
Become a Game Tester

Become a Game Tester

Playing & winning at video games is a skill, so...

Start Getting Paid For it

Start Getting the Respect YOU Deserve for Your Natural Talent

Start Showing Your Parents, Relatives, & even Your Mate that Playing Video Games
really is a Job and prove it with your New Bankroll


The video gaming industry is one of the world's most profitable industries, reeling in more than $18 billion in revenue with, on average, over 260 million games being sold across all platforms, such as the PC,Wii, Xbox, and Playstation.

And if those numbers sounds good to you and you're interested to knowing exactly how YOU can get some of that cash flowing your way, then we have good news for you because the simple fact is that, though the industry makes a lot of money, none of it would be possible if they didn't have Game Testers to actually test the games before they are put on the market.

Yes, game testers. It's a real job and it pays very, very well.

Here's why:

In every business that sells products to consumers, there's something called field research and the video gaming industry is no different.

Before Madden 2010, NBA Live, the new Grand Auto Theft, or any other game is released, it has to go through a series of testing to ensure that the game is actually fun to play, presents a challenge, the graphics are appealing, and that it seems real to gamers. And the only way to ensure that all of these things are in place is to have pro gamers like you to play and test these games for field research.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, it means that if you absolutely love playing video games, can stand playing and testing the newest and hottest games for a few hours a day prior to their release, and would like to get paid big bucks for it, then this is for you!

And now that you know that there's real money to be made testing video games, we'll explain how YOU can get in on the action.


I was skeptical at first on how I can earn money playing games, but I thought I have nothing to lose as they have a 60 days money back guarantee anyway. So after 24 hours of signing up I got my first Job. I just followed the instructions on the site and answered the questions that came with the game that was sent to me.

Some of the questions where: What bugs did I encounter while playing the game? What level did the game slow down of freeze? I also filled up a survey and gave my opinions on how it can be a better game. After 7 days I got my first paycheck.

Definitely recommended to all Video Gamers looking to make quick cash or earn a fulltime living playing games. Great Work Guys, Two thumbs way up!!!

Miller J
SanJose, CA, US

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