
Dog Training eBooks & Online Dog Training

Dog Training eBooks & Online Dog Training

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Dog Training That Really Works


Sunday 14. Mar 2010

Dog Training And Dog Behavior Problems Made Easy

Do you find yourself in envy of other dog owners with well behaved dogs?

Do you feel frustrated by dog behavior problems?

Would you like to eliminate irritating dog behavior problems FAST?

If you answered "yes", you've come to the right place.

Because we're going to teach you "EXACTLY" how to solve dog behavior problems and train your dog all the way through off-leash obedience.

How would you like to go for a walk with your dog and not have to use a leash? What would it feel like if you could just be normal and play with your dog without worrying about him running off?

Well, we promise you, it is possible. Keep in mind, you're going to have to learn some new skills and practice those skills but, if you follow our detailed, STEP-BY-STEP Instructions, you're going to be amazed. In fact, WE GUARANTEE IT.

How can we be so sure when we've never even seen your dog?

Because we've been solving dog behavior problems and training dogs for decades. We've been faced with dog training challenges you wouldn't believe. How about an owner with one leg, one eye and his dog with three legs?

You might think your dog is just crazy or that there's something wrong with him and he can't be trained. But, in the last 40 years, we've encountered only a handful of dogs that are genetically unsound and incapable of making rational choices. The chances are incredibly slim that your dog is one of those dogs.

No other dog training eBooks and videos get even remotely close to our content and attention to detail. And that's because we care about quality!


At dog-training-lifeline.com, our primary objective is to help you. No fluff, no filler and no over-the-top, high pressure, con jobs. We do not cover topics like flatulence, bad breath or allergies.

So, if that´s what you´re looking for, you might want to consider looking at another one of the many online dog training ebooks.

We want to give you what you really need: Valuable information on how to train your dog using our, ONE-OF-A-KIND, "K9 LIFELINE TRAINING SYSTEM". Our Dog Training Books & What You'll Find

  • A well-written, series of ebooks that teach you EXACTLY how to solve over 30 dog behavior problems and includes professionally designed photos and images. At OVER 400 PAGES OF SOLID CONTENT, (The biggest dog training book on the internet) you will never need to buy another dog training book again.

  • 5 professionally produced online, dog training videos show you EXACTLY how to perform every step. With both on-location dog training videos and animated graphics presentations, learning how to solve dog behavior problems is fast and easy.

  • Our One-Of-A-Kind "K9 Lifeline Training System" has been developed over decades of in-home, dog obedience training and solving dog behavior problems for dog owners like you. This is not a generalized, regurgitation of everything you have already read about training dogs. YOU WILL NOT FIND ANOTHER DOG TRAINING BOOK LIKE THIS ANYWHERE. This book is for dog owners who are serious about learning how to change their lives with their dogs.

  • Our "PLAN OF ACTION" exercises on every dog behavior problem and dog obedience command tell you "EXACTLY" how to solve your dog´s obedience and behavior problems in a Step-By-Step process.

  • Our Rules, Tips and Video Icons make navigation quick and easy and allow you to find and access the most critical information fast.

  • Photos and images of every leash handling movement on every dog obedience command and applicable behavior problems.

To find out how the "K9 Lifeline Training System" can change your life with your dog, follow these 3 easy steps.

1.   Join thousands of people just like you and sign up to receive your 100% FREE GIFT.

2.   Read our FREE DOG TRAINING EBOOK and watch our FREE VIDEO and you´ll see that no other dog training book gets remotely close to our attention to detail and Step-By-Step Instructions.

3.   Get our series of FIVE dog training ebooks with over 400 Pages of content (not including Table Of Contents, disclaimer pages and all other superfluous pages) and FIVE BONUS VIDEOS for only $39.95.

Finally, the detail and concrete dog training instructions you´ve been waiting for.

The amount of detailed information included for only $39.95 is staggering. 3 Things You Need To Know
About Your Dog


Dog Trianing & Dog Behavior Problems We Cover

  • Do dogs manipulate?
  • How dogs learn
  • Is your dog too old to learn?
  • Why is my dog sneaky?
  • Getting the proper equipment
  • Can you correct after the fact?
  • 15 Leash Handling Commandments
  • Dog training methods examined
  • The geometry and physics of dog training
  • Leash handling
  • Mouthing
  • Barking for attention
  • The game of "What if?"
  • The real reason for hand signals
  • Complete On Leash Obedience
  • Complete Off Leash Obedience
  • Jumping on furniture
  • Jumping on doors and windows
  • Jumping on people
  • Jumping in the front seat of the car
  • Escaping from the yard
  • Chasing things
  • Housetraining
  • Barking while you´re gone
  • Chewing possessions
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Fear of bathing
  • Food bowl aggression
  • Bolting out doors
  • Pulling on the leash
  • Getting in the garbage
  • Begging
  • Digging
  • Running out the garage door
  • Scratching on doors

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Order with confidence through Clickbank
All eBooks are instantly delivered in PDF format and you will receive a password to access the Members Area where you can access all the online videos.

How Are Our Dog Training eBooks Different?
  • This is the only place you´ll find the "K9 Lifeline Training System". Our unique training system is based on decades of private, in-home dog training in the real world. You will learn how to create a happy, balanced dog using a down to earth, common sense approach to training puppies and dog training.

  • This is the biggest, most detailed series of dog training books available on the internet. Where others struggle to increase their ebooks' perceived value by using pointless filler to increase page numbers, we actually had to struggle to keep the page numbers down while still giving you the information you need to successfully train your dog.

  • We cover over 30 dog behavior problems in our Dog Problem Solving book which is over 130 pages in length. We not only tell you how to resolve your dog's behavior problems when you are home, but when you're not there to supervise as well. We have seperated each dog behavior problem into "Supervised" and "Unsupervised" sections so you can COMPLETELY eliminate your dog's behavior problems when you're not home.

  • We teach you EXACTLY how to perform all phases of the training process with your dog. We teach you how to MAKE THE ASSOCIATION with your dog, how to REPEAT THE "PLAN OF ACTION" EXERCISES then make the OFF LEASH OR UNSUPERVISED TRANSITIONS. First, your dog must understand your command or the rule, then it must be repeated in order to condition your dog to make the new choice consistently, then your dog must be capable of making the correct choices either off the leash or when you're not there to watch him. We teach you Step-By-Step, how to accomplish each critical phase in the dog training process.

  • We don't answer your questions with ambiguous answers that really tell you nothing. You won´t hear us say: "Well, you need to teach your dog that you are the Alpha and that he can´t do that! The next question in the dog owner's mind is: But EXACTLY HOW do I teach my dog that I am the boss? What do I do with my hands? What do I do with my leash? We tell you every physical movement and every variable in your decision making process regarding dog behavior response.

  • Our dog training books and dog training videos don't usually sell for a gazillion dollars. If you've shopped around for ebooks on the internet, you have probably noticed that many websites claim their products' normal retail value is hundreds of dollars but discounted for a limited time only to the rediculously low price of $39.95. Let's face it, if they could sell their products for hundreds of dollars, they would. They tell you that the special discount will end by the date you see on the screen. The date you see is a script that refreshes every few days. They try to make you believe that you only have a few days until the price goes back up to the normal, higher price when in fact, it never does. So, the first thing they do is lie to you about the fact that the prices and bonuses they offer are only available for a short time.

    Lying to our potential customers is NOT part of our marketing strategy! The bonuses we offer will change occassionally however, when we raise our prices, we will post the date of the price increase on the website. If we tell you that one of our offers will expire by a certain date, it will. Our price is $39.95 because that's what the market will bear. We believe that if we are fair and honest with you, all the other pieces will fall into place. The reason you get so much for only $39.95 is because we wanted to be proud of what we produced and it's the only way to give you the information you really need.

  • When we tell you that our series of 5 ebooks is over 400 pages, we DO NOT INCLUDE Table of Contents pages or disclaimer pages or any other page that is not a "learning page" in our count. The others tell you how many pages their ebooks are but, their page counts include all the filler pages. With our dog training books, you get over 400 pages of REAL MATERIAL plus all the online dog training videos.

  • Our ebooks include professionally designed graphics in order to help our customers learn the proper way to train their dogs. We don't use grandma's old poloroid photo of her dog Jessie sitting in the backyard as an image for our dog training books.

  • We teach you both the physical and mental aspects of how to train a dog in a completely new way. For example, look at the sections covering the "Theory of Magnetism" and "Jumping on furniture" in our FREE GIFT. The descriptions and images are unique to this training system and can't be found anywhere else. (IN PRINT OR ON THE INTERNET) We've gone out of our way to give you the very best product we can possibly give you. Remember, we have been training dogs for decades. We didn't get into the dog training, ebook business just to make money. We produced our series of dog training books and dog training videos because we felt frustrated at the lack of QUALITY dog training material on the internet. We feel as if the ART of dog training has been cheapened by those whose only goal is to take your money.
  • We have dedicated an entire section (book #3) to OFF LEASH OBEDIENCE. Other dog training ebooks don't include any instruction at all regarding off leash obedience. But, isn't that what you really want? Don't you want a dog who will respond to you off the leash at the beach or the park?

  • We teach you how to make the transition from supervised behavior to unsupervised behavior in our Dog training Problem Solving section. It's great if you can get your dog to stop chewing on the couch when you're home but we teach you EXACTLY how to resolve your dog's chewing problem when you're not at home to supervise.

  • Throughout the writing and design of our dog training book series, we have had only one objective. To deliver the best ebook on dog training anywhere. We have focused on QUALITY, QUALITY, QUALITY and making our customers not only happy with our product, but ecstatic with the results they get using our unique dog training system.
You can see from the ebook samples below that our ebook is no half-baked scam to take your money.

We work hard for you.

Puppy training and behavior problems

10 Ways We'll Change Your Life With Your Dog

  • 1. You'll eliminate dog behavior problems in no time. By applying our simple, dog training techniques, you'll solve even the most annoying dog behavior problems faster than you ever imagined possible. We'll take you through the process step-by-step, so you can solve dog problems in no time. Just follow our simple instructions and practice.

  • 2. You can start living a normal life again.. Do you notice that you don't live the way you used to? That you can't leave your house in a normal way, go for walks when and where you want? Take your life back by teaching your dog to adapt to your life instead of you adapting to his. We'll teach you EXACTLY how to do it.

  • 3. You can stop doubting whether you're doing the right thing.. When you try one thing after another to solve behavior problems and nothing seems to work, you feel hopeless. Sometimes you might even make the problem worse in the process. Don't worry, your dog's bad behavior can be eliminated with simple, straight forward techniques. The results won't leave you wondering anymore.

  • 4. The days of feeling embarrassed about your dog's behavior will be over. When you're trying to deal with a dog who won't behave, being embarrassed is part of the package. Running away, jumping, pulling, barking and general disobedience can drive you crazy. If you take your dog for walks at odd hours to avoid distraction, lock him in the bedroom or garage when friends come over or use other strategies in order to avoid embarrassment, don't worry we have the answer. When you realize how our common sense approach will change your life, you'll wish you'd found us earlier.

  • 5. You'll feel a sense of freedom like never before. You know that in some way, your dog has stolen your sense of freedom from you. You can't live like you want to live because your dog pulls, destroys your possessions, barks excessively or generally acts like a lunatic. Well, with the K9 Lifeline Training System, you'll finally be able to feel free and experience what it's like to have a dog who doesn't run away, chew up your house or get in the way of your happiness and peace of mind.

  • 6. You can stop feeling angry and resentful toward your dog. You probably had an image of what life would be like with your new dog when you first brought him home. You saw yourself enjoying walks on beach, playing fetch in the park or maybe watching your dog play with the kids in the yard. But, when reality set in and you to realized that your new little buddy didn't have the same image in his head, you started to feel frustrated. Don't worry, you're not the only one who has felt frustrated when reality doesn't match expectations. The K9 Lifeline Training System is the answer to you and your dog's damaged relationship.

    The reason to teach your dog to heel, sit, down, come and stay is NOT just to teach him the mechanics of the obedience commands. Of course, your dog will learn those things but, more importantly, obedience training will teach your dog to think through his emotions and to place you before his own destructive desires. He'll learn the importance of making good choices, patience and tolerance while you will learn how to communicate and deal with him in a completely new way. With our training system, you'll love your dog and he'll love you more than ever before. The K9 Lifeline Training System will truly change your lives together.

  • 7. Confusion about what to do will disappear. When it comes to dog training, it seems as if everyone's an expert. The problem is that most of the advice you hear is conflicting. One person says to do this, another says to do that and by the time you're done, you don't know what's right and what's wrong. Listen, we know how you feel, we see it, hear it and solve it every day. Don't worry, we can fix it. It doesn't have to be complicated. Our training system is based on common sense and decades of experience.Get started by reading how to train a dog to stop pulling.

  • 8. You'll stop arguing with your partner about your dog. You have no idea how common it is for couples to be at odds about what to do with their dogs. But, our dog training book and dog training videos will eliminate your dog's behavior problems and the tension between you and the ones you love will vanish. When your dog's behavior problems disappear, so will the tension in your home.

  • 9. You won't have to feel guilty about your dog anymore. If you're locking your dog in the bedroom or the garage when you have company, leaving your dog home too much or leaving your dog outside because if you let him in, you won't be able to relax, you probably feel a bit guilty about it at times. Feeling like you have to limit your dog's freedom because he'll make you miserable doesn't feel good. But, you don't have to keep living like that and you don't have to keep feeling bad because you don't want your house or your day destroyed. You have no concept of how fast the K9 Lifeline Training System can change your lives. The only thing you need to do is follow our system and you won't have to feel guilty about your dog. We're going to show you every step of how to do it. It's not that hard if you follow our instructions and practice a little. When you see the results, you'll feel much better.

  • 10. You'll save a fortune on dog training. People call us every day who just can't afford private, in-home dog training (Absolutely the best way to go). These good people love their dogs just as much as anyone else but, can't afford to pay the high price for a real craftsman to train their dogs. We made the K9 Lifeline Training System available to everyone with just those people in mind. Everyone should have access to the very best education for their dogs whether they have a lot of money or not.

To find out how the "K9 Lifeline Training System" can change your life with your dog, sign up for your free gift. Dog training book guarantee

Dog training book and video image

Five Good Reasons To Get The
"K9 Lifeline Training System" NOW!
  • Because it works! This is far and away the best dog training and problem solving product available. Our Step-By-Step instructions and bonus videos will guide you through every step of the process.

  • Because we are REAL DOG TRAINERS who have developed and used the "K9 Lifeline Training System" in the real world for decades.. We are innovators and craftsmen who take great pride in our attention to detail and customer service.

  • We teach you how to solve over 30 of your dog's behavior problems in a Step-By-Step approach that will solve behavior problems in minutes.. We not only tell you how to resolve your dog's behavior problems when you are home, but when you're not there to supervise as well. We have seperated each behavior problem into "Supervised" and "Unsupervised" sections so you can COMPLETELY eliminate your dog's behavior problems when you're not home.

  • Let's be honest, private dog training with a skilled, experienced dog trainer is always the best way to go but, it can cost a lot of money. We get calls every day from desperate dog owners who just don't have the money for private dog training. That's one of the main reasons we produced our dog training eBook and dog training videos. Now you can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars on private training. With the "K9 Lifeline Training System", you can save money (big time) while solving even the most difficult and annoying problems FAST.
  • The "K9 Lifeline Training System" will be instantly delivered to your computer and you can start training your dog in minutes. How would you like to start solving behavior problems immediately?

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Order with confidence through Clickbank
All eBooks are instantly delivered in PDF format and you will receive a password to access the Members Area where you can access all the online videos.

You Also Get Five Bonus Videos
When You Order The
"K9 Lifeline Training System"

Puppy training ebook order form These FIVE BONUS VIDEOS are professionally produced so you can get the most out of your puppy training experience with us.

Don't worry, our one of a kind teaching methods are effective on all dog breeds, of all ages so, whether you're training a puppy or you have an adult dog in your house, these dog training videos will be an invaluable tool in learning EXACTLY how to solve behavior problems FAST.

Get Your Sample eBook & Video Now

We'd like to show you an example of what you'll get in our "K9 Lifeline Training System".

When you sign up for our free gift, you'll be able to download our FREE eBook and watch our FREE VIDEO.

All our dog training videos are professionally produced. You won't see Bubba Harlow standing in front of his rusted out, 1973 pick-up truck giving you generalized instructions on how to attach your food pouch to your belt. You're going to see proffessionally produced, detailed videos on how to train a dog. Our FREE DOG TRAINING VIDEO will teach you about the three different types of boundaries to set for your dog inside your home.

OUR NARRATOR JIMMY FERA, makes our dog training videos both entertaining and informative at the same time. We've got to admit our dog training video on Boundaries (your free gift) is more generalized than the videos that you'll get when you pay for the entire set, but it's designed to educate and entertain you while giving you a sample of the type of quality you'll receive. Listen to our dog training podcast to hear an example.

You'll also receive our FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER that will help guide you through dozens of dog training behavior problems. While others send you silly articles that leave you wondering why you wasted your time, we're going to give you truly valuable information that will help you solve real dog training behavior issues in your life. You're going to look forward to getting our FREE NEWSLETTER every week. we guarantee it.




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