this terrific product together -- and the price of Procrastination Pro™ is set to be a one-time cost of $197.

But because this is a new product, we are still working to collect testimonials from people who have gone through the program. So we are currently offering the entire program for a very limited time to internet customers at an insanely good deal...

~ Try it now for 7 Days: only $9.95! ~

We are so confident that Procrastination Pro is exactly what you're looking for, so we want you to try it before you buy it. If you make the decision to act now, you will get the entire program for only $9.95.

We want you to succeed! With this amazing trial offer, you can download the program and get yourself started on the first 7 days. See exactly what's it's all about and then decide whether or not it's right for you.

If you decide to keep it (and we know you're going to love it), you will automatically be charged two easy montly payments of only $39.95. (That's $89.85 total, which is still more than 50% off the standard price!)

Because of the costs associated with creating and advertising this program, this offer cannot and will not last long. This is a time-sensitive offer that will expire on Thursday, April 1st, 2010.

If you make the decision to ACT NOW, you will get the complete program for the ridiculously low prive of only $9.95!

We are also prepared to offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are in any way unsatisfied. Details below...


Procrastination Pro™: The 21-day System to Stop Procrastinating is a system that walks you through the process of replacing your old destructive time-wasting habits with productive new ones.

It is and immensely powerful system that will literally change your life and break you free from the shackles of procrastination that have been holding you back from achieving your full potential.

I am so confident in this system that I am personally prepared to take all the risk.

If Procrastination Pro™ doesn't live up to your expectations, if it doesn't blow your old habits out of the water and pump you up with motivation to succeed, I will give you all you money back.

That's right. 100% of your money back. Guaranteed.

Let me say it again...

If you don't see results from this system then you didn't get what you paid for. I'll give your cash back. That's all there is to it.

Procrastination Pro is designed to free you from the habit of procrastination in 21 days. If you stick to the program then that's all you'll need...

But I'm going to give you more than twice that amount of time to make sure you're getting the results you want. Take a full 8 weeks (that's 56 days) to use the program.

If you don't see results, if you decide this is not for you, or it you just plain don't like it, I will refund all your money...

Even if you leave it until five minutes to midnight on the 56th day, I'll still give you every red cent back with a smile on my face, and wish you well.

No hard feelings, and no arguments at all.

So you're free to go ahead and order Procrastination Pro™ right now... with zero risk. I'm taking all the risk from your shoulders, and putting it squarely on mine.

There is no need to feel like you're "taking a chance" on this system.

Order your copy now. Download it. Follow the simple instructions. If it doesn't work out I'll personally refund your cash.

And that right there is set in stone.

So you get peace of mind... and I do too.

- Charlie



Don't delay! Secure your copy of this amazing program for the low starting price of only $9.95. We are serious when we say that this price will not last.

Follow the steps below to secure your copy this instant! Procrastination Pro

- Discounted offer expires on Thursday, April 1st, 2010 -

Click the Button Below to Instantly Download Procrastination Pro

Order Now

Let me sum this all up for you...

A lot of people suffer from procrastination one way or another and its negative effects can be felt on many levels.

Whether you suffer severely from procrastination or you just want to accomplish more so you feel more relaxed in your down time, this program can help you out a lot.

Right now, you're standing at a crossroads. There are 2 clear cut paths in front of you. It's up to you which you choose.

You can carry on exactly as you are. But if you do, you cannot expect things to change.

You'll always struggle to get things done.

You'll always feel guilty and overwhelmed.

...and you may get what you really want out of life.

Or you can start Procrastination Pro™ right now... And choose the other path... the path that leads to real changes in your life.

But nothing will happen unless you make the decision to act. The person you are right now is a direct result of the decisions your made and the actions you've taken. That is the case now, that will be the case 10 years from now.

If you want a different life, you have to start doing things differently.

Don't let that be you. See you in the program!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us any time.

Best Regards,


Charlie Ritchie
Founder of Procrastination Pro

P.S. -- Procrastination is not something you can overcome with TO DO lists or proper planning. If you continually try to "force" yourself into getting things done, you're just going to go around in circles.

P.P.S. -- Remember that this offer is completely risk-free. You are backed by an iron-clad 8-week money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with this program for any reason - if you don't see the results you had hoped for - simply let us know within 56 days of your purchase and you will receive every cent of your money back!

P.P.P.S. -- Lastly, you'd be crazy not to take advantage of this offer today, here and now. We're offering more than 50% off the complete program until Thursday, April 1st, 2010 only. If you don't like what you see, you can have ALL your money back. Now's the time to act.

Don't put this off!

Hit the Order Now button below, grab your copy today and start yourself on the path to a happier life!


Order Now





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