
The Ex Back System | How To Get Your Ex Back

The Ex Back System | How To Get Your Ex Back

ATTENTION:  As You Read This Article Your Ex Is Learning How To Live Without You And Move On From Your Relationship PERMANENTLY.  To men and women worldwide who are desperate to get their ex back....

"Discover The 5 Simple Steps You Need To Follow To Get Your Ex Back BEFORE Your One Opportunity Is Lost FOREVER..."

Skeptical?  Read this complete article straight away  (grab a drink or a coffee if you have to).  I can't guarantee how long this article will be on this page.  Why??  Because it reveals psychological tactics that are so potent that it will give YOU the ultimate power in your break up (Trust me when I say that your ex won't want you getting your hands on these break up reversal secrets at all costs).

Dear Brokenhearted


What you do today
after reading every word of this article WILL determine whether you get your ex back or not....

It's actually much easier than you think to get your ex to want you back after a painful breakup.

You won't have to beg or plead or get them to feel sorry for you to win them back.

Your first step to winning them back involves simple yet effective psychological tactics to attract your ex back into your life.

It's all about getting all the power back in your relationship (and your breakup) and using simple yet powerful psychological triggers to lure your boyfriend or girlfriend back into your arms.

Currently your ex is controlling your whole life even after your breakup.  I'm going to show you how to sneakily grab the control off them and hold it in your hands as you magically craft a powerful plan to become totally irresistible to your ex! (The magic of making up has never been so much fun!)

I'm going to share with you secrets that most people desperate to get back with their ex will never know.

  1. Why your ex is really avoiding you and how to stop it
  2. How to become the object of their desire, begging you for a second chance at romance much quicker than you thought possible
  3. And after your girlfriend or boyfriend is back in your arms, specifically how to make sure your renewed relationship is "breakup proof" so that you don't have to go through this heartbreak and pain all over again

How Fiona Got Her Husband Begging Her To Give Him Another Chance:

"I just met my husband to have marriage counselling and he told me he wants to divorce me", Fiona wrote to me.

"Please give me hope that he can change his mind and fall in love with me again!"

I could tell she was feeling desperate, angry and frustrated that she couldn't stop his decision to divorce her.

I wrote to her and told her "I believe anything's possible, you just need to have a little faith in yourself", with a knowing smile on my face.

See, Fiona wrote to me because of my expertise and knowledge in breakups exactly like this.  Being a relationship mentor and advisor I understood completely little psychological triggers that would bring her soon to be ex husband on his knees begging for her to take him back.

Fiona felt instantly relieved after my encouragement and explained to me:

"I did all the mistakes you mentioned.  He says he doesn't feel the same way about me and can't handle the conflict anymore".

I couldn't help but nod because I'd heard stories like this daily. 

Their relationship was a strong and loving one but then Fiona's husband changed:

  • He stopped giving Beth the attention she craved
  • He stopped saying "I love you"
  • He started spending time with other people instead of her
  • Their relationship became dull, lifeless -- lacking passion, desire, fun.

And soon they started fighting -- over the littlest things.

But Fiona didn't see the warning signs until it was too late -- until he said to her

"I need to talk to you about something important"

Fiona's heart went to her chest, she had trouble breathing, her palms went sweaty.

She tried to believe that it was a bad dream but all she could hear were these words coming from his mouth - the mouth of a stranger:

  • "I love you but I'm not in love with you anymore"
  • "You just don't make me happy anymore"
  • "We need some time apart"
  • "I don't think this is what I want anymore"
  • "I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you anymore"

As if that wasn't painful enough, he then recited a massive list of all the things Fiona had done wrong to bring this breakup about. 

You know exactly what occurred after that painful encounter because it's happened to you.

And you're going to need my help just as Fiona did.

How Maria Got Her Boyfriend Back When It Seemed Impossible

Maria was desperate to get her boyfriend back.  She begged me, "I really need your help!! I want to get my ex back but my ex is going to Afghanistan so my time is short!"

As with Fiona, I could sense her total desperation and feelings of hopelessness.  She explained her situation to me.

"He started to say that he would rather go to Afghanistan as a single, that he has doubts and keeps having doubts.  He put his profile on single.  He told me it's not me, it's him."

I smiled coyly as I knew exactly what Maria had to do.  (If I had a dime for how many times someone had told me "they said it's me not him" I'd be a very wealthy man ;o)

But I wasn't concerned.  I explained to Maria what she needed to do and she followed my advice to the letter.

Then not long afterwards she told me:

"Well you ain't going to believe this BUT he just sent me a message that he wants me as his wife".

I could tell that Maria was pinching herself but was I surprised? 


How I Got My Girlfriend Back After She Told Me It Was Over For Good (And Had Even Started Dating Someone Else)! 

Let me introduce myself.  I'm Brian.  I'd had a few relationships in my life but nothing "special".  Then one day love came walking in....5 foot 6, long dark hair, and the most sparkling blue eyes he'd ever seen.

And that was it.  This feeling I had towards this young woman was like an alien had taken over my mind, body and soul.  It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.

I found myself:

    * constantly humming
    * willing to do anything for anyone and everyone
    * becoming more giving and loving
    * and falling MORE AND MORE in love with her with each passing day

(I no longer could imagine living my life without her)

In fact, I felt like I'd been asleep my whole life and this gorgeous creature had grabbed me and breathed life into me for the first time in my life.  (I now understood what it actually meant to truly love someone).

I fell hard. 

I was insanely happy and experienced true love for the first time in m life.  (My friends used to tease me when they saw me waltzing with her around my living room but I didn't care). 

Our love affair just kept going from strength to strength.  We did everything together and were totally inseparable.  I started to think about asking her to be my wife (she was THE ONE for sure).

Then one day I began to notice something a little "not right" but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I used to see his girlfriend practically every day....Then all of a sudden it became once a week (she was always making excuses about being busy).

Then I started to panic when I hadn't seen her in the two longest weeks of my life and my imagination was just going crazy!.

FINALLY she called me back and said the words that would change my life FOREVER.

"Brian, I love you BUT I'm not in love with you anymore.  This just isn't working for me."

And then she quickly mumbled something and hung up the phone.

I could literally feel my heart about to explode out of my chest.  My temples started sweating, my mouth went dry, my hands started shaking and I actually felt like I was going to pass out.

I just kept playing those words over and over again in my head like a broken record.

What does that mean - "I love you BUT I'm just not in love with you anymore"?

How could she possibly feel that way after ALL I'd done for her....after all the love and caring I'd shown her in our relationship??

How could she do that to me when I'd just put down a down payment on a 1 carat sparkling diamond ring???

I had learnt two life altering lessons in a very short time....How to love and be loved....And how to lose that love forever without even seeing it coming....

Even though I didn't have her I couldn't stop playing the memories of us over and over in my head - day or night.

I disappeared from the life of the living with a permanent ache in my heart praying to wake up from this nightmare....

At first  I was inconsolable, desperate, depressed and totally at a loss to know how to get Jill back but then I found the solution I was looking for....

I Got My Girlfriend Back The First Time I Saw Her After Our Breakup!

One day I just woke up and decided to Stop Feeling Sorry For Myself and do something about it.

My girlfriend and I had been in love and happy and I was 100% sure I was in her now and her future.

As the days went by I devised a simple yet clever plan to get her back  -- with an incredible yet not surprising result!

The very first time that I caught up with Jill after our breakup --The very first time I saw her face to face again --  I got her back!  ...and she agreed to wake up next to me for the rest of her life....

....and Jill and I have never looked back....

Here's a sneak peak of our photos from our wedding day....

get ex back jill and brian

Jill & I as we get ready to leave the reception after we got married

brian gets jill his ex back

Jill & I sharing one of our first kisses as "husband and wife"

brian and jill - how to get your ex back

A beautiful walk as we contemplate our life's journey together

get ex back advice

Getting ready to nibble on Jill's neck (a very ticklish place)

get your ex back

Yeah getting ready to do it again :O)

get ex back help

On our honeymoon doing something we'd both always dreamed of

jill and brian in love - get your ex back too

What an amazing buzz, can't wait to do it again!

Trust me!  I really do know what you're going through because I've been right in that black hole where you are now.

I know how you're dragging your feet out of bed most mornings and why you're not watching TV or listening to the radio any more (in case YOUR songs or favorite shows come on and just remind you of THEM).

I know all the questions you're constantly beating yourself up about playing important scenes in your relationship:

"What if I'd done this...?"

"What if I hadn't said that on the 23rd of October??"

"Why didn't I tell her I loved her more often?"

"If only I hadn't gotten jealous at that New Year's Eve Party..."

"Why didn't I listen to him when she TRIED to tell me what she needed from me??"

And the most excruciating of all....

What if she has started casually dating or - worse still - is actually in a serious relationship with someone else?  How can I ever get her back if she's with someone else?

You're probably waking up each morning after the worst night's sleep after overanalyzing your relationship over and over again.

You dread the fact that you could have lost them forever, you're scouring the web trying to find any way to get them back and your super anxious because you know that the longer you're apart the worst your chances are of getting back together.

You're frightened of making costly mistakes that will  just drive your ex away....Or spending a fortune on a scam that promises you something ridiculous like Get Your Ex Back in Just 3 Minutes from now.

Announcing The Simple System That Will Have Your Ex Begging You For A Second Chance....

You're feeling rejected right now.  And it's one of the worst feelings in the world, isn't it?  In fact, being rejected makes you go a little nuts and do things that you'd never do if you were in a happy place...

Stupid mistakes like:

  • drunk dialling

  • bombarding them with text messages and emails

  • calling them to listen to their voice on the answering machine

  • calling them to see if they answer the phone so you know they're home

  • and the worst and most undignified of all -- stalking them!!

It's Time To Turn The Tables On Your Ex & Do The Unexpected

What if you could turn the tables on your ex and make them feel rejected? 

If your ex started going through the pain, confusion, heartbreak and rejection that you're going through right now how quickly do you think they'd want you back?

We all want what we can't have -- for the simple reason that we don't have it!

See, the thing is that even though your ex has chosen not to be with you right now, deep down they like knowing that you're a mess and pining for them every day.

As hurtful as it is, it's actually making them feel good about themselves.

Even Though You And Your Ex Are Not Together Right Now Your Relationship Isn't Necessarily Over!

The solution is to take the power away from your ex immediately and make them feel rejected by you.

That's exactly what I did to get my wife Jill back and it's what others all over the world have done to get their girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife desperate to take them back.

It's actually a pretty easy plan if you know the psychological triggers to use.

The solution that I gave to Fiona and Maria (and countless others before and after them) were some psychological tricks and triggers to.

All of a sudden Fiona's husband wanted to spend time with her, he was constantly popping in, giving her a call to find out how she was (and making times to catch up).

Maria's boyfriend - the one who wanted his space from her - started calling her up to eight times a day.  He pretty much started courting her like he had at the beginning of their relationship.

Men and women act in predictable ways.  When you can anticipate in advance how your boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband is going to act you can then push their buttons to want to be with you and desire you in a way they never had before.

It's actually easier than you think.

And it's why what you've done so far hasn't worked to pull the person you love back to you.  In fact, it's just pulled them further away.

But It's Not Too Late To Win Them Back - Because My Simple 5 Step System Has Been Created To Get Your Ex Pleading For You To Take Them Back...

I've done all the research for you so that you don't need to waste another second....You don't have to spend endless hours scrutinizing the web desperately searching for what you have to do to get your ex back.  You don't have to wait weeks like I did trying to figure our the magical "ex back formula"....You can simply borrow my results - starting this very minute!

I have created what I honestly believe is the most comprehensive step by step system to get your girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife back available.  It covers virtually every situation imaginable and tells you in simple steps exactly what you need to do and say every step of the way in order to get them back.

It has been created to virtually bring your boyfriend or girlfriend to their knees begging you to even consider having a relationship again.

I could actually charge $159 for ONE private phone consultation lasting just 30 minutes.  In fact, I know someone who does.  However, in my opinion I believe you deserve more personalized attention than that. Unfortunately in 30 minutes you wouldn't get the full advantage of my relationship expertise and experience.

I've decided to provided my system via internet downloads and live video streaming so that it would be more easily accessible and.

On the whole, I've spent the past 13 months creating a simple plan to help you get your ex back - from the moment you breakup to the moment you get back together.

I let you know the mistakes you've made up till now and how to fix them.

I let you know what you need to do and say to get your ex back no matter the situation - it's all there in easy to follow, step by step instructions right now (even if it's 3am) .

Plus I'm Going To Personally Take You Under My Wing To Help You Get Your Ex Back (Giving You The Ultimate Advantage)!

So not only will you get instant access to the complete system via digital download today but...over the next 60 days in your journey to get your ex back I'm going to personally take you under my wing and personally guide you every single day through your journey of completely turning your life around  -- and both of you very in love and happy. 

You Just Can't Put A Price On That Kind Of DAILY Guidance & Support!

Like I said, they're extremely simple yet ridiculously effective.

Things like, changing the way you see yourself, handling your breakup in the only way that increases your chances of your ex wanting you back, implementing some sneaky techniques to turn the tables on your ex and have them constantly obsessing about you and bombarding you with emails -- phone calls -- text messages...you name it -- until they get YOU back!

Introducing The Ultimate Ex Back System That Will Help You Get Them Back & Keep Them (More In Love Than When You First Met)! 

Fix Every Mistake You've Made.  What to say and do with a simple old fashioned letter that can fix every mistake you've made to date

Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Will Answer Your Calls....How to avoid the Unreturned Communication Trap and have your ex looking forward to regularly catching up with you

How to make them fall in love with you and keep them in love with you forever (it's easier than you think)

  How to increase your chances of getting back together from the moment you break up

Stop Pushing Them Away. How to stop driving the one you love into the arms of other people (not to mention destroying any respect they have left for you)

The one thing you need to do today to lay the foundation for future reconciliation

Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend Will Obsess.  Simple strategies to make yourself infinitely more attractive to your ex (you'll catch their eye every single time with this method and they won't be able to stop thinking about you)

Fast Track Your Healing.  What you can do today to stop being an emotional train wreck and emotionally healing as quickly as possible so that you're ready to be reconciled as soon as possible)

How to demonstrate to your ex that you're ready for a second chance (you can do this within 24 hours from now)

They'll Beg You To Take Them Back.  How to capture their attention and keep it (making them beg YOU for a second chance)

How your boyfriend or girlfriend will be able to keep tabs on everything you do (they'll become fixated on what you're doing in your life even if you have no contact with them)

The most powerful way to not only recover from your break up but also heal after a bad breakup

Sexy Is Your Middle Name.  How to become the sexiest person on the planet in the eyes of your ex (even if you're carrying an extra 20 pounds and have really let yourself go) - Page 33

Knowing the one time slot you have of trying to reconnect with your ex (winning your ex back after a failed reconnect attempt is virtually impossible)

The best way to instigate your first contact with your ex - how to let "fate" lend a hand and help you reconnect with your ex (this one will have your partner thinking about you on a constant basis)

Don't Ruin Your Hard Work. The topics to avoid when talking with your ex to avoid driving them away for good (most people get this wrong and totally mess up their chance of getting back together)

You've set the stage for your first contact...you need to understand the best time and place to meet your ex (plus the kind of places to avoid)

Your Ex Will Want To Go Out With You.  A sneaky technique to ensure your ex contacts YOU to set up dates

How to get your ex eagerly awaiting your next meeting (without you doing a thing) - Page 56

Being Friends Won't Work...How to gently nudge your ex from being just friends to wanting to date you again  

The best second date location and the places to avoid (by now your ex will be thinking about the prospect of reconciliation without you saying a word)

The most important factor of your BIG date (if you get this wrong you'll ruin the date and destroy your chances of getting back together)

The Straight In The Eye Technique that convinces them to want to get back together with you for good

When You Need To Be Forthright!  The Push The Envelope technique that works when you need to be more pushy than usual

How to make sure your relationship stands the test of time AFTER you get back together (you don't want to ruin your second chance to only bust up over something stupid in the near future)

How To Wipe The Slate CleanOne of you cheated? How to wipe the slate clean and increase your chances of staying together regardless of who wronged who

Reverse psychology secrets to make your ex obsess about YOU instead of the other way round (this takes little effort on your part but gives maximum results) and your boyfriend or girlfriend will become totally addicted to you

Is your ex dating someone else? How to sweep in and reverse the break up (in fact, it's actually to YOUR advantage if they're already in another relationship)

The Ex Back System is not just about breakups.  It will teach you how about life, love and living your life to your fullest potential.

Don't Delay - Your One Opportunity At Getting Them Back Is Closing Fast & I Don't Want You To Miss Out!

Just implementing a handful of what you're about to learn will completely turn your life around from the deep black hole that you're currently suffocating in....

Sound good?  It sure does.

  The Ex Back System IS A System

First, what the Ex Back System is NOT -- it is NOT a flimsy, thin e-book, filled with platitudes.  It is not just an e-book that you download, read once if you are lucky, and forget about.  It's also not a system where you're left to your own devices from the moment you download it (remember the 60 day messages of guidance and support that you'll get as a bonus?)

Rather, the Ex Back System  is a complete, action-based system, providing you with everything you need for you to get your Ex Back As Soon As Possible, supporting you in every way possible. You don't just buy the system and then are left high and dry...you will keep hearing from me, to  to encourage you, to strengthen you, and be with you -- every step of the way.

Research has shown the longer you don't take action the less chance you have of getting your boyfriend or girlfriend back.  While you sit here and do nothing someone is looking to make a move on them and replace your love.

This is why you mustn't delay and need to take control your relationship now.

I want you to be scared about permanently losing your boyfriend or girlfriend because that's what's likely to happen if you continue making the mistakes you've made trying to win them back.

I'm giving you the chance to take advantage of your one opportunity that is closing soon.

I'm handing you on a plate what I believe is the most comprehensive step by step system to help you get your ex back by taking full advantage of what makes your partner tick and what makes them vulnerable.

When You Download The Ex Back System You Will Instantly Receive:

Your Ex Back System "READ ME FIRST" Guide

Format:  PDF Guide $17.00 Value

This tells you what the different pieces are, how to use them and how they fit together and should be the first thing you read after you download The Ex Back System.

Your Ex Back System PDF Guide

Format:  PDF Guide $97.00 Value

This is the "meat" of the System containing 83 pages of easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow information.  This not only introduces you to the 5 phases, it tells you what you will be doing in each phase, and why.

Act Now And Get  7 Hot Bonuses:

Bonus 1:  Ex Back System Mini-workbooks

Format: PDF Guide $47.00 Value

These mini workbooks or "cheatsheets", if you like -- one for each of the 5 phases -- are to be used combination with the mindmaps -- these keep you in touch with the main points for each phase, and complete it with a checklist for that phase.

Bonus 2:  Ex Back System Colorful MindMaps

Format:  PDF Guide $27.00 Value

These mindmaps have been specifically created so you can see exactly where you are and what the next step is (You may want to print each one out and post it in your house when going thru that phase -- or, if you are clever enough, even use it as the background on your computer.) 

Bonus 3:  Your Own 60-Day Transformation Journal - A Powerful Tool In Your Ex Back Journey

Format:  PDF Guide $97.00 Value

Your 123 page Transformation Journal is there to help you every step of your journey....Questions relevant to where you are in the system, to help you think about what you are doing and encourage you in your efforts.  If you've never kept a journal before, you'll find this one a particular treat, as there are questions to guide you, and help you keep your thinking positive and daily motivational messages to help you stay on track with one focus every step of the way.

Bonus 4:  60 Days of Private Access To Me With Personal 1 On 1 Mentoring, Daily Emails & More!

Format:  Email Correspondence $97.00 Value

You can look forward to hearing from me every day for the next 60 days (after you sign up to the list...).  In fact, you'll be hearing from me so often that you'll probably get sick of me LOL

Bonus 5:  Your Ex Back System Letter Templates

Format:  Pdf Guide $47.00 Value

Wondering exactly what to say to your ex?  Don't worry about it a moment longer with my templates containing the kind of things to write to your ex, depending upon the situation.

Bonus 6:  Ex Back System Video Series

Format:  Avi & MP4 (for iphone and pc)  $297.00 Value

The Ex Back System video course allows you to learn the ex back system via video. 

Bonus 7:  Ex Back System Audio Series  $97.00 Value

Format:  MP3

With the Ex Back System audio course you'll be able to listen to the ex back system on your way to work, in the car, at the gym, on your pc, wherever you listen to music on your mp3 player.

Download The Ex Back System Today Or Risk Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Falling In Love With Someone New (And Learning To Live Without You Forever)

Sometimes telling someone the truth hurts but here it is.  Men and women are always on the lookout for a new relationship after a breakup (a rebound relationship) because they don't need to face up to losing you and it gives them a massive confidence boost.

It's important that you act now before your partner forms a strong bond with someone else -- before they lose their heart for good.

I know that it's heart wrenching imagining the one you love with someone else.  You love them so why wouldn't someone else, right?  People don't like being alone -- and that includes your ex.  If you don't step in now to prevent that happening you may not get another chance.

And the longer you take to do something about it the quicker your one opportunity closes.

Trust me when I say you need to act fast.

And you need to attract them back into your arms rather than push them any further away.

Imagine The One You Love Holding You Right Now And Whispering "I Love You!"

Imagine your boyfriend or girlfriend was holding you right now and whispering their undying love for you. 

Feel their breath against your skin, your skin tingling all over, your heart burning inside your chest, filled with love, desire and pure bliss.

Imagine feeling loved by them again, secure in your present and your future, with the one you love beside you.


  • watching tv together in each other's arms
  • singing songs on the radio together
  • having fun at your local hangouts again
  • feeding each other dinner
  • enjoying a sunset together
  • going to sleep feeling loved

When you get back together with your loved one what memory do you want to make next?

Will you go for a walk in the park?

Will you sit in the back row at the movies making out?

Will you go away for a romantic weekend together?

Will you watch the sun rise together?

Will you watch the embers burning at your favorite camping ground?

Imagine that and embed it in your mind today.  You can make that dream come true because now you know that getting your boyfriend or girlfriend back isn't a slight chance - it's highly likely.

You understand now that there are potent psychological tactics and triggers that will help you get them back.

You also understand that you're no longer alone - you have me to be your personal relationship coach and mentor on one mission - to help you get your partner back and move forward, in love and blissfully happy.

Is your heart stating to race?  Are you feeling excited, a tingling of hope that you've been looking for but unable to find?

When You Download The Ex Back System You'll Get Results Straight Away

As soon as you download my blueprint you'll be able to start benefiting from it straight away.  I give you the steps you need to fix the mistakes you've made, wipe the slate clean and get your boyfriend or girlfriend back.

My inbox is filled with emails from students who are amazed at how simple The Ex Back System is to follow and implement.  The peace that they instantly feel is something that is music to my ears.

Why You Should Listen To Me

Why should you listen to me rather than the other advice out there?  What makes me and my system different?

  I've made it my life's mission to understand the dynamics of relationships between men and women

I've spent years learning what makes one relationship work while others fail

I have studied what a woman needs to do to keep a man and what a woman craves above all else or she'll look elsewhere

My products have helped people worldwide completely turn their life around and get their boyfriends/girlfriends, husbands/wives back -- and keep them

I've helped people close to me and my personal students get their partners back and have a better relationship than they did before.  It doesn't work every time but the majority of the time it has.

This makes me the ideal relationship coach to teach you not only how to get your partner back but to get them to fall in love with you stronger than they did before.  I'm also going to teach you how to build a rock solid relationship without petty arguments, impulsive breakups and future heartbreak.

I'll teach you how your man or woman needs to be treated (it's easier than you think) and also how you should be treated so that they treat you with respect and dignity.

I'll teach you how to get them to fall passionately in love with you again and be 100 percent committed to you and your future together.

The extent of the information that I'm about to share with you hasn't been taught elsewhere online.

I Share With You My Private Personal Details

When you download the Ex Back System I leave nothing from you.  You'll get my personal home address, my phone number, my private email address.  I hold nothing back from you personally - just as I won't hold anything back from you in your personal coaching.

I love it when my students share with me their good news.  It makes me feel good about myself and my mission of reuniting brokenhearted people.  I hope to hear your good news too in the near future.

  Click Here To Download The Ex Back System To Get Your Ex Back

"My No Fail Ex Back Guarantee!"

I'm never satisfied unless you are more than satisfied. So here's my simple guarantee. Try The Ex Back System TODAY and put it through the ringer. Use every tip and technique in it as often as you'd like for the next 60 DAYS.

You put it to the test. If The Ex Back System doesn't totally transform your life from where it is today for any reason just send me a simple email and I'll immediately buy it back from you.

I have no problem making this ironclad guarantee because I got my ex back using these exact techniques so I can vouch for the fact that they work.

The only question left for you to answer is whether you'll act quickly enough to secure your package...

Only A Handful Of Ex Back System Promotional Packages Are Left....

As you can see, the Ex Back System is worth $823.00 if you bought each of its components individually.

For this reason only a handful of these promotional packages are available at more than 90% off the retail price.

Instead of just spraying tears of frustration on your pillow like far too many others do, like you perhaps have already done before, you can plan, plot and... take action to secure your promo package today.

Don't say I didn't warn you, so please don't despair when you revisit the page in the near future and are FORCED to pay full price for The Ex Back System.  In fact, RIGHT NOW you need to CLICK HERE and grab your copy of The Ex Back System at more than 90% off!

Package One: 

The Best Value And Most Highly Recommended Package!
(Worth $2108.00!) 

This is a MUST for you if you are 100 percent committed to getting your ex back

Package #1 - The Ex Back System "PLATINUM" Package (Only 46 Packages Available Guaranteed At This Low Introductory Price)

Over 7 Hours Of Live Streaming Videos (No Downloading Necessary) Full Transcripts Of Videos Included Mp3 Audio Files Of Each Video Available For Download

The foundational tools take you through the 5 important phases to get your ex back - ASAP! The PLATINUM Package includes everything in the GOLD package, plus in-depth coverage of special topics that will get your ex back more quickly, and move things along more smoothly. It will also cover more personal situations such as:

  • how do you get your ex back when you go to school or college
  • how do you get your ex back when you live far apart
  • how do you get your ex back when you have children together
  • how do you get your ex back when you work together

Phase 1 - Recession

In the recession phase you will discover many things through the Ex Back System. To help you get through this phase more easily, several  powerful pieces are included here...

dvd pictureVideo 1:  (7 minutes 50 seconds)
How Your Desperate Behaviour Is Driving Your Ex Away

The #1 mistake of an ex-lover is desperation.  Find out why desperation drives your ex even further away -- and shows you ways that your desperation comes across even when you don't realize it.  A must have for anyone wanting to get their ex back.

dvd pictureVideo 2:  (13 minutes 31 seconds)
Instant Pick Me Ups And Mood Boosters

This is a quick guide to pick up when you're feeling down.  If you like to eat, this will show you the exact things to eat -- and things you want to avoid.  (This helps boost your immunity, too!)

dvd pictureVideo 3:  (8 minutes 3 seconds)
Instant Anxiety And Panic Relief With NLP

As you begin this phase, it's not uncommon to be anxious.. This video will take you through powerful methods for dealing with those feelings.  Not only will it help you with your ex -- you can use the same techniques when going to an interview, making a sales call, or other anxiety-producing events.

dvd pictureVideo 4: (7 minutes 32 seconds)
Reasons Why Your Ex Is Avoiding You

If your ex is avoiding you, come here to find out why.. Not only does this give you the reasons why...and what to do about it.


Phase 1 - Special Situations

People come up with special situations when it comes to getting their ex back.  It's not likely that more than 2 of these special situations apply to you (after all, how can you both live with your ex, and be trying to get back with them when they live far away?)  But check it out and see if your special circumstances are covered...

dvd picture Video 5:  (10 minutes 44 seconds)
How To Use The Ex Back System When You Live With Your Ex

This is a tough situation, especially in phase 1.  However, this short video will give you just the advice you need to get your ex back.

dvd pictureVideo 6:  (6 minutes 41 seconds)
What To Do If Your Ex Is With Someone Else

Could there be good news for you if your ex is with someone else. Yep! You'll have to check it out for yourself!

dvd pictureVideo 7: (10 minutes 58 seconds)
How To Use The Ex Back System When In School Together

When you see your ex every day in classes, in dorms, hanging out with the same people -- special rules apply.  This video shows you what to do.

dvd pictureVideo 8:  (8 minutes 17 seconds)
Getting Your Ex Back When You Live Far Apart

Believe it or not, some lovers live on opposite coasts -- so this isn't an impossible situation (though most people do want to live closer.  This video takes you through a careful examination of your long distance relationship.

dvd pictureVideo 9:  (13 minutes 2 seconds)
Separated With Kids

Boy, this is so important for the kids, isn't it ?  This video covers the 3 things you need to do differently, to get the most out of the Ex Back System in your situation.

dvd pictureVideo 10: (11 minutes 28 seconds)
How To Use The Ex Back System When You Work With Your Ex

Oh man, I feel for you!  This is tricky, not just in terms of your relationship, but even in terms of your career.  Here's what you need to do.  Often people are inclined to do some really stupid things -- this guide will show you what to avoid.

dvd pictureVideo 11: (5 minutes 19 seconds)
How To Get Your Personal Belongings Back From Your Ex

Boy, this is a tricky situation -- and this video discusses not just belongings, but money, too.  Good advice prevents you from making some easily made but huge mistakes.  This guide will show you how to avoid actions you'll later regret.

dvd picture Video 12:  (13 minutes 33 seconds)
How To Stop Your Spouse From Signing The Divorce Papers

If this is you, special rules apply.  Be sure to check this out!

Phase 2 - Reconstruction

dvd pictureVideo 13: (6 minutes 49 seconds)
How Did Being With My Ex Make My Life Better

Get your notepad out and get ready to examine your feelings. By going through this guide and its exercises, you come to a good decision about whether your ex is really worth pursuing. Life is short -- are they really the one you want? The an


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