


Your Site Is Worthless Without Traffic...

10,000 Page Views EVERY Month From FREE Search Engine Traffic Within 60 DAYS
...100% Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!

I Know You Agree That Traffic Is Your #1 Challenge...
SEO Is The Secret For Getting 1000's Of Visitors To Your Site!


A Cool Website Is Worthless
...Unless People Find It!

Lack of traffic is a deal breaker!

I began my online career probably just like you; I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing! My college degree was worthless when it came to making money online. It was depressing and frustrating!

I tried all the tricks and fell for all the hyped junk out there. It felt like getting traffic was about the same as getting blood out of a turnip! I couldn't even get to first base.

Lack of traffic is the #1 reason new websites fail...period.

The real skill of Internet marketing success is getting traffic!

The good news is that all you have to do is drive traffic to niche sites and you WILL make money.... it's just that simple! You can tweak things later to increase clicks or sales once you start driving significant traffic to your site.

You have 2 choices right now:

  1. You take the time to build a site and then pray for traffic.
  2. You take the time to build a site with correct SEO then watch the traffic roll in.

I'm guessing you chose #2 ...right

SEO 3X Complete 2010 Edition
Order Here

In the beginning I spent longer than I care to admit floundering around trying to make money online. (Not to mention wasting good money on hyped offers and scams.)

One day it dawned on me that there were a LOT of people making a LOT of money online… ok, ok… I know that didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that out….but I also realized in just that moment that those successful marketers were NOT smarter than me and they were NOT just lucky. That single realization dramatically changed my course.

In that moment, I stopped all the non-sense and began REALLY studying the sites of successful people. I became obsessed with learning how they were making money.

My favorite marketers became those using SEO as their main marketing method. I owned a brick and mortar business in the past and knew the importance of advertising. The thought of getting FREE advertising from Google and Yahoo absolutely thrilled me!

Besides, at the time we were living paycheck to paycheck so SEO was not only the best approach, it was FREE to put into action. All it required was time… and goodness knows I was willing to invest my time if it meant I could some day live my dream of working from home!

To make a long story much shorter, I watched, studied and put into action strategies to bring free and targeted traffic to my website. Since that time my wife and I were able to quit our jobs and we now enjoy our days at home with our 6 dogs… all because of the profitable traffic coming to our websites!

Everything I know about the process of getting free search engine traffic is in SEO 4X; I hold nothing back.

I Sincerely Want to Help You Enjoy Success!


Hi Steve,

I purchased your internet marketing material. I have to say that is was very useful. It helped me to SEO my first website http://www.amideastfeast.com which gets 10000 page-views per month now. And more importantly, your material helped me to be in a position of working from home, by providing SEO services for quite a few websites, so thanks again.


SEO Has Changed a LOT in the Past Few Years!

You have to keep up with this stuff! Google tweaked and refined their process so much lately that a lot of eBooks and information are simply OUT OF DATE and no longer work!

SEO 4X contains the latest and greatest "secret sauce" for making the search engines LOVE your sites! SEO is by far your most attractive option for generating steady traffic to your sites. Google is a great friend to have on your side!

Now for the $64,000 question…

That’s easy to answer…

First, I’ve walked the walk…. My wife and I BOTH quit our jobs solely because we learned how to bring profitable traffic to our web sites.... Period! Our first website, www.CactusCanyon.com, is proof. It was our first success and it's going strong. Best of all, 99% of its traffic still arrives free of charge from the search engines.

Second, As a former teacher, I understand how to teach better than most “mentors” online. I have TWO college degrees in education and 15 years working in education… I KNOW about teaching!

Third, I have over 40,000 followers on twitter and over 25,000 subscribers to my newsletters. I don't get and keep that many folks interested without offering real benefits and real results!

Lastly, Here’s a link where you can listen to my satisfied students. (You'll enjoy listening to their success stories almost as much as I do!)

I DRASTICALLY sliced your learning curve!

After many months of studying, watching and learning, I’ve refined these techniques in SEO 4X. You can forget about wasted trial and error time... and be on the fast track to successful profitable traffic generation.

SEO 4X teaches eye opening details unlike anything you've seen and will ensure you're on the right track with each step.

Or Your Money Back!

My 60 Day Money Back Promise

If You Decide SEO 4X Is Not For You...For Any Reason...I'll Happily Refund Your Money!


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Honestly, How Can You NOT Afford SEO 4X?

Here's an example of just one success story to explain what I mean: One of my students had an affiliate site which was making less than $30 a month with 300 page views. He applied my SEO formulas to that one small site and began getting over 1500 page views in the next month. His affiliate sales jumped to over $120 in just one month!

Not only did he make an extra $90 that month, the SEO he applied to the site insures that continued traffic and income... month after month after month! He now plans to "Wash, Rinse, and Repeat" the SEO he learned with his other niche sites. There really is no limit to what he can do with his new SEO skills!

Contact Me!





Our First Web Site
(This site began our portfolio of affiliate, AdSense, retail, and information sites...and it's going strong!)

SEO 4X Will Dramatically Increase Your Site's Traffic:

Learn all about the importance of file names, page names, domain names, picture names...and how to make them work for you.
The truth about backlinks - tips for putting your backlink creation into hyper-profit mode.
Content, content, content...is it REALLY King? Well, yes and no. Allow me to explain...
Discover the free backlink source that Google likes even BETTER than EzineArticles! Anyone can get these free backlinks!
The truth about "buying" links..is it EVER a good idea? Well, sometimes...I'll explain!
There is far more to image SEO than just adding alt tags! I teach the correct method for using image name/ALT tags/Links!
Why you MUST know the correct, modern day uses of ALL meta tags...
Reference list of "stop" words Google frowns upon... you MAY NOT know these words that raise red flags with Google!
The article marketing techniques which will make or break all your SEO efforts.
The good, bad, and UGLY of social bookmarking. How to really use Digg.com, Delicious.com, etc.

Get $593 in Valuable Bonuses FREE - Take Action Today!

Talk Live With Steve!

3 Months of Conference Calls FREE

Exclusive Access for SEO 4X Buyers!

Additionally, you will have 3 months of 24/7 access to my private forum. Browse it anytime for great tips and post your questions as needed!

Bonus #1

Questions? Let's Talk!

I know you have questions, I provide 3 months of FREE conference calls!

  • Live Calls About SEO/Traffic
  • ONLY Available to SEO 4X Buyers
  • Ask Steve Questions Or Just Listen and Take Notes
  • If You Miss the Live Calls, Archived Recordings Available
  • Calls Cover All Aspects of SEO and Traffic
  • Keep Updated On The Latest Google Changes - Access the Latest Updates, Videos, & Downloads Added to SEO 4X
  • There's No Better Way To Solidify Your SEO Skills!

Bonus #2
Affiliates Focus

The majority of online marketers do some form of affiliate marketing.

Affiliates Focus contains tutorials detailing how to implement the best methods and strategies for affiliate marketers.

  • Building an Affiliate Web Site
  • Choosing Affiliate Products
  • Choosing an Affiliate Network
  • Working With Vendors
  • Cloaking Links
  • The BEST Affiliate Method
  • Adsense and Affiliate Marketing
  • When NEVER to Use Affiliate Links
  • Building a List With Affiliate Marketing
  • MUCH More!

Bonus #3
Build Your List Video!

Build Your List With All The Traffic SEO 4X Brings Your Site!

The money really is IN THE LIST! Whether you have an affiliate site, an AdSense Site, or are selling your own products, you are leaving PILES OF MONEY on the table if you aren't building a list!

One of the Biggest Mistakes You Can Make Is Putting Off Building Your List!

Bonus #4
The Secrets to My Internet Success

Steve Weber's 112 Page Book!

I detail every step we took in building our first successful business!

Help and Advice for EVERY Beginner!

Bonus #5

In addition to SEO 4X and all the bonuses, I'm giving you 3 full months of access to my members' area FREE! The following BONUSES are available in that free membership site.

iNichePro: All the best SEO won't help you succeed unless you KNOW how to pick the right niches and keywords! iNichepro offers complete explanations and tutorials for finding great niches and selecting the correct keywords!

Real WebSite Pro: This package provides detailed tutorials with the "nuts and bolts" aspects of online marketing.

AdsenseConnection: SEO and AdSense go perfectly together! Once you build your small niche sites, it's almost like free money as the sites continue to attract traffic and earn income.

My business partner (my wife) argued against giving these packages away. However, I pointed out how these packages go perfectly with SEO 4X and will help you reach your goals faster!

SEO 4X Package Recap

Product Regular Sale
SEO 4X Package $97 $97
Affiliate's Focus Package $67 FREE
Build Your List Package $17 FREE
Secrets To My Internet Success $47 FREE
3 Months Live SEO Teleconferences $197 FREE
3 Months Private Forum Access $97 FREE
iNichePro Package $37 FREE
Real Website Pro Package $67 FREE
AdSense Connection Package $47 FREE
Everything For One Low Price! $690 $97

Buy Today for Only   $97

Why Would I Give $690 Worth of Products For Only $97?

I'll be completely honest with you. I OVER-DELIVER on everything; it's just how I do business. You'll see what tremendous benefit and value you get from my material - Guaranteed! My goal is helping people succeed online. It's just as Zig Ziglar says, "The more I help people get what they want, the more I get what I want."

Claim Your Copy of "SEO 4X "
Right Now for Just $97

YES Steve, Please let me in. I want instant access to "SEO 4X" right now!

  •  FREE ACCESS  : Besides the Full SEO 4X download, You Also get 3 FULL Months of Free Access to SEO 4X Teleconferences For Personal Support!

  •  FREE ACCESS   : Steve's Complete Affiliate's Focus Tutorial Package

  •  FREE ACCESS  :"Build Your List!" - A Complete Guide to aWeber

  •  FREE ACCESS  :The Secrets to My Internet Success -Steve Weber

  •  FREE ACCESS  : AdSense Connection -Steve Weber

  •  FREE ACCESS  :iNiche Pro -Steve Weber

  •  FREE ACCESS  :Real Website Pro -Steve Weber


This entire package is waiting for you to claim it. Just $97 gets you SEO 4X plus all the Bonuses - Have your credit card handy and then click the button below.

Complete Package

Instant Access To SEO 4X After Your Purchase

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PayPal Also Accepted

Owning SEO 4X is already a no-brainer, but I'm sweetening the deal ever further by adding over 20 hours of archived group coaching calls! Listen in as I answer students' questions and we talk Internet marketing. There's a real gold mine of information in these private calls! They are in MP3 format so you can listen on your iPod or computer!

P.P.S. Remember you have nothing to lose. If SEO 4X is not for you, I'll refund your money. You still get to keep your bonuses; they are my gift to you! Go ahead and check me out. I'm the real deal and I want to help you get out of your rat race!

P.P.P.S There may be about a 30% chance you are still in the category who think they can buy traffic, use some kind of "traffic exchange", buy eMail "blasts", or use any other of the dozens of traffic schemes out there. Here is my message to you: Go ahead and try all the shortcuts. BOOKMARK this page! When you are frustrated beyond belief, come back and let's talk.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google.


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